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2 News I The Hants Journal

August 7, 2008

Slap on the face…

Cont. from page 1

Shaw said the sketch was an over-

Sobeys / Fort Greenwood Conway
Edward Mall Mall Place
sight, which was unfortunate for
Windsor Greenwood Conway everyone, but it was also taken out
902-798-2589 902-765-2415 902-245-2135 of context, the wrong way.
The picture actually shows the
man crying out in pleasure to see
Slick, Shaw said. “He’s throwing him-
self at Sam” in happy recognition.
However, people have every right
to be upset by the image because

The Perfect Corner

people do interpret things different-
ly, Shaw said. “I was as surprised and
disappointed to see that this picture
Custom Framing Studio was published as anyone else… And
I apologize to the people who took
YOU’RE INVITED offense to it.”
Awaken your senses Hopefully, everyone can realize
and discover… this was a mistake and move for-
share your ideas with ward, Shaw said.
me in a comfortable atmosphere enjoy About 8,000 copies of the
the creations from this collaboration brochure had been distributed.
Mayor Anna Allen says she can’t
We are known for Custom work comment on the mistake because
but we can frame ‘plain and simple’ too… it's the business of the Sam Slick
Society and not the town. “But I
Your connection to Fine Framing wish the Sam Slick Society well,” she Jeffrey Upshaw and Craig Allison were less than impressed by an image published on the cover of the 2008 Sam Slick
Operating for 21 years in Wolfville
said. Days festival programs, which were distributed throughout Hants County. The picture left many questioning Sam
11 Main St. Wolfville N.S. 542-9250 “I hope the festival is a great suc- Slick’s character. Christy Marsters
[email protected] cess this year; as it has been in the
past,” Allen added.
NEW LOCATION NEW OWNERS Vince Upshaw, an employment
Y3121229 navigator with the West Hants
African Resource Centre, said he has
spoken with Shaw from the Sam
Slick Society and realizes the publi-
We’ve cation of this image was a mistake.
“However, I would like to see lessons
learned from this.” The process of
Moved! publication should be slowed down
and people should take the time to
2821 Bishopville Rd. consider there were a lot of feelings
hurt from this image, Upshaw said.
Just For Paws Inn “To the black community, this was a
slap in the face… and an embarrass-
Long and Short Term Pet Boarding
791-0205 ment to our population.
“It hurts self esteem,” Upshaw
[email protected]
said. “When I saw the image, it made
• 3 Large Play Areas me want to cry.”

• 2 Doggie Swimming Pools Also, some research should be Ryan Wilkie (left) signs a
• Doggie Daycare done on Haliburton to find out petition put forth by Craig
exactly the type of person he was, Allison, Aug. 2, to stop
Where I care Upshaw added. “I would like to celebrating Sam Slick in
for your know: is he an honorable man or is Windsor.
precious paws.
he not?” Christy Marsters


Firefighters respond to alarm at Minas Basin
By Christy Marsters as the larger one began earlier that ported to the Hants Community Hospital
Wolfville Nursing Homes Limited THE HANTS JOURNAL month. This time, however, firefighters in fair condition.
invites applications for bursary
and employees of the plant were able to Minas Basin vice president of opera-
funding for people who are interested A call went out at about 10:30 p.m. July 28, knock the fire down before it spread to the tions Terry Gerhardt says the employee
in a rewarding career as a CCA. This reporting a small fire at the Minas Basin ventilation system and the roof. transferred to hospital was treated for
opportunity will be of particular Pulp and Power plant in Hantsport. It was A specific piece of machinery was asthma and then returned to work within
interest to students who have been the second fire reported there in less than started up while firefighters were present an hour.
accepted into the NSCC CCA a month. The two incidents were not and ready to ensure no fire or hot embers Workers reacted quickly and put out
Program for September 2008. related. would cause issues once emergency crews the fire within a matter of seconds, Ger-
For further information please contact: Hantsport Fire Chief Paul Maynard left, Maynard said. “Hantsport firefighters hardt said. “They’ve been trained to deal
said the fire started in the same location remained on scene for about an hour and with fires… They know fire is a serious
Wolfville Nursing Homes Limited a half.” matter here.”
601 Main Street The plant on-duty manager also However, this is the most number of
Wolfville, N.S. B4P 1E9 PUBLICATIONS appointed a staff member to conduct an
overnight fire watch on the equipment
fires the plant has dealt with in many
years, Gerhardt said. “I wish I could tell
Attention: MAIL AGREEMENT and area where the fire started to ensure you why… I think it must just be Murphy’s
Carolyn Moore, Director of Nursing 2WDNKECVKQPU/CKN#ITGGOGPV any flare-ups were dealt with, Maynard Law.”
Phone: 542-2429 0Q added. “The cause of the fire is Gerhardt said the fire broke out in the
2#24GIKUVTCVKQP0Q being investigated by Minas Basin offi- dryer area, just as it had during the larger
Fax: 542-1048 cials.”
4GVWTPWPFGNKXGTCDNG%CPCFKCP fire on July 3. But he noted this area of the
Email: [email protected] Y3125824
CFFTGUUGUVQ%KTEWNCVKQP&GRV There was no damage reported to any plant is 200 feet long.
21$QZ9KPFUQT05$06 of the equipment and no harm was done The causes of the two fires were
GOCKNKPHQ"JCPVULQWTPCNEC to the structure of the plant. However, one not related as this one started with a

male employee was treated for breathing spark from a scraper malfunction on a
problems at the scene and then was trans- dryer.

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