Pre Feasibility Report Setting Up of Kud
Pre Feasibility Report Setting Up of Kud
Pre Feasibility Report Setting Up of Kud
Pre-Feasibility Report
Prepared by:
2 Project Description 8
3 Site Analysis 16
4 Project Planning 19
5 Infrastructure Development 20
7 Market Assessment 23
1.0 Introduction
The Department of Industries and Commerce acts as a catalyst for the overall
development of the industrial sector through effective discharge of
developmental and facilitation roles. With a view to promote investment and
trade, the Department formulates and implements the Policies of the State,
Identification of Sectoral Advantages of the State and Human resource
development for sustainable and growth-oriented industrialization has been a
crucial role of the Department. Facilitating the take off of infrastructure projects
that boost the industrial growth has also been the Department’s forte. The
Department helps enhance the competitiveness of domestic industry through
modernization, technology upgradation and adoption of best practices. It also
provides a forum for entrepreneurs and industrialists through their associations
to represent their needs to the Government, which translates into Policies of the
The Department is able to reach out to the small businesses as well as Industrial
Houses by a great degree of decentralization within the organizational structure.
The Department functions through the Districts Industries Centers, various
Boards Corporations and Special Purpose Vehicles (SPVs). The implementation of
Policies of the Government is done through various schemes and the
The Department has established the Single Window Mechanism for faster, single
point clearances to be given to projects seeking infrastructure
facilities/incentives/concessions and help in establishing industries and
businesses in Karnataka. Karnataka Udyog Mitra is the nodal agency under the
Single window set up.
Since the Commerce and Industries (C&I) Department operates through a host
of agencies that are mandated to carry out various tasks specified in their
business rules. This creates a complicated institutional framework where
sometimes coordinating the activities of all the agencies becomes cumbersome
and thereby agencies work in silos and the intra-agency communication does not
Also, not all agencies of the C & I are accustomed to undertake projects on a
Public Private Partnership (PPP) basis. Thus far, KSIIDC, KIADB and KSSIDC
(only in a very limited manner) have attempted projects under the PPP mode
with varying degrees of success. The institutional capacity and preparedness of
the agencies for managing projects under the PPP mode is, at best, limited one.
Capacity building of the agencies to successfully develop and manage PPP
projects is a critical area that the Department should focus upon.
Till date, KIADB has formed 132 Industrial Areas spread over 40,000 acres
across the State, and acquired land for nearly 400 Single Unit Complexes
ensuring balanced industrial development in all regions with well thought out
infrastructure and unique features. Additionally, KIADB has envisaged
Commerce and Industries Department, Government of Karnataka several
innovative projects like Agro -Tech Parks, Apparel Parks, Food Parks, Auto Parks,
Hardware Park, Bio-Tech Park, EPIPs, Sector Specific SEZs, and Growth Centres.
In order to obtain Environmental Clearances (ECs) for their proposed Industrial
Areas, KIADB approached M/s Bhagavathi Ana Labs for conducting
Environmental related studies.
KIADB is also the implementing agency for the ambitions Suvarna Karnataka
Development Corridor (SKDC) project.
While the KIADB has been successfully developing industrial areas/estates over
the years, large set of government resources are channelled into the
development of these. While the KIADB acquires the land, there has been limited
exploitation of the potential land value post infrastructure creation on these land
In order to develop the industrial areas, KIADB and the State to unlock the land
values of the serviced land, it is necessary to explore the route of Private Sector
Participation in the development of these Industrial Areas/Estates.
Private Sector Participation would also ensure that the expertise in development
and management of these Areas/Estates is brought in and that the facilities
provided are world-class in nature. Thus, it is proposed that the Industrial Area
in Hassan, spread over 1057 acres, is developed as a model industrial layout
through Private Sector Participation.
The current Site Development for the Industrial Activity at Kuditini village of
Bellary dist of Karnataka. It is for a very large scale site development meant for
mainly “B” Category Industries that have very little Pollution issues and less
water and power requirements in comparison to the large scale projects. The
main Industries that can be developed in the Proposed Industrial Area are
Sponge iron and iron rerolling mills.
The co-ordinates of the project site are presented in the Location Map. The
location Map of the proposed project site is given in Following Figure 2.1
Road: National and State Highways passes through the District providing good
connectivity to the Capital City Bangalore and other important Districts and also
parts of Maharashtra, Kerala, Tamilnadu and Andhra Pradesh
Rail: The District is connected well to the important cities like Mangalore and
Bangalore through south central railway network.
Proposed Project
The total Area of the proposed project site is 1654 Acres. The major
development would be Industrial Area with Plots based on Size of Industry
planned to be developed. The industrial plots would be distributed based on the
following Sizes, i.e., 0.00-0.49 acres, 0.5-0.99 Acres, 1.0-1.99 Acres, 2.0-2.99
Acres, 3.0-3.99 Acres, 4.0-4.99 Acres, 5.0-5.99 Acres, 10.0-10.99 acres, Civic
amenities, Commercial, Public utility, Residential and Solid waste disposal.
Detailed area Statement is given in Plot Plan.
The project is in it’s planning stage now. From the past experience of KIADB
with Industrial Area Developments, it is anticipated that only B Category
Industries as per the EIA Notification, 14th September, 2006 as amended on 1st
December, 2009.
The Type of industries proposed are spronge iron and iron rerolling mills. The
total no. of plots distributed are based on the size of the layout.
The proposed project being area development project raw material is required
only during Construction Phase. Construction materials like stones, aggregates,
bitumens etc. will be sourced from Local Market through tendering system. The
transportation of raw materials will be the responsibility of Civil contract
awardees through Commercial vehicles.
However, KIADB will monitor that good construction practices are being adopted
by the civil contract awardee. Transportation of the Raw material will be done in
covered conditions only. Each vehicle will be checked for PUC. Construction
material will be stored in Covered area. Water will be sprinkled regularly on the
haul road to minimize the fugitive emissions.
Description Requirement
Soil 1225 MT/km
Stone road
Aggregates construction
Construction Phase
However, based on the data collected from KIADB of its operational industrial
areas, the water requirement in the proposed project during operation phase will
be envisaged based on the standard practices of water requirement per acres as
1 MLD/1000 acres.
Operational Phase
The Water requirement has been envisaged for the drinking water purpose and
for the construction from the river Tungabradhra and partly from groundwater
through bore-well. A Water tank of 225 cusecs capacity is planned for transfer of
water for domestic and drinking purposes.
Environmental impacts
The environmental impacts due to the development of the industrial area are
pre-dominantly likely to be in term of air, water and noise pollution.
Air pollution would be because of the development activities for the construction
of infrastructure as well as industrial units. The development would be spread
over a period of 4 to 5 years and would peak incrementally which would further
the pollution load.
Water pollution is likely once the occupancy in the park starts taking place. Once
units become active, effluent discharge will be a critical area which, if not
mitigated, would lead to surface and ground water pollution over time.
Noise pollution would also largely follow the occupation of the park. In the initial
years, noise pollution would be attributable to the construction activity and later
would be attributable to noise emanating from units.
Social impacts
The current land being occupied is largely agricultural land and hence may result
in the loss of livelihoods for farmers. presently, no human settlement is
observed on the land during reconnaissance study and hence no resettlement
and rehabilitation issues are foreseen.
Mitigation measures
Waste during construction activity relates to excess cement mix or concrete left
after work is over, rejection caused due to change in design or wrong
workmanship etc. These are normally re-used as filling at the same site after
completion of excavation work
Excavated earth during the civil works including road construction, fencing,
drainage, site leveling etc., shall be utilized within the project site. Topsoil shall
be conserved and will be utilized in the areas earmarked for greenbelt
Construction Stage:
The solid waste during the construction phase will comprise of excavated earth,
building construction materials.
The construction wastes will be reused mostly for leveling the site and the
segregated recyclable wastes like metals, glass and plastic wastes will be sold to
the authorized vendors.
In addition to that there will be some municipal solid waste generation during
the construction stage which will be collected and disposed off at the designated
municipal waste disposal site.
Operation Stage:
Waste generation from the individual industries, each industry has to obtain
separate authorization, however there are 4-5 storage bins/ 100 acre are kept
and lifted and cleared once/twice a week for the basic waste generated.
E-Waste Management
The individual industry would obtain separate authorization from KSPCB, for the
disposal of E-waste, its generated.
The project is in it’s planning Stage. The total approximate cost of the project is
estimated to be Rs. 300 Crores Tentative break-up of the cost is given in
following Table 2.4.
Description Cost
Land cost 300 Crores
Infrastructure development Cost
Cost for Environmental
The major chunks of the land within the project site are infertile sand dunes,
some with scattered grass. The rest is barren land. Figure 3.1 shows the
revenue map/plot plan of the proposed development and annexure presents the
acquired land details in the form of Notification of the KIADB.
3.3. Climate
Bellary district lies in the dry and arid climatic zone. The climate in the Hampi is
dry, but due to irrigation activities, the area is humid hot. The summer is
generally hot compared to other parts of the state. The temperature begins to
rise steadily with commencement of summer from February to May. Generally
March and April happens to be the hottest month with maximum temperature
reaching as high as 430C and 440C and the minimum temperature is recorded
during December with 120C to 130C. The wind generally blows from south west
to north east direction and north east to south west. Though the area comes
under dry zone, due to Tungabhadra reservoir and irrigation the humidity is
comparatively more with maximum humidity reaching 96% from July to
November and the minimum humidity during March and April.
The project design has been adopted by using earlier developments made by
KIADB through out Karnataka state. Feasibility assessment and financial analysis
requires that a detailed plan for the proposed area is to be prepared and
component-wise costs are arrived at after technical studies, for all the projects,
there are no other studies that have been carried out previously. The plans and
designs ideally be left to the developer so that the developer can configure the
design that is best suited for his business plans.
KIADB proposes to develop the Green belt in 33% Area within the project site
as Green Area. Besides, individual industries will also develop green area in their
own plot as per KSPCB Consent Condition.
The total road length required for the area is approximately 40.03 kilometres.
The road network is planned to be distributed into various widths of 15, 18, 24,
30 and 45 metres each and the number of roads will be as suitable for
connecting the internal area. Any change in road length would thus affect the
laying of infrastructure components such as the telephone and electrical cables,
as these are planned to be buried under along the road length.
Considering that both, industrial and residential lands are being charted in the
land use plan, a water supply system for the industrial area could be set-up with
a capacity of 1 MLD/ 1000 acres depending on the design life. Provision would
thus be made for water pipelines, a water station and overhead reservoir within
this water supply project. The overhead reservoir would be ideally located in
close proximity to the boundary of the proposed project. The total length of the
water supply line would be same as that of proposed road length for the
industrial area. i.e. 40.03 kilometres. At present the cost of tapping water from
the tapping site is not considered in the capital cost of the planned water
350 nos. of rainwater harvesting pits have been proposed for the project. Main
emphasis given in the planning of the storm water drainage system is on
recharging the underground aquifer of the area while having the safe disposal of
storm water without flooding the campus. A network of storm water disposal
drains will be planned which will finally dispose off into a percolation well for
direct injection of collected storm water into the ground water. Bar screens and
silt traps have been incorporated before the percolation wells to remove the silt,
heavier particles and other objectionable material which can cause the choking
of the percolation well. The drainage system shall be led to various percolation
wells catering to different parts of the catchments area. Silt traps will be
provided at inlet to each percolation well. The overflow from percolation wells
will either be inter connected or will be pumped to the storm water disposal line
to be provided by KIADB.
It is estimated that approximate runoff from the proposed project premises will
be 182739 m3. 30% of the industrial plot area is considered in run-off
calculation assuming the same will be roof top area available from the Industrial
plots. Besides, Road area and Green area is considered in runoff calculation.
As the project site is presently a barren land and without any habitation except
some temporary hutments for grazing purpose, therefore, there is no
requirement of Rehabilitation and resettlement Plan. Moreover, the land has
been acquired from the private land owners and compensatory amount has been
paid already by KIADB, hence, no requirement for any other compensations of
any type for land acquisition.
The ASI figures indicate that Karnataka accounted for 5.53% of the total
registered factories in the country, 7.10% of the fixed capital investment
and 7.23% of the total Gross Value Added by the registered factories in
the country
There are limited reference points available to outline the demand projections for
the industrial sector. However, several references are available to the manner in
which the industrial growth of the nation should span out. These have been
described both in the Planning Commissions “Approach Paper to the 12th Five
Year Plan” as well as the National Manufacturing Policy floated by the
Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP).Planning Commission’s
approach paper observes that though the Eleventh Plan targeted growth in
manufacturing at 10.0-11.0 per cent, actual performance is estimated to be only
about 7.7 per cent. It is a matter of concern that the manufacturing sector has
not shared in the dynamism of the economy not just in the Eleventh Plan, but
even in preceding Plan periods. As a result, the share of the manufacturing
sector in GDP is only 15.0 per cent in India, compared with 34.0 per cent in
China and 40.0 per cent in Thailand. It further observes that the manufacturing
sector manufacturing must provide a large portion of the additional employment
opportunities as opposed to agriculture for India’s increasing number of youth.
On the contrary it should be releasing labour which has very low productivity in
agriculture to be absorbed in other sectors. While the services sector has been
growing fast, it alone cannot absorb the 250 million additional income-seekers
that are expected to join the workforce in the next 15 years. Unless
manufacturing becomes an engine of growth, providing at least 100 million
additional decent jobs, it will be difficult for India’s growth to be inclusive.
Increase manufacturing sector growth to 12.0–14.0 per cent over the medium
term to make it the engine of growth for the economy. The 2.0 to 4.0 per cent
differential over the medium term growth rate of the overall economy will enable
manufacturing to contribute at least 25.0 per cent of GDP by 2025
The Karnataka Industrial Policy 2009-14 also lays down emphasis on promoting
industrial development. The mission statement of the policy states the following:
Thus it is amply clear that the industrial sector will receive significant push in the
future from both the central government as well as the state government. It is
expected that the Indian economy will reach the US $ 6 trillion mark by the year
2020. In order to aid the achievement of this size of GDP, the key growth drivers
will be industry and services. Industry is expected to increase its share in the
GDP from the current 15% to over 25% by 2020.
The project financials have been worked out based on ASSUMPTIONS only and
have been provided for demonstration purposes only. The actual working of
financials for the model industrial area will depend on several components viz.
land use plan, water requirements, common effluent treatment plant
requirements and all other infrastructure components. We have developed the
financial analysis only to demonstrate that it is possible to structure the
development of industrial infrastructure on a PPP basis.
The cost estimates have been worked out based on thumb-rule estimates and
our experience of developing cost and financial analysis for other similar parks..
The overall cost estimates have been outlined below for illustration purpose
Applicable laws & Act and Legal Cover for the project
The Model Industrial Area (MIA) will reap benefits from the following policies
prescribed to further the States’ economic growth:
The proposed projects would be developed under the Karnataka Industrial Areas
Development Act. Under this Act, KIADB is the key agency for development of
the industrial areas and estates. The KIADB has been mandated with the
following under the KIAD Act.
The Davangere Unit of KIADB has successfully set up Kudhitini Industrial Area
projects. Still the demand for organized industrial area exists in the district, as
plenty of Barren and un-cultivable land is available in the district for setting up
the industries.
The basic target would be the development of the local villages in the vicinity of
the project. Hence, the scope for development of the local population economical
status is envisaged.