Jayne Vita 3 Updated
Jayne Vita 3 Updated
Jayne Vita 3 Updated
12585 Stone Lined Circle Woodbridge, VA, 22192
703-623-4071 JS
Professional Experience
Early and Middle Childhood Literacy: Reading-Language Arts, National Board for Professional Teaching
Standards, 2013
Finalist of the Agnes Meyer Outstanding Teacher Award, Washington Post, 2007
Sherman, J. (2015, February). Why Carmen can’t read or write: Writing workshop as an intervention for
English language learner. Paper and power point presented at Critical Questions in Education
Conference (CQIE): San Diego, CA.
Sherman, J. (2015, March). The effectiveness of implementing a writing workshop approach to increasing
literacy acquisition with English language learners in a primary classroom. Paper presentation at the
Teachers of English Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL): Toronto, Canada.
Sherman, J. (2016, March). Why don’t students read serious books? How can teachers motivate and
encourage students to love books and not discourage them? Paper presented at Critical Questions in
Education Conference (CQIE): San Antonio, TX.
Sherman, J. (2016, March). Writing workshop and effective pedagogical practice for a few good teachers?
Paper presented at Critical Questions in Education Conference (CQIE): San Antonio, TX.
Sherman, J. (2016, April). Implementing writing workshop with English language learners in primary grades:
What does research say about this pedagogical practice? Paper presented at Teachers of English
Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL): Baltimore, MD.
Sherman, J. (2016, November). Writing workshop as an effective pedagogical practice for promoting
emergent literacy with English language learners. Doctoral Poster presentation at Association for
Literacy Educators and Researchers Conference (ALER): Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.
Sherman, J. (2017, March). Why do so few people want to teach anymore? Paper and Power Point presented at
Critical Questions in Education Conference (CQIE): New Orleans, LA.
Sherman, J. (2017, November). The power of conferencing in the writing workshop: An effective practice in
promoting language acquisition and retaining social and cultural experiences among English language
learners in a first grade classroom. Paper to be presented at the Association for Literacy Educators and
Researchers Conference (ALER): St. Petersburg, FL.
Sherman, J. (2018, March). Professional development in conferencing during writer’s workshop to promote
self-identity and cultural appreciation among second language learners. Paper presented at the Critical
Questions in Education Conference (CQIE): Portland, Oregon.
Sherman, J. (2018, August). The effectiveness of implementing a writing workshop approach to increasing
literacy acquisition with English language learners in a primary classroom. PowerPoint and discussion
to be presented at the Elementary Educators Conference for Prince William County Schools. Manassas,
Sherman, J. (2018, November). Promoting cultural and linguistic appreciation through the use of
multicultural text. Round table discussion to be presented at the Association for Literacy Researchers
and Educators (ALER): Louisville, Kentucky
Sherman, J. (2018, November). Using read alouds and writing with kindergarten and first grade students to
support cultural and linguistic in today’s global world. Round table discussion to be presented at the
Association for Literacy Researchers and Educators (ALER): Louisville, KY
Sherman, J. (2019, March). Promoting cultural and linguistic appreciation through the use of multicultural
text. Paper Presentation at Critical Questions in Education Conference (CQIE): Savannah, GA
Parsons, S. A., Gallagher, M. A., and the George Mason University Content Analysis Team . (in press). A
content analysis of nine literacy journals, 2009-2014. Journal of Literacy Research. Jan Ainger, Mary
Carmen Bartolini, Alicia K. Bruyning, Ellen Clark, Sarah Crain, Nisreen Daoud, Karen Sutter Doheney,
Stacey Duff, Susan V. Groundwater, Jacqueline Heller, Amber Jensen, Lesley A. King, Jennifer
Lindenauer, Joanna Newton, Allison Ward Parsons, Erin M. Ramirez, Jayne Sherman, and Peet Smith
Professional Service
Site Facilitator for George Mason University Elementary PDS Program, 2010-2015
Occoquan ES
Member of the International Literacy Association, ILA, 2008-present
Member of the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, ASCD, 2008-present