Green University of Bangladesh: Course Outline

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1 School Faculty of Science and Engineering (FOSE)
2 Department EEE
3 Program BSEEE
4 Name of Continuous Signals & Linear Systems
5 Course Code EEE 301
6 Trimester Fall, 2018
7 Pre-requisites All Math courses
8 Status Core EEE Course
9 Credit Hours 3
10 Section

12 Class Location
13 Course
14 Instructor
15 Contact
16 Office
18 Text Book Samir S. Soliman and Mandyan D. Srinath, Continuous and Discrete Signals and
Systems, Latest Edition. ISBN: 81-203-2307-6
19 Reference Signals and Systems, B.P. Lathi, Latest Edition.
20 Equipment & Bring your own materials (pen, paper, etc.) to participate effectively in classroom
Aids activities. You are not allowed to borrow from others inside the classroom
during class activities.
Besides class note, Please keep at least one blank A4 size paper per class with
21 Course This course deals with field and wave electromagnetics. Electromagnetics is related
Rationale with electric and magnetic field. Static electric field and static magnetic fields are
discussed in this course. Electric field in material media, magnetic field in material
media, capacitances, inductances, electric current etc. are main parts of discussion.
Maxwell’s equations relate electric and magnetic field and also discuss time varying
fields. From Maxwell’s equations electromagnetic induction and plane wave in
media are analyzed.
22 Course Static electric field: Postulates of electrostatics, Coulomb's law for discrete and
Description continuously distributed charges, Gauss's law and its application, electric potential
due to charge distribution, conductors and dielectrics in static electric field, flux
density- boundary conditions; capacitance- electrostatic energy and forces, energy in
terms of field equations, capacitance calculation of different geometries; boundary
value problems- Poisson's and Laplace's equations in different co-ordinate systems.
Steady electric current: Ohm's law, continuity equation, Joule's law, resistance
calculation. Static Magnetic field: Postulates of magneto statics, Biot-Savart's law,
Ampere's law and applications, vector magnetic potential, magnetic dipole,
magnetization, magnetic field intensity and relative permeability, boundary
conditions for magnetic field, magnetic energy, magnetic forces, torque and
inductance of different geometries. Time varying fields and Maxwell's equations:
Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction, Maxwell's equations - differential and
integral forms, boundary conditions, potential functions; time harmonic fields and
Poynting theorem. Plane electromagnetic wave: plane wave in loss less media-
Doppler effect, transverse electromagnetic wave, polarization of plane wave; plane
wave in lossy media- low-loss dielectrics, good conductors; group velocity,
instantaneous and average power densities, normal and oblique incidence of plane
waves at plane boundaries for different polarization.
23 Course After completing this course students will be able to
Outcomes CO1. Introduce to the different types of signals and system that have been used
(CO) frequently in engineering.
CO2.  Analyze continuous and discrete time signals and systems in the
CO3. Gain an appreciation for the importance of linear systems analysis in
analog filter designing, communications, feedback control systems

24 Teaching
Lecture, Case Studies, Project Developments.
25 Topics All topics and problems are from the main text if not specified otherwise.

Lec Selected Topics Articles Suggested Outcome

(Text) Problems
1-2 Introduction to course, Signal and its classification 1.2-1.4, 1.3.1-1.4.3 CO1
(Continuous-Discrete, Periodic-Aperiodic, Causal- 1.6 (Text)
Noncausal-Anticausal etc.) Elementary signals (Text)
3-5 Energy and power signal, Properties of delta signal, 1.5-1.6 1.5.1-1.6.8 CO1
Signal representation using elementary signal, (Text) (Text)
Transformation of independent variables (Shifting,
scaling, reflection)
6-8 System (Definition and classification), LTI (Linear 2.1-2.4 2.2.1-2.4.1 CO1+CO2
Time Invariant) system (Definition and properties), (Text) (Text)
9-11 System representation using differential equation, 2.5-2.6 2.5.1-2.6.14 CO1+CO2
State variable representation of a linear system (Text) (Text)
12 Review of Midterm syllabus
Mid Exam
13-15 Introduction to frequency domain analysis, Orthogonal 3.1-3.7 3.2.1-3.6.6 CO2
signal, Exponential Fourier series, Dirichlet (Text) (Text)
conditions, Properties of Fourier series, Gibbs
16-18 Continuous time Fourier transform and its properties, 4.1-4.5 4.2.1-4.5.6 CO2
Application of Fourier transform, Duration bandwidth (Text) (Text)
19-21 .Laplace transform (Unilateral and bilateral), 5.1-5.6 5.2.2-5.6.3 CO2
Properties of Laplace transform, Inverse Laplace (Text) (Text)
22-23 Application of Laplace transform, Use of frequency 5.8(Text) 5.8.1-5.8.4 CO3
domain analysis in filter design, simulation of some 3.7- (Text)
basic systems. 3.8(ref)

24 Review of full syllabus

Final Exam

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