ENR202 Mechanics of Materials Lecture 1B Slides and Notes: Slide 1
ENR202 Mechanics of Materials Lecture 1B Slides and Notes: Slide 1
ENR202 Mechanics of Materials Lecture 1B Slides and Notes: Slide 1
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ENR202 Mechanics of Materials Lecture 1B Slides and Notes
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You will need to become familiar with the principles behind internal forces (and
internal effect), stress and strain. We use the free body diagram method to calculate
the internal forces. Click on the live links (the letters w and v) to access more
detailed resources for each of these concepts.
ENR202 Mechanics of Materials Lecture 1B Slides and Notes
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So in this lecture summary, we will look at what internal forces are, what stress and strain are, and how to use the Free Body
Diagram method to calculate internal forces.
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In this example, we have a bar subjected a force P acting at point A and another
force in the equal and opposite direction at point B, as shown in the figure. I repeat
one more time that the two forces are equal and are in opposite directions, so they
create a balanced force system, and all parts of the bar will be in equilibrium.
We know that if the structure is in equilibrium, it means all part of the structure are in
equilibrium. If you would like to calculate the internal forces at Point C, we cut the bar
at cross section point C as shown in the figure. The structure is divided into 2 parts,
and both parts are in equilibrium based on the equilibrium concept. One is part AC
and the other is part BC. Now, let’s consider the BC part. Imagine part AC is a
support to part BC. The force coming from part AC is a reaction force of the AC
So you can see that if you try to calculate the internal force, you have to use the
equilibrium concept and free body diagram concept.
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Normal Stresses
considering a prismatic
bar, loaded by axial
forces P at the ends
We now know the internal force acting at C. If we cut the section at C point that is
perpendicular to axis of the bar, we say it is the C cross section. We call the intensity
of the internal force over the cross section ‘stress’.
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Assume the stress has a uniform distribution over
the cross section, from the equilibrium of body,
this resultant must be equal in magnitude
and opposite in direction to the applied load P.
We use sigma to denote the stress. The intensity of the force means force per unit
area. It is equal to P divided by A, because the total internal force acting at C is P.
You use P divided by A to get the intensity of the force – that is, the stress.
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Suppose we cut the structure into two parts. Then, we consider the one of the cutting
surfaces of the structure. We may have forces in different directions. The intensity
of the force on that surface is called stress. Therefore, we may have stresses in
three different directions. The component of stress in the Z direction is perpendicular
to the cutting surface, called normal stress. We use sigma to denote normal stress.
The component of stress in the X direction and the component of stress in the Y
direction are parallel to the surface. We call these the shear stresses, and we use
tou to denote shear stress. Therefore, we have two kinds of stresses, one is normal
stress and the other one is shear stress. Once again, normal stress means stress
acting perpendicular to the cutting surface, shear stress means stress acting parallel
to the cutting surface.
For example if you pull a bar, you have tension stress, which is normal stress. This
is different to shear stress, which is similar to frictions. The unit of the stress is force
divided by area. So we consider the force in Newton and area in square meters.
The stress unit is Newtons per square meter, which is also called Pascals. So we
consider force in Newtons and area in square millimetres. The stress unit is N per
square mm, also called Mega Pascals. Note the equation N/m2=106 N/mm2.
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Tensile Compressive
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Consider an axially loaded bar
undergoes a change in length,
d becoming longer in tension and
shorter in compression.
The total change in length
is d. The elongation per unit
d length is called strain.
L is called normal strain, because it’s
associated with normal stresses.
Numerical values of strain are
usually very small, especially for is the ratio of the lengths, it’s a
structural materials. dimensionless quantity. It has no unit.
If we apply tensile force or compressive force on the bar, we can say that the bar is
getting longer or shorter. The total change in length of whole bar called delta. Delta
is the deformation of the whole bar. The elongation or contraction per unit length is
called strain. We use the symbol epsilon to denote the strain. Epsilon is equal to
delta divided by L, where L is the original length of the bar. The average deformation
for the whole length is called normal strain. Because strain is the ratios of lengths, it
doesn’t have any unit. Strain is usually very small in real structures. For example, in
steel structures, strain can be as small as 0.1%, so we cannot see that small
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The equations for stress and strain can be used for loadings of any magnitude and
any material. The principal requirement is that deformation of the bar is uniform. The
bar should be straight and have a constant cross section throughout its length. The
loadings act at centroid of the cross section. The material is also uniform.
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Example : The bar has a constant width of 35mm and
a thickness of 10mm. Determine the maximum
average normal stress in the bar when it’s subjected
to the loading shown.
Normal force
In this example, we have a bar with different parts. We have a load acting at point A
of 12 Kilo Newtons, a load acting at point B which is altogether 18 Kilo Newtons, a
load acting at point C which is altogether 8 Kilo Newtons, and a load acting at point
D of 22 Kilo Newtons. The cross section of the bar is 35 millimeters in width and 10
millimeters in thickness. We want to calculate the maximum normal average stress in
a bar.
We know that stress is equal to internal force divided by area. To calculate the
maximum stress, we need to calculate the maximum internal forces.
(Note: If you have a non-uniform bar, that means different cross sectional areas at
different points. If you want to work out maximum stress for different cross sectional
areas, you need to consider the minimum cross sectional area too. Stress is
denoted by sigma, which is equal to internal force divided by the area of the cross
section. So, you have consider maximum internal force or minimum cross sectional
area. However, in this example, the area of the cross section is uniform. That means
that there is a uniform cross sectional area throughout length of the bar.)
Now let’s calculate the maximum internal forces. There are different loads acting at
points A, B, C, and D. So, we want to work out maximum internal forces in the AB,
BC and CD parts of the structure. If we cut any cross section between B and A and
use an equilibrium equation (that is, all forces in horizontal directions equal zero), we
have internal force PAB equal to 12 Kilo Newtons. That means that part AB has
internal normal force of 12 Kilo Newtons.
Then we consider part BC, and cut at any point in that part. We have an external
force of 12 Kilo Newtons acting at point A, and an external force altogether of 18 Kilo
ENR202 Mechanics of Materials Lecture 1B Slides and Notes
Newtons acting at point B. We use the equilibrium equation and calculate the
internal force PBC to be equal to 30 Kilo Newtons.
Use same process for part CD. Cut at any cross section in CD, and consider the
right part of the bar. The external force acting at D point is 22 Kilo Newtons. Apply
the equilibrium equation. The internal force in CD is 22 Kilo Newtons.
Now we know that there is an internal force of 12 Kilo Newtons in part AB, 30 Kilo
Newtons in part BC, and 22 Kilo Newtons in part CD. Our aim is to calculate
maximum normal stress. Maximum normal stress occurs in part BC equal to internal
force in part BC divided by the cross sectional area of BC, which is 35 millimeters
multiplied by 15 millimeters.
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Example contd...
PBC 30 103 N
BC 85.7 MPa
A 35 10mm 2
So, the maximum average normal stress is equal to 30 Kilo Newtons divided by the
area of cross section. Convert force Kilo Newtons into Newtons. The area of the
cross section is 35 mmms times 10 mms, which is equal to 350 square mms. That is
85.7 Newtons per square mm (also called Mega Pascals).
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In this example, the two parts are connected by a bolt. If we have a connection
bolted together, and an equal force P in opposite directions as shown in the figure,
the bolt transfers the load P from one part to the other part. We can cut the cross
section of bolt, and consider any one of the parts. The connection is in equilibrium,
so any part in the connection is also in equilibrium. You must have forces at the
cutting surfaces of the bolt cross section. This force at the cutting surface is equal to
external force and parallel to the cutting surface of the bolt cross section.
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The Shear stress which is acting parallel to the cutting surface is equal to the shear
force divided by the cutting surface area, called the average shear stress. It is
denoted by the symbol tou acting in the same direction as shear force V.
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Single Shear
In this example, the connection of the bolt is resisted by the external force at only
one shearing area. So we called this a single shear.
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In this connection, the middle plate is subjected to force P, and the top and bottom
plates are acting at half force P. We cut the bolt between the top and middle plates,
and the bottom and middle plates cross section. Then, we analyse the middle plate
with two shearing surfaces on the bolt. Total force is P shared by both shearing
surfaces by half force P. So, this connection is a double shear. In figure C, the
plates are joined by glue.
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Shear strain occurs due to shear force. The shear force will cause the object to
change in angle, resulting in shear strain. Shear strain is measured in radians.
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The difference between normal strain and shear strain is that normal strain causes a
change in the volume of the object. For example, if we have tension, the bar gets
longer and longer. However, shear strain only changes the shape, only changes
the angle. There is no change in volume of the object due to shear strain.
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One of the most important concepts in this lecture is allowable stress. To make sure
the structure is safe, we need to know the allowable stress. If you have a structural
member, we can do an experimental test on this structural member, and work out
ultimate load (that means the maximum load that the member can carry before it will
break or damage). However, in reality, we cannot use ultimate loads, we just work
out the safety load using allowable stress. The safety or allowable load is smaller
than the structure member can carry.
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Factor of Safety
Similar to the allowable stress concept, we have the factor of safety concept. The
factor of safety means the failure load divided by the allowable load. If we have a
structure member, we can work out the failure load based on an experimental test.
Considering the factor of safety of the structure, the allowable load is equal to the
failure load divided by the safety factor. That means that in reality we use allowable
load. This allowable load is smaller than the failure load, so we make sure the
structure is safe.
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The factor of safety may also be defined based on maximum stress and allowable
stress. That means that some kinds of material have failure stress or ultimate stress,
which we know from an experimental test. We know that allowable stress is equal to
failure stress divided by the factor of safety. Of course, the safety factor will be
larger than one. We have another factor of safety related to shear stress, and this
safety factor is equal to failure shear stress divided by allowable shear stress.
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Design philosophy and limit states. In the 1970s, we used only one safety factor, the
maximum loadings acting on the structure.
In the limit state design method, we use multi safety factor. For example, we use
different safety factors for materials based on test results (for example, steel
maximum stress is 300 Mega Pascals, and we consider the one safety factor is 1.5,
so we can use only 200 Mega Pascals for steel). Another safety factor for loadings.
For example, if we consider dead load, we may use a safety factor equal to 1.2. If
we consider the live load, we have some other safety factor equal to 1.5. So we use
different kinds of safety factors for different things, for dead load, live load and
materials. This is design philosophy.
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Exercise 1
Example :Determine the intensity w of the
maximum distributed load that can be supported
by the hanger assembly so that an allowable
shear stress of tallow = 93MPa is not exceeded
in the 10 mm diameter bolts at A and B,
and an allowable tensile stress of allow = 150MPa
is not exceeded in the 12 mm diameter rod AB.
1.2m 0.6m
In this example, we have a beam and a hanger bolted at joint A. The bolt allowable
shear stress is equal to 93 Mega Pascals. The bolt diameter is10 mms, and hangar
allowable tensile stress is 150 Mega Pascals. The diameter of rod AB is 12 mms,
and we need to calculate how much load can be applied on the beam. That means
we just want to know the maximum uniform distributed load ‘w’. That is maximum
load acting on the beam.
Pause this presentation now and try to work out this example. The solution is on the
next two slides.
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For the solution, you have to calculate the maximum load the rod can carry, the
maximum load the bolt can carry.
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Now, consider the free body diagram of the beam. We have external loading w.
Here, the length of the beam is 1.8 meters. The total uniform distributed load on the
beam is equal to 1.8 times ‘w’. The vertical component from the rod is 8.8 Kilo
Newtons (calculated in the previous slide). Therefore, we use the equilibrium
equation that covers the moments about C: that is, the total load on the beam times
the distance of 0.9 meters, because the total length of the beam 1.8 meters, and the
resultant of the uniformly distributed load acting in the middle of the beam. The
resultant load on the beam times 0.9 meters should be equal to 8.8 times the
distance between points A and C, which is 1.2 meters. Finally we find the resultant
load on the beam as equal to 11.73 Kilo Newtons. Therefore, the uniformly
distributed load is equal to 11.73 Kilo Newtons divided by the total length of the
beam (1.8 meters) which is 6.5 Kilo Newtons per meter, so this is the maximum load
that can apply on the whole structure.
In this example, you must understand the calculation of the vertical component and
horizontal component of the rod, and the maximum tension that the rod can carry,
and the maximum shear force the bolt can transfer. So you calculate the maximum
allowable tension in the rod, and allowable shear force on the bolt, and you choose
minimum one as safe one can apply on the rod. Finally, calculate the maximum load
that can apply to the whole structure.
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In this lecture summary, we have covered several basic concepts: internal force,
stress, and strain, and how to use a free body diagram to work out internal forces.
Thank you.