FFA-study Guide.
FFA-study Guide.
FFA-study Guide.
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c) Understand and apply the concept of double- b) Understand the need for a record of petty cash
entry accounting and the duality concept.[K] transactions.[K]
d) Illustrate how to balance and close a ledger h) Understand the impact of accounting concepts
account.[S] on the valuation of inventory.[K]
b) Understand and record sales and purchase b) Recognise the difference between current and
returns.[S] non-current assets.[K]
c) Understand the general principles of the c) Explain the difference between capital and
operation of a sales tax.[K] revenue items. [K]
d) Calculate sales tax on transactions and record d) Classify expenditure as capital or revenue
the consequent accounting entries.[S] expenditure.[S]
e) Account for discounts allowed and discounts e) Prepare ledger entries to record the acquisition
received.[S] and disposal of non-current assets.[S]
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accordance with International Financial
g) Record the revaluation of a non-current asset in Reporting Standards.[K]
ledger accounts, the statement of profit or loss
and other comprehensive income and in the d) Calculate amounts to be capitalised as
statement of financial position.[S] development expenditure or to be expensed
from given information.[S]
h) Calculate the profit or loss on disposal of a
revalued asset.[S] e) Explain the purpose of amortisation.[K]
i) Illustrate how non-current asset balances and f) Calculate and account for the charge for
movements are disclosed in financial amortisation.[S]
7. Accruals and prepayments
j) Explain the purpose and function of an asset
register.[K] a) Understand how the matching concept applies
to accruals and prepayments.[K]
5. Depreciation
b) Identify and calculate the adjustments needed
a) Understand and explain the purpose of for accruals and prepayments in preparing
depreciation.[K] financial statements.[S]
b) Calculate the charge for depreciation using c) Illustrate the process of adjusting for accruals
straight line and reducing balance methods.[S] and prepayments in preparing financial
c) Identify the circumstances where different
methods of depreciation would be d) Prepare the journal entries and ledger entries
appropriate.[K] for the creation of an accrual or prepayment.[S]
d) Illustrate how depreciation expense and e) Understand and identify the impact on profit
accumulated depreciation are recorded in and net assets of accruals and prepayments.[S]
ledger accounts.[S]
8. Receivables and payables
e) Calculate depreciation on a revalued non-
current asset including the transfer of excess a) Explain and identify examples of receivables
depreciation between the revaluation surplus and payables.[K]
and retained earnings.[S]
b) Identify the benefits and costs of offering credit
f) Calculate the adjustments to depreciation facilities to customers.[K]
necessary if changes are made in the estimated
useful life and/or residual value of a non- c) Understand the purpose of an aged receivables
current asset.[S] analysis.[K]
g) Record depreciation in the statement of profit d) Understand the purpose of credit limits.[K]]
or loss and statement of financial position.[S]
e) Prepare the bookkeeping entries to write off an
6. Intangible non-current assets and amortisation irrecoverable debt.[S]
a) Recognise the difference between tangible and f) Record an irrecoverable debt recovered.[S]
intangible non-current assets.[K]
b) Identify types of intangible assets.[K] g) Identify the impact of irrecoverable debts on
the statement of profit or loss and on the
c) Identify the definition and treatment of statement of financial position.[S]
“research costs” and “development costs” in
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h) Prepare the bookkeeping entries to create and c) Identify and record the other reserves which
adjust an allowance for receivables.[S] may appear in the company statement of
financial position.[S]
i) Illustrate how to include movements in the
allowance for receivables in the statement of d) Define a bonus (capitalisation) issue and its
profit or loss and how the closing balance of advantages and disadvantages.[K]
the allowance should appear in the statement
of financial position.[S] e) Define a rights issue and its advantages and
j) Account for contras between trade receivables
and payables.[S] f) Record and show the effects of a bonus
(capitalisation) issue in the statement of
k) Prepare, reconcile and understand the purpose financial position.[S]
of supplier statements.[S]
g) Record and show the effects of a rights issue in
l) Classify items as current or non-current the statement of financial position.[S]
liabilities in the statement of financial
position.[S] h) Record dividends in ledger accounts and the
financial statements.[S]
9. Provisions and contingencies
i) Calculate and record finance costs in ledger
a) Understand the definition of “provision”, accounts and the financial statements.[S]
“contingent liability” and “contingent asset”.[K]
j) Identify the components of the statement of
b) Distinguish between and classify items as changes in equity.[K]
provisions, contingent liabilities or contingent
d) Calculate provisions and changes in b) Extract ledger balances into a trial balance.[S]
c) Prepare extracts of an opening trial balance.[S]
e) Account for the movement in provisions.[S]
d) Identify and understand the limitations of a
f) Report provisions in the final accounts.[S] trial balance.[K]
a) Understand the capital structure of a limited a) Identify the types of error which may occur in
liability company including: [K] bookkeeping systems.[K]
i) Ordinary shares
ii) Preference shares (redeemable and b) Identify errors which would be highlighted by
irredeemable) the extraction of a trial balance.[K]
iii) Loan notes.
c) Prepare journal entries to correct errors.[S]
b) Record movements in the share capital and
share premium accounts.[S] d) Calculate and understand the impact of errors
on the statement of profit or loss and other
comprehensive income and statement of
financial position.[S]
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3. Control accounts and reconciliations F PREPARING BASIC FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
a) Understand the purpose of bank e) Understand why the heading retained earnings
reconciliations.[K] appears in a company statement of financial
b) Identify the main reasons for differences
between the cash book and the bank 2. Statements of profit or loss and other
statement.[K] comprehensive income
c) Correct cash book errors and/or omissions.[S] a) Prepare a statement of profit or loss and other
comprehensive income or extracts as
d) Prepare bank reconciliation statements.[S] applicable from given information using
accounting treatments as stipulated within
e) Derive bank statement and cash book balances section D, E and examinable documents.[S]
from given information.[S]
b) Understand how accounting concepts apply to
f) Identify the bank balance to be reported in the revenue and expenses.[K]
final accounts.[S]
c) Calculate revenue, cost of sales, gross profit,
5. Suspense accounts profit for the year, and total comprehensive
income from given information.[S]
a) Understand the purpose of a suspense
account.[K] d) Disclose items of income and expenditure in
the statement of profit or loss. [S]
b) Identify errors leading to the creation of a
suspense account.[K] e) Record income tax in the statement of profit or
loss of a company including the under and
c) Record entries in a suspense account.[S] overprovision of tax in the prior year.[S]
f) Understand the interrelationship between the
d) Make journal entries to clear a suspense statement of financial position and the
account.[S] statement of profit or loss and other
comprehensive income. [K]
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g) Identify items requiring separate disclosure on g) Prepare statements of cash flows and extracts
the face of the statement of profit or loss.[K] from statements of cash flows from given
3. Disclosure notes
h) Identify the treatment of given transactions in a
a) Explain the purpose of disclosure notes[K] company’s statement of cash flows.[K]
c) Recognise the benefits and drawbacks to users c) Describe the components of and prepare a
of the financial statements of a statement of consolidated statement of financial position or
cash flows. [K] extracts thereof including: [S]
i) Fair value adjustments at acquisition on
d) Classify the effect of transactions on cash land and buildings (excluding depreciation
flows.[S] adjustments)
ii) Fair value of consideration transferred from
e) Calculate the figures needed for the statement cash and shares (excluding deferred and
of cash flows including:[S] contingent consideration)
i) Cash flows from operating activities iii) Elimination of intra-group trading balances
ii) Cash flows from investing activities (excluding cash and goods in transit)
iii) Cash flows from financing activities iv) Removal of unrealised profit arising on
intra-group trading
f) Calculate the cash flow from operating v) Acquisition of subsidiaries part way through
activities using the indirect and direct the financial year
d) Calculate goodwill (excluding impairment of
goodwill) using the full goodwill method only
as follows: [S]
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Fair value of consideration X statements with regard to profitability, liquidity,
Fair value of non-controlling interest X efficient use of resources and financial
Less fair value of net assets at acquisition (X) position[S].
Goodwill at acquisition X
b) Draw valid conclusions from the information
e) Describe the components of and prepare a contained within the financial statements and
consolidated statement of profit or loss or present these to the appropriate user of the
extracts thereof including: [S] financial statements. [S]
i) Elimination of intra-group trading balances
(excluding cash and goods in transit)
ii) Removal of unrealised profit arising on
intra-group trading
iii) Acquisition of subsidiaries part way through
the financial year
2. Associates
2. Ratios
a) Calculate key accounting ratios
i) Profitability
ii) Liquidity
iii) Efficiency
iv) Position
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