TN One Note Sme
TN One Note Sme
TN One Note Sme
There are 119 Industrial Estates developed with 8204 Developed Plots
and 4714 Industrial Sheds in the State for MSMEs as on 31.3.2019 and these
Industrial Estates are under the management of SIDCO. List of Industrial Estates
is in Annexure - 3.1
3.2.1 SIDCO Managed Government Industrial Estates
Sl. Year of Area
Name of the Women Industrial Park
No formation (in Acres)
1 Thirumullaivoyal,(Thiruvallur District) 2001 246.07
The Government realizing the above issue, during the year 2013-14
announced incentive, when the industrial units located in urban areas in a
scattered manner form a group are willing to shift their units outside the urban
areas, the Government would provide 75% grant of the total development cost
up to a maximum of Rs.15 crore for getting electricity, water connection, roads
and to have other infrastructure facilities like conference hall, common facility
centre etc.,
3.2.4 Formation Private Industrial Estate
Under this scheme, approval has been given to 2 projects at a total project
cost of Rs.3,796.66 lakhs as detailed below :
(Rupees in Lakhs)
Sl. Name of the Extent Project cost Grant 1st
No. Cluster in considered Sanctioned instalment
acres for sanction grant
and (ii) Upgradation of infrastructure in existing Industrial Estates. Under this
scheme, 60% of the project cost (maximum project cost of Rs.10.00 crores)
subject to a ceiling of Rs.6.00 crores is provided as grant for the creation and
upgradation of infrastructure in the new and existing Industrial Estates
respectively. SIDCO avails this grant and develops new Industrial Estates as
well as upgrades infrastructure of its existing Industrial Estates in the State.
In the current financial year the following remaining 2 projects are awaiting
approval from Govt. of India
( Lakhs)
S.No Name of the Project Project Share
1. SIDCO Industrial Estate 650.00 343.20 306.80
Kurukkalpatti, Tirunelveli District
2. SIDCO Industrial Estate, 350.00 177.00 173.00
Perundurai, Erode District
Total 1000.00 520.20 479.80
Under the scheme, SIDCO has already availed grant and completed
upgradation of 13 existing Industrial Estates and currently 1 project at
Thiruverumbur, (Trichy District) is under implementation at a project cost of
Rs. 378.50 Lakhs.
Further the following 6 projects have been given final approval by Govt.
of India for upgradation of infrastructure facility.
(Rs. in Lakhs)
S. Name of the Project Project Share
No Cost GOI GOT Beneficiaries
Grant Grant Contribution
1. K.Pudur Industrial 520.00 219.60 248.40 52.00
Estate in Madurai District
2. SIDCO Industrial Estate, 400.00 139.20 220.80 40.00
Hosur (New) in
3. SIDCO Industrial Estate, 285.00 105.00 151.50 28.50
Nanjikottai in Thanjavur
4. SIDCO Industrial Estate, 955.00 342.60 516.90 95.50
Ranipet, Vellore District
5.. SIDCO Industrial Estate, 230.00 94.20 112.80 23.00
Nanjaiuthukuli in Erode
6. Dindigul Industrial Estate 405.00 192.00 172.50 40.50
Dindigul District
Total 2795.00 1092.60 1422.90 279.50
3. Integrated Food Park 15.00 2.00 3.00 20.00
at Eachambadi
4. Integrated Seafood 16.00 2.00 4.00 22.00
Park at Sakarakottai
Total Project cost 88.00
vide G.O.(Ms) No.40 MSME(C) Department dated 15.12.2016 wherein
option was given to MSME units to either purchase the plots on outright
purchase basis or lease cum purchase basis in all SIDCO Industrial
Estates developed from 2013-2014 onwards. In case of lease cum
purchase, the allottee has to pay only 60% of the plot cost upfront and
balance 40% shall be paid over a period of 30 years and at the end of
30 years sale deed will be issued without collecting any additional cost.
3.4 Common Facility Centres (CFCs) under the MSE – CDP Scheme of
Government of India
Objectives of the scheme is (i) to support the sustainability and growth of
MSEs by addressing common issues such as technology up-gradation, skills and
quality, market access, access to capitals etc., (ii) to build capacity of MSEs for
Common supportive action through formation of self-help groups, consortia etc.,
(iii) to create / upgrade infrastructure facilities in the new / existing industrial
area / cluster of MSEs and (iv) To set up Common Facility Centre (for testing,
training centre, raw material depot, effluent treatment, complementing production
processes, etc.,)
Further in principle approval for 9 projects and final approval for 1 project,
totally for 10 projects at a total project cost of Rs.145.71 crores, has been
obtained from Government of India and the list of 10 projects is given in
Annexure 3.5. The Government of Tamilnadu has further cleared 4 new projects
at a total project cost of Rs.59.48 crores and recommended to Govt. of India for
approval and the list of 4 new projects is given in Annexure -3.6.
3.4.1 Micro Cluster
The Hon’ble Finance Minister during the Budget Speech on 13.02.2014
has announced that the Government of Tamil Nadu will support clusters of
Micro Industries and launched a New Scheme for establishment of “Common
Production Infrastructure”, besides raw material bank and marketing
Under the above scheme, the Government have sanctioned 6 projects
with grant assistance of Rs.1320.98 lakhs and the projects are under
implementation. Out of approved 6 projects, first installment grant of Rs.535.49
lakhs has been released to 5 projects as given below.
(Rs. In lakhs)
Grant released
Sl. Project
Name of the estate considere as
No Cost st
d 1 install
1 Setting up of Common Facility centre at 652.00 233.00 116.50
Erode Industrial Estate, Erode District.
2 Setting up of Common Facility centre at 464.00 233.00 116.50
Kakkalur Industrial Estate, Thiruvallur
3 Setting up of Common Effluent 260.00 180.00 90.00
Treatment Plant at Thirumudivakkam
Phase-I Kancheepuram District.
4 Setting up of Common Facility Centre in 501.00 250.00 125.00
Multistored Industrial Complex at
Thirumudivakkam Phase-II
Kancheepuram District.
5 Setting up of Common Facility Centre 249.96 174.98 87.49
for Silver Anklet Cluster, Salem.
6 Setting up of Common Facility Centre 389.80 250.00 -
for Corrugated box Cluster, Tirupur.
Total 2516.76 1320.98 535.49
The Scheme for Export Promotion and Marketing Support has been
introduced by the Government during 2017-2018 to facilitate MSMEs access to
global market and new technology and thereby promote their competitiveness in
marketing their products and services. Under the scheme MSMEs are
facilitated to participate in International Exhibitions / Trade / Buyer-Seller Meets
and Technology Fairs. As a state sponsored scheme, in the short span of time,
the scheme gained wide acceptance among MSMEs across the State and
resulted in a prominent business generating promotional activity.
The activities hitherto undertaken under the special scheme for export
promotion and marketing support has been found beneficial to the MSMEs in
promoting exports and keeping them abreast with the innovation and new
technology. The scheme has also enabled the Government of Tamil Nadu in
projecting availability of developed infrastructure and entrepreneurial eco-
system in Tamil Nadu to mobilise new investment in MSME sector. Underlining
the significant outcome of the scheme and scope for broad basing the activities
to enhance exports and promote investment in MSME sector, Government has
issued orders to set up an independent autonomous body, registered under the
Tamil Nadu Societies Registration Act., to function as MSME Trade and
Investment Promotion Bureau (M-TIPB), vide G.O. Ms No.8 MSME (G) Dept
Dated 24.01.2019. After completion of registration, the Department will
kick-start the functioning of M-TIPB to become the first of its nature among all
states in India.
The details of target and achievement for the year 2018-19 are given
3.7 Marketing Assistance Scheme
SIDCO assists the Micro and Small Entrepreneurs through Marketing
Assistance Scheme. SIDCO approaches the Government Departments /
Undertakings / Local Bodies on behalf of these Micro and Small units which are
registered with SIDCO for obtaining work order under this scheme. The orders so
received are distributed among Micro and Small Enterprises and SIDCO ensures
prompt execution of these orders. Payments received from the Government
Departments / Undertakings / Local Bodies for the supplies affected are released
to the units after deducting 3% as consultancy fees.
SIDCO has executed purchase orders worth of Rs. 86.111 lakh for the
year 2018-19 through Micro and Small Industries under the Marketing Assistance
3.8. e-Governance
38 Pollupalli SIDCO 2009 60.96
7 Dharmapuri 39 Dharmapuri Govt. 1965 20.28
40 Kadagathur SIDCO 2009 7.02
41 Parvathanahalli SIDCO 2014 29.89
42 Echampadi SIDCO 2017 50.46
8 Salem 43 Salem Govt. 1967 19.55
44 Mettur Govt. 1967 184.38
45 Karuppur WIP SIDCO 2004 51.24
46 Veerapandi SIDCO 1993 9.79
47 Korampatti SIDCO 2017 16.61
48 Sooramangalam Govt 1986 27.5
9 Namakkal 49 Namakkal SIDCO 1977 10.09
50 Thiruchengodu SIDCO 1980 9.18
51 Vettambadi SIDCO 2014 15.34
10 Erode 52 Erode Govt. 1959 25.13
53 Nanjaiuthukuli SIDCO 1995 13.05
54 Perundurai SIDCO 2017 49.47
11 Coimbatore 55 Kurichi Govt. 1972 88.43
56 Malumichampatti SIDCO 1994 36.14
57 Kalapatti Govt 1972 13.46
12 Tiruppur 58 Ganapathipalayam SIDCO 1993 17.10
59 Tiruppur SIDCO 1978 10.14
60 Gudimangalam SIDCO 1992 6.74
61 Rasathavalasu SIDCO 2011 51.80
13 Nilgiris 62 Ooty SIDCO 1981 10.65
14 Cuddalore 63 Cuddalore Govt. 1971 15.60
64 Vadalur Govt. 1972 26.22
65 Periyanesalur SIDCO 2015 90.80
66 Vriddhachalam Govt 1961 41.53
15 Villupuram 67 Patanam SIDCO 2014 60.55
68 Asanur Phase I & II SIDCO 2009 & 212.83
69 Kattuvannanjur SIDCO 2014 42.00
70 Venmaniathur SIDCO 2011 36.82
16 Perambalur 71 Elambalur SIDCO 2009 44.48
17 Thanjavur 72 Thanjavur Govt. 1968 21.94
73 Kumbakonam Govt. 1968 32.30
74 Pillaiyarpatti SIDCO 1974 10.96
75 Nanjikkottai SIDCO 1996 26.30
76 Palayapatti SIDCO 2012 104.37
18 Nagapattinam 77 Nagapattinam Govt. 1966 20.97
78 Mayiladuthurai SIDCO 2009 12.56
19 Tiruchirapalli 79 Thuvakudi Govt. 1974 478.38
80 Thiruverambur Govt. 1974 74.50
81 Ariyamangalam Govt. 1974 17.64
82 Kumbakudy SIDCO 2009 24.46
83 Valavanthaankottai SIDCO 2003 51.70
84 Valavanthankottai SIDCO 2008 179.02
20 Karur 85 Karur (Vellalapatti) Govt. 1974 26.63
86 Karur(Athur) SIDCO 1993 36.29
87 Punjaikalakurichi SIDCO 2016 52.076
21 Pudukottai 88 Pudukottai Govt. 1974 23.18
89 Pudukottai(SIPCOT) SIDCO 1988 51.45
90 Mathur SIDCO 1975 26.00
91 Mathur (New) SIDCO 2013 19.92
22 Theni 92 Theni Govt. 1963 26.59
93 Andipatti SIDCO 1994 22.34
94 Marikundu SIDCO 2017 79.40
23 Dindigul 95 Dindigul Govt. 1965 39.90
96 Batlagundu Govt. 1965 16.26
24 Madurai 97 K.Pudur Govt. 1960 56.05
98 Kappalur Govt. 1966 534.64
99 Kappalur WIP SIDCO 2008 35.37
100 Paramakudi SIDCO 1976 10.00
25 Ramanathapuram 101 Keelanagachi SIDCO 1993 10.00
102 Urapuli SIDCO 1993 12.14
103 sakarakottai SIDCO 2017 100.00
26 Sivaganga 104 Karaikudi Govt. 1966 180.19
105 Sivaganga Govt. 1966 70.61
106 Kirungakottai SIDCO 1993 21.85
27 Virudhunagar 107 Virudhunagar Govt. 1958 45.65
108 Rajapalayam SIDCO 1995 41.13
109 Virudhunagar SIDCO 2013 37.54
28 Tirunelveli 110 Pettai Govt. 1959 50.55
111 Kadayanallur SIDCO 1992 10.00
112 Valliyur SIDCO 2005 39.91
29 Thoothukudi 113 Kovilpatti Govt. 1962 85.54
114 Thoothukudi (Ph-I) SIDCO 1988 9.72
115 Thoothukudi (Ph-II) SIDCO 2003 14.46
116 Pidaneri SIDCO 2016 108.23
30 Kanyakumari 117 Konam Govt. 1964 20.70
118 Marthandam Govt. 1964 7.50
31 Ariyalur 119 Mallur SIDCO 2014 25.34
Total 8080.998
14 Tiruchirapalli 25. Thuvakudi 1974 478.38
Total 4511.4
22 new Industrial Estates established as per announcement
made during 2011-2019.
MSE – CDP (Common facility Centre) Scheme
Projects for which final approval obtained from Govt. of India-implemented/
under-implementation (30) (Rupees in lakh)
Sl. Cluster name Project GOI Govt. of SPV Bank Remarks
No. cost of grant TN grant contrib loan
CFC ution
1 Sago & Starch, 92.06 73.31 0.00 18.75 0.00 Project completed
15 Brick, Tirunelveli 227.28 122.72 22.72 29.55 52.27 Project under
22 Gate & Grills, 284.87 197.93 29.69 57.25 0.00 Project under
Thirumullaivoyal implementation
25 Power and Auto 1333.96 886.45 98.78 162.18 186.55 Project under
Loom, Salem. implementation.
(Rupees in lakh)
(Rupees in lakh)