Cantilever Wall Example

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Project Job Ref.

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N 18-02-2020


Tedds calculation version 2.0.05

Design summary
Combination 1
Description Unit Provided Required Utilisation Result
Total length required ft 40.0 37.2 1.076 PASS
Force in tie/prop 11.0 kips/ft
Maximum moment in pile 104.2 kip_ft/ft
Maximum shear in pile 10.8 kips/ft
Combination 2
Description Unit Provided Required Utilisation Result
Total length required ft 40.0 37.1 1.078 PASS
Force in tie/prop 8.3 kips/ft
Maximum moment in pile 75.8 kip_ft/ft
Maximum shear in pile 8.1 kips/ft
Design method; Free earth support
Total length of sheet pile provided; Hpile = 40.0 ft
Number of different types of soil; Ns = 1
Retained height; dret = 20.0 ft
Depth of unplanned excavation; dex = 1.0 ft
Total retained height; ds = 21.0 ft
Angle of retained slope;  = 0.0 deg
Depth from ground level to tie; dt = 3.0 ft
Depth from GL to top of water table retained side; dw = 4.0 ft
Depth from GL to top of water table retaining side; dwp = 13.0 ft
Soil layer 1
Characteristic shearing resistance angle; 'k_s1 = 30.0 deg
Characteristic wall friction angle; k_s1 = 20.0 deg
Moist density of soil; m_s1 = 80.0 pcf
Characteristic saturated density of retained soil; s_s1 = 100.0 pcf
Height of soil 1; h1 = 50.0 ft
Partial factors on actions - Combination 1
Dead unfavourable action; G = 1.35
Dead favourable action; G,f = 1.00
Live unfavourable action; Q = 1.50

Partial factors for soil parameters - Combination 1

Angle of shearing resistance; ' = 1.00
Weight density;  = 1.00

Design soil properties - soil 1

Design effective shearing resistance angle; ’d = Atan(tan('k) / ') = 30.0 deg
Project Job Ref.

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Calc. by Date Chk'd by Date App'd by Date
N 18-02-2020

Design wall friction angle; d = atan(tan(k) / ') = 20.0 deg

Design saturated density of retained soil; m.d1 = m /  = 80.0 pcf
Design moist density of retained soil; s.d1 = s /  = 100.0 pcf
Design buoyant density of retained soil; d.d1 = s.d1- w = 37.6 pcf
Active pressure using Coulomb theory; Ka1 = sin( + 'd)2 / (sin()2  sin( - d)  (1 + (sin('d + d)  sin('d - ) /
(sin( - d)  sin( + ))))2) = 0.297
Passive pressure using Coulomb theory; Kp1 = sin(90 - 'd)2 / (sin(90 + d)  [1 - [sin('d + d)  sin('d) / (sin(90 +
d))]]2) = 6.105

Overburden on active side

Overburden at 0.0 ft below GL in soil 1; OB'a11 = 0 kN/m2 = 0.00 ksf
Overburden at 4.0 ft below GL in soil 1; OB'a21 = G  m.d1  ha1 + OB'a11 = 0.43 ksf
Overburden at 21.0 ft below GL in soil 1; OB'a31 = G  d.d1  ha2 + OB'a21 = 1.29 ksf
Overburden at 37.2 ft below GL in soil 1; OB'a41 = G  d.d1  ha3 + OB'a31 = 2.11 ksf

Overburden on passive side

Overburden at 21.0 ft below GL in soil 1; OB'p31 = 0 kN/m2 = 0.00 ksf
Overburden at 37.2 ft below GL in soil 1; OB'p41 = G,f  d.d1  hp3 + OB'p31 = 0.61 ksf

Pressure on active side

Active at 0.0 ft below GL in soil 1; p'a11 = Ka1  OB'a11 = 0.00 ksf
Active at 4.0 ft below GL in soil 1; p'a21 = Ka1  OB'a21 = 0.13 ksf
Active at 21.0 ft below GL in soil 1; p'a31 = Ka1  OB'a31 + G  w  (dL3 - dw) = 1.82 ksf
Active at 37.2 ft below GL in soil 1; p'a41 = Ka1  OB'a41 + G  w  (dL4 - dw) = 3.42 ksf

Pressure on passive side

Passive at 21.0 ft below GL in soil 1; p'p31 = Kp1  OB'p31 + G,f  w  (dL3 - max(ds, dw)) + G,f  w  (ds - dwp) =
0.50 ksf
Passive at 37.2 ft below GL in soil 1; p'p41 = Kp1  OB'p41 + G,f  w  (dL4 - max(ds, dw)) + G,f  w  (ds - dwp) =
5.21 ksf
Project Job Ref.

Section Sheet no./rev.

Calc. by Date Chk'd by Date App'd by Date
N 18-02-2020

By iteration the depth at which the active moments about the tie equal the passive moments about the tie has been
determined as 37.2 ft as follows:-
Active moment about tie
Moment level 1; Ma11 = 0.5  p'a11  ha1  ((dL2 - dt) - 2/3  ha1) = 0.0 kips_ft/ft
Moment level 1; Ma12 = 0.5  p'a21  ha1  ((dL2 - dt) - 1/3  ha1) = -0.1 kips_ft/ft
Moment level 2; Ma21 = 0.5  p'a21  ha2  ((dL3 - dt) - 2/3  ha2) = 7.3 kips_ft/ft
Moment level 2; Ma22 = 0.5  p'a31  ha2  ((dL3 - dt) - 1/3  ha2) = 190.6 kips_ft/ft
Moment level 3; Ma31 = 0.5  p'a31  ha3  ((dL4 - dt) - 2/3  ha3) = 343.6 kips_ft/ft
Moment level 3; Ma32 = 0.5  p'a41  ha3  ((dL4 - dt) - 1/3  ha3) = 796.2 kips_ft/ft

Passive moment about tie

Moment level 3; Mp31 = 0.5  p'p31  hp3  ((dL4 - dt) - 2/3  hp3) = 94.4 kips_ft/ft
Moment level 3; Mp32 = 0.5  p'p41  hp3  ((dL4 - dt) - 1/3  hp3) = 1212.5 kips_ft/ft
Moment about tie – water level on passive side; Mpw = 0.5  p'p31  (ds - dwp)  ((ds - dt) - 1/3  (ds - dwp)) = 30.6 kips_ft/ft

Total moments about tie

Total active moment; Ma = 1337.4 kips_ft/ft
Total passive moment; Mp = 1337.4 kips_ft/ft

Required pile length

Length of pile required to balance moments; Htotal = 37.2 ft
Pass - Provided length of sheet pile greater than minimum required length of pile
Active forces
Active force at level 1; Fa11 = 0.5  p'a11  ha1 = 0.0 kips/ft
Active force at level 1; Fa12 = 0.5  p'a21  ha1 = 0.3 kips/ft
Active force at level 2; Fa21 = 0.5  p'a21  ha2 = 1.1 kips/ft
Active force at level 2; Fa22 = 0.5  p'a31  ha2 = 15.5 kips/ft
Active force at level 3; Fa31 = 0.5  p'a31  ha3 = 14.7 kips/ft
Active force at level 3; Fa32 = 0.5  p'a41  ha3 = 27.7 kips/ft

Passive forces
Passive force at level 3; Fp31 = 0.5  p'p31  hp3 = 4.0 kips/ft
Passive force at level 3; Fp32 = 0.5  p'p41  hp3 = 42.1 kips/ft
Force due to water level on passive side; Fpw = 0.5  p'p31  (ds - dwp) = 2.0 kips/ft

Tie force
Total active forces; Fa = 59.2 kips/ft
Total passive forces; Fp = 48.2 kips/ft
Force in tie; T = Fa - Fp = 11.0 kips/ft

Partial factors on actions - Combination 2

Dead unfavourable action; G = 1.00
Dead favourable action; G,f = 1.00
Live unfavourable action; Q = 1.30

Partial factors for soil parameters - Combination 2

Angle of shearing resistance; ' = 1.25
Project Job Ref.

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N 18-02-2020

Weight density;  = 1.00

Design soil properties - soil 1

Design effective shearing resistance angle; ’d = Atan(tan('k) / ') = 24.8 deg
Design wall friction angle; d = atan(tan(k) / ') = 16.2 deg
Design saturated density of retained soil; m.d1 = m /  = 80.0 pcf
Design moist density of retained soil; s.d1 = s /  = 100.0 pcf
Design buoyant density of retained soil; d.d1 = s.d1- w = 37.6 pcf
Active pressure using Coulomb theory; Ka1 = sin( + 'd)2 / (sin()2  sin( - d)  (1 + (sin('d + d)  sin('d - ) /
(sin( - d)  sin( + ))))2) = 0.364
Passive pressure using Coulomb theory; Kp1 = sin(90 - 'd)2 / (sin(90 + d)  [1 - [sin('d + d)  sin('d) / (sin(90 +
d))]]2) = 3.977

Overburden on active side

Overburden at 0.0 ft below GL in soil 1; OB'a11 = 0 kN/m2 = 0.00 ksf
Overburden at 4.0 ft below GL in soil 1; OB'a21 = G  m.d1  ha1 + OB'a11 = 0.32 ksf
Overburden at 21.0 ft below GL in soil 1; OB'a31 = G  d.d1  ha2 + OB'a21 = 0.96 ksf
Overburden at 37.1 ft below GL in soil 1; OB'a41 = G  d.d1  ha3 + OB'a31 = 1.56 ksf

Overburden on passive side

Overburden at 21.0 ft below GL in soil 1; OB'p31 = 0 kN/m2 = 0.00 ksf
Overburden at 37.1 ft below GL in soil 1; OB'p41 = G,f  d.d1  hp3 + OB'p31 = 0.61 ksf

Pressure on active side

Active at 0.0 ft below GL in soil 1; p'a11 = Ka1  OB'a11 = 0.00 ksf
Active at 4.0 ft below GL in soil 1; p'a21 = Ka1  OB'a21 = 0.12 ksf
Active at 21.0 ft below GL in soil 1; p'a31 = Ka1  OB'a31 + G  w  (dL3 - dw) = 1.41 ksf
Active at 37.1 ft below GL in soil 1; p'a41 = Ka1  OB'a41 + G  w  (dL4 - dw) = 2.64 ksf
Project Job Ref.

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Calc. by Date Chk'd by Date App'd by Date
N 18-02-2020

Pressure on passive side

Passive at 21.0 ft below GL in soil 1; p'p31 = Kp1  OB'p31 + G,f  w  (dL3 - max(ds, dw)) + G,f  w  (ds - dwp) =
0.50 ksf
Passive at 37.1 ft below GL in soil 1; p'p41 = Kp1  OB'p41 + G,f  w  (dL4 - max(ds, dw)) + G,f  w  (ds - dwp) =
3.91 ksf
By iteration the depth at which the active moments about the tie equal the passive moments about the tie has been
determined as 37.1 ft as follows:-
Active moment about tie
Moment level 1; Ma11 = 0.5  p'a11  ha1  ((dL2 - dt) - 2/3  ha1) = 0.0 kips_ft/ft
Moment level 1; Ma12 = 0.5  p'a21  ha1  ((dL2 - dt) - 1/3  ha1) = -0.1 kips_ft/ft
Moment level 2; Ma21 = 0.5  p'a21  ha2  ((dL3 - dt) - 2/3  ha2) = 6.6 kips_ft/ft
Moment level 2; Ma22 = 0.5  p'a31  ha2  ((dL3 - dt) - 1/3  ha2) = 147.9 kips_ft/ft
Moment level 3; Ma31 = 0.5  p'a31  ha3  ((dL4 - dt) - 2/3  ha3) = 265.6 kips_ft/ft
Moment level 3; Ma32 = 0.5  p'a41  ha3  ((dL4 - dt) - 1/3  ha3) = 610.6 kips_ft/ft

Passive moment about tie

Moment level 3; Mp31 = 0.5  p'p31  hp3  ((dL4 - dt) - 2/3  hp3) = 94.1 kips_ft/ft
Moment level 3; Mp32 = 0.5  p'p41  hp3  ((dL4 - dt) - 1/3  hp3) = 905.9 kips_ft/ft
Moment about tie – water level on passive side; Mpw = 0.5  p'p31  (ds - dwp)  ((ds - dt) - 1/3  (ds - dwp)) = 30.6 kips_ft/ft

Total moments about tie

Total active moment; Ma = 1030.7 kips_ft/ft
Total passive moment; Mp = 1030.6 kips_ft/ft

Required pile length

Length of pile required to balance moments; Htotal = 37.1 ft
Pass - Provided length of sheet pile greater than minimum required length of pile
Active forces
Active force at level 1; Fa11 = 0.5  p'a11  ha1 = 0.0 kips/ft
Active force at level 1; Fa12 = 0.5  p'a21  ha1 = 0.2 kips/ft
Active force at level 2; Fa21 = 0.5  p'a21  ha2 = 1.0 kips/ft
Active force at level 2; Fa22 = 0.5  p'a31  ha2 = 12.0 kips/ft
Active force at level 3; Fa31 = 0.5  p'a31  ha3 = 11.4 kips/ft
Active force at level 3; Fa32 = 0.5  p'a41  ha3 = 21.2 kips/ft

Passive forces
Passive force at level 3; Fp31 = 0.5  p'p31  hp3 = 4.0 kips/ft
Passive force at level 3; Fp32 = 0.5  p'p41  hp3 = 31.5 kips/ft
Force due to water level on passive side; Fpw = 0.5  p'p31  (ds - dwp) = 2.0 kips/ft

Tie force
Total active forces; Fa = 45.8 kips/ft
Total passive forces; Fp = 37.5 kips/ft
Force in tie; T = Fa - Fp = 8.3 kips/ft

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