Energy and Exergy Analysis of A Simple Gas Turbine Cycle With Wet Compression
Energy and Exergy Analysis of A Simple Gas Turbine Cycle With Wet Compression
Energy and Exergy Analysis of A Simple Gas Turbine Cycle With Wet Compression
1; 2018
ISSN 1927-0607 E-ISSN 1927-0615
Published by Canadian Center of Science and Education
Energy and Exergy Analysis of a Simple Gas Turbine Cycle with Wet
E. H. Betelmal1 & S. A. Farhat1
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Tripoli University, Faculty of engineering, Tripoli, Libya
Correspondence: E. H. Betelmal, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Tripoli University, Faculty of engineering,
Tripoli, Libya. E-mail: [email protected]
Received: February 28, 2018 Accepted: March 24, 2018 Online Published: April 4, 2018
doi:10.5539/mer.v8n1p30 URL:
A thermodynamic model of the wet compressor in a simple gas turbine cycle was investigated in this paper. A suitable
quantity of water was injected into the compressor-stages where it evaporated. Subsequently, the steam and air were
heated in the combustion chamber and expanded in the turbine. The wet compressor (WC) has become a reliable way
to reduce gas emissions and increase gas turbine efficiency. In this study, the operational data of the simple gas turbine
and the maximum amount of water that can be injected into the compressor were assessed, as well as a comparison
between the dry compression, the wet compression and the isentropic compression. The performance variation due to
water spray in the compressor and the effect of varying ambient temperature on the performance of gas turbine
(thermal efficiency, power) was investigated, and the results are compared to the results of the same cycle with a dry
compressor. The analytical formula of exergy destruction and results show that exergy destruction increases with
water injection. The programming of the performance model for the gas turbine was developed utilizing the software
IPSEpro. The results of the gas turbine with a wet compressor demonstrates a 12% reduction in the compressor exit
temperature up to isentropic temperature. The compressor work decreased by 11% when using a wet compressor, this
lead to an improvement in power output and efficiency However, the wet compressor increases the specific fuel
consumption and heat rate of the gas turbine. There are limitations in the amount of steam that can be injected, 0.4 kg/s
of water was the optimum amount injected into the compressor.
Keywords: gas turbine, exergy analysis, exergy destruction, IPSEpro., wet compressor
1. Introduction
The world's wealthiest countries assumed obligated commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions under the
Kyoto Protocol. The agreement requires these countries to consider ways to minimize adverse effects on developing
countries of these actions, transmitted through trade (Babiker, Reilly, & Jacoby, 2000). In recent years, various
methods have been tested for improving the gas turbines performance. A thermodynamic model of wet compression
in the simple gas turbine cycle is established in this paper. The performance of gas turbine cycles can be improved
by injecting a suitable quantity of water into the compressor (Agrawal, Maharana, & Badarinarayan, 2012). The real
beneficial energy loss cannot be determined by the first law of thermodynamics because the real plant inefficiencies
are not related to energy loss but to exergy destruction. Exergy analysis and the exergy destruction of each
component of the gas turbine have been investigated as it can be used as a common measure of research quality
along with quantity. Exergy decreases in this component due to the increase in entropy related to the evaporation of
water. The benefits of water injection mostly rely on the increased heat capacity of the air-vapor mixture and the
reduced power required by the compressor (Carrero, De Paepe, Bram, & Contino, 2017). The combustion properties
of different gaseous hydrocarbon mixtures at wet conditions did not vary significantly from each other except for the
laminar burning velocity (Agrawal, Maharana, & Badarinarayan, 2012). Wet Compression is perfectly suited for
upgrading the peak load machine. A power increase can help take full advantage of high peak load electricity prices
and therefore offers attractive financial payback options (Energy, n.d.). Wet Compression is designed to increase the
power output of the gas turbine by reducing the work and an increasing mass flow throughout the turbine. These
benefits can lead to the ability to produce more power in peaking and baseload operation. Wet compressor injection
flow rates are typically expressed as a percentage of air intake usually from 0.5 to 2 percent. Rarely, this number can
go higher.
30 Mechanical Engineering Research Vol. 8, No. 1; 2018
2. System Analysis
Wet compression is a process in which water droplets are injected between the stages of the compressor. As the water
droplets evaporate in the stages of the compressor, it reduces the air temperature and therefore reduces the amount of
work that must be done by the compressor. For a gas turbine cycle, the economic gain from water injection exists for
the entire range of power efficiency (Energy, n.d.). The net effect is a reduction in compressor work since one-half to
two-thirds of the turbine output is typically used to drive the compressor, a reduction in the compressor work directly
translates to an increase in the net turbine output. Wet compression also results in a significant reduction in the
compressor discharge temperature which requires higher fuel flow rates to achieve base load firing temperatures. The
additional mass flow of water and incremental fuel flow also contribute to the increase in the power from the gas
turbine. The major benefits of wet compression are an increase in turbine performance, an improvement in the heat
rate and in many instances, a reduction in NOx levels (Energy, n.d.).
The system as shown in Figure 1 is constructed from the schematic diagram of the gas cycle system with a wet
compressor. First, in the wet compression system, air is cooled by introducing water into the air in the form of fine
water droplets (spray form). The reduction in the air temperature is limited by the ability of air to absorb water. The
purpose of the compressor is to compress the inlet air (raise its pressure). After the air-water mixture is discharged
from the compressor, it is sent to the combustor where it is mixed with fuel and combustion takes place. Fuel is mixed
with the high-pressure air and burnt in special chambers called combustors. The hot pressurized gas exits the
combustors at a very high temperature (up to 1100°C). This gas then passes through a gas turbine, giving the turbine
energy to spin the compressor and the power for a generator to produce electricity. Because some of its heat and
pressure energy has been transferred to the turbine, the gas leaves the power turbine at a lower temperature and
pressure. The IPSEpro program has been used to model and examine the thermodynamic cycles to determine the
optimum mode of operation and configuration (Simulation Technology, 2016). This work examines the performance
of a gas turbine cycle, according to the second law of thermodynamics using the exergy analysis in the operation of the
(a) (b)
3. Thermodynamic Analysis
The present study introduces a comparative energy and exergy analysis for the wet compressor of the gas cycles.
The analysis investigated the cycle performance due to changes in the ambient temperatures.
3.1 Assumptions
The following assumptions are made to simplify the calculations however they can be refined to reach more real
solutions. The main assumptions are:
Methane (CH4) gas enters a steady-flow adiabatic combustion chamber at 25°C and 25bar.
Mass of air mair =30 kg/s
Design Parameters
Ambient temperature Ta 15oC
Inlet pressure Pair 1bar
31 Mechanical Engineering Research Vol. 8, No. 1; 2018
=1− ∆ (2)
The overall efficiency of the combined cycle ( ) is calculated using the following equation.
= (3)
PG is the power of the gas turbine
4. Exergy Destruction in the Components of Combined Cycle
The complex thermodynamic analysis of combined cycle has been based on the second law of thermodynamics
because the conventional first law analysis of any thermodynamic system has the capability to determine the energy
distribution across the system boundaries but does not explain the means of energy degradation that cause decreases in
the power output of the system. The exergy analyses for the gas turbine components have been conducted to determine
the energy loss caused by irreversible processes. Exergy analysis usually predicts the thermodynamic performance of
an energy system and the efficiency of the system components by quantifying the entropy generation of the
components. This analysis provides a tool for the optimal design and operation of complex thermal systems. The
exergy and irreversibility equations for each component are written as follows [7],
Compressor: The exergy and irreversibility in compressor is given by
∆ = ∗ℎ )+ ∗ℎ ) − + )∗ℎ − 298 ∗ ∗ )+ ∗ ) − + )∗ (4)
= ∗[ + )∗ − [ ∗ )+ ∗ )]] (5)
32 Mechanical Engineering Research Vol. 8, No. 1; 2018
Combustion Chamber: As an approximation, the virtual power is used to calculate the exergy of the combustor
component. The exergy balance of this component and exergy loss due to irreversibility in the combustion chamber
is given by:
. = + (6)
⋅ = (7)
= + − (8)
− )= − (11)
= (12)
15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Figure 2. The compressor discharge temperature as a function of ambient temperature in three cases
33 Mechanical Engineering Research Vol. 8, No. 1; 2018
The variation of the compressor exit temperature with the water mass injected at a different compression ratio is
shown in figure 3.
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2
WATER MASS FLOW (Kg) at Ta= 45 0C
P2/P1 =10 P2/P1 =12 P2/P1 =14 P2/P1 =16 P2/P1 =18 P2/P1 =20
Figure 3. The compressor exit temperature as a function of water mass flow and a pressure ratio
The following figure shows an increase in the compressor work as the ambient temperature is increased. These
figures show a significant decrease in the compressor with the use of water injection and this leading to
improvement in cycle power output.
Compressor Work
15 20 25 30
34 Mechanical Engineering Research Vol. 8, No. 1; 2018
It can be seen in figure 5 the effect of ambient temperature on the cycle efficiency in both cases (with and without
water injection). With an increase in ambient temperature from 15 ºC to 45 ºC, the cycle efficiency reduces as the
ambient temperature increases and improvement by 8 % when the water injection into the compressor is used. The
effect of the amount of water mass on the efficiency shown in figure 6.
Cycle efficiency
15 20 25 30 35
Dry compressor Eff. Wet compressor Eff. 45
Figure 6. The efficiency of the gas turbine cycle with and without injection as a function of ambient temperature and
water mass flow
Wet compression also results in a significant reduction in the compressor discharge temperature which requires higher
fuel flow rates to achieve base load firing temperatures. Figure 7 demonstrates more fuel consumption with more
water injection.
35 Mechanical Engineering Research Vol. 8, No. 1; 2018
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Figure 7. The fuel consumption as a function of ambient temperature and water mass flow
Figures 8 shows the improvement in the power output is up to 14 % in the gas turbine
Power output
Wet compressor power output Dry power output
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Figure 8. Power output with ambient temperature (with and without injection)
The variation of the power output with ambient temperature and compression ratio is shown in figure 9. At a
high-pressure ratio of 20, the power output is lower and as the pressure ratio decreases, the power increases. There is
a similar behavior in the power output that can be seen in figure 10, as the water mass used for injection increases,
the power generation increases.
36 Mechanical Engineering Research Vol. 8, No. 1; 2018
9000 P…
8000 P…
15 20 25 30 P…
35 40 45
Figure 9. The power output of the cycle with ambient temperature at different pressure ratio
0 mw = 0.6
15 20 25 30 mw = 0.2
37 Mechanical Engineering Research Vol. 8, No. 1; 2018
Exergy destruction
The exergy of the compressor is affected by the quantity of water that is injected into the compressor. Figure 12
shows the exergy loss in the compressor with variation in the water mass flow and ambient temperature. There is a
clear effect of the water mass flow on the exergy loss in the compressor. When a high amount of water is injected
(1kg/s), the exergy loss in the compressor will be higher and as the water mass injection reduces to 0.2 kg/s the
exergy loss will be minimized.
15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Figure 12. Exergy destruction of the compressor with ambient temperature at different water mass flow
Figures 13 shows the exergy loss in the compressor with variation in the compressor pressure ratio and ambient
temperature. There is a clear effect of the compressor pressure ratio of exergy loss in the compressor. Exergy
destruction in the compressor is larger for a higher-pressure ratio (20) and higher amounts of water injection and as
the compression ratio decreases (10), the exergy loss is minimized. At any condition as the compressor pressure
ratio increases, the exergy loss increases
38 Mechanical Engineering Research Vol. 8, No. 1; 2018
0.2 0.4 0.6
0.8 1
Figure 13. Exergy destruction of the compressor with ambient temperature at different pressure ratio
On the other hand, to get optimum performance while not increasing the exergy destruction significantly, the water
mass injected must be the right amount.
15 20 25 30 35 40 45
6. Conclusion
The simulation program IPSEpro has been applied successfully to the gas turbine cycle using conventional
thermodynamic analysis involving an application of the first law of thermodynamics, also known as energy analysis.
Exergy analysis is a thermodynamic analysis technique based on the second law of thermodynamics. The production
of electricity and efficiency are highest at cooler times of the day and lowest at the hottest time of the day when they
are needed most. Wet compression is a process in which water droplets are injected in between the stages of the
compressorof a gas turbine, increasing the flow rate through the turbine. This causes an increase in the power output
of a gas turbine and an increase in the electrical efficiency, thus that the power output of the gas turbine with steam
injection will be higher than the common gas turbine. A wet compressor of the gas turbine can reach an electrical
efficiency of up to 42, this improvement in the efficiency has been accomplished without regeneration. Based on the
39 Mechanical Engineering Research Vol. 8, No. 1; 2018
above analysis, there are limitations on the amount of water that can be injected into the compressor, the following
conclusions are made at different ambient conditions (pressure ratio and ambient temperature),
• Water cools the compressor and the cycle performance is dramatically improved.
• The exergy analysis gives a real picture on the losses which occur in the different plant components.
• More exergy losses occur in the compressor due to irreversibility and this must be reduced with advanced
modern technology.
• There are clear effects in exergy losses with the changing in the pressure ratio. At higher pressure ratio, the
exergy losses in the compressor are higher.
• The optimum turbine inlet temperature and pressure ratio should be the next focus of study for minimizing the
total exergy losses in all the components.
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