Self-Declaration Form - 01-08-2020 - Version - 2.0
Self-Declaration Form - 01-08-2020 - Version - 2.0
Self-Declaration Form - 01-08-2020 - Version - 2.0
Question Yes No
1. Have you visited or returned from any overseas country in the last
45 days? If yes, please specify the country here:
2. Have you visited or returned from any other District or State in the
last 14 days? If yes, please specify the state here:
3. Have you recently interacted or lived with someone who has tested
positive for COVID-19?
4. Have you now, or in the past 72 hours, had any of the following
flu-like symptoms?
● Cough
● Fever
● Difficulty in Breathing
● Throat pain
I hereby declare that I am not suppressing any relevant/ material facts and all the above-stated
information is correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand that Non-disclosure/ suppression of
information may attract penal provisions.
I also declare that I have been informed about the COVID-19 safety guidelines and necessary
precautions to be taken as per the directives issued by the Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt. Of India. I
am aware that not following these guidelines is a punishable offence and will be dealt with strictly by
the appropriate authorities.
I fully understand and will strictly follow the above health and safety guidelines and any update
thereof as shared by my employer from time to time. I also agree that in case of negligence or failure
to follow these guidelines during my deputation in the client location, my employer will take
necessary disciplinary action including withdrawal or termination of service for breach of contract
with immediate effect.
Full Name: