Size Variation in Women's Pants: Clothing and Textiles Research Journal January 2003
Size Variation in Women's Pants: Clothing and Textiles Research Journal January 2003
Size Variation in Women's Pants: Clothing and Textiles Research Journal January 2003
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1 author:
Tammy R. Kinley
University of North Texas
All content following this page was uploaded by Tammy R. Kinley on 29 January 2015.
Tammy R. Kinley
The U.S. sizing system involves the use of a size code to direct customers to garments most likely to fit their body.
The popular press reports expensive clothes tend to run large and there is inconsistency within each size category.
The purpose of this study was to determine how much inconsistency there is within size categories, the difference
in size of two different price points (inexpensive and expensive), and two different types of label (national and
private) of women’s pants. To this end, the waist, crotch, and inseam of 1011 pairs of pants were measured. Incon-
sistency was found in each size category, expensive pants generally were larger in measurement, and little signifi-
cant difference was found between national and private label merchandise except for sizes 4 and 6.
Kinley, T. R. (2003). Size variation in women’s pants. Clothing and Textiles Research Journal, 21(1), 19-31. Key
Words: clothing size, size discrepancy, vanity sizing.
Any woman who has shopped for clothing has likely work to measure sizes across several brands has not been
noticed that there is variation in garment dimensions within published. Documentation of the extent of acknowledged
size categories. Shopping for women’s apparel can be frus- discrepancies will help the apparel industry assess the need
trating because most garments must be tried on to determine for size standardization. The findings will be important to
fit (LaBat, 1989). Even though labels contain a code to aid retailers and apparel manufacturers as they select and write
the customer in finding the size most likely to be appropri- specifications for products. Knowing that discrepancies exist
ate for achieving fit, individual lines are sized differently and identifying the company fit in comparison to competi-
and the size code does not contain information about the tors may foster customer loyalty if size specifications re-
body measurements on which the size is based (Workman main consistent over time (Workman, 1991). Academicians
& Lentz, 2000). The popular press and the trade press have can benefit from this knowledge as they teach future de-
published articles that illustrate the inconsistencies of gar- signers and buyers to create and select merchandise most
ment sizing and the resulting frustration consumers have with appropriate for their target market.
achieving fit (see, for example, Abend, 1993; “Clothes that
Fit,” 1998; Fellingham, 1991; Tamburrino, 1992a, 1992b, How Garments Are Sized
1992c). Retailers are also frustrated with size inconsistency In the design stage, garments are generally fitted to a
because of the “expense associated with returned merchan- size 8 or a size 10 fit model. Patterns are developed for the
dise, lost sales, brand dissatisfaction [and] time spent in the size 8 or size 10 and then adjusted for larger and smaller
fitting room” (DesMarteau, 2000, p. 42). sizes according to a system of body dimension variations
For these reasons: frustration with achieving fit, limited used by that manufacturer (Brown & Rice, 1998). A fit model
size code information, inconsistencies in dimensions of gar- is a person who has body dimensions that correspond with
ments, and lost sales, this research was conducted to measure the manufacturer’s interpretation of the dimensions of their
the degree of variation in women’s pants. This study is con- median target customer. The designer and the pattern maker
ducted as a preliminary step in empirically measuring the use the fit model’s body to determine the proportional rela-
extent of women’s satisfaction or dissatisfaction with fit. tionships needed to achieve the company fit (Workman &
The apparel industry is interested in size discrepancy as Lentz, 2000). Two aspects of this process may help to ex-
evidenced by articles in its primary trade magazine, Bobbin, plain size variation: (a) every manufacturer has its own in-
over the past 10 years. Consumers are interested in this is- terpretation of a size 8 (or size 10) body; and (b) each manu-
sue, as illustrated by articles in Vogue and Glamour cited in facturer can develop a system of body dimension variations
this paper. While some manufacturers and journalists may used for making different sizes (Workman, 1991).
have intuitive thoughts about size discrepancy, empirical Size charts do exist. They have been available for use
since the early twentieth century (Workman, 1991). The
early charts were based on small-scale limited surveys
of college women (Brunn, 1983). In the 1930s standard
Author’s Address: University of North Texas, School of Merchandis- sizes were developed for uniforms for women in the armed
ing & Hospitality Management, P.O. Box 311100, Denton, TX 76203. services. These sizes were organized by the U.S. Depart-
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McVey (1984) estimated that 70% of garments on mark-
down racks are there because of problems with workman- Purpose and Hypotheses
ship or fit.
Researchers have proposed new sizing systems for
women’s clothing based on actual body measurements (i.e., The popular and trade press documents the frustration
Ashdown, 1998; Caldwell, 1996; Chun-Yoon & Jasper, that female consumers feel because the garment dimensions
1996; “Equal Jeans,” 1996; Tamburrino, 1992c), but ac- represented by size codes are inconsistent (Brown & Rice,
knowledge that it is unlikely that manufacturers would adopt 1998; Fellingham, 1991). Expensive clothing seems to run
such a system because they really have no incentive to do large. The purpose of this study was to determine the extent
so. Two concepts to consider when developing a size sys- that sizes vary, the difference in size of two different types
tem are the aspect of fit for the particular body type repre- of label (national and private) and two different price points
sented by the company’s target market and the psychologi- (inexpensive and expensive). Two hypotheses were tested.
cal need of people to feel slim (Tamburrino, 1992a). “Those The selling strategy used by some companies, to use a
who have succeeded in establishing a successful business small size number for a particularly proportioned garment
are adamant not to make changes [in their basic pattern] in order to flatter the ego of consumers, is one factor affect-
unless they are necessitated by the company’s particular ing the variation in garment size in a given category
customer base” (Tamburrino, 1992a, p. 44). (DesMarteau, 2000). Authors in the popular press indicate
As a proposed compromise that facilitates customized that it is the expensive lines that intentionally run large. To
size charts for apparel lines and a better indication of fit for determine empirically whether this is true across brands, the
the consumer, Chun-Yoon and Jasper (1995) found that both following hypothesis was tested:
male and female subjects preferred a size description sys- I. Expensive women’s pants will be significantly larger
tem that included more than two key body dimensions. The in measurement than inexpensive women’s pants with
least preferred system for women was the current system of the same size designation in three areas: waist, inseam,
assigned numbers with no apparent correlation to actual body and crotch.
measurements. Pictograms are another preferred system Expensive pants were defined as pants with an original re-
(Chun-Yoon & Jasper, 1995) but manufacturers are con- tail price of $100 or more. Inexpensive pants were defined
cerned about the detriments of adding measurement infor- as having an original retail price of $50 or less.
mation to size labels (DesMarteau, 2000). Limited research is available with regard to the effect
of brand category on size variation. One purpose of private
Garment Size Dimensions and Price label merchandise is to maximize markup (Jarnow &
The term vanity sizing is used in the popular press to Dickerson, 1997) at a low price point. To keep price down,
describe the tendency of expensive lines of apparel to be cut production costs would be kept to a minimum. To lower
large or have large physical dimensions. That is, a size 6 in production costs, a company can maximize utilization of
an expensive brand will be larger in dimension than a size fabric, which could necessitate cutting a smaller pattern. To
6 in an inexpensive brand, as an attempt to appeal to the that end, the following hypothesis was tested:
vanity of customers who want to think of themselves as II. National brands will be significantly larger in measure-
wearing a smaller size (Brown & Rice, 1998). Proof that ment than private label brands with the same size des-
manufacturers engage in vanity sizing comes from a popu- ignation in three areas: waist, inseam, and crotch.
lar press article. An image consultant and personal shopper National brands are defined as clothing “designed and pro-
reported that more expensive divisions of a designer’s line duced by non-retailing firms, usually supported by national
(such as Anne Klein) would be sized a little larger than the promotion campaigns and ... widely available for purchase
less expensive line (Anne Klein II). The reason cited: “If at retail stores” (Huddleston, Cassill, and Hamilton, 1993,
you are spending a lot of money, you want to feel good about p. 51). Private label brands are defined as goods that are
yourself” (Fellingham, 1991, p. 160). produced exclusively for one retailer and carry only the name
Sieben and Chen-Yu (1992) found that an inverse price of the retailer that sells it or a brand name that is owned by
to size relationship existed for men’s jeans. Results of their the retailer (Jarnow & Dickerson, 1997).
study indicated significant discrepancies at each of three In addition, since studies could not be located that ad-
price levels, with the higher price range showing the greater dressed size discrepancies between garment styles labeled
discrepancy between the stated and actual waist measure- with the same size numbers, the data in the present study
ment. At the other end of the spectrum, manufacturers of were analyzed for possible discrepancies between two gar-
lower end garments must cut corners in production in order ment styles: straight-front versus pleated-front pants. Did
to use price as a marketing feature. One way they might do the additional fullness of pleats affect waist, inseam, and
this is to reduce styling ease (Jarnow & Dickerson, 1997). crotch measurements? Discrepancies in size between gar-
Researchers have found a significant relationship ment styles was not an original purpose of the study, there-
between price and consumers’ perception of product qual- fore the number of pants in each cell for each style was not
ity (Norum & Clark, 1989). Since garment size may be a controlled. The variation of cell sizes is acknowledged as a
component of quality perception, consumers may also as- limitation of the study.
sume that size information on higher priced products is The interaction between the variables of price and
more accurate than on lower price products (Sieben & Chen- brand with regard to waist, crotch, and inseam measure-
Yu, 1992). ments for the entire sample and for each of the two styles
was also computed.
Inexpensive Expensive
Total Price Price Private National Pleated Straight
Size Measured < $50 > $100 Label Brand Front Front
4 143 72 71 77 66 55 87
6 147 78 69 78 69 48 97
8 175 100 75 83 92 68 99
10 184 107 77 84 100 73 95
12 189 107 82 77 112 84 97
14 173 90 83 111 62 59 99
Total 1011 554 457 510 501 387 574
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Table 2. Range (in Inches) for Waist, Crotch, and Inseam Measurements Within Each Size (Entire Sample)
Dimension 4 6 8 10 12 14
Minimum 23.00 26.50 25.13 27.46 27.50 30.38
Maximum 31.50 33.33 32.92 33.67 35.33 38.21
Difference 8.50 6.83 7.79 6.21 7.83 7.83
Mean 27.97 28.93 29.87 30.79 32.12 33.75
Std. Dev. 1.56 1.26 1.31 1.15 1.30 1.19
n 132 135 160 158 167 151
Minimum 21.08 21.29 23.13 24.21 24.38 26.21
Maximum 34.25 34.50 32.17 32.58 34.38 34.63
Difference 13.17 13.21 9.04 8.37 10.00 8.42
Mean 27.03 27.89 28.70 29.23 30.35 31.09
Std. Dev. 2.42 2.19 2.03 1.95 1.80 1.71
n 123 132 141 148 151 134
Minimum 27.42 26.38 26.54 27.71 28.71 25.13
Maximum 33.13 33.29 33.79 33.54 34.33 33.54
Difference 5.27 6.91 7.25 5.83 5.62 8.41
Mean 30.81 30.9 31.11 31.16 31.17 31.14
Std. Dev. 1.05 1.22 1.28 1.13 1.04 1.30
n 139 138 159 170 171 158
Note. The number of pants in each size category vary with regard to the number of waist, inseam, and crotch measurements. This is because when the
measurements taken by the members of the research group for a single pair of pants were compared along a dingle dimension (for example, waist), if the
difference between the largest and smallest measurement for that dimension (waist) was > 1.5 in., the measurements for that dimension (waist) for that pair
of pants was deleted from the data. For example, if the three waist measurements taken by three members of the research group for a single pair of size
4 pants were: 24 in., 24.125 in., and 25.5 in., all three measurements were deleted from the database.
Multivariate F 44.46*** 8.70*** 22.58*** 19.93*** 11.73*** 16.18*** 16.28*** 7.51*** 12.19***
Inexpensive 28.62 27.40 28.85 28.88 28.26 29.22 29.87 28.97 30.48
Expensive 27.29 26.82 27.91 29.13 28.54 29.49 29.85 29.27 30.31
Univariate F 24.83*** 1.09 8.92** 1.09 1.37 0.70 0.01 1.54 0.41
Inexpensive 26.11 28.35 25.69 27.89 28.88 27.38 28.54 29.67 27.82
Expensive 27.90 28.98 26.47 27.98 30.46 26.45 28.98 30.88 27.46
Univariate F 17.21*** 0.88 2.06 0.05 23.72*** 3.72 1.44 14.59*** 0.72
Inexpensive 30.42 29.79 30.53 30.27 30.35 30.31 30.60 30.13 30.88
Expensive 31.21 30.90 31.63 31.69 31.27 31.94 31.81 31.24 32.26
Univariate F 31.25*** 11.09** 25.95*** 56.75*** 10.95** 46.29*** 35.37*** 16.25*** 28.33***
Multivariate F 18.62*** 11.79*** 8.47*** 9.83*** 14.57*** 6.14*** 12.29*** 7.10*** 6.76***
Inexpensive 30.67 30.10 30.94 31.92 31.37 32.08 33.57 33.12 33.65
Expensive 31.08 30.55 31.51 32.68 32.22 33.09 35.90 33.57 37.60
Univariate F 3.86 3.69 3.88 11.50*** 8.49** 12.35*** 1.71 2.80 1.70
Inexpensive 28.88 29.91 28.38 30.11 30.52 29.77 30.79 31.83 30.56
Expensive 29.69 31.29 28.39 30.64 32.11 29.31 31.52 32.77 30.61
Univariate F 5.60* 24.36*** 0.00 2.88 34.52*** 1.05 5.41* 6.77* .021
Inexpensive 30.67 30.35 30.87 30.54 30.54 31.02 30.55 30.43 30.50
Expensive 31.74 31.74 32.02 31.47 31.47 31.81 31.68 31.44 31.86
Univariate F 38.40*** 38.40*** 24.72*** 19.28*** 19.28*** 11.55*** 30.38*** 16.03*** 19.09***
Mean Measurements (Inches)
All-W Pl-W St-W All-C Pl-C St-C All-I Pl-I St-I
Expensive Inexpensive
Figure 1. Comparison of mean measurements of waist (W), crotch (C), and inseam (I) of the entire
sample (All), pleated (Pl), and straight-front (St) pants at two price points for size 12.
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All-W All-C All-I Pl-W Pl-C Pl-I St-W St-C St-I
National Private
Figure 2. Comparison of mean measurements of waist (W), crotch (C), and inseam (I) of the entire
sample (All), pleated (Pl), and straight-front (St) pants of two brand categories for size 4.
Table 4. Mean Measurements, MANOVA, and ANOVA Results for Private and National Label Pants (in Inches) for Waist, Crotch,
and Inseam
Multivariate F 22.76*** 10.19*** 14.36*** 3.81* 8.23*** 4.04** 12.15*** 0.93 20.37***
Private 27.45 26.12 28.00 28.82 28.28 29.10 29.54 28.83 29.78
National 28.52 27.54 29.28 29.18 28.53 29.62 30.10 29.24 31.17
Univariate F 14.66*** 11.92** 21.30*** 3.32 1.03 2.60 7.01** 2.20 41.37***
Private 26.04 27.64 25.40 27.52 29.23 26.61 28.21 30.26 27.52
National 28.00 29.69 26.70 28.37 30.13 27.33 29.19 30.29 27.79
Univariate F 20.97*** 18.98*** 6.77* 4.32* 5.58* 2.22 7.53** 0.01 0.40
Private 30.53 30.08 30.71 30.97 30.24 31.40 31.27 30.41 31.62
National 31.12 31.07 31.15 30.90 31.38 30.68 31.14 30.81 31.50
Univariate F 10.83** 13.07** 3.62 0.84 19.97*** 5.91* 0.32 1.32 0.13
Multivariate F 1.25 2.53 2.67 2.86* 0.74 1.58 1.35 1.80 0.88
Private 30.99 30.44 31.04 32.39 31.51 32.83 33.97 33.31 34.24
National 30.75 30.27 31.49 32.16 31.88 32.31 35.37 33.44 36.72
Univariate F 1.32 0.40 2.36 0.90 1.28 2.85 0.61 0.20 0.65
Private 28.91 30.47 28.45 29.82 30.98 29.09 30.82 32.10 30.38
National 29.55 30.64 28.30 30.70 31.37 29.98 31.43 32.59 30.75
Univariate F 3.42 0.18 0.10 7.96** 1.21 4.07* 3.57 1.66 0.87
Private 31.19 30.43 31.57 31.17 30.73 31.48 31.09 30.69 31.37
National 31.14 31.04 31.26 31.25 31.08 31.31 31.14 31.27 31.02
Univariate F 0.06 3.90 1.31 0.19 1.89 0.45 0.34 4.02 0.96
Table 5. Multivariate Analysis F-Statistic of Waist, Crotch, and Inseam Pant Measurements by Price, Brand, and Style
Size 4 6 8 10 12 14
Entire Sample
Price 29.27*** 10.89*** 11.99*** 12.45*** 12.14*** 7.46***
Waist 11.63*** 1.71 0.34 7.47** 17.22*** 1.28
Crotch 4.75* 1.13 0.09 1.68 3.26 2.23
Inseam 40.10*** 28.60*** 28.57*** 34.91*** 25.70*** 20.57***
Brand 15.79*** 2.87* 11.28*** 0.32 1.69 0.31
Waist 14.32*** 2.54 25.08*** 0.86 0.04 0.63
Crotch 17.32*** 1.90 0.15 0.000 4.77* 0.35
Inseam 24.51*** 1.97 0.36 0.45 0.43 0.08
Style 19.58*** 15.71*** 37.14*** 18.57*** 14.42*** 8.06***
Waist 28.16*** 12.99*** 67.93*** 22.85*** 13.74*** 1.36
Crotch 27.67*** 45.46*** 61.40*** 46.13*** 33.92*** 20.41***
Inseam 22.43*** 0.74 16.75*** 10.21** 7.04** 0.95
Price x Brand 7.95*** 4.15** 6.93*** 8.32*** 3.45* 1.50
Waist 1.71 0.17 3.45 3.25 0.19 0.74
Crotch 13.21*** 9.51** 3.68 6.65* 10.48** 4.09*
Inseam 12.27*** 3.19 1.91 2.95 0.03 0.05
Pleated Front
Price 13.26*** 7.60*** 3.48* 6.42*** 9.62*** 4.56**
Waist 1.98 0.758 0.04 1.19 7.51** 2.82
Crotch 0.53 19.76*** 2.58 9.22** 20.57*** 4.63*
Inseam 19.08*** 4.76* 7.60** 15.67*** 15.83*** 10.84**
Brand 8.82*** 4.73** 0.75 1.70 0.56 0.19
Waist 5.88* 0.38 1.99 0.60 0.44 0.10
Crotch 6.16* 0.84 0.02 0.34 1.34 0.00
Inseam 25.45*** 13.72*** 0.12 2.05 0.73 0.19
Price x Brand 7.20*** 6.31** 6.63*** 12.59*** 3.26* 2.30
Waist 0.84 3.78 0.96 1.02 0.27 0.68
Crotch 5.92* 9.12** 18.52*** 28.98*** 8.340** 5.72*
Inseam 6.55* 7.58** 0.67 1.21 0.08 0.38
Straight Front
Price 22.71*** 13.86*** 11.37*** 7.03*** 5.38** 5.91***
Waist 16.48*** 1.73 0.52 6.64* 9.30** 1.98
Crotch 7.61** 2.09 0.63 0.00 0.44 0.08
Inseam 26.08*** 39.40*** 27.81*** 20.09*** 10.61** 16.15***
Brand 10.53*** 3.61* 21.93*** 2.99* 1.23 0.65
Waist 8.23** 3.76 42.90*** 4.13* 1.00 1.28
Crotch 16.94*** 2.06 0.20 0.08 3.70 0.88
Inseam 3.43 2.32 0.29 0.43 0.01 0.00
Price x Brand 8.48*** 3.52* 9.17*** 3.80* 1.82 0.95
Waist 18.49*** 0.77 3.24 2.60 0.01 1.62
Crotch 10.97** 6.48* 0.33 0.18 4.45* 0.77
Inseam 6.95** 0.00 12.22*** 1.87 0.27 0.83
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the size 4 pants and the crotch and inseam of sizes 4 and 6 except the inseam of the straight-front pants, yielded sig-
varied significantly. To illustrate the differences, consider nificant differences between private and national brands. The
the size 4 pants in this sample. All dimensions measured, differences are illustrated in Figure 2.
Table 6. Means of Waist, Crotch, and Inseam Pant measurements by Price, Brand, and Style
Style: Flat Pleat Flat Pleat Flat Pleat Flat Pleat Total
Size 4
Waist 27.97 26.99 29.84 27.73 28.03 25.85 27.66 27.50 27.97
Crotch 25.50 28.33 25.91 28.36 25.23 27.43 28.96 30.04 26.99
Inseam 30.11 28.67 31.02 30.69 31.68 30.51 31.52 31.17 30.81
Size 6
Waist 29.02 28.07 29.37 28.72 29.16 28.78 30.10 28.45 29.01
Crotch 27.68 29.09 27.15 28.40 25.78 29.55 27.67 30.83 27.93
Inseam 30.52 29.87 30.16 31.48 32.08 31.10 31.69 31.34 30.98
Size 8
Waist 29.92 28.89 30.96 29.02 29.68 28.66 31.51 29.38 29.84
Crotch 27.58 30.50 28.03 29.10 27.48 29.59 27.42 31.09 28.81
Inseam 30.33 30.23 31.33 30.07 32.51 30.90 31.77 31.30 31.18
Size 10
Waist 30.88 30.40 31.01 29.93 31.16 30.50 32.20 30.56 30.81
Crotch 28.55 30.70 28.20 29.47 28.36 30.10 28.43 31.63 29.39
Inseam 30.78 29.89 30.95 30.61 32.19 31.33 31.70 31.42 31.18
Size 12
Waist 32.25 31.14 31.98 31.52 33.22 32.19 32.90 32.24 32.17
Crotch 29.83 30.82 29.74 30.33 28.60 31.27 30.39 32.41 30.38
Inseam 31.08 30.38 30.98 30.65 31.75 31.38 31.90 31.51 31.18
Size 14
Waist 33.97 33.07 33.51 33.23 34.38 33.85 41.97 33.49 34.78
Crotch 30.54 32.13 30.57 31.18 30.29 32.03 31.05 32.97 31.27
Inseam 30.70 30.33 30.41 30.64 31.73 31.48 32.04 31.43 31.12
Mean Measurements (Inches)
Inexp W Exp W Inexp C Exp C Inexp I Exp I
National Private
Figure 3. Comparison of mean measurements of waist (W), crotch (C), and inseam (I) of inexpensive
(Inexp) and expensive (Exp) private and national label straight-front pants for size 6.
Inexp W Exp W Inexp C Exp C Inexp I Exp I
National Private
Figure 4. Comparison of mean measurements of waist (W), crotch (C), and inseam (I) of inexpensive
(Inexp) and expensive (Exp) private and national label pleated pants for size 6.
Mean Measurements (Inches)
I-4 E-4 I-6 E-6 I-8 E-8 I-10 E-10 I-12 E-12 I-14 E-14
National Private
Figure 5. Range of means for inexpensive (I) and expensive (E) pleated pants in each size (4, 6, 8, 10,
12, and 14) for both private and national labels.
Interestingly, there were no significant differences be- In each figure, the mean values are charted to compare each
tween private and national brands for sizes 10 and 14. In all of the three mean measurements for waist (W), crotch (C),
significantly different cases except size 6 straight-front in- and inseam (I) for inexpensive (Inexp) and expensive (Exp)
seam, the national brands were larger than the private label private and national label pants.
brands (see Table 4). Since there was a significant differ- The main effects of the individual means of the entire
ence between private and national brands in four of the six sample (Table 6) were examined with line graphs. For straight
sizes, Hypothesis II is supported. front pants, both private and national brands become larger
The interaction between the two independent variables in the waist at higher price points at roughly the same rate
(price and brand) is presented in Tables 5 and 6. When the of increase. The range of measurements between price points
entire sample, without regard to style, was analyzed, signifi- is greater with national labels. On the crotch measurement,
cant interactions were found between price and brand for private label brands get somewhat smaller with increasing
sizes 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12. The two styles were also analyzed sizes, at higher price points, whereas national brands get
separately. For the pleated pants, significant interactions were larger. The most dramatic differences, interestingly, are in
found for sizes 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12. For the straight-front sizes 4 and 14. The inseams are longer at the higher price
pants, significant interactions were found for sizes 4, 6, 8, points for both brand categories. The range of inseam mea-
and 10. To illustrate the differences, Figure 3 shows a graphic surements for sizes 6, 10, 12, and 14 are narrow.
representation of the means for size 6 straight-front pants The main effects on the pleated pants indicate waist
and Figure 4 illustrates the means for size 6 pleated pants. measurements are larger at higher price points. The mea-
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surements of private and national brands of pleated pants longer in length. For most of the sizes, however, waist and
are similar and not significantly different. The crotch seam crotch measurements did not vary substantially; the only two
is consistently longer at higher price points with national dimensions that varied significantly for straight-front pants
brands, and shorter in sizes 4, 6, 8, and 14 in the private (besides inseam) were the size 4 and size 12 waist. With the
label brands. The range of inseams is so dramatic between pleated pants, five of the sizes varied in crotch length, but
price points and labels, it is presented graphically in Figure only the size 12 varied in the waist. From this data, I can
5. Inseam lengths increase consistently at higher price points conclude that expensive pants are generally larger, but in
for all but size 6 national brands; however, inseam lengths many cases the difference in measurement is not dramatic.
increase much more than the waist and crotch measurements. For the dimensions that were significantly different
between national brands and retailer private label brands,
the national brands were consistently larger. This discrep-
ancy may be because the national manufacturers have a
Conclusions broad-based appeal and may be sized to accommodate body
variation within a size category. Retailers who sell private
labels may be conserving fabric as much as possible to re-
With analysis of 1011 pairs of pants measured along the duce the cost per garment and thus increase markup, as well
waist, crotch, and inseam, this study indicates there is size as have a smaller and more homogeneous target market.
variation within six of the size categories in women’s ready- Interestingly, Sieben and Chen-Yu (1992) found that size
to-wear. The variability ranged from 5.27 in. in the inseam of information on manufacturer-promoted brands was more
size 4 pants to 13.21 in. in the crotch seam of size 6 pants. accurate than the size information on retailer private label
This relatively large degree of variation means that a con- brands when the stated measurements on the label were
sumer will not be able to determine likely fit simply from the compared to actual measurements.
numerical information given on a typical size label. Again, the lack of significant differences is notewor-
The reason for the size variation is the ability of gar- thy. The measurement variation was greater in the smaller
ment manufacturers to create “unique” sizing standards and sizes, while sizes 10, 12, and 14 yielded consistent measure-
to select a fit model based on their perception of their target ments with only one exception, the size 12 crotch. For the
customer. Since people have a variety of sizes and shapes, larger sizes in the study, private and national labels were
this system enables a large total number of manufacturers to relatively consistent.
fit a large number of people. For the consumer, some effort Another interesting finding is that most comparisons for
is required to find a manufacturer who accommodates their size 4 were significantly different. Although there is a missy
particular size and shape. size 2, it is not commonly found in retail stores, making the
Expensive pants were found to be significantly larger size 4 the smallest size generally available. If the vanity
in all six size categories, although two of the categories only theory addressed in the popular press is true and women
had significant variation in the inseam measurement. In all desire a small size number to make themselves feel good,
but one case, the size 4 waist, the expensive pant was sig- the great variation in this size category is no surprise. From
nificantly larger. When style was held constant, most of the the data in this study, it appears that several manufacturers
variation was found in pleated front pants, with at least two are interested in fitting a “size 4 figure,” though they do not
of the dimensions significantly different for five of the six necessarily agree on the dimensions of that figure.
sizes. One reason for larger pants being more expensive is The frustrations with size ambiguity is not a new dis-
that a higher cost per garment will necessitate a higher retail cussion, as exemplified in the review of literature for this
price. This cost flexibility can enable the manufacturer to be study. Manufacturers have been urged to become consistent
generous in the cut of the garment. Further, expensive gar- with each other and retailers have been urged to make their
ments, in this case pants that cost $100 or more, may be sold departments shopper-friendly by exerting control over size
in venues that offer alterations. It is much easier to make a discrepancies (Colacecchi, 1990; Kramer, 1999; Tamburrino,
garment smaller to achieve fit than it is to “let it out.” Ex- 1992a, 1992b, 1992c). The consumers’ desire for informa-
pensive pants may also be made from fabrications that will tive labels such as the pictogram that incorporates real body
be flattering to the figure when allowed to hang freely from dimensions the garment has been designed to fit has been
the waist thus requiring a generous cut. It is, therefore, logi- documented (Chun-Yoon & Jasper, 1995) and advocated by
cal that pleated pants were found to vary more in measure- the ISO (French, 1975). Yet the response by industry is
ments since this style would allow more fashion ease and be practically non-existent. The industry defends its freedom
commonly available at the higher price point. for creativity (Abend, 1993; Daria, 1993, etc.) and to date
Sieben and Chen-Yu (1992) also found that expensive has resisted informing the consumer of intended fit through
men’s jeans ran larger. The actual inseam and waist mea- pictogram labeling. Some jeans manufacturers, including
surements for three price categories were larger than those Lee/Riders, have attempted consumer education through
indicated on the size label, with the greatest discrepancy at point-of-sale (POS) illustrations to describe the intended fit
the highest price level in the study, indicating that the price/ of their eight fits for women and five fits for men (loose fit,
size relationship is not limited to women’s wear. relaxed fit, etc.), but the body measurements each size of
Although the range in measurements is interesting, it is jeans is designed to fit is not available to the consumer
important to note the lack of significant differences as well. (Stankevich, 1996). Chic jeans has produced similar POS
With regard to price, the only consistently significant varia- signage for their product. Levi Strauss offers custom-fit jeans
tion was the inseam measurement. Expensive pants were for women through a combination of prototypes to be tried
30 Clothing and Textiles Research Journal © International Textile & Apparel Association, 2005
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