Technical Regimen, Part 7: Scales
Technical Regimen, Part 7: Scales
Technical Regimen, Part 7: Scales
Simply put, scales are a big part of what pianists do. The use of scales to
develop smoothness, so that our arms feel like the arm of a cellist using a bow,
is paramount to technical success. To repeat a phrase commonly taught to
music students, “Play it as you would sing it.” With a singing voice in mind, the
fingers will imitate its lyrical contours.
What does Biegel say to a new student of piano, whether they are seven years
old or seventy years old? To start, he recommends a book by David Hirschberg
called “Scales and Chords are Fun.” It contains a number of simple exercises
helpful for beginners.
If your scale sounds bumpy, or with breaks, sing the scale. The fingers will mimic
the legato of the voice does, even if your voice is bad. If you are comfortable with
solfege, try that as well!
Biegel recommends placing your left leg near the front left leg of the bench as
you lean rightward, and vice-versa. All of these components help strengthen the
fluidity of the scale. Your only objective should be to achieve one continuous line
up, and one line down.
Imagine you’re painting on a smooth canvas, and each brush stroke must be
perfectly smooth. One stroke up, one stroke down. This is the same basic
movement as a scale. Another way of playing scales that Biegel likes to use is
reversing the direction.
As you play higher on the piano, the strings are shorter, and this means the
sound comes out slightly faster than on low notes. This also means that you have
to play more precisely in time. Try this out with a C Major Scale in the extreme
upper register. Start at the very top and work your way down, by two, three, or
four octaves.
This is a systematic and efficient way to practice scales on a daily basis. Be sure
to make them interesting, using the various techniques Biegel discussed in this
lesson! Experimentation can only lead to beneficial discoveries. Variety is the
element that makes practicing more fun.
An heir to the
legacy of Josef
Lhévinne and Adele
Marcus, Jeffrey
Biegel has garnered
a reputation as a
prolific pianist and