Department of Molecular Biology: Mr. Rajendra Ashokrao Chavan 52 Y(s) /male OB312901 / P00000122169 06-Sep-202011:03 Am
Department of Molecular Biology: Mr. Rajendra Ashokrao Chavan 52 Y(s) /male OB312901 / P00000122169 06-Sep-202011:03 Am
Department of Molecular Biology: Mr. Rajendra Ashokrao Chavan 52 Y(s) /male OB312901 / P00000122169 06-Sep-202011:03 Am
1. Negative results do not exclude CoVid-19 & should not be used as the sole basis for treatment/patient management
2.Results from the RT PCR assay should be interpreted with other laboratory & clinical data.
3. False negative results may be due to improperly collected, transported,handled specimen, inadequate organisms in the
specimen, treatment administered, PCR inhibition etc.
4.Viral nucleic acid may persist in vivo independant of virus viability.Detection of analyte target does not indicate that the
viruses are infectious or are the causative agents of symptoms.
5.All specimen testing reports are notifiable to ICMR New Delhi and IDSP,PMC,ZP, Maharashtra State.
6.All positive patients should undergo medical consultation for further treatment.
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