Jamainternal Liang 2020 Oi 200032
Jamainternal Liang 2020 Oi 200032
Jamainternal Liang 2020 Oi 200032
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IMPORTANCE Early identification of patients with novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)
who may develop critical illness is of great importance and may aid in delivering proper
treatment and optimizing use of resources.
OBJECTIVE To develop and validate a clinical score at hospital admission for predicting which
patients with COVID-19 will develop critical illness based on a nationwide cohort in China.
DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS Collaborating with the National Health Commission of
China, we established a retrospective cohort of patients with COVID-19 from 575 hospitals in
31 provincial administrative regions as of January 31, 2020. Epidemiological, clinical,
laboratory, and imaging variables ascertained at hospital admission were screened using
Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator (LASSO) and logistic regression to construct
a predictive risk score (COVID-GRAM). The score provides an estimate of the risk that a
hospitalized patient with COVID-19 will develop critical illness. Accuracy of the score was
measured by the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC). Data from 4
additional cohorts in China hospitalized with COVID-19 were used to validate the score. Data
were analyzed between February 20, 2020 and March 17, 2020.
MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES Among patients with COVID-19 admitted to the hospital,
critical illness was defined as the composite measure of admission to the intensive care unit,
invasive ventilation, or death.
RESULTS The development cohort included 1590 patients. the mean (SD) age of patients in
the cohort was 48.9 (15.7) years; 904 (57.3%) were men. The validation cohort included 710
patients with a mean (SD) age of 48.2 (15.2) years, and 382 (53.8%) were men and 172
(24.2%). From 72 potential predictors, 10 variables were independent predictive factors and
were included in the risk score: chest radiographic abnormality (OR, 3.39; 95% CI, 2.14-5.38),
age (OR, 1.03; 95% CI, 1.01-1.05), hemoptysis (OR, 4.53; 95% CI, 1.36-15.15), dyspnea (OR,
1.88; 95% CI, 1.18-3.01), unconsciousness (OR, 4.71; 95% CI, 1.39-15.98), number of
comorbidities (OR, 1.60; 95% CI, 1.27-2.00), cancer history (OR, 4.07; 95% CI, 1.23-13.43),
neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (OR, 1.06; 95% CI, 1.02-1.10), lactate dehydrogenase (OR,
1.002; 95% CI, 1.001-1.004) and direct bilirubin (OR, 1.15; 95% CI, 1.06-1.24). The mean AUC
in the development cohort was 0.88 (95% CI, 0.85-0.91) and the AUC in the validation cohort
was 0.88 (95% CI, 0.84-0.93). The score has been translated into an online risk calculator Author Affiliations: Author
affiliations are listed at the end of this
that is freely available to the public (
CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE In this study, a risk score based on characteristics of COVID-19 Group Information: a complete list
patients at the time of admission to the hospital was developed that may help predict a of the members of the China Medical
Treatment Expert Group for
patient’s risk of developing critical illness.
COVID-19 appears at the end of this
Corresponding Author: Jianxing He,
MD, PhD ([email protected]),
and Nan-Shan Zhong, MD,
Guangzhou Institute of Respiratory
Health ([email protected]),
China State Key Laboratory of
Respiratory Disease, National Clinical
Research Center for Respiratory
Disease, The First Affiliated Hospital
of Guangzhou Medical University,
JAMA Intern Med. 2020;180(8):1081-1089. doi:10.1001/jamainternmed.2020.2033 151 Yanjiang Rd, Guangzhou,
Published online May 12, 2020. Guangdong 510120, China.
(Reprinted) 1081
© 2020 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.
he outbreak of the novel coronavirus disease 2019
(COVID-19) began in Wuhan, China in December 2019. Key Points
Since then, it has rapidly spread around the world. As
Question What epidemiological and clinical characteristics are
of April 16, 2020, the WHO reported a total of 1 995 983 associated with the development of critical illness among patients
COVID-19 cases globally, with average mortality of 6.57%. with novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)? Can these
The clinical spectrum of COVID-19 pneumonia ranges from characteristics be used to predict which patients admitted to the
mild to critically ill cases. Patients with mild disease present hospital with COVID-19 will need admission to an intensive care
with symptoms of fever and cough, followed by sputum pro- unit, mechanical ventilation, or will die?
duction and fatigue. Sepsis, respiratory failure, acute respira- Findings In this study with a development cohort of 1590 patients
tory distress syndrome, heart failure, and septic shock are com- and a validation cohort of 710 patients, a risk score was developed
monly observed in critically ill patients.1 and validated to predict development of critical illness. We
According to the largest current report from the Chinese identified 10 independent predictors and developed a risk score
(COVID-GRAM) that predicts development of critical illness. The
Center for Disease Control and Prevention with 72 314 cases,
risk score predictors included: chest radiography abnormality, age,
58 574 patients (81%) were classified as mild, 10 124 (14%) were hemoptysis, dyspnea, unconsciousness, number of comorbidities,
classified as severe, and 3616 (5%) were considered critical ill- cancer history, neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio, lactate
ness. The average case-fatality rate was 2.3%, but mortality was dehydrogenase, and direct bilirubin.
as high as 49% in patients with critical illness.2 Among 201 pa-
Meaning The COVID risk score may help identify patients with
tients in Wuhan, Wu et al3 reported that risk factors associ- COVID-19 who may subsequently develop critical illness.
ated with development of acute respiratory distress syn-
drome and death included older age, neutrophilia, organ
dysfunction, coagulopathy, and elevated D-dimer levels.
Early detection of patients who are likely to develop criti- tion (laboratory findings, clinical symptoms and signs, sever-
cal illness is of great importance and may aid in delivering ity, and discharge status).
proper care and optimizing use of limited resources. We aimed
to construct a risk prediction score based on a nationwide co- Potential Predictive Variables
hort of Chinese patients with COVID-19 to help identify pa- Potential predictive variables included the following patient
tients at the time of hospital admission who are likely to de- characteristics at hospital admission: clinical signs and symp-
velop critical illness. toms, imaging results, laboratory findings, demographic vari-
ables, and medical history. Demographic variables collected
for the study included age, sex, smoking status, exposure to
Wuhan (including Wuhan residency, travel history to Wu-
Methods han, or contact with people from Wuhan), residency in Hubei
Data Sources and Processing province, and time between onset of symptoms to admis-
This study was approved by the ethics committee of the First sion. Medical history included number of comorbidities,
Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University; written chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, diabetes, hyperten-
informed consent was waived owing to the use of deidenti- sion, coronary artery disease, cerebrovascular disease, hepa-
fied retrospective data. On behalf of the National Clinical Re- titis B, cancer, chronic renal disease, immunodeficiency dis-
search Center for Respiratory Disease and collaborating with ease, and pregnancy. Clinical signs and symptoms included
the National Health Commission of the People’s Republic of categorical and continuous variables: first body tempera-
China, we established a retrospective cohort to study COVID-19 ture, respiratory rate, heart rate, cardiac arrhythmia, systolic
cases throughout China. We obtained medical records from blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, symptoms rating, fe-
laboratory-confirmed hospitalized cases with COVID-19 re- ver, conjunctival congestion, nasal congestion, headache,
ported to the China National Health Commission between No- cough, expectoration, sore throat, fatigue, hemoptysis, dys-
vember 21, 2019 and January 31, 2020, as previously pnea, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, arthralgia and myalgia,
described.4 The National Health Commission of China re- rigor, throat blockage, tonsillar enlargement, enlarged lymph
quested that all 1855 hospitals in China that were designated nodes, skin rash, and unconsciousness. Imaging results in-
to care for COVID-19 patients submit the clinical records of all cluded chest radiography (CXR) abnormality, the severity of
hospitalized COVID-19 cases without selection to the data- CXR abnormality, chest computed tomographic (CT) imaging
base by January 31, 2020. For the development cohort, we used abnormality, and the severity of CT abnormality. Laboratory
data from the 575 hospitals that contributed clinical data by findings included partial arterial oxygen pressure, oxygen satu-
the deadline. ration, white blood cell, lymphocyte, and platelet counts, neu-
COVID-19 diagnoses were confirmed by positive high- trophil to lymphocyte ratio, and levels of hemoglobin, C-
throughput sequencing or real-time reverse-transcription poly- reactive protein, procalcitonin, lactate dehydrogenase,
merase-chain-reaction (RT-PCR) assay for nasal and pharyn- aspartate transaminase, direct bilirubin, indirect bilirubin, total
geal swab specimens. A team of experienced respiratory bilirubin, creatine kinase, creatinine, hypersensitive tropo-
clinicians reviewed, abstracted and cross-checked the data. nin I, albumin, serum sodium, serum potassium, serum chlo-
Each record was checked independently by 2 clinicians. We in- rine, D-dimer levels, prothrombin time, and activated partial
cluded all patients with data on clinical status at hospitaliza- thromboplastin time.
1082 JAMA Internal Medicine August 2020 Volume 180, Number 8 (Reprinted) jamainternalmedicine.com
jamainternalmedicine.com (Reprinted) JAMA Internal Medicine August 2020 Volume 180, Number 8 1083
Table 1. Demographics and Clinical Characteristics Among Patients In the Development Cohort
Who Did or Did Not Develop Critical Illnessa
Critical illness
Characteristic Total, mean (SD) [range] No Yes
No. 1590 1459 131
Age, mean (SD), y 48.9 (15.7) [1-95] 47.8 (15.2) 61.6 (14.8)
Incubation period, mean (SD), d 5.0 (4.1) [0-24] 4.9 (4.1) 5.7 (4.2)
Admission measures, mean (SD)
Temperature, °C 37.3 (0.9) [35.5-40.3] 37.4 (0.9) 37.1 (0.9)
Respiratory rate, breaths/min 21.2 (12.0) [12-65] 21.1 (12.4) 23.1 (5.9)
Heart rate, beats/min 88.7 (14.6) [17-205] 88.6 (14.4) 89.7 (16.0)
Blood pressure, mm Hg
Systolic 126.1 (16.4) [74-187] 125.5 (15.6) 131.4 (22.5)
Diastolic 79.5 (25.6) [40-160] 79 (11.3) 84.7 (76.1)
Male, No./No. (%) 904/1578 (57.3) 816/1447 (56.4) 88/131 (67.2)
Smoking status, No./No. (%)
Never 1479/1590 (93.0) 1366/1459 (93.6) 113/131 (86.3)
Former/current 111/1590 (7) 93/1459 (6.4) 18/131 (13.7)
Symptoms, No./No. (%)
Degree of symptoms
0 73/1590 (4.6) 67/1459 (4.6) 6/131 (4.6)
1 176/1590 (11.1) 170/1459 (11.7) 6/131 (4.6)
2 353/1590 (22.2) 330/1459 (22.6) 23/131 (17.6)
3 409/1590 (25.7) 378/1459 (25.9) 31/131 (23.7)
4 287/1590 (18.1) 258/1459 (17.7) 29/131 (22.1)
5 158/1590 (9.9) 141/1459 (9.7) 17/131 (13.0)
6 76/1590 (4.8) 68/1459 (4.7) 8/131 (6.1)
7 36/1590 (2.3) 29/1459 (2.0) 7/131 (5.3)
8 14/1590 (0.9) 11/1459 (0.8) 3/131 (2.3)
9 7/1590 (0.4) 6/1459 (0.4) 1/131 (0.8)
10 1/1590 (0.1) 1/1459 (0.1) 0/131 (0)
Fever 1351/1536 (88.0) 1237/1409 (87.8) 114/127 (89.8)
Conjunctival 10/1345 (0.7) 10/1235 (0.8) 0/110 (0)
Nasal 73/1299 (5.6) 64/1191 (5.4) 9/108 (8.3)
Headache 205/1328 (15.4) 190/1221 (15.6) 15/107 (14)
Dry cough 1052/1498 (70.2) 959/1372 (69.9) 93/126 (73.8)
Sore throat 194/1317 (14.7) 181/1207 (15.0) 13/110 (11.8)
Productive cough 513/1424 (36.0) 461/1302 (35.4) 52/122 (42.6)
Fatigue 584/1365 (42.8) 539/1250 (43.1) 45/115 (39.1)
Hemoptysis 16/1315 (1.2) 10/1201 (0.8) 6/114 (5.3)
Shortness of breath 331/1394 (23.7) 257/1275 (20.2) 74/119 (62.2)
Nausea/vomiting 80/1371 (5.8) 73/1256 (5.8) 7/115 (6.1)
Diarrhea 57/1359 (4.2) 52/1244 (4.2) 5/115 (4.3)
Myalgia/arthralgia 234/1338 (17.5) 215/1229 (17.5) 19/109 (17.4)
Chills 163/1333 (12.2) 151/1222 (12.4) 12/111 (10.8)
Throat congestion 21/1286 (1.6) 21/1178 (1.8) 0/108 (0)
Tonsil swelling 31/1376 (2.3) 30/1261 (2.4) 1/115 (0.9)
Enlargement of lymph nodes 2/1375 (0.1) 1/1261 (0.1) 1/114 (0.9)
Rash 3/1378 (0.2) 3/1264 (0.2) 0/114 (0)
Unconsciousness 20/1421 (1.4) 10/1303 (0.8) 10/118 (8.5)
1084 JAMA Internal Medicine August 2020 Volume 180, Number 8 (Reprinted) jamainternalmedicine.com
Table 1. Demographics and Clinical Characteristics Among Patients In the Development Cohort
Who Did or Did Not Develop Critical Illnessa (continued)
Critical illness
Characteristic Total, mean (SD) [range] No Yes
Comorbidities, No./No. (%)
Any 399/1590 (25.1) 322/1459 (22.1) 77/131 (58.8)
No. of comorbidities
0 1191/1590 (74.9) 1137/1459 (77.9) 54/131 (41.2)
1 269/1590 (16.9) 229/1459 (15.7) 40/131 (30.5)
2 88/1590 (5.5) 68/1459 (4.7) 20/131 (15.3)
3 34/1590 (2.1) 20/1459 (1.4) 14/131 (10.7)
4 5/1590 (0.3) 4/1459 (0.3) 1/131 (0.8)
5 3/1590 (0.2) 1/1459 (0.1) 2/131 (1.5)
COPD 24/1590 (1.5) 12/1459 (0.8) 12/131 (9.2)
Diabetes 130/1590 (8.2) 99/1459 (6.8) 31/131 (23.7)
Hypertension 269/1590 (16.9) 216/1459 (14.8) 53/131 (40.5)
Cardiovascular disease 59/1590 (3.7) 46/1459 (3.2) 13/131 (9.9)
Cerebrovascular disease 30/1590 (1.9) 20/1459 (1.4) 10/131 (7.6)
Hepatitis B infection 28/1590 (1.8) 25/1459 (1.7) 3/131 (2.3)
Malignancy 18/1590 (1.1) 11/1459 (0.8) 7/131 (5.3)
Chronic kidney disease 21/1590 (1.3) 15/1459 (1.0) 6/131 (4.6)
Immunodeficiency 3/1590 (0.2) 2/1459 (0.1) 1/131 (0.8)
Abnormal chest radiography 243/1590 (15.3) 184/1459 (12.6) 59/131 (45.0)
Severity of abnormality
0 1347/1590 (84.7) 1275/1459 (87.4) 72/131 (55.0)
1 138/1590 (8.7) 104/1459 (7.1) 34/131 (26.0)
2 69/1590 (4.3) 59/1459 (4.0) 10/131 (7.6)
3 36/1590 (2.3) 21/1459 (1.4) 15/131 (11.5)
Abnormal chest CT 1130/1590 (71.1) 1035/1459 (70.9) 95/131 (72.5)
Severity of abnormality
0 460/1590 (28.9) 424/1459 (29.1) 36/131 (27.5)
1 492/1590 (30.9) 466/1459 (31.9) 26/131 (19.8)
2 291/1590 (18.3) 258/1459 (17.7) 33/131 (25.2)
Abbreviation: COPD, chronic
3 248/1590 (15.6) 224/1459 (15.4) 24/131 (18.3) obstructive pulmonary disease;
4 99/1590 (6.2) 87/1459 (6.0) 12/131 (9.2) CT, computed tomography.
Residency in Hubei Province, yes 647/1590 (40.7) 552/1459 (37.8) 95/131 (72.5) Data are mean (SD), No./No. (%),
where No. is the total number of
Exposure to Wuhan, yes 1334/1590 (83.9) 1213/1459 (83.1) 121/131 (92.4)
patients with available data.
comorbidities (OR, 1.60; 95% CI, 1.27-2.00; P < .001), cancer An online calculator based on COVID-GRAM was devel-
history (OR, 4.07; 95% CI, 1.23-13.43; P = .02), neutrophil-to- oped to allow clinicians to enter the values of the 10 variables
lymphocyte ratio (OR, 1.06; 95% CI, 1.02-1.10; P = .003), lac- required for the risk score with automatic calculation of the
tate dehydrogenase (OR, 1.002; 95% CI, 1.001-1.004, P < .001), likelihood (with 95% CIs) that a hospitalized patient with
and direct bilirubin (OR, 1.15; 95% CI, 1.06-1.24; P = .001) COVID-19 will develop critical illness (http://118.126.104.
(Table 3). 170/) (Figure)
Construction of the Risk Score and Web-Based Calculator The Performance of COVID Risk Score
The COVID risk score was constructed based on the coeffi- By internal bootstrap validation, the mean AUC based on data
cients from the logistic model. We used the following formu- from the development cohort was 0.88 (95% CI, 0.85-0.91)
las for the logistic model to calculate the probability and 95% (eFigure 2 in the Supplement). The AUC of COVID risk score
confidence intervals9: probability = exp( 兺 β × X)/[1+ exp for patients in the epicenter at Hubei was 0.87 (95% CI, 0.83-
( 兺 β × X)], lower limit of 95% CI = exp[ 兺 Xn × βn− 兺 z × SE 0.91) and outside Hubei was 0.82 (95% CI, 0.73-0.90). The pre-
(β)]/{1+exp[ 兺 Xn × βn- 兺 z × SE(β)]}, upper limit of 95% dictive value of COVID-GRAM was higher than the CURB-6
CI = exp[ 兺 Xn × βn+ 兺 z × SE(β)]/{1+exp[ 兺 Xn × βn+ 兺 z × SE model, which had an AUC of 0.75 (95% CI, 0.70-0.80) for cor-
(β)]}. rect prediction of development of critical illness (P < .001).
jamainternalmedicine.com (Reprinted) JAMA Internal Medicine August 2020 Volume 180, Number 8 1085
Table 2. Laboratory Findings Among Patients Who Did or Did Not Develop Critical Illness
1086 JAMA Internal Medicine August 2020 Volume 180, Number 8 (Reprinted) jamainternalmedicine.com
Figure. The Online Web-Based Calculatora for Predicting Critical Illness Among Patients With COVID-19
Guangzhou Institute of Respiratory Health is responsible for the web-based calculator (
ing critical illness are generally readily available at hospital score. Previous studies have found several of these vari-
admission, and the web-based calculator is easy to use. If ables to be risk factors for severe illness related to COVID-19.
the patient’s estimated risk for critical illness is low, the cli- Wu et al3 found that older age and more comorbidities were
nician may choose to monitor, whereas high-risk estimates associated with a higher risk of developing ARDS in patients
might support aggressive treatment or admission to the ICU. infected with COVID-19. A previous study10 from our group
We deliberately did not categorize risk into low-, moderate-, found that patients with COVID-19 with cancer had higher
and high-risk groups, as we believe that clinicians are better risk of severe events compared with patients without cancer
informed by calculating the risk estimate for each individual (39% vs 18%). Zhou and colleagues1 found lower lympho-
patient and making decisions based on local or regional con- cyte count, higher lactate dehydrogenase, and more
ditions. For example, in areas with good access to clinical imaging abnormalities in patients who died from COVID-19
and supportive care, patient outcomes might be optimized disease.
by deciding to provide more aggressive care to moderate
risk patients. In contrast, in areas with high case volume Limitations
and/or limited resources, the decision might be to provide Potential limitations of this study include a modest sample
less aggressive care to moderate-risk patients to maximize size for constructing the risk score and a relatively small
availability of ICU beds and ventilators. sample for validation. The data for score development and
Chest radiography abnormality, age, hemoptysis, dysp- validation are entirely from China, which could potentially
nea, unconsciousness, number of comorbidities, cancer his- limit the generalizability of the risk score in other areas of
tory, neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio, lactate dehydroge- the world. Additional validation studies of the COVID risk
nase, and direct bilirubin were included in the COVID risk score from areas outside China should be completed.
jamainternalmedicine.com (Reprinted) JAMA Internal Medicine August 2020 Volume 180, Number 8 1087
No./No. (%)
Critical illness
Characteristic Validation cohort, total No Yes
No. 729 642 87
Age, mean (SD) [range], y 48.2 (15.2) [4-88] 46.2 (14.3) 63.1 (13.1)
Neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio 5.8 (8.7) [0.08-109.2] 4.3 (3.8) 17.1 (20.0)
Lactate dehydrogenase, mean (SD) [range], 288.3 (151.2) 264.1 (119.6) 479.5 (223.8)
U/L [106-1390]
Direct bilirubin, mean (SD) [range], umol/L 9.7 (9.6) [0-79] 9.1 (9.5) 14.1 (9.8)
Abnormal chest radiograph 355/723 (49.1) 277/639 (43.3) 78/84 (92.9)
Hemoptysis 8/724 (1.1) 7/642 (1.0) 1/82 (1.2)
Shortness of breath 118/724 (16.3) 70/642 (10.9) 48/82 (58.5)
Unconsciousness 6/724 (0.8) 0/642 (0) 6/82 (0.7)
0 550/722 (76.2) 521/642 (81.2) 29/80 (36.3)
1 103/722 (14.3) 83/642 (12.9) 20/80 (25.0)
2 56/722 (7.8) 33/642 (5.1) 23/80 (28.8)
3 10/722 (1.4) 3/642 (0.4) 7/80 (8.8)
4 3/722 (0.4) 2/642 (0.3) 1/80 (1.3)
Malignant disease 9/723 (1.2) 9/642 (1.4) 0/81 (0)
ARTICLE INFORMATION Acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data: W. The China Medical Treatment Expert Group for
Accepted for Publication: April 20, 2020. Liang, Ou, B. Chen, C. Li, Y. Li, Guan, Sang, Lu, Xu, J. COVID-19: Zong-jiu Zhang, MD, Ya-hui Jiao, MD, Bin
Guo, Z. Chen, Zhao, S. Li, Zhang, Zhong. Du, MD, Xin-qiang Gao, MD and Tao Wei, MD
Published Online: May 12, 2020. Drafting of the manuscript: W. Liang, H. Liang, B. (National Health Commission), Yu-fei Duan, MD and
doi:10.1001/jamainternmed.2020.2033 Chen, C. Li, G. Chen, Zhao, Zhong, He. Zhi-ling Zhao, MD (Health Commission of
Author Affiliations: National Clinical Research Critical revision of the manuscript for important Guangdong Province), Yi-min Li, MD, Zi-jing Liang,
Center for Respiratory Disease, The First Affiliated intellectual content: W. Liang, Ou, A. Chen, Y. Li, MD, Nuo-fu Zhang, MD, Shi-yue Li, MD, Qing-hui
Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University, Guan, Sang, Lu, Xu, H. Guo, J. Guo, Z. Chen, S. Li, Huang, MD, Wen-xi Huang, MD, and Ming Li, MD
Guangzhou, China (W. Liang, H. Liang, Ou, A. Chen, Zhang, Zhong. (Guangzhou Institute of Respiratory Health), Zheng
C. Li, Y. Li, Guan, Sang, Xu, Z. Chen, Zhao, S. Li, Statistical analysis: W. Liang, H. Liang, Ou, B. Chen, Chen, MD, Dong Han, MD, Li Li, MD, Zheng Chen,
Zhang, Zhong, He); Department of Thoracic H. Guo, Z. Chen, He. MD, Zhi-ying Zhan, MD, Jin-jian Chen, MD, Li-jun
Surgery, The First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Obtained funding: W. Liang, A. Chen, Xu. Xu, MD, Xiao-han Xu, MD (State Key Laboratory of
Medical University, Guangzhou, China (W. Liang, Administrative, technical, or material support: Y. Li, Organ Failure Research, Department of
H. Liang, Zhao, He); Department of Rheumatology, G. Chen, J. Guo, Z. Chen, S. Li, Zhong. Biostatistics, Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory
The First Affiliated Hospital, Sun Yat-sen University, Supervision: Sang, Lu, Zhang, Zhong. of Tropical Disease Research, School of Public
Guangzhou, China (B. Chen); Hankou Hospital, Other - Construction of the online calculator: B. Health, Southern Medical University); Li-qiang
Wuhan, China (A. Chen, Lu, Zhang); Department of Chen. Wang, MD, Wei-peng Cai, MD, Zi-sheng Chen, MD
Intensive Care Unit, The First Affiliated Hospital of Conflict of Interest Disclosures: None reported. (the sixth affiliated hospital of Guangzhou medical
Guangzhou Medical University, Guangzhou, China university), Chang-xing Ou, MD, Xiao-min Peng,
(Y. Li, Sang, Xu); Jinyintan Hospital, Wuhan, China Funding/Support: This study is supported by China MD, Si-ni Cui, MD, Yuan Wang, MD, Mou Zeng, MD,
(Sang); Tongji Medical College, Union Hospital, National Science Foundation (Grant No. 81871893), Xin Hao, MD, Qi-hua He, MD, Jing-pei Li, MD, Xu-kai
Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Key Project of Guangzhou Scientific Research Li, MD, Wei Wang, MD, Li-min Ou, MD, Ya-lei Zhang,
Wuhan, Hubei, China (Xu); The First People Project (Grant No. 201804020030), High-level MD, Jing-wei Liu, MD, Xin-guo Xiong, MD, Wei-juna
Hospital of Foshan, Foshan, China (G. Chen); university construction project of Guangzhou Shi, MD, San-mei Yu, MD, Run-dong Qin, MD,
Nanhai Hospital, Foshan, China (H. Guo); Daye medical university (Grant No. 20182737, Si-yang Yao, MD, Bo-meng Zhang, MD, Xiao-hong
Hospital, Hubei, China (J. Guo); The Sixth Affiliated 201721007, 201715907, 2017160107); National key Xie, MD, Zhan-hong Xie, MD, Wan-di Wang, MD,
Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University, R & D Program (Grant No. 2017YFC0907903 & Xiao-xian Zhang, MD, Hui-yin Xu, MD, Zi-qing Zhou,
Qingyuan, China (Z. Chen). 2017YFC0112704) and the Guangdong high level MD, Ying Jiang, MD, Ni Liu, MD, Jing-jing Yuan, MD,
hospital construction “reaching peak” plan. Zheng Zhu, MD, Jie-xia Zhang, MD, Hong-hao Li,
Author Contributions: Drs W. Liang and He had full
access to all of the data in the study and take Role of the Funder/Sponsor: The funding MD, Wei-hua Huang, MD, Lu-lin Wang, MD, Jie-ying
responsibility for the integrity of the data and the organizations had no role in the design and conduct Li, MD, Li-fen Gao, MD, Jia-bo Gao, MD, Cai-chen Li,
accuracy of the data analysis. Drs W. Liang, H. of the study; collection, management, analysis, and MD, Xue-wei Chen, MD, Jia-bo Gao, MD, Ming-shan
Liang, Ou, B. Chen, A. Chen, and C. Li are joint first interpretation of the data; preparation, review, or Xue, MD, Shou-xie Huang, MD, Jia-man Tang, MD,
authors. approval of the manuscript; and decision to submit Wei-li Gu, MD, Jin-lin Wang, MD (Guangzhou
Concept and design: W. Liang, H. Liang, A. Chen, Xu, the manuscript for publication. Institute of Respiratory Health).
G. Chen, H. Guo, Zhang, Zhong, He.
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