Architecture: Value of An Architect
Architecture: Value of An Architect
Architecture: Value of An Architect
Value of an Architect
Value of an architect: is about why anyone might want to consider engaging an architect to
design a home or building for them.
– Value of an Architect #2: ENERGY: your architect can provide enough upgraded insulation
and other energy conserving features designed into your house to result in you saving hundreds
of thousands of dollars over the life of your home. An architect knows best where the most
efficient use of your energy dollar should go: they are experts. After all: they are trained to
design homes and buildings: it’s what they do for a living.
– Value of an Architect #3: HEALTH: your architect can detail and specify your house so that
it won’t leak, or have dangerous off-gassing, thereby making your home more durable and less
prone to develop mold, radon & other toxic issues, which results in a healthier house for you and
your family, saving you the pain and suffering of illnesses that could otherwise develop from
improperly built construction using more dangerous materials ana systems. Architects know
about material off-gassing and other harmful effects that others associated with your home’s
construction usually aren’t motivated to discover. Your architect knows because they are
involved in your project with one focus: creating the best home for you and the best value
possible. They are your advocate. They have sworn a solemn HSW vow, when becoming
licensed, to protect the Health, Safety & Welfare of the public and their clients.
– Value of an Architect #5: DURABILITY: your architect can detail and specify your house to
last longer and avoid as much maintenance as possible, through smart detailing, saving you the
hassle and expense of fixing things in a less properly built house. Others are often more focused
on saving some meager expense here and there, even though that could result in damage to the
integrity of your project. The architect wants the best home possible for you.
– Value of an Architect #6: SECURITY & STRENGTH: your architect will provide details to
be strong and help resist the harsh storms that are assaulting our world these days. Ask any of
the people whose houses blew down in the various record storms during the last 20 years. And
there are more on the way. Don’t become a statistic. Sometimes all it takes is a more sensibly
designed detail to keep your project together. No one but your architect will be as concerned for
your welfare and longevity of your project as they are; it’s their job.
– Value of an Architect #7: RESALE VALUE: these are very competitive times. The World
has weathered a major Recession, which to many was a full-blown Depression. And the home
ownership sector has been particularly hard-hit. Having the advantage of a more functional
layout and more attractive appearance for your home can give you a marketing advantage. In
any real estate cycle, this can help provide you with increased resale value. For commercial
projects this can’t hurt the owner as well.
– Value of an Architect #8: FUNCTIONALITY: Architects spend their lives solving problems
with homes and buildings, squeezing the most out of every square inch. Many architects have
government contracts, requiring them to plan homes and buildings in an efficient manner to
make the most of every tax dollar.
– Value of an Architect #10: CREATIVITY: Architects are all very creative professionals.
They have an ability, through training, experience and built-in intelligence, to be able to see
solutions that are missed by others. Why: if they were not creative, they would never make it
through college and would never earn their degrees, because to accomplish those objectives
requires a tremendous amount of creativity.