Comparison of Ansi/Ieee and Iec Requirements For Low-Voltage Switchgear
Comparison of Ansi/Ieee and Iec Requirements For Low-Voltage Switchgear
Comparison of Ansi/Ieee and Iec Requirements For Low-Voltage Switchgear
Copyright Material IEEE
Paper No. PCIC 2002-Spare
Eddie Wilkie
221 Heywood Road
Arden, NC 28704
Abstract – As economies become more global in scope, the switchgear construction and conformance test procedures.
ability to satisfy different markets with a single or basic The remainder of the world, with the exception of a few
product is attaining an increased focus. For electrical isolated locations, utilizes IEC 439-1 as the basis for low-
distribution and control products, this is made somewhat voltage switchgear construction and test procedures. As in
difficult due to the difference in standards and market North America, European countries construct and test low-
expectations in different parts of the world. This paper voltage switchgear to individual country standards
discusses and compares some of the major conformance (Euronorms) which use IEC 439-1 as the template.
testing and constructional differences between metal-
enclosed switchgear designed in accordance with ANSI/IEEE II. SCOPE
standards with similar switchgear and controlgear equipment
designed in accordance with IEC standards. With the A. Scope of Standards
comparison of the constructional and conformance test
procedures between the two standards, it becomes evident The scope of ANSI C37.20.1 covers “metal-enclosed low-
that the application of the products in an environment foreign voltage power circuit-breaker switchgear assemblies
to the standard to which it was designed requires careful containing but not limited to such devices as low-voltage
consideration. power circuit breakers (fused or unfused), other interrupting
devices, switches, control, instrumentation and metering,
Index Terms – Low-voltage Switchgear, ANSI C37.20.1, protective and regulating equipment”. It is concerned “only
IEC 439-1 with enclosed, rather than open, switchgear assemblies”.
Furthermore, it states that “it does not apply to equipment
I. INTRODUCTION covered by industrial control standards, communication
switchboards, communication switching equipment,
The ANSI standards in combination with North American switchboards for use on board ships, or deadfront distribution
practices provide clear separation between low-voltage power switchboards”.
distribution and control equipment. These categories include IEC 439-1, on the other hand, is much broader in scope.
low-voltage metal-enclosed switchgear, low-voltage “This standard applies to assemblies intended for use in
distribution switchboards, low-voltage distribution panelboards connection with generation, transmission, distribution and
and low-voltage motor control assemblies. In the North conversion of electric energy and for the control of electric
American marketplace, independent ANSI or UL standards energy consuming equipment.” “This standard also applies to
exist for each type of equipment. In the IEC marketplace, stationary or movable assemblies with or without enclosure.”
these types of equipment are often consolidated into one Furthermore, it also applies to many special service conditions
assembly with one product standard enveloping the products such as ships, rail vehicles, hoisting equipment, explosive
sectionalized by ANSI and UL. This paper only discusses the atmospheres and for domestic (operated by unskilled
major differences between ANSI low-voltage metal enclosed persons) applications provided the “relevant specific
switchgear and the IEC low-voltage switchgear and requirements are complied with”.
controlgear standard. Although both standards address and incorporate dc
There are several basic differences in power system equipment, the dc aspects are not within the scope of this
designs for the two areas (ANSI and IEC). The most obvious paper.
differences are in operating voltage, current ratings and power
system frequencies. These differences are reflected in the B. Definition of Products Covered
associated equipment designs along with many other
constructional deviations that are precipitated by the ANSI defines “metal-enclosed low-voltage power circuit
requirements set forth by each standard regarding topics such breaker switchgear” as an assembly completely enclosed on
as environmental protection and separation. all sides and top with sheet metal (except for ventilating
The North American market place is primarily influenced by openings and inspection windows) containing the following
two third party organizations, UL (Underwriters Laboratories) equipment as required:
and CSA (Canadian Standards Association), which use ANSI 1. Low-voltage power circuit breakers (fused or unfused)
C37.20.1 and ANSI C37.51 as the basis for low-voltage
2. Bare bus and connections 3000, 3200, 4000 and 5000 amperes for Switchgear main
3. Instrument and control power transformers bus. IEC 439-1 references IEC 50 for continuous current
4. Instruments, meters, and relays ratings. IEC 50 describes the R10 series to be used for
5. Control wiring and accessory devices continuous current ratings and submits the following factors:
It also requires that the circuit breakers be contained in 1, 1.25, 1.6, 2, 2.5, 3.15, 4, 5, 6.3 and 8. The values for
individual grounded metal compartments. current ratings are achieved via the product of the factor and
IEC 439-1 defines low-voltage switchgear and controlgear 10n where n is any positive or negative integer. Therefore,
assemblies as “a combination of one or more low-voltage the comparable continuous current ratings for IEC equipment
switching devices together with associated control, are 630, 800, 1000, 1250, 1600, 2000, 2500, 3150, 4000 and
measuring, signaling, protective, regulating equipment, etc.” 6300 amperes.
The compartmentalization of circuit breakers or “functional
units” is contingent upon the form of separation declared by 2) Short-time Withstand Current: ANSI C37.20.1 §4.4.3
the manufacturer. IEC requires an enclosure to have a defines the rated short-time current as “the designated limit of
minimum of an IP2X rating that provides protection against available (prospective) current at which it shall be required to
ingress of a solid object no greater than 12.5 mm in diameter. withstand its short-duty cycle (two periods of one-half second
IEC 439-1 defines “type tested assembly” (TTA) and current flow, separated by a 15 second interval of zero
“partially type tested assembly” (PTTA) nomenclature to current) at rated maximum voltage”. IEC 439-1 specifies the
describe the classification of testing to which the equipment duration of current flow to be 1 second unless otherwise
conforms. IEC 439-1 defines TTA as “a low-voltage stated by the manufacturer. As indicated by Table 1, the
switchgear and controlgear assembly conforming to an power factor and peak values graduate with current while
established type or system without deviations likely to ANSI C37.20.1 specifies a maximum power factor of 15%, a
significantly influence the performance, from the typical peak current to be no less than 2.3 times the three phase rms
assembly verified to be in accordance with this standard (IEC symmetrical value and a minimum X/R ratio of 6.6.
439-1)”. As can be seen from the definition of “TTA”, the
important factor is that the vital characteristics of the type TABLE I
tested assembly remain intact and no deviation exist that IEC 439-1 SHORT CIRCUIT TEST CONDITIONS
would adversely impact the performance of the equipment. RMS Value of Short- Power Multiplying
Within the definition, there is introduced a degree of Circuit Current Factor factor for
subjectivity pertaining to the phrase “without deviation likely to minimum value
significantly influence the performance”. IEC 439-1 defines of peak current
PTTA as “a low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assembly, I ≤ 5kA 70% 1.5
containing both type-tested and non type-tested arrangements 5 kA < I ≤ 10kA 50% 1.7
provided that the latter are derived (e.g. by calculation) from 10kA < I ≤ 20kA 30% 2.0
the type-tested arrangements which have complied with the 20 kA < I ≤ 50kA 25% 2.1
relevant tests”. The intent of the PTTA nomenclature is to 50 kA < I 20% 2.2
address production type assemblies in which alterations are
necessary, or for assemblies which have been individually Other subtle differences associated with test conditions
customized to suit specific needs. ANSI defines no such include variations in test frequency (ANSI ±20%, IEC ±25%)
classification for tested assemblies. and test voltage (ANSI – 254, 508 or 635 VAC, IEC – 1.05
times operating voltage).
3) Short Circuit Current Withstand: ANSI denotes this as a
A. Voltage RMS current while IEC defines the rating as a peak current
(peak withstand current). ANSI mandates minimum test
The voltage rating as defined by ANSI “is the highest rms duration of four cycles for the short-circuit current withstand
voltage for which the equipment is designed, and is the upper test. IEC 439-1 speaks of test arrangements with and without
limit for operation”. This rating as defined by ANSI includes a short-circuit protective device incorporated into the incoming
allowance for operating above nominal system voltage. IEC unit. For assemblies with incoming short-circuit protection,
439-1 §4.1.1 indicates that the manufacturer shall state the the current shall flow until broken by the protective device.
limits of voltage necessary for correct functioning of the main The duration of the test current for assemblies without
and auxiliary circuits. These voltage levels for the assembly incoming short-circuit protection shall not be less than three
are dictated by the ratings of the associated devices cycles if the short-circuit current withstand and short-time
contained therein. Thus, the assembly voltage rating is current withstand tests are conducted separately.
subject to the relevant IEC standard associated with the Test conditions for both IEC and ANSI are identical to
devices contained within the assembly. ANSI prescribes the their respective short-time current withstand tests. For fused
switchgear assembly maximum primary voltage levels at 254, assemblies, ANSI increases the power factor to 20% with a
508 and 635 VAC. X/R ratio of 5.0 being the lower limit. IEC 439-1 makes no
special considerations in test conditions for fused assemblies.
B. Current
C. Frequency TABLE II
ANSI indicates that the ratings for ac equipment are Number of Main Circuits Diversity Factor
based on a frequency of 60 Hz. In the past, ANSI Switchgear 2 and 3 0.9
4 and 5 0.8
has frequently been applied at 50Hz. IEC 439-1 refers to the
6 to 9 inclusive 0.7
relevant IEC standards for the incorporated components and
10 and above 0.6
states that unless indicated by the manufacturer, the limits are
assumed to be 98% and 102% of the rated frequency. IEC 439-1 permits the use of these diversity factors when
conducting continuous current tests.
D. Control Voltage
ANSI C37.20.1 states that “voltage and current
transformers shall be used for all instruments, meters and
relays connected to circuits over 240 VAC so as to reduce the A. Dielectric Tests
voltage on instrument wiring which must necessarily be
closely grouped”. IEC 439-1 prescribes no limits but requires IEC 439-1 states that the verification of dielectric
the manufacturer to state the limits of voltage for control properties is performed by impulse withstand testing if the
circuits. manufacturer declares a value. Otherwise, conventional
(hypot) dielectric testing validates the dielectric integrity of
E. Current Transformer Ratings main and control circuits. Only dielectric testing of main and
control circuits is required by ANSI.
ANSI C27.20.1 §4.6 covers current transformer mechanical
1) Main Circuits (When no Impulse Rating is Declared for
ratings, thermal ratings and minimum accuracy requirements
IEC Equipment): The dielectric test value for ANSI assembly
for current transformers. IEC 439-1 does not address rating
voltage ratings is 2200 VAC for one minute regardless of
requirements for current transformers used in low-voltage
system voltage levels (254, 508, 635 VAC). If no impulse
withstand voltage ratings are declared by the manufacturer,
IEC 439-1 varies the dielectric test voltage according to rated
F. Cumulative Circuit Breaker Load and Rated Diversity
operational voltage of the equipment. ANSI specifies a range
for the dielectric test voltage frequency of ±20% while IEC
dictates a range of 45 to 62Hz. ANSI C27.20.1 reduces the
ANSI C37.20.1 submits preferred values for cumulative
test voltage level from neutral to ground to 1800V with IEC
loading when multiple circuit breakers are housed in a single
439-1 making no exception. Insulation and dielectric test
section. ANSI C37.20.1 conveys allowable cumulative load
voltages for IEC 439-1 is tabulated below.
when all circuit breakers contained in the vertical section are
of the same frame. The value of cumulative load can be TABLE III
based on equal loading (as a percentage of rating) of all cells IEC 439-1 INSULATION AND DIELECTRIC TEST VOLTAGES
or compartments within a vertical section or when equal Rated Insulation Voltage (UI) Dielectric Test Voltage (AC rms)
loading is not practical, the load distribution should be such UI ≤ 60 1000
that the heavier loads are connected to the lowest mounted 60<UI ≤300 2000
circuit breaker. For a vertical section with four cells, the 300<UI ≤690 2500
following loading values are submitted. 690<UI ≤800 3000
1. Bottom compartment – 100% of compartment rating 800<UI ≤1000 3500
2. Second Compartment – 75% of compartment rating
3. Third Compartment – 60% of compartment rating 2) Auxiliary and Control Circuits (when no impulse rating is
4. Top Compartment – 50% of compartment rating declared for IEC equipment): ANSI C37.20.1 does not require
IEC 439-1 refers to a rated diversity factor that is the ratio of dielectric testing of control circuits as a design test but is
the maximum sum of the assumed currents of the main required on production assemblies. IEC 439-1 requires a test
circuits (main breakers or incoming units and branch circuits voltage of 2 times the rated insulation voltage plus 1000 for
or outgoing units) to the sum of the rated currents of the main one minute with a minimum value of 1500V for ratings over
circuits. Thus, the methodology for deriving this factor is 60V. Practically speaking, one would assume the “insulation”
somewhat different for the two standards. ANSI de-rates voltage to be equivalent to or slightly above the system
based upon the number of circuits and cell location in a given voltage.
vertical section versus a quantity only basis by IEC.
According to IEC 439-1, this diversity factor can be expressed 3) Impulse Withstand: Although not required, IEC 439-1
for an assembly or, like ANSI, part of an assembly (vertical references specified impulse withstand values to verify
sections with individual mounting compartments). ANSI does clearance and creepage distances in the event an impulse
not address cumulative circuit breaker load on an assembly withstand voltage is declared by the manufacturer for main
basis. IEC diversity factors are as follows: and control circuits. Additionally, impulse withstand values
are detailed in IEC 439-1 for withdrawable devices in the
isolated (disconnect) position. ANSI references no such tests
for low-voltage switchgear. Preferred impulse withstand
ratings are given in IEC 439-1, Annex G, Table G.1 and G.2
and offer a correlation between system operating voltage and current in the neutral bar shall be 60% of the phase current
impulse withstand voltage. during the three-phase test”. ANSI does not address the
current value associated with neutral testing and is assumed
B. Continuous Current to be the same value as tested during three phase testing.
Both standards require short-circuit withstand tests for the
A comparison of ANSI C37.20.1 and IEC 439-1 ground bus (protective conductor) at line to line voltage. As
temperature rise limits is given in Appendix A. with the phase bus testing, ANSI mandates a 4-cycle duration
ANSI C37.20.1 submits several arrangements to be used while IEC 439-1 permits the duration to be determined by the
for various continuous current ratings. Each of these protective device.
arrangements includes one circuit breaker in the uppermost
cell intended for mounting. In each case, the circuit breaker is E. Mechanical Endurance
loaded to the frame value. IEC does not submit arrangements
for type testing. ANSI C37.20.1 dictates the measurement of ANSI C37.20.1 and C37.51 require 100 mechanical
ambient temperatures be taken 12.00 inches from the operations for each frame of draw-out circuit breakers. During
enclosure at the following locations: (1) One level with the top the course of these tests, the proper operation of the following
of the structure (2) One 12 inches above the bottom of the elements is required:
structure and (3) One midway between the two positions 1. Separable primary contacts
indicated by (1) and (2). IEC 439-1 requires the ambient 2. Separable control contacts
measurements be made 1 meter from the enclosure at 3. Circuit breaker removable element position interlocks
approximately half its height. Both standards dictate the limits 4. Stored-energy mechanism interlocks
for ambient temperature during testing must be between +10° 5. Housing mounted breaker position switches (cell
C and +40° C for a valid test. switch).
IEC 439-1 does not require mechanical endurance tests if
C. Short-time Current Withstand devices have already been type tested according to their
relevant specifications. In the event type testing has not been
Both IEC and ANSI require short-time current withstand completed, operation of mechanical interlocks shall be verified
testing. However, ANSI C37.20.1 specifies no device for after installation in the assembly by 50 mechanical operations.
detecting fault current between the enclosure and ground. In
past ANSI qualification testing, a #10 AWG wire or 30 ampere F. Paint Qualification
fuse has been utilized for this purpose as a carryover from
ANSI C37.50 (LV Power Circuit Breaker Conformance Testing ANSI C37.20.1 §5.2.8 requires a paint qualification test of
Standards). IEC 439-1 requires the use of a 0.8mm diameter 200 hours salt-spray. IEC 439-1 makes no mention of paint
wire not less than 50 mm in length for detection of fault qualification for low-voltage switchgear equipment.
The criteria for acceptable performance differ slightly. G. Verification of Clearances and Creepage Distances
ANSI states that “the test arrangement shall be considered as
having passed the test if there is no breakage of the bus IEC 439-1 requires the verification of clearances and
supports and the equipment can withstand the dielectric creepage distances by measurement. If impulse voltage
requirements of ANSI C37.51 §4.4”. IEC 439-1 states that the withstand tests are performed, the minimum clearance
clearances and creepage distances specified in §7.1.2 must dimensions in air are given in Appendix B.
be complied with by manufacturers. Furthermore, it states As indicated by the data, the minimum values are
that the essential characteristics of the conductor insulation dependent upon the pollution degree and field conditions.
shall not degrade the mechanical and dielectric properties of ANSI C37.20.1 references no such rating scale for the
the equipment. Although both standards require post environmental conditions in which the equipment operates.
withstand dielectric testing, the IEC 439-1 requirements Furthermore, ANSI C37.20.1 does not dictate the through air
appear to be more stringent with regard to clearances and or creepage distances. Historically, these numbers have
creepage distances along with post-test insulation integrity. been 1.00 inch (25.4 mm) through air and 2.00 inches (50.8
In both standards, short-time current withstand testing is mm) over surface for 600V class Switchgear. These values
not required for the neutral conductor. However, ANSI are mandated by the UL 1558 standard.
C37.20.1 requires the ground bus be capable of carrying the The IEC 439-1 guidelines for creepage distances are
rated short-time current of the LV Switchgear for 0.5 second. given in Appendix C. Since pollution degrees 1 and 2 are not
IEC does not reference a short-time current test for the recommended for industrial applications, only pollution
ground (protective conductor) bus. degrees 3 and 4 are presented in Appendix C.
Like the through air clearances, the minimum creepage
D. Short Circuit Current Withstand distances specified by IEC 439-1 are significantly lower than
the generally accepted values corresponding to ANSI type
Both IEC and ANSI require short-circuit current withstand equipment.
testing. Differences in fault detection and acceptable
performance results are identical to those stated above in the H. Rain Test for Outdoor LV Switchgear
“Short-time Current Withstand” section above.
For short-circuit withstand testing associated with a ANSI C37.20.1 details the testing requirements for outdoor
neutral conductor, IEC 439-1 states that the “value of the test Switchgear enclosures. IEC 439-1 does not address test
requirements for outdoor equipment but refers to IEC 529 439-1 § and should include random inspection of
(“Degrees of Protection Provided by Enclosures”) for ingress screw type terminals.
protection ratings and states the second numeral to be at
A. Dielectric Withstand Tests (Main Circuits) Both standards require equipment nameplates. ANSI
C37.20.1 requires the following minimum information on
ANSI C37.20.1 requires low frequency withstand tests nameplates:
(2200V, 1 minute) on each production assembly. IEC
requires similar tests per the guidelines discussed in section 1. Manufacturer’s name and address
IV.A.1 either by impulse withstand (if manufacturer declares 2. Manufacturer’s type designation (optional)
rating) or dielectric testing. However, for IEC production or 3. Manufacturer’s identification reference
routine tests, the dielectric test voltage is only required for 1 4. Rated maximum voltage
second. 5. Rated frequency
defines this as “a part of an assembly comprising all the Switchgear is sized to the NEC requirement of 12.5% of
electrical and mechanical elements that contribute to the phase conductor cross section. In comparing typical ampere
fulfillment of the same function”. Thus, one could deduce that ratings, the IEC requirements are much more demanding with
the device, along with its associated accessories and regard to conductor size.
conductors, are meant as the intent of the definition.
Much commentary has been written regarding IEC forms of F. Enclosures
separation. This element represents one of the major
differences between ANSI and IEC construction. Since ANSI 1) Environmental Classification: ANSI indicates that Low
offers no such varying degrees of separation, the level of Voltage Switchgear shall be ventilated enclosures (NEMA
separation as defined by IEC for ANSI type equipment is Type 1) intended to provide a degree of protection against
difficult to apply. For 3-wire applications, one could argue that contact with the enclosed equipment.
the standard ANSI construction coupled with additional IEC 439-1 submits guidelines for degrees of environmental
insulation for circuit breaker connectors meets the conditions. IEC indicates that unless otherwise stated,
requirements of “Form 3b” given by the written definition and assemblies for indoor, industrial applications are generally for
the typical arrangements given in IEC 439-1, Annex D. use in a pollution degree 3 environment while outdoor,
However, since 4-pole devices are not frequently used in industrial applications are for use in a pollution degree 4
ANSI type distribution Switchgear, the conductors associated environment. The following definitions exist for degrees of
with “functional” units for 3 phase 4 wire applications are not pollution.
packaged in close proximity due to the remotely mounted
neutral conductors. Hence, the isolation of “functional units” a) Degree 1: No pollution or only dry, non-conductive
becomes much more difficult due to the differences in pollution occurs.
construction. Therefore, the level of separation would have b) Degree 2: Normally, only non-conductive pollution
to be reduced to “Form 2” or possibly “Form 1” depending occurs. Occasionally, however, a temporary conductivity
upon construction techniques. caused by condensation may be expected.
c) Degree 3: Conductive pollution occurs, or dry, non-
C. Interchangeability of Removable Elements conductive pollution occurs which becomes conductive
due to condensation.
ANSI requires those removable elements of the same type d) Degree 4: The pollution generates persistent
and rating for a given assembly to be physically conductivity caused, for instance, by conductive dust by
interchangeable. However, it is not mandated that secondary rain or snow.
control circuits for these devices are electrically
interchangeable. IEC does not address interchangeability. 2) Degrees of Protection: The ANSI requirements are that
the enclosure design shall provide a degree of protection
D. Size of Neutral Conductor against limited amounts of falling dirt but will not prevent the
entry of dust or liquids. Furthermore, a rod entry test is
IEC 439-1 states that unless agreed upon by the required to prevent the insertion of a rod of diameter 0.50 inch
manufacturer and user, the neutral conductor shall have half (12.7 mm) into an external opening unless the distance
the current carrying capacity of the phase conductor with a between the opening and the nearest live part is greater than
2 2
minimum of 10 mm if the phase conductor exceeds 10 mm . 4 inches (101.6 mm). In this case, a rod of diameter greater
If the phase conductor is less than 10 mm , the neutral shall than 0.75 inch (19 mm) shall not be permitted to enter the
have equivalent capacity. ANSI C37.20.1 does not address opening.
the capacity of neutral conductors. IEC 439-1 has extensive commentary regarding degrees of
protection (references IEC 529) and uses an “IP” (ingress
E. Size of Ground Bus protection) rating to classify the degrees. The elements of the
IP code are presented in Appendix D.
IEC 439-1 specifies the cross sectional area of protective The letter “X” indicates that the characteristic need not be
conductors according to the following table. specified. IEC 439-1 submits a set of preferred IP numbers
where some protection against ingress of water is required
TABLE IV and mandates that the degree of protection of an enclosed
IEC 439-1 GROUND CONDUCTOR SIZE assembly to be at least IP2X. An IP2X rating provides
Cross Sectional Area of Phase Minimum Cross-sectional area of protection against the ingress of a solid object no greater than
Conductors the Corresponding Protective 12.5 mm in diameter. Test specifications and pass/fail criteria
S Conductor
2 2
Mm (in ) SP
for each numeral or letter is given in IEC 529. It should also
2 2
mm (in ) be noted that if the degree of protection of part of the
S≤16 (.025) S assembly, for example, on the operating face differs from that
16 (.025)<S≤35 (.054) 16 (.025) of the main portion, the manufacturer shall indicate the degree
35 (.054)<S≤400 (.62) S/2 of protection of that part separately.
400 (.62)<S≤800 (1.24) 200 (.31) For comparison sake, the IP code for the standard ANSI
S>800 (1.24) S/4 construction would be IP10.
G. Doors and Covers connections provided where provision is made for these type
connections on the apparatus. For applications with
IEC 439-1 states that if it is necessary to make provision for vibrations, supplementary means for securing should be
removal of barriers, opening of enclosures or withdrawal of provided.
parts of enclosures, one of the following protective measures
must be used to guard against direct contact with live parts. VII. APPLICATION CONDITIONS
1. Removal, opening or withdrawal must necessitate the
use of a key or tool. A. Temperature and Humidity
2. All live parts that can unintentionally be touched after
the door has been opened shall be disconnected before The range of ambient operating temperatures as declared
the door can be opened. by ANSI for indoor low-voltage Switchgear is -30°C to +40°C.
3. An internal obstacle or shutter shielding all live parts IEC indicates the limits of temperature range to be -5°C to
shall exist which provides protection against +40°C with the average over a period of 24 hours not
unintentional contact when the door is open. exceeding +35°C.
ANSI does not address the issue of incidental contact when In addition to the ambient temperature conditions, IEC
doors or covers are removed. It does limit the size of prescribes limits for the relative humidity. It states that the
removable covers for inspection and maintenance purposes to “relative humidity does not exceed 50% at a maximum
12 ft or 60 pounds unless equipped with lifting means or temperature of +40°C”. Higher relative humidities may be
hinges. permitted at lower temperatures, for example 90% at +20°C.
Although required by the ANSI power circuit breaker ANSI C37.20.1 §7 provides the application guide for low-
standard, C37.20.1 restates the requirement for several voltage Switchgear. Unusual conditions such as exposure to
interlocks. They include: hot and humid climates, abnormal vibration, shocks, tilting,
1. Prevention from moving the circuit breaker to or from excessive dust, damaging fumes, salt air, oil vapors, seismic
the connected position when the circuit breaker is in the shock, applications at high altitude and overload capabilities
closed position. are addressed. IEC 439-1 §6.2 states that “where special
2. Prevention from closing the circuit breaker unless the service conditions exists, the applicable particular
primary disconnecting devices are in full contact or are requirements shall be complied with or special agreements
separated by a safe distance. shall be made between the user and manufacturer”. Special
3. For circuit breakers with stored energy mechanisms, service conditions are not addressed specifically by IEC 439-
the release of energy shall not be permitted unless the 1.
mechanism is fully charged.
4. Operators shall be protected from the accidental VIII. CONCLUSIONS
discharge of the stored energy mechanism.
Additionally, ANSI requires door interlocks on There are substantial differences in the testing procedures
compartments in which current-limiting fuses are mounted in and construction techniques between ANSI and IEC low-
separate removable elements. This interlock prevents door voltage switchgear. In addition, there are many minor
opening unless the associated breaker or switch is in the open differences that were not discussed in this paper and it cannot
position. be assumed that the two standards are in total agreement
IEC 439-1 does not address interlocks specifically, but does regarding these issues. These differences along with the
require that “withdrawable parts shall be fitted with a device associated power system designs of each market, require that
which ensures that the apparatus can only be withdrawn after special consideration must be given when applying ANSI or
its main circuit has been interrupted”. IEC equipment in an application differing from the design
standard to which the equipment conforms. Unifying the two
I. Control and Secondary Wiring standards would be difficult based upon the vast differences in
product scope and market expectations throughout the world.
1) Wire Type: ANSI C37.20.1 §6.1.3 requires the use of
type TBS or SIS wire for use between component devices or
parts of Switchgear assemblies. In addition, it requires the
wire to be a minimum of 14 AWG stranded with an insulation
rating of 600V. IEC 439-1 § states that the wiring shall
be rated for at least the rated insulation voltage of the circuit
concerned. This implies the usage of different insulation
ratings is permissible in control circuits. IEC 439-1 does not
address wire size or type.
(1) IEC 439-1 does not specify values specifically for buses but offers the following as guidelines for determining the upper
Mechanical strength of conducting material
Possible effect on adjacent equipment
Permissible temperature limit of the insulating materials in contact with the conductor
The effect of the temperature of the conductor on the apparatus connected to it
For plug-in contacts, nature and surface treatment of the contact material
(2) IEC 439-1 offers no differentiation between plated and bare conductors.
(3) Total allowable temperature.
(4) Not addressed by IEC 439-1.
(5) Temperature limitation is based on use of 90 C cable in a 40 C ambient.
Minimum Clearances (mm)
Rated Impulse Withstand Voltage Case A Case B
(kV) Pollution Degree Pollution Degree
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
0.33 0.01 0.01
0.50 0.04 0.20 0.04 0.20
0.80 0.10 0.80 0.10 0.80 1.60
1.50 0.50 0.50 1.60 0.30 0.30
2.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 0.60 0.60
4.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.20 1.20 1.20
6.00 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.50 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00
8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00
12.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 14.00 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50
Pollution Degree Pollution Degree
Rated Insulation Voltage Material Group Material Group
mm (in.) mm (in.)
250 3.2 (.13) 3.6 (.14) 4.0 (.16) 4.0 (.16) 4.0 (.16) 5.6 (.22) 6.3 (.25) 6.3 (.25)
400 5.0 (.20) 5.6 (.22) 6.3 (.25) 6.3 (.25) 8.0 (.31) 10.0 (.39) 12.5 (.49) 12.5 (.49)
500 6.3 (.25) 7.1 (.28) 8.0 (.31) 8.0 (.31) 10.0 (.39) 12.5 (.49) 16.0 (.63) 16.0 (.63)
630 8.0 (.31) 9.0 (.35) 10.0 (.39) 10.0 (.39) 12.5 (.49) 16.0 (.63) 20.0 (.79) 20.0 (.79)
Element Numerals or Letters Meaning for the Protection of Equipment Meaning for the Protection of Persons
Code Letters IP
Against ingress of solid foreign objects Against access to hazardous parts with
0 Non-protected Non-protected
1 ≥50 mm diameter Back of hand
First 2 ≥ 12.5 mm diameter Finger
Numeral 3 ≥ 2.5 mm diameter Tool
4 ≥ 1.0 mm diameter Wire
5 Dust protected Wire
6 Dust-tight Wire
Against access of solid foreign objects Against access to hazardous parts with
The access probe, sphere of 50 mm
Additional Letter A diameter, shall have clearance from Back of hand
(Optional) hazardous parts.
A jointed test finger of 12 mm diameter and
B 80 mm in length, shall have adequate Finger
clearance from hazardous parts.
An access probe of 2.5 mm diameter and
C 100 mm in length, shall have adequate Tool
clearance from hazardous parts.
An access probe of 1.0 mm diameter and
D 100 mm in length, shall have adequate Wire
clearance from hazardous parts.