Johnson Johnson 2018 Health For Humanity Report Summary
Johnson Johnson 2018 Health For Humanity Report Summary
Johnson Johnson 2018 Health For Humanity Report Summary
2018 Health
for Humanity
Progress in Citizenship & Sustainability
2018 Health for Humanity Report 2
Sustainability Approach
▪▪ Engaging with our stakeholders to
understand and address their views and
We focus our citizenship and sustainability
efforts where we believe Johnson & Johnson
can achieve the greatest impact by
leveraging the power of our people, Learn more about our
expertise and global partnerships. progress in citizenship
Our Health for Humanity 2020 Goals are and sustainability in our
aligned with our Company’s purpose and full 2018 Health for
reflect the areas where our stakeholders Humanity Report
expect us to lead. We believe that achieving
these goals is integral to Johnson & Johnson’s
long-term success, and we consider them Watch our 2018 Health for
to be the Key Performance Indicators of Humanity Report Year in Brief
our citizenship and sustainability approach. Highlights Video
Johnson & Johnson is also committed to
supporting implementation of the United
Nations Sustainable Development Goals Review the Health for
through both our Health for Humanity 2020 Humanity 2020 Goals
At Johnson & Johnson, we blend heart, ▪▪ Continuing to raise the bar for ourselves Goals and a separate set of commitments Progress Scorecard
science and ingenuity to profoundly by setting five-year public commitments across five key issue areas where we are
change the trajectory of health for to both improve our performance uniquely positioned to create sustainable
and scalable impact. Review our UN SDGs
humanity. This aspiration includes positively and demonstrate leadership across
Progress Scorecard and
impacting patients and all others who environmental, social and economic
use our products, as well as the health topics relevant to our business;
Sustainable Development
of our employees, our communities and Goals webpage
▪▪ Measuring our transparency about our
the planet. We seek to provide solutions
progress against public commitments;
for some of the world’s most pressing
global public health challenges and ▪▪ Continuing to strengthen our
work collectively — within our walls and governance of citizenship and
externally with partners — to advance sustainability activities across the
better health for all. Our citizenship and Enterprise;
sustainability approach is inextricably ▪▪ Conducting periodic Priority Topics
linked to our vision of a world where a Assessments to ensure that in the ever-
healthy mind, body and environment are changing business environment we
within reach for everyone, everywhere. It's prioritize and focus on issues that are
based on: relevant to our stakeholders and can
impact our business;
2018 Health for Humanity Report 4
SYMTUZA (darunavir, cobicistat, emtricitabine, and tenofovir Advanced development of a Celebrated Our Credo
alafenamide), the first and only complete darunavir-based revolutionary CAR-T therapy
single-tablet regimen to treat HIV-1 approved by the U.S. FDA 75th Anniversary
for multiple myeloma
Broader use of bedaquiline to treat Johnson & Johnson Consumer Inc. joined the
#3 on Access to Medicines Index MDR-TB patients recommended by the New Plastics Economy Global Commitment
World Health Organization
Impact made
Our Patients & Consumers Our Employees Our Communities & Planet Our Shareholders
patients provided access to
employees trained in the principles of
health workers educated in 67 countries
consecutive years of dividend increases
patients provided access
of Manager and above talent movement
electricity use from renewable
$10,775M invested in R&D
to HIV treatment that was across function, energy sources
country or sector lines*
* Represents the proportion of employees in Manager and above job categories who in their career progression movement (including upward promotion, downward demotion, or lateral transfer) crossed
function, country or business segment lines.
2018 Health for Humanity Report 5
“ Through JLABS
Johnson & Johnson has Our Credo defines the concept that “We
and solutions that can improve adherence
been consistently a leader are responsible to the communities in
to treatment regimens and co-creating
in the last four Access to which we live and work and to the world
treatment solutions that meet their needs.
Medicine Indices, bringing community as well.” At Johnson & Johnson,
forward valuable treatments we fulfill this obligation by actively ▪▪ JLABS has supported over 450
Innovating For Better Health engaging in our communities across the
in areas such as TB and companies over more than 6
recently addressing mental We innovate for better health by combining globe. We support the people at the front years, a 44% increase in 2018
health in low- and middle- a strong internal focus on R&D with lines of delivering care, so that communities over 2017
income countries. Its Global strategic external partnerships that can more effectively address the health
needs of the world’s most vulnerable ▪▪ $11.6 billion in financing secured
Public Health Unit is a model emphasize local solutions to meet different
people. Our giving, products, innovation, in 2018 (23% more than in 2017)
among the industry on access healthcare needs across the world. We fuel
planning and results for several innovation through hiring top scientists and and business initiatives help create a better ▪▪ 12 companies now publicly
therapeutic areas, constantly medical and technology experts to advance world and environment for people around traded
challenging itself to do more. our product pipeline, investing in our four the globe.
▪▪ 88% of JLABS companies are
As a company with a strong global Innovation Centers, accelerating Our programs, platforms and solutions are currently in business or acquired
R&D pipeline and a global innovation through JLABS, our network of developed through global leadership and
network capable of further open innovation health sciences incubators, regional and country-level colleagues to
addressing the needs of and managing our corporate venture fund meet community needs while aligning with
those in the most challenging in the life sciences industry. enterprise-wide priorities where
countries, we encourage Innovation extends beyond products — Johnson & Johnson has unique knowledge
Johnson & Johnson to take for example, to digital tools to support and skills to make a difference.
even more action.
Jay Iyer
” patients in clinical trials and connected
health technology innovation that empower
We mobilize partners for the benefit of
our communities through partnership,
Executive Director, Access to Medicine
patients, caregivers, and providers. financial support, activation of our large
Foundation employee base and advocacy for priority
Strengthening Health Systems health issues. We work with our community
partners in a collaborative spirit, based on
We support global Universal Health
mutual trust and aligned values.
Coverage and advanced several actions
Enhancing Access to Healthcare in 2018 to help make this become reality. Our employees are actively involved in
We maintain a range of partnerships, in volunteering in our community initiatives,
As the world’s largest healthcare company,
most cases funded by grants through as well as participating in other community
we are committed to improving access
our Johnson & Johnson Foundation, that engagement programs.
to our innovative medicines, vaccines,
devices and diagnostics in all markets. help engage young people in science and We also support international relief
We continue to uphold our access-driven nursing or midwifery education. In 2018, partners and local affiliates with consumer,
pricing strategies, and Janssen publishes we also continued initiatives to further the pharmaceutical, and medical products in
an annual U.S. Transparency Report adoption of a value-based care approach, times of disaster.
describing how we invest our resources, including supporting ongoing debate
price our medicines, and help people who through dedicated forums in Singapore.
2018 Health for Humanity Report 7
Our People
created opportunities to help employees in the first annual Credo Day celebration
improve their health and wellbeing and to and brought the Credo spirit to their local
stay safe at work. communities.
Peter M. Fasolo
” Our development programs include on-
the-job training, online courses, workshops
Advancing Diversity & Inclusion
employee population in 72 countries and in
16 languages.
To demonstrate our commitment and In 2018, we announced a new global
Executive Vice President, Chief Human and other experiential training. In 2018, we
Resources Officer progress in advancing diversity and employee exercise-program reimbursement
launched a global personal development
Johnson & Johnson inclusion as part of our DNA at to help cover the cost of fitness center
platform called MyDevelopment to
Johnson & Johnson, we launched a membership fees or other exercise activity.
help employees build a healthy career.
campaign to showcase the inclusive
We also delivered critical new learning
Johnson & Johnson community to internal
resources through our on-demand, digital
and external audiences. Learn more here.
platform, Leadership Navigator, to raise the
We owe our success to the thousands of performance and skill level of our people
Johnson & Johnson employees who are Partnered with 230 organizations to advance
leaders around the globe.
Providing Safe Workplaces the training, skills-building and leadership
passionate about our mission to change development of 104,479 of health workers
the trajectory of health for humanity. We held our first-ever enterprise-wide
People join Johnson & Johnson to build Engaging, Empowering & Safety Month to provide a focused period 6,327 37,352 in 67
a purpose-driven career that makes a Inspiring of awareness, education and collaboration Midwives Nurses Countries
difference; they stay with us to help create for improved safety practice, engaging from
In 2018, Johnson & Johnson marked
healthier lives and improve the wellbeing across the Company in our offices, in the
the 75th anniversary of Our Credo and
of those we serve in our communities field, in a lab, or on the production floor.
engaged employees in activities centered
around the world. In 2018, we drove several on opportunities to better live Our Credo
programs to engage, empower and inspire through daily actions. More than 30,000
our employees, and to help them develop employees around the world participated
personally and professionally. We also
2018 Health for Humanity Report 8
“ JOHNSON'S fragrances
are designed specifically for
delicate and sensitive skin, so
customers and patients from the impact of
illicit trade.
We improved transparency in consumer
we design products to avoid
products — for example, we redesigned
harsh ingredients and well-
all our JOHNSON’S washes, lotions and
known fragrance allergens.
haircare products and reduced the number
Our baby fragrances have been
of ingredients in our portfolio by more than
reviewed by both independent
50%, disclosing 100% of the ingredients in
groups and safety experts
these products.
— and for the first time are
all listed on the JOHNSON'S
Homer Swei
Ethics & Transparency
The Code of Business Conduct and Health
Director of Product Stewardship Care Compliance policies set forth our
Johnson & Johnson Consumer Inc.
Company’s values, which apply to all
employees worldwide. We take a strong
stance against bribery and our policies suppliers, representing our top spend in our
follow recognized anti-bribery and anti- Sustainable Procurement Program. We are
Responsible business practices serve as the corruption laws and regulations. Our also active promoters of supplier diversity
foundation of our Company’s success and Credo Hotline offers a secure channel for — for example, in more than 20 countries,
are imperative to protecting the broader anonymous reporting and serves as our we partner with WeConnect International,
healthcare system and the communities in anonymous whistle-blowing mechanism, a global network supporting women-owned
which we live and work. providing a conduit for all to report businesses.
potential violations. In 2018, we updated
our Statement on Human Rights following a
Product Quality, Safety & rigorous internal review process.
We maintain a proactive quality excellence
Responsible Supply Base
culture throughout the Enterprise,
underpinned by our enterprise-wide Our Responsibility Standards for Suppliers
Quality and Compliance Core Objective set forth the expectations we have of all
and supported by training, monitoring, Johnson & Johnson suppliers. We continue
risk assessments and audits. In 2018, we to evolve our processes to monitor supplier
maintained and reinforced our quality compliance with these Standards, using a
programs. We also enhanced product risk-based approach through assessments
safety processes, leveraging the power of and on-site audits. In 2018, we achieved
big data and analytics to support informed our annual target of enrolling 61% of our
2018 Health for Humanity Report 9
Environmental Health
Consumer Inc. is
acknowledging the ever-
increasing urgency of the issue
of plastic waste — and our own
responsibility to work towards
innovative solutions.
Paulette Frank
Worldwide Vice President,
Environmental Health, Safety &
Johnson & Johnson
Contact us
[email protected]
One Johnson & Johnson Plaza
New Brunswick, New Jersey 08933
Front Cover: Every day 1,000 adolescents girls and young women are infected with HIV in sub-Saharan Africa, having a disproportionate impact on their
lives and preventing them from fulfilling their potential. That’s why we launched DREAMS Thina Abantu Abasha (Zulu for ‘We the Youth”), a youth-led and
implemented peer-to-peer program, with PEPFAR and UNFPA in some of the worst HIV hotspots to reduce HIV infections among girls 15 – 24 years old. This
is part of our longstanding Company-wide commitment to make HIV history. Learn more at Photo by Jonathan Burton.