ERKE Group, PTC Vibrodriver Catalogue

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ptc Vibrodriver

The PTC Vibrodriver is an efficient hydraulic vibratory hammer, which vibrates

the profile, sheet pile or casing to be driven or extracted through vertical vibra-

These vibrations transmitted via the profile cause the adjacent ground to shift,
which results in a noticeable decrease in resistance between soil and pile.
Consequently, this enables the pile to be driven into the ground by its own and
the vibrator’s weight. This equipment also can extract the profile with the same
principle, via the pulling force of the carrier (crane) in use without any modifi-

Vibrations generated by the Vibrodriver are transmitted to the element being

driven via a connection (clamping head). Various hydraulic power packs supply
the required energy to the Vibrodriver.

The vibratory pile driver is used to drive a large variety of piles, including sheet
piles, beams, caissons, casings, concrete piles, wooden piles. Moreover, it can
extract these profiles. Also, it can be excavator mounted using the hydraulic
power of the excavator. This versatility and cost effective capability permit the
PTC vibrodriver to be used in various applications:

 Bridge constructions
 Harbour and wharf constructions (raked piles applications)
 Embankments and sewerage works
 Highway, railway, subway constructions
 Watertight curtain applications
 Underwater and offshore applications
 Sensitive area applications:
in the city center, near railways, highways, bridges,
metros, near old or historical buildings, etc…
 Soil treatment:
wick drains, vertical drains and deep foundation of
stone/sand columns
 Foundations for various architectural works

n° 353865

Environmentally friendly solution

Vibrodriver Design
The vibrodriver’s vibration is unidirectional, via the eccentrics
mounted in the gearbox. The eccentrics, ordered in pairs, turn with the
same angular velocity in opposite directions.

Both eccentrics generate centrifugal forces fc. The horizontal components fh

are offset at the same time that the vertical components fv are added, resulting in
centrifugal force Fc.

The element to be driven or extracted is clamped under the gearbox via a

hydraulic clamp.

A yoke is located above the gearbox and prevents the transmission of yoke

vibrations through elastomer blocks. The heavy yoke causes an addi- power pack

tional downward force with its own weight and can be increased by gear box

adding additional weights. clamping head


Vibrodriver selection
The selection of a vibrodriver is based on:
SPT values: N
 cross section of pile
 ram profile weight
 soil layer consistency
 soil porosity

The diagram, which has been derived from our experience, can be used to
preselect the vibrodriver. Moreover, driving efficiency can be improved by air or
water jetting.

Penetration depth
Technical Parameters
Eccentric Moment: Mt (
Mt = ∑ (m x r) (r: the distance between its center of gravity and its rotational axis)
(m: the mass of the eccentric)
Centrifugal Force: Fc (kN)
Each eccentric generates: fc = m x r x ω2 (ω is the angular velocity in radians/s)
Fc = 1.118 x Mt x n2 x 10-5 (Mt in, n in r.p.m)
Example: PTC 30H1A Vibrodriver (M t = 30, n = 1 680 r.p.m)
Fc = 1.118 x 30 x 1 680 2 x 10 -5 = 946 kN
Dynamic Weight: mv (t)
mv = weight of the gearbox + weight of the clamping head + weight of the element
Amplitude: A (mm)
is the total vertical displacement of the vibrating elements during one complete revolution of the eccentrics.
A = 2 x M (A in mm, Mt in, mv in tons)

Example: PTC 30H1A Vibrodriver (M t = 30, weight of gearbox = 2.47 tons, clamping heads
= 0.95 tons) + tube (Ø 14 m, 26 m long, 15 mm thick, 13.37 tons)
mv = 2.47 t + 0.95 t + 13.37 t = 16.79 t

A = 2 x 30 = 3.6 mm
Clamping heads
The function of the clamping heads, which are mounted under the vibrodrivers,
is to firmly clamp the pile or casing to be driven or extracted.

The clamping head is fed with high pressure oil by a hydraulic pump located in
the power pack.

The clamping heads must be adapted to the size of the vibrodriver, as well as
to the shape of sheet pile, profile or casing. Consequently, there are numerous
models and, only 6 basic types are shown below. On many cases it is neces-
Intermediate plate and Multiplex sary to check the selection of a clamping head to suit a particular application.

The 6 basic types:

 The Agriplex has a single ram and allows a single sheet pile or a H beam to be clamped.
 The Duplex clamping head for casings and caissons consists of two clamps which can be slid
onto two T-bars. The position of the clamps is determined by the casing diameter. A straight
beam allows the clamping of casings with larger diameter.
 The Multiplex has two hydraulic clamps which can be slid
onto two T-bars, like Duplex. They are mounted on an interme-
diate plate. This is especially useful for double sheet pile appli-
cations (U or Z sheet piles).
 The Quadriplex clamping head is foreseen to clamp particu-
larly large casings (Ø 2 m or above). It consists of four
hydraulic clamps which slide on T-bars. The T-bars are
mounted on a special X-form beam (spreader beam), directly
under the vibrator.
 The Multigrip clamping head is for extracting (or driving) con-
crete or wooden piles which can be round or square (from
350 mm x 350 mm to 450 mm x 450 mm).
 The Tetagrip: PTC has designed a new clamping head com-
bined with intermediate plate, to optimally drive profiles for
combined walls (king piles + double Z piles).

Turning Plate,
intermediate Plate and straight beam:
Quadriplex Agriplex  The Turning plate allows to mount clamping head at 90° to
work nearer buildings.
 The intermediate plate with simple structure insures an easy
handling of different types of double U or Z sheet piles.
 The straight beam is used mostly with Duplex clamp to drive
larger casings.

Straight beam and Duplex

Soil Velocity VIBMASTER™
The SOIL VELOCITY VIBMASTER™ is a patented soil particle velocity control and
monitoring system used for PTC HFV™ or HV™ Vibrodriver applications.

A maximum or desired value can be selected by the operator. Once the value is entered
into the system, the SOIL VELOCITY VIBMASTER™ controls the amplitude setting, which
in turn controls the soil particle velocity generated, thus creating an environmentally
friendly process. Consequently, various types of piles can be driven in sensitive areas
without causing damage to the environment.

It simultaneously measures, records and prints a maximum of 14 parameters including

the following:

 Soil particle velocity at any location in mm/sec,  Inclination,

 Frequency of the Vibrodriver in Hz,  Grout flow in I/min,
 Amplitude of the Vibrodriver in mm,  Grout pressure in bar,
 High Pressure of the power pack in bar,  Etc…
 Depth in m,

Frequency and amplitude sensor

Pression sensor

Soil velocity sensor

Display and printer

Height: 330 mm
Depth: 270 mm
Width: 330 mm
Plug-in connection box Weight: 12.2 kg
The Figure 1 shows the components of this system.

 The main advantage of the Vibmaster is to be able to drive various profiles in very sen-
sitive areas with the same level of safety as a hydraulic press, but cheaper and more
 The Vibmaster, which is installed in the crane cab, allows the operator to check all the
parameters during the driving.
 It is a “plug and play” system which connects itself easily through a plug-in connection
box on the power pack.
 The memory card allows digital recording of maximum soil particle velocity during the
driving, thus provides evidence to the client that this amplitude requirement has been
H & HD Standard Frequency Vibrodrivers
Hydraulic vibrators are the most widely used equipment for driving and extracting sheet piles,
casing and profiles with excellent performance and precision.

The HD or “HEAVY DUTY” type was developed for driving heavy profiles and casing with
proper weights up to 90 tons. Their large eccentric moments enable them to generate the
dynamic force with high amplitudes. Due to its design, the maximum pressure of the indi-
vidual eccentric pairs is limited to 15 t which ensures a long working life for the bearings.

H & HD Vibrodrivers (Standard Frequency Vibrators)

3H5 7H5 15H1 18H2 25H1A 30H1A

Power of vibrator kW/hp 30/41 50/68 123/167 128/172 153/206 196/266
Eccentric moment 3 6.5 15 17 23 30
Maximum frequency Hz/rpm 28/1 680 33/1 980 28/1 680 27/1 620 29/1 740 28/1 680
Max. centrifugal force kN 95 288 473 498 778 946
Max. line pull capacity kN 120 120 200 280 400 400
Vibrating weight kg 305 650 1 250 1 430 2 200 2 470
Total weight kg 555 980 2 150 2 500 3 600 4 120
Max. amplitude mm 19.6 20 24 23.8 21 21
Cooler* - - - - - -
Length m 0.616 0.980 1.590 1.590 2.500 2.500
Max.width m 0.485 0.590 0.620 0.620 0.740 0.740
Centre width m 0.290 0.330 0.315 0.330 0.330 0.330
Height without clamp m 1.025 1.075 1.350 1.610 1.800 1.800
Power Pack
Type 85 85 180 220 260 350
Intermittent rating of engine
kW/hp 60/81 60/81 127/173 138/184 205/279 242/329
DIN6271 or ISO3046
Engine model
4045 D 4045 D 6068 TF275 6068 HF275 C7 ACERT C9 ACERT
Max. rotation speed r.p.m 2 500 2 500 2 500 2 400 2 300 2 300
Max. oil flow l/mn 85 85 180 230 280 370
Max. working pressure bar 385 385 385 385 385 385
Hydraulic oil capacity l 125 125 270 270 310 310
Fuel capacity l 150 150 260 260 560 560
Length m 2.400 2.400 3.285 3.285 4.000 4.000
Width m 0.950 0.950 1.270 1.270 1.600 1.600
Height m 1.650 1.650 1.885 1.885 2.040 2.040
Weight without fuel kg 1 500 1 500 3 250 3 250 4 000 4 200
Connecting Hoses
Standard length m 20 20 30 30 30 30
Weight kg 130 130 220 220 350 350
Clamping Head
Single sheet piles not Z,
Agriplex 22 t Agriplex 40 t Agriplex 55 t Agriplex 55 t Agriplex 120 t Agriplex 120 t
straight web, double Z shaped
72 kg 220 kg 360 kg 360 kg 750 kg 750 kg
sheet piles and H profiles
Multiplex 2 x 42 t Multiplex 2 x 42 t Multiplex 2 x 55 t Multiplex 2 x 55 t
Double sheet piles - -
900 kg 900 kg 1 300 kg 1 300 kg
Duplex 2 x 42 t Duplex 2 x 42 t Duplex 2 x 55 t Duplex 2 x 55 t
Casings and most box piles - -
580 kg 580 kg 950 kg 950 kg
* Noticeably for continuous running
H & HD Vibrodrivers (Standard Frequency Vibrators)

30HP 40HD 50HD1 50HD2 65HD

Power of vibrator kW/hp 196/266 240/326 255/347 290/394 305/414
Eccentric moment 30 40 45 50 65
Maximum frequency Hz/rpm 27/1 620 28/1 680 25/1 500 25/1 500 26/1 560
Max. centrifugal force kN 880 1 260 1 130 1 257 1 770
Max. line pull capacity kN 300 400 500 600 600
Vibrating weight kg 2 000 3 000 3 100 3 200 5 000
Total weight kg 3 300 6 200 6 300 6 400 7 300
Max. amplitude mm 30 26.5 29 31.2 26
Cooler* option option option option option
Length m 2.110 2.320 2.550 2.550 2.350
Max.width m 0.780 0.910 0.680 0.680 0.745
Centre width m 0.390 0.380 0.380 0.380 0.350
Height without clamp m 1.900 2.070 2.020 2.020 2.500
Power Pack
Type 350 450 450 500 600
Intermittent rating of engine
kW/hp 242/329 313/426 313/426 354/475 403/548
DIN6271 or ISO3046
Engine model
Max. rotation speed r.p.m 2 300 2 300 2 300 2 300 2 300
Max. oil flow l/mn 370 520 520 520 600
Max. working pressure bar 385 385 350 385 385
Hydraulic oil capacity l 310 390 390 390 690
Fuel capacity l 560 870 870 870 1 080
Length m 4.000 4.225 4.225 4.225 4.680
Width m 1.600 1.600 1.600 1.600 1.800
Height m 2.040 2.270 2.270 2.210 2.390
Weight without fuel kg 4 200 5 250 5 250 5 500 7 000
Connecting Hoses
Standard length m 30 45 45 45 45
Weight kg 350 520 520 520 855
Clamping Head
Single sheet piles not Z,
Agriplex 120 t Agriplex 170 t Agriplex 170 t Agriplex 170 t Agriplex 240 t
straight web, double Z shaped
750 kg 1 250 kg 1 250 kg 1 250 kg 2 150 kg
sheet piles and H profiles
Multiplex 2 x 55 t Multiplex 2 x 85 t Multiplex 2 x 85 t Multiplex 2 x 85 t Multiplex 2 x 120 t
Double sheet piles
1 300 kg 1 650 kg 1 650 kg 1 650 kg 2 200 kg
Duplex 2 x 55 t Duplex 2 x 85 t Duplex 2 x 85 t Duplex 2 x 85 t Duplex 2 x 120 t
Casings and most box piles
950 kg 1 650 kg 1 650 kg 1 650 kg 1 630 kg
* Noticeably for continuous running
H & HD Vibrodrivers (Standard Frequency Vibrators)

75HD 120HD 130HD 200HD 265HD

Power of vibrator kW/hp 410/558 410/613 564/767 710/966 1 080/1 470
Eccentric moment 75 120 130 199 261
Maximum frequency Hz/rpm 25/1 500 23/1 380 23/1 380 23/1 380 24/1 440
Max. centrifugal force kN 1 887 2 550 2 766 4 230 6 050
Max. line pull capacity kN 1 050 1 200 1 200 1 800 1 800
Vibrating weight kg 5 930 8 200 8 350 13 340 19 950
Total weight kg 11 800 13 300 13 450 19 540 27 450
Max. amplitude mm 25.3 29.3 31.1 29.8 26.1
Cooler* option option option option option
Length m 3.460 2.300 2.300 2.300 4.100
Max.width m 0.780 1.505 1.505 1.520 2.000
Centre width m 0.780 0.800 0.800 0.800 1.600
Height without clamp m 2.110 3.000 3.000 4.000 2.300
Power Pack
Type 680 800 1 000 1 200 1 900
Intermittent rating of engine
kW/hp 433/588 571/776 656/892 746/1 015 1 373/1 867
DIN6271 or ISO3046
Engine model
C15 ACERT C18 ACERT 3412C DITTA 3412E DITTA 3512 B
Max. rotation speed r.p.m 2 300 2 100 2 100 2 100 1 850
Max. oil flow l/mn 700 820 960 1 170 1 900
Max. working pressure bar 385 385 385 385 385
Hydraulic oil capacity l 690 815 820 1 030 1 900
Fuel capacity l 1 080 1 100 1 100 1 650 2 400
Length m 4.680 5.000 5.000 5.100 7.535
Width m 1.800 2.080 2.040 2.240 2.260
Height m 2.390 2.415 2.275 2.230 (2.630) 2.280
Weight without fuel kg 7 000 9 500 9 500 10 000 20 000
Connecting Hoses
Standard length m 45 45 45 45 45
Weight kg 855 1 030 1 030 1 670 2 200
Clamping Head
Single sheet piles not Z,
Agriplex 240 t Agriplex 240 t Agriplex 240 t Agriplex 2 x 240 t
straight web, double Z -
2 150 kg 2 150 kg 2 150 kg 5 500 kg
shaped sheet piles and H profiles
Multiplex 2 x 120 t Multiplex 2 x 150 t Multiplex 2 x 150 t Multiplex 2 x 250 t
Double sheet piles -
2 200 kg 3 100 kg 3 100 kg 5 250 kg
Quadriplex 4 x 120 t Quadriplex 4 x 120 t
Duplex 2 x 120 t 3 200 kg 3 200 kg Quadriplex 4 x 150 t Quadriplex 4 x 250 t
Casings and most box piles
1 630 kg Duplex 2 x 150 t Duplex 2 x 150 t 6 200 kg 10 500 kg
3 100 kg 3 100 kg
* Noticeably for continuous running
High frequency Vibrodrivers
with variable amplitude

The patented high frequency vibrator with hydraulic control variable eccentricity (HFV)
was introduced in 1992 and is a key development for PTC. The HFV system distin-
guishes itself with its ability to start up and stop down without generating any vibra-
tions. With amplitude control, the vibrations transmitted to the environment are
reduced to a minimum. Moreover, the damaging vibrations transmitted to the crane
booms are eliminated, which allows contractors to work with telescopic booms on
mobile cranes.

These models fall well within the new international norms for limiting noise and
vibrations emissions, thus enable sensitive jobs to be operated in historic cen-
tres, city centres or close to buildings housing delicate equipment etc. All the
advantages of the high frequency vibrators remain valid.

The exclusive advantages of variable amplitude vibrators:

 resonance-free start up and stop down;
 reduction of the noise level;
 reduction of the vibrations transmitted towards the ground;
 adapting the amplitude to the ground;
 use and pre-setting in “delicate driving” mode;
 mHFV can be mounted on most excavators.

The HFV working principle:

Variation of eccentrics’ relative positions

The rotating eccentrics are kept in opposite positions, in all cases, at the start of vibra-
tion. The resulting moment is nil. This is no amplitude of vibration.

For instance, when half of rotating eccentrics

have rotated 60°, the resulting moment and
amplitude of vibration are, then half of their
Amplitude (mm)

maximum values.

Half of rotating eccentrics have been turned time

180°, thus working in time with the other half.
The resulting moment and amplitude are max- Start of vibration
Amplitude (mm)

One can control the amplitude continuously

from minimum to maximum at will.

Turned 60°
Amplitude (mm)


Turned 180°
Comparison of curves
PTC HFV & HV Vibrodriver
(standard and high frequency with variable amplitude)
Starting without any vibrations
 no amplitude
 no resonance
 no dangerous shaking zone Frequency

Amplitude (mm)
Driving with adjustable amplitude from 0 to 10 mm (for
instance), with a particle velocity of 3 mm/s, can be located at 2 m time
from sensitive constructions.
 with high frequency (38 Hz, 2 300 rpm) vibrations are less sensitive,
and the efficiency is increased by 25 %
Stopping without any vibration
 no dangerous shaking zone

HFV Vibrodrivers (High Frequency Vibrators with Variable Amplitude)


Power of vibrator kW/hp 27/37 107/145 107/145 125/170 156/212 200/272
Eccentric moment 0-1.9 0-8 0-10 0-12 0-15 0-15
Maximum frequency Hz/rpm 45/2 700 38/2 300 38/2 300 38/2 300 38/2 300 38/2 300
Max. centrifugal force kN 155 473 590 710 890 890
Max. line pull capacity kN 50 100 100 100 300 300
Vibrating weight kg 415 1 690 1 700 1 710 2 200 2 210
Total weight kg 550 2 090 2 100 2 110 3 180 3 200
Max. amplitude mm 9.1 9.5 11.7 14 13.6 13.5
Cooler* - - - - - -
Length m 0.680 1.250 1.250 1.250 1.780 1.780
Max.width m 0.548 0.600 0.600 0.600 0.780 0.780
Centre width m 0.285 0.350 0.350 0.350 0.340 0.340
Height without clamp m 1.098 1.474 1.474 1.474 1.900 1.900
Power Pack
Type 85 180 220 220 260 350
Intermittent rating of engine
kW/hp 60/81 127/173 138/184 138/184 205/279 242/329
DIN6271 or ISO3046
Engine model
4045D 6068 TF275 6068 HF275 6068 HF275 C7 ACERT C9 ACERT
Max. rotation speed r.p.m 2 500 2 500 2 400 2 400 2 300 2 300
Max. oil flow l/mn 85 180 230 230 280 400
Max. working pressure bar 385 385 385 360 385 385
Hydraulic oil capacity l 125 270 270 270 310 310
Fuel capacity l 150 260 260 260 560 560
Length m 2.400 3.150 3.285 3.285 4.000 4.000
Width m 0.950 1.270 1.270 1.270 1.600 1.600
Height m 1.650 1.865 1.885 1.865 2.040 2.040
Weight without fuel kg 1 500 3 200 3 250 3 250 4 000 4 200
Connecting Hoses
Standard length m 15 30 30 30 30 30
Weight kg 110 265 265 265 395 395
Clamping Head
Single sheet piles not Z,
Agriplex 22 t Agriplex 55 t Agriplex 85 t Agriplex 85 t Agriplex 120 t Agriplex 120 t
straight web, double Z
72 kg 360 kg 430 kg 430 kg 750 kg 750 kg
shaped sheet piles and H profiles
Multiplex 2 x 42 t Multiplex 2 x 42 t Multiplex 2 x 42 t Multiplex 2 x 55 t Multiplex 2 x 55 t
Double sheet piles -
900 kg 900 kg 900 kg 1 300 kg 1 300 kg
Duplex 2 x 42 t Duplex 2 x 42 t Duplex 2 x 42 t Duplex 2 x 55 t Duplex 2 x 55 t
Casings and most box piles -
590 kg 590 kg 590 kg 950 kg 950 kg
* Noticeably for continuous running
Traditional vibrator (standard frequency
with fixed amplitude)
Starting without large amplitude
 resonance non-controllable
 dangerous shaking zone
Driving with fixed amplitude

Amplitude (mm)
 with standard frequency (28 Hz, 1 700 rpm)
Stopping without large amplitude time
 resonance non-controllable
 dangerous shaking zone

HFV Vibrodrivers (High Frequency Vibrators with Variable Amplitude)


Power of vibrator kW/hp 215/292 222/302 307/417 405/550 540/734 662/900
Eccentric moment 0-17 0-23 0-27 0-34 0-48 0-54
Maximum frequency Hz/rpm 38/2 300 38/2 300 38/2 300 38/2 300 37/2 200 38/2 300
Max. centrifugal force kN 1 000 1 360 1 596 2 010 2 640 3 190
Max. line pull capacity kN 300 400 400 400 530 600
Vibrating weight kg 2 880 3 610 3 770 5 000 5 700 6 360
Total weight kg 4 380 5 500 5 600 7 000 8 000 11 200
Max. amplitude mm 11 13 14.3 13.6 17 17
Cooler* standard option option standard standard option
Length m 1.965 2.200 2.200 2.320 2.350 2.280
Max.width m 0.910 0.860 0.860 0.860 1.120 1.410
Centre width m 0.380 0.340 0.340 0.380 0.530 0.840
Height without clamp m 2.120 2.115 2.115 2.255 2.490 2.830
Power Pack
Type 450 450 600 800 1 000 1 200
Intermittent rating of engine
kW/hp 313/426 313/426 403/548 433/588 656/892 746/1 015
DIN6271 or ISO3046
Engine model
Max. rotation speed r.p.m 2 300 2 300 2 300 2 100 2 100 2 100
Max. oil flow l/mn 510 510 600 820 960 1 170
Max. working pressure bar 385 385 385 385 385 385
Hydraulic oil capacity l 390 390 720 815 820 1 030
Fuel capacity l 870 870 925 1 100 1 100 1 650
Length m 4.225 4.225 4.680 5 000 5.000 5.100
Width m 1.600 1.600 1.840 2.080 2.040 2.240
Height m 2.210 2.210 2.340 2.415 2.275 2.230 (2.630)
Weight without fuel kg 5 250 5 250 7 000 9 500 9 500 10 000
Connecting Hoses
Standard length m 30 30 30 45 45 45
Weight kg 395 395 615 1 200 1 200 1 670
Clamping Head
Single sheet piles not Z, Double Agriplex
Agriplex 120 t Agriplex 170 t Agriplex 240 t Agriplex 240 t Agriplex 240 t
straight web, double Z 2x240 t
750 kg 1 250 kg 2 150 kg 2 150 kg 2 150 kg
shaped sheet piles and H profiles 5 500 kg
Multiplex 2 x 55 t Multiplex 2 x 85 t Multiplex 2 x 120 t Multiplex 2 x 120 t Multiplex 2 x 150 t Multiplex 2 x 150 t
Double sheet piles
1 300 kg 1 650 kg 2 200 kg 2 200 kg 3 100 kg 3 100 kg
Duplex 2 x 55 t Duplex 2 x 85 t Duplex 2 x 120 t Duplex 2 x 120 t Duplex 2 x 150 t Duplex 2 x 150 t
Casings and most box piles
950 kg 1 250 kg 1 660 kg 1 660 kg 3 100 kg 3 100 kg
* Noticeably for continuous running
HF High Frequency Vibrodrivers
High frequency vibration of PTC vibrators primarily reduces the friction between the
soil and the pile because this sort of machines vibrates at frequencies higher than
30 Hz. Thus, high-frequency vibrators have been employed to avoid resonance
which may damage neighbouring structures. The vibration also allows easy
extraction of the pile by pulling on the excavator arm.

HF Vibrodrivers (High Frequency Vibrators)

3HF5 7HF4 13HF3 15HF3 20HF3 23HF3A 30HF3A

Power of vibrator kW/hp 44/60 92/125 153/206 210/285 222/302 230/312 292/397
Eccentric moment 3 6.5 13.5 15 18 23 27
Maximum frequency Hz/rpm 38/2 300 38/2 300 38/2 300 38/2 300 38/2 300 38/2 300 38/2 300
Max. centrifugal force kN 175 385 798 887 1 060 1 360 1 596
Max. line pull capacity kN 120 120 300 300 300 400 400
Vibrating weight kg 305 650 1 200 1 300 1 900 2 270 2 400
Total weight kg 560 980 2 500 2 600 3 050 3 870 4 000
Max. amplitude mm 19.6 20 22.5 23 19 20 22.5
Cooler* - - - - - - -
Length m 0.616 0.865 1.745 1.745 1.745 2.200 2.200
Max.width m 0.485 0.590 0.700 0.700 0.765 0.765 0.765
Centre width m 0.290 0.330 0.340 0.340 0.415 0.330 0.330
Height without clamp m 1.025 1.075 1.510 1.510 1.647 2.030 2.030
Power Pack
Type 85 180 260 350 350 350 600
Intermittent rating of engine
kW/hp 60/81 127/173 205/279 242/329 242/329 242/329 403/548
DIN6271 or ISO3046
Engine model
Max. rotation speed r.p.m 2 500 2 500 2 300 2 300 2 300 2 300 2 300
Max. oil flow l/mn 85 180 280 380 380 380 600
Max. working pressure bar 385 385 385 385 385 385 385
Hydraulic oil capacity l 125 270 310 310 310 310 690
Fuel capacity l 150 260 560 560 560 560 1 080
Length m 2.400 3.150 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.680
Width m 0.950 1.270 1.600 1.600 1.600 1.600 1.800
Height m 1.650 1.865 2.040 2.040 2.040 2.040 2.390
Weight without fuel kg 1 500 3 200 4 000 4 200 4 200 4 200 7 000
Connecting Hoses
Standard length m 15 30 30 30 30 30 30
Weight kg 110 220 350 350 350 350 570
Clamping Head
Single sheet piles not Z,
Agriplex 40 t Agriplex 40 t Agriplex 85 t Agriplex 120 t Agriplex 120 t Agriplex 170 t Agriplex 240 t
straight web, double Z
220 kg 220 kg 430 kg 750 kg 750 kg 1 250 kg 2 150 kg
shaped sheet piles and H profiles
Multiplex 2x42 t Multiplex 2x55 t Multiplex 2x55 t Multiplex 2x85 t Multiplex 2x120 t
Double sheet piles - -
980 kg 1 300 kg 1 300 kg 1 650 kg 2 200 kg
Duplex 2 x 42 t Duplex 2 x 55 t Duplex 2 x 55 t Duplex 2 x 85 t Duplex 2 x 120 t
Casings and most box piles - -
590 kg 950 kg 950 kg 1 250 kg 1 660 kg
* Noticeably for continuous running
HV Standard Frequency
with Variable Amplitude Vibrodrivers
With the development of vibratory hammer, the market has required a more economical, inter-
mediate size machine with the advantages of the variable amplitude, but working at the standard
frequency while obtaining the same results.
PTC has therefore, developed a new range of machines which is very competitive in price. This range
requires less powerful power packs than high frequency machines and offers the considerable advan-
tage of the variable moment, namely: the variable amplitude.
The HV vibrodrivers have the following main features:
 standard frequency;  allows to work in immediate proximity of sensitive buildings, as well as in
 the HV does not damage the hydraulic cylinders of the telescopic boom on built-up areas without damaging the environment;
mobile cranes;  with the Vibmaster (the PTC control and monitoring system) the level of
 the variable moment system which is integrated into the vibrator, allows vibration transmitted to the environment can be kept under a fixed soil par-
the starting up and stopping down without vibrations thanks to the con- ticle velocity (5 mm/s for instance).
trol of the amplitude;

HV Vibrodrivers (Standard Frequency Vibrators with Variable Amplitude)

25HV 30HV 60HVW 65HVW 120HV 130HV

Power of vibrator kW/hp 173/235 230/312 330/449 378/514 451/613 564/767
Eccentric moment 0-23.5 0-30 0-60 0.65 0-120 0-130
Maximum frequency Hz/rpm 27/1 620 28/1 680 28/1 680 27/1 620 23/1 380 23/1 380
Max. centrifugal force kN 690 946 1 890 1 910 2 550 2 766
Max. line pull capacity kN 400 320 600 600 1 200 1 200
Vibrating weight kg 2 850 2 900 6 350 6 420 9 500 9 700
Total weight kg 4 350 4 400 8 200 8 270 14 250 14 450
Max. amplitude mm 16.5 21 19 20 25.3 26.8
Cooler* option option option option Option Option
Length m 1.800 1.800 2.220 2.220 2.300 2.300
Max.width m 0.875 0.875 1.090 1.090 1.505 1.505
Centre width m 0.340 0.340 0.800 0.800 0.800 0.800
Height without clamp m 2.400 2.400 2.125 2.125 3.260 3.260
Power Pack
Type 260 350 600 700 800 1 000
Intermittent rating of engine
kW/hp 205/279 242/329 403/548 433/588 571/776 656/892
DIN6271 or ISO3046
Engine model
Max. rotation speed r.p.m 2 300 2 300 2 300 2 300 2 100 2 100
Max. oil flow l/mn 280 400 600 680 820 960
Max. working pressure bar 385 385 385 385 385 385
Hydraulic oil capacity l 310 310 690 690 815 820
Fuel capacity l 560 560 1 080 1 080 1 100 1 100
Length m 4.000 4.000 4.680 4.680 5.000 5.000
Width m 1.600 1.600 1.800 1.800 2.080 2.040
Height m 2.040 2.040 2.340 2.340 2.415 2.275
Weight without fuel kg 4 000 4 200 7 000 7 000 9 000 9 500
Connecting Hoses
Standard length m 30 30 30 30 45 45
Weight kg 395 395 615 615 1 050 1 050
Clamping Head
Single sheet piles not Z,
Agriplex 85 t Agriplex 120 t Agriplex 240 t Agriplex 240 t Agriplex 240 t Agriplex 240 t
straight web, double Z
430 kg 750 kg 2 150 kg 2 150 kg 2 150 kg 2 150 kg
shaped sheet piles and H profiles
Multiplex 2 x 42 t Multiplex 2 x 55 t Multiplex 2 x 120 t Multiplex 2 x 120 t Multiplex 2 x 150 t Multiplex 2 x 150 t
Double sheet piles
980 kg 1 300 kg 2 200 kg 2 200 kg 3 100 kg 3 100 kg
Quadriplex 4 x 120 t Quadriplex 4 x 120 t
Duplex 2 x 42 t Duplex 2 x 55 t Duplex 2 x 120 t Duplex 2 x 120 t 3 200 kg 3 200 kg
Casings and most box piles
590 kg 950 kg 1 660 kg 1 660 kg Duplex 2 x 150 t Duplex 2 x 150 t
3 100 kg 3 100 kg
* Noticeably for continuous running
HT Tandem or Ring Vibrodrivers
Tandem or ring vibrators consist of 2 standard Vibrodrivers assembled on a single frame –“ring”. The ring frame allows the casing
to get through the whole unit. This equipment is designed to facilitate the driving of casings with an hydraulic hammer and the
pouring of concrete, as well as extraction of the driven casings without changing machine.

HT Tandam or Ring Vibrodrivers

13HT 26HT 50HT

Eccentric moment 13 26 50
Maximum frequency r.p.m. 1 700 1 700 1 500
Max. centrifugal force kN 420 840 1 260
Max. line pull capacity kN 450 450 600
Vibrating weight kg 4 750 5 500 7 300
Total weight kg 6 000 6 500 9 200
Amplitude without casing mm 5.4 9.5 13.5
Max diameter casing mm 457 610 600
Casing weigth/amplitude t/mm 3.9/3 10.5/3.2 22/3.5
Power Pack
Type 260 350 600
Intermittent rating of engine
kW/hp 205/279 242/329 403/548
DIN6271 or ISO304
Engine model
Rotation speed r.p.m. 2 300 2 300 2 300
Max. oil flow l/mn 280 370 600
Working pressure bar 385 385 385
Hydraulic oil capacity l 310 310 690
Fuel capacity l 560 560 1 080
Length m 4.000 4.000 4.680
Width m 1.600 1.600 1.800
Height m 2.040 2.040 2.390
Weight without fuel kg 4 000 4 200 7 000
Connecting Hoses
Standard length m 30 30 60
Weight kg 350 350 700
Clamping System
Ring system force t 70 t 110 t 160 t
PHF Mounted on Hydraulic Excavators
Vibrodrivers (Standard Frequency & High Frequency)
Each model of the PHF can easily be mounted on the excavator stick, and be powered by the excavator’s
hydraulic (breaker hammer adaptation) and controlled by the excavator operator.

The PHF vibrators with their various sizes of hydraulic motor suit a wide range of excavator types. Very light
and compact, the PHF vibrators develop a high centrifugal force. They are equipped with a swivelling pinion for
easy adjustment of the pile.

The elastomer head for suspension and the use of high frequency eliminate all damaging vibrations to the
excavators. They allow a high downward thrust through the excavator arm. A clamp is available for sheet
pile pair and for piles up to 160 mm thick. It permits the driving to be carried out in immediate proximity of
existing walls.

Optional: a hydraulic distribution kit regulates opening and closing of the clamp. The start of vibration from a
single hydraulic line is controlled by the progressive distributor of the excavator.

PHF Vibrodrivers (Vibrators Mounted on Hydraulic Excavators)

PHFC Type PHF Type

Compact Yoke Slim Yoke

Eccentric moment 0.7 3 6.5 10 13 0.7 3 6.5 10 13
Maximum frequency Hz/rpm 50/3 000 45/2 700 38/2 300 35/2 100 28/1 680 50/3 000 38/2 300 38/2 300 35/2 100 28/1 680
Max. centrifugal force kN 70 244 385 493 410 70 175 385 493 410
Max. line pull/push capacity kN 25 60 120 120 120 60 140 120 120 120
Max. amplitude mm 6 13 21.5 22 21 6.5 19.5 20 22 28.5
Total weight without clamp kg 240 765 1 070 1 600 1 500 315 665 980 1 940 1 740
Length L m 0.480 1.040 1.040 1.280 1.280 0.485 0.615 0.800 0.940 0.940
Max.width m 0.430 0.480 0.610 0.630 0.660 0.460 0.485 0.590 0.620 0.620
Centre width m 0.370 0.380 0.380 0.380 0.380 0.285 0.290 0.330 0.330 0.330
Height without clamp: H m 0.450 0.705 1.000 0.865 0.865 0.800 1.025 1.300 1.410 1.410
Hydraulic power kW 8.5-1.7 40-60 105 105 105 8.5-17 40-60 105 105 105
Max. working pressure bar 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350
Hydraulic flow range I/lmn 15-30 70-140 180-380 180-380 180-380 15-30 70-140 180-380 180-380 180-380
Clamping Head
Agriplex Agriplex Agriplex Agriplex Agriplex Agriplex Agriplex Agriplex Agriplex Agriplex
Single sheet piles
20 t 22 t/40 t 40 t 55 t 55 t 22 t 22 t/40 t 40 t 55 t 55 t
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