bgp-4 Notes

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Organization of the global Internet

BGP basic s

BGP in large networks

Interdomain traffic engineering with BGP

The growth of the BGP routing tables

The BGP decision process

Interdomain traffic engineering techniques

Case study

BGP-based Virtual Private Networks

BGP/2003.4.2 © O. Bonaventure, 2003
The growth of the BGP routing tables

CIDR does not

work anymore !

CIDR works well ISPs take care

NASDAQ falls

rapid growth

BGP/2003.4.3 Source: , Nov.

© O. Bonaventure, 20032004

Source : tive.html

For more information on the growth of the BGP tables, see :
The reasons for the recent growth

Fraction of IPv4 address spac e advertised

24 % of total IPv4 space in 2000

28 % of total IPv4 space in April 2003

31% of total IPv4 spac e in Nov. 2004

Increase in number of ASes

About 3000 ASes in early 1998

More than 18000 ASes in Nov 2004

Inc rease in multi-homing

Less than 1000 multi-homed stub ASes in early 1998

More than 6000 multi-homed stub ASes April 2003
Increase in advertisement of small prefixes
Number of IPv4 addresses advertised per prefix

In late 1999, 16k IPv4 addr. per prefix in BGP tables

In April 2003, 8k IPv4 addr. per prefix in BGP tables
BGP/2003.4.4 © O. Bonaventure, 2003

Source for this data :

S. Agarwal, C. Chuah, R. Katz, OPCA : Robust interdomain polic y routing and

traffic c ontrol, IEEE OPENARCH 2003, April 2003
Evolution of typical stub AS

Day one, first connec tion to upstream ISP

Stub rec eives address bloc k from its ISP

Stub uses private AS number

Prefix:, Prefix: 16
NextHop: NextHop:
ASPath: AS65000 ASPath: AS123
R1 16

Single homed-stub is completely hidden behind

its provider
No impact on BGP routing table size
BGP/2003.4.5 © O. Bonaventure, 2003

The private AS numbers (range 64512 through 65535) are reserved for
private use and should not be advertised on the global Internet. See

J. Hawkinson, T. Bates, Guidelines for creation, selection, and registration of

an Autonomous System (AS), RFC1930, Marc h 1996

See also
J. Stewart, T. Bates, R. Chandra, E. Chen, Using a Dedicated AS for Sites
Homed to a Single Provider, RFC2270, January 1998
Evolution of typical stub AS (2)

Day two, stub AS expec ts to become multi-

homed in near future and obtains offic ial AS#
Prefix:, Prefix: 16
NextHop: NextHop:
ASPath: AS4567 ASPath: AS123
R1 Prefix: NextHop: 16
ASPath: AS123 AS4567


Simple to configure for AS123


Increases the size of all BGP routing tables

BGP/2003.4.6 © O. Bonaventure, 2003
Aggregating routes

BGP is able to aggregate rec eived routes

even if some ASPath information is lost
Prefix:, Prefix: 16
NextHop: NextHop:
ASPath: AS4567 ASPath: {AS123,AS4567}
R1 16

One AS_SET contains several AS#

counts as one AS when measuring length of AS Path

used for loop detection, but ASPath may become very
long when one provider has many clients to aggregate
BGP/2003.4.7 © O. Bonaventure, 2003

Another solution is to strip the AS# of the c lient network in the BGP
advertisement. Removing this information may prohibit other domains
from detecting loops. For this reason, two new attributes need to be
added to the BGP advertisement :
ATOMIC_AGGREGATE indic ates that path information has been lost
in the aggregation proc ess
Indic ates also that the prefix should not be deaggregated
AGGREGATOR c ontains info useful for debugging

In this case, the BGP UPDATE message would be as follows :

Prefix: 16
ASPath: AS123

In April 2003, a BGP table c ollected by the RIPE RIS project c ontained about
7% of routes with the ATOMIC_AGGREGATE attribute
A dual-homed stub ISP

Day three, stub AS is multi-homed

Prefix:, Prefix: 16
NextHop: NextHop:
ASPath: AS4567 ASPath: {AS123,AS4567}
R1 16
R3 Prefix: Prefix:,
NextHop: NextHop:
ASPath: AS789:AS4567 ASPath: AS789 16
BGP/2003.4.8 © O. Bonaventure, 2003
A dual- homed stub ISP (2)

Drawback of this solution

Consider any AS receiving those routes

Prefix: 16 Prefix:
ASPath: R ASPath: ASW:ASZ:AS789:AS4567
Routing table 23 Path:ASW:ASZ:AS789:AS4567
Consequenc es 16 Path: ASX:ASY:{AS123,AS4567}

All traffic to will be sent on
non-aggregated path since it is the most specific !!!
AS123 might stop aggregating its customer prefixes,
otherwise its customers will not receive packets
The global BGP routing tables are 50% larger than their
optimal size if aggregation was perfectly used
Less than 7% of the BGP routes are aggregates
BGP/2003.4.9 © O. Bonaventure, 2003

See for more information about the current status

of the aggregation of BGP routes. This site c omputes regularly the optimum
aggregates that should be announced by each AS based on BGP tables
collected at various locations.
How to limit the growth of the BGP
tables ?
Long term solution
Define a better multihoming architecture

Will be difficult with IPv4

Work is ongoing to develop a better multihoming for IPv6
Current « solution » (aka quic k hack)
Some ISPs filter routes towards too long prefixes

Two methods are used today

Ignore routes with prefixes longer than p bits

Usual values range between 22 and 24
Ignore routes that are longer than the allocation rules
used by the Internet registries (RIPE, ARIN, APNIC)
Ignore prefixes longer than / 16 in class B space
Ignore RIPE prefixes longer than RIPE's minimum allocation (/ 20 )
Consequenc e

Some routes are not distributed to the global Internet !

BGP/2003.4.10 © O. Bonaventure, 2003

For more information on filtering based on the RIR alloc ation guidelines, see
Steve Bellovin, Randy Bush, Timothy G. Griffin, and Jennifer Rexford,
"Slowing routing table growth by filtering based on address alloc ation
policies," June 2001, available from jrex

The RIPE alloc ation guidelines may be found at : s/ir-policies-procedures.html

For a discussion of the Ipv6 multi-homing solutions being developped, see

the site multi-homing with Ipv6 working group of the IETF

Organization of the global Internet

BGP basic s

BGP in large networks

Interdomain traffic engineering with BGP

The growth of the BGP routing tables

The BGP decision process

Interdomain traffic engineering techniques

Case study

BGP-based Virtual Private Networks

BGP/2003.4.11 © O. Bonaventure, 2003
The BGP decision process
acceptable Peer[N]
routes BGP Msgs
BGP Msgs
from Peer[N] to Peer[N]
Peer[1] BGP Decision Peer[1]
Import filter Process Export filter
BGP Msgs Attribute BGP Msgs
from Peer[1] manipulation One best manipulation to Peer[1]
route t o each
dest inat ion
BGP Decision Process
Ignore routes with unreachable nexthop
Prefer routes with highest local-pref
Prefer routes with shortest ASPath
Prefer routes with smallest MED
Prefer routes learned via eBGP over routes learned via iBGP
Prefer routes with closest next-hop
Tie breaking rules
Prefer Routes learned from router with lowest router id
BGP/2003.4.12 © O. Bonaventure, 2003

The BGP decision process also contains a additional step after the ASPath
step where the routes with the lowest ORIGIN attribute are preferred. We
ignore this step and this attribute in this tutorial.

The BGP decision process used by router vendors may c hange c ompared to
this theoretical desc ription. For real BGP dec ision proc esses, see :

http://www.c isc h/tk826/tk365/tec hnologies_tec h_note09186a0080094431.shtml onfig53-ipv6/html/routing-overview-ipv69.html mg/BGP4.html

There have been some proposals to allow ISPs to change the BGP decision
process on their routers to have a better control on the selec ted routes.
A. Retana, R. White, BGP Custom Decision Proc ess, Internet draft, draft-
retana-bgp-custom-decision-00.txt, work in progress, 2003

One usage of this decision process may be found in

http://www.c isc
The shortest AS-Path step in
the BGP decision process
BGP does not c ontain a real “ metric”

Use length of AS-Path as an indication of the

quality of routes
Not always a good indicator R0


Consequenc e
Internet paths tend to be short, 3-5 AS hops

Many paths converge at Tier-1 ISPs and those

ISPs c arry lots of traffic

BGP/2003.4.13 © O. Bonaventure, 2003

A recent study of the quality of the AS Path as a performanc e indicator

compared the round trip time with the length of the AS Path and has shown
that the length of the AS Path was only a good indicator for 50% of the
considered paths. See :

Bradley Huffaker, Marina Fomenkov, Daniel J. Plummer, David Moore and k

claffy, Distance Metric s in the Internet, Presented at the IEEE International
Telecommunic ations Symposium (ITS) in 2002. h/papers/2002/Distance/
The prefer eBGP over iBGP step in
the BGP decision process
Motivation : hot potato routing
A router should try to get rid of packets sent to

external domains as soon as possible

R6's routing table R8
1/8:AS2 via R2 (eBGP,best) C= 50 R7's routing table
1/ 8:AS2 via R3 (iBGP) C= 1 1/ 8:AS2 via R2 (iBGP)
1/8:AS2 via R3 (eBGP, best)
R6 R7
Prefix: Prefix:
ASPath: AS2 ASPath: AS2
NextHop: R2 NextHop: R3
C= 1 C= 98
R2 R0 R3 Flow of IP packets
t owards 8 8 AS2

BGP/2003.4.14 © O. Bonaventure, 2003

The closest nexthop step in
the BGP decision process
Motivation : hot potato routing
A router should try to get rid of packets sent to

external domains as soon as possible

Cont ent provider
R9 sending to 8
R8's routing table
1/8:AS2 via R2 (NH= R7,best)
1/ 8:AS2 via R3 (NH= R6) Flow of IP packets
C= 50 C= 1

R6 R7

Prefix: Prefix:
ASPath: AS2 ASPath: AS2
NextHop: R2 NextHop: R3
C= 1 C= 98
R2 R0 R3

BGP/2003.4.15 8 AS2 © O. Bonaventure, 2003
The lowest MED step in
the BGP decision process
Motivation : c old potato routing
In a multi-c onnected AS, indicate which entry

border router is closest to the advertised prefix

Usually MED= IGP cost Cont ent provider
R9 sending to 8
R8's routing table
1/8:AS2 via R2 (MED= 1,best) Flow of IP packets
1/ 8:AS2 via R3 (MED= 98) R8

C= 50 C= 1

R6 R7
ASPath: AS2
ASPath: AS2
NextHop: R3
NextHop: R2 C= 1 C= 98 MED: 98
MED : 1 R2 R0 R3

BGP/2003.4.16 8 AS2 © O. Bonaventure, 2003

The lowest router id step in
the BGP decision process
A router must be able to determine one best

route towards eac h destination prefix

A router may receive several routes with comparable
attributes towards one destination

R0 8

AS2 R2 R3 AS3

Prefix: Prefix:
ASPath: AS2:AS1 R1 ASPath: AS3:AS1

Consequenc e
A router with a low IP address will be preferred

BGP/2003.4.17 © O. Bonaventure, 2003

Note that on some router implementations, the lowest router id step in the
BGP decision process is replac ed by the selec tion of the oldest route. See
e.g. :
Preferring the oldest route when breaking times is used to prefer stable
paths over unstable paths, however, a drawbac k of this approac h is that the
selection of the BGP routes will depend on the arrival times of the
corresponding messages. This makes the BGP selection proc ess non-
deterministic and c an lead to problems that are difficult to debug.
More on the MED step in the BGP
decision process
Unfortunately, the proc essing of the MED is
more complex than desc ribed earlier
Correct proc essing of the MED
MED values can only be compared between routes receiving
from the SAME neighboring AS
Routes which do not have the MED attribute are considered
to have the lowest possible MED value.
Selection of the routes containing MED values

for m = all routes still under consideration

for n = all routes still under consideration
if (neighborAS(m) = = neighborAS(n)) and
(MED(n) < MED(m))
remove route m from consideration
BGP/2003.4.18 © O. Bonaventure, 2003
Why such a complex MED step ?
Cont ent
R9 provider

Flow of IP packets
C= 50 C= 1
C= 1
C= 50

R6 R6b R7b R7

R0:AS3:AS0, MED= 21 R0:AS3:AS0, MED= 20

C= 1
R0:AS2:AS0, MED= 0 R4 R3
R0:AS2:AS0, MED= 9
C= 9
R2 R5


BGP/2003.4.19 R0 © O. Bonaventure, 2003

In the example above, assuming a full iBGP mesh inside AS1 and that all
routes have the same local-pref value, router R8 will rec eive four paths to
reach router R0 :
One path going via R5 in AS2 and received with MED=9
One path going via R3 in AS3 and received with MED=20
One path going via R2 in AS2 and received with MED=0
One path going via R4 in AS3 and received with MED=21
The local-pref and AS-Path steps of the decision process will not remove
any path from c onsideration.
The MED step of the BGP decision proc ess will selec t, from eac h
neighboring AS, the paths with the smallest MED, namely :
One path going via R2 in AS2 and received with MED=0
One path going via R3 in AS3 and received with MED=20
Then, the c losest nexthop step of the BGP decision process will select as
best path the path that leaves AS1 router R7, i.e. :
One path going via R3 in AS3 and received with MED=20

This is the standardized proc essing of the MED attribute in BGP4. As always
with BGP4 implementations, some implementations allow operators to :
Ignore the MED values from a given peer
Process all MED values without considering the AS from whic h the MED
value was learned
in this c ase, the path via R6 would be selected by R8
Route oscillations with MED
eBGP session RR1 RR3
iBGP session
Physical link C=2 C=4

R1 R2 R3

R0:ASX:AS0, MED= 0 R0:ASZ:AS0, MED= 1 R0:ASZ:AS0, MED= 0


Consider a single prefix advertised by R0 in AS0

R1, R2 and R3 always prefer their direct eBGP path

Due to the utilization of route reflectors, RR1 and RR3
only know a subset of the three possible paths
This limited knowledge is the cause of the oscillations
BGP/2003.4.20 © O. Bonaventure, 2003

This route oscillation problem is described in :

D. McPherson, V. Gill, D. Walton, A. Retana, BGP Persistent Route

Oscillation Condition, Internet draft, draft-ietf-idr-route-oscillation-
01.txt, work in progress, Feb 2002

A better description and analysis may be found in :

Analysis of the MED Oscillation Problem in BGP. Timothy G. Griffin and
Gordon Wilfong. ICNP 2002
Route oscillations with MED (2)
RR3's best path selection

If RR3 only knows the R3-RZ path, this path is preferred

and advertised to RR1
RR3 knows the R1-RX and R3-RZ paths, R1-RX is best
(IGP cost) and RR3 doesn't advertise a path to RR1
If RR3 knows the R2-RZ and R3-RZ paths, RR3 prefers
the R3-RZ path (MED) and R3-RZ is advertised to RR1
eBGP session RR1 RR3
iBGP session
Physical link C=2 C=4

R1 R2 R3

R0:ASX:AS0, MED= 0 R0:ASZ:AS0, MED= 1 R0:ASZ:AS0, MED= 0

BGP/2003.4.21 R0 © O. Bonaventure, 2003
Route oscillations with MED (3)
RR1's best path selection

If RR1 knows the R1-RX, R2-RZ and R3-RZ paths, R1-RX

is preferred and RR1 advertises this path to RR3
But if RR1 advertises R1-RX, RR3 does not advertise any path !
If RR1 knows the R1-RX and R2-RZ paths, RR1 prefers
the R2-RZ path and advertises this path to RR3
But if RR1 advertises R2-RZ, RR3 prefers and advertises R3-RZ !
eBGP session RR1 RR3
iBGP session
Physical link C=2 C=4

R1 R2 R3

R0:ASX:AS0, MED= 0 R0:ASZ:AS0, MED= 1 R0:ASZ:AS0, MED= 0

BGP/2003.4.22 © O. Bonaventure, 2003
Other problems with Route Reflectors


eBGP session RR1 RR3

iBGP session C=5
C=5 C=1
Physical link C=5
Ra Rb Rc


Consider one prefix advertised by RX,RY,RZ

Ra, Rb, and Rc will all prefer their direct eBGP path
RR1, RR2 and RR3 will never reach an agreement
BGP/2003.4.23 © O. Bonaventure, 2003

With an iBGP full mesh, all BGP routers would rec eived the three possible
paths and RR1 would prefer the path via R2, RR2 would prefer the path via
R3 and RR3 would prefer the path via R1.
With Route Reflectors, the situation is more c omplex bec ause each RR
only knows some of the routes since eac h RR only advertises its best path
on the iBGP full mesh with the other Rrs.
RR1 will learn the path via RX from its c lient R1. RR2 learns the path via
RY from its c lient R2 and RR3 learns the path via RZ from its c lient R3.
Assume RR1is the first to selec t its path. It selec ts the RX path since it
only knows this path and advertises it to RR2 and RR3. Upon reception of
this advertisement, RR3 c ompares the path via RZ and the path via RX and
prefers the path via RX. RR3 advertises its best path to R3, but R3 still
prefers its direc t path to RZ.. Note that RR3 does not advertise the path via
RZ to the other RRs since this is not its best path.
Now, assume that RR2 selects its best path. It knows the paths via RX
(learned from RR1) and RY (learned via R2). The c urrent best path is clearly
the path via RY and RR2 advertises this path to RR1 and RR3. Upon
reception of this advertisement, RR1 will selec t again its best path. Now,
RR1's best path is clearly the path via RY. Unfortunately, the selection of
this path forces RR1 to withdraw the path via RX that it initially advertised.
Upon reception of the withdraw message, RR3 will need to select its best
path... The RRs will exc hange BGP messages forever without reaching a

For more information about this problem and others, see :

T. Griffin, G. Wilfong, On the c orrec tness of iBGP c onfiguration, Proc. ACM
SIGCOMM2002, August 2002
Route Oscillations in I-BGP with Route Reflection. Anindya Basu, Chih-Hao
Luke Ong, April Rasala, F.Bruc e Shepherd, and Gordon Wilfong. SIGCOMM
Forwarding problems with Route Reflectors

eBGP session R1 C=1

iBGP session C=1 C=1

Physical link

RR1 C=5 RR2


Consider a prefix advertised by RX and RY

BGP routing will converge

RR1 (and R1) prefer path via RX, RR2 (and R2) prefer path via RY
But forwarding of IP packets will cause loop !
R1 sends packets towards prefix via R2 (to reach RX, its best path)
BGP/2003.4.24 R2 sends packets towards prefix via R1 (to reach ©RY, its best2003
O. Bonaventure, path)

Note that this forwarding problem does not occ ur if R1 and R2 use some
tunneling mechanism (e.g. MPLS) to send pac kets towards RX and RY via
RR1 and RR2

Organization of the global Internet

BGP basic s

BGP in large networks

Interdomain traffic engineering with BGP

The growth of the BGP routing tables

The BGP decision process

Interdomain traffic engineering techniques

Case study

BGP-based Virtual Private Networks

BGP/2003.4.25 © O. Bonaventure, 2003
Interdomain traffic engineering

Objectives of interdomain traffic engineering

Minimize the interdomain c ost of your network

Optimize performance

prefer to send/receive packets over low delay paths for

prefer to send/receive packets over high bandwidth paths
Balance the traffic between several providers

How to engineer your interdomain traffic ?

Carefully select your main provider(s)

Negotiate peering agreements with other domains at

public interconnection points

Tune the BGP decision proc ess on your routers

Tune your BGP advertisements

BGP/2003.4.26 © O. Bonaventure, 2003

For a vendor-oriented discussion of interdomain traffic engineering, see :

T. Monk, Inter-domain Traffic Engineering: Principles and c ase examples,

Proc. INET 2002,

In you intend to negotiate peering agreements, you should probably read :

W. Norton, The Art of Peering: The Peering Playbook , available from <
[email protected] om> or
Traffic engineering prerequisite

To engineer the packet flow in your network...

you first need to know :
amount of packets entering your network

preferably with some information about their source

(and destination if you provide a transit service)
amount of packets leaving your network

preferable with some information about their destination

(and source if you provide a transit service)

How to obtain this information in an ac c urate

and cost effec tive manner ?

BGP/2003.4.27 © O. Bonaventure, 2003

For a discussion on the types of monitoring or measurements suitable for

traffic engineering purposes, see :

Wai Sum Lai et al., A framework for internet traffic engineering measurement,
Internet draft, draft-ietf-tewg-measure-02.txt, Marc h 2002

Other referenc es include

Anja Feldmann, Albert Greenberg, Carsten Lund, Nick Reingold, Jennifer

Rexford, and Fred True. Deriving traffic demands for operational ip networks:
methodology and experience. In Proc. ACM SIGCOMM2000, September
An extended version appeared in IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking

Matthias Grossglauser and Jennifer Rexford, "Passive traffic

measurement for IP operations," to appear as a c hapter in The Internet
as a Large-Scale Complex System, Oxford University Press, 2002
(INFORMS slides).

Traffic Matrix Estimation: Existing Tec hniques and New Direc tions. A.
Medina (Sprint Labs, Boston University) , N. Taft (Sprint Labs), K.
Salamatian (University of Paris VI), S. Bhattacharyya, C. Diot (Sprint

See also the papers presented at the ACM SIGCOMM Internet Measurement
Workshops and at PAM
Link-level traffic monitoring

rely on SNMP statistics maintained by each

router for each link

management station polls eac h router

Simple to use and to deploy

Tools c an automate data

collection/ presentation
Rough information about network load

No addressing information

Not always easy to find the cause of

BGP/2003.4.28 © O. Bonaventure, 2003

A very popular tool for link-level monitoring is MRTG, see h/~
Flow-level traffic capture



R3 R4

routers identify flow boundaries

does not cause huge problems on cache-based routers
Layer-3 flows
IP packets with same source (resp. destination) prefix
IP packets with same source (resp. destination) AS
IP packets with same IGP (resp. BGP) next hop
Layer-4 flows
one TCP connection corresponds to one flow
UDP flows
routers forwards this information inside special
packets to monitoring workstation

BGP/2003.4.29 © O. Bonaventure, 2003

Flow-level traffic monitoring tools started with the development of Netflow on

Cisco routes (http://www.c isc o.c om/warp/public/732/Tech/nmp/netflow/ ).
Netflow is available in various formats (V1, V5, V7, V8), depending on the
router platform and the desired monitoring information.
Sinc e then, several third-party software have been developed to collect
Netflow data. A good list of pointers for such tools is maintained by Simon
Leinen at SWITCH (http://www.switc h.c h/tf-tant/floma/software.html ).

Several vendors have also adopted the Netflow format ( onfig53-policy/html/sampling-config.html

Within IETF, the IPFIX working group is expec ted to develop a standard
alternative to Netflow. See

Open source tools c an also be used to c apture traffic in Netflow format, see
Flow level traffic capture (3)

provides detailed information on the traffic

carried out on some links

flow information needs to be exported to

monitoring station
information about one flow is 30 - 50 bytes
average size of HTTP flow is 15 TCP packets
CPU load on high speed on routers

not available on some router platforms

Disk and processing requirements on

monitoring workstation

BGP/2003.4.30 © O. Bonaventure, 2003


Industry-standard flow monitoring solution

Netflow v5

Router exports per layer-4 flow summary

Timestamp of flow start and finish
Source and destination IP addresses
Number of bytes/ packets, IP Protocol, TOS
Input and output interface
Source and destination ports, TCP flags
Source and destination AS and netmasks

Netflow v8

Router performs aggregation and exports summaries

AS Matrix
interesting to identify interesting peers
Prefix Matrix
SourcePrefixMatrix, DestinationPrefixMatrix, PrefixMatrix
provides more detailed information than ASMatrix

BGP/2003.4.31 © O. Bonaventure, 2003

Characteristics of interdomain traffic

BGP/2003.4.32 © O. Bonaventure, 2003

This figure is based on a study of all the interdomain traffic of three distinct
ISPs at different periods of time. The trace was c ollected during one week
for BELNET, the Belgian Researc h ISP, five days for YUCOM, a dialup ISP
based in Belgium and one day for PSC, a gigapop in the US. This figure is
analyzed in :
B. Quoitin, S. Uhlig, C. Pelsser, L. Swinnen and O. Bonaventure, Interdomain
traffic engineering with BGP, IEEE Communications Magazine, May 2003,

A detailed analysis of the c haracteristic s of interdomain traffic based on a

stub ISP may be found in :

S. Uhlig and O. Bonaventure, Implications of interdomain traffic

characteristic s on traffic engineering, European Transactions on
Telecommunic ations, Jan. 2002,

A similar result c onc erning the traffic distribution was obtained by studying
the traffic of a tier-1 ISP, see

N. Feamster, J. Borkenhagen, J. Rexford, Controlling the impac t of BGP policy

changes on IP traffic, AT&T Technic al Memorandum, 2001
Topological distribution of the
traffic sent by a stub during one

BGP/2003.4.33 © O. Bonaventure, 2003

This figure is taken from :

S. Uhlig, V. Magnin, O. Bonaventure, C. Rapier and L. Deri, Implic ations of the

Topologic al Properties of Internet Traffic on Traffic Engineering, Proceedings
of the 19th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, Spec ial Trac k on
Computer Networks, Nicosia, Cyprus, Marc h 2004.

This paper analyses the stability of the traffic sent by the UCL network to the
Internet during one month. The figure above was drawn by c omputing during
each hour, the sorted list of ac tive AS Paths during this period and then
counting how many of those top AS-Paths were required to c apture a given
amount of traffic.
Topological dynamics of the traffic
sent by a stub during one month

BGP/2003.4.34 © O. Bonaventure, 2003

This figure is taken from :

S. Uhlig, V. Magnin, O. Bonaventure, C. Rapier and L. Deri, Implic ations of the

Topologic al Properties of Internet Traffic on Traffic Engineering, Proceedings
of the 19th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, Spec ial Trac k on
Computer Networks, Nicosia, Cyprus, Marc h 2004.

The figure above was drawn by counting the number of times eac h AS Path
that appeared in thehourly top 90% figure and comparing this information
with the amount of traffic sent on those AS Paths. It shows that a small
number of AS Paths are always present, but that most AS Paths only appear
during small periods of time.
The provider selection problem

How does an ISP select a provider ?

Economical criteria

Cost of link
Cost of traffic

Quality of the BGP routes announced by

Number of routes announced by provider
Length of the routes announced by provider

Often, ISPs have two upstream providers for

tec hnical and ec onomic al redundanc y reasons

BGP/2003.4.35 © O. Bonaventure, 2003

An experiment in provider
Obtain BGP routing tables from several

12 large providers peering with routeviews

Simulate the connec tion of an ISP to 2 of those




Rank providers based on the routes selected by

the BGP decision process of the simulated ISP

BGP/2003.4.36 © O. Bonaventure, 2003

This study was conducted by Sébastien Tandel in November 2002 based on

the BGP routing tables stored by Routeviews. Additional information may be
found in :

O. Bonaventure (UCL), P. Trimintzios (University of Surrey), G. Pavlou

(University of Surrey), B. Quoitin (FUNDP), A. Azc orra (UC3M), M. Bagnulo
(UC3M) , P. Flegkas (University of Surrey), A. Garcia-Martinez(University of
Surrey), P. Georgatsos(UC3M), L. Georgiadis(Algonet), C. Jac quenet(France
Telecom), L. Swinnen(FUNDP), S. Tandel(FUNDP), S. Uhlig(UCL), Internet
traffic engineering,, in Quality of Future Internet Servic es, COST263 final
report, Springer LNCS 2856, pp. 118-179, 2003
Selection among the 12 largest providers

140000 average routes in LOC-RIB

average common routes
as-path shorter for AS in test
120000 as-path shorter
number of routes


non-deterministic choice



AS 3257

AS 1239

AS 2914

AS 7911

AS 1668

AS 3561

AS 7018

AS 5511

AS 3356

AS 3549

AS 293

AS 1
AS peer
BGP/2003.4.37 © O. Bonaventure, 2003

The twelve c onsidered providers are large T1 ISPs :

AS2914 : Verio
AS1239 : Sprint
AS7911 : Williams
AS3561 : C&W USA
AS1668 : AOL
AS7018 : ATT
AS5511 : FT Bac kbone
AS3549 : GLBIX
AS3356 : Level3
AS1 : Genuity
AS293 : ESnet

For these ISPs that are in majority tier 1, the figure shows that the number of
common routes is very high varying between 96.9 and 98.1% of the full BGP
table except for AS2914 having on average 85% of the routes in common
with the 11 other peers. The figure also shows that between 56033 and
69735 routes are selec ted in a non-deterministic manner by the BGP
decision proc ess of our stub AS. A closer look at those routes reveals that
80% of them have an AS-Path length of 3 to 4 AS-hops. On average, for all
considered pairs, almost 62% of the routes are chosen in a non deterministic
manner. This result implies that the length of AS-Path is not always a
sufficient c ondition to select BGP routes and that ISPs c ould easily influence
their outgoing traffic by defining additional criteria to prefer one provider
over the other.
Tuning BGP to ...
control the outgoing traffic
To control its outgoing traffic , a domain must tune

the BGP decision process on its own routers

How to tune the BGP dec ision proc ess ?
Filter some routes learned from some peers


usual method of enforcing economical relationships


usually, MED value is set when sending a route

but some routers allow to insert a MED in a received
allows to prefer routes over others with same AS Path length
IGP cost to nexthop

setting of IGP cost for intradomain traffic engineering

Several routes in fowarding table instead of one

BGP/2003.4.38 © O. Bonaventure, 2003

Usually, the control of the outgoing traffic is based on a manual

configuration of the routers. However, rec ently some vendors have
proposed tools to automate the control of the outgoing traffic based on
measurements. See e.g. :

J. Bartlett, Optimizing multi-homed connec tions,Business Communications

Review, January 2002

D. Allen, NPN: Multihoming and Route Optimization: Finding the Best Way
Home, Network Magazine, Feb. 2002,
http://www.networkmagazine.c om/article/NMG20020206S0004

S. Borthick, Will route control change the Internet, Business Communications

Review, September 2002
BGP Equal Cost MultiPath

Allow a BGP router to install several paths

towards each destination in its forwarding table

Load-balance the traffic over available paths



Issues AS0
Which AS Path will be advertised by AS0

BGP only allows to advertise one path

Downstream routers will not be aware of the path
Beware of routing loops !
BGP/2003.4.39 © O. Bonaventure, 2003

Those multipath extensions are supported by several vendors, see:

http://www.c isc d/c c/td/doc/product/software/ios122/122newft/122t/122t2/ftbgplb.htm onfig53-ipv6/html/ipv6-bgp-config29.html
BGP equal cost multipath (2)

How to use BGP equal c ost multipath here ?

eBGP session R1 C=1
iBGP session C=1 C=1

Physical link



RB could send the packets to RZ via RY and RA

R1 could also try to send the packets to RZ via RA

and RB sinc e R1 knows those two paths

BGP/2003.4.40 © O. Bonaventure, 2003
BGP Equal Cost Multipath (3)

Which paths c an be used for load balanc ing ?

Run the BGP decision proc ess and perform load

balanc ing with the leftover paths at RouterId step

Consequenc es
Border router receiving only eBGP routes

Perform load balancing with routes learned from same

Otherwise, iBGP and eBGP advertisements will not reflect
the real path followed by the packets

Internal router receiving routes via iBGP

Only consider for load balancing routes with same

attributes (AS-Path, local-pref, MED) and same IGP cost
Otherwise loops may occur
BGP/2003.4.41 © O. Bonaventure, 2003

Besides considering equal cost paths for load balanc ing, some vendors also
support unequal load balancing by relying on the link bandwidth extended
community that allows routers to determine the bandwidth of external links.
See :
S. Sangli, D. Tappan, Y. Rekhter, BGP Extended Communities Attribute,
Internet draft, work in progress, Nov. 2002 ommunities-05.txt

For a vendor usage of this community, see :

http://www.cisc o.c om/en/US/products/sw/iosswrel/ps1839/products_feature_guide09186a0080087afe.htm
Tuning BGP to ...
control the incoming traffic
To control its incoming traffic , a domain must tune

the BGP advertisements sent by its own routers

How to tune the BGP advertisements ?

Do not announc e some routes to from some peers

advertise some prefixes only to some peers


insert MED= IGP cost, usually requires bilateral


artificially increase the length of AS-Path


Insert special communities in the advertised routes to

indicate how the peer should run its BGP decision
process on this route © O. Bonaventure, 2003
Control of the incoming traffic
Sample network
Routing without tuning the announc ements
packet flow towards AS1 will depend on the tuning of
the decision process of AS2, AS3 and AS4

10/7:AS1 R41

10/7:AS1 8
R12 8

AS1 8 AS2

BGP/2003.4.43 © O. Bonaventure, 2003

In this example, we assume that no filters are applied by AS2, AS3 and AS4
on the routes rec eived from AS1.
Control of the incoming traffic
Selective announcements
Advertise some prefixes only on some links

10/8:AS1 R41 8
R12 10/8:AS1 AS2 8

AS1 8

splitting a prefix increases size of all BGP routing tables
Limited redundancy in case of link failure
BGP/2003.4.44 © O. Bonaventure, 2003

In this example, AS1 forc es AS3 to send the pac kets towards
on the R31-R11 link and the packets towards on the R32-
R12 link. This is a common method used to balanc e traffic over
external links, but an important drawback is that if the R11-R31 link
fails, AS3 would not be able to utilize the R12-R32 link to reach and would be forc ed to used the path through AS2.

Note that if R12 advertised instead of advertising both and, then, most of the traffic c ould be received
via AS3 since AS3 is advertising a more spec ific prefix (see later).
Control of the incoming traffic
More specific prefixes
Announce a large prefix on all links for

redundancy but prefer some links for parts of this


When forwarding an IP packet, a router will always

selec t the longest match in its routing table

advertise different overlapping routes on all links

The entire IP prefix is advertised on all links

subnet1 from this IP prefix is also advertised on link1
subnet2 from this IP prefix is also advertised on link2
BGP/2003.4.45 © O. Bonaventure, 2003
Control of the incoming traffic
More specific prefixes (2)
Advertise partially overlapping prefixes

R31's routing table

10/7:AS1 via R11 (eBGP, best but unused)
10/ 7:AS1 via R12 (iBGP)
10/8:AS1 via R11 (eBGP,best) AS3
11/8:AS1 via R12 (iBGP,best) R31
R41 AS4
10/7:AS1 8
10/7:AS1 R32's routing table
10/7:AS1 via R12 (eBGP, best but unused)
R12 10/ 7:AS1 via R11 (iBGP)
10/8:AS1 via R11 (iBGP,best) 8
11/8:AS1 via R12 (eBGP,best)
AS1 8

BGP/2003.4.46 © O. Bonaventure, 2003

Compared with the utilization of the selective announc ements, the main
advantage of using more spec ific prefixes is that if link R11-R31 fails,
then the packets towards will still be sent by AS3 through
the R32-R12 link sinc e they are part of the router learned
from R12.

An important drawback of this solution is that it unnec essarily increases

the size of the BGP routing tables of all routers on the Internet. For this
reason, several ISPs block prefixes that are too long. For example,
some ISPs do not ac cept prefixes longer than /22, and other try to
filter prefixes based on the alloc ation rules of the regional IP address

For more information on this filtering, see :

S. Bellovin et al., Slowing routing table growth by filtering on address

allocation policies, preprint available from
http://www.research.att.c om/~ jrex , June 2001

Note that if AS1 wants to use the more selec tive prefixes only to control
the traffic on its links with AS3 and not beyond, then, the more specific
prefixes should be advertised with the NO_EXPORT c ommunity while would be advertised without community values. With this
community value, the two more spec ific prefixes will not be advertised by
AS3 and thus will not contribute to the growth of the global BGP routing table.
Control of the incoming traffic
AS- Path prepending
Artificially prepend own AS number on some routes

R31's routing table

10/7:AS1 via R11 (eBGP, best)

R31 AS3 AS4

10/7:AS1 8


R12 10/7:AS1:AS1:AS1 AS2 8 R22's routing table
AS1 8 10/ 7:AS1:AS1:AS1 via R12 (eBGP)
10/7:AS3:AS1 via R31 (eBGP, best)
10/ 7:AS4:AS3:AS1 via R41 (eBGP)
BGP/2003.4.47 © O. Bonaventure, 2003

AS-Path prepending is a popular tec hnique since in the BGP dec ision
process, the selection of the shortest AS-Path is one of the most important
criteria. In theory, the length of the AS-Path is not nec essarily an indication
of the quality of a path, but some studies have shown that, on average, short
AS-Paths offered a better performance that longer paths.

More information on these studies may be found in :

A. Broido et al., Internet expansion : refinement and c hurn, European

Transac tions on Telecommunic ations, spec ial issue on traffic engineering,
January 2002

Due to the importance of the "shortest AS-Path" criteria in the BGP decision
process, most interdomain routes used in the Internet are relatively short (up
to 3-4 transit AS between sourc e and destination for most routes).

See cess/routestat/trends.php?type=addrReachability_trend

for some information on the addresses that are reachable at N AS hops from
a large ISP like Sprint.
Traffic engineering with BGP communities

Attach spec ial community value to request

downstream router to perform a spec ial action

Possible ac tions
Set loc al-pref in downstream AS

Example from UUnet (AS702)

702:80 : Set Local Pref 80 within AS702
702:120 : Set Local Pref 120 within AS702
Do not announc e the route to ASx

Example from OpenTransit (AS1755)

1755:1000 : Do not announce to US
1755:1101: Do no announce to Sprintlink(US)
Prepend AS-Path when announc ing to ASx

Example from BT Ignite (AS5400)

5400:2000 prepend when announcing to European peers
5400:2001 prepend when announcing to Sprint (AS1239)
BGP/2003.4.48 © O. Bonaventure, 2003

E. Chen, and T. Bates, "An Application of the BGP Community Attribute

in Multi-home Routing", RFC 1998, August 1996.

A detailed survey of the utilization of the community attribute today may

be found in :

O. Bonaventure and B. Quoitin. Common utilizations of the BGP c ommunity

attribute, June 2003. Work in progress, draft-bq-bgp-c ommunities-00.txt.
The BGP redistribution communities

Drawbacks of c ommunity-based TE
Requires error-prone manual c onfigurations

BGP communities are transitive and thus pollute

BGP routing tables

Proposed solution
Utilize extended c ommunities to enc ode TE

actions in a structured and standardized way


do not announce attached route to specified peer(s)

attach NO_EXPORT when announcing route to
specified peer(s)
prepend N times when announcing attached route to
specified peer(s)

BGP/2003.4.49 © O. Bonaventure, 2003

The BGP redistribution c ommunities are desc ribed in :

O. Bonaventure et al., Controlling the redistribution of BGP routes

Internet draft, draft-ietf-ptomaine-redistribution-01.txt, work in progress,
August 2002

An implementation of these c ommunities in zebra is described in :

B. Quoitin, An implementation of the BGP redistribution c ommunities in

Zebra, Tec hnic al report Infonet-TR-2002-03, Feb 2002 .be/doc/tr/Infonet-TR-2002-03.html
selective announcements

R31 10/7:AS3:AS1 AS4
10/7:AS1 R41
10/7:AS1 8
R12 R21 NOT_Announce(AS4) 8 10/7:AS1
AS1 8 AS2

R22 does not announce 10/ 7 to R41

R41 will only know one path towards 10/ 7

BGP/2003.4.50 © O. Bonaventure, 2003

AS- Path prepending

R31 10/7:AS3:AS1 AS4
10/7:AS1 R41
10/7:AS1 8
R12 R21 Prepend(2,AS4)
10/7:AS1 8 Prepend(2,AS4)

AS1 8 AS2

R22 announces 10/7 differently to R32 and R21

R41 will prefer path via R32 to reach 10/7
BGP/2003.4.51 © O. Bonaventure, 2003
Control of the incoming traffic
Advantages and drawbac ks
Selective announcements

always work, but if one prefix is advertised on a single

link, it may become unreachable in case of failure
More specific prefixes

better than selective announcements in case of failure

but increases significantly the size of all BGP tables
some ISPs filter announcements for long prefixes
AS-Path prepending

Useful for backup link, but besides that, the only method
to find the amount of prepending is trial and error...
Communities/ redistribution c ommunities

more flexible than AS-Path prepending

Increases the complexity of the router configurations
and thus the risk of errors...

BGP/2003.4.52 © O. Bonaventure, 2003


Organization of the global Internet

BGP basic s

BGP in large networks

Interdomain traffic engineering with BGP

The growth of the BGP routing tables

The BGP decision process

Interdomain traffic engineering techniques

Case study

BGP-based Virtual Private Networks

BGP/2003.4.53 © O. Bonaventure, 2003
AS-Path prepending and
communities in practice
An experiment in the global Internet
Level3 Belgian ISP

More than 100 peers A few 10s peers

AS2611 Belgian ISP

BGP/2003.4.54 © O. Bonaventure, 2003

This evaluation was carried out by Cristel Pelsser in Marc h-April 2003. The
links with the two upstream providers were GRE tunnels. Those
measurements c ould not have been done without the help of Jan Torrele
(Belnet), Benoît Piret and Patric e Devemy This evaluation should be
considered as an experiment and not as a “c omparison” between Belnet and
the Belgian ISP.
Measurements with AS-Path prepending

Study with 56k prefix from global Internet

For each prefix, sent TCP SYN on port 80 and

measure from which upstream reply came back

Without prepending
68 % received via Belnet, 32% received via BISP

With prepending onc e on Belnet link

22% rec eived via Belnet, 78% received via BISP

With prepending twic e on Belnet link

15% received via Belnet, 84% received via BISP

BGP/2003.4.55 © O. Bonaventure, 2003

When prepending was used on the BISP link, the following results were
obtained :
With prepending onc e on BISP link
80% received via Belnet, 20% rec eived via BISP
With prepending twice on BISP link
80% received via Belnet, 20% rec eived via BISP
With prepending three times on BISP link
All traffic was received via Belnet
How to better balance the incoming
traffic ?
AS Path prepending is c learly not suffic ient

Can we do better with the c ommunities ?

Need to move some traffic from one upstream

to another
Level3 Communities Telia Communities

65000:0 1299:2009
announce to customers but not to Do not annouce EU peers
peers 1299:5009
65000:XXX Do not annouce US peers
do not announce to peer ASXXX 1299:2609
65001:0 Do not anounce to Concert
prepend once to all peers 1299:2601
65001:XXX Prepend once to Concert
prepend once to peer ASXXX

BGP/2003.4.56 © O. Bonaventure, 2003

Before you start tuning your BGP
'' My top three challenges for the Internet are
scalability, and
Mike O'Dell, Chief scientist, UUNet

'' BGP is running on more than 100K routers

(my estimate), making it one of the world's
largest and most visible distributed system
Global dynamics and scaling principles are
still not well understood...''

Tim Griffin, AT&T Research

BGP/2003.4.57 © O. Bonaventure, 2003

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