Adaptive Multi-Paddock (AMP) Grazed Soils Have A Lower Greenhouse Gas Emissions Potential Than Conventionally Grazed Soils

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Adaptive Multi-Paddock (AMP) Grazed Soils Have a Lower Greenhouse

Gas Emissions Potential than Conventionally Grazed Soils

Bharat Shrestha1, Edward Bork2, Cameron Carlyle2, Timm Döbert3, Scott Chang1*, Dauren Kaliaskar1 & Mark Boyce3
Department of Renewable Resources, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB T6G 2E3, Canada
Department of Agricultural, Food and Nutritional Science, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB T6G 2P5, Canada
Department of Biological Sciences, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB T6G 2R3, Canada

*Corresponding author – [email protected]

Key words: carbon sink; GHG flux; grazing system; incubation study; temperature; soil moisture


Fluxes of greenhouse gases (GHG) in grassland

soils are of particular interest in the context of
climate change, and its social and policy
implications [1]. However, emission or uptake of
GHGs in grassland soils is dependent on grazing
management [2,3]. Adaptive multi-paddock (AMP)
grazing systems are characterized by high grazing
pressure on small paddocks, for a relatively short
period of time, combined with long recovery
periods between successive grazing events, to
facilitate vegetation recovery [4]. However their
effects on fluxes of GHGs are rarely studied. In this
Figure 1. Locations of study ranches. Each point
study, we compared fluxes of three main GHGs represents a pair of ranches, one under AMP and the other
namely, carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and under Non-AMP grazing management.
nitrous oxide (N2O), from AMP grazed soils with
those of conventionally (Non-AMP) grazed soils a. b.
and tested their sensitivity to varying temperature
and moisture levels in a laboratory incubation.

Materials and Methods

We collected soil from 11 pairs of AMP and c. d.

Non-AMP ranches across a climatic gradient in
Alberta, Canada. Soils, free of coarse fragments and
roots, were incubated at field capacity (FC), 40% of
FC (0.4FC), or permanent wilting point (PWP), for
102 days, at either 5º or 25ºC, and the flux of CO2,
N2O, and CH4 measured at frequent intervals for a
total of 102 days. Figure 2. Saturated soils on a ceramic plate (a), pressed
soils to determine their permanent wilting point, and field
capacity (b), soils in Mason jars in an incubator (c), and
mouth-closed Mason jars before sampling the GHGs (d).
Results by emitting less CO2 and N2O, as well as increasing
CH4 consumption, relative to Non-AMP grazing

Further work

The role of soil temperature and moisture in carbon

mineralization can vary between field conditions
and that in a controlled environment [5]. In the real
ground condition, many biotic and abiotic factors
are at play simultaneously in nutrient and carbon
cycling thus, it is imperative to evaluate GHG
emissions from ranches under both types of grazing
management to confirm our results from the
Figure 3. Effects of grazing, and temperature on total fluxes
of GHGs (mean ± SE) in a 102-day incubation experiment laboratory-based incubation study. We have
with soils from adaptive multi-paddock (AMP) and completed the measurement of GHG emissions in
conventional (Non-AMP) grazing treatments. (a) CO2-C, (b) the field for three consecutive growing seasons from
N2O-N, (c) CH4-C, and (d) Net GHG (CO2-e) flux. Negative 2017 to 2019. Analysis of the field data and
values show consumption of CH4 in the soil. Uppercase
letters indicate significant differences between temperature preparation of the report are ongoing.
levels at P ≤ 0.05. The CO2 flux and net GHG flux was lower
in Non-AMP soils than the AMP soils at 5ºC but it was References
higher at 25ºC (P < 0.05).
1. Laca, E.A., M.-B. McEachern, and M.W. Demment, Global
Grazinglands and Greenhouse Gas Fluxes. Rangeland Ecology &
The cumulative flux of all GHGs over a period Management, 2010. 63(1): p. 1-3.

of 102 days was affected by both soil temperature 2. Liebig, M.A., et al., Grazing Management Contributions to Net
and moisture (P < 0.05). Though fluxes of both CO2 Global Warming Potential: A Long-term Evaluation in the Northern
Great Plains Journal of Environmental Quality, 2009. 39(3): p. 799-
and N2O were independent of grazing treatment, 809.
CH4 flux varied in relation to grazing treatment,
3. Tang, S., et al., Heavy grazing reduces grassland soil greenhouse gas
including an additional interaction of grazing by fluxes: A global meta-analysis. Science of The Total Environment,
temperature (P < 0.05) on CO2 flux and net GHG 2019. 654: p. 1218-1224.
flux. Over the entire incubation period, at 5ºC, AMP 4. Teague, R., et al., Benefits of multi-paddock grazing management on
soils emitted 17% more CO2 than non-AMP soils, rangelands: limitations of experimental grazing research and
knowledge gaps. Grasslands: ecology, management and restoration.
but at 25 ºC, the AMP soils emitted 18% less CO2 Hauppauge, NY, USA: Nova Science Publishers, 2008: p. 41-80.
than Non-AMP soils. At 25ºC, the AMP soils
5. Curtin, D., M.H. Beare, and G. Hernandez-Ramirez, Temperature
emitted also 32% less N2O, yet took up 147% more and moisture effects on microbial biomass and soil organic matter
CH4 compared to Non-AMP soils. The temperature mineralization. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 2012. 76: p.
sensitivity (Q10) of CO2 flux was greater with 2055-2067.

increased soil moisture levels in the order of PWP <

0.4FC < FC. Acknowledgements

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada provided the funding

for this research through its Agricultural Greenhouse
Our study indicates that AMP grazing systems Gases (AGGP) program.
have the potential to provide some buffer against the
impacts of increasing soil temperatures on GHGs,

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