Covid 19
Covid 19
Covid 19
Background Since December, 2019, Wuhan, China, has experienced an outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 Published Online
(COVID-19), caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). Epidemiological and March 9, 2020
clinical characteristics of patients with COVID-19 have been reported but risk factors for mortality and a detailed
clinical course of illness, including viral shedding, have not been well described.
This online publication has
been corrected. The corrected
Methods In this retrospective, multicentre cohort study, we included all adult inpatients (≥18 years old) with laboratory- version first appeared at
confirmed COVID-19 from Jinyintan Hospital and Wuhan Pulmonary Hospital (Wuhan, China) who had been on
March 12, 2020
discharged or had died by Jan 31, 2020. Demographic, clinical, treatment, and laboratory data, including serial
samples for viral RNA detection, were extracted from electronic medical records and compared between survivors *Contributed equally
and non-survivors. We used univariable and multivariable logistic regression methods to explore the risk factors Department of Pulmonary and
Critical Care Medicine, Center
associated with in-hospital death. of Respiratory Medicine,
National Clinical Research
Findings 191 patients (135 from Jinyintan Hospital and 56 from Wuhan Pulmonary Hospital) were included in this Center for Respiratory Diseases,
study, of whom 137 were discharged and 54 died in hospital. 91 (48%) patients had a comorbidity, with hypertension Institute of Respiratory
Medicine, Chinese Academy of
being the most common (58 [30%] patients), followed by diabetes (36 [19%] patients) and coronary heart disease Medical Sciences, Peking Union
(15 [8%] patients). Multivariable regression showed increasing odds of in-hospital death associated with older age Medical College, Beijing, China
(odds ratio 1·10, 95% CI 1·03–1·17, per year increase; p=0·0043), higher Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA) (F Zhou MD, G Fan MS, Z Liu MD,
score (5·65, 2·61–12·23; p<0·0001), and d-dimer greater than 1 µg/mL (18·42, 2·64–128·55; p=0·0033) on admission. Y Wang MD, X Gu PhD, H Li MD,
Y Zhang MD, Prof B Cao MD);
Median duration of viral shedding was 20·0 days (IQR 17·0–24·0) in survivors, but SARS-CoV-2 was detectable until Department of Tuberculosis
death in non-survivors. The longest observed duration of viral shedding in survivors was 37 days. and Respiratory Disease
(T Yu MD, Y Liu MD, B Song MS,
Interpretation The potential risk factors of older age, high SOFA score, and d-dimer greater than 1 µg/mL could help Y Wei MS, S Tu MD,
Prof H Chen MD) and
clinicians to identify patients with poor prognosis at an early stage. Prolonged viral shedding provides the rationale Department of Clinical
for a strategy of isolation of infected patients and optimal antiviral interventions in the future. Laboratory (J Xiang MS), and
GCP Center (X Wu MS),
Jinyintan Hospital, Wuhan,
Funding Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences Innovation Fund for Medical Sciences; National Science Grant for
China; Department of
Distinguished Young Scholars; National Key Research and Development Program of China; The Beijing Science and Pulmonary and Critical Care
Technology Project; and Major Projects of National Science and Technology on New Drug Creation and Development. Medicine, Wuhan Pulmonary
Hospital, Wuhan, China
(R Du MD, L Guan MD);
Copyright © 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Department of Pulmonary and
Critical Care Medicine
Introduction asymptomatic infection, mild upper respiratory tract (Prof B Cao) and Institute of
In December, 2019, Wuhan city, the capital of Hubei illness, and severe viral pneumonia with respiratory Clinical Medical Sciences (G Fan,
X Gu), China-Japan Friendship
province in China, became the centre of an outbreak of failure and even death, with many patients being
Hospital, Beijing, China;
pneumonia of unknown cause. By Jan 7, 2020, Chinese hospitalised with pneumonia in Wuhan.5–7 Although some Department of Respiratory
scientists had isolated a novel coronavirus, severe acute case series have been published, many patients in these Medicine, Capital Medical
respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2; previ series remained hospitalised at time of publication. To our University, Beijing, China
(Y Wang, Prof B Cao); and
ously known as 2019-nCoV), from these patients with knowledge, no previous studies have been done among Tsinghua University School of
virus-infected pneumonia,1,2 which was later designated patients with definite outcomes. The estimation of risk Medicine, Beijing, China
coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in February, 2020, factors for severe disease and death in these earlier case (J Xu MD, Prof B Cao)
by WHO.3 series are therefore not very robust. Additionally, details of Correspondence to:
Although the outbreak is likely to have started from a the clinical and virological course of illness have not yet Prof Bin Cao, Department of
Pulmonary and Critical Care
zoonotic transmission event associated with a large been well described.
Medicine, China-Japan
seafood market that also traded in live wild animals, it Here, we present details of all patients admitted Friendship Hospital, Beijing
soon became clear that efficient person-to-person trans to the two designated hospitals in Wuhan—Jinyintan 100029, China
mission was also occurring.4 The clinical spectrum of Hospital and Wuhan Pulmonary Hospital—with labo [email protected]
SARS-CoV-2 infection appears to be wide, encompassing ratory-confirmed COVID-19 and a definite clinical or
outcome (death or discharge) as of Jan 31, 2020. We aim form, which was a modified version of the WHO/
to explore risk factors of in-hospital death for patients International Severe Acute Respiratory and Emerging
and describe the clinical course of symptoms, viral Infection Consortium case record form for severe
shedding, and temporal changes of laboratory findings acute respiratory infections. All data were checked by
during hospitalisation. two physicians (FZ and ZL) and a third researcher (GF)
adjudicated any difference in interpretation between the
Methods two primary reviewers.
Study design and participants
This retrospective cohort study included two cohorts of Laboratory procedures
adult inpatients (≥18 years old) from Jinyintan Hospital and Methods for laboratory confirmation of SARS-CoV-2
Wuhan Pulmonary Hospital (Wuhan, China). All adult infection have been described elsewhere.5 Briefly, four
patients who were diagnosed with COVID-19 according to institutions—the Chinese Center for Disease Control
WHO interim guidance were screened, and those who died and Prevention, the Chinese Academy of Medical
or were discharged between Dec 29, 2019 (ie, when the first Science, the Academy of Military Medical Sciences, and
patients were admitted), and Jan 31, 2020, were included in the Wuhan Institute of Virology, Chinese Academy of
our study. Since these two hospitals were the only desig Sciences—were responsible for SARS-CoV-2 detection
nated hospitals for transfer of patients with COVID-19 in respiratory specimens by next-generation sequencing
from other hospitals in Wuhan until Feb 1, 2020, our study or real-time RT-PCR methods. From Jan 11, 2020,
enrolled all adult inpatients who were hospitalised for SARS-CoV-2 RNA were detected by local Centers for
COVID-19 and had a definite outcome (dead or discharged) Disease Control and Prevention, local health institutions,
at the early stage of the outbreak. and Jingyintan Hospital and Wuhan Pulmonary Hospital.
Before Jan 11, 2020, SARS-CoV-2 RNA detection results Throat-swab specimens were obtained for SARS-CoV-2
were not available in the electronic medical records, from PCR re-examination every other day after clinical
which data for this study were obtained retrospectively; remission of symptoms, including fever, cough, and
therefore, this study includes 29 of the 41 patients dyspnoea, but only qualitative data were available. The
originally reported on.5 criteria for discharge were absence of fever for at least
The study was approved by the Research Ethics 3 days, substantial improvement in both lungs in chest
Commission of Jinyintan Hospital (KY-2020–01.01) and CT, clinical remission of respiratory symptoms, and two
the requirement for informed consent was waived by the throat-swab samples negative for SARS-CoV-2 RNA
Ethics Commission as described previously.5 obtained at least 24 h apart.
Routine blood examinations were complete blood
Data collection count, coagulation profile, serum biochemical tests
Epidemiological, demographic, clinical, laboratory, treat (including renal and liver function, creatine kinase,
ment, and outcome data were extracted from electronic lactate dehydrogenase, and electrolytes), myocardial
medical records using a standardised data collection enzymes, interleukin-6 (IL-6), serum ferritin, and
diagnosed when patients showed clinical symptoms or Male 119 (62%) 38 (70%) 81 (59%) ··
signs of pneumonia or bacteraemia and a positive culture Exposure history 73 (38%) 14 (26%) 59 (43%) 0·028
of a new pathogen was obtained from lower respiratory Current smoker 11 (6%) 5 (9%) 6 (4%) 0·21
tract specimens (qualified sputum, endotracheal aspirate, Comorbidity 91 (48%) 36 (67%) 55 (40%) 0·0010
or bronchoalveolar lavage fluid) or blood samples Hypertension 58 (30%) 26 (48%) 32 (23%) 0·0008
after admission.5 Ventilator-associated pneumonia was Diabetes 36 (19%) 17 (31%) 19 (14%) 0·0051
diagnosed according to the guidelines for treatment of Coronary heart disease 15 (8%) 13 (24%) 2 (1%) <0·0001
hospital-acquired and ventilator-associated pneumonia.8 Chronic obstructive lung 6 (3%) 4 (7%) 2 (1%) 0·047
Acute kidney injury was diagnosed according to the
KDIGO clinical practice guidelines9 and acute respiratory Carcinoma 2 (1%) 0 2 (1%) 0·37
distress syndrome (ARDS) was diagnosed according to Chronic kidney disease 2 (1%) 2 (4%) 0 0·024
the Berlin Definition.10 Acute cardiac injury was diag Other 22 (12%) 11 (20%) 11 (8%) 0·016
nosed if serum levels of cardiac biomarkers (eg, high- Respiratory rate 56 (29%) 34 (63%) 22 (16%) <0·0001
>24 breaths per min
sensitivity cardiac troponin I) were above the 99th
Pulse ≥125 beats per min 2 (1%) 2 (4%) 0 0·024
percentile upper reference limit, or if new abnormalities
Systolic blood pressure 1 (1%) 0 1 (1%) 0·53
were shown in electrocardiography and echocardiography.5 <90 mm Hg
The illness severity of COVID-19 was defined according Fever (temperature ≥37·3°C) 180 (94%) 51 (94%) 129 (94%) 0·94
to the Chinese management guideline for COVID-19
Cough 151 (79%) 39 (72%) 112 (82%) 0·15
(version 6.0).11 Coagulopathy was defined as a 3-second
Sputum 44 (23%) 14 (26%) 30 (22%) 0·55
extension of prothrombin time or a 5-second extension of
Myalgia 29 (15%) 8 (15%) 21 (15%) 0·93
activated partial thromboplastin time. Hypoproteinaemia
Fatigue 44 (23%) 15 (28%) 29 (21%) 0·33
was defined as blood albumin of less than 25 g/L.
Diarrhoea 9 (5%) 2 (4%) 7 (5%) 0·67
Exposure history was defined as exposure to people with
Nausea or vomiting 7 (4%) 3 (6%) 4 (3%) 0·40
confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection or to the Wuhan seafood
SOFA score 2·0 (1·0–4·0) 4·5 (4·0–6·0) 1·0 (1·0–2·0) <0·0001
qSOFA score 1·0 (0·0–1·0) 1·0 (1·0–1·0) 0·0 (0·0–1·0) <0·0001
CURB-65 score 0·0 (0·0–2·0) 2·0 (1·0–3·0) 0·0 (0·0–1·0) <0·0001
Statistical analysis
0–1 141/188 (75%) 16 (30%) 125/134 (93%) <0·0001*
Continuous and categorical variables were presented as
2 32/188 (17%) 23 (43%) 9/134 (7%) ··
median (IQR) and n (%), respectively. We used the Mann-
Whitney U test, χ² test, or Fisher’s exact test to compare 3–5 15/188 (8%) 15 (28%) 0/134 ··
differences between survivors and non-survivors where Disease severity status ·· ·· ·· <0·0001
appropriate. To explore the risk factors associated with General 72 (38%) 0 72 (53%) ··
in-hospital death, univariable and multivariable logistic Severe 66 (35%) 12 (22%) 54 (39%) ··
regression models were used. Considering the total Critical 53 (28%) 42 (78%) 11 (8%) ··
number of deaths (n=54) in our study and to avoid Time from illness onset to 11·0 (8·0–14·0) 11·0 (8·0–15·0) 11·0 (8·0–13·0) 0·53
hospital admission, days
overfitting in the model, five variables were chosen for
Laboratory findings
multivariable analysis on the basis of previous findings and
White blood cell count, 6·2 (4·5–9·5) 9·8 (6·9–13·9) 5·2 (4·3–7·7) <0·0001
clinical constraints. Previous studies have shown blood
× 10⁹ per L
levels of d-dimer and Sequential Organ Failure Assessment
<4 32 (17%) 5 (9%) 27 (20%) <0·0001*
(SOFA) scores to be higher in critically ill or fatal cases,
4–10 119 (62%) 24 (44%) 95 (69%) ··
whereas lymphopenia and cardiovascular disease have
>10 40 (21%) 25 (46%) 15 (11%) ··
been less commonly observed in non-critical or surviving
Lymphocyte count, 1·0 (0·6–1·3) 0·6 (0·5–0·8) 1·1 (0·8–1·5) <0·0001
patients with SARS-COV-2 infection.5,6,12 Similar risk × 10⁹ per L
factors, including older age, have been reported associated <0·8 77 (40%) 41 (76%) 36 (26%) <0·0001
with adverse clinical outcomes in adults with SARS and Haemoglobin, g/L 128·0 126·0 128·0 0·30
Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS).3,13 Some (119·0–140·0) (115·0–138·0) (120·0–140·0)
laboratory findings, including alanine amino transferase (Table 1 continues on next page)
(ALT), lactate dehydrogenase, high-sensitivity cardiac
cantly higher in survivors than non-survivors; in survivors, Time from illness onset to 1·0 (1·0–1·0) 1·0 (1·0–1·0) 1·0 (1·0–1·0) 0·16
fever, days
lymphocyte count was lowest on day 7 after illness onset
Time from illness onset to 1·0 (1·0–3·0) 1·0 (1·0–1·0) 1·0 (1·0–4·0) 0·30
and improved during hospitalisation, whereas severe cough, days
lymphopenia was observed until death in non-survivors. Time from illness onset to 7·0 (4·0–9·0) 7·0 (4·0–10·0) 7·0 (4·0–9·0) 0·51
Levels of d-dimer, high-sensitivity cardiac troponin I, dyspnoea, days
serum ferritin, lactate dehydrogenase, and IL-6 were Time from illness onset to 9·0 (7·0–13·0) 10·0 (7·0–14·0) 9·0 (7·0–12·0) 0·22
clearly elevated in non-survivors compared with survivors sepsis, days
throughout the clinical course, and increased with illness Time from illness onset to 12·0 (8·0–15·0) 12·0 (8·0–15·0) 10·0 (8·0–13·0) 0·65
ARDS, days
deterioration (figure 2). In non-survivors, high-sensitivity
cardiac troponin I increased rapidly from day 16 after Time from illness onset to ICU 12·0 (8·0–15·0) 12·0 (8·0–15·0) 11·5 (8·0–14·0) 0·88
admission, days
disease onset, whereas lactate dehydrogenase increased
Time from illness onset to 12·0 (10·0–16·0) 13·0 (10·0–17·0) 12·0 (10·0–15·0) 0·55
for both survivors and non-survivors in the early stage of corticosteroids treatment, days
illness, but decreased from day 13 for survivors. Time from illness onset to 21·0 (17·0–25·0) 18·5 (15·0–22·0) 22·0 (18·0–25·0) 0·0003
Median time from illness onset to dyspnoea was similar death or discharge, days
in survivors and non-survivors, with a median duration of Duration of viral shedding after 20·0 (16·0–23·0) 18·5 (15·0–22·0)† 20·0 (17·0–24·0) 0·024
dyspnoea of 13·0 days (9·0–16·5) for survivors (table 2; COVID-19 onset, days
figure 1). In survivors, the median duration of fever was Data are median (IQR) or n (%). p values were calculated by Mann-Whitney U test, χ² test, or Fisher’s exact test,
12·0 days (8·0–13·0) and cough persisted for 19·0 days as appropriate. ECMO=extracorporeal membrane oxygenation. ARDS=acute respiratory distress syndrome.
ICU=intensive care unit. COVID-19=coronavirus disease 2019. *Ordered by escalating scale of respiratory support.
(IQR 12·0–23·0; figure 1). 62 (45%) survivors still had
†Detectable until death.
cough on discharge and 39 (72%) non-survivors still had
cough at the time of death. The dynamic profiles of fever, Table 2: Treatments and outcomes
cough, and dyspnoea are shown in the appendix (p 6).
Sepsis developed at a median of 9·0 days (7·0–13·0) after initiation time and duration of systematic corticosteroid
illness onset among all patients, followed by ARDS use was also similar between the two groups. Among
(12·0 days [8·0–15·0]), acute cardiac injury (15·0 days non-survivors, the median time from illness onset was
[10·0–17·0]), acute kidney injury (15·0 days [13·0–19·5]), 10·0 days (7·0–14·0) to sepsis, 12·0 days (8·0–15·0) to
and secondary infection (17·0 days [13·0–19·0]). The ARDS, 14·5 days (9·5–17·0) to acute cardiac injury, and
ICU admission
Systematic corticosteroid
SARS-CoV-2 RNA positive
Days after illness onset Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Day 8 Day 9 Day 10 Day 11 Day 12 Day 13 Day 14 Day 15 Day 16 Day 17 Day 18 Day 19 Day 20 Day 21 Day 22
ICU admission
Invasive ventilation
Systematic corticosteroid
SARS-CoV-2 RNA positive
Days after illness onset Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Day 8 Day 9 Day 10 Day 11 Day 12 Day 13 Day 14 Day 15 Day 16 Day 17 Day 18 Day 19 Day 20
Figure 1: Clinical courses of major symptoms and outcomes and duration of viral shedding from illness onset in patients hospitalised with COVID-19
Figure shows median duration of symptoms and onset of complications and outcomes. ICU=intensive care unit. SARS-CoV-2=severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2. ARDS=acute respiratory
distress syndrome. COVID-19=coronavirus disease 2019.
increase in differential expression of genes associated pneumonia include older age, pre-existing cardiovascular
with inflammation, whereas expression of type I inter diseases, and greater severity of pneumonia at presen
feron beta was reduced.16 The age-dependent defects in tation.22 Coronary heart disease has also been found to be
T-cell and B-cell function and the excess production of associated with acute cardiac events and poor outcomes
type 2 cytokines could lead to a deficiency in control of in influenza and other respiratory viral infections.22–24 In
viral replication and more prolonged proinflammatory this study, increased high-sensitivity cardiac troponin I
responses, potentially leading to poor outcome.17 during hospitalisation was found in more than half of
SOFA score is a good diagnostic marker for sepsis those who died. The first autopsy of a 53-year-old woman
and septic shock, and reflects the state and degree of with chronic renal failure in Jinyintan Hospital showed
multi-organ dysfunction.18,19 Although bacterial infec acute myocardial infarction (data not published; personal
tions are usually regarded as a leading cause of sepsis, communication with a pathologist from the Chinese
viral infection can also cause sepsis syndrome. Previ Academy of Science). About 90% of inpatients with
ously, we determined that sepsis occurred in nearly pneumonia had increased coagulation activity, marked by
40% of adults with community-acquired pneumonia due increased d-dimer concentrations.25 In this study, we
to viral infection.20 In the current study, we found that found d-dimer greater than 1 µg/mL is associated with
more than half of patients developed sepsis. Additionally, fatal outcome of COVID-19. High levels of d-dimer have a
we found that more than 70% of patients had white reported asso ciation with 28-day mortality in patients
blood cell count below 10·0 × 10⁹ per L or procalcitonin with infection or sepsis identified in the emergency
below 0·25 ng/mL, and no bacterial pathogens were department.26 Contributory mechanisms include systemic
detected in these patients on admission. Sepsis was a pro-inflammatory cytokine responses that are mediators
common complication, which might be directly caused of atherosclerosis directly contributing to plaque rupture
by SARS-CoV-2 infection, but further research is needed through local inflammation, induction of procoagulant
to investigate the pathogenesis of sepsis in COVID-19 factors, and haemodynamic changes, which predispose to
illness. ischaemia and thrombosis.27–29 In addition, angiotensin
Cardiac complications, including new or worsening converting enzyme 2, the receptor for SARS-CoV-2, is
heart failure, new or worsening arrhythmia, or myocardial expressed on myocytes and vascular endothelial cells,30,31
infarction are common in patients with pneumonia. so there is at least theoretical potential possibility of direct
Cardiac arrest occurs in about 3% of inpatients with cardiac involvement by the virus. Of note, interstitial
pneumonia.21 Risk factors of cardiac events after mononuclear inflammatory infiltrates in heart tissue has
35·6 1·43
30 1·18
1·2 1·08 0·97
24 1·0 0·91 of antiviral treatment. In severe influenza virus infection,
18 14·4 0·8 prolonged viral shedding was associated with fatal outcome
16·7 0·67
0·6 0·60
0·54 0·49 0·54
and delayed antiviral treatment was an independent risk
2·6 0·4 0·52
6 1·5
0·44 factor for prolonged virus detection.36 Similarly, effective
0·3 0·6 0·6 0·7
0·5 1·0 0·5
0·0 antiviral treatment might improve outcomes in COVID-19,
4 7 10 13 16 19 22 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 although we did not observe shortening of viral shedding
duration after lopinavir/ritonavir treatment in the cur
rent study. Ran domised clinical trials for lopinavir/
30 2500
26·4 ritonavir (ChiCTR2000029308) and intravenous remdesivir
2000 2000
24 2000 (NCT04257656, NCT04252664) in treatment of COVID-19
Serum ferritin (µg/L)
550 528
300 290·6
500 to the poor clinical outcomes in some patients. Third,
Lactate dehydrogenase (U/L)
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18 Singer M, Deutschman CS, Seymour CW, et al. The Third
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