Unit 1 Ooad 2020
Unit 1 Ooad 2020
Unit 1 Ooad 2020
3. What is Object-Oriented Analysis and Design? [APRIL/MAY 2011, NOV / DEC 2013]
Object-oriented analysis there is an emphasis on finding and describing the objects or concepts in the
problem domain. For example, in the case of the flight information system, some of the concepts include
Plane, Flight, and Pilot. During object-oriented design (or simply, object design) there is an emphasis on
defining software objects and how they collaborate to fulfill the requirements. The combination of these two
concepts shortly known as object oriented analysis and design.
12. Define Use case. [NOV / DEC 2011, NOV / DEC 2013]
A use case is a collection of related success and failure scenarios that describe an actor using a
system to support a goal. Use cases are text documents, not diagrams, and use-case modeling is primarily an
act of writing text, not drawing diagrams.
16. Why do we need object oriented system development? [NOV / DEC 2012]
A critical ability of Object Oriented development is to skillfully assign responsibilities to software
objects. It is one activity that must be performed either while drawing a UML diagram or programming and
it strongly influences the robustness, maintainability, and reusability of software components.
37. List out any four reasons for the complexity of software. [NOV / DEC 2011]
We observe that complexity derives from four elements: the complexity of the problem domain,
the difficulty of managing the development process, the flexibility possible through software, and the
problems of characterizing the behavior of discrete systems.
38. List the relationships used in use cases. [APRIL/MAY 2012]
include Relationship
extend Relationship
generalize Relationship
39. List out the steps for finding use cases. [NOV / DEC 2012]
Choose the system boundary.
Identify the primary actors those that have goals fulfilled through using services of the
Identify the goals for each primary actor.
Define use cases that satisfy user goals; name them according to their goal.
40. What is the need for modeling? [MAY / JUNE 2014]
1. What do you mean by Unified Process in OOAD? Explain the phases with suitable diagrams.
UP Disciplines
Fully dressed
Fully dressed use cases show more detail and are structured
Fully dressed template:
1. Scope- The scope bounds the system (or systems) under design. Typically, a use case
describes use of one software (or hardware plus software) system; in this case it is known as
a system use case.
2. Level- Use cases are classified as at the user-goal level or the subfunction level, among
3. Primary Actor- The principal actor that calls upon system services to fulfill a goal.
4. Stakeholders and Interests- This list is more important and practical than may appear at
first glance. It suggests and bounds what the system must do.
5. Preconditions and Success Guarantees (Postconditions)
Preconditions state what must always be true before a scenario is begun in the use case.
Success guarantees (or postconditions) state what must be true on successful completion of
the use case either the main success scenario or some alternate path. The guarantee should
meet the needs of all stakeholders.
6. Main Success Scenario and Steps (or Basic Flow)- This has also been called the "happy
path" scenario, or the more prosaic "Basic Flow" or "Typical Flow."
7. Extensions (or Alternate Flows)- Extensions are important and normally comprise the
majority of the text. They indicate all the other scenarios or branches, both success and
8. Special Requirements- If a non-functional requirement, quality attribute, or constraint relates
specifically to a use case, record it with the use case.
9. Technology and Data Variations List-Often there are technical variations in how something
must be done, but not what, and it is noteworthy to record this in the use case.
Special Requirements:
- Touch screen UI on a large flat panel monitor. Text must be visible from 1 meter.
- Credit authorization response within 30 seconds 90% of the time.
Technology and Data Variations List:
*a. Manager override entered by swiping an override card through a card reader, or entering an
authorization code via the keyboard.
Frequency of Occurrence: Could be nearly continuous.
Open Issues:
- What are the tax law variations?
- Explore the remote service recovery issue.
A slightly shorter notation to indicate an included use case is simply to underline it or highlight it
in some fashion.
A simple, practical guideline of when to use the include relationship is offered by Fowler:
Use cases include when you are repeating yourself in two or more separate use cases and
you want to avoid repetition. Another motivation is simply to decompose an
overwhelmingly long use case into subunits to improve comprehension.
Using include with Asynchronous Event Handling
Another use of the include relationship is to describe the handling of an asynchronous event,
such as when a user is able to, at any time, select or branch to a particular window, function, or Web
page, or within a range of steps. The basic notation is to use the a*, b*, ... style labels in the Extensions
2. Extend Relationship
A use case's text should not be modified for some reason.
Perhaps continually modifying the use case with countless new extensions and conditional
steps is a maintenance headache, or the use case has been baselined as a stable artifact, and
can't be touched.
How to append to the use case without modifying its original text? The extend relationship
provides an answer.
The idea is to create an extending or addition use case, and within it, describe where and
under what condition it extends the behavior of some base use case. For example:
3. Generalize Relationship
Generalization between use cases is similar to generalization between classes – child use
case inherits properties and behavior of the parent use case and may override the behavior of
the parent.
In UP terms, the realistic exploration step is the elaboration phase. The preceding inception
phase is akin to a feasibility study to decide if it is even worth investing in exploratory drilling.
Only after serious exploration (elaboration) do we have the data and insight to make somewhat
believable estimates and plans. Therefore, in iterative development and the UP, plans and
estimates are not to be considered reliable in the inception phase.
They merely provide an order-of-magnitude sense of the level of effort, to aid the decision to
continue or not. The intent of inception is to establish some initial common vision for the
Prototypes and proof-of- To clarify the vision, and validate technical ideas.
Iteration Plan Describes what to do in the first elaboration iteration.
Phase Plan & Software Low-precision guess for elaboration phase duration and effort.
Development Plan Tools, people, education, and other resources.
Development Case A description of the customized UP steps and artifacts for this
project. In the UP, one always customizes it for the project.
Part – B
1. Briefly explain the different phases of Unified Process. (Q. No. 1)
2. Explain with an example, how usecase modeling is used to describe functional requirements. Identify the actors,
scenario and use cases for the example. (Q. No. 4)
Part – A
1. List out any four reasons for the complexity of software. (Q. No. 42)
2. What do you mean by use cases and actors? (Q. No. 10 & 12)
Part – B
1. What do you mean by Unified Process in OOAD? Explain the phases with suitable diagrams. (Q. No. 1)
2. By considering the Library Management system, perform the Object Oriented System Development and give
the use case model for the same (use include, extend and generalization). (Q. No. 8)
Part – A
1. What is UML? (Q. No. 6)
2. List the relationships used in use cases. (Q. No. 43)
Part – B
1. Briefly explain the different phases of Unified Process. (Q. No. 1)
2. Explain with an example, how use case modeling is used to describe functional requirements. Identify the
actors, scenario and use cases for the example. (Q. No. 4)
Part – A
1. Why do we need object oriented system development? (Q. No. 16)
2. List out the steps for finding use cases. (Q. No. 44)
Part – B
1. What do you mean by Unified Process in OOAD? Explain the phases with suitable diagrams. (Q. No. 1)
2. By considering the Library Management system, perform the Object Oriented System Development and give
the use case model for the same (use include, extend and generalization). (Q. No. 8)
MAY / JUNE 2013
Part – A
1. What is Analysis and Design? (Q. No. 4)
2. What is UML? (Q. No. 6)
Part – B
1. Briefly explain the different phases of Unified Process. (Q. No. 1)
2. Explain with an example, how use case modeling is used to describe functional requirements. Identify the
actors, scenario and use cases. (Q. No. 4)
Part – A
1. What is Object Oriented Analysis and Design? (Q. No. 3)
2. Define use case. (Q. No. 12)
Part – B
1. Briefly explain the different phases of Unified Process. (Q. No. 1)