March 2019
March 2019
March 2019
and more…
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Contents ,
explain why I believe every survivalist WITH YOUR FIREARM SITUATIONAL AWARENESS
take up hunting.
There's no question that knowing your One of the most valuable skills you
Of course, the short answer is so you way around a gun is a good survival need to master for survival is the art of
won't ever starve, but there's a little trait that everyone who cares about staying aware.
more to it than that. their own safety in a crisis should learn.
Knowing what's going on around you
Now don't get me wrong, I'm a big fan Practice is a skill you'll hear me harp on at all times, feeling the "pulse" of a
of the outdoors and taking care of the about again and again, but it's vital. particular environment, and being ready
natural world, but I'm also a big fan of to act when an opportunity comes.
hunting. Getting comfortable with shooting,
learning to control the weapon, and To be successful in your hunts, you
It's a tradition my grandfather passed mastering the aim and the perfect shot need to attune yourself with the woods
down to my dad, one he passed to me. are vital to a good hunt. around you.
Hopefully I'll get to share it one day But this also translates to self-defense.
with my kids.
If you've ever in a position where you
Because I understand we no longer live need to protect yourself, being
in the old pioneer days, but I also comfor table with your firear m,
worry. knowing how to load and fire it “how to
efficiently, will go a long way to keeping
Our generation has become too
accustomed to convenience.
yourself, and your family safe. make the
Supermarkets stocked full of processed
Especially if you’re a decent shot.
foods and ready-to-eat meals, and Take the time to learn how to shoot.
despite the growing "organic" trend, I decision
believe we've lost touch with our roots. Even if it involves a little time spent on
It's time consuming, but any successful HUNTING GETS YOU OFF OF I'm confident that if I throw together a
hunter will tell you that it's discipline THE COUCH AND INTO THE quick lean-to, it's not going to collapse
which leads to their success. WOODS on me as soon as the wind changes
Of course, not every hunt will be a Finally, and perhaps most importantly,
good one, and you're sure to experience is one simple fact. Getting geared up There's much to be said about the
your fair share of disappointments. A and going hunting gets you off the benefits of learning first-hand the skills
missed shot. A wasted day. couch and into the great outdoors. But you need to survive in the woods, and
not only during hunting season. hunting gets you out there and doing
The important part is deciding how just that. Practical experience with your
you'll deal with these. Over time, I've I'll be out building hides or scouting gun, learning precisely what you need
discovered you simply need to let it go. new patches of trees, walking for miles to know to use it effectively in a crisis.
You won't always do everything looking for the perfect areas to hunt.
perfectly, the key is to learn and I've lost count of the hours I've spent If you've been looking for a new hobby
improve, and perhaps next time you'll tracking animals, reading signs and to support your survivalist goals, you
be ready. suffering everything mother nature has need to start hunting.
thrown at me, but it's also wonderfully
When the SHTF, it's going to take positive. The skills you develop will improve
everything you've got to stop yourself your ability to survive ten-fold, and
giving in to the despair and stressors You see, I'm that much more self- you'll get much more confident in
which now exist in every simple task. reliant now. I know where to find water yourself.
The discipline and ability to learn from in my local environment. I've learnt,
your mistakes you've developed will be studied and actually tried to eat most of T he best possible outcome in
fundamental to staying sane during the edible plants I'm planning to preparation for a SHTF event.
those trying times. survive on.
NOVEL USES FOR YOUR SOLAR OVEN Sometimes it feels like no matter what
you do, the bugs still get into your rice
and other grains. Little weevil things
that don't actually do you any harm if
When the grid goes down you're going It takes about an hour to heat water to you do eat them, but they're a little
to be glad you have a solar oven in your an acceptable level, you don't need to unappetizing to see. Normally I'd throw
stockpile. Not only does it allow you to boil it. Instead, you just need to these out, but this last winter we
cook your food without burning vital pasteurize it (the process they use with actually had mold destroy quite a bit of
fuel, it's an inexpensive device that will milk), which is essentially just getting our stores thanks to a leaky roof, so I
help you with a number of survival- the water above 149 degrees Fahrenheit wanted to save the bug-ridden stuff.
related tasks. for 6 minutes or more. This kills all Placing bowls of rice in the solar
bacteria, parasites and pathogens, and cooker before I cooked it killed the
HOW DOES A SOLAR OVEN it'll be safe to drink. On a sunny day, bugs, making it easy to clear them out
WORK? you'll achieve this in under an hour. when I needed the rice. Was nice not
throwing it all away.
If you hadn't guessed from the name, CANNING FRUITS AND
let me make it clear how these nifty MAKING JAM STERILIZING SUPPLIES AND
little devices work. A solar oven INSTRUMENTS
harnesses the power of the sun to Stick the canning jars right in the solar
cook, focusing and amplifying the cooker with the fruits inside first thing If you've got a need to sterilize
power of the rays to a central point. in the morning, leaving them for the anything, you can simply stick it inside a
Kind of like using a magnifying glass to majority of the day. By the late solar oven and let the sun do its job.
burn leaves as a kid, a solar oven works afternoon these have heated until The heat achieved inside will kill
on a similar fashion, concentrating the boiling point, and then I remove them, bacteria and other pathogens, which is a
light from the sun into the pan or dish sealing the lid and letting each cool trick used by doctors in field hospitals
placed inside. With a little time, it'll before it goes into storage. all over the world. Personally, I've not
cook whatever is in there, but this isn't had a need for this yet, but I have taken
all a solar oven is good for. I've also lost count of the batches of t o s t e r i l i z i n g m y b e e r- m a k i n g
homemade jam I've cooked up in my equipment in the oven, and it works
MAKING WATE R S AFE TO solar oven, it's great for anything that surprisingly well.
DRINK needs to simmer for hours.
If you're on the fence about buying a
In a crisis you can't expect the water in DEHYDRATING FRUITS AND solar oven, let me help you make the
your taps to continue to flow, and even MEATS right decision. Not only does it give you
if it does, it's not safe to drink. There a means to cook when the grid goes
could be bacteria or other harmful Another trick I like to do is to use my down, you can use it for everything
contaminants, especially if you're solar oven as a dehydrator. Trays of from sterilizing water to drying out
needing to source water from a lake or fruit like apricots work fantastic in here, your clothes. For anyone keen on
a stream. Water must be sterilized especially once they come into season creating a sustainable lifestyle, it's a
before you drink it, and that's where a and the price at my local farmers must-have piece of equipment for your
solar oven comes into play. market drops through the floor. survival stockpile.
In short, it's everything you need to get KNOW HOW TO DRIVE There's no question that a car is a
your car back on the road. In mine is a DEFENSIVELY valuable piece of equipment in a crisis,
set of tow ropes and shackles. I've also and by following these steps you can go
attached a winch to the front grill guard If you've never done a defensive a long way towards keeping your car
of my car, which means I'll be able to driving course, I can highly recommend running for as long as possible.
pull my car out of whatever trouble I it. Under the guidance of instructors,
get in. Of course, a spare tire and a jack you'll learn what to do in order to get Are you doing everything you can to
is vital, and I've even got a little 12V air yourself out of common situations on ensure your car will continue to run
compressor that I can use to keep my the road, like losing control after hitting once the SHTF?
tires up in a pinch. an oil or ice slick, and how to properly
look ahead for hazards.
If any crisis in recent history has shown Don't worry about embarrassing the If something looks out of place, pay
us anything, it's that the world is not a people you're with or that you may be attention, and plan of what you'll do in
safe place. There are people out there overreacting. Most people have a good case things escalate. By thinking about
with bad intentions, just waiting for the inner sense of danger, but few actually this before it happens, you'll gain vital
opportunity to strike. listen to it. The trick is to learn to listen seconds should chaos erupt around
to it, and act when something feels off. you.The faster you can react, the better
Only you can guarantee your safety, and your chances of survival.
it's your job to be prepared. Otherwise YOUR SCHEDULE SHOULDN’T
you risk getting caught off-guard by the BE A ROUTINE YOU’RE ALWAYS ARMED AND
wrong people, and a bad situation READY
immediately takes a turn for the worst. When your life is totally predictable,
you are painting a target on your back. Whenever you step outside, it's
Over the years I've spent countless Of course, it can be difficult to not be important you've got a means to defend
hours on self-defense training, martial at your desk during office hours, or yourself. Hopefully it's a concealed
arts and thousands of rounds sent attend certain classes each week, but carry firearm alongside the training and
down the shooting range. And as my the trick here is to vary your routine. means to use it, but at a bare minimum
girls get older there's a few lessons I've Use different routes to get to school, you should know basic self-defensive
passed down to them that I'd like to don't shop in the same grocery store fighting moves, and be carrying a can
share with all of you. Some of this is every week, and be a little more of pepper spray. If you notice anyone
basic, but bear with me, it's important. spontaneous in your life. That way if around you acting suspicious, don't be
anyone is watching, they won't be able afraid to get yourself ready, like putting
YOUR CONFIDENCE BECOMES to predict your every move, and it’s a your hand on your gun that's in your
A SHIELD little harder to catch you unawares. handbag, just in case. The faster you're
able to brandish your weapon, the
Ask any criminal, and you'll quickly YOUR NOSE SHOULDN’T BE IN quicker you can fight off your attacker
learn there are a few key things they OTHER PEOPLE’S BUSINESS
look for when choosing a mark. They YOU’RE PRACTICING GOOD
seek to find victims, people who are I'm a big proponent for sticking up for SURVIVAL TECHNIQUES
vulnerable or appear weak, as they the little guy, but it has got me into
make for an easy target, and a quick trouble on more than one occasion. The final step is to be defensive in your
score. Your job is to be the opposite of Twice I've ended up in a hospital bed. life. Lock your car doors once you get
this. Walk with your head held high, and If you're in a bad situation, the biggest in to stop the chances someone else
use your confidence as a shield, no piece of advice I can give you is to keep jumps in, install security lights so you've
matter what you're feeling inside. Just your mouth shut and not get involved. got a well-lit path to your door, and
remember, confidence doesn't mean People are unpredictable, and if you're never leave your back door or windows
ignorance. Get your eyes off your stepping in and aggravating a situation unlocked on your home.
phone and your headphones out. Pay further, you'll be the one in their sights.
attention to your surroundings or you Unless you can end the situation then Most bad guys are opportunistic, and if
risk being caught off guard even if and there, it's better to keep your nose you make it difficult for them to get
you're walking with confidence. out of other people's business. one over on you, they will move on to
an easier target.
LISTENED TO GOING ON AROUND YOU In a crisis it's important you're able to
not only defend yourself, but you're
Have you ever had the feeling a certain Otherwise known as situational actively practicing the techniques you
situation was just wrong? It's important awareness, this is a technique developed can use to stay a little more aware, and a
to never second-guess yourself when it from what is essentially "active" little more prepared. Because the only
comes to your instincts, and if you're looking. Whenever you enter a room, person you can truly trust with your
getting a bad vibe from a particular look around and make note of the back is yourself, and if you're not
place or a person, get out of there as people inside, the mood within, and any looking out for yourself, who will?
fast as you can. escape routes.
Living on a homestead is a lifestyle And 20 people die. Over winter I took the time to measure
choice I'll never regret making, but each out the different weights of different
year when the snow starts to fall I It's something you may not have kinds of snow, so I've got a good gauge
always get a brief feeling of dread. thought much about, I certainly hadn't, on what "20 pounds" actually means. I
but it was a sobering wake up call. simply climbed up on the roof at
There's a beauty to the winter different parts of the winter, and
wonderland, but behind the stunning Over the last summer I did a little shoveled out a square foot of snow and
pictures is a sharp and deadly cold. And digging as I wanted to understand just ice. Then weighed it. Based on the
the isolation that winter brings to us is a how much weight my roof could take. results, here's what I learnt.
It was far less than I thought.
But not just from snow-blocked roads
to the storms which continually knock Today, I want to share with you the
out power. What I'm most concerned
with is the snow and ice building up on
dangers of letting snow build up on
your roof, and how you can safely
“Do you
my roof. remove it.
know how
Last winter, a smaller hunting cabin of JUST HOW MUCH SNOW IS
mine gave way, and the roof collapsed. TOO MUCH FOR MY ROOF? much the
If I'd been inside, it would have been
disastrous, as one of the beams
supporting the ceiling landed smack in
There's a few different calculations you
can use, but as a good rule of thumb…
snow on
the middle of my bed. Right where I
would have been. If your roof is in good condition (not your roof
damaged or decaying in any way) it
In the U.S. there's an average of 3,000
roof collapses each year from heavy
should support about 20 pounds of
snow on every square foot of your
snow buildups on people’s roofs. roof.
FRESH SNOWFALL • Any sagging in your ceiling, in the Make sure you're a safe distance away
ceiling boards or the support beams to avoid getting caught in the sliding
Because it's so light and fluffy, it's the snow, or having it knock you from the
least dense of all the different types. • Any strange creaking, popping or ladder and taking a big fall.
cracking noises from the roof
I measured three snowfalls, and found Oh, and as you don't want the rake to
that 1 foot of fresh snow weighs about • Any difficulties in opening and damage your roof, I'd recommend
5 to 6 pounds. So, you don't need to closing doors or windows properly leaving the last inch or two of snow on
start freaking out even if a storm drops there as a buffer.
3 or 4 feet of snow overnight. Your • Any cracks or splits developing in
roof will still be around the 20 pounds your walls or masonry And of course, always use plastic tools
of weight mark, and all should be fine. to reduce the chances you do any
• Any leaks coming from your roof damage at all.
All of these indicate something is Once winter is over you're almost out
Once the snow has settled and has been definitely wrong, and your best option of the woods, make sure to check all of
sitting on your roof a while, it is to remove the snow. your roof, gutters and drains for any
compacts. Which makes it a lot denser, debris that may hinder the water
so it weighs a lot more. 1 foot of old TIPS FOR REMOVING SNOW draining as the snow melts.
snow that's been on my roof a couple FROM YOUR ROOF
of weeks (and has flattened out) weighs I also like to climb up in my attic to
about 20 pounds. If you've had a few This is definitely a two-person job, so ensure there's no leaks in and around
big snowfalls, it'll quickly overload what make sure you've got someone with you my chimney and the vents, so I can
your roof can handle. to help hold and steady the ladder, and plan my attack should any repairs need
pass you the tools as you need them. to be made when the weather improves,
Remember this. Just because your roof and to prevent things getting too bad
doesn't look like it has a lot of snow on It's dangerous to do this alone. while I still can.
there, doesn't mean it hasn't been
slowly adding up, soon becoming too You could always opt for a plastic snow Smart homesteaders know the dangers
much for your roof to handle. rake with an extension arm if you were of snow building up on their roof, and
worried about a fall from your ladder, they're active in both checking the
SIGNS YOUR ROOF IS ABOUT and then it's just a matter of weight and removing the snow to
TO GIVE OUT methodically scraping layer after layer ensure their homes and safety of their
of snow from your roof. families aren't at risk.
Anything above 20 pounds of snow per
square foot is dangerous, and once your Just be careful, as the roof snow can Do you know how much the snow on
roof is in the danger zone, you may (and will) start to slide at any moment, your roof weighs?
notice a few other things in addition to causing a mini avalanche that will take
the level of snow that's building on top. you with it if you’re not careful.
I've been a fan of homesteading for a Not enough food to keep me going for CREATE A RAIN-CATCHMENT
long time, it's a dream I've had since I months, but it taught me the basics of DEVICE
was a kid. Yet it was only a few years gardening which I still use to this day.
ago I was able to finally make a down- I got this idea after a burst pipe in the
payment on the perfect property. Oh, and if you've got hooks and can street left me without water for a few
setup hanging baskets, berries grow days, and the bottles of water I had
I spent the first 35 years of my life great on a balcony. saved ran out too fast.
l i v i n g i n s m a l l e r h o m e s, a n d
apartments, but that didn't stop my CREATE YOUR OWN On my balcony I built two special
homesteading dream. Because you COMPOSTER benches on either end, which I
don't need acres of land to be a normally used as seats and a space to
successful homesteader. In fact, there's Under my sink was where I created put my plants.
many different ways you can be more another little homesteading
self-sufficient while living in an contraption. But under each bench were two 7-
apartment. gallon plastic containers, which became
My composter. my "rainwater" tank.
Today, I'm going to share with you a
number of tips for homesteading in an Using three five-gallon buckets that
apartment, that I used to do in my tiny stack together, drill holes in two of the
one-bedroom home. There is nothing buckets and stack one in the third (the
holding you back from a more self-
sufficient lifestyle, if you choose to be
one with no holes so nothing can leak).
more independent. Add in a bunch of shredded newspaper