Financial Aid: For Full-Time Undergraduate Students
Financial Aid: For Full-Time Undergraduate Students
Financial Aid: For Full-Time Undergraduate Students
All NUS undergraduate students# can apply for NUS
financial aid and external financial aid schemes to
finance their tuition fees and living expenses.
student with:
PCI* of GHI**of
≤$2,250 OR ≤$9,000
Bursary of at least
$1,350 per year
* PCI: Total gross monthly income divided by total number of family members
GHI: Gross Household Income
The neediest Singaporean students
can obtain 100% coverage of their Bursaries do not need to
study expenses through NUS and be repaid, unlike loans.
external loans and bursaries.
For example:
A Singaporean student from a family of 4, with a total monthly
household income of $9,000 or less can receive a bursary.
• NUS Donated Bursary • NUS Student Assistance Loan Fee Subsidy • Tuition Fee loan
(Including most Faculty Bursaries) • NUS Study Loan
Applicable to students pursuing their first undergraduate degree in an autonomous university. Not applicable to full fee paying international students.
Application for NUS-Administered Financial Aid and more details can be found at:
For enquiries, students can contact the Office of Financial Aid at: or (+65) 6516 2870
Information is accurate as of Jun 2019