The Muscular System PDF
The Muscular System PDF
The Muscular System PDF
Skeletal muscle, with its associated connective tissue, constitutes approximately 40% of body weight.
Skeletal muscle is so named because most of the muscles are attached to the skeletal system. It is also called
striated muscle because transverse bands, or striations, can be seen in the muscle under the microscope.
Contraction of skeletal muscle tissue occurs as actin and myosin myofilaments slide past one another,
causing the sarcomeres to shorten. Many sarcomeres are joined end-to-end to form myofibrils. Shortening of the
sarcomeres causes myofibrils to shorten, thereby causing the entire muscle to shorten.
Smooth muscle cells are small and spindle-shaped, usually with one nucleus per cell. They contain less
actin and myosin than do skeletal muscle cells, and the myofilaments are not organized into sarcomeres. As a result,
smooth muscle cells are not striated. Smooth muscle cells contract more slowly than skeletal muscle cells when
stimulated by neurotransmitters from the nervous system and do not develop an oxygen deficit.
Cardiac muscle shares some characteristics with both smooth and skeletal muscle. Cardiac muscle cells
are long, striated, and branching, with usually only one nucleus per cell. The actin and myosin myofilaments are
organized into sarcomeres, but the distribution of myofilaments is not as uniform as in skeletal muscle. As a result,
cardiac muscle cells are striated, but not as distinctly striated as skeletal muscle. When stimulated by
neurotransmitters, the rate of cardiac muscle contraction is between those of smooth and skeletal muscle.
Reference for Procedure 1
Studies observed how gender impacts the maximum grip force, finding that males tend to exert a greater
force than females. An experiment conducted by Nicolay and Walker also observed a notable difference in grip force
exerted by the dominant and non-dominant hand of the subject, finding that the dominant hand was able to exert a
significantly higher force than the non-dominant. In observing the effect of exercise on force and muscle exhaustion,
the study by Nicolay and Walker found that the dominant hand is significantly stronger, but that it fatigues more
easily, especially for women. These previous studies all observed how specific body features and measurements
could influence the maximum grip force of a subject.
Reference for Procedure 2
Muscle fatigue (decline in work) presents an important relationship with the rest time between exercises
performance. As noted by some authors, the rest interval duration between the series in a protocol, when reduced,
may increase fatigue. Nevertheless, these protocols have not taken into account the resting period of the agonist
muscles when the antagonist muscles were also involved during the motion. In a study, it was observed that when
the rest interval between each contraction of the flexor muscle group (time of antagonist muscles contraction) was
higher, the reduction of work was lower when compared with other rest intervals. According to Fitts, during the time
after muscle fatigue, there is a fast recovery of the fibers, which becomes slower and may take an hour or longer to
return to the state of pre-fatigue.
Reference for Procedure 3
Temperature can have significant effects on whole-organism performance, especially in ectotherms. Muscle-
powered movements are particularly susceptible to temperature changes because of the effects of temperature on
muscle contractile properties. At lower temperatures we see lower muscle shortening velocity, lower rates of force
generation, lower power output, and to a lesser extent, lower force production.
In humans, muscle fatigue can be defined as exercise-induced decrease in the ability to produce force. It is
the inability of a muscle to maintain force of contraction after prolonged activity. Fatigue results mainly from changes
within muscle fibers. Often defined as an overwhelming sense of tiredness, lack of energy and feeling of exhaustion,
fatigue relates to a difficulty in performing voluntary tasks.
Fatigue is a temporary state of reduced work capacity. Without fatigue, muscle fibers would be worked to
the point of structural damage to them and their supportive tissues. Although fatigue reduces power output, the
overall benefit is that it prevents complete exhaustion of ATP reserves, which could lead to severe damage of the
muscle fibers.
Although the precise mechanisms that cause muscle fatigue are still not clear, several factors are thought to
contribute. One is inadequate release of calcium ions from the sarcoplasmic reticulum, resulting in a decline of Ca2+
concentration in the sarcoplasm. Depletion of creatine phosphate also is associated with fatigue, but surprisingly, the
ATP levels in fatigued muscle often are not much lower than those in resting muscle. Other factors that contribute to
muscle fatigue include insufficient oxygen, depletion of glycogen and other nutrients, buildup of lactic acid and ADP,
and failure of action potentials in the motor neuron to release enough acetylcholine.