Sample Report of Baron Eq-I: (Emotional Intelligence Leadership Assessment)

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Ms. Sample
 August 28, 2012

Copyright © 2012 Multi-Health Systems Inc. All rights reserved.

Name: Ms. Sample

Understanding Your Report
Welcome to a new way of examining your emotional intelligence (EI) skills! You will find this report has many
unique features linking EI and leadership development. These features provide you with a snapshot of how your EI
compares to that of other leaders and insight into your leadership strengths and potential areas for development.
This report examines your results on the EQ-i 2.0 through four key dimensions of leadership:

Authenticity Coaching Insight Innovation

An authentic leader A leader who coaches A leader provides An innovative leader
serves as a role model effectively is seen as a insight by sharing a focuses on taking risks,
for moral and fair mentor who supports purpose and hopeful spurring colleagues’
behavior. A transparent employee growth. vision for colleagues to ingenuity and
approach commands Employees are nurtured follow. Employees are autonomous thought.
esteem and confidence towards achieving compelled and inspired Knowledge is valued and
from employees. their highest levels of to exceed goals. challenges are viewed as
performance. learning opportunities.

These leadership dimensions were identified from research conducted on 220 leaders who took the same assessment
you did (the EQ-i 2.0) and who also responded to a leadership assessment measuring performance across these
four areas of leadership. These leaders held positions of mid-level management through to C-suite leadership roles
and were from a variety of industries (e.g., healthcare, technology, financial services, and construction) across North
America. The majority of leaders were working in large organizations (over 400 employees).
As a group, the leaders had significantly higher EI than the general population. In fact, the average Total EI score for
leaders was 14 points higher than that of the general population.
While this leadership sample is a valuable comparison group, it also helped organize the EQ-i 2.0 subscales (page 4)
according to the four leadership dimensions to which they were most strongly connected. Particular subscales were
associated with stronger performance in these four leadership areas (page 6).

Emotional Intelligence and Leadership

How is EI linked to leadership? In addition to the research supporting this report, fifteen years of research has
shown that leaders tend to score higher in EI than the general population. Also, many professionals find it easier
to focus on improving a few specific skills that underlie broader leadership competencies, making the EQ-i 2.0
subscales the perfect building blocks to reaching your leadership potential.

Getting the Most out of Your Report

Keep the following tips in mind as you work through your Leadership Report:
1. No one knows your role like you do. Although this report offers insight into how your EQ-i 2.0 results can
help strengthen your leadership skills, the value of the report is enhanced by framing it within your own
individual context. Integrate your wealth of knowledge about your organization, its culture, and the specifics
of your leadership with the information in this report to derive the most value from it.
2. Take notes as you read the report. Choose strategies for development that you wish to try in your role.
3. All EQ-i 2.0 subscales are related to leadership behaviors, but selecting the right areas to focus on is key
to development. Work with your coach or administrator to determine which subscales will help drive the
leadership results you are looking for. You can treat subscales as building blocks that strengthen broader
leadership skills like mentoring, communication, or conflict resolution.

Leadership Bar
The gold bar positioned on the top of your graph
is the Leadership Bar. This bar represents the range
of scores of the top leaders (those whose EQ-i 2.0
scores were in the top 50% of the leader sample).
Using this bar you can compare your results on the Low Range Mid Range High Range

EQ-i 2.0 to those exceptional leaders who demonstrate

high EI. If your score falls near the bottom of the leadership
bar, then your EI skills need further development in order to be on par with top leaders. If your score falls near the
top of the leadership bar, then your EI skills are as strong as those of top leaders.

2 Copyright © 2012 Multi-Health Systems Inc. All rights reserved.

Name: Ms. Sample

Executive Summary 70 90 100 110 130

Total EI 123

Low Range Mid Range High Range

Highest 3 Subscales
Compared to your other scores, these three subscales might be areas you could further leverage. The corresponding
subscale pages may provide insight.

Problem Solving (125)
70 90 100 110 130 As a leader you are rarely seen allowing your emotions to
cloud your objectivity. You make the required decisions for
your team and keep the workflow moving. Your result on this
subscale is not only above average but it also falls within the
leadership bar.

Emotional Expression (123)
You are likely very comfortable in expressing your emotions
and lead in a way that is authentic and inspirational. Free
emotional expression ensures you are seen as human with a
connection to your work and those you lead. Your result on
this subscale is not only above average but it also falls within
the leadership bar.
Assertiveness (123)
Your result suggests that you are a leader who shares your
thoughts and maintains a strong position when your beliefs are
challenged. Remain aware of being assertive as opposed to
aggressive. Your result on this subscale is not only above
average but it also falls within the leadership bar.
Low Range Mid Range High Range

Lowest 3 Subscales
Compared to your other scores, these three subscales might be areas you could develop. The corresponding subscale
pages will provide you with Strategies for Action.

Empathy (105)
Empathy is a skill that you regularly utilize in your leadership
70 90 100 110 130
approach to build a culture of caring within your team.
Developing empathy further will help you fully understand
another’s perspective. While your score is slightly above
average, your result on this subscale falls below the leadership
Optimism (108) You generally see opportunities as possibilities and inspire
your team towards stretch goals. Watch for a few instances
when you may be more negative than you’d like to be. While
your score is slightly above average, your result on this
subscale falls below the leadership bar.

Interpersonal Relationships (111) For you, interpersonal relationships are essential to your role

as a leader. Coaching and bringing the best out of your team
are built on these strong relationships. Be careful not to let the
fear of damaging relationships bias your decisions. Your result
on this subscale is not only above average but it also falls
Low Range Mid Range High Range within the leadership bar.

Note: You have other subscales that have tied for the lowest three scores.

3 Copyright © 2012 Multi-Health Systems Inc. All rights reserved.

Name: Ms. Sample

EQ-i 2.0 Model of Emotional Intelligence

Self-Regard is respecting oneself while understanding and
accepting one’s strengths and weaknesses. Self-Regard is often
associated with feelings of inner strength and self-confidence.
Self-Actualization is the willingness to persistently try to
improve oneself and engage in the pursuit of personally relevant
and meaningful objectives that lead to a rich and enjoyable life.
Emotional Self-Awareness includes recognizing and
understanding one’s own emotions. This includes the ability to
differentiate between subtleties in one’s own emotions while
understanding the cause of these emotions and the impact they
have on one’s own thoughts and actions and those of others.

Flexibility is adapting SELF- TIO W Emotional Expression
emotions, thoughts and is openly expressing


behaviors to unfamiliar, one’s feelings verbally

S e l f - Re g a r d


unpredictable, and dynamic and non-verbally.

t ua
e l f- A c l i z at i o


S n


circumstances or ideas. Assertiveness


Emo t i onal

Stress Tolerance f - Aw a r e n e s s involves communicating



involves coping with feelings, beliefs and thoughts






stressful or difficult ser openly, and defending

F l ex i b

l Exp
St r e ss To

t i ve n
situations and believing personal rights and values
Op t imi


that one can manage or r ession in a socially acceptable,


influence situations in a Intelligence non-offensive, and
positive manner. non-destructive manner.
Optimism is an indicator Independence is the ability
hi n al


of one’s positive attitude rs to be self directed and free


ol ble m rpe s

vin I n te ation h
and outlook on life. It involves from emotional dependency

it y g



ul Te Re pa
remaining hopeful and resilient, s on others. Decision-making,


se E m pon

n g


despite occasional setbacks. planning, and daily tasks are


ntr e s

ol al R


completed autonomously.






Problem Solving is the ability to find Interpersonal Relationships refers
solutions to problems in situations where to the skill of developing and maintaining
emotions are involved. Problem solving Copyright © 2011 Multi-Health Systems Inc. All rights reserved. mutually satisfying relationships that are
includes the ability to understand Based on the original BarOn EQ-i authored by Reuven Bar-On, copyrightcharacterized
1997. by trust and compassion.
how emotions impact decision making. Empathy is recognizing, understanding,
Reality Testing is the capacity to and appreciating how other people
remain objective by seeing things as feel. Empathy involves being able to
they really are. This capacity involves articulate your understanding of another’s
recognizing when emotions or personal perspective and behaving in a way that
bias can cause one to be less objective. respects others’ feelings.
Impulse Control is the ability to resist Social Responsibility is willingly
or delay an impulse, drive or temptation contributing to society, to one’s social
to act and involves avoiding rash groups, and generally to the welfare of
behaviors and decision making. others. Social Responsibility involves
acting responsibly, having social
consciousness, and showing concern
for the greater community.

4 Copyright © 2012 Multi-Health Systems Inc. All rights reserved.

Name: Ms. Sample

Overview 70 90 100 110 130

Total EI 123

Low Range Mid Range High Range

70 90 100 110 130

Self-Perception Composite 115

Self-Regard 113
Respecting oneself; Confidence

Self-Actualization 114
Pursuit of meaning; Self-improvement

Emotional Self-Awareness
Understanding own emotions 111

Self-Expression Composite 128

Emotional Expression 123

Constructive expression of emotions

Assertiveness 123
Communicating feelings, beliefs; Non-offensive

Independence 119
Self-directed; Free from emotional dependency

Interpersonal Composite 113

Interpersonal Relationships 111

Mutually satisfying relationships

Empathy 105
Understanding, appreciating how others feel

Social Responsibility
Social conciousness; Helpful 119

Decision Making Composite 125

Problem Solving 125

Find solutions when emotions are involved

Reality Testing 114

Objective; See things as they really are

Impulse Control
Resist or delay impulse to act 120

Stress Management Composite 119

Flexibility 122
Adapting emotions, thoughts and behaviors

Stress Tolerance 118

Coping with stressful situations

Optimism 108
Positive attitude and outlook on life

70 90 100 110 130

Low Range Mid Range High Range

5 Copyright © 2012 Multi-Health Systems Inc. All rights reserved.

Name: Ms. Sample

Leadership Potential
The EQ-i 2.0 subscales are strongly related to leadership competencies that in turn may be associated with productivity,
decreased employee turnover, and increased efficiency. A leader who embodies the competencies below is more likely to
increase work satisfaction, create trust, and foster organizational commitment and loyalty.

This page provides you with a leadership lens through which to view your EQ-i 2.0 results. There are four general
competencies required of most leaders: authenticity, coaching, insight and innovation. The top six EQ-i 2.0 subscales (based
on theory and research) that are associated with each competency are displayed below. High scores on the associated
subscales help ensure optimal functioning in the competency area. Alternatively, if you score lower on a few subscales
for a particular leadership competency, you can quickly see that this might be an area of challenge for you in your current
leadership role. Focusing development efforts in these areas are likely to yield the greatest return in your growth as a leader.

Authenticity Coaching
An authentic leader serves as a role model A leader who coaches effectively is seen as a
for moral and fair behavior. A transparent mentor who supports employee growth. Employees
approach commands esteem and confidence are nurtured towards achieving their highest levels
from employees. of performance.

Self-Actualization 114 Self-Actualization 114

Reality Testing 114 Empathy 105

Self-Regard 113 Reality Testing 114

Emotional Self-Awareness 111 Interpersonal Relationships 111

Social Responsibility 119 Assertiveness 123

Independence 119 Emotional Self-Awareness 111

Insight Innovation
A leader provides insight by sharing a purpose and An innovative leader focuses on taking risks,
hopeful vision for colleagues to follow. Employees are spurring colleagues’ ingenuity and autonomous
compelled and inspired to exceed goals. thought. Knowledge is valued and challenges are
viewed as learning opportunities.

Self-Actualization 114 Self-Actualization 114

Optimism 108 Independence 119

Self-Regard 113 Problem Solving 125

Social Responsibility 119 Assertiveness 123

Interpersonal Relationships 111 Flexibility 122

Emotional Expression 123 Optimism 108

Leadership Derailers Impulse Control 120

Ms. Sample, you may have a low risk of derailment as you
received above average results across all subscales shown on
Stress Tolerance 118
the right. High scores on these subscales indicate that you are
less likely to adopt a passive or avoidant leadership style. Problem Solving 125
Because of high expectations placed on leaders, it is important
to strive towards exceptional performance on these subscales in Independence 119
order to prevent moments where you may avoid your leadership

6 Copyright © 2012 Multi-Health Systems Inc. All rights reserved.

Name: Ms. Sample

Self-Regard 70 90 100 110 130

Respecting oneself; confidence
What Your Score Means Low Range Mid Range High Range

Leaders with self-regard respect themselves and accept both personal strengths and limitations while remaining satisfied and self-
secure. Ms. Sample, your result suggests that your self-regard is stronger than most people’s. You are likely to be seen as a self-
confident leader who understands both personal strengths and weaknesses. It is important to ground your self-assuredness by using
your reality testing skills and by continually seeking feedback. You may:
n Exercise your considerable influence on key, strategic decisions.
n Demonstrate courage to stick by your convictions even in the face of dissenting viewpoints.
n Use a leadership approach that leverages your strengths and delegates tasks in your weaker areas.
You scored well above average on Self-Regard and fall within the leadership bar.

Leadership Impact Strategies for Action

Be Mindful of Your Weaknesses. Awareness of your
shortcomings helps to circumvent an inflated self-concept
and temper this exaggerated self-image.
n Nobody’s perfect; our flaws make us human. The key
is to be cognizant of your limitations and ensure that
they do not impinge on organizational performance.
Leadership Implications. Your result may mean that you are n Develop strategies to improve your limitations. For

driven to surpass organizational targets, create an atmosphere example, if you are impatient and anxious when
of excellence and demonstrate a strong sense of confidence in deadlines are not met in a timely fashion, you may
your leadership capabilities. The challenge is that you could lose want to refocus and practice relaxation techniques
touch with a realistic appraisal of your capabilities. It is important (e.g., deep breathing).
to draw on reality testing behaviors and feedback from your team n You are only limited by the power of your imagination.

to maintain a healthy self-perception. Awareness leads to action and meaningful change.

Be mindful that change does not occur overnight, but
with persistence, transformation is possible.
Organizational Implications. Your ability to understand and
accept your strengths and weaknesses is likely perceived as a
Modesty is the Best Policy. While it is important to feel good
genuine approach to leadership. Your higher confidence can
about your strengths, do not overinflate them.
probably be seen across department lines, as you feel assured
n Watch that you don’t fall pray to arrogance;
that you can help out in a variety of capacities. You likely serve as
demonstrate humility and be humble in your
a role model, and your higher expectations of yourself and your
approach. Successful leaders know their worth, but
employees may lead to better quality decisions and greater
they remain grounded by seeking feedback from their
productivity. Use external validation to avoid any attempts at self-
team as well as from other leaders.
aggrandizement and to maintain a realistic appraisal of your
n Colleagues respect a leader who is visionary and
exudes charisma, but who is also approachable,
genuine and can relate to others. Your modest
approach will help you win the esteem and admiration
of your employees.

Balancing Your EI
This section compares Self­Regard with Self­Actualization, Problem Solving, and Reality Testing. The subscale that differs the most from
Self­Regard is Problem Solving. Improving the interplay between these subscales is likely to significantly impact your overall emotional
Self­Regard(113)   Problem Solving(125)
Your Self­Regard is lower than your Problem Solving. These components can be balanced by evaluating your self­worth in terms of your
actual ability to find solutions to problems. This process can be facilitated by seeking additional information to validate decisions before
acting. When generating solutions to problems, evaluate your strengths and weaknesses and develop solutions that cater to your
strengths whenever possible.

7 Copyright © 2012 Multi-Health Systems Inc. All rights reserved.

Name: Ms. Sample

Self-Actualization 70 90 100 110 130

Pursuit of meaning; Self-improvement
What Your Score Means Low Range Mid Range High Range

Self-actualization is strongly related to overall work success and performance. It can be summed up in three words: pursuit of
meaning. While this may sound philosophical, as a leader, it means finding purpose and enjoyment in your role and performing to
your fullest potential. Ms. Sample, your result suggests that you find deep meaning in your work, set challenging goals for yourself,
and expect the same level of engagement from others. In addition to the passion and drive you bring, your result may also mean that:
n You feel as though you are exactly where you need to be.
n You promote the growth and achievement of other employees.
n Organizational goals are surpassed and high levels of performance are achieved.
While you scored well above average on Self-Actualization, you could benefit from strengthening these skills and reaching the
leadership bar.

Leadership Impact Strategies for Action

Sensible Beliefs. As a highly self-actualized leader, you may
hold unrealistically high expectations of your employees. You
may believe that staff must live up to the same high
standards that you do as a leader.
n While a fervent energy and passion may permeate
your work, employees may not show the same gusto.
Leadership Implications. You are passionate about your Use your reality testing and empathy to monitor the
leadership role within the organization, feel inspired and are temperature and engagement of the team in order to
living life in accordance with your values. You find ways to ensure justly accommodate all levels of interest.
that your talents are being optimally leveraged, and expect the
same from your team. Your dedication to constant growth Embrace Spontaneity. A defining characteristic of self-
reverberates throughout your team, which is conducive to actualized leaders is a tendency to be open to change.
exceptional individual and team performance. n If you remain stagnant, your commitment to personal
growth will be called into question. Continue to keep
abreast of new developments and inspire the same of
Organizational Implications. You empower employees to
those you lead.
achieve success in their role. You bring out the best in your staff
n Ensure that at least one of your personal development
by challenging them with high standards and by inspiring them to
goals includes keeping on top of the latest
surpass their potential. The organization may thrive under your
technology, leadership techniques or advances in
guidance, with employee morale and fulfillment being a top
your profession.
concern for you. You create an atmosphere so that employees
are able to accomplish great feats in their careers.

Balancing Your EI
This section compares Self­Actualization with Self­Regard, Optimism, and Reality Testing. Achieving balance between these subscales
can enhance emotional functioning.

Your Self­Actualization is well balanced with these three related subscales. To maintain this balance with these subscales, watch for
significant growth in one subscale over others and consider ways that you can develop the subscales in tandem. Discuss with your coach
whether comparing Self­Actualization with other subscales may lead to further EI development and enhanced emotional and social

8 Copyright © 2012 Multi-Health Systems Inc. All rights reserved.

Name: Ms. Sample

Emotional Self-Awareness 70 90 100 110 130

Understanding own emotions
What Your Score Means Low Range Mid Range High Range

If you have a solid understanding of what brings about your emotions, it is much easier to regulate your behavior and control the
impact your emotions have on employees in the organization. Ms. Sample, your result indicates that more than most people, you are
conscious of your emotions and the impact they have on performance. You likely lead with composure and a full understanding of your
impact on others. It is likely that you:
n Can choose a course of action based on a “gut feeling” in time-constrained situations.
n Generate respect, admiration, and honesty from employees because you are viewed as highly self-aware.
n Generally take time to contemplate instead of acting rashly, thereby considering your emotional response and those of others.
You scored well above average on Emotional Self-Awareness and fall within the leadership bar.

Leadership Impact Strategies for Action

Be a Role Model. Through the steadfast control of your
emotions, you can be innovative, successfully take risks, and
gain the trust of your employees.
n The most prominent leaders have an aptitude for
remaining composed in competitive situations and
under mounting pressure and duress. Your ability to
Leadership Implications. As a leader, you have a thorough grasp be aware of your emotions helps you to serve as a
of your emotional triggers and reactions. This in-depth model of composure and ensures that employees
understanding helps fuel a streamlined decision-making feel secure and content to overcome any potential
process as you incorporate your emotions into your role as a challenge.
leader. Knowing your emotional triggers and reactions, you are n Give seminars/workshops or hire an expert to teach

able to utilize this emotional knowledge to effectively navigate employees about understanding emotions and the
through challenging or difficult situations. impact of their emotions on others.

Weigh the Evidence. As you are highly adept at

Organizational Implications. Your capacity to grasp subtle
understanding your emotions, you may have a tendency to be
emotional nuances helps you take calculated risks that help the
overly reliant on your emotional barometer to make
organization meet its strategic goals. This comfort with, and
decisions. Be mindful to incorporate objective evidence.
knowledge of, your emotional triggers and reactions allows you
n Intuition can only carry you so far. While a deal may
to lead with authenticity and a candid approach to help you gain
feel right, data may not support the intended strategy.
credibility and buy-in with employees. You are able to manage
Be sure to seek counsel from colleagues, involve
tense and perhaps overwhelming situations with ease, and you
members of your team and emphasize facts to
are able to use and recognize your full spectrum of emotions.
support your proposed course of action.

Balancing Your EI
This section compares Emotional Self­Awareness with Reality Testing, Emotional Expression, and Stress Tolerance. The subscale that
differs the most from Emotional Self­Awareness is Emotional Expression. Improving the interplay between these subscales is likely to
significantly impact your overall emotional intelligence.
Emotional Self­Awareness(111)   Emotional Expression(123)
Your Emotional Self­Awareness is lower than your Emotional Expression. Try to explain why you are expressing a certain emotion. For
example, provide reasons for why you are worried about an upcoming business meeting—don’t just be worried. Aligning these
components helps you manage your own emotions more effectively, and helps others to more effectively deal with the underlying cause. 

9 Copyright © 2012 Multi-Health Systems Inc. All rights reserved.

Name: Ms. Sample

Emotional Expression 70 90 100 110 130

Constructive expression of emotions
What Your Score Means Low Range Mid Range High Range

Think of Emotional Expression as the action part of the emotional experience. Leaders who effectively express their emotions find
words and physical expressions to convey their feelings in a way that is not hurtful to others. Ms. Sample, your result suggests that it is
natural for you to describe your emotions in a way that is genuine and consistent. You are likely an “open book”; your team always
knows how you feel about a particular event or decision. Consider the following, which may be characteristic of you:
n You are able to express most emotions through words, and have a large vocabulary of emotion words and/or facial
n You find beneficial ways to express your emotions, both positive (e.g., appreciation) and negative (e.g., frustration).
n You can foster strong engagement in your team, expressing your passion on particular issues and capturing their hearts with
your emotion.
You scored well above average on Emotional Expression and fall within the leadership bar.

Leadership Impact Strategies for Action

Listen and then Express. Leverage Empathy and
Interpersonal Relationships to ensure your expressions are
at an appropriate intensity, especially when you want to
contribute a differing point of view.
n Be vigilant of others’ reactions, both verbal and
Leadership Implications. Your high score on Emotional n Seek to understand the other person’s perspective;

Expression indicates that you are likely to express your emotions, ask thoughtful questions.
thoughts and feelings to your team. This is particularly helpful for n Maintain appropriate silence; listen for content and

your leadership when making decisions, resolving interpersonal emotions.

conflict, and gaining the resources that your team needs. You n Then express your differing point of view.

tend to make a good first impression as you have likely mastered Actively listening and giving signs that we truly seek to
both verbal and nonverbal cues. Be cautious of over-sharing understand provides an invaluable amount of validation to the
emotion so that you do not appear derailed by your emotions other party. When the other party feels heard and understood,
(e.g., you remain heated and angry over a bad decision when they are less likely to be defensive or dig in their heels. This
your team has moved on). way they are more likely to be open-minded and cooperative
when you present your differing point of view.
Organizational Implications. Your high level of Emotional
Make the Connection. Tie your emotions to the potential
Expression drives a culture of open communication at your
impact that will arise from communicating the source and
organization. Your team and others in the organization feel
reason of your emotions. Emotions backed by clear rationale
comfortable coming to you with their thoughts, ideas, and
have the best chance of engaging others in your cause. For
concerns. This atmosphere can help you to stay in touch with
example, rather than just being anxious, prepare something
your employees’ reality during difficult times. Ensure that you are
along the lines of the following: “I am really anxious about
consistently demonstrating active listening and mutual respect; a
meeting our timelines for this product. I’m anxious because
high level of emotional expression can be overwhelming and can
we have lost time due to errors we have found in the process.
result in your team being withdrawn.
If we don’t test the product thoroughly, I am concerned we will
lose thousands with a late product.”

Balancing Your EI
This section compares Emotional Expression with Interpersonal Relationships, Assertiveness, and Empathy. The subscale that differs the
most from Emotional Expression is Empathy. Improving the interplay between these subscales is likely to significantly impact your overall
emotional intelligence.
Emotional Expression(123)   Empathy(105)
Your Emotional Expression is higher than your Empathy. Do you focus more on the expression of emotions, thoughts, and feelings than
on being empathic toward others? Balancing these facets requires careful listening to the ideas of others, as well as being attentive to
their feelings. When these facets are balanced, you can effectively gauge whether the intensity and timing of your expression is
appropriate for the situation.

10 Copyright © 2012 Multi-Health Systems Inc. All rights reserved.

Name: Ms. Sample

Assertiveness 70 90 100 110 130

Communicating feelings, beliefs; Non-offensive
What Your Score Means Low Range Mid Range High Range

Picture a line between the words passive and aggressive. At the middle point of this line lies assertiveness, a place where you work
with your team by finding the right language at the right time to express your feelings and thoughts. Ms. Sample, your results indicate
you operate at the assertiveness midpoint of this line almost all of the time, articulating your thoughts in a clear and confident way. The
following characteristics may apply to you:
n You are firm and direct when making decisions.
n You guide your team toward your goals by articulating your needs and protecting their resources.
n You view your rights and those of your team’s as sacred.
You scored well above average on Assertiveness and fall within the leadership bar.

Leadership Impact Strategies for Action

Knowing Where You Stand. In order to move towards a
decision, and ensure your team works collaboratively, highly
assertive leaders need to have a clear understanding of
where they stand and the points on which you are willing to
n Note down the ideal outcomes you would like to see

Leadership Implications. Your results suggest that you likely pull from your next meeting.
on strong emotions and convictions to state your position. This is n Review the outcomes you identified and separate the

a crucial skill to have when leading a team; it helps in gaining core outcomes that are essential to progress.
your team’s buy-in and inspiring them towards innovative n Then, identify the information you need to hear from

solutions. Further, a high level of assertiveness helps to gain the others to concede on these points.
resources your team needs and proactively clear obstacles in the Knowing the core outcomes that are essential, and the
path of your team’s success. While such situations require you to idealistic outcomes on which you are willing to be flexible, will
be an assertive leader, others may require you to be more help you stay focused on the goal, and not become paralyzed
flexible in your thinking. Becoming too rigid in defending your in rigid debate.
position may result in unproductive, stubborn, or aggressive
behavior. Crossing the Aggression Line. As a leader with a high level
of Assertiveness, making decisions probably comes easily to
Organizational Implications. Your results suggest that you are you. This likely provides direction for your team to work
skilled at getting your point across in a clear and confident towards project goals. Be mindful of your behavior crossing
manner. This skill is likely to help you resolve conflict, leverage the line into aggression. Ensure you spend the time truly
organizational resources, openly voice your opinion, and listening to the input of others when making decisions.
contribute to the success of your organization. Leadership Maintaining a culture of open and respectful communication
competencies are especially visible when you are assertive in this way can help immensely in inspiring others to reach
because you likely create a strong platform from which to new heights.
showcase your talents, and those of your team. Watch that when
you defend your position, you do not miss important information
or feedback that may alter your perspective.

Balancing Your EI
This section compares Assertiveness with Interpersonal Relationships, Emotional Self­Awareness, and Empathy. The subscale that
differs the most from Assertiveness is Empathy. Improving the interplay between these subscales is likely to significantly impact your
overall emotional intelligence.
Assertiveness(123)   Empathy(105)
Your Assertiveness is higher than your Empathy. Where possible, focus on collaboration in meetings. You should strive to appropriately
assert your views, but show an equal willingness to listen to others and be willing to agree when possible.

11 Copyright © 2012 Multi-Health Systems Inc. All rights reserved.

Name: Ms. Sample

Independence 70 90 100 110 130

Self-directed; Free from emotional dependency
What Your Score Means Low Range Mid Range High Range

Ms. Sample, being independent means you are capable of feeling, thinking, and working on your own, a critical skill that all great
leaders have in common. Your results show that this is a well-developed skill, as you are willing and capable of holding your own
ideas and making necessary decisions required for your team on your own. You are unlikely to be swayed by popular opinion, which
can help you maintain an established direction for your team. Consider the following interpretation of your results:
n You are comfortable providing direction and working on your own.
n You can work without emotional dependency on others, and don’t require their reassurance.
n You accept responsibility for your decisions, knowing that at times people will disagree with you.
You scored well above average on Independence and fall within the leadership bar.

Leadership Impact Strategies for Action

Stay Connected. While being emotionally independent is
important for leading a team, being completely autonomous
can hurt the amount of buy-in you receive from them. Here are
four qualities that you do not display; if you do, it may be time
to scale back your independence.
n Ignorance: Are people feeling like I am ignoring facts

Leadership Implications. Your level of Independence indicates in an effort to pursue my own agenda?
that you rarely depend on others to make important decisions. n Know it all: Do I think I know everything, and thus my

Because you are self-directed, you can analyze a situation, team’s advice is not needed?
formulate a response, and move into implementation mode n Detached: Am I hurting collaborative relationships and

without second-guessing your decisions. This skill is crucial for engagement by not including others?
a leader, especially when difficult decisions need to be made n Closed door: While I have an open-door policy, is my

and direction is limited. At the same time, be careful not to behavior distancing myself from my team?
neglect the emotions and opinions of your team, which could
possibly leave them feeling alienated, and eventually Listening to Feedback. To ensure that you do not hurt any
disengaged. key relationships throughout the organization, balance self-
directed thought with the ability to seek advice and feedback.
You do not have to be a fan of an idea to entertain the thought
Organizational Implications. You tend to voice your thoughts and
process of others and explore different perspectives. Doing
opinions, likely adding your own perspective to the discussion
so can help gain the support of others and perhaps even
table and influencing the direction of your organization. You are
generate new possibilities.
an active participant in generating ideas rather than a passive
n Examine a few of your past decisions. What did your
receiver. Keep a close eye on how often you go off in your own
decision-making process look like? Who did you
direction rather than building coalitions. Teams that strive for the
connect with to seek advice or a differing point of
same values and goals build strong organizations.
view? How well did you follow along the input that was
given to you?
n Next time when you are seeking advice from your
team, note down the different perspectives before
presenting a counter-thought. Then reflect on those
notes and think through the feedback and the
possible impact on your decision.

Balancing Your EI
This section compares Independence with Problem Solving, Emotional Self­Awareness, and Interpersonal Relationships. Achieving
balance between these subscales can enhance emotional functioning.

Your Independence is well balanced with these three related subscales. To maintain this balance with these subscales, watch for
significant growth in one subscale over others and consider ways that you can develop the subscales in tandem. Discuss with your coach
whether comparing Independence with other subscales may lead to further EI development and enhanced emotional and social

12 Copyright © 2012 Multi-Health Systems Inc. All rights reserved.

Name: Ms. Sample

Interpersonal Relationships 70 90 100 110 130

Mutually satisfying relationships
What Your Score Means Low Range Mid Range High Range

Leadership cannot exist without strong relationships. While you likely have solid technical skills, your ability to form strong
relationships in your team is also important, especially to help weather difficult times. Ms. Sample, you place an emphasis on building
strong relationships and, even more than most people, model what it means to be a team player. Your leadership style uses people
and relationships to get the job done, by gaining buy-in and commitment, building integrity, and attaining the resources your team
needs to succeed. You likely:
n Know your team’s hidden and visible strengths and weaknesses.
n Strive to understand each team member individually.
n Consistently reach out beyond your team to a build a network of support that can buffer you from the negative effects of stress.
You scored well above average on Interpersonal Relationships and fall within the leadership bar.

Leadership Impact Strategies for Action

Balance Recognition with Constructive Feedback.
Remember to express recognition on a regular basis and to
coach your team by delivering constructive feedback. As a
leader, you are in an ideal position to inspire, coach, and
motivate your team to reach their individual and group
Leadership Implications. Your Interpersonal Relationships n Do you know what kind of recognition your team

result indicates that you value maintaining confidences, team prefers? Not everyone likes a reward given in front of
harmony, and open communication in your relationships. These their peers or “Happy Birthday” sung at their desk.
features of authentic relationships help you engage the hearts n Leverage empathy skills to understand the types of

and minds of your team. You likely have built loyal relationships recognition that motivate and inspire each of your
where you know people at a very personal level. By maintaining a team members.
strong rapport, you can motivate and inspire others towards n Find opportunities where you can help your team

innovative and challenging goals. members unlock their individual potential; the most
successful leaders develop their employees.
Organizational Implications. You likely have a commitment to
Take the Extra Step. Building resilient and trusting
forming healthy interpersonal networks throughout the
relationships with all types of people, regardless of your
organization and are able to share the benefits of these
personal feelings toward them, is crucial to navigating the
connections with those you lead. The consistent and natural
political landscape of your workplace.
effort that you invest in relationship maintenance likely provides
n Identify an individual outside your team whose
you the opportunity to influence the organizational stage by
relationship with you is superficial at best.
leveraging the people you know to get the job done.
n What have you done to earn their trust and their
willingness to help you? List what you think this
person needs from you.
n Meet with this person to confirm your perspective.
Emphasize the importance of understanding mutual
needs and arrive at an action plan to support one
another on common goals.

Balancing Your EI
This section compares Interpersonal Relationships with Self­Actualization, Problem Solving, and Independence. The subscale that differs
the most from Interpersonal Relationships is Problem Solving. Improving the interplay between these subscales is likely to significantly
impact your overall emotional intelligence.
Interpersonal Relationships(111)   Problem Solving(125)
Your Interpersonal Relationships result is lower than your Problem Solving result. These factors work together effectively when decisions
are made and problems are solved while considering how the decisions will impact those around you. Take extra time when needed to
communicate with others from the beginning so that they are engaged in the solution process.

13 Copyright © 2012 Multi-Health Systems Inc. All rights reserved.

Name: Ms. Sample

Empathy 70 90 100 110 130

Understanding, appreciating how others feel
What Your Score Means Low Range Mid Range High Range

As a leader, the ability to manage relationships is your medium for transforming your team and taking the organization to new heights.
Empathy, the ability to recognize, understand, and appreciate the way others feel, is a crucial component in building these strong
interpersonal relationships. Ms. Sample, your result indicates that you tend to lead with empathy, grasping what another is feeling,
even if it is much different from what you feel. Your empathic nature makes you an approachable leader and your team feels safe
sharing thoughts and ideas. With a result such as yours, you may find:
n You are “tuned in” to how others are feeling.
n You care about the thoughts and feelings of your team as much as you do your own.
n Under times of stress or moments of defensiveness, you are likely to adopt a less empathic approach, possibly making
decisions without considering the needs of your team.
While you scored slightly above average on Empathy, you could benefit from strengthening these skills and reaching the leadership

Leadership Impact Strategies for Action

Kick it up a Notch. Successful leaders have the ability to
adopt others’ perspectives and can understand how different
people experience emotions. Take the time to understand
each member of your team. Prior to your next meeting,
prepare by:
n Listing all attendees and what needs and

Leadership Implications. For you, empathy is a daily active expectations each bring to the meeting.
process when resolving conflict, managing change, or making n Predicting how they will act during the meeting. What

tough decisions. Your ability to show empathy usually allows you issues do you need to be sensitive towards?
to come across as an authentic leader who can gain the trust n Generating a number of questions that you can use

and respect of your team. In order to be even more effective in during the meeting to further understand your team’s
inspiring and coaching your team, watch for instances where needs.
your empathic demeanor may crack (e.g., when you are feeling n Keeping a journal that records your correct predictions

stress, or anger) and cause an emotional disconnect between (hits) and incorrect predictions (misses) of the issues
you and your employees. and actions that would be brought forth. Reduce the
number of misses by understanding individual team
members on a deeper level.
Organizational Implications. Although you have a reasonable
level of empathy, working to increase it will benefit both you and
Watching a Pro. Find someone who is an empathic and yet
your organization. The need to feel heard and understood is in
efficient communicator.
the core nature of all human beings. Further increasing your level
n Observe their communication style in practice, taking
of empathy to provide this validation will help dampen defenses
note of how they balance their ability to remain
in conflict management and gain the commitment you need to
empathic and respectful with meeting organizational
achieve common goals.
n Examine your scores on Independence, Interpersonal
Relationships, and Assertiveness to see how you can
leverage other skills to develop Empathy.

Balancing Your EI
This section compares Empathy with Emotional Self­Awareness, Reality Testing, and Emotional Expression. The subscale that differs the
most from Empathy is Emotional Expression. Improving the interplay between these subscales is likely to significantly impact your overall
emotional intelligence.
Empathy(105)   Emotional Expression(123)
Your Empathy is lower than your Emotional Expression. Before expressing emotions, be sure to consider the impact that your emotions
can have on others. By displaying a greater balance of empathic behaviors, you will appear more supportive and less directive in your
interactions with others.

14 Copyright © 2012 Multi-Health Systems Inc. All rights reserved.

Name: Ms. Sample

Social Responsibility 70 90 100 110 130

Social conciousness; Helpful
What Your Score Means Low Range Mid Range High Range

Social responsibility calls for leaders to act in a moral and responsible manner, promote the greater good, and be a strong voice in
their teams, organizations, and communities. Ms. Sample, your result suggests that you are usually seen as a highly socially
responsible leader, taking most, if not all, opportunities to help your team and the organization. Your concern for others, whether at
work or in the community, is demonstrated through the selfless contributions you make. Based on your result, you:
n Consistently demonstrate your social conscience and are compelled to coach those who you lead.
n Are seen as a “Good Samaritan” who helps others without expecting anything in return.
n Gain fulfillment from a variety of sources, including activities outside of work.
You scored well above average on Social Responsibility and fall within the leadership bar.

Leadership Impact Strategies for Action

Reflect and Focus. Being a successful leader is not a solo
activity. Real success comes from helping your team
members reach professional goals and individual
improvement. Always supporting others, however, can take
away the time you need to spend on yourself as a leader. Try
to ensure that you are not avoiding your current emotional
Leadership Implications. Your level of Social Responsibility state, goals, and functioning by focusing too heavily on
suggests that you believe in coaching and serving as a others.
champion for your team/community. You likely uphold the moral n Reflect on how you spent your time last week. What

and ethical compass in your leadership approach and often activities and tasks did you spend your time on?
place your team’s goals ahead of your own agenda. You may n Which of those tasks were for the betterment of

also contribute/make a difference in society (e.g., charity yourself, your family, your work, those you lead, and
involvement/fundraising). Be mindful that being helpful to the others?
point where you do all the work is not truly helping or coaching; n If you are over involved in any area, adjust your

allow your direct reports to spread their wings and grow on their schedule for the next month and refocus your efforts.
Inspiring Initiative. Inspiring others to be socially responsible
can create an overall feeling of meaning while contributing
Organizational Implications. You are likely involved in a variety of
towards the greater good.
social and leadership pursuits both inside and outside of the
n Leverage your passion for causes you care about by
workplace (e.g., charity involvement, fundraising). You
reaching out to your team and organization (e.g.,
consistently promote employee engagement, morale, mentoring,
setting up a community support group within the
and other development practices that help build talent in your
team and others in the organization. One note of caution is to be
n Brainstorm several activities that you, your team, or
wary that such involvement may involve taking on too many
the organization as a whole can engage in. Ensure
responsibilities, regardless of the cost to the quality of your work
these activities are in line with your organization’s
or personal well-being.
vision and are of benefit to the employees.
n Identify a plan of action to build social responsibility
within your organization; identify specific roles and a
time frame in which to complete the plan of action.

Balancing Your EI
This section compares Social Responsibility with Self­Actualization, Interpersonal Relationships, and Empathy. The subscale that differs
the most from Social Responsibility is Empathy. Improving the interplay between these subscales is likely to significantly impact your
overall emotional intelligence.
Social Responsibility(119)   Empathy(105)
Your Social Responsibility is higher than your Empathy. These components work best together when you put yourself in the other
person’s shoes to understand what is truly needed from their perspective. It is best to listen to the needs and concerns of others before
choosing the best way to help them or work with them.

15 Copyright © 2012 Multi-Health Systems Inc. All rights reserved.

Name: Ms. Sample

Problem Solving 70 90 100 110 130

Find solutions when emotions are involved
What Your Score Means Low Range Mid Range High Range

Solving problems is an everyday reality for leaders. However, leaders need more than just problem-solving skills, they need to work
with problems where emotions are involved and recognize how these emotions impact their decisiveness. Ms. Sample, this is an
area of emotional intelligence that you extensively use; you tackle problems head-on without being overwhelmed or distracted by your
emotions. Your approach is likely uninterrupted and invokes a sense of steadfastness and confidence from those you lead. Your
result indicates:
n You see emotional information as playing a pivotal role but are not sidetracked by it.
n You work through the many steps to solving a problem without being emotionally distracted.
n You are likely to delve into tough or touchy problems, understanding the emotions at play.
n Your emotions rarely inhibit your decisions, but be wary not to take it to the extreme and ignore your feelings entirely.
You scored well above average on Problem Solving and fall within the leadership bar.

Leadership Impact Strategies for Action

Seek Understanding First. If you find yourself quick to jump
into problem-solving mode, you may start implementing
solutions without fully surveying the situation.
n Begin by explaining your interpretation of a problem to
at least two people, one who is connected closely to
the problem and the other who is a neutral third party.
Leadership Implications. For almost every problem, you show n Don’t ask for solutions; have them hear your summary

focus and a rational demeanor as you generate solutions. Your of the situation and ask clarifying questions if needed.
leadership approach allows you to reframe problems and n A question to which you do not know the answer is a

approach situations in new ways, spurring the creativity of your sign that you need a greater understanding of the
team and allowing for process overhauls when required. problem before you begin to solve it.
However, be aware that you still want to appear emotionally
invested in the decisions you make—you just aren’t allowing your Set the Emotional Stage. As a leader, you need to manage
emotions to derail you from making a decision. the emotional landscape of your team. Others may not be as
decisive as you; don’t leave people behind as you forge
ahead solving problems.
Organizational Implications. Your method of viewing a problem
n If your team needs to be innovative and consider
from different perspectives, without being derailed by your
unconventional approaches, try to evoke positive
emotions, helps you generate a wider range of solutions than
emotions within the group (e.g., recall a successful
most leaders. You are likely sought out for your rational problem-
event, use humor, or hold a meeting outside of the
solving approach, particularly when emotions are running high.
Tackling problems head-on enables you to set the tone for
n Alternatively, to ensure others can concentrate on the
responsiveness and efficiency throughout the organization.
details or analyze the associated costs of a problem,
try to generate a slightly less positive mood that can
help you with the analytical phase of problem solving.

Balancing Your EI
This section compares Problem Solving with Flexibility, Reality Testing, and Emotional Self­Awareness. The subscale that differs the
most from Problem Solving is Emotional Self­Awareness. Improving the interplay between these subscales is likely to significantly impact
your overall emotional intelligence.
Problem Solving(125)   Emotional Self­Awareness(111)
Your Problem Solving is higher than your Emotional Self­Awareness. These components are balanced when proper consideration is
given to your emotions when implementing a course of action. Some solutions may seem effective but don’t feel right on an emotional
level. Understanding the roles different emotions play in the decision making process will be of benefit in the long run.

16 Copyright © 2012 Multi-Health Systems Inc. All rights reserved.

Name: Ms. Sample

Reality Testing 70 90 100 110 130

Objective; See things as they really are
What Your Score Means Low Range Mid Range High Range

Reality Testing is a key contributor to how you make decisions as a leader, whether your approach is seen as grounded, objective and
in touch with the work environment, or disconnected and biased. Ms. Sample, your result on this subscale suggests that you have the
ability to remain objective, stay tuned in to what is happening around you and provide clear, realistic direction to your team. By keeping
your personal biases at bay, you likely make trusted and sensible decisions that organizational members can buy into. Your result
n You are very unlikely to misinterpret critical information or allow emotions to color reality.
n Each person and situation is unique; you can tailor your approach accordingly.
n Your coaching and performance management discussions are likely unbiased and grounded in evidence.
You scored well above average on Reality Testing and fall within the leadership bar.

Leadership Impact Strategies for Action

Gut Checks. Emotions occur for a reason—to provide us with
information about an event. If you ignore them completely, you
are missing out on crucial data that objective analysis cannot
n Try a few “gut checks” throughout your day. Reflect on
how you felt about a conversation, resolving a
Leadership Implications. Your ability to see most situations performance issue, making a tough decision, etc.
objectively may lead you to make very black and white n Gut checks are particularly important for large

conclusions: something is right or it is wrong, there are no decisions or meetings where you usually allow
shades of grey. This sets you up to be a trusted and respected objective data (e.g., the vote was 10 to 4 in favor of
leader with clear ethics; people will seek you out for your realistic pulling the project) to take precedence over what your
appraisal of a situation. Coaching and performance emotions tell you (e.g., Karen sure looked hurt when
management conversations are likely to be securely grounded in her project was cut).
evidence, so be careful not to dismiss good intentions and n Leaders need to be particularly attuned to the

efforts when results aren’t meeting your expectations. emotional information present in their relationships;
ignoring it will likely alienate individuals and form rifts
that make it difficult to get work done.
Organizational Implications. Because you frequently see
situations as they really are (and not as you wish them to be),
Opening the Books. Keeping up-to-date data at your
people likely turn to you for the hard facts, and you may be a key
fingertips will ensure you have objective information ready to
resource within the organization to make tough decisions.
fuel strong decisions and goal-setting processes.
Leaders like yourself who can accurately size up external events
n Provide yourself and your team with critical business
and solve problems based on this assessment tend to be
unit or departmental data (e.g., profit and loss, sales,
capable of greater achievements. Watch that your objectivity
product development costs) to make intelligent
doesn’t get in the way of your creativity and willingness to set
decisions with your team.
stretch goals.
n Information is seen as a form of power and can
combat the tendency to color reality with our own
personal biases. Instill this power in your team.
Validate theories and assumptions, and avoid targets
that have no basis in hard data.

Balancing Your EI
This section compares Reality Testing with Emotional Self­Awareness, Self­Regard, and Problem Solving. The subscale that differs the
most from Reality Testing is Problem Solving. Improving the interplay between these subscales is likely to significantly impact your overall
emotional intelligence.
Reality Testing(114)   Problem Solving(125)
Your Reality Testing is lower than your Problem Solving. To bring these two components into line with one another, attempt to validate
the soundness of plans before implementing them. Gather as much objective information as possible to support your intended solution,
possible unintended outcomes of that solution and the probability of implementing contingency plans.

17 Copyright © 2012 Multi-Health Systems Inc. All rights reserved.

Name: Ms. Sample

Impulse Control 70 90 100 110 130

Resist or delay impulse to act
What Your Score Means Low Range Mid Range High Range

Impulse control is the ability to think before acting and to show restraint in the face of impulses and temptations to act. Ms. Sample,
your result is indicative of a leader who is highly stable, composed and methodical in your approach. You steer clear of rash
conclusions and impatient behavior, putting appropriate analysis into every move. Leaders with a result similar to yours are:
n Deliberate and apt to survey a situation before making a decision.
n Patient when communicating and mentoring their direct reports, and deal with obstacles in a composed manner.
n Calm and unperturbed under trying circumstances, allowing others to trust in their leadership ability during difficult times.
You scored well above average on Impulse Control and fall within the leadership bar.

Leadership Impact Strategies for Action

Leadership Implications. Your ability to remain focused, delay Unfreezing. If you find yourself significantly less impulsive
temptation, and avoid making rash decisions ensures you are at than the environment you work in, you may appear to be
low risk of derailment. Leadership requires flexibility, but it is your rooted in thought when others are driving action. If progress
astute focus and deliberate planning that achieve corporate buy- is being held up by too much contemplation, your team may
in. Because you reflect before you speak, your position is well think you are incapable of driving change in the organization.
articulated and, as a result, respected and trusted by those you n Before making a decision, determine up front what
lead. evidence you will need in order to feel comfortable
acting. Whose approval do you need? What is the
Organizational Implications. You likely have a style of careful threshold of risk you are willing to accept?
deliberation that has a positive impact on the organization, as n Knowing this information up front will help you

you take the time to ensure that plans are in place before balance deliberate decision making with the progress
decisions are made. Under trying circumstances, you can still demanded of today’s leaders.
hold this patient composure and not fall victim to knee-jerk
responses to market conditions or competitive moves. People Admit Mistakes. Even with our best intentions, frustration or
may see your behavior as predictable and calculated, and impatience can sometimes get the best of us. Leaders who
although this is necessary in many workplaces, ensure that it show integrity by owning their behavior and admitting their
isn’t at the expense of listening to your instincts or participating in mistakes recover from workplace slip-ups with less wear and
spontaneous conversations. tear than leaders who pretend the event never happened.
n Particularly with your direct reports, openly admit to a
moment of frustration and offer an apology. Don’t
blame your behavior on anyone else or anything
outside of your control.
n Maintain a positive impression by talking about what
you will do differently next time and ask others for
feedback on your plan.

Balancing Your EI
This section compares Impulse Control with Flexibility, Stress Tolerance, and Assertiveness. Achieving balance between these subscales
can enhance emotional functioning.

Impulse Control(120)  
Your Impulse Control is well balanced with these three related subscales. To maintain this balance with these subscales, watch for
significant growth in one subscale over others and consider ways that you can develop the subscales in tandem. Discuss with your coach
whether comparing Impulse Control with other subscales may lead to further EI development and enhanced emotional and social

18 Copyright © 2012 Multi-Health Systems Inc. All rights reserved.

Name: Ms. Sample

Flexibility 70 90 100 110 130

Adapting emotions, thoughts and behaviors
What Your Score Means Low Range Mid Range High Range

Flexibility requires that you be able to modify your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors in response to change. Ms. Sample, your result
suggests a finely-tuned ability to adapt to shifting priorities in the organization. You are a catalyst who inspires fresh ideas, and you
learn from unexpected events. This willingness to adapt helps you become a champion of progress and use a variety of leadership
styles with your direct reports. Some indicators of your result are:
n You are viewed as quick to respond to unpredictable events.
n You are reactive, and not stuck to conventional and outdated methods.
n You are able to mold your leadership style and emotional responses to changing conditions and differing needs of those on
your team.
You scored well above average on Flexibility and fall within the leadership bar.

Leadership Impact Strategies for Action

Remain True to Your Convictions. Watch that you are not
heavily swayed or influenced by others’ perspectives, as too
much flexibility can pose as many challenges as too little.
n Employees respect leaders who remain true to their
beliefs, even if the outcome is unexpected.
Employees are not fond of leaders who waver,
Leadership Implications. You are a leader who is likely at ease depending on the opinions of others. Behave
with both minor and major transformations. You realize that you consistently so that your adaptable approach does not
cannot control everything, which helps fuel ideas and creativity in become counterproductive.
your team. You are not always a proponent of the status quo and n Reflect on the core beliefs and values that underlie

are receptive to improving business processes and changing your choices and ensure that your leadership style
your leadership style when necessary. Nevertheless, it is embodies these traits.
important to be mindful that change is made easier when you are n Be prepared to share the reason(s) why you veered

armed with sufficient information to make a credible decision. from a particular course of action, so that your
colleagues can understand your logic.
Organizational Implications. You are likely a role model for
Establish a Culture of Innovation. Funnel your drive for
responsiveness. Your flexibility likely helps to ensure new
innovation and creativity through the organization.
insights and fresh perspectives are fostered. Different opinions
n Reward and praise your employees for their new
are raised within your team and work relationships, and
ideas and creations. For instance, you can award a
challenges to traditional procedures become the norm. You help
plaque of recognition to the employee who presents
contribute to an organization that adopts “outside the box” 
the most original and imaginative idea.
thinking and views change as a continual learning process. Be
n Hold your employees accountable for achieving key
mindful to rely on your instinct and reality testing when evaluating
metrics (e.g., sales targets) but allow them the
alternative courses of action.
flexibility to plan how they will achieve these goals and
encourage questioning of the status quo.

Balancing Your EI
This section compares Flexibility with Problem Solving, Independence, and Impulse Control. Achieving balance between these subscales
can enhance emotional functioning.

Your Flexibility is well balanced with these three related subscales. To maintain this balance with these subscales, watch for significant
growth in one subscale over others and consider ways that you can develop the subscales in tandem. Discuss with your coach whether
comparing Flexibility with other subscales may lead to further EI development and enhanced emotional and social functioning.

19 Copyright © 2012 Multi-Health Systems Inc. All rights reserved.

Name: Ms. Sample

Stress Tolerance 70 90 100 110 130

Coping with stressful situations
What Your Score Means Low Range Mid Range High Range

Stress Tolerance is the ability to cope with and respond effectively to stress. Ms. Sample, your result indicates that you are armed with
an array of valuable coping strategies to mitigate the effects of challenges and difficulties that arise in the organization. You garner
respect for your ability to lead others through times of stress, by remaining calm and collected. You are focused on getting the job
done in the face of uncertainty and changing priorities. Some characteristics of your result are:
n You undertake challenges with enthusiasm in order to foster productivity.
n You operate at peak performance under situations of mounting pressure and approaching deadlines.
You scored well above average on Stress Tolerance and fall within the leadership bar.

Leadership Impact Strategies for Action

Leadership Implications. Your ability to withstand the most Temper Your Expectations. Be cognizant of the fact that your
intense pressures with ease denotes an agility in coping with the direct reports may not espouse the same stress mitigating
most challenging issues (e.g., downsizing, competitive threats). coping strategies as you.
You are viewed as a beacon of composure and are able to n While you may be able to take on multiple challenging
weather the most difficult situations with stoic calm. Others see assignments to drive the organization forward,
you as being decisive and taking prompt action when remember that others may not feel as able to cope
encountering complex issues and/or stressful events. with the demands.
n Openly communicate your expectations with others,

Organizational Implications. Your proficiency at managing the and maintain an open-door policy. Encourage
sometimes chaotic demands of the workday without getting colleagues to speak to you about their concerns in a
anxious or worried propels the organization towards efficiency welcoming and supportive atmosphere.
even under the most challenging conditions. You motivate others
to cope with events that are uncontrollable, and your ability to find Maintain a Fine Balance. Ensure that you balance your
solutions catapults the organization forward. Change permeates desire to undertake simultaneous projects with a realistic
the work culture as decisions are swiftly made. Be mindful that appraisal of your ability.
your colleagues may not cope as well with pressure, and ensure n Draw on reality testing to ensure that you are

that proper safety nets are implemented (e.g., flexible work adequately prepared to tackle a demanding workload.
schedules, stress management workshops). For instance, do you have the required resources
(e.g., people, time, expertise) in order to effectively
manage competing priorities?
n Ask your team for feedback regarding workload and
involve them in creating solutions to ease the
pressure when necessary. Ask for help when you are
unable to tackle a project alone and delegate
responsibilities when you are unable to handle them.

Balancing Your EI
This section compares Stress Tolerance with Problem Solving, Flexibility, and Interpersonal Relationships. Achieving balance between
these subscales can enhance emotional functioning.

Stress Tolerance(118)  
Your Stress Tolerance is well balanced with these three related subscales. To maintain this balance with these subscales, watch for
significant growth in one subscale over others and consider ways that you can develop the subscales in tandem. Discuss with your coach
whether comparing Stress Tolerance with other subscales may lead to further EI development and enhanced emotional and social

20 Copyright © 2012 Multi-Health Systems Inc. All rights reserved.

Name: Ms. Sample

Optimism 70 90 100 110 130

Positive attitude and outlook in life
What Your Score Means Low Range Mid Range High Range

Optimism, the ability to remain positive despite setbacks, is a crucial differentiator between successful leaders and others in the
workplace. It permeates almost every application of EI, from helping you persevere, to motivating and inspiring colleagues. Ms.
Sample, your result is indicative of a leader who is slightly more likely than most to view work and life in a positive light. Because the
score on this scale is not overly extreme, it indicates that you are not so overly optimistic that you are blind or naïve to the realities of 
life. Some characteristics of your result are:
n You approach leadership with enthusiasm and gusto, although you could benefit from demonstrating this energy even more
n You motivate colleagues to achieve success, helping them set stretch goals and reach for greater heights.
n You generally believe that setbacks are temporary and that you can overcome them.
While you scored slightly above average on Optimism, you could benefit from strengthening these skills and reaching the leadership

Leadership Impact Strategies for Action

Modify Your Language. Monitor your speech, as the words
you use can either create a positive or negative ambiance.
n In a meeting, take note if you play the role of “devil’s
advocate.” Do you often criticize others’ ideas or
solutions without weighing the evidence?
n The next time a colleague proposes an initiative, take

Leadership Implications. Your moderately optimistic stance the time to consider their perspective and their
permeates your leadership style and helps you view most contribution.
situations as malleable and controllable. By further developing n Temper your initial reaction with positive statements

your sense of optimism, when you encounter adversity, you will (e.g., “that sounds promising,” and “did you consider
be able to overcome the challenge, learn from the situation, and the alternative”) to help boost your positive mindset.
inspire others to do the same. While you are able to set an
inspiring mission and vision for the organization that produces Focus on Your Strengths. Capitalize upon your talents to
results and productivity, this ability can be enhanced. introduce positive emotions in your way of thinking.
n Every leader is endowed with strengths and
weaknesses. The key is to focus upon your strengths.
Organizational Implications. Given your generally optimistic
For instance, if you are adept at public speaking,
outlook, colleagues can emulate your disposition and use you as
volunteer to deliver presentations at the next meeting.
a role model when encountering tough situations. For the most
n When appropriate, delegate tasks in which you do not
part, the organization prospers under uncertainty, and these
excel to your colleagues who may be more
situations are viewed as transient and easily overcome.
specialized in a certain area of expertise. By focusing
Generally, your team perseveres at solving problems as they
on your strengths, you are better able to leverage your
arise; however, you could benefit from demonstrating even more
skills to their full extent, which will aid in fostering a
optimism to ensure colleagues are inspired to continue to
positive outlook.
actively tackle problems.

Balancing Your EI
This section compares Optimism with Self­Regard, Interpersonal Relationships, and Reality Testing. Achieving balance between these
subscales can enhance emotional functioning.

Your Optimism is well balanced with these three related subscales. To maintain this balance with these subscales, watch for significant
growth in one subscale over others and consider ways that you can develop the subscales in tandem. Discuss with your coach whether
comparing Optimism with other subscales may lead to further EI development and enhanced emotional and social functioning.

21 Copyright © 2012 Multi-Health Systems Inc. All rights reserved.

Name: Ms. Sample

Well-Being Indicator 70 90 100 110 130

Satisfied with life; content

How to Use this Page Low Range Mid Range High Range

Happiness includes feelings of satisfaction, contentment Your Happiness result is shown on this page, linked to your results
and the ability to enjoy the many aspects of one’s life. It is on the four subscales most often associated with Happiness.
different than the other EI abilities in that Happiness both
contributes to, and is a product of, emotional intelligence. Because Happiness is so interconnected with all EI abilities,
As such, your result in Happiness is like an indicator of your you may find further development opportunities if you explore
emotional health and well-being. how the remaining subscales contribute to your level of
Happiness, and vice versa.

Ms. Sample, your result in Happiness suggests that more often than not you feel satisfied with your life, and generally enjoy the
company of others and the work you do. You may:
n Have fun at both work and play while participating in activities you enjoy.
n Be seen by your team as likeable and pleasant to be around.
n Have to occasionally manage your discontentment with certain aspects of your life.

Although you have no low scores in any of the four subscales typically tied to happiness, or in any other EI skill area, you may
benefit from ensuring your development goals are linked to improving your Happiness. Are there additional goals that you can
set to achieve things that are important to you, leading to an increased sense of well-being?

Self-Regard (113) Optimism (108)

Happiness is a by-product of believing in oneself and living In the face of setback and disappointment, the ability to
according to your own values and standards. Your high recover and claim a happy state is contingent on one's
level of Self-Regard helps to promote positive feelings level of optimism. Your results suggest you are optimistic
about oneself, confidence, and enhanced life satisfaction and hopeful most of the time, but perhaps you could use
and happiness. this outlook more frequently so that your happiness
n How do you envision success in your leadership becomes even more personal, permanent and justifiable.
position? Are you reaching the pinnacle of n What are some steps to demonstrate your positivity
success? in a more active/overt manner?
n What are some strategies you have used in the n Do you monitor your perspective and analyze how it
past (e.g., positive self-talk) to be confident and affects your achievements?

Interpersonal Relationships (111) Self-Actualization (114)

Your Interpersonal Relationships result indicates that you Happiness comes from a willingness to learn and grow on
have well-developed relationships that likely help shield a journey aligned with your values. Your level of self-
you from the negative effects of life’s daily demands. If motivation and feelings of an enriched life ultimately drive
maintained, these relationships can enhance and sustain your life achievements and overall happiness.
pervasive feelings of happiness. n Can you pinpoint the emotions you experience
n Do you have a confidant outside of work who helps when you feel you are optimally using your talents?
buffer any stressful or negative events that you
n How can you effectively leverage your network to
maintain happiness in your work life?

22 Copyright © 2012 Multi-Health Systems Inc. All rights reserved.

Name: Ms. Sample

Action Plan
The steps you take towards achieving your EI goals will determine S PECIFIC
whether or not success is realized. Use this step-by-step activity
plan to help guide you closer to your goals. Remember to use the
SMART goal setting criteria for each goal. A CTION-ORIENTED

Write down up to three EI skills or behaviors that you would Write down up to three overall qualities that you would like to
like to further develop (e.g., “reflective listening” to build have (e.g., integrity, providing clear leadership, team player,
empathy, or “recognizing how my body reacts to stress” to clear communicator). In some way the goals you outline in
raise emotional self-awareness). The SMART goals that you this action plan should help you achieve the overall qualities
outline in the template should help to strengthen these EI you identified.
skills and behaviors.

Transfer your SMART goals into the action plan template below.

SMART Support and

Time Frame Benefits Measure of Success Potential Barriers
Goal Resources Needed

Practice Today, Improved - Feedback Direct feedback Obtaining honest

active especially in interpersonal - 360 results increase from my team feedback can be
listening one on one relationships, difficult. Time – don’t
meetings with empathy with my cancel one on one
my direct team. Increased meetings – demonstrate
reports employee the importance of
engagement. regular touch points

I commit to this action plan .


23 Copyright © 2012 Multi-Health Systems Inc. All rights reserved.

Name: Ms. Sample

EI Development Commitment
A Development Commitment is a tool to help hold you organization’s demands win the competition for our time
accountable for accomplishing the goals outlined in and attention. By outlining your objectives here and
your action plan. As we all too often know, our plans leaving a copy with your coach you are increasingly more
for personal growth and development often fall by accountable to reach your personal goals.
the wayside when we get engrossed in work and our

My Personal Development Goals

My action plan includes the following goals: Due Date





Your Signature Your Coach’s Signature

24 Copyright © 2012 Multi-Health Systems Inc. All rights reserved.

Name: Ms. Sample

Leadership, Conflict Management,

and Emotional Intelligence
Managing conflict of any kind can be a frustrating task for most of us. For leaders, resolving some sort of
conflict is usually the norm rather than the exception. From competing resources and deadlines, to new project
teams, mergers, and managing through organizational change, leaders are continually required to flex their
interpersonal conflict management skills.
In addition, more and more of the work we do today involves multiple teams to reach organizational goals.
The increased need for clear communication and role clarity between teams will help to ease potential
conflict, and if navigated well, can provide team members with the opportunity to be innovative, take risks,
and increase productivity.
As a leader, you may find the tips below can help you to leverage your emotional intelligence skills in
times of conflict.

Manage yourself first… and genuinely—make it “their” time. Even if you

disagree completely with the other side, find ways
1. Listen to yourself with purpose. to express your genuine understanding (e.g., how
Leverage Emotional Self-Awareness skills frustrating the situation must be for them; the
to recognize your reactions, thoughts, and feelings amount of effort being dedicated; how much is at
regarding the conflict at hand. What are your stake for them). Validation in this way can be the
thoughts about the conflict; the way it has been single most powerful tool to get others to pull back
handled thus far and what can be done to get their defenses. If the conflict is within your team,
through it? What frustrates you about it? What is take the time to truly listen to each individual. The
good about it? Remember, even though it may feel time spent will be a rewarding investment.
personal at times, the conflict is often not about
you. Pay attention to how you feel and bring the 4. Conflict resolution management.
focus back to the issue. Note that the title of this article is conflict
management—not conflict resolution. Yes, there
2. Timely expressions of yourself. will be situations that call for immediate action,
As a leader, your emotional expressions are always and you will need to make use of the authority
in the limelight, and while some situations call behind the position you hold at your organization.
for instantly expressing yourself, most require For others, try simply managing the conflict as
a more deliberate and controlled expression. opposed to resolving it. Leaders usually have
Your genuine expression and authenticity will be the tendency to jump right into problem solving
appreciated by others—especially when it is timely mode, especially when problem solving skills
and constructive. Along with the awareness from are second-nature, or it seems easier to solve
Tip #1, utilize your Emotional Expression and it yourself than allow others to do so. Make the
Impulse Control skills to make the conscious conscious decision to use Impulse Control
decision to express yourself in a constructive skills and apply your Problem Solving skills at
manner, thinking through the outcome you expect a different level—manage the conflict as a leader
from your expression before you express it. and use it as an opportunity to develop your team.
Use your Interpersonal, Stress Tolerance,
and Optimism skills to guide and develop your
…manage others second.
teams to find innovative solutions to the conflict
3. Empathy in conflict management? they experience. Provide them with the latitude to
Yes! So much so that without empathy, conflict generate solutions and then review the best course
would bring nothing but harm to your team and of action with them. Remember, conflict can be
your effectiveness. Use your Empathy skills a good thing! Learn to manage its destructive
as a tool to bring down the temperature of the potential and harness its constructive energy.
situation. Listen to the other side attentively

25 Copyright © 2012 Multi-Health Systems Inc. All rights reserved.

Name: Ms. Sample

A Leadership Guide to Striking

the Optimal Balance
Meet Harriet, Senior Vice-President of Communications at a multi-national Fortune 500 corporation. As she interacts
with stakeholders in different time zones, her day begins at the crack of dawn when she checks her work email. After
eating a hurried breakfast and dropping her children off at school, the rest of her workday consists of a slew of meetings,
intermingled with bursts of brainstorming and team debriefs. In the rare occasion that a spare moment presents itself,
editing and sign-offs are slotted in throughout the day. Her biggest problem is time pressure, as she finds it difficult to
complete an ever-growing list of competing priorities. Her harried, multi-tasking lifestyle prevents her from being fully
present and engaged in her work and personal life. Recently, Harriet has encountered health problems, such as rapid,
irregular heartbeat, headaches, and aches and pains throughout her body. Because of these issues, her children are often
let down when she can’t attend their after-school sporting events.
Harriet’s situation is endemic throughout organizations, and costs companies billions annually in lost productivity. In our
globalized economy, pressures to accomplish more with fewer resources, and our hurried, frantic lifestyles are causing
leaders to sacrifice their health to complete a long list of seemingly endless responsibilities. Aside from the personal toll,
families may feel disappointed and neglected as interpersonal contact steadily decreases.

For today’s time-pressured leader, the following is a guide to harness EI skills to strike the elusive work-life balance:

V Keep work in perspective

Work is an essential component for leaders in organizations. Nevertheless, it should not consistently overtake other
responsibilities. Use Reality Testing skills to maintain an objective view of your schedule and your various obligations
(professional and personal).

V Temper unrealistic expectations

Leaders are only capable of taking on so much before physical and emotional resources deplete. Use Emotional
Self-Awareness to gauge emotional reactions to unfeasible demands, which can serve as a trigger to adopt a more
efficient/streamlined schedule.

V Set boundaries and leave work at the office

When work continually encroaches on a leader’s personal life, quality of life suffers to the detriment of Happiness.
Use Assertiveness to ensure that discontent with work volume is vocalized as much as appropriate, and implement
Flexibility to secure breaks at lunch and in the evenings/weekends.

V Change your mindset

Leaders frequently feel compelled to shoulder a great deal of responsibility to achieve the strategic vision of the
organization. Use Problem Solving to alleviate strain, and leverage Optimism to alter perspective (adopt the
mindset “this too shall pass”).

V Meditate and exercise

When pressure mounts, leaders often focus their priority on achievement and neglect their well-being. Meditation and exercise
boost Stress Tolerance and Optimism, both of which help you to refocus attention and manage competing priorities.

V Delegate
Harness the power of delegation; assign tasks to your team to alleviate the burden of competing deadlines. Leverage
Interpersonal Relationships to identify those who can shoulder some obligations, or those who need exposure or
development in a particular task, and use Flexibility to ensure fair distribution of work.

V Prioritize responsibilities
Leaders must ensure that duties are prioritized according to importance, and tackle obligations in order of impact on
organizational goals. Use Reality Testing to address the most significant issues, and implement Problem Solving to create
a plan to address tasks.

V Ensure proper rest and community engagement

Use Flexibility to ensure you receive proper sleep to help reframe challenging situations, and leverage Interpersonal Relationships
and Social Responsibility to participate in community engagements that buffer the effects of competing priorities.

V Indulge in your passions

Leaders devoid of hobbies or extra-curricular activities are not well-rounded, which can prevent a holistic or alternative view of
the organization. Use Independence and Self-Actualization to identify interests and ensure that you engage in these pursuits.

26 Copyright © 2012 Multi-Health Systems Inc. All rights reserved.

Name: Ms. Sample

Leading a Multigenerational Workforce

Take a quick survey of all the people you work with on a daily basis. Chances are you interact with people representing
every generation: Baby Boomers, Generation Xers, and the latest addition to the workforce, Millennials. Although generation
gaps have always been present in the workplace, never have we encountered such differences in values, communication
styles, and expectations of leadership mixing together on the company stage. By leveraging your EI skills, you can capitalize
on the dynamic work environment created from this mix of generations, while minimizing the tension that can arise when
different expectations are present.

Leverage Empathy and Flexibility in order to manage the generation gap. Here are some suggestions:

Empathy Flexibility

- View your leadership style from the perspective of - Be tolerant of different tactics/approaches for
each generation, then from the perspective of each communication. Show that you are open to using
individual. different methods for communication.

- Ask questions to uncover what your team members - Accommodate different learning styles amongst your
value and what motivates them. team, and offer them alternatives (i.e., mentoring,
e-learning, hands on training).
- Value each person as unique and having individual
needs, regardless of the generation they belong to. - Keep an open mind to alternative or innovative
approaches to work. Your way may not be the
only way.

The table below outlines some common trends for each generation. These characteristics may help you uncover the root
of different expectations and preferences amongst your team. However, use your Interpersonal Relationships skills to form
solid bonds with those you lead and get to know them personally; generational stereotypes should never replace healthy
conversations between a leader and his or her team.

This generation… prefers communication values things like… approaches work by…
that is….

Baby Boomers - s tructured and systematic, - expertise and experience - separating professional
like performance reviews - institutional and political and personal life
 orn between
1946–1964 - face to face knowledge - building strong
- social contributions relationships and networks
and loyalty

Generation X - face to face, or email - efficiency - working independently

 orn between -c
 lear, direct, and - work/life balance - learning on the fly
1965–1981 transparent as they tend - security - multitasking
to be slightly skeptical

Millennials/Gen Y - instantaneous - fast-paced work - working with others, team

- transparent environment work, socializing
• born after 1981
 bout strategy and vision - empowerment - doing what’s meaningful
for the company - creativity, innovation and has purpose
- t echnology based, like - hyper-connectivity
instant messaging

27 Copyright © 2012 Multi-Health Systems Inc. All rights reserved.


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