SCHWRTG: Portable Concrete Pump

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concrete pump

BP 1800HDR- compactand robust
for all-round service.
The 75 110 kW classis a de New in the ciassis our machines.As on all SCHWING usedto sei the pump to a re-
cisivegroupingamongthe trail- B P 1 8 0 0H D R- a p u m pw i t ha concretepumps,the BP 1800 quiredfinetuningto set stroke
er concretepumps. wholerow of qualitiesand new HDR has an output-governed rate and output independentof
li is a classthat hardlyever features. hydraulicpump that ensures the automatjcgovernor.
seesany spectacularapplica- With a cylinderstrokeof 1,600 that the primemoveris never Open-circuithydraulicshave
tions or recordjobs. But it is rnm,the BP 1800HDR reaches overloaded. The automatic been a major feature of all
the classjn whichthe greatest its full outputof 73 m3lhwith governorsplitsavailableen- SCHWINGconcretepumps
total mass of concrete is only 24 strokes/min. That's gine/motoroutputoptimallyin- Jor more than 35 years now.
pumped.Day by day.Concrete 15 oZfewer strokesthan other to oil flow and oil pressureand And the open circuit,combined
pumpsin ihis classare the true pumps in the sameclass. allowsthe concretepump to with the SCHWINGdesigned
workhorsesin the pumping And 15 o/ofewer sirokes means run at the best possibleoutput "Hi-Flow"spool blockensures
industry. 15 o/oless wear in the valve as- level.At the sametime,the minimumheatgenerationin lhe
semblycomparedto equivalent manualde-strokervalvecan be hydraulics,thereforenegligible


, a
L Z t

outputlossesand minimum that runson continuallyand Rock valve
stressforthe hydrauliccompo- turnsvaluableenergyinto The head of the concretepump
wastefulheai. is the Rock vaive,patentedin
Duringshod breaksin pump- As a secondfunclion,the main almostall industrialized
ing,the maincontrolspool is spool also lsolatesthe drive offersexemplarypump
shlftedto "idlecircuit"so that circuitsfrom the concrete ing characteristics,
all oi the o I comingfrom the pump system.In this way the propertiesand operational
hydrauLic pump flows pressure- concretecylindersare "parked" safety. D
lessback to the tank,thereby and supportthe columnof con-
makinga fudhercontribution cretein the pipeline.No danger
towardskeepingoil lempera- of the concreteslippingback,
tufes low.On SCHWING segregating and overflowing
pumps,therels no feed pump out oi the hopper.

Directhigh-torquedriveon to
ihe agitator shaft as well as
robustdesignof all hydraulic
The canopy componentsin conjunction
An eye-catcheron the new with constantflow micro-filter
BP 180 HDR is its robust ing of the hydraulicoil ensure
glass-fibrereintorcedcanopy. operational, reliability
and a
Such an impact resisiantcover longservicelife.
is rot and rust-proof, is easy to (
keep cleanand is logically
maintenance free.

A central bank of grease nip-
ples suppliesgreaseto all of
the lube points on agitatorand
Stabilizers Rock valve.
the pump'smainframe.They
havemulti-setlingsto givethe
pumpa solidstanceevenon
uneven ground.Optional
pumpcanopy. Remote control
\ The BP 1 800 HDF comes
completewith a 10 m cable
remote control as a standard

Diesel engine
The diesel version of
BP 1800 HDR utilizesthe
newest generationot Deutz
diesel engines.They are
characterizedby low noise
emission,low fuel consumption
and exhaust levelscomplying
with the EuropeanDirective
EU-RL 97168. D
Technical Data
Portableconcretepump Model BP 1800HDR BP 18OOHDR BP .I8OO
200/120E75 kW 200/120D 74 kW 200/120D 112kW
Technical 1875 1850 2800
Engine/motorcapacity KW 74 112

Nominalspeed minj 1500 2300 2300

Pumping O x stroke
cylinder, 200 x 1600 200 x 1600 2 0 0x 1 6 0 0
Stroke volume, 2 cylinders 50.27 50.27 50.27
Diff. cylinders,@ x stroke ' 1 2 0 l 8 0x 1 6 0 0 1 2 0 / 8 0x 1 6 0 0 1 2 0 l 8 0x 1 6 0 0
Diff. cylinder drive pistonside rod side pistonside rod side pistonside rod side

lvlax.numberof strokesper min. 12 14 24 14 24

lvlax.theor.concreteoutput m3/h 36 62 42 73
lvlax.concretepressure bar 101 56 101 56 101

Capacityof charging hopper 320/570 320/570 320/570

Deadweightincl.oil and fuel kg 4000 4000 4000
DeliverylineO up to 150 150 tcu

Dimensionsin mm

SCHWITG SCHWINGGrnbH S u b j e ct o m o d f c a i i o n si n t h e
PO. Box 200362 interestof technica progress.
Deia ls of the standardextenl ol supp y
D-44647 Herne/Germany are to be drawn from ihe ofier.
o (0)2325/'987-0
Fax (0)2325/7 2922

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