Cyber safety refers to the safe and responsible use of the internet to protect personal information and not threaten others. When browsing the web, people must be aware of potential dangers like unsafe sites and know how to avoid them by practicing safe online behaviors. Personal information shared online can be misused for identity fraud, hacking, or stalking. To prevent this, people should use private or anonymous browsing modes, virtual private networks, and avoid sharing sensitive details on public sites. Confidential information needs extra protection through firewalls, secure browsing, and avoiding public computers. Cyber crimes like bullying, stalking, and spreading rumors are illegal and should be reported.
Cyber safety refers to the safe and responsible use of the internet to protect personal information and not threaten others. When browsing the web, people must be aware of potential dangers like unsafe sites and know how to avoid them by practicing safe online behaviors. Personal information shared online can be misused for identity fraud, hacking, or stalking. To prevent this, people should use private or anonymous browsing modes, virtual private networks, and avoid sharing sensitive details on public sites. Confidential information needs extra protection through firewalls, secure browsing, and avoiding public computers. Cyber crimes like bullying, stalking, and spreading rumors are illegal and should be reported.
Cyber safety refers to the safe and responsible use of the internet to protect personal information and not threaten others. When browsing the web, people must be aware of potential dangers like unsafe sites and know how to avoid them by practicing safe online behaviors. Personal information shared online can be misused for identity fraud, hacking, or stalking. To prevent this, people should use private or anonymous browsing modes, virtual private networks, and avoid sharing sensitive details on public sites. Confidential information needs extra protection through firewalls, secure browsing, and avoiding public computers. Cyber crimes like bullying, stalking, and spreading rumors are illegal and should be reported.
Cyber safety refers to the safe and responsible use of the internet to protect personal information and not threaten others. When browsing the web, people must be aware of potential dangers like unsafe sites and know how to avoid them by practicing safe online behaviors. Personal information shared online can be misused for identity fraud, hacking, or stalking. To prevent this, people should use private or anonymous browsing modes, virtual private networks, and avoid sharing sensitive details on public sites. Confidential information needs extra protection through firewalls, secure browsing, and avoiding public computers. Cyber crimes like bullying, stalking, and spreading rumors are illegal and should be reported.
and communication technology What is Cyber Safety • Cyber safety refers t o safe and responsible use of Internet, t o ensure safety and security of personal information and not posing t hr e a t t o anyone else’s information. Safely Browsing The Web • These days we must know the threats while browsing the web. Safe browsing on web needs you t o know m a n y things like: • What are possible dangers? • t f o w to avoid these? • t f o w to virtually conduct yourself while browsing web
• You must remember, not every site you visit is
safe. Whatever you post or do online is visible to others. Not everything you see or is promised online is true. Identity Protection while using Internet • We surf internet for a variety of reasons, f r o m using social media, buying and selling goods, to exchanging information. • When we give p r iv a te d a ta to businesses an d o ther Inter n et users (such as w hile filling onlin e fo rm or m a king paym ent on lin e), we trust th em to use t hat information for legitimate purposes.
• These information can be used for harmful reasons
like hacking, stalking an identify fraud. • Identity fraud is when personal details t h a t have been accessed or stolen are used to c o m m i t fraudulent acts posing as someone else w i t h stolen identity Solution of Identity Fraud • Most common solution t o this is : • Private Browsing O r • Anonymous Browsing
Before we understand this, let us talk about
w h a t happens when we browse the internet… Anonymous Browsing • All the ways discussed earlier of identit y leakage is resolved by either ANONYMOUS OR PRIVATE BROWSING. • ANONYMOUS BROWSING : allows users t o view websites w it h o ut revealing any personnel information of user like IP address, machine type, location. A n anonymous browser lets users access websites anonymously. I t can also be as a tool for government, journalists and everyday security-conscious surfers. Private Browsing • There are other ways t o use internet w i t h o u t revealing our search history and sharing our data : • Incognito Browsing : opens up a version of the browser t h a t will n ot track you activity. Its particularly useful if you are entering sensitive data like bank details into the browser as i t can minimise the risk of our information being saved to t h a t computer. In Google chrome, just press : CTRL + SHIFT + N to open in incognito mode Private Browsing • Proxy : act as a middlemen between your computer and the website you w a n t to access. Now the tracking website will get the IP address and information t h a t belongs to the proxy site, so you are effectively getting the same content f r o m another source w i th ou t getting to know your browsing details • Virtual Private Network (VPN) : is a method to add security and privacy to private and public networks like Wi-Fi hotspot and the Internet. VPNs are most often used by corporation to protect sensitive data. VPN were originally meant for business employees working offsite to gain access to shared drive. Confidentiality of Information • Internet is a public platform. The sites you visit, the products you search, the posts t h a t you p u t on social media are all visible t o public. But there must be some information like Credit Card Details, Bank Details which you do not w a n t t o make public i.e. you w a n t t o keep this information confidential. Practices to Ensure Confidentiality of Information 1. Use Firewall wherever possible : we must secure our system such t h a t only authentic users can connect t o it. Firewall is one very good solution for this. Firewall is a p r o g r a m / h a r d w are that m o ni t ors all communications and traps al illicit packets. Most OS now comes with firewall preinstalled. We must install Firewall t h a t can m o n i t o r both incoming and outgoing communication and traps the illicit ones. Practices to Ensure Confidentiality of Information 2. Control browser setting to block tracking : as we know t h a t website can t rack our surfing on their site by IP address, t o minimise these threats we can t u r n our default settings to exclude t h i r d p a r t y cookies since they can be used t o build up detailed profiles of our surfind p a t t e r n over time. In Google Chrome : Open settings, - > Privacy and Security - > Content Settings-> Cookies - > “Enable” Block Third p a r t y cookie. Practices to Ensure Confidentiality of Information 3.Browse privately wherever possible: to avoid the tracking as discussed earlier t r y to browse anonymously or privately. 4.Be Careful while posting on Internet : When you post anything t o public Internet such as social networking site like Instagram or Facebook etc. newgroup, mailing list or chat room you generally give up rights to the content and any expectation or privacy or confidentiality is useless. So never post crucial information like you personal details such as address, mobile phone numbers, bank details, credit card details. Etc. on public internet sites. Practices to Ensure Confidentiality of Information 5. Ensure Safe sites while entering crucial Information : while entering or giving crucial information like Passwords, Bank Details always ensure the website is working on https not on ht t p . https means website is Secure i.e. Secure Socket Layer. For e.g. (next slide) Closed Lock Pad (Secure Connection) Practices to Ensure Confidentiality of Information 6. Carefully handle emails : while opening emails, make sure you know the sender. Never open email of unknown or if by curiosity/accidentally opened the mail never click on any link inside i t or open any attachment. I t m a y lead t o you fraudulent site, or t r a p for you or m a y be a Trojan, which will act as a Spy in you computer for sending information t o the sender w i t ho u t your knowledge. Practices to Ensure Confidentiality of Information 7. Avoid using Public Computer : Always t r y not to use the public computer specially if you have t o deal w i t h your crucial data. But if i t is an urgency then do remember: ✓ Browse privately ✓ Never save your login information (ID/Password) ✓ Avoid entering sensitive information ✓ Don’t leave computer unattended with sensitive information on screen ✓ Disable the features that stores passwords ✓ Properly logout before you leave the computer ✓ Erase history and traces of your work i.e. clear history and cookies ✓ Look for any suspicious device connected to computer Cyber Crime • Is any criminal offense t h a t is facilitated by, or involves use of electronic communications of information system including any electronic device, computer or the Internet. • I t involves the terms like : Phishing, Credit Card Frauds, illegal downloading, industrial espionage, child pornography, cyber bullying, cyber stalking, cyber terrorism, creation and / o r distribution of viruses, spam and so on Cyber Trolls and Bullying • I t refers t o a person who purposely post opposing, sarcastic, demeaning or insulting- comments about something or someone w i t h an aim of targeting a person online. The provocative messages posted this way are also called trolls. I t is a cyber crime and is a f o r m of cyber bullying. Cyber Bullying • tfa r assing, demeaning, emba r r assing, defaming, or int i m idat i ng someone using modern technologies like internet, cell phones, instant messengers, social networks etc. is called Cyber Bullying. Cyber Stalking • I t is a kind of online harassment wherein the victim is subjected t o barrage of online messages and emails. • Typically these stalkers know their victims instead of resorting t o offline stalking, they use the internet t o stalk. • A cyber stalker relies upon the anonym it y afforded by the Internet to allow t o stalk their victim wit hout being detected Cyber Stalking • Cyber Stalkers o f ten do this t o trouble their victims: • They collect all personal information about their victims • The stalker ma y post this information on any obscene or illegal website posing as if the victim is posting this information • People of all kind f r o m nook and corner of the world, start calling the victim as his/her residence/workplace for m a n y filthy/obscene reasons • Some stalker subscribe the email account of victim to illegal websites because of which victim starts receiving such kind of unsolicited e-mails. Cyber Stalking • Cyber Stalkers o f ten do this t o trouble their victims: • Some stalkers keep on sending repeated e-mails asking for various kinds of favors or threaten the victim. • Stalkers follow their victim f r o m board to board. • Stalkers will almost always make contact w i t h their victims through email having friendly or threatening content. The stalker m a n y times uses multiple names when contacting the victim. Spreading Rumors Online • People often t h i n k t h a t they can make a fake profile w i t h some different name and do anything online and will n o t be caught. Through such fake profile, people sometimes indulge in posting false inform ation on social media, or comment could h u r t others or spread rumors t h a t m a y trigger panic or h u r t religious sentiments of other people resulting into clashes and even riots • Spreading rumors online is a cyber crime and i t ma y invite a fine w i t h imprisonment extendable up to three years. Reporting Cyber Crime • If any cyber crime happens, one must r eport i t firstly t o parents, school authorities and then t o police. • The local police stations can be approached for filing complaints just as the cybercrime cells specially designation w i t h the jurisdiction to register complaint • In addition, provisions have now been made for filing of E-FIR in most of the states • In addition, the m in is tr y of tfome Affairs is also launching a website for registering crimes against women and children online including cybercrimes Common Social Networking Sites • Facebook : i t is a p l a t f o r m where you can share your ideas in f o r m of posts, share photos, videos etc. • Twitter : micro blogging site which allows to post very small messages up to 2 8 0 chars. • Linkedln : social network for professionals. Provides features to make profiles look sort of detailed resumes, w i t h sections for w o r k experience, education, volunteer work, certifications, awards etc. • Instagram : on of the most popular social networks for online photo sharing. Offer features like sharing r e a l - t i m e photos and short videos while on the go. Appropriate usage of Social Networks • Whatever we do online – post something or visit friends pages or search something etc leaves a permanent footprints called digital footprints and i t remains for years storing trails of your online activities. • We are using this p l a tfo rm for personal reasons and visible to anyone who looks for i t, this m i g h t not cause any problem now BUT sometimes later i t can pose potential problems when i t comes to m a t t e r like – taking admissions in higher education or looking for job or even when looking for a life p a r tn e r • These days ma n y universities look for digital footprints of applicant students before giving th e m admissions, similarly employers m a y look for digital fo o tp rin t of candidates and so on. What you should know? • While using social networking sites, you should know about w h a t the right online behaviors are and what is considered a cybercrime • If anyone thinks by making fake profile he/she can do such activity wit h ou t being caught he/she is certainly mistaken. Modern technology tools can find anyone online using IP address, locations etc. So one must not indulge in these activities a t all Digital Footprints • Are the records and traces individuals leave behind as they use the Internet. • Your interaction on social media, your friend circle on social media sites, site you visits, online purchase, location visited through Facebook check-ins. etc. all make up your Digital Footprints. Privacy Settings • When you st ar t social media, you should not go w i t h default privacy settings. Rather i t is always a good idea t o set-up privacy settings yourself by using Account Settings. Through privacy settings you can control : • Who all can see what you have posted • Who all can send requests to you • What all information about you is visible to others, even to you contacts etc. What you should do – Usage Rules 1. Be Authentic : Be honest about your identity 2. Use a Disclaimer : if you are associated w i t h any institution / organization and you are sharing you personal views about something, do make i t clear t h a t these are you personal vies and you do not represent any institution/organization . 3. Don’t Pick Fights Online : don’t pick fight online if you do not like anyone's comments on your post. What you should do – Usage Rules 4. Don’t use Fake names or Pseudonyms : never pretends to be someone else.
5.Protect Your Identity : while you should be honest
about yourself, BUT you should never provide or post personal inform ation online. These information can be used to conduct fraud or crime.
6.Does your Information / Post pass the publicity
test ? : if your post is n o t acceptable for f a c e - t o - face conversation, over the telephone then i t is NOT ACCEPTABLE for a social networking site too. What you should do – Usage Rules 7.Respect you audience : sometimes school/college students talk in slang or use some abusive words which they find okay w i t h i n their small group. B ut these things must not be posted online because i t would not be acceptable in you connected world. 8.Respect other’s Sentiments : you should always respects others’ privacy and be considerate for topics t h a t m a y be considered sensitive – such as politics and religion. What you should do – Usage Rules 9. Monit or Comments : most people who maint ain social media sites welcome comments – i t builds credibility and community. You should prefer t o review and approve comments before posting t h e m on you site. This way you will ensure quality oF comments