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Desalination and Water Treatment: Click For Updates
Desalination and Water Treatment: Click For Updates
To cite this article: D. Xevgenos, K. Moustakas, D. Malamis & M. Loizidou (2014): An overview on desalination &
sustainability: renewable energy-driven desalination and brine management, Desalination and Water Treatment, DOI:
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Desalination and Water Treatment (2014) 1–11
doi: 10.1080/19443994.2014.984927
Keywords: Renewable energy; Solar energy; Wind energy; Ocean energy; Desalination; Brine
treatment; Desalination; Zero liquid discharge (ZLD); SOL-BRINE
producing a combined 66.5 million m3 of fresh water Arabian Gulf using mostly thermal techniques (MSF
per day [3]. The desalinated water is used for different and MED), while almost all plants in Europe and USA
applications: municipal use (63%), industries (25.8%), use RO (see also Figs. 3 and 4).
power stations (5.8%), irrigation (1.9%), tourism (1.9%)
and others. The sources of the water treated are: sea-
water (60%), brackish water (21.5%), river water 2. Desalination & energy considerations
(8.3%), wastewater (5.7%), pure water (4.3%) and brine
(0.2%) (see also Fig. 2). Among the different desalina- Desalination uses a significant amount of energy.
tion technologies, reverse osmosis (RO) predominates Energy usage affects the technology’s carbon footprint
with a total share of 53%, followed by multistage flash and hampers its wider deployment. Currently, RO is
distillation (MSF), multiple effect distillation (MED) the most efficient water treatment technology, with its
and electrodialysis (ED). This pattern changes consumption ranging between 2 and 5 kWh/m3
drastically across regions, with countries around the (according to the type of treated water, i.e. brackish or
seawater). No thermal energy is required for driving
the RO process. In general, it can be said that thermal
techniques require a greater amount of energy than
membrane technologies. However, in order to com-
pare the energy requirements of these techniques, it is
necessary to reflect the primary energy consumption
and not only the final energy consumption (see Fig. 5).
For instance, RO uses electricity which is produced in
most cases by fossil fuel-fired power stations.
MSF ED Ion Exchange
number and water production capacity. Kalogirou [1] Middle East and North African region (MENA), with
reports that RES-D plants make up less than 1% of the capacities between a few m3 up to 100 m3.
total installed desalination capacity worldwide. Most RES-D systems have been the focal point of much
of these plants are installed in arid areas e.g. the research work worldwide. Many projects (such as
4 D. Xevgenos et al. / Desalination and Water Treatment
Fig. 4. End users of desalination plants (Worldwide) [3]. technologies can be divided into two broad categories: direct
and indirect processes. The first category involves the solar
still technology, while the second involves:
and MEDINA.) have examined and evaluated the bar- (1) solar collectors;
riers and challenges stemming from the coupling of (2) solar ponds, and
these technologies (i.e. renewable source collector and (3) photovoltaic units.
desalination technology) with the aim to carry forward
the RES-D techniques from the research to the com- Solar energy collector devices can either drive both
mercial application development stage (see also thermal desalination and membrane desalination sys-
Fig. 6). One of the most often cited works on RES-D is tems. A list of the possible combinations, according to
the report titled “Roadmap for the development of the type of the solar device, is presented in Table 2.
Fig. 5. Energy consumption of desalination systems and overall primary energy requirements. Compiled based on data
collected from [2,6–8].
D. Xevgenos et al. / Desalination and Water Treatment 5
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Fig. 6. Development stage and capacity of the main renewable powered desalination plants [9].
Table 1
Breakdown of renewable energy-driven desalination appli-
cations1 effects and scaling-up. Trieb and Müller-Steinhagen
[11] reports that RES-D cost is expected to fall to
RES-D technology combination Share (%)
0.9$/m3 by 2050.
PV–RO 31
Wind–RO 12
Solar–MD 11 4. Brine management
Solar–MED 9 4.1. Concentrate management options
Solar–MSF 7
PV–ED/EDR 3 The desalination process produces a significant
Hybrid 3 amount of wastewater: 2 L of brine for every litre of
Others 15 freshwater produced. The generated wastewater has
PV: photovoltaics, RO: reverse osmosis, MD: membrane distilla-
to be managed properly, while the concentrate man-
tion, MED: multiple effect distillation, MSF: multi-stage flash agement options depend heavily on site characteristics
distillation, ED: electrodialysis, EDR: electrodialysis reversal. and the wastewater volume. These options typically
Source: Papapetrou et al. [9] include the following:
The technical and economical potential of renew- (1) deep well injection;
able energy (RE) resources vary significantly by coun- (2) evaporation pond;
try and region, across the globe. For instance, the (3) spray irrigation;
MENA region has very abundant solar potential, with (4) sewer;
large area availability, meaning that the MENA region (5) surface water, and
has a comparative advantage for solar applications (6) brine concentrator/zero liquid discharge (ZLD).
and especially concentrated solar power (CSP) [6,10].
In contrast, North European countries such as Den- Every concentrate management method has differ-
mark have a very good renewable potential for wind ent costs, benefits, environmental impacts and limita-
applications. The water production cost varies signifi- tions. The costs are highly dependent on the
cantly according to the type of RES-D and the water concentrate volume (see also Fig. 9).
type treated, as illustrated in Fig. 8. Even though costs The main characteristics of the above-mentioned
are prohibitive at the moment, cost reduction is antici- brine treatment and discharge methods are provided
pated due to technology improvements, learning in Table 4.
6 D. Xevgenos et al. / Desalination and Water Treatment
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Fig. 7. Possible combinations of desalination processes with renewable processes. Adapted from [2].
Table 2
Combinations between solar technologies and desalination
Desalination technique Thermal collectors Thermal Electrical PV Solar pond
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Table 3
Selected plants for small RES-D applications
Desalination Renewable
Reference plants Capacity Site system technology Water cost Reference
Keio University 100 kg/d Yokohama, Japan MED Static Solar – [13]
Plant Collectors
Ebara plant 205 kg/d Gaza, Palestine MED Static Collectors & – [14]
Geroskipou Plant ~3 m3/d Paphos, Cyprus MEH Static Collectors 18 €/m3 [15]
PSA plant 72 m3/d Almeria, Spain MED CPC – [16]
Jeddah plant 5 m3/d Saudi Arabia MEH Static Collectors ~ 6 €/m3 [17]
Gran Canaria 480 l/d Gran Canaria MD Static Collectors – [18]
Morocco plants 12– Morocco RO PV 3.99–7.01 [18]
24 m3/d €/m3
Ydriada plant 80 m3/d Greece RO Wind Turbine – [18]
Kimolos Plant 200 m3/d Kimolos Island, MED Geothermal [19]
Oyster Plant – Scotland RO Wave energy – [9]
Note: An in-depth analysis of these plants was carried out in the report titled “Report on the evaluation of desalination systems driven
by renewable energy sources: focus on solar energy systems used in different desalination applications” which was produced in the
framework of the SOL-BRINE project (available at:
problem of brine disposal as one of the major threats Sea (Posidonia Oceanica), which is protected under
to the Mediterranean Sea.2 More specifically, one of the Barcelona Convention, has been identified to be
the most significant seagrasses of the Mediterranean highly vulnerable to salinity changes and as a result
to brine exposure [20–22].
2 The SOL-BRINE project sought to eliminate water
“One of the two major, urgent threats to the Mediterranean
Sea environment is the pollution caused by the increased number pollution and environmental damage associated with
of desalination plants and the releases and the effects of brine to brine release, by introducing a new technique capable
the Mediterranean Sea”: part of the speech of the director, of achieving ZLD from desalination plants. The dem-
Ms Maria Luisa Silva Mejias to the launching conference onstration plant that is presented in this paper was
of the project “Governance & Financing for the Mediterra- installed in Tinos Island in Greece and is in operation
nean Water Sector” held in Barcelona on 28–29 May, 2013.
See also: since January 2013. The plant has the capacity to treat
governance/. over 200 tonnes of brine per year and can lead to high
8 D. Xevgenos et al. / Desalination and Water Treatment
Table 4
Main characteristics of brine treatment and discharge methods [23,24]