Tree Survey & Constraints Plan in Accordance With Bs 5837:2012
Tree Survey & Constraints Plan in Accordance With Bs 5837:2012
Tree Survey & Constraints Plan in Accordance With Bs 5837:2012
1.0 Introduction
5.0 Conclusions
6.0 Recommendations
8.0 References
9.0 Appendices
1.1.2 The site survey was carried out on the 29th August 2018. The relevant
qualitative tree data was recorded in order to assess the condition of the
existing trees, their constraints upon the prospective development and the
necessary protection required to allow their retention as a sustainable and
integral part of any future permitted development.
1.1.3 Information is given on condition, age, size and indicative positioning of all the
trees, both on and affecting the site. This is in accordance with the British
Standard 5837: 2012 Trees in relation to design, demolition and construction -
1.2.1 The survey of the trees and any other factors are of a preliminary nature. The
trees were inspected on the basis of the Visual Tree Assessment (VTA)
method as developed by Mattheck and Breloer (1994). The trees were
inspected from ground level with no climbing inspections undertaken. It is not
always possible to access every tree and as such some measurements may
have to be estimated. Trees with estimated measurements are highlighted in
the schedule of trees. No samples have been removed from the site for
analysis. The survey does not cover the arrangements that may be required in
connection with the removal of existing underground services.
1.2.4 Where the trees inspected stand within woodland, the frequency with which
these trees/woodlands are accessed, or will be accessed, must be considered
as an integral part of the recommendations given for the future management of
these trees/woodlands. Priority will be given to those trees near existing and
proposed footpaths, public highways and the site boundaries where it is
assumed that the presence of persons and property will be more frequent and
therefore of a potentially higher risk. Many of the trees surveyed within the
woodland areas present little or no risk (barring exceptional circumstances) to
site users and could therefore be left unmanaged.
1.3 Documentation
1.3.1 The following documentation was provided prior to the commencement of the
production of this report;
2.1.1. The site is contained within two separate areas: the first to the south of
Rochester Airport and the second currently part of the northern section of the
airport. The southern section is currently a storage site for caravans. The
arboricultural features on this site are mainly contained within a woodland belt
which encircles the site providing high level of screen and habitat value. This
woodland area has been subject to minimal intervention recently and is of
varying condition throughout. There are also several individual trees of different
species and conditions to be found scattered through this area. The northern
section comprises mostly shrubs and a few small, poor quality trees.
2.2 Soils
2.2.1 The soils type commonly associated with this site are slightly acidic loams and
clays with impeded drainage. They are of moderate to high fertility and support
a wide range of pasture and woodland type habitats. This soil type constitutes
approximately 10.6% the total English land mass.
2.2.2 The data given was obtained from a desk top study which provides indications
of likely soil types. By definition, this information is not comprehensive and
therefore any decisions taken with regards the management, usage or
construction on site should be based on a detailed soil analysis.
2.2.3 Further to item 2.2.2, this report provides no information on soil shrinkability. It
may be necessary for practitioners in other disciplines (e.g. engineers
considering foundation design) to obtain this data as required.
All trees within the United Kingdom are protected under the Forestry Acts. In
general, anyone felling more than 5 cubic metres of timber in any calendar
quarter requires a Felling License from the Forestry Commission. There are
exemptions however and these are as follows:-
Substantial fines exist for not complying with the requirements of a Felling
3.2 An accurate topographical survey was not available at the time of inspection.
Therefore, the position of each tree shown on the attached drawing no. 6953-D-
CP has been fixed by use of a hand-held GPS surveying unit. Given this, the
position of the trees must be considered indicative, although drawing no. 6953-
D-CP provides a fair representation of the relationship of the trees as distributed
across the site.
3.4 The detailed assessment of each tree and its work requirements with priorities
are listed in the attached Schedule of Trees.
As soon as possible:
3.6 In accordance with item 4.2.4 (c) of BS 5837: 2012, the items inspected and
detailed within this report have been selected for inclusion due to the likely
influence of any proposed development on the trees, rather than strictly
adhering to the curtilage of the site. However, it must be understood that there
may be trees beyond the site and not included in this survey which may exert
an influence on the development. Where works for cultural, health and safety,
quality of life, or development purposes have been recommended on trees
outside the ownership of the site, these can only progress with the agreement
of the owner, except where it involves portions of the trees overhanging the
4.1.1 The Root Protection Areas (RPA) for the trees deemed worthy of retention are
indicated on the attached Drawing No. 6953-D-CP. These define the below
ground constraints of the trees.
4.1.2 The crown spreads of the trees deemed worthy of retention are also indicated
on the attached Drawing No. 6953-D-CP. These define the above ground
constraints of the trees.
4.2.1 The combination of the above and below ground constraints outlined at 4.1
above, should be used to inform the layout and design of any proposed
development by considering the following principal factors;
4.2.2 Shade. Consideration will be needed regarding the size, positioning and
aspect of windows, together with the internal layout of dwellings in close
proximity to trees to ensure sufficient daylight enters rooms or buildings.
Consideration should also be given to the future growth potential of trees in
close proximity to prospective development.
4.2.4 Siting. Ideally, the footprint of any proposed building should be no closer than
2 metres from the edge of any RPA or crown spread of any trees to be
retained. This is to ensure that sufficient room is provided to allow the
construction of the proposed development without any encroachment into the
RPA or under the crown spread. If it is considered acceptable and appropriate
to construct within the RPA, specialist engineering techniques (e.g. cantilever,
piling, or pad and above ground beam foundations) and ground protection
measures will be required to minimise the impact on the roots.
4.3.1 In order to ensure that trees intended for retention are not harmed during the
construction processes, the following matters require consideration and
implementation as necessary. Please note that once the design is finalised,
Hayden’s Arboricultural Consultants will provide a Preliminary Arboricultural
Method Statement & Tree Protection Plan that will satisfy the requirements for
obtaining planning permission.
4.3.2 Protective Fencing. The trees to be retained will need to be protected by the
use of stout barrier fencing. This fencing must be in accordance with the
requirements of BS 5837: 2012 and will be erected prior to any development
on the site, therefore ensuring the maximum protection. All tree protection
barrier fencing will be regarded as sacrosanct and, once erected, will not be
removed or altered without the prior consent of the Local Planning Authority
Arboricultural Officer.
4.3.3 Services. Ideally, all service runs will be routed outside of the RPA of any
retained trees. If a service has to be installed across an RPA, works must be
undertaken in accordance the guidance of the National Joint Utilities Group
Guidance Note 4 “Guidelines for the planning, installation and maintenance of
utility apparatus in proximity to trees” (NJUG 4 paragraph 4) and installation of
such a method as to reduce any possible detrimental effect on roots to an
absolute minimum.
4.3.4 Hard Surfaces. Hard surfaces may be constructed under the crown spreads of
retained trees and within the RPA if specific detail is paid to the design and
specification. In these areas, the design will comply with the principles of the
Arboricultural Advisory Information Services (AAIS) Practice Note 12 "Through
the Trees to Development” - the only difference being that instead of a geo-grid,
a geo-textile base is provided, and the no-fines road stone is incorporated in,
and retained by, a geo-web cellular confinement system. Given the individual
requirements of each site, it is essential that a specialist engineer is consulted
to specify the construction detail. Where the hard surface proposed is
impermeable, it must not cover more than 20% of the RPA. Larger extents of
permeable surfacing may be acceptable, dependant on the individual
circumstances of the site.
5.2 Within the area specified for inspection, a total of sixteen individual trees, four
groups of trees, four areas of trees and one woodland have been surveyed.
These were found to be of mixed condition and age providing a variety of
amenity benefits.
5.3 Consideration is being given to undertaking development within the site, but no
definite layout has as yet been determined.
5.4 Ideally, all development should take place outside the RPA of the trees
considered most worthy or appropriate for retention thus allowing a traditional
construction process. It is usually technically possible (though not necessarily
desirable) to build within a very limited portion of the RPA of one or more trees
using specialist engineering techniques, but inevitably this is more difficult and
expensive than traditional construction methods and may not be acceptable to
the local planning authority.
6.0 Recommendations
6.1 It is recommended that the siting and design of the layout considers the
presence of trees, particularly the highest quality, and where feasible seeks to
incorporate them within any proposed development.
6.2 Tree surgery should be completed as detailed in the Schedule of Trees. Where
this has been identified for reasons other than to permit development, this work
should be completed within the advised timescales irrespective of any
development proposals.
6.3 The tree surgery works proposed as part of the Survey are recommended to
mitigate any identified health and safety problems and to promote longevity in
retained trees in the context of a potential development site. To this end, should
these recommendations be overruled, this Survey stands as the opinion of
Hayden’s Arboricultural Consultants Limited, and therefore any damage or
injury caused by trees recommended by this practice for felling or tree surgery
works, to which the proposed schedule of works has been altered or the tree
has been requested to be retained by the Local Planning Authority, cannot be
the responsibility of this practice.
General exclusions
Unless specifically mentioned, the report will only be concerned with above ground
inspections. No below ground inspections will be carried out without the prior
confirmation from the client that such works should be undertaken.
The validity, accuracy and findings of this report will be directly related to the accuracy
of the information made available prior to and during the inspection process. No
checking of independent third-party data will be undertaken. Hayden’s Arboricultural
Consultants Limited will not be responsible for the recommendations within this report
where essential data are not made available or are inaccurate.
This report will remain valid for one year from the date of inspection but will become
invalid if any building works are carried out upon the property, soil levels altered in any
way close to the property, or tree work undertaken. It must also be appreciated that
recommendations proposed within this report may be superseded by extreme weather,
or any other unreasonably foreseeable events.
If alterations to the property or soil levels are carried out, or tree work undertaken, it is
strongly recommended that a new tree inspection be carried out.
It will be appreciated, and deemed to be accepted by the client and their insurers, that
the formulation of the recommendations for the management of trees will be guided by
the following: -
The client and their insurers are deemed to have accepted the limitation placed on the
recommendations by the sources quoted in the attached report. Where sources are
limited by time constraints or the client, this may lead to an incomplete quantification of
the risk.
September 2018……………………………………………….
For and on Behalf of Hayden’s Arboricultural Consultants Limited
Department for Communities and Local Government (2014) Tree Preservation Orders
and trees in conservation areas.
Mattheck, C. and Breloer, H. (1994) Research for Amenity Trees No. 4: The Body
Language of Trees. HMSO, London.
NHBC Standards (2007) Chapter 4.2 ‘Building Near Trees’. National House-Building
NJUG 4 Guidelines for the planning, installation and maintenance of utility apparatus in
proximity to trees. Issued 16th November 2007.
Patch, D. and Holding, B. (2006) Arboricultural Practice Note 12 (APN12), Through the
Trees to Development. Arboricultural Advisory and Information Service (AAIS).
Roberts, J., Jackson, N. & Smith, M. (2006) Research for Amenity Trees No. 8: Tree
Roots in the Environment. Department for Communities and Local Government.
HMSO, London.
1. BS 5837: 2012 Figure 1 - Flow Chart – Design and Construction & Tree Care
2. European Protected Species and Woodland Operations Checklist (v.4)
3. BS 5837: 2012 Figure 2 - Default specification for protective barrier
4. BS 5837: 2012 Figure 3 - Examples of above-ground stabilizing systems
Species List:
This gives a brief description of the problems identified in the attached Tree Survey.
Name: Deadwood
Symptoms/Damage This relates to dead branches in the crown of the tree. In the
Type: majority of cases, this is caused by the natural ageing process of
the tree or shading due to its close proximity to neighbouring trees.
However, in some situations, it may be related to fungal, bacterial
or viral infection.
Consequence: Depending upon the location and mass of dead wood removal of
the affected tissue may be necessary to prevent harm to persons or
property as the wood will become unstable as it decays and in
some circumstances is likely to fall from the tree with little or no
Control Measures: Detailed monitoring should be undertaken on those trees showing
signs of excessive deadwood production to identify the underlying
A001 Hornbeam, 350 11.5 Moderate N4.5, E4.5, S4.5, Mixed species area comprising a dense linear feature forming U No work required. 4
Elder, Cherry W4.5 boundary screen. Mostly over-mature elder and dying Hornbeam.
Plum, Field 4.2 0-2m M Moderate
Yes Wayfaring Tree 55.4 <10 Years Dense undergrowth
A002 Ash, Sycamore, 170 12 Low N2.5, E2.5, S2.5, Dense mixed species area which is regularly coppiced to ensure C1 No work required. 4
Wild Cherry, W2.5 clearance for approach to neighbouring runway.
Sweet 2.04 0-2m EM Moderate
Yes Hornbeam, 13.1 10 + years Dense undergrowth
A003 Ash, Wild 160 6.5 Moderate N2.0, E2.0, S2.0, An area of mostly dense shrubs containing some young self set trees. C2 No work required. 4
Cherry Plum, W2.0
Dogwood, 1.92 0-2m M High
Yes Viburnum 11.6 10 + years Dense undergrowth
A004 Sweet 400 21.5 Moderate N6.5, E6.5, S6.5, A mixed species area of even aged trees which are mostly healthy B2 Fell dead ash as indicated on drawing no. 2
Chestnut, Birch, W6.5 and of good condition and with adequate spacing. There is one dead 6953-D-CP.
Ash, English 4.8 0-2m M High Ash located centrally (see drawing no 6953-D-CP for approximate
Oak location).
Yes 72.4 20+ years Grass, Woodland
G001 Sweet Chestnut 450 11 Moderate N3.0, E3.0, S3.0, Group of recently coppiced Chestnut which all appear healthy. There C2 No work required. 4
W3.0 was no safe access at the time of the survey to carry out a detailed
5.4 0-2m EM Moderate inspection.
Yes 91.6 10 + years Woodland floor
G002 Hornbeam 410 15.5 Moderate N6.0, E6.0, S6.0, A pair of trees which are of good condition and structure despite C2 No work required. 4
W6.0 having been topped in the past. There is some impact damage to
4.92 2.1-4m EM Moderate bases and visible surface roots, though with no decay evident and
these wounds should fully occlude in time, provided that further
Yes 76 20+ years Grass, Tarmac damage is avoided and the health of the trees is maintained.
G003 Aspen, Cypress 450 15.5 Moderate N4.5, E4.5, S4.5, A small group of poor quality trees exhibiting poor structural form. U No work required. 4
W4.5 Aspen have been topped in past but re-growth is poor. The cypress
5.4 0-2m EM High is becoming suppressed by neighbouring oak.
Yes 91.6 <10 Years Grass, Tarmac
TreeNo Species DBH Height Visual Crown Spread Problems / Comments BS Work Required Priority
Crown Lowest Cat
Min Dist Age Water Demand
Base Branch
On site RPA (m²) Aspect Aspect SULE Ground Cover
G004 Hybrid Poplar 600 19.5 High N6.0, E6.0, S6.0, A group of large poplars adjacent to a roadside. Trees are within a C1 Remove ivy from lower stems and 2
W6.0 fenced disused industrial area, so all dimensions are estimated. All undertake a close inspection when able
7.2 2.1-4m M High trees appear healthy. There is dense Ivy covering the stems, which to access.
may mask any defects.
Yes 162.9 10 + years Grass, Tarmac
T001 Silver Birch 300 10 Low N3.0, E3.0, S3.0, A dead Birch located at the edge of the woodland area currently U Fell to ground level. 1
W3.0 overhanging caravans and is heavily covered with Ivy.
3.6 2.1-4m SM Low
Yes 40.7 <10 Years Woodland floor
T002 Wild Cherry 130 5 Low N1.0, E1.0, S1.0, A small dead Cherry. U Fell to ground level. 2
1.56 2.1-4m SM Low
Yes 7.6 <10 Years Woodland floor
T003 Silver Birch 200 10 Low N3.0, E3.0, S3.0, Dead Birch. U Fell to ground level. 2
2.4 2.1-4m EM Low
Yes 18.1 <10 Years Woodland floor
T004 Field Maple 700 14.5 High N5.0, E5.0, S5.0, A mature tree located within an area of poorer quality trees on top of B2 No work required. 4
W5.0 a bund, forming an attractive landscape feature which could be
8.4 2.1-4m M Moderate usefully singled out if desired, provided that the removal of the bund
will not be required. Tree has good structural form and is healthy.
Yes 221.7 40+ years Grass, Woodland
floor, Dense
T005 Hornbeam 470 13.5 High N5.0, E5.0, S5.0, Tree has no visible defects and is in good condition and health. B1 No work required. 4
5.64 2.1-4m M Moderate
Yes 99.9 40+ years Grass
T006 English Oak 480 15 High N4.5, E7.0, S7.5, A tree located at the end of a dense linear strip of trees which has C1 No work required. 4
W7.5 been managed as a pollard in the past. There is cracking in the
5.76 2.1-4m EM High surrounding concrete as a result of direct damage from the roots
through annual thickening. This tree appears healthy.
Yes 104.2 20 + years Tarmac, Concrete
T007 Snowy Mespilus 220 7.5 Low N3.0, E3.5, S4.0, A large stem has been removed leaving a large pruning wound which U No work required. 4
W3.5 will likely never fully occlude. This will likely lead to decay in future,
2.64 0-2m M Moderate therefore shortening the expected lifespan of the tree.
Yes 21.9 <10 Years Grass, Tarmac
TreeNo Species DBH Height Visual Crown Spread Problems / Comments BS Work Required Priority
Crown Lowest Cat
Min Dist Age Water Demand
Base Branch
On site RPA (m²) Aspect Aspect SULE Ground Cover
T008 English Oak 550 21 High N5.0, E8.0, S8.0, This tree has been topped in past but the subsequent re-growth has B1 No work required. 4
W9.0 developed a new crown with no significant defects apparent. The tree
6.6 0-2m M High is slightly asymmetric in shape due to the existence of the
neighbouring woodland. This tree appears healthy.
Yes 136.8 40+ years Grass, Tarmac
T009 Silver Birch 280 15.5 Moderate N3.5, E3.5, S3.5, A healthy tree, though of stunted form with visible surface roots C1 No work required. 4
W3.0 within the drip line.
3.36 0-2m EM Low
Yes 35.5 10 + years Grass
T010 Silver Birch 240 12 Moderate N3.5, E3.0, S4.0, A tree of stunted form with low vigour and visible surface roots within U No work required. 4
W3.0 the drip line.
2.88 0-2m EM Low
Yes 26.1 <10 years Grass
T011 Field Maple 410 15.5 Moderate N4.5, E5.0, S5.0, An attractive tree with good structural form and appearing healthy. B1 No work required. 4
W4.5 There are surface roots visible to 4m from the stem in all directions,
4.92 2.1-4m M Moderate where minor bark damage can be seen. This should however fully
occlude in time, provided that the tree remains healthy and further
Yes 76 40+ years Grass, Tarmac damage is avoided.
T012 Rowan 310 10.5 Low N2.5, E2.5, S2.5, A small tree of multi-stemmed form and tight main unions with C1 No work required. 4
W2.5 included bark. There is a wound on the lower stem, though this is
3.72 2.1-4m M Moderate occluding well.
Yes 43.5 <10 years Grass, Tarmac
T013 Grey Poplar 830 24 High N11.0, E10.0, S10.0, A large healthy tree which is twin stemmed from 3m but with good B1 No work required. 4
W9.5 structural form. There are visible surface roots with some suckering
9.96 2.1-4m M High within the soft area to the east of the tree within the drip line. There is
a small amount of deadwood throughout the crown, though no
Yes 311.7 20+ years Grass, Tarmac significant visible defects.
T014 Hornbeam 150 13 Low N1.0, E1.0, S1.0, The upright stem on the east side of the tree is dead. There is decay U Fell to ground level. 1
W1.0 feeding into the live stem which overhangs the road.
1.8 0-2m EM Moderate
Yes 10.2 <10 Years Woodland floor
T015 Goat Willow 230 6 Low N3.5, E3.5, S3.5, A regularly coppiced Willow which appears healthy, though has C1 No work required. 4
W3.5 grown through the wire fence.
2.76 0-2m M High
Yes 23.9 10 + years Grass, Tarmac
TreeNo Species DBH Height Visual Crown Spread Problems / Comments BS Work Required Priority
Crown Lowest Cat
Min Dist Age Water Demand
Base Branch
On site RPA (m²) Aspect Aspect SULE Ground Cover
T016 Ash 170 15 Low N3.0, E3.0, S3.0, A very poor quality tree located at the edge of the woodland area, U Fell to ground level. 1
W7.0 overhanging the road and the site access. This tree features crown
2.04 4.1-6m SM Moderate dieback.
Yes 13.1 <10 Years Woodland floor,
W001 Oak, Wild 500 22 High N7.0, E7.0, S7.0, A mixed species woodland of mixed ages and mostly of good B2 No work required. 4
Cherry, Ash, W7.0 condition. Feature forms a dense boundary screen between site and
Sweet 6 0-2m M High surrounding land and roads. Minimal understory in most areas.
Chestnut, Dense Ivy covers the stems of some trees, limiting inspection. There
Yes Hornbeam, 113.1 20+ years Woodland floor, Ivy is potential to improve this woodland through management to
Beech, Goat recommence coppicing and introduce coppice management to other
Willow, Aspen, areas to improve density and structure while allowing the introduction
Sycamore, of some understory planting. There is deadwood throughout this
Silver Birch, feature as would be expected in a woodland. There is a small area
Hawthorn, Field within the woodland belt towards the north-east corner of the caravan
Maple, Leyland park where several trees have been recently windblown, which
Cypress present options for interplanting with understory species and some
coppicing works to prevent further windthrow failures.
W001a Sweet Chestnut 900 22 High N5.0, E5.0, S5.0, Group of lapsed Chestnut coppice which requires recommencement B2 No work required. 4
W5.0 of a cyclical coppice regime to ensure their longevity and
10.8 0-2m M Moderate continuation of associated habitat.
Yes 366.4 20+ years Woodland floor
Appendix C
Schedule of Works
SCHEDULE OF WORK Surveyed By: Ben Figg
Innovation Park Northern and Southern Areas, Rochester Airport, Chatham, Surveyed: 29/08/2018
Kent Managed By: Ben Figg
Tree No. Species Work required Priority
Species Common names are given to aid understanding for the wider audience.
BS 5837 Using this assessment (BS 5837:2012, Table 1), trees can be divided
Main into one of the following simplified categories, and are differentiated by
Category cross-hatching and by colour on the attached drawing:
Please note that a specimen or landscape feature may fulfil the requirements of
more than one Sub Category.
DBH Diameter of main stem in millimetres at 1.5 metres from ground level.
(mm) Where the tree is a multi-stem, the diameter is calculated in accordance with item
4.6.1 of BS 5837:2012.
Crown Base Recorded in metres, the distance from ground and aspect of the lowest
branch material.
Lowest Branch Recorded in metres, the distance from ground and aspect of the emergence
point of the lowest significant branch.
Life Expectancy Relates to the prospective life expectancy of the tree and is given as 4
1 = 40 years+;
2 = 20 years+;
3 = 10 years+;
4 = less than 10 years.
Crown Spread Indicates the radius of the crown from the base of the tree in each of the
northern, eastern, southern and western aspects.
Minimum Distance This is a distance equal to 12 times the diameter of the tree measured at 1.5
metres above ground level for single stemmed trees and 12 times the
average diameter of the tree measured at 1.5 metres above ground level
tree for multi stemmed specimens. (BS 5837:2012, section 4.6).
RPA This is the Root Protection Area, measured in square metres and defined in
BS5837:2012 as “a layout design tool indicating the minimum area around a
tree deemed to contain sufficient roots and rooting volume to maintain the
tree’s viability, and where the protection of the roots and soil structure is
treated as a priority”. The RPA is shown on the drawing.. Ideally this is an
area around the tree that must be kept clear of construction, level changes of
construction operations. Some methods of construction can be carried out
within the RPA of a retained tree but only if approved by the Local Planning
Authority’s tree officer.
Water Demand This gives the water demand of the species of tree when mature, as given in
the NHBC Standards Chapter 4.2 “Building Near Trees”.
Visual Amenity Concerns the planning and landscape contribution to the development site
made by the tree, hedge or tree group, in terms of its amenity value and
prominence on the skyline along with functional criteria such as the
screening value, shelter provision and wildlife significance. The usual
definitions are as follows:
Moderate Of some note within the immediate vicinity, but not significant
in the wider context.
Work Required Identifies the necessary tree work to mitigate anticipated problems and deal
(TS) with existing problems identified in the “Problems/comments” category.
Priority This gives a priority rating to each tree allowing the client to prioritise
necessary tree works identified within the Tree Survey.
Access Facilitation Pruning One-off tree pruning operation, the nature and effects of
which are without significant adverse impact on tree
physiology or amenity value, which is directly necessary to
provide access for operations on site.
Competent Person Person who has training and experience relevant to the
matter being addressed and an understanding of the
requirements of the particular task being approached. NOTE -
a competent person is expected to be able to advise on the
best means by which the recommendations of this British
Standard may be implemented.
Construction Exclusion Zone Area based on the root protection area from which access is
prohibited for the duration of a project.
Root Protection Area (RPA) Layout design tool indicating the minimum area around a tree
deemed to contain sufficient roots and rooting volume to
maintain the tree’s viability, and where the protection of the
roots and soil structure is treated as a priority.
Tree Protection Plan Scale drawing, informed by descriptive text where necessary,
based upon the finalized proposals, showing trees for
retention and illustrating the tree and landscape protection
for protective
Haydens Drawing
Arboricultural Impact Assessments
Arboricultural Method Statements
Tree Constraints Plans
Arboricultural Feasibility Studies
Shade Analysis
Picus Tomography
Arboricultural Consultancy for Local Planning Authority
Quantified Tree Risk Assessment
Health & Safety Audits for Tree Stocks
Tree Stock Survey and Management
Mortgage and Insurance Reports
Subsidence Reports
Woodland Management Plans
Project Management
Ecological Surveys
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