OOAD Question Bank
OOAD Question Bank
OOAD Question Bank
1. What is an instance? Give an example. 2. List the relationships among classes. 3. Differentiate between the traditional and object oriented views of software. 4. Are messages different from function calls? Justify your answer. 5. What do you mean by consumer-producer association? 6. Give a brief note on object behavior. 7. Define object persistence. 8. Define class hierarchy. 9. Why do we go for object oriented systems development? 10. Write about static and dynamic binding? 11. What do you mean by information hiding? 12. Define objects. 13. Define meta-classes. 14. Define collaboration. 15. Define Prototype. Give the types of prototype. PART-C (10 MARKS) 1. Describe the various Object oriented concepts? 2. Describe the Software Development process. 3. How can we build a high quality Software? Explain. 4. Describe the Object oriented Systems Development life cycle a use case driven approach. 5. Discuss the advantages of Object oriented Approach. 6. Explain Structure oriented Approach.
CS1402 Object Oriented Analysis & Design UNIT-II Part A (2 MARKS) 1. What are the phases of OMT? 2. Differentiate between Pattern and Frameworks. 3. Why is unified approach needed? List its components. 4. What do you mean by object diagram? 5. What are the primary symbols used in Data Flow Diagrams? 6. Define Use Cases. 7. What are the diagrams used in Booch methodology? 8. What are the steps involved in Macro development process in Booch methodology. 9. Write short note on Objectory. 10. Define proto-patterns. 11. Define pattern template? What are the components in pattern template? 12. Define anti-patterns. 13. Define pattern mining. Give the steps involved in capturing pattern. 14. Define frame work. 15. Write short note on UA proposed Repository. 16. Define model. Explain about the types of model. . 17. What are the advantages of Modeling? 18. Define UML. 19. Mention the primary goals in the design of the UML. 20. Give the nine UML graphical diagrams. . PART-C(10MARKS) . Explain Rumbaughs Object Modeling Technique? . Explain the basic concepts of Unified Modeling Language. . Compare and Contrast the Booch and Jacobson methodology. . Describe patterns and the various pattern templates? . a) Explain in detail about the Unified approach? (8) b) Describe the UML Class diagram? (8) 6. Explain the Class diagram and Use case diagram for Railway Reservation System 7. Explain the Interaction diagrams with an example. 8.
UNIT-III Part A (2 MARKS) 1. Who are actors? How they are differ from users? 2. When to use CRC Cards? 3. What is the purpose of analysis? Why do we need analysis? 4. Why analysis is a difficult activity? 5. When extends association is used? 6. Define uses association. 7. What is meant by railroad paradox? What do you infer from railroad paradox? 8. What is the 80-20 rule? 9. Why is documentation an important part of analysis? 10. List the approaches for identifying classes. 11. What do you mean by relevant, fuzzy and irrelevant classes? 12. Give the guidelines for naming a class. 13. What are the three steps in CRC process? 14. How would you identify attributes and methods? 15. What is the common class patterns strategy? Give the list of patterns used. 16. What is an association? 17. What is generalization hierarchy? 18. Define aggregation.What are the major properties of a-part-of relation? 19. What guidelines would you see to identify a-part-of structures? 20. Why do we need to identify the systems responsibilities?
PART-C(10MARKS) 1. Describe the basic activities in object oriented analysis and explain how use case modeling is useful in analysis. 2. Discuss the importance of proper classification. Briefly explain about the different approaches used for identifying classes and objects. 3. Demonstrate the guidelines for finding use cases and developing effective documentation? 4. Give detailed notes about the Noun phrase approach? 5. Describe the CRC approach and naming classes? 6. Give a detailed note about Associations? 7. Give a detailed note on Super-sub class relationship and a-part-of relationship?
UNIT-IV Part A (2 MARKS) 1. Define Object storage 2. List the object oriented design axioms and corollaries 3. What are Operational attributes? 4. What is forwarding? 5. Define Scalability. 6. What is a Proxy pattern? 7. Define ODL. 8. Define OODBMS. 9. What is object store? 10. What is the use of an abstract class? Give an example. 11. What is meant by axiom? List the two design axioms of object oriented design 12. What are the main activities in design process? 13. What are the two types of coupling? 14. What do you mean by cohesion? Give the types of cohesion. 15. Differentiate coupling and cohesion? 16. What do you mean by design patterns? 17. What do you mean by expressions? Give the syntax for some common expressions. 18. What are private, public and protected protocols? 19. What is encapsulation leakage? 20. What are the three basic types of attributes? PART-C (10 MARKS) 1. Explain the access layer and object interoperability. 2. Briefly explain how design axioms help to avoid design pitfalls. 3. Explain the principles and metrics of good object oriented design. 4. Describe in detail about Object oriented database management systems? 5. State the differences between OODBMS and traditional database. Describe objectrelational systems? 6. Explain the steps involved in designing the view layer classes? 7. Describe the purpose of view layer interface?
UNIT-V Part A (2 MARKS) 1. What are the main tools of Quality Assurance? 2. What is a test case? 3. Why is user interface one of the most important components of any software? 4. Why do users find OOUI easier to use? 5. How can metaphors be used in the design of a user interface? 6. How would you achieve consistency in your user interface? 7. How can use cases help us design the view layer objects? 8. What is a successful test when you are looking for bugs? 9. What is black box testing? 10. When would you use white box testing? 11. What is Path testing? 12. What is statement testing coverage? 13. What is branch testing coverage? 14. What is regression testing? 15. Why are debugging tools important? 16. Why do we need usability testing? When do we use usability testing? 17. What is user satisfaction test? 18. Write short notes on debugging tools 19. What is the purpose of debugging? 20. What are the types of errors that you could find in your program? PART-C (10 MARKS) . Explain about software quality and usability. . Describe the different types of testing strategies. . Describe test cases and the impacts of object orientation on testing? . Illustrate test plan and continuous testing. . How to develop a custom form for a user satisfaction test? Explain with an example. . Describe Usability Testing and Explain how user satisfaction.