Biogen Conference Tied To 20,000 Virus Cases: On Second Night, GOP Looks To Trump's Family
Biogen Conference Tied To 20,000 Virus Cases: On Second Night, GOP Looks To Trump's Family
Biogen Conference Tied To 20,000 Virus Cases: On Second Night, GOP Looks To Trump's Family
By Jonathan Saltzman firmed early cases of the illness in the ary and early may, the researchers
772 “i’m confident that the scale for
measuring this event is in the tens of
Number of COVID-19 patients whose viral
globe staff area by changes in the genetic make- found. but it sparked a viral forest genomes were sequenced by researchers. thousands,” said dr. Jacob lemieux,
an international meeting of bio- up of coronaviruses as they pass from fire. an infectious disease physician at
gen leaders at a boston hotel in febru-
ary led to roughly 20,000 cases of
one person to another, the researchers
were able to assess the broader im-
the 64-page study has yet to be
peer reviewed for publication, and the 37% 122 massachusetts general hospital and
one of three scientists at the broad in-
Percentage of Number of
covid-19 in four massachusetts pact of the “super-spreading event” at researchers stressed that their esti- stitute of mit and harvard who spoke
those patients patients, among
counties by early may, far more than the marriott long wharf hotel. mate — which doesn’t appear in the about the study they wrote with 50
infected with a the 289, who
the 99 previously identified, accord- what makes the estimate all the paper but they shared in interviews — virus traceable to lived or worked in other researchers.
ing to three scientists involved in a more startling is that this version of is an extrapolation based on viruses the Biogen Boston homeless caroline buckee, a professor of epi-
new study. the virus was one of more than 80 that isolated from 772 local patients. but meeting, a total of shelters. demiology at the harvard t.h. chan
after examining nearly all the con- invaded the state between late Janu- they believe their calculations are 289 patients. BIOGEN, Page A4
By James Vaznis
Schools respond to concerns globe staff
Thursday: Showers, still brisk. the show was advertised as a series of stark drawings by artist
High 70-75. Low 61-66. Gail Sheehy, a journalist and shaun leonardo, each offering an unflinching look at a different black
Weather and Comics, G6-7. author of 17 books, including or latino man whose life was taken by police violence. it would have
the 1976 bestseller ‘‘Passag- opened less than two weeks after george floyd was killed in minneap-
Obituaries, B7.
es,’’ died at the age of 83. B7. olis, just as nationwide protests were cresting.
vol . 298, no. 57 but in march, the museum of contemporary art cleveland
* The Bruins were beaten in scrapped the show after activists and museum staff raised concerns it
suggested retail price overtime, 4-3, by the Lightning, would retraumatize a community still hurting from the death of 12-
$3.00 who tied their playoff series year-old tamir rice at the hands of cleveland police in 2014.
at a game apiece. C1. now, the massachusetts museum of contemporary art is one of
two institutions that have helped salvage the show, which opens in
Heading to the beach? The north adams wednesday. shaun leonardo
best snacks are in Revere, “they reached out in the height of what i’ve been calling the heat,” In his show, artist Shaun Leonardo focuses on the
writes Devra First. G1. SHOW, Page A8 mistreatment of Black and Latino men.
a2 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e w e d n e s d a y, a u g u s t 2 6 , 2 0 2 0
FDA chief apologizes for plasma misinformation
Hahn overstated ed to issue emergency authori-
zation for convalescent plasma,
hahn’s apology comes at a
based on data the mayo clinic
collected from hospitals around
for a cancer specialist like
Fda will only approve a vaccine
that meets preset standards for
virus benefits at taken from patients who have critical moment for the Fda, the country that were using “it’s extraordinary to me safety and efficacy.
recovered from the coronavirus which, under intense pressure plasma on patients in vastly that a person involved in clini- lawrence gostin of george-
Trump address and rich in disease-fighting an- from the white house, is re- varying ways — and there was cal trials could make that mis- town university said hahn’s
tibodies. sponsible for deciding whether no comparison group of un- take,” said dr. peter lurie, a for- performance sunday under-
By Matthew Perrone trump hailed the decision as upcoming vaccines are safe and treated patients, meaning no mer Fda official under the mined those efforts.
and Deb Riechmann a historic breakthrough even effective in preventing covid- concl usions can be drawn obama administration who “i think the integrity of the
associated press though the treatment’s value 19. about overall survival. people now leads the nonprofit center Fda took a hit, if i were ste-
washington — respond- has not been established. the the 35 percent figure drew who received plasma with the for science in the public inter- phen hahn i would not have
ing to an outcry from medical announcement on the eve of condemnation from other sci- highest levels of antibodies est. “it’s mind-boggling.” appeared at such a political
experts, Food and drug admin- trump’s republican national entists and some former Fda fared better than those given the 35 percent benefit was show,” said gostin, a public
istration commissioner ste- convention raised suspicions officials, who called on hahn to plasma with fewer antibodies, repeated by health and human health attorney.
phen hahn on tuesday apolo- that it was politically motivated correct the record. and those treated sooner after services secretary alex azar at hahn pushed back tuesday
gized for overstating the life- to offset critics of the presi- “i have been criticized for re- diagnosis fared better than sunday’s briefing and promot- against suggestions that the
saving benefits of treating dent’s handling of the pandem- marks i made sunday night those treated later. ed on twitter by the Fda’s com- plasma announcement was
covid-19 patients with conva- ic. about the benefits of convales- hahn and other trump ad- munication staff. the number timed to boost trump ahead of
lescent plasma. hahn had echoed trump in cent plasma. the criticism is ministration officials presented did not appear in Fda’s official the republican convention.
scientists and medical ex- saying that 35 more people out entirely justified. what i should the difference as an absolute letter justifying the emergency “the professionals and the
perts have been pushing back of 100 would survive the coro- have said better is that the data survival benefit, rather than a authorization. scientists at Fda independently
against the claims about the navirus if they were treated show a relative risk reduction relative difference between two hahn has been working to made this decision, and i com-
treatment since president with the plasma. that claim not an absolute risk reduction,” treatment groups. Former Fda bolster confidence in the agen- pletely support them,’’ hahn
trump’s announcement on vastly overstated preliminary hahn tweeted. officials said the misstatement cy’s scientific process, stating in said, appearing on “cBs this
sunday that the Fda had decid- findings of mayo clinic obser- the Fda made the decision was inexcusable, particularly interviews and articles that the morning.”
part of ‘megafire
era,’ officials say
new york times spectors can survey more
strained by hundreds of charred neighborhoods. Fire-
fires that have burned through fighters have slowly made
more than 1.4 million acres, headway against the fire, and it
california fire officials are is now 27 percent contained.
warning that the state is now in santa cruz and san ma-
living through a “megafire era” teo counties, the cZu light-
in which blazes burn for weeks ning complex has destroyed at
across vast expanses of land. least 330 buildings and burned
there are currently 625 about 78,869 acres. more than
blazes burning across the state, 25,000 structures are threat-
and they have scorched an area ened by the fire, but relatively
larger than the state of dela- calm and cool weather allowed
ware. seven deaths have been firefighters to make progress
linked to the fires, and more battling it over the weekend,
than 1,000 homes and other and it is now 17 percent con-
bui ldin gs have go ne u p in tained. chief deputy chris
flames, many of which were clark of the santa cruz county
consumed by two groups of sheriff’s office said seven peo-
fires in northern california — ple had been reported missing,
the scu lightning complex including se veral in areas
and the lnu lightning com- where the fire had burned.
plex — that are the second-larg- hess said that battling hun-
est and third-largest ever in the dreds of fires at once meant
state. fewer resources for each fire
“we are essentially living in and that residents would need
a megafire era,” said chief Jake to be patient as firefighters
david J. phillip/associated press
hess of the santa clara unit of slowly chipped away at the
cal Fire, california’s fire agen- blazes. Evacuees boarded buses Tuesday in Galveston, Texas, as Hurricane Laura headed toward the Gulf Coast.
cy. “we have folks who have “this is going to be a mara-
been working for cal Fire for
the last five years, and that’s all
thon that we’re on,” he said.
Fire season is in full effect
Hundreds of thousands ordered to flee from Gulf Coast ahead of Laura
they understand — megafires across the west, with fires new orleans — more ish in southwestern louisiana, category 3 or even higher. the to the mouth of the mississippi
— since they started.” burning in a dozen states lead- than half a million people were where forecasters said as much waters are very warm where river.
“these significant incidents ing to evacuations and un- ordered to evacuate the gulf as 13 feet of storm surge the storm is now and will be for officials urged people to
have been outpacing them- healthy air. coast on tuesday as laura topped by waves could sub- the entire path up until the stay with relatives or in hotel
selves every year,” he added. not only are states like mon- strengthened into a hurricane merge whole communities. gulf coast,” national hurri- rooms to avoid spreading the
governor gavin newsom tana, idaho, and colorado deal- that forecasters said could slam the national hurricane cane center deputy director ed virus that causes covid-19.
said the state had “deployed ev- ing with fires of their own, but texas and louisiana with fero- center projected that laura rappaport said. laura passed cuba after
ery resource at our disposal” their skies have also filled with cious winds, heavy flooding, would draw energy from warm ocean water was expected killing nearly two dozen people
and had called for help from smoke that has drifted over and the power to push sea wa- gulf waters and become a cate- to push onto land along more on the island of hispaniola, in-
firefighters in other states to from california. ter miles inland. gory 3 hurricane before mak- than 450 miles of coast from cluding 20 in haiti and three in
battle an extraordinary combi- in colorado, four major fires more than 385,000 resi- ing landfall late wednesday or texas to mississippi. hurricane the dominican republic.
nation of active fires, many of have burned nearly 200,000 dents were told to flee the tex- early thursday, with winds of warnings were issued from san marco, a system that ap-
which began after a period of acres, and poor air quality in as cities of Beaumont, galves- around 115 miles per hour. luis pass, texas, to intracoastal proached land ahead of laura,
nearly 12,000 lightning strikes denver has led health officials ton, and port arthur, and an- “the waters are warm city, la., and storm surge weakened into a remnant just
just over a week ago. at this to advise people to stay indoors other 200,000 were ordered to enough everywhere there to warnings from the port arthur, off louisiana’s shore tuesday.
time last year, only 56,000 and limit driving to reduce air leave low-lying calcasieu par- support a major hurricane, texas, flood protection system associated press
acres had burned across the pollution. an air quality alert is
state, roughly 4 percent of what in place through tuesday after-
has been torched so far this
the largest fire currently
UN rejects Iran sanctions demand Falwell Jr. confirms he has resigned
the largest group of fires, burning in the state, called the united nations — the requests from russia and chi- Jerry Falwell Jr. confirmed al scandals eroded his sup-
the scu lightning complex, pine gulch Fire, was sparked president of the un security na to disclose results of his tuesday he has resigned as port, with critics increasingly
grew to 363,772 acres and July 31 by lightning. the other council on tuesday rejected polling of the views of all 15 president of liberty universi- vocal about concerns includ-
reaches across parts of seven three major fires in the state the trump administration’s council members on the us ty, after agreeing to step down ing racism, nepotism, and cre-
counties east of silicon valley. were also ignited by lightning demand to restore all un action. monday, then briefly reversing ating a ‘‘culture of silence’’ for
it was 15 percent contained as around the same time. the sanctions on iran, a move that us secretary of state mike course, in the wake of scan- those who rejected Falwell’s
of tuesday morning. pine gulch Fire has grown into drew an angry rebuke from pompeo insisted last thursday dals involving personal con- pro-trump politics. the over-
the lnu lightning com- the second largest in the state’s the us ambassador who ac- that the united states has the duct. arching complaint was that
plex, north of san Francisco, recorded history, at 134,999 cused opponents of supporting legal right to “snap back” un Falwell’s father, Jerry Fal- Falwell had lost sight of the
grew to 352,913 acres over- acres as of tuesday morning. “terrorists.” sanctions, even though presi- well sr. was a revered evangel- school’s evangelical mission to
night monday and has de- Fire crews have made good indonesia’s ambassador to dent trump pulled out of the ical leader who helped found ‘‘train champions for christ.’’
stroyed at least 937 homes and progress on the pine gulch the united nations, dian tri- 2015 nuclear deal between the christian university in Falwell has been on paid
other buildings. Fire officials Fire, which is now 47 percent ansyah djani, whose country iran and six major powers that 1971 as a way of spreading the leave since aug. 7, after he
expect that many more homes contained and burning in a currently holds the rotating was endorsed by the un secu- evangelical message through- posted a photo on social me-
w i l l b e c o n f i r m e d t o h av e rugged, mountainous region council presidency, made the rity council. out the world. the younger dia of himself with his arm
burned as soon as damage in- north of grand Junction. announcement in response to associated press Falwell became president in around a young woman whom
2007 after his father’s death. he later identified as his wife’s
Falwell’s endorsement of assistant, with their zippers
Kremlin brushes off poisoning charge donald trump in 2016 made
national headlines because he
undone and bellies exposed.
alcohol and sexual promis-
moscow — the kremlin doctors and pro-kremlin me- was one of the first major cuity are banned for students
brushed off allegations tues- dia — came a day after doctors evangelical leaders to favor under liberty’s personal code
day that russian opposition at a german hospital where trump ahead of the gop pri- of conduct.
leader alexei navalny was the the 44-year-old is being treat- maries. But a series of person- washington post
victim of an intentional poi- ed said tests indicated he was
soning orchestrated by author- poisoned.
ities and said there were no navalny, a politician and
grounds for a criminal investi- corruption investigator who is For the record
gation so far since it hasn’t one of russian president
been fully established what vladimir putin’s fiercest crit- R Correction: Because of a reporting error, a story in tuesday’s
caused the politician to fall in- ics, fell ill on a flight back to Business section about extra unemployment benefits misstated
to a coma. moscow from siberia on one of the eligibility weeks for the $300 payment. it is the week
the russian government’s thursday and was taken to a that ended aug. 8. the globe regrets the error.
insistence that navalny wasn’t hospital in the siberian city of
Justin sullivan/getty images
necessarily the victim of a de- omsk after the plane made an The Globe welcomes information about errors that call for
The LNU Lightning Complex fire has destroyed at least 937 liberate poisoning — com- emergency landing. corrections. Information may be sent to [email protected] or
structures, including this home in Napa, Calif. ments amplified by russian associated press left in a message at 617-929-8230.
w e d n e s d a y, a u g u s t 2 6 , 2 0 2 0 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e World/Region a3
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a6 The Nation T h e B o s t o n G l o b e W e d n e s d a y, a u g u s t 2 6 , 2 0 2 0
Trump uses convention to cast himself as lifesaving hero built the mighty american mili-
tary – added new jets, aircraft
THE FACTS: that’s an exag-
By Toluse Olorunnipa the country 10 weeks before government forecasts pre- trump spoke with a group of ing the united states with the geration. his administration
Washington post election day, the president is dict that the country’s coronavi- front-line workers to thank most coronavirus deaths in the has accelerated a sharp buildup
Washington — Faced mounting an effort to change rus death toll could surpass them for their efforts in com- world — trump continued to in defense spending, including
with a pandemic that has killed americans’ minds about his 200,000 by mid-september; bating the virus. tout his own handling of the vi- a respite from what the military
more than 175,000 americans, handling of the crisis, relying schools continue to struggle ‘‘Well, i’m for the nurses, i’m rus and refer to it in the past considered to be crippling
president on his background in reality with reopening plans; the econ- for the doctors,’’ trump said. tense. he regularly made an- spending limits under budget
NEWS tr u m p u s e d television and show business to omy continues to suffer from ‘‘We just have to make this chi- nouncements of breakthrough sequestration.
ANALYSIS glitzy video and create an alternate reality that recession-level unemployment na virus go away, and it’s hap- treatments that ultimately did But a number of new penta-
misleading tes- edits out his mistakes and and desperation; a safe and ef- pening.’’ not prove effective, including gon weapons programs, such as
timonials to spin a tale of hero- zooms in on those of his oppo- fective vaccine is at least the remarks echoed com- the anti-malarial drug hydroxy- the F-35 jet, were started years
ism and resolve far removed nents. months away. ments trump has been making chloroquine and ultraviolet before the trump administra-
from the grim reality of a coun- ‘‘the rnc is taking a ‘mis- trump’s positive portrayal since January, in which he has rays. tion. and it will take years for
try in the throes of an uncon- sion accomplished’ approach this week of his pandemic re- repeatedly claimed the virus he held rallies and avoided freshly ordered tanks, planes
trolled public health crisis. to coronavirus, but the fact sponse is also undermined by was receding or under control wearing a mask at a time when and other weapons to be built,
at the republican national (trump) can’t even hold a regu- the fact that the convention is as it spread through the coun- public health experts said social delivered and put to use.
convention on monday, trump lar convention says otherwise,’’ distancing and face coverings
was hailed as a bold and lifesav- said amanda carpenter, a for- were the country’s best tools to Farming
ing leader who ‘‘was right’’ on mer aide to senator ted cruz, ‘We have it under control. It’s going to contain the virus. CRIS PETERSON: the dairy
the coronavirus while demo- republican of texas. she is a in the video that aired at the farmer from Wisconsin said:
crats, doctors, and pundits trump critic who wrote a book be just fine.’ convention monday, trump “our entire economy and dairy
were wrong from the begin- titled ‘‘gaslighting america: donald trump, speaking about the coronavirus in January was praised for instituting trav- farming are once again roaring
ning. one campaign-style video Why We love it When trump el restrictions on china and back. one person deserves the
that aired during the conven- lies to us.’’ ‘‘american life as we leading an effort to quickly pro- credit and our vote, president
tion hailed trump as the ‘‘one know it has been shut down duce personal protective equip- donald J. trump.”
leader’’ who stood up to the vi- since last march because of his mostly virtual. trump plans to try. ment and a vaccine. THE FACTS: not everyone in
rus while quoting democratic magical and paranoid style of have a large crowd at the White ‘‘We have it totally under ‘‘From the very beginning, the dairy industry views it as
figures who downplayed the se- thinking, campaigning, and house to watch his speech from control,’’ trump said in January democrats, the media, and the booming, especially as larger
verity of the virus in its early governing.’’ the south lawn on thursday. when asked by a cnBc host if World health organization got operations are putting smaller
stages. While trump has touted his a Washington post-aBc he worried about a pandemic. coronavirus wrong,’’ the narra- family farms out of business.
it’s a revisionist version of coronavirus response with mis- news poll this month found ‘‘it’s one person coming in from tor says in the video. the agriculture department
recent history belied by hours leading videos, charts, and that nearly two-thirds of regis- china, and we have it under democrats said monday’s reported this summer that
of videotape in which the presi- quotes during news briefings tered voters say they are wor- control. it’s going to be just program was proof that the “dairy herds fell by more than
dent played down the threat of and in campaign ads, the re- ried that they or their families fine.’’ president continued to lack a half between 2002 and 2019,
the virus for months, falsely publican national convention might contract the coronavirus, a month later, he praised his coherent plan to solve the coun- with an accelerating rate of de-
predicted that it would ‘‘disap- gives him a platform unique in and half of republicans ex- administration for ‘‘a pretty try’s topmost problem. cline in 2018 and 2019, even as
pear’’ with warmer weather, its scope and reach. pressed that concern. many of good job we’ve done,’’ predict- ‘‘the truth is that his failed milk production continued to
promoted several unproven it’s perhaps trump’s last those voters plan to vote for ing that the number of con- leadership has needlessly cost grow.”
miracle cures, pushed states to best chance to present an unfil- democrat Joe Biden. firmed cases in the country over 177,000 americans their part of the problem is that
reopen before meeting govern- tered affirmative case for a sec- much of monday’s conven- would soon decline to zero. the lives, tens of millions of ameri- smaller farms face higher pro-
ment benchmarks, equivocated ond term in a race where a ma- tion program tried to appeal to next day he declared ‘‘one day cans their jobs, and left the duction costs. Farms with more
on mask-wearing, defied social jority of voters disapprove of his such concerned voters by tell- — it’s like a miracle — it will dis- united states the hardest hit than 2,000 cattle are more like-
distancing guidelines, and re- handling of a pandemic that ing them not to worry about the appear.’’ country by the pandemic in the ly for their sales to exceed their
peatedly told americans that has ravaged the economy and president’s efforts. as cases surged by the thou- whole world,’’ Biden deputy total costs, while smaller farms
everything was under control. upended americans’ lives. during one of his appear- sands in the spring and campaign manager Kate Bed- are more likely to operate at a
With the pandemic ravaging it may be a difficult task. ances in monday’s program, throughout the summer — leav- ingfield said in a statement. loss by this metric.
W e d n e s d a y, a u g u s t 2 6 , 2 0 2 0 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e a7
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a8 The Region T h e B o s t o n G l o b e w e d n e s d a y, a u g u s t 2 6 , 2 0 2 0
Rollins plans shift away from high bail after high-profile release
uBAIL is wrong and illegal. relying on fendants be declared danger-
Continued from Page A1 high bail perpetuates a two- ous, but she said there are risks.
group called the massachusetts tiered system of injustice where Holding a hearing early in a
Bail fund came up with the low-income people remain in case could jeopardize an ongo-
$50,000 bail. in July, Price was jail, while the wealthy — includ- ing investigation by revealing
set free until his trial, much to ing those accused of reprehen- details of the prosecution case
rollins’s dismay. sible crimes — go free.” to the defense, she said. and al-
now, rollins is changing her with the exceptions of pros- though victims are not legally
office’s approach to defendants ecutors in essex and Bristol required to attend dangerous-
that prosecutors believe are too counties, most massachusetts ness hearings, judges or de-
dangerous to be free while they das generally have not consis- fense lawyers often request
await trial. as the financially tently asked for dangerousness their testimony, which can be
flush Bail fund increasingly hearings, statewide data show. traumatic for them.
pays to free people facing high Bail is fundamental to the “i absolutely support efforts
bail, rollins said her office will criminal justice system, giving to eliminate the disparities in
more frequently ask a judge to people who’ve been arrested an our criminal legal systems —
hold a special hearing to deter- opportunity to be released from and there have been stark dis-
mine wh e ther de fendants jail as long as they pay, at least parities in the use of pretrial de-
charged with certain violent until trial. Judges are supposed DA Rachael Rollins and Police Commissioner William Gross stood at the Dudley Square tention,” rollins said. “But i al-
crimes are too dangerous for re- to set bail that is high enough to crime scene where Dashawn Price allegedly shot and nearly killed a man in August 2019. so recognize that we, as the
lease. ensure the defendant will re- prosecution, must do better in
“as a candidate for da, i fre- turn to court rather than risk perior court cases covered by Bail fund has been a game lambasted the fund for putting moving for dangerousness if we
quently heard that suffolk losing the money. the law, a rate six times higher changer in law enforcement cir- mcClinton back on the street. believe the individual before us
County, unlike other da offices, the judge may consider an than in suffolk. cles as its resources have grown. “it’s a direct smack in the poses a danger.”
rarely utilized dangerousness array of factors, from the defen- essex district attorney Jon- as recently as January, the non- face of the citizens who are do- Bristol district attorney
hearings and instead reverted dant’s family ties and employ- athan Blodgett said his office is profit group was posting bails ing their part and coming for- thomas m. Quinn iii, whose
to requesting bails,” she said in ment to the seriousness of the sometimes criticized for at- of up to only $500, but months ward to make sure their chil- office regularly requests dan-
a statement. “Having been da alleged crime to the defendant’s tempting to hold too many de- of protests over alleged police dren are safe,” said gross. gerousness hearings, said the
for the past 19 months, i can criminal record. But the judge fendants without bail. abuses, as well as concerns for rollins was not district at- hearings are more fair than the
say with certainty, that is accu- is not supposed to base a deci- “our decisions are fact-driv- prisoners during the CoVid torney when a judge set a “arbitrary and outdated prac-
rate. i will absolutely be revisit- sion on whether the defendant en and we look at every case in- pandemic, has brought a flood $15,000 bail for mcClinton, tice” of setting bail.
ing this past practice.” is dangerous to the public. dividually,” said Blodgett. “in of donations that allowed the and she expressed outrage “this approach will promote
worcester district attorney for that, prosecutors are the majority of the petitions we fund to expand its work. when the Bail fund set him more fairness in the criminal
Joseph early said his office, too, supposed to request a special file, the judge finds that we have “Pretrial detention, in all free. in a statement, she called justice system while also pro-
will now request more danger- hearing for the judge to evalu- provided clear and convincing forms, is harmful and racist,” the Bail fund’s willingness to tecting the public from danger-
ousness hearings for defen- ate whether a defendant can be evidence that the person is a said massachusetts Bail fund free mcClinton “the act of a ous individuals,” Quinn said.
dants considered public safety safely released. the judge can danger to the community. board member Jessica thrall coward.” But suffolk law school pro-
threats. then order the defendant held “my job is to speak for and on monday. “Public resources “i would have so much more fessor rosanna Cavallero cau-
Civil rights advocates have without bail for up to 180 days represent victims of crime and should be used to dismantle in- respect for the Bail fund if they tioned that dangerousness
long argued that setting high in superior court or 120 days in i’m unapologetic for that.” carceration and other systems had bailed him out and then let hearings should be reserved for
bail to keep dangerous people district court. former suffolk prosecutors of harm and invest in commu- him stay in one of their homes.” only the most extreme cases.
locked up is not only unfair to But, in practice, such hear- said they did nothing wrong in nity-led safety. " Bail fund supporters say the ”everybody is entitled to bail
people without money, it’s also ings happen infrequently. a requesting cash bail instead of However, the organization suffolk da’s office had itself to except the very few people that
illegal. the legal purpose of globe review of dangerousness seeking dangerousness hear- caused controversy as it bailed blame: if prosecutors thought we can make a preliminary
bail, they point out, is to ensure hearings in suffolk County this ings. they said they asked for out many defendants accused mcClinton was too dangerous finding at a very high bar that
that defendants show up in year shows that prosecutors re- appropriate bail in serious cas- of serious crimes, especially in to be released, they should have they really pose a danger of vio-
court, not to punish them. quested them in only about 10 es and the defendants were suffolk County. one of them, asked a judge to declare him lence,” Cavallero said, adding
“we have seen prosecutors percent of the superior court held. they didn’t anticipate shawn mcClinton, a level three dangerous instead of agreeing that if prosecutors sought to
improperly rely on high bail in- cases where the crime was seri- that the Bail fund would at- sex offender with two convic- to bail. even when mcClinton hold everyone charged with a
stead of going through the ap- ous enough for prosecutors to tempt to free people regardless tions and another open case, was rearrested, records show serious crime “the courts would
propriate legal channels includ- have the option. of their records or the charges was arrested again in July and rollins’s prosecutors did not close. we can’t have dangerous-
ing dangerousness proceed- By contrast, essex County they face — and also have the acc used of raping another ask that mcClinton be held as ness hearings for all of them.”
ings,” said ivan espinoza- prosecutors asked to have de- resources to pay bail as high as woman. dangerous.
madrigal, executive director of fendants held without bail in $85,000. Boston Police Commissioner rollins said she will now Andrea Estes can be reached at
lawyers for Civil rights. “this more than 60 percent of the su- indeed, the massachusetts william gross as well as rollins consider asking that more de- [email protected].
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In America,
let it be known that he hadn’t even can primary voters.” during the
read the gOP platform. and when gOP convention’s roll call of the
Mitt Romney disagreed with the states on Monday, Montana’s Re-
abortion plank in the 2012 plat- publican chairman dubbed his
Platforms may be useful docu- trump family.
fter the gruesome murder of her only child, Mamie Black people are three times more likely than whites to be ments for historians tracing a par- to be fair, the Republican and
till-Mobley sought a salve for her suffering, a small killed by police. ty’s ideological shifts over time, but democratic parties have routinely
comfort for Black people knotted with grief. “I till was not killed by police. yet his death resulted from in electoral terms, they stopped associated themselves with their
don’t want his death to be [an in] vain thing,” she the same racist terrorism that still drives brutality by law en- mattering decades ago. presidential nominees, and it is
said. “If it can further the cause of freedom, I forcement. and the circumstances of his death prevent him In a resolution normal for presi-
will say that he died a hero.” from being consigned, nameless and forgotten, to history or adopted sunday, the dents to leave their
What happened to her son, emmett till, should have per- memory. Whether as a smiling, sweet-faced boy or the horri- Republican nation- Republicans stamp on their par-
manently altered this nation’s dna. It should bly disfigured corpse in an open casket (his moth- al Committee said ty’s philosophical
have stripped out the embedded threads of white er “wanted the world to see what they did to my there would be no will stand for creed. Ronald Rea-
supremacy that led two white men to kidnap, ‘I will say he baby”) he is an evergreen emblem of this nation’s new platform be- whatever gan’s muscular in-
torture, and murder that 14-year-old Chicago boy
who was visiting relatives in Mississippi. His re-
died a hero.’ unresolved racist transgressions. From trayvon
Martin and tamir Rice to ahmaud arbery to Bre-
cause coronavirus
pandemic-related Trump stands
ternationalism and
free-market opti-
mains, battered beyond recognition, were found
a week later in the tallahatchie River, a 75-pound
onna taylor, till’s name still resonates — and not
only because his killers who, after their sham tri-
restrictions made it
too difficult to bring
for. mism shaped the
gOP’s idea of itself
fan lashed to his body with barbed wire. al, confessed in a paid magazine interview. their delegates together in the 1980s, so it
Murdered 65 years ago this week, till should have been acquittal, and every similar injustice since, indicts this nation. to draft one. If only was only to be ex-
this nation’s last martyr for racial justice, its last hero for free- three months ago this week, george Floyd was killed by a the party had left it pected that trump’s
dom. He is not, because this nation remains too comfortable Minneapolis police officer who planted his knee on Floyd’s at that. populist nationalism and hostility
with the Black trauma that yields too many emmett tills. neck and choked the life out of him. In death, Floyd has been But the resolution didn’t stop to free trade would influence the
On sunday and in front of his children, Jacob Blake was compared to till, the latter’s name often seen on handmade there. It went on to dismiss plat- meaning of Republicanism in this
shot seven times in the back by police in Kenosha, Wis. some- signs at nationwide protests this summer against police vio- forms as cynical documents that decade. But there is nothing rou-
how Blake survived and remains in serious condition. His fa- lence and systemic racism. those protests have continued, in- shouldn’t be taken seriously any- tine about a party’s national com-
ther says Blake is, for now, cluding in Louisville, Ky., way. “Parties abide by their policy mittee openly and proudly an-
paralyzed from the waist where the three officers who priorities,” the resolution declared, nouncing that it exists for no pur-
down. Protesters took to the shot taylor to death in her “rather than their political rheto- pose other than supporting the
streets demanding justice that apartment in March have yet ric.” yet rather than list even a few president and his agenda, whatev-
they already know is usually to be charged in her killing. of the gOP’s 2020 policy priorities, er that agenda turns out to be.
delayed and often denied every time a Black person party leaders summarized their unquestioning support for the
for Black people. is killed by police or someone outlook in a single principle: supreme leader is not a democrat-
two days earlier in who believes white supremacy “the RnC enthusiastically ic value, as Republicans empha-
Lafayette, La., police gives them the right to mete supports President trump. . . . the sized just four years ago. In its
killed trayford Peller- out what they perceive as jus- Republican Party has and will 2016 platform, the Republican
in. He was reportedly tice against Black lives, the continue to enthusiastically national Committee blasted Ba-
holding a knife, but debt owed, the rage incurred, support the President’s america- rack Obama and the democrats
video shows that Pellerin the chasm between democra- first agenda . . . [and] calls on the for having “changed what John
was well ahead of police aP
cy imagined and democracy media to engage in accurate and adams called ‘a government of
and walking away from them Mamie Till-Mobley weeps at her son’s funeral, achieved, grows deeper. With unbiased reporting, especially as it laws and not of men’ into just the
when officers shot him to in Chicago, September 1955. The mother of Emmett racism, what happened to till relates to the strong support of the opposite.” this year there is no
death. Till (inset) insisted that her son’s body be displayed 65 summers ago in Mississip- RnC for President trump and his platform. there is only a resolu-
and these are the assaults in an open casket, forcing the nation to see the pi feels like today. administration.” tion “enthusiastically” and “unani-
and killings we’ve heard about, brutality directed at Black people. so much for the oversold this is a remarkable and dis- mously” endorsing whatever
the ones with widely circulated “reckoning” that was sup- turbing document. trump wants. What would John
videos that provide both eyewitness footage and psychologi- posed to jolt this nation into demolishing racist systems and the transformation of the adams have called that?
cal horror for Black people as they replay relentlessly on so- institutions designed to work against and endanger Black Republican Party into a vehicle
cial media and tV news shows. people. But hey, all is not lost. at least we have the facile per- propelled above all by loyalty to Jeff Jacoby can be reached at
according to the american Civil Liberties union, fatal kill- formative activism of Black Lives Matter murals and the can- donald trump has been obvious [email protected]. Follow him
ings by police remain at the same level this year as they have cellation of aunt Jemima and uncle Ben, right? since the 2016 election. But for a on Twitter @jeff_jacoby. To
during comparable periods dating back to 2015. From Janu- party to eschew the adoption of a subscribe to Arguable, his weekly
ary through aug. 22, police have killed 751 people in 253 days Renée Graham can be reached at [email protected]. platform in order to proclaim its newsletter, visit
in statistics tracked by the group Mapping Police Violence. Follow her on Twitter @reneeygraham. fealty to one man is something Arguable.
W e d n e s d a y, a u g u s t 2 6 , 2 0 2 0 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e opinion a11
The Republican National Convention’s on how to make remote instruction work better.
unions are among the lead advocates for funding need-
ed to make pandemic learning work. unions bargain for
journey into alternate realities the common good, pushing districts and the state to pro-
vide digital devices and internet hot spots to all students
and staff who need them. With that said, no one should be
looking at a screen all day, especially young children. that’s
ity the republican national ings of 26-year-old true believer charlie socialism or, worse, communism, to why educator unions advocate that remote curriculum in-
convention message-makers for kirk, the “defender of Western civilization,” america. that’s almost too foolish to merit clude hands-on projects, reading and talking about books,
the sheer magnitude of their while the election of 2020 presents a choice refutation. biden, after all, has been around exercise, play, and the arts.
challenge. inventing one between “preserving america as we know it as long as, and is as comfortable as, an old the health and safety of students, staff, and families is
alternate reality is difficult and eliminating everything that we love.” slipper. but consider: to the chagrin of the our highest priority. Quality remote learning and eventual
enough; producing two is the stuff of myth- republican praise of trump is by progressives, the democrats’ center-left phased reentry decisions based on science are essential to
making merlins. necessity laden with nostalgia. the nominee doesn’t even support single-payer keeping everyone safe.
and credit them for having gone dogged- incumbent, after all, is running for health care. Which is to say, a strange Jessica gold boots
ly about their task. the production values of reelection in a time when the coronavirus socialist, he. Everett
their video offerings are sharp and crisp. pandemic he didn’t take with sufficient of course, if one is disinclined to think
but alas for the president and his narra- seriousness has brought the portcullis there’s a marxist hiding behind every red The writer teaches English-language learners in the
tive-weavers, every campaign ultimately be- clanging down on the robust economy that maple, there were other threats on offer: Malden Public Schools and is a member of the Massachu-
comes a referendum on the incumbent — had been his best hope for reelection. discord. Violence. change. setts Teachers Association board of directors, representing
and one simply can’t square that political With unemployment electing the region 21-G.
circle in a plausibly positive way. not in the now above 10 percent, democrats, warned the
real world, anyway. and so the mostly virtu- trump’s gop is left to The GOP is a gun-toting republican
al republican national convention that
opened monday has taken refuge in twin
recall the pre-pandemic
joblessness rate. always
political cult caricatures that are mark
and patricia mccloskey of
Leadership vacuum has come
from state, school leaders
fantasies, its dual message this: ignore the left unsaid in those roseate centered around st. louis, would mean
chaos president trump’s incompetence has recollections is that that opening the suburbs to in her article about teachers unions, bianca Vázquez ton-
wrought — but beware the dystopia demo- rate, 3.5 percent, is down Trump. “crime, lawlessness, and ess writes, “this summer, school and state leaders took a
cratic challenger Joe biden might bring. only 1.2 percentage points low-quality apartments.” wait-and-see approach.” What they didn’t do is lead, for ex-
normally, in a year that has been a from the 4.7 percent democrat barack imagine: rentals without granite ample, by modernizing air filtration systems or procuring
disaster for the incumbent party, some obama handed his gop successor. but even countertops and with home depot shields to be mounted on desks.
members might endeavor to swim free of trump’s hugely over-hyped economic carpeting rather than glossy wood floors! teachers are not to blame for the mess we’re in. state
the deadly suck-down of the sinking ship. sandcastle is now gone, washed away by his and just who do you think would rent those and school leaders (“management”) gave guidance that
but, with the exception of senator tim scott waves of coronavirus incompetence: apartments, mr. and mrs. White suburban changed with the wind in the spring, but ultimately their
of south carolina, few even tried. repeatedly ignored warnings, an abdication america? hint: it won’t be people like you. decisions dictated the number of hours required of stu-
instead, the gop has declared by word of national leadership, the politicization of and that, so far, is what the gop has put dents and teachers, when it would be appropriate to in-
and deed that it is no longer a political party mask-wearing, and a premature push for on offer in 2020. not a vision, but nostalgia crease the level of challenge in instruction, and how grad-
organized around a set of principles, but reopening. and nightmare. it’s been a long time since ing would be approached. teachers were then tasked with
rather a political cult centered on trump. trump’s team did its best to replace that the gop could accurately claim to be a party making sense of it all. now those same teachers are being
an irony-impaired political cult. said the truth with the kind of man-of-the-moment of ideas rather than orthodoxies. still, this bad-mouthed for a disappointing remote learning trial ex-
republican party chairwoman, ronna mythology this president believes about convention signifies a new phase in its perience and for having the audacity to stand up for the
mcdaniel, of last week’s democratic himself. most americans, however, know devolution. recognize it for what it is: a health of their students, students’ families, and themselves.
convention: “We heard very little about the truth and aren’t inclined to will away trump-delivered death blow to the last most teachers do not believe that the management of
their actual policies.” this from the chief of reality. thus the gop’s warning about the lingering aspects of intelligent national their building will provide for a safe environment. the
a party that didn’t even adopt a platform consequences of electing the democratic republicanism. leaders say they know better. i have a sinking feeling that
this year, but rather declared its objective ticket. we’ll have to wait and see who’s right.
was “to enthusiastically support the one of the principal examples of that Scot Lehigh is a Globe columnist. He can andy frankenfield
president’s america-first agenda.” fear-mongering was that biden and running be reached at [email protected]. Follow Sherborn
after all, trump is, in the fervid imagin- mate senator kamala harris will bring him on Twitter @GlobeScotLehigh.
The writer recently retired after more than 20 years of
teaching in a public school.
abcde Fou n de d 1 87 2
senior deputy managing editor
mark s. morrow
Saving The
Economy: What
Would Keynes Do?
Globe political columnist Scot Lehigh speaks with Zachary D. Carter, author of a best-selling biography
of John Maynard Keynes, economist who transformed the way governments respond to recessions.
The two will speak about why Keynesian remedies to stimulate demand are back on the policy-making
table now that the coronavirus pandemic has sent economies around the globe reeling.
2:30 — 3:15 P.M.
Metro B
Obituaries B7
ComfortZone B8
t H e B o s t o n g L o B e W e d n e s day, au g us t 2 6 , 2 0 2 0 | B o s t o n g L o B e .C o M / M e t r o
Adrian Walker
Soldier from Brockton reportedly found dead
Senate race By Tonya Alanez
globe staff
Mother had traveled to Fort Hood after he texas last week out of concern for
her son, she was in the dark about so
reported sexual abuse, then went missing
down to wire
the family of sergeant elder fer- much.
nandes learned late tuesday night the brockton mother did not
that the young soldier’s body had found nearby, said natalie Khawam, times. We are heartbroken for elder know he had reported a sexual as-
been found hanging from a tree the family’s lawyer. fernandes’s family,” Khawam said in sault by a superior officer or that he
Massachusetts has seen about 25 miles from fort hood, from fernandes’s mother and aunt, a statement to the globe late tues- had since been traumatized and ha-
close us senate races, which he disappeared more than a who had traveled to texas to look for day night. rassed and grown suicidal. she did
not-so-close races, even week ago, the family’s lawyer said. him, were en route to the city south “We will not stop until we find not know he had been reassigned to
the rare major upset. a person walking near a railroad of fort hood, Khawam said. out what happened to elder. We a new unit within his brigade for his
but there is no recent track in temple, texas, spotted el- “our worst nightmare has hap- must demand a Congressional inves- safety.
parallel to the roll in the der’s body about 5:40 p.m. Central pened. one of our own, sergeant el- tigation of ft. hood. We must pro- she knew her son had been hospi-
mud that is Kennedy- time. investigators knew it was him der fernandes has been found dead tect our soldiers! We demand Justice talized since aug. 11, but she didn’t
Markey. because a black backpack holding today. We are sickened by this trage- for elder!” the statement said know why. her son had been cryptic
from the outset, Con- the sergeant’s driver license was dy that has happened one too many When ailina fernandes flew to SOLDIER, Page B4
gressman Joseph P. Kennedy iii has
been beset by charges that his primary
run against senator edward Markey was
a vanity campaign, pitting two politi-
cians with very few substantive differ-
yet it may be all that common ground
between them that accounts for the in-
creasingly personal tone of the cam-
paign. in lieu of closing arguments, vot-
ers are instead being subjected to a
steady diet of attacks, with Kennedy cari-
catured as a fake progressive.
“i don’t know how it can both be true
that there is no difference, and that if i
win the future of the world is in jeopar-
dy,” Kennedy told me tuesday.
early on, Markey secured the support
of a lot of the state’s political establish-
ment —which, not for the first time, re-
coiled at the notion of an intraparty skir-
to that he added the support of pro-
gressives who saluted his longstanding
support of climate change legislation
and his co-sponsorship of the green new
Deal. if you have access to a television,
you know all about this, courtesy of his
new bff, representative alexandria oc-
yet, this race feels as though it is
headed right down to the wire. that’s
not surprising to me, because Kennedy
has quietly laid the groundwork for his
race for years.
not by being born into america’s
most storied (and star-crossed) political
family, the inheritor of a century of
know-how and good will. no, Kennedy
has built it over his four terms in politi-
cal office, by showing up at times that
other politicians don’t.
Jonathan Wiggs/globe staff
“People deserve to have representa-
tion that’s going to fight for them,” Ken-
nedy said. “nobody in lawrence asks me
why i’m running. nobody in springfield the early vote Madelyn langlois prepared to cast her ballot tuesday for the sept. 1 primary
during early voting in brighton at the honan-allston branch library.
asks me why i’m running.”
More sex charges against former police officer medical emergency at the station around 9 a.m., according to a
tweet from the Mbta. the woman had not been struck by a
train, said brian alkins, a boston fire department spokesman.
By Travis Andersen rose’s lawyer did not return Judge kathleen coffey in- and battery on a child under 14. firefighters put the woman onto a basket and then a skid to
globe staff voice and e-mail messages seek- creased rose’s bail to $270,000, a not guilty plea was entered on drag her out of from underneath the platform. the rescue last-
and Jeremy C. Fox ing comment. the da’s office said. previous re- his behalf. ed about 20 minutes, alkins said. “it was a small space and we
globe correspondent one of the new cases oc- strictions on his release remain prosecutors said during the had to wait for the power to be shut off before we went down
a former head of boston’s c urred within the last two in place, including require- aug. 13 hearing that an alleged there,” he said. the woman was taken to the hospital with mi-
largest police union, already years, and the other three date ments that rose stay away from victim had come forward earli- nor injuries, Mbta spokesman Joe pesaturo said. transit police
charged with sexually assault- back to the 1990s, the district the alleged victims; avoid unsu- er this month to report that detectives are investigating.
ing a young girl, was arraigned attorney’s office said. pervised contact with children rose began abusing her when
tuesday on 16 additional sex of- rollins called rose’s alleged under 16; surrender his pass- she was about 7 and continued newton
fenses related to four new al-
leged victims, according to
behavior “unconscionable.”
“there is nothing more hor-
port, guns, and gun license; and
wear a gps monitor, according
until she was about 12.
the child and her father
School board to vote on revised opening
prosecutors and court filings. rible and depraved than sexual- to prosecutors. went to boston police aug. 2, the city’s two public high schools could shift to an all-remote
patrick M. rose, 66, was ar- ly abusing a child, and in this rollins asked that anyone according to a police report. program this fall, while middle and elementary school students
raigned tuesday in the West case it is made even more un- with information that could aid could participate in either part-time in-person learning, or at-
roxbury division of boston Mu- fathomable that the defendant the investigation contact the Tonya Alanez of the Globe Staff home instruction, according to a revised reopening proposal
nicipal court on 11 counts of is a former member of law en- suffolk county state police de- contributed to this report. presented to the city’s school committee tuesday. the school
rape of a child and five counts of forcement,” rollins said in the tectives unit at 617-727-8817. Travis Andersen can be reached committee is due to vote Wednesday at 7 p.m. on the plan,
indecent assault and battery on statement. “He actually swore rose, a retired police officer, at [email protected]. which would replace one approved earlier this month. that
a child under 14, the office of an oath to protect victims from was arraigned aug. 13 in the Follow him on Twitter plan would have allowed parents of students in all grades to
suffolk district attorney ra- harm, instead he was preying same courthouse on nine @TAGlobe. Jeremy C. Fox can choose a hybrid plan or remote learning instruction. but that
chael rollins said in a statement. on and harming our most vul- counts including one count of be reached at plan was widely criticized by the city’s teachers union, as well
a not guilty plea was en- nerable and innocent, young aggravated rape of a child and Follow him on as some parents and students. under the new reopening pro-
tered on his behalf. children.” five counts of indecent assault Twitter @jeremycfox. posal, high school students would participate in distance learn-
ing when school resumes sept. 16 and continue that way for
the foreseeable future, superintendent david fleishman said.
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campaign 2020
Tufts dental school lays off staff, cuts program Human services director ro-
berto santamaria said Monday.
santamaria confirmed the
just over 6,000 since mid-
March, according to the hospi-
tal’s website. the island cur-
uTUFTS glass barriers, significant cases in a video address posted rently has about nine active
Continued from Page B1 changes to the heating and air- to his agency’s twitter feed. He covid-19 cases, santamaria
but a significant deficit re- conditioning systems, more encouraged attendees to get said tuesday by phone.
mained, requiring tuesday’s protective gear, and other safe- tested as soon as possible and and nantucket remains in
further cuts. ty measures to curb the spread said contact tracing is under- the lowest risk pool in Massa-
“although it managed to of the coronavirus, tufts offi- way. chusetts for covid-19 trans-
maintain emergency care for its cials said. “this irresponsible behavior mission, according to the most
clients — and indeed was the the dental school decided to threatens the safety our island recent weekly public health re-
only dental school in the boston suspend at least for one year has enjoyed for the past six port the state dpH released
area to do so — the loss of reve- certain programs, such as the months,” santamaria said. Wednesday.
nue from the clinics has been community clinics for at-risk He urged residents to con- but the island, a popular
substantial,” nadine aubry, students, because it anticipated tinue following safety protocols summer tourist hub, has had
tufts provost, and Mike How- that with some schools closed, such as hand washing, face cov- prior issues with gatherings
ard, the university’s executive it would be difficult to see the erings, and physical distancing, this season amid the pandemic.
anna Miller/tufts university
vice president, said in an e-mail young patients. and cautioned against large in response, town officials
to staff. The cuts announced by Tufts University are limited to its tufts, however, will keep the gatherings. last month voted during a joint
the cuts are limited to the dental school, which is in Boston. boston-based Josiah Quincy “We are all vulnerable to this m e e t i n g o f t h e na n t u c ke t
dental school, tufts officials said. community hygiene program in virus,” he said. “now is not the board of Health and board of
colleges in Massachusetts employees as part of its plan to karimbux, in a message to the chinatown open. time to let our guard down.” selectmen to mandate that bars
and across the country have close a $96 million budget gap. school’s staff. “our priority throughout He also noted that the island and restaurants close at mid-
been cutting staff and faculty springfield technical commu- “We were forced by the pan- this process has been maintain- is entering a more concerning night, with an 11:30 p.m. last
this past summer. More layoffs nity college is eliminating sev- demic to close our clinics, with ing the quality of our core edu- time as the summer winds call for alcohol. the order did
are likely as a clearer picture en entire programs, including the exception of emergency cation, clinical, and research down. during the fall and win- not apply to restaurants that
emerges of how many students biomedical engineering tech- care; to move some of our in- missions,” karimbux said. “We ter months, he said, “as we hud- don’t serve adult beverages.
enroll in classes this fall, and nology. the university of Mas- struction to an online educa- are confident that the educa- dle indoors and come closer to- santamaria had said during
how much room and board rev- sachusetts boston informed as tional model; and to ramp tion and care we provide, and gether the risk for transmission the joint meeting that many vis-
enue institutions will lose be- many as 325 lecturers that their down our research,” karimbux the research we conduct, will increases.” itors had been seen leaving res-
cause they have been forced to contracts for the fall may not be said. “We all have worked to continue to be of the highest santamaria stressed that re- taurants inebriated after clos-
teach online instead of bringing renewed and furloughed about make sense of and adapt to a quality.” specting the virus is potentially ing, often without masks or not
undergraduates to campus. 50 staff and 30 administrators. ne w understanding of our a matter of life and death. observing social distancing.
in recent months, boston dentistry in particular has world.” Deirdre Fernandes can be “these precautions will help
university announced plans to been hard hit by the pandemic, Meanwhile, the school also reached at prevent that transmission,” he Travis Andersen can be reached
lay off or furlough about 250 said the school’s dean nadeem had to spend money on plexi- [email protected]. said. “please do your part, be- at [email protected].
CONNELL, Dorothy F. GIBLIN, Virginia “Ginny” GREGORIO, Henry HICKEY, Reverend Daniel
(Kerrigan) (Howe) Joseph
HICKEY, Reverend Daniel Joseph LePORE, Ralph
HICKEY, Reverend Daniel Joseph
McMAHON R.N., Rosemary (Keefe)
O’DONNELL, Mary E. (Kremmell) McLEAN, Arlene M. (Perrella)
O’DONNELL, Mary E. (Kremmell)
GIBLIN, Virginia (Howe)
LeBLANC, Eleanor M. (Taranto) RANDOLPH
McGUIGGIN, Theresa A. GOON, Helene (Chin)
GRIFFIN, Linda M. (Stewart) READING
PALOMBA, Joseph SENIER, Phyllis S. Age 86, died on Sunday, August 16,
SENIER, Phyllis S. REVERE 2020. Born in Wakefield on June 5,
Of Roslindale, formerly of Jamaica Age 94, of Quincy, died peacefully 1934, he was the son of the late Angelo HICKEY, Reverend Daniel J. of Boston,
McMAHON R.N., Rosemary (Keefe) Plain, passed away on August 23, August 23, 2020 at her granddaughter’s and Marie Gregorio. formerly of Arlington and Malden,
SMITH, Veronica C. (McLAUGHLIN) 2020. Beloved wife of the late Michael home in Lowell. Ginny was raised in Henry, former President of A.M. passed away peacefully on August 23,
VANDERPOOL, Irma CONNELL, Dorothy F. (Kerrigan)
J. Connell Jr. Loving mother of James Dorchester by her parents Thomas Gregorio & Sons, Inc., was known in 2020. Beloved son of the late Daniel
LYNCH, Karen M. (Carson)
CHELSEA Connell of Norwood, Leo Connell of A. Howe and Mary (Fife) Howe. She the Wakefield and Stoneham area as a and Julia Hickey. Loving brother
GOON, Helene (Chin) SEEKONK
Roslindale, Jane Bielenda and her graduated from Dorchester HS in 1944 builder of quality custom homes. Henry of the late John Hickey. Daniel was
O’DONNELL, Mary E. (Kremmell)
DORCHESTER husband, Thomas, of West Roxbury and where she was senior class secretary. was also an accomplished trumpet a Lieutenant Commander in the
LYNCH, Sister Mary T., S.F.C.C. SOMERVILLE the late Joseph Connell. Sister of the Upon graduating, she worked as a player for several big bands. He was a U.S. Navy during the Vietnam War.
DRACUT PUCCIO, Giovanni late William Kerrigan, Mary Reardon stenographer at the Boston Edison Graduate of Matignon High School.
graduate of Wakefield High School and
McGUIGGIN, Theresa A. SOUTH BOSTON Hopkins and her twin sister, Edith Company. She was married to Edward of Wentworth Institute. Father Hickey was the Pastor of Sacred
EASTON LYNCH, Sister Mary T., S.F.C.C. Beck. Mother-in-law of Judy Connell of “Rock” Giblin for 55 years and moved He is survived by his wife, Janet Hearts Church in Malden for of 25
McGUIGGIN, Theresa A. STONEHAM Randolph. Grandmother of Stephanie, to Quincy later in life. R. (Zaccone) Gregorio, his son Paul years. Prior to Sacred Hearts Church,
EVERETT GOFFREDO, Joseph J. David, Jeremiah and Danielle. Great- Coming from a big family of 13, Gin- Gregorio, his daughter Renée Gregorio, he served at Sacred Heart Middleboro,
GOFFREDO, Joseph J. GREGORIO, Henry grandmother of Erik, Josiah, Declan, ny was the youngest of 11 brothers and and many nieces and nephews. Saint Brigid Church Maynard, Saint
LePORE, Ralph SUDBURY Ohana, Caden and Josephine. While sisters. Everyone loved Ginny’s warmth Funeral services will be private. Joseph Church, Needham, Chaplain
McLEAN, Arlene M. (Perrella) QUINN, Francis J. respecting social distancing guidelines, and the comfort her kind spirit gave to in U.S. Navy, Sacred Heart Church,
FALMOUTH WAKEFIELD a Funeral Mass will be celebrated others. She was a devoted member of Lynn, Saint Charles Church, Woburn,
WAXMAN, Arthur S. GREGORIO, Henry at St. John Chrysostom Church, St. John the Baptist church in Quincy, Saint John’s Church, Cambridge, and
GROTON SENIER, Phyllis S. 4750 Washington St., West Roxbury, MA and would say the rosary every day. a resident in Regina Cleri Residence
STRUDAS, Bonnie (Corradini)
WALTHAM on Thursday, August 27 at 11 a.m. She enjoyed her family, friends, bingo, GRIFFIN, Linda M. (Stewart) in Boston. Relatives and friends are
GROVELAND LeBLANC, Eleanor M. (Taranto) Relatives and friends are invited and and big band music. Ginny will be invited to a visitation in his beloved
Of Cambridge, August 21, 2020.
McLEAN, Arlene M. (Perrella) may visit with her family at the church dearly missed by all. Sacred Hearts Church, Malden on
WATERTOWN Beloved wife of Thomas E. Griffin, Jr.
HYDE PARK from 10 a.m. until 11 a.m. prior to the Ginny had three children, a son Friday from 9-11 a.m. Followed by
LeBLANC, Eleanor M. (Taranto) Devoted mother of Thomas E. Griffin,
SMITH, Veronica C. (McLAUGHLIN) Mass. Interment St. Joseph Cemetery. David Howe Giblin (d.1991) of Racine, his Funeral Mass at 11 a.m. Burial
WATSON, Eric WELLESLEY III of Dracut. Loving grandmother
Retired Lunch Hour Monitor Mozart WI, a son Brian Giblin and his wife with military honors in Saint Joseph’s
STOLTMANN-DORSEY, Suzanne of Aidan & Avery Griffin. Sister of
JAMAICA PLAIN School, Roslindale. Avid Red Sox and Lori of West Barnstable and a daughter Cemetery, West Roxbury. In lieu of
CONNELL, Dorothy F. (Kerrigan) WENHAM John Stewart of Billerica, James
Bruins fan. Special thank you to Herta Deborah DiBlasi and her husband Dan flowers, donations may be made to
LYNCH, Karen M. (Carson) STRUDAS, Bonnie (Corradini) Stewart of Maynard & Debra Cox
Jean and the staff of VNA Hospice of Burlington. She leaves behind five Sacred Hearts Church. For obituary,
LYNCH, Sister Mary T., S.F.C.C. of Methuen. Also survived by many
WEST ROXBURY and Palliative Care for the wonderful grandchildren, Holly (Hemenway) Har- directions, or to send a condolence,
LOWELL CONNELL, Dorothy F. (Kerrigan) nieces and nephews. Late employee
care they provided to Dorothy. In lieu mon and her husband Jeffrey of Lowell, visit
McMAHON R.N., Rosemary (Keefe) LeBLANC, Eleanor M. (Taranto) of the Watertown Savings Bank,
of flowers, donations in her memory Erin (Hogan) George and her husband
MALDEN LYNCH, Karen M. (Carson) Accounting Dept. and former member
may be made to VNA Care, Fund Tom of Atlanta, GA, Crystal (Giblin)
HICKEY, Reverend Daniel Joseph Ladies Aux. of the Shutt Detachment
WESTFORD Development Office, 199 Rosewood Cunningham and her husband James
McLEAN, Arlene M. (Perrella) Marine Corps League. Relatives and
STRUDAS, Bonnie (Corradini)
Drive, Suite 180, Danvers, MA 01923. of Torrance, CA, Garrett Giblin of West
MARSHFIELD friends respectfully invited to attend
WESTON Barnstable and Janelle (Giblin) Janeski
McAVOY, Paul B.
For guestbook condolences, please visit visiting hours in the Stanton Funeral
BERG, Peter Calvin and her husband Ken of Marina Del Home, 786 Mt. Auburn St. (Rt. 16),
MARTHA’S VINEYARD STOLTMANN-DORSEY, Suzanne Ray, CA. In addition, she had five great-
McMAHON R.N., Rosemary (Keefe) WATERTOWN on Thursday 3-6 P.M.
WESTPORT Brady & Fallon Funeral Home grandchildren and thirty-two nieces
(Covid-19 precautions will be observed
MEDFORD BERG, Peter Calvin 617 524 0861 and nephews and many friends.
PUCCIO, Giovanni
The burial will be private in Quincy
and capacity is limited at any given LeBLANC, Eleanor M.
time.) Funeral Mass and interment
McLEAN, Arlene M. (Perrella)
MULROY, Catherine P. (Devenney)
with a Celebration of Life gathering
next summer in Lowell. Arrangements
private. In lieu of flowers, contributions (Taranto)
PUCCIO, Giovanni WEYMOUTH GESWELL, Mary under the care of Hamel-Lydon Chapel
in her memory to the Marine Toys
Of Waltham, April 5, 2020. Wife of
STRUDAS, Bonnie (Corradini) for Tots Foundation, Gift Processing
& Cremation Service of MA in QUINCY. the late Frederick P. LeBlanc. Mother
METHUEN WINCHESTER Administrator, 18251 Quantico
For more information and online of Janet L. McIntyre (Paul) of West
HALL, Helen E. McDONOUGH, Joan E. (Kendall) Gateway Drive, Triangle, VA 22172
condolences, please visit www.Hamel- Roxbury, Linda J. Marry of Brockton,
NAHANT SENIER, Phyllis S. would be appreciated. and Diane P. LeBlanc of Waltham.
BROWN, Mary Louise (Sheehan) WINTHROP Donations can be made, in lieu Grandmother of Heidi Gurney (Paul)
NATICK LEE, Thomas J. of flowers, to Saint John the Baptist of Brockton. Great-grandmother of
SENIER, Phyllis S. WOBURN church in Quincy, MA. Alexandra and Christian. Sister of the
TIPPETT, Anne Marie GOFFREDO, Joseph J. HALL, Helen E. late Joseph A., Richard, and Stephen
Taranto and Catherine Wamboldt.
OUT OF STATE GOFFREDO, Joseph J. Age 88 of Methuen, MA, passed away Longtime friend of the late William H.
NEWTON on Saturday, August 22, 2020 at the
FLORIDA Sutter. A Memorial Mass for Eleanor
STOLTMANN-DORSEY, Suzanne Nevins Nursing & Rehabilitation Cen-
WAXMAN, Arthur S. GESWELL, Mary will be offered in Our Lady Comforter
GOFFREDO, Joseph J. ter, Methuen. She was born in Boston,
of the Afflicted Church, 880 Trapelo
NORFOLK MA, a daughter of the late John L. and
MARCH, Diane L. Road, Waltham, on Saturday, August
O’DONNELL, Mary E. (Kremmell) Mary (Byrne) Cockburn.
PENNSYLVANIA 29th at 10 a.m. For complete obituary,
NORWOOD Helen was raised and educated in
McGUIGGIN, Theresa A. STOLTMANN-DORSEY, Suzanne Mary “Gloria” Geswell, 90, passed away guestbook and directions please visit
Cambridge and later moved to Somer-
MULROY, Catherine P. (Devenney) RHODE ISLAND peacefully on August 19, 2020 in Fort
ville, MA to begin raising her young
O’DONNELL, Mary E. (Kremmell) McGUIGGIN, Theresa A. Pierce, FL.
family. She later moved to Woburn
Gloria was born on March 23, 1930
where she has resided for 10 years.
in Watertown, MA to Victor and Anne
Helen loved baking, knitting, gardening
She always had the biggest smile,
and was an avid reader and loved cats. LEE, Thomas J.
She is survived by her three sons;
most witty commentary, and was very
Robert A. Hall of Gatlinburg, TN, David Age 54 of Winthrop. Beloved son of
BERG, Peter Calvin BROWN, Mary Louise uplifting with a positive outlook on life.
She was “90 years young!”
J. Hall and his wife Donna of Maynard, Barbara Lee and the late Thomas J.
MA and Joseph G. Hall and his fiancé Lee of Winthrop. Devoted brother
(Sheehan) Gloria is survived by her son, Jacqueline White of Salem, NH, three to David Lee of Winthrop, Christine
Of Delray Beach, FL, formerly of Stone-
Stephen A. Basile and his wife, Lisa; grandchildren; David Hall, Tayler Hall Power and her husband Michael Power
ham, Aug. 20, 2020. Age 74. Partner
daughter, Lynn Silva and her husband, and Cody Hall and by 2 great-grandchil- of Medfield, and Cheri McGoldrick
of the late Dr. Joel D’Amico. Son of
Manny; grandchildren, Ryan Basile dren; Mason and Jackson Hall. She was and her husband Paul McGoldrick of
the late Joseph and the late Marie
and husband, Julio, Krista Tabuenca predeceased by her son; Thomas Lee Winthrop. Cherished uncle to Michael,
(Carvalho) Goffredo. Brother of Francis
and wife, Andrea, Michelle O’Driscoll Hall, by her grandson; Jake Hall and by James, Susannah, and Matthew. Tom
Goffredo and his late wife Patricia, John
and husband, Shane, and Whitney her sister; Sr. Esther Cockburn. attended Winthrop High School and
Goffredo and his wife Graceann, Marie
Spangler and husband, Paul; great- Montville, Mike Goffredo and his wife Following cremation a memorial ser- the University of Massachusetts-
grandchildren, Graham O’Driscoll, Rosemary the late Joanne DeFelice and vice will be held at a later date. Inter- Amherst, where he majored in
Liam O’Driscoll, Olivia Spangler, and her husband the late Joseph, the late ment will be in St. Joseph Cemetery, W. Computer Science. Although he worked
Mia Spangler; and sister, Dora Caliguri. Robert Goffredo and the late Barbara Roxbury, MA. The Douglas & Johnson as a computer programmer for many
She is also survived by many other Goffredo. Also survived by his beloved Funeral Home, SALEM, NH is assisting years, his true passion was politics,
family members, cousins, nieces, and niece, Angela DiPerri and her husband the family with the arrangements. food, travel, and standing up for those
nephews. She was predeceased by Ronnie; many nieces, nephews, great- In lieu of flowers, memorials may be in need. A self-proclaimed ‘defender
her first husband and the father of nieces, great-nephews, all who loved directed to Boston’s Forgotten Felines, of democracy’ he focused daily to
Age 75, of Westport, MA, formerly of her children, Albert F. Basile; second him dearly. A graveside service will 21 Montvale St., Roslindale, MA 02131. support causes that impacted him and
Age 85 years of Nahant, died on husband, William Geswell; eldest be held at the Woodlawn Cemetery in To send a message of condolence to others for whom life was challenging,
Weston, MA, passed away peacefully
Monday, August 24, 2020 in a local daughter, Kathryn A. Basile; sisters, Everett at a later date. Arrangements by the family, please view the obituary at including advocating for health care
from cancer in his home in Westport
nursing home, surrounded by her Helen Lenane and Anita Minerella; and the Graham Funeral Home, WOBURN. reform and support for the disabled. He
surrounded by family on August 22,
family. Mary Lou was an Elementary her brother, Victor Serafini. Obituary and online condolences at cherished his many friends and did his
School Teacher in Nahant .She was the She was full of life and nothing best to let people know that he cared.
Peter is survived by his wife of
wife of the late James V. Brown. Mary made her happier than spending time All who knew him will miss his giving
42 years, Mary Glavin Berg; four
Lou is survived by her son, James F with her family and friends. She made nature, sarcastic sense of humor, and
sons, Charles (wife, Katherine), Alex,
Harry and Tommy; and grandsons, Brown and his wife Mary of Nahant,
her three daughters, Susan Madden
everyone feel like they were family. She
was most definitely, one in a million.
GOON, Helene (Chin) Announcements his gentle soul. He will be missed dearly
by his friends and family.
Jason, Caden and Hayden. He was Visiting Hours: Family and friends
predeceased by his father, Warren S. and her husband Jerome of Concord, Due to COVID-19, Gloria’s family
NH, Lisa Grassa and her husband will plan a celebration of her life both are cordially invited to attend the
Berg of Sanbornville, NH, formerly of visitation from the Ernest P. Caggiano
Thomas of Lynn and Tracey Brown of in Florida and in Massachusetts when
Winchester, MA. Peter also leaves his and Son Funeral Home, 147 Winthrop
Milford, CT. She leaves 8 grandchildren, it is safe to gather freely. These were
mother, Marjorie C. Berg; his sister, St., WINTRHOP on Thursday, August
Kevin and Emily Madden, Kristen and Gloria’s wishes.
Carolyn Berg Spengler (husband, Jack); PLUMBERS & 27, 2020 from 9:00 to 11:00 AM
Greg Lauze, Kelly Madden and his In lieu of flowers, donations can be
brother, Dana S. Berg (partner, Rob GASFITTERS LOCAL #12 followed by a funeral mass in St. John
fiancé Madeline O’Neil, Peter and Gina made to Kathryn A. Basile’s “Foster A
Minturn); and an extensive, adoring Life Member, Joseph Grace, initi- the Evangelist Church, 320 Winthrop
Grassa, Jasper Grassa, Nicholas Grassa, Dream Foundation” in Port Saint Lucie,
family of cousins, in-laws, nephews and ated April 17, 1951, passed away St., Winthrop at 11:30 AM. Services
Matthew and Lucy Brown, 5 great- FL or at www.fosteradreamfoundation.
nieces. grandchildren Teddy, Henry, Anna, on March 11, 2020. Services will conclude with the interment in
A private gathering and celebration Benjamin and Emiliano. She is the were held privately. We will keep the Belle Isle section of Winthrop
Arrangements are under the
of Peter’s life will be held at 1 p.m. on sister of the late John Sheehan and Rev. you in our prayers, Joseph. Cemetery. For directions or to sign
direction of Haisley Funeral &
Saturday, September 5, 2020. Those James Sheehan. Visiting hours will be the online guestbook, go to www.
Cremation Service. An online *Attendees
who wish can virtually attend the held on Thursday, August 27, 2020 in From the officers and members
guest book may be signed at www. must wear masks & maintain social
celebration through a link posted on the Solimine Funeral Home, 67 Ocean of Plumbers Local 12, distancing in the Funeral Home,
the Monahan Drabble Sherman Funeral Street, Route 1A, LYNN from 4:00 PM Of Randolph, passed away peacefully, August, 21, Timothy Fandel - Business
Home website ( to 8:00PM. Adhering to the guidelines 2020, surrounded by her loving family, after a period Manager Church and Cemetery* In lieu of
Donations in Peter’s honor may be of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts of failing health, at the age of 80. Born in Chelsea, Robert McCarthy - President flowers, donations can be made in
made to “The Peter Berg Fund” at Our and the CDC visitation will be limited Announcements Helene has been a resident of Randolph for many
years. Prior to her retiring, she worked as a data
Tom’s memory to the American Kidney
Sisters’ School in New Bedford, MA, to 40 family members and friends at
processor for Computershare. Helene’s easy-going a time. A private funeral mass will be nature was one of her shining attributes and her Caggiano-O’Maley-Frazier
held on Friday in St. Thomas Aquinas family was always her primary focus. A devoted wife, Winthrop
Church, Nahant. Burial in St. Mary’s mother, sister, grandmother and friend, Helene will
Cemetery, Lynn. Directions and BOSTON FIREFIGHTERS be greatly missed by all who were blessed to have PLUMBERS &
guestbook at LOCAL 718 known her. Helene was the wife of the late Gwock GASFITTERS LOCAL #12
Funeral Services
“Jackie” Goon. Loving mother of Tina Walnista and
We regret to announce the Death Brother, Michael Migliore, initi-
of Brother Eric Waston of Engine
her husband Bob of Mansfield, Theresa Goon of
Randolph, Gary Goon of Mansfield and Greg Goon ated February 08, 1971, passed Funeral Services
Funeral Services 51, Retired. Funeral from Mann
Rodgers Funeral Home, 44 Per-
and his wife Lily of Canton. Devoted sister of Elaine
Chin and her husband Rod of OK and Chester Chin
away on August 23, 2020. Visita-
tion will be limited adhering to
kins St, Jamaica Plain Thursday, and his wife Odilia of W. Roxbury. Cherished grand- the Commonwealth of Massachu-
August 27th ,Visiting hours are mother to Zachary and Isabella Walnista and Joshua setts and CDC guidelines. We will
5-8PM. Funeral Service at Holy and Alexis Goon. Also survived by many nieces, keep you in our prayers, Michael.
Affordable Cremation nephews and friends. Due to Covid-19 restrictions,
1310 complete
name Church. 1689 Centre St.
West Roxbury. Friday at 11Am.
funeral services and burial will be private. Should
friends desire, memorial contributions may be
(617) 323-3690 617 782 1000 Members Are Requested to At-
made in Helene’s name to the VWC Associate Fund, From the officers and members
of Plumbers Local 12,
800-439-3690 • 617-876-9110 Lehman Reen & McNamara c/o The Villages at Willow Crossing, 25 Cobb St.,
Mansfield, MA 02048. Arrangements under the care Timothy Fandel - Business 500 Canterbury St.
531 Cummings Highway, Roslindale Funeral Home John Soares, President of the Cartwright Funeral Home, 419 N. Main St., Manager Boston, MA 02131 617-524-1036
583 Mt. Auburn Street, Cambridge Eric DesRoches, Treasurer, D/W RANDOLPH. To leave a sympathy message for the Robert McCarthy - President
MON-FRI 9-9; SAT 9-5, SUNDAY 12-5 Serving Greater Boston family, visit
B6 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e W e d n e s d a y, a u g u s t 2 6 , 2 0 2 0
LePORE, Ralph MARCH, Diane L. McGUIGGIN, Theresa A. McMAHON, R.N., Rosemary O’DONNELL, Mary E. PUCCIO, Giovanni
(Keefe) (Kremmell) “Betty”
Age 84 of Seekonk, passed away August
23, 2020. Born July 11, 1936 in Boston,
she was the daughter of William and
Mary (Veracka) Kremmell. Mary
joined the Sisters of St. Joseph after
completing high school and during her
decade of service held many positions,
including teaching high school French.
Mary wed Francis O’Donnell in 1969
and their journey together lasted 41
years. They settled in Norwood, and
while raising two small children, Mary
achieved her LPN at the Peabody
EVERETT/NORTH OXFORD – Ralph School of Nursing in 1980. She enjoyed
Joseph LePore, 87, of McIntyre Road, Age 73, of North Port, FL, formerly of Age 57 of Brockton, formerly of Longtime resident of Medford, Aug.
Randolph, MA, entered into rest on her many years of nursing at Norwood 24, 2020 at age 78. Beloved husband
died peacefully on Saturday, August Easton, passed away unexpectedly on Beloved mother and sister, Rosemary
August 21, 2020. Born in Boston, she Hospital before joining Francis in his of Mariarosa (Ruisi) Puccio. Loving
22, 2020. Private graveside service at Wednesday, August 19, 2020. (Keefe) McMahon R.N. of Lowell, MA,
was the daughter of the late Irving A. endeavors at Norfolk Country Club son of the late Antonino and Maria
North Cemetery in Oxford. Born in Norwood, a daughter of daughter of the late John J. Keefe and
and Bertha P. (Paul) March. Loving as the food and beverage manager. (Torregrossa) Puccio. Devoted father of
the late Joseph and Edith (Lentz) Rose (Ficco) Keefe, passed peacefully
Paradis-Givner Funeral Home sister of Harold L. March and his wife, Mary and Francis transitioned to Anthony Puccio and his wife Melanie,
McGuiggin, she was raised and on August, 20, 2020, at the Age of 88. Lynne, of Canton. Cherished “Aunty” of Merritt Island, FL where they enjoyed John Puccio and his wife Christina, and
educated in Norwood and Easton. Beloved wife of the late Robert
Andrew I. March and his wife, Michelle their retirement for 15 years. During Maryjane Puccio and her late fiancé
Throughout her life, Theresa was McCoy McMahon; devoted mother
Rosen-March, of Arlington. Adoring the last years of her life in Seekonk, Peter Galvin. Cherished grandfather
an active participant in the Special of Bob and his wife, Jennifer Prizer,
great-aunt of Emily Beth March and Mary was able to enjoy time with her of Leanna, Gabriella, Marissa and
Olympics. McMahon of Charlestown and Martha’s
Eddy March, both of Arlington. Beloved children and grandchildren, as well as Courtney. Also survived by many loving
Theresa is survived by her siblings, Vineyard, MA. Rosemary is survived
the beloved dogs who spent their days
LYNCH, Karen M. (Carson) long-time best friend of Susan Epstein Maureen Leahy and her husband John by brothers, Robert, Raymond, and
with her. Mary is survived by her loving
brothers and sisters-in-law, nieces and
of Randolph. of Bristol, RI, and Joseph McGuiggin Francis Keefe; and dozens of nieces nephews, and predeceased by several
Diane worked as a co-owner in and nephews from her seven brothers, children Bill O’Donnell and his wife siblings. Relatives & friends are invited
and his wife Virginia of Dracut; three
the family business, Moneysaver of including deceased brothers, John, Lisa, Marybeth Waite and her husband to gather in honor & remembrance of
nieces and a nephew, Lauren Terni
Randolph, for many years. An active William, Thomas, and Joseph Keefe. Todd; her adored grandchildren, Chloe Giovanni’s life during visiting hours
and her husband, Chip of CT, Colleen
member of the community, both Rosemary was retired from the Murphy, Rowan and Riley Waite; her at St. Francis of Assisi Church, 441
Barraclough and her husband, Scott of
in MA and FL, she served on the Lowell School Department after many brother, Father Bill Kremmell and Fellsway W. MEDFORD on Thursday,
NC, Joseph McGuiggin of Dracut and
Randolph Chamber of Commerce, years in corporate nursing at Raytheon her sister Ann Fowler and husband Aug. 27 from 4-8pm. Due to public
Megan McGuiggin of Maine. Theresa is
and was once honored as Rotary Club and Mass Electric and after working for David Fowler. A private viewing will health restrictions, the Funeral Mass
also survived by three grand nephews
Humanitarian of the Year. She also Lowell Visiting Nurses. “Rosie,” as her be held at Gillooly Funeral Home in will be celebrated privately. Interment
and one grand niece.
enjoyed being an usher at the Rockland friends and family called her, counted NORWOOD. Funeral Mass will be in Oak Grove Cemetery, Medford.
Relatives and friends are respectfully
Trust Pavilion in Boston. Diane will be many lifelong friends who took this held at St. Catherine of Siena Parish For directions or online tribute, visit
invited to attend a funeral Mass
fondly remembered for her cooking, journey of life with her until the very in Norwood with burial to follow at
requiring Mask and Social Distancing
in particular for what has come to end. Highland Cemetery. In lieu of flowers,
on Saturday, August 29, 2020 at 11:00 Life Celebration by
be known as “Aunty’s Rice”, “Aunty’s Often the life of the party, Rosie donations can be made in Mary’s
a.m. in the Immaculate Conception Robinson Funeral Home
Breakfast”, “Diane’s Candy”, and her enjoyed listening and singing along name to the Arthritis Foundation at
Church, 193 Main Street, Easton.
delectable lemon meringue pie. She with friends to the music of Barbara
Private family interment will follow. In
Of Roslindale, passed away on August also loved clowns and treasured her
lieu of flowers, donations in Theresa’s
Streisand, Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin,
Gillooly Funeral Home, Norwood QUINN, Francis J. “Frank”
23, 2020. Beloved wife of Neil Lynch large collection of clown paraphernalia Tom Jones and lots of Broadway
and Mickey Mouse mementos. Her
memory may be sent to the Special
Sr. Loving mother of Derek Lynch of and Christmas tunes. On many
trademark outfit was red, black and Olympics Massachusetts, 512 Forest
Roslindale, Neil Lynch Jr. of Roslindale, Thanksgivings, Rosie and family
white. Diane also enjoyed taking Street, Marlborough, MA 01752. welcomed Lowell’s own Ed McMahon
and Michael Lynch of Dorchester. Sister
For directions or condolences, visit
of Claire Magliaro and her husband, cruises. While in MA, she loved to
to town, to celebrate the holiday with PALOMBA, Joseph
Fred, of Revere, Kevin Carson and his dine at Chinatown Restaurant in family, alongside Ed’s beloved aunt,
wife, Deborah, of Holliston, Thomas Stoughton. A lifelong lover of animals, Mary Brennan, who also helped to raise
Carson and his wife, Karen, of NJ, she frequently recounted stories of the Rosie’s son, Bob.
Evelyn Melillo of NJ, Noreen Carson antics she had seen animals perform. Rosie’s personal story is one of
of Newton, Maura Armstrong and her Known for being stubborn yet not McLEAN, Arlene M. strength and resilience. Married to
husband, David, of South Carolina and opinionated, Diane was a loving person, (Perrella) her husband, Bob, in 1957, a mere
two years later she found herself alone
the late George Carson. Grandmother always giving of herself to family and
of Ava, Michael, and Luna. Also friends. with her 13 month old son, called
survived by many nieces and nephews. A private graveside service for Diane Roby at that time, now Bob, when her
Visiting hours, while respecting social will be held on Friday, August 28th. husband passed away due to the polio
distancing guidelines, will be held at Shiva will be observed on Friday outbreak in Lowell in August of 1959.
the Brady & Fallon Funeral Home, 10 from 6 PM to 8:30 PM via Zoom at: Her husband got sick on a Friday, was
placed in an iron lung the next day, and Of Sudbury, died August 20, 2020
Tower St. (Opp. Forest Hills MBTA
died the following Monday morning. In surrounded by his family after a brief
Station), JAMAICA PLAIN on Thursday, For password, call Stanetsky Memorial
that single weekend, life changed most battle with lung cancer. He was 71
August 27 from 2-4 p.m. A Funeral Chapel at 781-821-4600.
dramatically for her. With little money years old.
Mass will be celebrated at Sacred Heart Expressions of sympathy in her
left after her husband’s funeral, Rosie Frank was born and raised in
Church (Lower), Roslindale, on Friday, memory may be made to the Joslin Passed away peacefully, on August
buckled down and moved forward as Waltham, MA, the son of the late Lou-
August 28 at 10 a.m. Interment private. Diabetes Center, One Joslin Place, 22, 2020, at his Arlington home,
best she could to craft a comfortable life ise (Burley) and Francis J. Quinn, Sr.
For guestbook condolences, please visit Boston, MA 02215 or at surrounded by his family. Joseph “Joe”
for her son. He is survived by his beloved wife was born on April 29,1941, in the city Life would soon test Rosie’s strength of 50 years, Janice (Dangelo) Quinn;
of Cambridge, MA. Joe was an avid
Brady & Fallon Funeral Home again. When her son was under ten his three children, Bryan Quinn of
sports fan, who loyally followed all
617 524 0861 years of age, Rosie was diagnosed with Sudbury, Carrie Quinn of New York
the hometown teams, but the Boston
Of Peabody, formerly of Melrose, Lobar pneumonia and confined to City, and Kevin Quinn of Needham. He
Red Sox were his passion. When
August 22, 2020. Arlene was born in was the proud grandfather of Brianna,
McAVOY, Paul B. Everett, MA, to the late Louis and Mary
hospital for three months. It looked his children were young, Joe loved
Brendan, Abigail, Allyson, Logan,
very much like Rosie wouldn’t make coaching, and being involved in all
In Marshfield, formerly (Cafarella) Perrella. Arlene graduated it to those supervising her care. But Matthew, Ryan and Caroline. Brother
their youth sports. When Joe became
of Brighton, August 24, from Everett High School in 1954 and she never gave up, came home, quit of Marian Giovannini of Columbia, CT,
LYNCH, Sister Mary T., 2020. Beloved husband she married her high school sweet- smoking completely and never looked
a grandfather, his passion continued,
Dennis Quinn of Waltham, and Paul
Joe spent hours at hockey rinks, and
S.F.C.C. of the late Joan (Montieth) McAvoy. heart, Robert McLean They enjoyed 63 back, enjoying a long career in nursing. on the ball fields, proudly supporting,
Quinn of Framingham.
Devoted father of Kenneth E. and his years of marriage and had 8 children Rosie loved being a nurse. While at Frank was known for his beautiful
and encouraging his grandchildren.
Of Dorchester, formerly of South late wife, Claire, of New Port Richey, together. While raising their family in Raytheon, a co-worker suffered a life- garden, which produced a bountiful
Joe was employed as a Business
Boston and Jamaica Plain, passed away FL, Todd A. of Brighton and Gregory Melrose, MA, Arlene also worked for threatening heart attack and was saved harvest every year for his family and
Manager for the City of Cambridge
peacefully on August 25, 2020. Beloved L. of Marshfield. Loving grandfather Dr. Bruce Devon for many years before by Rosie’s quick action. A similar event friends to enjoy. During his final weeks,
Water Department for over 40 years.
daughter of the late Mary (Finn) Lynch retiring in 1995. To know Arlene was to happened at Mass Electric and one his grandchildren honored him by
of Kristen M. McAvoy and Matthew T. Joe enjoyed horse racing and playing
and Matthew Lynch. Devoted sister of understand that nothing in life matter can only imagine how grateful those continuing to tend to it every day. He
McAvoy and his wife, Chelsea. Great- cards with his friends. Joe is survived
Sally McDonnell of Randolph, Eileen more to her than her family and espe- families were that Rosie was there for helped his grandchildren start their
grandfather of Lucas and AJ. Brother by his mother, Anita Palomba and
Lombardi of Easton, Matthew Lynch cially her children and grandchildren. them, a nurse, doing what nurses do for own garden at their home on Long Is-
of Sr. Claire Frances Poor Clare Nun predeceased by his late father, Joseph
of Randolph, James Lynch of FL, and Arlene never missed an opportunity to people they’ve never met. Something land, which they will continue to enjoy
of Jamaica Plain and also survived by Palomba of Arlington, MA. Joe also
the late Kathleen Trapani and Marian make a holiday, birthday, anniversary we all can surely relate to today, as for years to come.
her dog, Coco. Visiting Hours in the leaves his devoted wife of 52 years,
Ciampa. Also survived by many loving or celebration memorable for everyone. we navigate Covid-19 and witness the An avid Boston sports fan, Frank
Lehman Reen & McNamara Funeral Carol (Miceli) Palomba. Joe leaves
nieces and nephews. Sister Mary was Her willingness to make personal sac- enjoyed the success of the Patriots’ dy-
Home, 63 Chestnut Hill Ave. (nr. strength and resilience of our front the children he loved dearly, and was
a member of Missionary Servants rifices and always put her family first nasty after being a season ticket holder
Brighton Courthouse), BRIGHTON line nurses, doctors and so many other so very proud of, Joseph Palomba
of the Most Blessed Trinity for 35 was the defining quality that made her at the old Foxboro stadium. He also
Saturday, August 29th from 4-6 p.m. essential workers from all walks of life. and his wife Kristin of Palm Beach
years and the Sisters For Christian the rock in her family’s lives. During Ar- enjoyed cheering on his grandchildren
followed by a Funeral Service at 6 p.m. About eight years ago Rosie Gardens, Florida and Kristin (Palomba)
Community. Her ministry was helping lene’s later years she enjoyed watching at their hockey and lacrosse games and
Relatives and friends are kindly invited developed Alzheimer’s and was Davies, and her husband Brian Davies
individuals with alcohol and drug her children grow and start families of watching the Fighting Irish on football
to attend. Interment Private. USMC admitted first to Bayberry at Emerald of Arlington, MA. Joe leaves the
addictions, as well those in the criminal their own where she relished the time Saturdays.
Veteran. In lieu of flowers, donations Court, an assisted living facility, and grandchildren he adored, Julia and Joey
justice system. Due to the ongoing spent with her grandchildren. Arlene He and Janice enjoyed traveling and
in memory of Paul may be made to The then moved to D’Youville Life and Palomba and Madison and Kyle Davies.
health crisis, visitation and a Mass of will be deeply missed by her family this past year they celebrated their 50th
Poor Clare Nuns, Franciscan Monastery Wellness Community. As Rosie entered He is survived by his brother, Richard
Christian Burial will remain private.
and friends but her courage, strength Bayberry they thought she had about wedding anniversary by taking a cruise
Interment in Blue Hill Cemetery. For of Saint Clare, 920 Centre Street, Palomba and his wife Beverly of Palm
and character will live on forever. She 18 months to live, considering the around the Mediterranean. They visited
directions and expressions of sympathy, Jamaica Plain, MA 02130. Funeral Desert, CA. He was predeceased by
was the beloved wife of the late Robert quickly developing onslaught of her many of the places where Frank served Home Handicapped Accessible. For his late brother, Robert Palomba of
J. McLean. Loving mother of Robert Alzheimer’s. But once again she put as a young man in the Navy. He was a
directions and guest book, please visit Arlington, MA. Visitation will be
J. McLean, Jr. and his wife Barbara of up the good fight for seven more proud veteran and long-time member held on Thursday, August 27 from
N. Andover, MA, Kenneth J. McLean years, aided by the wonderful care she of the American Legion.
10:00am to 11:00am in the DeVito
Lehman Reen McNamara and his wife Pilar of Miami, FL, Laura received at D’Youville in Lowell. A private funeral service is planned.
Funeral Home, 1145 Mass Avenue,
617 782 1000 Brighton Lee LaCob and her husband Mark of A private celebration of Rosie’s In lieu of flowers, a donation can be
ARLINGTON. A funeral mass will be
Coconut Creek, FL, the late Michael life took place on Tuesday, August made in his memory to the Mass Gen-
offered at St. Eulalia Church, 50 Ridge
McLean, Brian D. McLean and his wife 25th at St Patrick’s Cemetery in eral Cancer Center at Newton Wellesley
St., Winchester Thursday, August 27
Pamela of Groveland, Arlene M. Semiao Lowell. E-condolences at www. Hospital. Please visit www.Duckett-
at Noon. Due to Covid-19 restrictions,
and her husband Jack of N. Reading, In lieu of for online guestbook.
McDONOUGH, Joan E. Valerie Capanna and her husband flowers, a donation to fund Alzheimer’s
the number of attendees at the church
is limited. The Rite of Committal will Duckett-J.S. Waterman & Sons
(Kendall) Rolando of Peabody, and Gregory J. research would be much appreciated by take place following the Funeral Mass Home of Memorial Tribute
McLean and his wife Elizabeth of Mel- Rosie’s family and all who continue to 656 Boston Post Road/Route 20
at Mt. Pleasant Cemetery, 70 Medford
rose, as well as 10 grandchildren and fight with this horrible disease, https:// Sudbury, MA 01776
St., Arlington. All are welcome to attend
6 great-grandchildren. Loving sister the Committal. In lieu of flowers, the
of Geraldine Dunne, Charles Perrella AlzheimersChampions?pg=fund&fr_
family kindly requests that donations
& Dewey Perrella. Visitation will be id=1060&pxfid=645506. Arrangements
be made in Joe’s memory to: Beth Israel
REGA, Frances
private. A Mass of Christian Burial at by the O’DONNELL FUNERAL HOME
Health at Home Hospice, One Arsenal
St. Adelaide’s Church, 708 Lowell St., – LOWELL, MA, (978) 458-8768.
Marketplace, Watertown, MA 02472.
Peabody on Wednesday, August 26,
2020 at 10:30am. Interment will take
place at Puritan Lawn Cemetery in Pea-
body following the funeral Mass. In lieu MULROY, Catherine P.
“Phyllis” (Devenney)
Show your of flowers, memorial contributions may
be made to St. Jude Children’s Research
Hospital, 262 Danny Thomas Place, Of Norwood, formerly of Westwood
respect Memphis, TN, 38105 or www.stjude.
org. To send a message of condolence,
and Falmouth, passed away peace-
fully on August 21 at the age of 97.
Of Winchester, passed away peacefully please visit Beloved wife of the late John J. Mulroy.
To submit a paid death on August 21, 2020. Beloved wife of Gately Funeral Home
Devoted and adored mother of Peter
notice for publication in the late Joseph R. McDonough. Loving (Helen) of Dedham, Paul (Joyce) and
Marijane Graham (Dave) of Norwood,
The Boston Globe and mother of the late Shelley A. Ford and Family Owned Since 1889
her husband Michael J. of Bradford. Sheila Lawes (Wayne) of Millis, Wil-
on, contact liam (Ginnie) of Bellingham, Thomas
Cherished grandmother of David M. Age 70, of Revere, passed away on Au-
your funeral director, visit Ford and his wife Lily of Winchester, (Karen) of Walpole and Patricia. She
Honor your
gust 23, 2020 after a long courageous Craig E. Ford of Bradford and Kendall was predeceased by her son Jack and battle with breast cancer. Cherished
or call 617.929.1500. Now L. Ford of Manchester, NH. Also granddaughter Kristina. daughter of the late Elia and Marie
Honor your loved
offering custom headings
and enhanced listings.
survived by many nieces and nephews.
Sister-in-law of John McDonough and one’s memory
Phyllis was the loving grandmother
of 18, and great-grandmother of 23. loved one’s (Interrantie) Rega. Dear cousin of
Donna Crowe and her husband, James,
his wife Judy of Reading, Rose McCaul
of Winchester, Ann Ross of Woburn,
with a photo in
Daughter of the late Phillip and Jane
(Hart) Devenney and sister of the late memory of Middleton, and Christina Carmody
and her husband, Brian. Adored God-
The Boston Globe.
with a photo
Margaret Walsh of Wilmington and Connie Woish. She is also survived by mother of Danielle Crowe-Denoncourt.
To submit an obituary many loving nieces and nephews.
Lorraine McDonough of Winchester. Lifelong friend of Michele Vegelante
for editorial consideration, Phyllis was an avid reader. She
Visiting hours will be held at the Lane of Winthrop. Also survived by several
please send the informa- Funeral Home, 760 Main St. (Rte. 38), enjoyed spending time on Cape Cod loving cousins and friends. A Funeral
tion and a photo by e-mail WINCHESTER from 11am to 12:45pm. and loved visiting with and being sur- Ask your funeral director Mass will be celebrated in Frances’s
rounded by family and friends. for details or visit
to [email protected], or Followed by Funeral Services at 1pm. honor at St. Mary of the Assumption
Relatives and friends are kindly invited Due to current health concerns, Church, 670 Washington Ave. in Revere
send information by fax to Funeral Services and interment will be
to attend. Please wear a mask and on Thursday, August 27th at 10 AM. In-
617.929.3186. If you need practice social distancing guidelines. private. In lieu of flowers, the family or call 617.929.1500. terment will follow at Woodlawn Cem-
further assistance about Interment Wildwood Cemetery Win- would appreciate donations to Sisters etery in Everett. Frances was a graduate
a news obituary, please chester. In lieu of flowers, donation of Charity of Saint Elizabeth, P.O. Box of Revere High School, Boston College,
in her memory may be made to the 476, Convent Station, NJ 07961 or to and later went on to Cambridge College
call 617.929.3400. Catholic TV, 34 Chestnut St., Water-
Winchester Fireman’s Assoc., 36 Mt. where she obtained her Master’s Degree
Vernon St., Winchester, MA 01890. For town, MA 02471. in English. In lieu of flowers, remem-
To access death notices online condolences please visit https:// Holden-Dunn-Lawler brances may be made in Frances’s name
and obituaries online, visit Ask your funeral director for details. to St. Mary of the Assumption Parish.
funeral.com__;!!BspMT6SJLSDJ!Y8un For online guest book please visit www.
dazmUOdbDZb2Y4k2F0mYSOrZmTA ..
.. Vazza Funeral Home
sanaw$ . .. Experience
.. (781) 284-1127
w e d n e s d a y, a u g u s t 2 6 , 2 0 2 0 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e B7
VANDERPOOL, Irma Obituaries
Suzanne Irma Vanderpool, 78, of Annapolis MD,
formerly of Charlestown, MA, passed
away on August 23, 2020 with her
daughter by her side.
She was born on October 22, 1941,
to the late Jacob and Mary Castleman.
She graduated from Milton High School
and received a Bachelor of Arts from
Boston University. She is survived by
her daughter Alyssa, son in law Bryan,
grandchildren Emalyn and Dylan,
brother Howard, nephews Bradley and
Brian, and cousin Nancy.
Irma dedicated 32 years of service as
a Recreation Therapist at the Chelsea
Age 79, a longtime Reading resident, Soldiers Home ensuring that the
died Sunday, August 23 at her residence Age 86 of Wellesley, MA, passed away veterans residing there had enriching
Age 70, of Melrose, died peacefully on
surrounded by her family. on Tuesday, August 25th after a short activities and events to enjoy with their
August 22, 2020 after a nine year battle
Born in Cambridge on August 11, illness. She leaves behind five of her families and the community. In her
with cancer. Bonnie was a cherished
1941, she was the daughter of Feliks eight children – Ellen Bond and her retirement, Irma was an active member
daughter, sister, wife, mother and
and Sophie (Szatawski) Hitron. husband, Gerald of Auburn, Frank of several social, volunteer, and
grandmother. In addition, she was an
Raised and educated in Cambridge, Stoltmann and his wife, Leslie of spiritual organizations. She enjoyed her
incredible oncology nurse for 43 years
Phyllis loved her city. She worked for Raleigh, NC, Christo Z. Free-Stoltmann time assisting with organizing events
at Mass General Hospital, where she ozier muhammad/the new york times/1999
30 years as a secretary in the intensive and his wife, Cheryl of Everett, WA, for the Friends of the Charlestown
was honored in 2010 as one of MGH’s
care unit at Winchester Hospital. Later, Nan Stoltmann of Quantico, VA and top 100 people dedicated to fighting Library and was an active member of Ms. Sheehy’s bestseller “Passages” took an indepth look at
she worked as a museum docent at Matthew Stoltmann, with whom she The Sisterhood for Temple Emmanuel. how people can evolve in adulthood.
cancer. Born on October 31, 1949 in
the Old South Meeting House on the lived. She leaves 12 grandchildren and She was an avid animal lover and
Hazleton, Pennsylvania, she was the
she donated her time wrapping gifts of Charlestown, MA; and daughter was a 1972 cover story about would have fought the suit if
for The Christ Child Society of Greater Stephanie and her husband Evan
Moskovit of Westport, CT. He also
‘‘Little edie’’ Beale and her she had the money, she later
Boston. Anne was a joy to be around
Have the of a and took a key interest in everyone she leaves behind his five grandchildren: mother, ‘‘Big edie,’’ relatives of said, but settled out of court,
met. She had a warm smile, easy laugh, Elesse Eddy and her partner Robert Jacqueline kennedy onassis with gould receiving 10 per-
and was “wicked smaht and funny.” The Easton of London, UK; Jillian Eddy and who lived in a derelict mansion cent of the book’s earnings.
SM 100+ names on her Christmas card list her partner Sam Plattus of New Haven,
on Long island. ‘‘the secret of much of her magazine work
are a testament to the many friends CT; Kaylie Moskovit of Westport, CT;
Lexie Moskovit of Westport, CT; and grey gardens,’’ as the article was adapted into books, includ-
she made over the years. She will be
dearly missed by these friends and her United States Marine Corps PFC Aidan was headlined, spawned a fren- ing ‘‘Character’’ (1988), which
Lifetime today. It can make online at 617-232-9300 times square prostitution —
reported as she dressed in hot
washington Post in 1988.
But she argued that in focus-
the difference of a lifetime. pants and go-go boots, keeping
a tape recorder in a fanny pack
ing on psychology, she was pur-
suing something more essential
— was cited when new york than standard political report- w o n a na t i o n a l ma g a z i n e ing. ‘‘i didn’t have to write about
globe correspondent
a. yes, it’s definitely awkward globe correspondent refracted light and flowers or trees reflected just out-
to share details of your per- drianne Mathiowetz didn’t set out to be- side the windows. “it gave the photos a kind of magi-
sonal life. i’ve heard other come a baby photographer. but over the cal frame that softens the edges,” said casey andrews,
people say this too about past four months of pandemic restric- one of Mathiowetz‘s first clients on the series. “and
memoirs: you’re good with tions, she’s developed a very special niche now we have these beautiful photos to give to family
strangers reading it, but you documenting what is arguably the most members who won’t get to meet [our baby] for a long
prefer that the people who momentous occasion of family life — the addition of a time because of the pandemic.”
know you don’t read it. also, newborn child. one of the Mathiowetz’s greatest challenges is find-
we tell birth stories, but no the twist is that her portraits of new parents and ing access into a suitable room through a window
one asks about the death sto- their babies are all shot through closed windows, for pane offering the right amount of light and clarity. the
ry. it’s so taboo. safe social distancing. photographer recalled a shoot at one house, built in
the boston-based portrait and documentary pho- the 1890s. “the glass in all these beautiful old win-
Q. and you wanted to tell the tographer has a broad resume, and her formal studio dows had melted down, which looks very cool, but out
story of Mike’s death? was busy pre-coVid. however, she is currently most of focus when you put a lens up to it. we finally found
a. you can have a really beau- excited about the on-site work she finds herself doing, one 4-by-6-inch pane that had been replaced that i
tiful death and i really felt capturing a special moment in time. “i always thought could work with.”
strongly about sharing that. of baby photography as cutesy and warm and nice, but then there’s the physical challenge of shooting
in our society, we’re moving not all that artistically interesting,” Mathiowetz said. while standing on a ladder. unless someone has a
toward being more open porch, even shooting through
Justin Knight
about death. but we still don’t most first-floor windows requires
ask our loved ones: what kind some elevation. “i’m not ready to
‘In our society, we’re of death do you want? i was do second floors yet,” she said
able to give Mike the perfect with a chuckle. and the day we
moving toward being death. chatted, she’d just come off a two-
more open about death. Q. you talk honestly about the
hour session in 90 degree heat.
even though Mathiowetz talks
But we still don’t ask our struggles in your first mar- in depth with clients beforehand
loved ones: What kind of riage. was that intentional, to
not show some sanitized ver-
about the process and what she
might encounter in trying to
death do you want?’ sion of marriage? shoot intimate photos through a
a. i would be surprised if any- window, she never knows what to
sara seager, MIT astrophysicist and one with kids doesn’t have expect until she’s at the home.
planetary scientist, on writing about the major negatives. i don’t like to she recently posted on insta-
death of her first husband in her memoir say that out loud because you gram, “i love that i go into these
want people to keep having sessions with no idea of what sur-
kids, right? but i wanted a prises we’ll find along the way;
message to go out to people who are struggling, that maybe you need to make things the eye can’t see, but the
a second chance for your marriage. i’m not here to preach to people. that’s camera finds. it’s the best kind of
not my job. but i wanted to tell people: yours isn’t dying, so please try. i didn’t treasure hunt.”
get the second chance with my marriage. Baby Carlo with his parents, Katie and Paolo. Top: Baby Hazel, and in fact, the restrictions of
pictured with her father, Matt. the pandemic have added artistic
Q. you explore the territory of grief in the memoir, but you also talk about depth and emotional resonance
finding happiness again and remarrying. “but now i feel like there are so many different truths to what might in ordinary times be a routine gig.
a. My mind-set has really shifted. now if something’s a bit negative with him, in it — documenting this family, this broader global “there’s a kind of outside-looking-in feeling,” Mathio-
i’m like: this is so great! i actually have a husband to get mad at? what could moment. it shows a progression of time, a kind of li- wetz said. “and because i’m shooting through a win-
be better? brary of families going through this, the face of people dow, i can’t instruct them, so they forget that i’m there
being born during a pandemic.” and just interact with each other and i’m a fly on the
Q. you first saw the night sky away from the city when you were 10, and it Mathiowetz said the project makes her nostalgic wall.”
shocked and amazed you. when you look at it now, almost 40 years later, for when her own 2-year-old son was an infant. “it she added, “with all the intense and scary news
what do you think? shuttles me back to the time when my own baby was right now, just to be focused on new life coming into
a. it’s the same feeling. it’s not a surprise anymore, but i have the same sense brand new, when everything was so intimate and sur- the world — i leave these sessions with so much hope,
of awe and wonder. the only difference is, i wonder about the planets around real. this so accurately captures what the first weeks like there’s a whole world being born in that house and
those stars. i wonder if anyone’s on those looking back at us from their planet. and months were like, living in such a bubble, even a whole new life begun. it’s nice to peer into that.”
without coVid. you’re in your home together, just
Interview was edited and condensed. Judi Ketteler can be reached at your little unit, staring into each other’s eyes, not Karen Campbell can be reached at or via Twitter @judiketteler. aware of time passing.” [email protected].
and the city and signing petitions to push for their rights.”
lowell women organized walkouts and later
prints and photographs diVision, library oF congress
suffrage. here are a few ways lowell will celebrate eXHiBitinG tHe History and other interesting info — like the Jailed for Free-
that legacy this week. boott cotton Mill Museum hosts a 19th amend- dom pins employees wear to commemorate the suf-
ment exhibit, tracing the city’s history of suffrage ac- fragists’ struggle.
liGHtinG tHe Way tivism from the early 1900s. (115 John St., over on Facebook, the park continues its “Mill
on wednesday, parts of lowell will glow purple and lowell’s new england city Minute” series, with five one-minute videos
and gold — colors adopted by the early-20th-century Quilt Museum exhibits “deeds not words,” featuring showcasing lowell legends betsy chamberlain, bet-
suffrage movement, according to the national park a curated selection of quilted works by 28 artists sy cornwell, sarah bagley, Mary agnes hallaren,
service. illuminated landmarks will include the his- from across the nation. the show includes every- and deolinda Mello.
toric boott Mills boardinghouse (42 French st.), the thing from a bold, modern homage to suffragist and
“homage to women” sculpture (at Market and rabble-rouser lucy burns, to a quilted portrait of For more about the history:
palmer streets), and the John e. cox bridge over the gertrude “Federation gertie” weil. (Through Sept. learn/historyculture/womensactivism.htm
Merrimack river. 26, 18 Shattuck St. 978-452-4207. lauren daley
Business PAGE C8 BOSTONGLOBE.COM/BUSINESS Copley Square library opens for public use of computers
Sports C
NBA playoffs: Magic-Bucks, 4 p.m., NBA
Baseball: Red Sox-Blue Jays, 6:37 p.m., NESN
NHL playoffs: Bruins-Lightning, 8 p.m., NBCSN
Listings, C7
T H E B O S T O N G L O B E W E D N E S DAY, AUG US T 2 6 , 2 0 2 0 | B O S T O N GL OB E .C O M / S P O RT S
Lightning fast
Tampa’s Palat
ends Game 2
early in OT
By Matt Porter
a boycott
Usually when a running back is MILWAUKEE VS. ORLANDO
drafted in the third round — espe- Bucks lead series, 3-1
cially one who was the lead running Tuesday, Aug. 18
Orlando 122..................................................... Milwaukee 110
back at Alabama for Thursday, Aug. 20
PATRIOTS three years — he Milwaukee 111........................................................Orlando 96
NOTEBOOK can expect to play a Saturday, Aug. 22
By Adam Himmelsbach
Milwaukee 121..................................................... Orlando 107
lot right away. Monday, Aug. 24 GLOBE STAFF
But Damien Harris was buried on Milwaukee 121..................................................... Orlando 106 When the NBA restarted in
the Patriots’ depth chart as a rookie Wed., Aug. 26............................................................................4 Orlando in the midst of the
last year, active for only two games *Fri., Aug. 28........................................................................TBA surging social justice move-
as he sat behind Sony Michel, *Sun., Aug. 30......................................................................TBA ment, there was some concern
James White, Rex Burkhead, and TORONTO VS. BROOKLYN among players that the games
Brandon Bolden. Harris finished could become a distraction and
Raptors win series, 4-0
with just four carries for 12 yards, Monday, Aug. 17 stall the momentum of the ini-
all in mop-up duty. Toronto 134..........................................................Brooklyn 110 tiative. Players have worked to
Wednesday, Aug. 19
Now he is ready to shake off the Toronto 104............................................................Brooklyn 99 keep the movement in the fore-
rust and make his mark in his soph- Friday, Aug. 21 front, from kneeling during the
omore campaign. Toronto 117........................................................... Brooklyn 92 national anthem to dedicating
Sunday, Aug. 23
“That’s last year,” he said. “It has Toronto 150......................................................... Brooklyn 122 large segments of their media
nothing to do with this year, it has sessions to raising awareness.
nothing to do with what’s going on MIAMI VS. INDIANA But some are unsure if that
right now. All I can focus on is going Heat win series, 4-0 is enough. In the wake of the
Tuesday, Aug. 18
out there with the right attitude, Miami 113.............................................................. Indiana 101
shooting of Black man Jacob
right mind-set, and just try to keep Thursday, Aug. 20 Blake by police in Wisconsin,
stacking days together.” Buried on the depth chart last season, Damien Harris feels more Miami 109.............................................................. Indiana 100 Raptors players said they held a
Saturday, Aug. 22
With Michel not practicing while comfortable in the offense and is ready to take it to the next level. Miami 124...............................................................Indiana 115 team meeting Tuesday in which
he’s on the physically unable to per- Monday, Aug. 24 they discussed how to take fur-
form list, and Bolden opting out of Miami 99...................................................................Indiana 87 ther action, including possibly
the 2020 season, Harris has been Tuesday’s Patriots practice report Western Conference boycotting the conference semi-
seeing a ton of work in training finals series against the Celtics.
Tuesday’s practice was another case of good news/bad news for the Patriots. OKLAHOMA CITY VS. HOUSTON
camp, and is trying to make the “We knew coming here or
They got Stephon Gilmore back after five days away for an excused absence,
most of it. Series tied at 2 not coming here was not going
and Cam Newton continued to assert himself as the team’s leader and starting Tuesday, Aug. 18
“There have been a lot of things quarterback. But wide receiver Julian Edelman was nowhere to be found, and Houston 123..............................................Oklahoma City 108 to stop anything,” Toronto
that have helped me in my transi- rookie tight end Devin Asiasi left early after suffering an apparent foot injury. Thursday, Aug. 20 guard Fred VanVleet said. “But
tion from Year 1 and Year 2,” Harris Here are observations from the practice, in which the full contact was dialed Houston 111................................................Oklahoma City 98 I think ultimately playing or
back a bit from Monday: Saturday, Aug. 22
said after an active practice Tuesday. Oklahoma City 119.....................................Houston 107 (OT) not playing puts pressure on
“And every single day I come in with Edelman, safety Adrian Phillips, offensive tackle Yodny Cajuste, nose tackle
Monday, Aug. 24 somebody.”
the mind-set, ‘How can I get better? Oklahoma City 117..............................................Houston 114 When asked, Marcus Smart
Beau Allen, receiver Jeff Thomas, and running backs Sony Michel (PUP/foot) Schedule
What can I do to improve?’ ” and Lamar Miller (PUP/knee) were not spotted. Wed., Aug. 26.......................................................................6:30 said the Celtics could consider a
Harris didn’t get much playing Safety Kyle Dugger, linebacker Terez Hall, and receivers Jakobi Meyers and Fri., Aug. 28..........................................................................TBA similar path.
Will Hastings were present but mostly withheld from practice. Jarrett Stidham Sun., Aug. 30........................................................................TBA
time because Michel, White, Burk- “It’s been talked about,” he
returned to 11-on-11 work for the first time since injuring his leg last Thursday,
head, and Bolden stayed healthy, and linebacker Caash Maluia returned after leaving early Monday. DENVER VS. UTAH said. “We aren’t really sure. We
and he doesn’t contribute much on INJURIES: Asiasi, the tight end drafted in the third round, landed awkwardly and Jazz lead series, 3-2 haven’t confirmed anything,
special teams. left early with an apparent foot/ankle injury. He had been having a good train- Monday, Aug. 17 but it’s definitely something in
A powerful running back at 5 ing camp until the injury. Denver 135..........................................................Utah 125 (OT) the back of our minds. It’s
DRESS CODE: Full pads, no tackling to the ground. Wednesday, Aug. 19
feet 11 inches and 213 pounds, Har- Utah 124................................................................. Denver 105 something that — something
ris said he is far more comfortable Friday, Aug. 21 needs to change. Like I said, it’s
R Bill Belichick may not be ready to call the quarterback competition, but New- Utah 124.....................................................................Denver 87
with the offense and the system this ton is the clear front-runner, and it looks like only an injury would prevent him Sunday, Aug. 23
more important than basket-
year. But the competition at the po- from being named the starter. He got the most reps in team drills, and notice- Utah 129...................................................................Denver 127 ball right now. It’s definitely a
sition — the Patriots also have rook- ably gets extra coaching and attention from Josh McDaniels and Jedd Fisch. Tuesday, Aug. 25 thought and we have to talk
R In 11-on-11 drills, Newton went 14 of 19 passing, while Brian Hoyer went 7 of Denver 117................................................................. Utah 107
ie J.J. Tayloras well as veteran Lamar Schedule more with each other and try to
13 and Stidham 6 for 6. There were no interceptions, but Hoyer should have
Miller, who has yet to practice — Thu., Aug. 27.............................................................................4 get on the same page.”
been picked on a wild duck he threw over the middle in team drills. *Sat., Aug. 29.......................................................................TBA
doesn’t let Harris get complacent R For Stidham, it was a good sign that he returned to full team work, and he Jaylen Brown said the Celt-
with any progress. throws a beautiful ball during individual drills, but he’s clearly limited and not LA CLIPPERS VS. DALLAS ics had not discussed a poten-
“The best is demanded of you ev- on the same level as the other two. tial boycott, but he indicated it
Clippers lead series, 3-2
ery single day, from your coaches, R The Patriots ran only one two-minute drill, and Newton ran the offense. could be a topic of discussion in
Monday, Aug. 17
from your teammates, from the mo- KICKING COMPETITION LA Clippers 118........................................................Dallas 110 the coming days.
The two kickers were bystanders until the end of practice. Nick Folk went 3 for Wednesday, Aug. 19
ment you walk in to the moment 3 on kicks from 33, 43, and 48 yards, while rookie Justin Rohrwasser went 2 for Dallas 127....................................................... LA Clippers 114
“Those emotions are real,”
you walk out,” Harris said. “It’s defi- 3, missing from 43. Friday, Aug. 21 Brown said. “That is real. Yes,
nitely not comfortable, because On the two-minute drill at the end of practice, Folk was the one attempting the LA Clippers 130....................................................... Dallas 122 we’re athletes. Yes, we’re being
kick, and he came up short from about 50 yards. Sunday, Aug. 23
every day you have to come in and Dallas 135...............................................LA Clippers 133 (OT) paid to play a sport that we love.
do just that.” Usually, kickers drafted in the fifth round are safe. And Rohrwasser definitely Tuesday, Aug. 25 But we are human beings, mem-
has the bigger leg. But Rohrwasser should be concerned about his roster spot LA Clippers 154....................................................... Dallas 111 bers of our community. We are
Welcome back with Folk now in the picture.
Thu., Aug. 27.............................................................................9 fathers, uncles, nephews, broth-
Julian Edelman’s progress with The Patriots are hoping for a big jump from receiver N’Keal Harry in his second Sat., Aug. 29.........................................................................TBA ers, etc. So all those emotions
Cam Newton stalled a bit Tuesday as season, and after a slow start to training camp, Harry asserted himself Tuesday. are real and I don’t really have a
An imposing 6 feet 4 inches and 225 pounds, Harry showed off his physicality.
the veteran receiver missed practice lot to say. I’m just happy by the
First he made an impressive contested catch over 6-4 cornerback Joejuan Wil- Lakers lead series, 3-1
for an undisclosed reason. Edelman grace of God that Jacob Blake is
liams, using his body to box out Williams and catch a back-shoulder throw. And Tuesday, Aug. 18
had been putting in a lot of extra later in practice Harry started a brief shoving match when he finished a block Portland 100........................................................ LA Lakers 93 still alive, because the police
work with Newton off to the side re- and drove cornerback Michael Jackson into the turf. Thursday, Aug. 20 who shot him, that wasn’t their
LA Lakers 111.........................................................Portland 88
cently. Harry has been in and out of the lineup in camp, but when he’s available he Saturday, Aug. 22 intention. They shot him to kill
But the Patriots did receive some can be physically dominant. The Patriots just need him to start stringing the LA Lakers 116...................................................... Portland 108 him, and that’s a problem in this
days together. Monday, Aug. 24
good news when star cornerback country. There’s a million differ-
TOP PLAYS LA Lakers 135...................................................... Portland 115
Stephon Gilmore returned to prac- R Receiver Isaiah Zuber shook cornerback Justin Bethel out of his shoes on a 15- Schedule ent ways you could have dis-
tice. He had missed five days with yard comeback route in one-on-one drills. Wed., Aug. 26............................................................................9 solved that situation and your
*Fri., Aug. 28........................................................................TBA
what Bill Belichick said was an ex- R Rex Burkhead made a great Willie Mays catch over his head on a deep fade *Sun., Aug. 30......................................................................TBA thought was to kill him. That
cused absence. The NFL’s COVID-19 route down the left sideline from Newton. was the best method.”
testing protocols held up Gilmore’s R Newton had a beautiful drop in the bucket down the right sideline to diminu- * If necessary
Brown was visibly upset
tive running back J.J. Taylor for 35-40 yards.
return for a few days, but his team- R Harry vs. Jackson one-on-one is worth the price of admission, with Jackson Tuesday as he spoke about his
mates were definitely glad to have making a diving pass breakup on an out pass to the right sideline. sadness and frustration follow-
him back. ODDS AND ENDS NUGGETS 117, JAZZ 107 CLIPPERS 154, MAVS 111 ing this latest shooting.
“Steph is a guy that we all look R With Edelman and Meyers both out, second-year wideout Gunner Olszewski UTAH DALLAS “Are we not human beings?”
up to,” safety Terrance Brooks said. got a ton of reps and seemed to develop a nice connection with Newton. Olsze- FG FT Reb FG FT Reb
he asked. “Is Jacob Blake not a
Min M-A M-A O-T A F Pt
wski made a beautiful contested catch over Jonathan Jones on a crossing route, Min M-A M-A O-T A F Pt
“I like to have Steph out there be- and connected twice in a row with Newton in team drills for first downs. O'Neale. 37 4-6 0-0 1-4 3 5 10 Smith .... 27 3-6 0-0 2-6 4 4 9
Hrdwy... 25 7-14 2-2 0-1 3 2 19
human being? I don’t care if he
Ingles .... 33 5-8 0-0 0-3 3 1 13
cause I can learn from him. Just the R Also, Edelman isn’t the only one who calls Olszewski “Gun Show.” That ap- Gobert... 43 4-9 3-4 1-12 2 2 11
Kleber ... 28 4-6 2-2 2-4 1 2 12 did something 10 years ago, 10
Burke .... 29 6-11 1-2 0-1 2 2 15
way he covers, the way he goes pears to be his given nickname from the team. Conley... 35 5-12 5-6 1-4 5 4 17 Doncic... 31 6-17 9-14 1-8 4 1 22 days ago, or 10 minutes ago. If
Mitchell 38 11-23 4-5 0-2 5 2 30 Curry..... 23 2-6 0-0 1-2 0 1 4
about practice, the way he carries R A lot of lap-running. Guard Hjalte Froholdt, defensive lineman Michael Bar- Bradley ... 5 1-1 0-0 0-1 0 1 2 Gilchrist 14 1-6 1-2 0-0 1 3 3 he served his sentence and he
himself. nett, linebacker Shilique Calhoun, defensive lineman Chase Winovich, lineback- Clarksn . 26 6-14 1-1 0-3 2 3 17 Mrjnvic . 17 0-1 5-6 0-3 1 4 5
was released back into society,
er Josh Uche, linebacker Scoota Harris, and the entire defensive line had to run Morgan... 5 0-0 0-0 1-3 1 2 0 Wright... 21 5-7 0-1 0-1 2 0 11
“It’s always good to get your Niang .... 18 3-5 0-0 0-3 2 0 7 Jackson... 9 1-3 1-2 0-2 0 1 3 he still deserves to be treated
laps for committing a false start or offside penalty. Totals .... 39-78 13-16 4-35 23 20 107 Clvelnd ... 7 2-5 0-0 1-1 0 1 4
brother back in the building. We R Newton’s energy is noticeable. He begins practice by going around the huddle Reaves.... 7 1-3 2-2 0-2 1 1 4 like a human and does not de-
FG%: .500, FT%: .813. 3-pt. goals: 16- Totals .... 38-85 23-33 7-31 19 22 111
definitely missed him. It felt good to and doing a unique handshake with each teammate. He dances during warm- 34, .471 (O'Neale 2-4, Ingles 3-6, Conley serve to be shot in the back sev-
2-6, Mitchell 4-8, Clarkson 4-7, Niang FG%: .447, FT%: .697. 3-pt. goals: 12-
have him out there. You don’t need ups, and screams out encouragement for his teammates across the field. 1-3). Blocks: 3 (Gobert, Conley, Brad- 37, .324 (Smith 3-6, Hardaway 3-7, Kle- en times with the intent to kill.
ber 2-4, Burke 2-3, Doncic 1-6, Curry
to worry about as many receivers R Stidham does throw a pretty ball and looks great in one-on-one drills. But the ley). Turnovers: 15 (O'Neale 4, Gobert
0-2, Gilchrist 0-4, Marjanovic 0-1, His kids will never unsee that.
3, Conley 2, Mitchell 4, Bradley 2).
fact that the Patriots are two weeks into camp and Stidham is battling an injury Wright 1-1, Jackson 0-2, Reaves 0-1).
when he’s out there.” Steals: 7 (O'Neale 3, Ingles 2, Conley,
Blocks: 6. Turnovers: 13. Steals: 8. His family will never unsee
and barely getting any reps has to go down as a major disappointment. I didn’t Mitchell).
expect Stidham to beat out Newton for the job, but I thought he’d show up more DENVER
LA CLIPPERS that. And frankly, I will never
The milk man than he has so far.
Min M-A M-A O-T A F Pt unsee it.”
Min M-A M-A O-T A F Pt Morris ... 28 4-8 0-0 3-6 4 3 12
Chase Winovich swore that he R With Michel missing all of training camp, second-year running back Damien PMillsp.. 19 1-4 2-2 1-3 1 3 4 Leonrd .. 30 12-19 6-11 2-7 4 2 32
wasn’t doing an ad — he just loves Harris is getting a long look from the coaching staff. He needs the work after Grant..... 40 4-12 4-4 0-6 1 2 13 Zubac.... 24 2-2 5-6 0-7 2 3 9
Celtics schedule
Jokic...... 43 12-19 0-0 0-6 4 4 31 Shamet . 22 3-4 2-2 0-4 1 0 11
carrying just four times all year.
milk, and he took a nice long swig of Morris ... 18 1-5 2-2 1-4 3 1 4 George.. 25 12-18 7-7 1-3 2 4 35
R Taylor, an undrafted rookie, is only 5-6 but he has impressive separation skills Murray.. 41 17-26 4-4 3-8 8 3 42 Jacksn... 22 4-7 0-0 0-3 5 0 11
it after practice before his Zoom call and could be a secret weapon in the passing game, a poor man’s Darren Spro- Plumlee .. 5 0-1 0-0 0-1 1 1 0 Willims.. 22 4-7 0-1 0-3 2 2 8
Craig ..... 19 2-6 0-0 0-1 0 0 5 Harrell... 23 7-11 4-5 2-11 1 3 19
with media. les. And it’s hard not to root for a guy like him to make the team (or at least the Porter.... 34 5-11 2-2 0-5 1 2 15
Mann..... 14 0-0 0-0 0-3 1 3 0 CELTICS VS. RAPTORS
McGrdr ... 7 2-3 0-0 0-1 1 0 6
“It’s one of those things where I practice squad). Dozier ... 20 1-1 1-2 0-4 3 2 3 Coffey ..... 5 0-1 2-2 0-0 3 0 2
Totals .... 43-85 15-16 5-38 22 18 117 Eastern Conference semifinals
feel like there’s a subtle war against R The Patriots spent several periods on kickoff and punt drills, and let me tell Pttrsn...... 5 3-3 0-0 0-1 2 1 9
Green .... 13 0-1 0-0 0-0 0 5 0 Thu., Aug. 27.........................6:30 p.m
milk,” Winovich said. “I obviously you, special teams coordinator Cameron Achord has some pipes. FG%: .506, FT%: .938. 3-pt. goals: 16-
Totals .... 53-84 26-34 8-49 28 26 154
35, .457 (P.Millsap 0-1, Grant 1-3, Jokic Sat., Aug. 29..................................TBA
UPCOMING SCHEDULE 7-11, Morris 0-2, Murray 4-8, Craig 1-3, FG%: .631, FT%: .765. 3-pt. goals: 22- Mon., Aug. 31................................TBA
enjoy milk. I think dairy farmers do Wednesday-Thursday: Practice, 10 a.m. Porter 3-7). Blocks: 5 (Jokic, Plumlee, 35, .629 (Morris 4-6, Leonard 2-4,
Craig, Porter, Dozier). Turnovers: 9 Wed.., Sept. 2................................TBA
excellent work around this country. BEN VOLIN (P.Millsap, Grant 2, Jokic 2, Morris,
Shamet 3-3, George 4-8, Jackson 3-4,
Williams 0-1, Harrell 1-2, McGruder 2-3,
Plumlee, Porter 2). Steals: 4 (Grant, *Fri., Sept. 4...................................TBA
We need to appreciate them and the Murray, Craig, Porter).
Coffey 0-1, Patterson 3-3). Blocks: 4 .
Turnovers: 15. Steals: 5. *Sun., Sept. 6................................TBA
beautiful cows that are also milked Utah .......................32 31 23 21 — 107 Dallas.....................22 30 34 25 — 111 *Tue., Sept. 8.................................TBA
Denver...................33 21 28 35 — 117 LA Clippers...........41 35 35 43 — 154
and produce this delicious milk.” *if necessary
A — (0). T — 2:25. Officials — Scott T — 2:33. Officials — Kane Fitzgerald,
The second-year defensive end staff members come back as false ending and the competition is heat- Foster, Tony Brown, James Williams. Pat Fraher, Tre Maddox.
has professed his love for milk many positives because of an error at a ing up.
times over the years, particularly testing lab in New Jersey. The Patri- There are only 17 days left until
when he can “feel it run through my
ots did not have to push back prac-
tice or have key players sit out like
the opener, and Belichick wants to
spend the last 10 days or so game- Murray’s 42 lead Nuggets past Jazz
On his YouTube channel, Win- the Bills, Browns, and Vikings did, planning on the Dolphins. If players
ovich once visited Liberty Hill Farm and Belichick said they aren’t wor- don’t have their assignments down ASSOCIATED PRESS Leonard added 32 as Los Angeles routed
in Vermont for an episode. ried about false positives or similar cold this week, they will be in trou- Jamal Murray scored 33 of his 42 Dallas to take a 3-2 lead in their series.
“I got the opportunity to meet all mishaps in the future. ble. points in a second half in which he Dallas’s Luka Doncic was held to 22
the cows and actually milk some,” “From our standpoint, I think “This will be multiple times — at played every minute and the Denver points on 6-for-17 shooting, while cen-
he said. “It was an awesome time. I we’re doing the right things,” he said least second, third, maybe fourth Nuggets avoided elimi- ter Kristaps Porzingis sat out with right
really just fell in love with the pro- Monday. “We’ve had really almost time through — on a lot of things
NBA nation by beating the knee soreness.
cess. Already had a love for milk. no problems that we have any con- that we’re doing, whether that’s ROUNDUP Utah Jazz, 117-107, on . . .
I’ve been tweeting about milk for trol over. Like I said, when we feel plays or techniques or situations, Tuesday in Game 5 of Portland guard Damian Lillard has a
years. like we need to do something differ- things like that,” he said. “Now, we their Western Conference series. sprained right knee and will be side-
“My cousin also is a dairy farmer ently, then we address it or change it really need to see those things start Murray was unstoppable down the lined Wednesday when the Trail Blazers
in the Pittsburgh region, Lancaster or modify somehow to make it bet- to come together this week on all stretch in nearly matching his 50-point play a win-or-else Western Conference
County, Amish country.” ter or get it right, and we’ll continue levels in all three phases of the effort in Game 4. He hit 17 of 26 shots first-round Game 5 against the Lakers.
to do that.” game.” and had eight assists, including a pass to . . .
False but not alarming Nikola Jokic for a 3-pointer with 23.6 The Bucks’ Giannis Antetokounmpo
The Patriots reportedly were one It’s about to get real Ben Volin can be reached at seconds remaining that sealed the win. was voted NBA Defensive Player of the
of 11 teams affected last weekend A truncated preseason means [email protected]. Follow him Clippers 154, Mavericks 111 —Paul Year, becoming the fifth player to win
when the NFL had 77 players and that the teaching portion of camp is on Twitter @BenVolin. George scored 35 points and Kawhi that award and MVP in a career.
W E D N E S D A Y, A U G U S T 2 6 , 2 0 2 0 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e Sports C3
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C4 Sports T h e B o s t o n G l o b e W E D N E S D A Y, A U G U S T 2 6 , 2 0 2 0
no-hits Pittsburgh
Polanco dh 3 0 0 0 0 3 .143 Suárez 3b 4 1 1 0 0 0 .158
Riddle 3b 3 0 0 0 0 1 .174 Moustakas 2b 4 0 1 2 0 2 .200
EAST W L Pct. GB WCGB Last 10 Streak Tucker rf 3 0 0 0 0 3 .229 Akiyama cf 3 0 0 0 0 0 .214
Tampa Bay 20 11 .645 — — 8-2 W1 Dyson cf 3 0 0 0 0 1 .157 Davidson ph 1 0 0 0 0 0 .207
Murphy c 2 0 0 0 0 2 .167 Galvis ss 3 0 1 0 0 1 .218
New York 16 9 .640 1 — 6-4 L3 Osuna ph 1 0 0 0 0 0 .129 Payton lf 2 0 1 0 0 0 .200
Toronto 14 14 .500 4½ 3 7-3 L1 Totals 27 0 0 0 1 13 Ervin ph-lf 1 0 0 0 0 1 .091
Barnhart c 1 0 0 0 1 1 .174
Baltimore 14 15 .483 5 3½ 3-7 L1 WHITE SOX AB R H BI BB SO Avg. Casali ph-c 1 0 0 0 0 1 .175
TAnderson ss 3 0 1 1 1 1 .349
Boston 10 20 .333 9½ 8 4-6 W1 Jiménez lf 4 0 2 1 0 1 .306
Totals 31 2 4 2 1 13
Abreu 1b 3 0 1 0 1 0 .322 MILWAUKEE AB R H BI BB SO Avg.
CENTRAL W L Pct. GB WCGB Last 10 Streak STAFF AND WIRE REPORTS third overall pick in the 2016 draft, Encarnación dh 4
Moncada 3b 3
1 0 0 1 .164
0 0 1 1 .243
AGarcía cf
Yelich dh
1 0 0 3
1 0 0 1
Minnesota 20 11 .645 — — 7-3 L1
Chicago 18 12 .600 1½ — 8-2 W1 Lucas Giolito pitched the first no-hit- Meanwhile, the Yankees bolstered Robert cf
McCann c
3 0 0 1 .284
1 1 0 0 .347
Hiura 2b
Smoak 1b
1 0 0 1
0 0 1 0
Cleveland 18 12 .600 1½ — 7-3 W1 ter of the pandemic-delayed major league their roster by activating outfielder Aaron Mendick 2b 3 1 0 0 1 0 .253 Narváez c 3 0 0 0 1 2 .167
Engel rf 4 0 0 1 0 0 .264 Gamel rf 3 0 1 1 0 2 .191
Detroit 12 16 .429 6½ 5 3-7 W1 season, striking out 13 and permitting Judge from the injured list. Totals 30 4 9 4 4 5 Sogard 3b 2 0 0 0 1 1 .181
Kansas City 12 18 .400 7½ 6 4-6 W1 Arcia ss 3 0 1 1 0 0 .250
just one runner Tuesday Judge was shelved with an ailing right Pittsburgh..................000 000 000 — 0 0 0
Chi. White Sox..........031 000 00x — 4 9 0
Peterson lf 1 0 0 0 1 1 .000
WEST W L Pct. GB WCGB Last 10 Streak NOTEBOOK night in leading the Chi- calf after hitting .290 with nine homers LOB—Pittsburgh 1, Chi. White Sox 8. 2B—
Mathias ph-lf
0 0 0 1
5 2 4 12
Jiménez (5), Encarnación (3), Robert (7). SF—
Oakland 21 10 .677 — — 6-4 W1
Houston 17 14 .548 4 1½ 6-4 L1
cago White Sox over the and 20 RBIs in 17 games. McCann. DP—Pittsburgh 1. Cincinnati.................. 000 200 000 — 2 4 1
Milwaukee.................000 300 00x — 3 5 0
Pittsburgh IP H R ER BB SO ERA
Texas 11 18 .379 9 6½ 1-9 L1 visiting Pittsburgh Pirates, 4-0. The Yankees were eager to get back on Brault L 0-1 3 5 4 4 4 0 4.80 E—Votto (4). LOB—Cincinnati 4, Milwau-
kee 5. 2B—Payton (1), Gamel (3). SB—Suárez
Tropeano 4 3 0 0 0 4 0.00
*Seattle 11 19 .367 9½ 7 4-6 W3 With the seats at Guaranteed Rate the field after their three-game Subway Neverauskas 1 1 0 0 0 1 9.90 (2). CS—AGarcía (1).
Los Angeles 10 22 .313 11½ 9 3-7 W1 Cincinnati IP H R ER BB SO ERA
Field empty, the hollers of his teammates Series against the Mets was postponed Chi. White Sox
Giolito W 3-2
0 0 1 13 3.09
Castillo L 0-4 6 5 3 2 4 9 4.18
Garrett 1 0 0 0 0 2 2.79
echoed around the ballpark after right because of coronavirus concerns. HBP—by Brault (McCann). WP—Brault. Thornburg 1 0 0 0 0 1 0.00
NP—Brault 71, Tropeano 40, Neverauskas 12,
fielder Adam Engel extended to catch Er- Now, the Yankees will have to wait un- Giolito 101. Umpires—Home, CB Bucknor;
Milwaukee IP H R ER BB SO ERA
Woodruff W 2-2 6 4 2 2 1 8 3.19
ik Gonzalez’s slicing drive toward the line til a Wednesday doubleheader at Truist First, Erich Bacchus; Second, John Tumpane;
Third, Jose Navas. T—2:23. A—0 (40,615).
Suter 1 0 0 0 0 3 3.68
DWilliams 1 0 0 0 0 2 0.77
for the final out. Park, which would mean a six-day layoff Hader S 7 1 0 0 0 0 0 0.00
“I’ve been working for this type of since their last game, against the Rays. PHILLIES 8, NATIONALS 3 HBP—by Woodruff (Castellanos). NP—
Castillo 113, Garrett 13, Thornburg 15, Wood-
game for a while now and it’s really cool Contrast that with what’s coming up: PHILADELPHIA
McCutchen lf
2 1 2 1 0 .239
ruff 96, Suter 14, DevWilliams 9, Hader 9. Um-
pires—Home, Shane Livensparger; First, D.J.
EAST W L Pct. GB WCGB Last 10 Streak that we got it done,” Giolito said. three doubleheaders over a five-day span. Haseley lf 0 0 0 0 0 0 .304 Reyburn; Second, Tim Timmons; Third, Ryan
Hoskins 1b 4 1 1 0 1 1 .225 Blakney. T—2:47. A—0 (41,700).
Atlanta 16 12 .571 — — 5-5 L1 The 26-year-old Giolito (3-2) was “That’s 2020, baby,” New York manag- BrHarper rf 3 1 1 0 2 0 .321
*Miami 13 11 .542 1 — 4-6 W2 Realmuto c 5 1 1 3 0 2 .289
*New York 12 15 .444 3½ 2½ 5-5 L1 dominant in his previous start, too, fan- er Aaron Boone said. “We’ve got to figure Gregorius ss 4 1 1 0 1 0 .287 ATHLETICS 10, RANGERS 3
Segura 3b 5 0 3 2 0 0 .233
Philadelphia 11 14 .440 3½ 2½ 5-5 W2 ning 13 against Detroit and allowing just it out. It’s a challenge. Obviously, these Bohm dh 5 0 1 1 0 0 .324 OAKLAND AB R H BI BB SO Avg.
Quinn cf 4 1 2 0 0 0 .259 Semien ss 5 2 3 2 0 0 .233
Washington 11 16 .407 4½ 3½ 4-6 L2 three hits in seven innings. The victory seven-inning [doubleheader] games Kingery 2b 4 1 1 0 0 1 .123 Grossman lf 4 1 0 1 1 1 .263
Totals 38 8 12 8 5 4 Chapman 3b 3 0 0 0 1 3 .240
CENTRAL W L Pct. GB WCGB Last 10 Streak over Pittsburgh was his third career shut- makes it a little more doable, where it’s Canha dh 4 2 0 1 0 2 .279
Chicago 18 11 .621 — — 5-5 L1 out. not as daunting, but there’s no question Turner ss 4 1 1 1 0 1 .311
Piscotty rf 5 0 1 3 0 2 .260
Olson 1b 4 1 2 2 1 0 .175
St. Louis 10 9 .526 3 ½ 5-5 L1 Eaton rf 4 1 2 1 0 0 .250
Milwaukee 13 15 .464 4½ 2 5-5 W2
Only a four-pitch walk to Gonzalez we’re heading into a tough stretch here.” Soto lf 3 0 0 0 1 0 .382
Laureano cf
Kemp 2b
4 0
2 3
0 0 0 2
1 0 1 0
Cabrera 1b 4 1 2 0 0 1 .269
Cincinnati 11 17 .393 6½ 4 3-7 L4 leading off the fourth inning got in Gioli- A pair of seven-inning contests will be Suzuki c 4 0 1 0 0 0 .255
Heim c
3 1
34 10
1 0 1 0
8 9 5 10
García 2b 4 0 1 0 0 1 .324
Pittsburgh 7 18 .280 9 6½ 4-6 L1 to’s way of perfection. The righthander, played Wednesday. Anderson is sched- Thames dh 3 0 0 0 1 0 .215 TEXAS AB R H BI BB SO Avg.
Taveras cf 4 0 1 0 0 1 .286
WEST W L Pct. GB WCGB Last 10 Streak who was an All-Star last year, threw 101 uled to face Cole in the opener, while Ma- Kieboom 3b
Robles cf
0 0 0 0 .200
1 0 0 1 .234 Solak lf 4 0 2 2 0 1 .270
*Los Angeles 22 8 .733 — — 9-1 W4 pitches and made quick work of the Pi- hahiro Tanaka (0-1) goes against Braves Totals 33 3 8 2 2 4 Frazier 3b
Gallo rf
0 0 0 2 .250
0 0 0 1 .191
*San Diego 18 12 .600 4 — 7-3 W7 rates. Pittsburgh came into the game bat- ace Max Fried (4-0) in the nightcap.
Philadelphia..............004 000 112 — 8 12 3 Santana 1b 4 0 0 0 0 2 .154
Washington...............100 001 001 — 3 8 1 Trevino dh 4 1 2 0 0 0 .342
*Colorado 14 15 .483 7½ 1½ 2-8 W1 E—Hoskins (3), Kingery (3), Segura (2),
*San Francisco 14 16 .467 8 2 6-4 W6 ting just .229 this season and has the The Braves bolstered their lineup for García (1). LOB—Philadelphia 8, Washington
Chirinos c
Kiner-Falefa ss
0 0 0 1 .132
2 1 0 0 .269
*Arizona 13 17 .433 9 3 4-6 L6 worst record in the majors. Anderson’s debut, activating outfielders 5. 2B—Gregorius (4), Kingery (1), García (2).
HR—Realmuto (9), off Fedde, Turner (6), off
Rivera 2b 2 0 0 0 0 0 .000
Dietrich ph-2b 1 0 1 0 0 0 .250
* — Not including late game Giolito was fully aware in the later in- Ronald Acuña Jr. and Nick Markakis from Arrieta, Eaton (3), off Hembree. SB—Mc-
Cutchen 2 (3), Quinn 2 (5). DP—Philadelphia
Totals 34 3 8 3 0 8
RESULTS nings what was at stake. the 10-day injured list. 4; Washington 3. Oakland......................001 220 500 — 10 8 1
Texas..........................010 020 000 — 3 8 0
Philadelphia IP H R ER BB SO ERA
TUESDAY “After the seventh, six more outs, look- Acuña missed the past two weeks with Arrieta W 2-3 5 3 1 1 1 1 4.32 E—Semien (5). LOB—Oakland 5, Texas 5.
2B—Semien (4), Piscotty (6), Trevino 2 (6).
Hembree „ 1 1 1 1 1 3.86
Boston 9 at Toronto 7 NY Yankees (ppd.) at Atlanta
ing at who I was facing, became very, an injured wrist, while Markakis had to Hunter 1‚ 1 0 0 0 1 4.35 HR—Semien (5), off Gibson, Olson (10), off
Gibson. CS—Kiner-Falefa (3). DP—Oakland 1;
Neris „ 2 0 0 0 0 9.95
1st: Miami 4 (7 inn.) at NY Mets 0 Oakland 10 at Texas 3
very, very possible,” he said, “and then we sit out after potentially being exposed to Morgan ‚ 0 0 0 0 0 3.86 Texas 2.
Parker 1 1 1 0 0 1 0.00 Oakland IP H R ER BB SO ERA
2d: NY Mets at Miami At Milwaukee 3 Cincinnati 2
were able to get it done.” COVID-19. Manaea W 2-2 5 6 3 1 0 3 5.64
Washington IP H R ER BB SO ERA McFarland 1 1 0 0 0 1 0.71
The White Sox rushed toward the Fedde L 1-2 5 7 4 4 1 1 3.57
Indians bring back Clevinger
1st: At Houston 6 (7 inn.) Angels 3 At Chi. White Sox 4 Pittsburgh 0 Trivino 2 1 0 0 0 3 3.38
JGuerra 1 1 0 0 0 0 3.00 Weems 1 0 0 0 0 1 3.00
2d: Angels 12 (7 inn.) at Houston 5 Kansas City 5 at St. Louis 4 mound after the final out in Giolito’s first Suero „ 1 1 1 1 0 4.91
Rainey 1‚ 2 1 1 0 1 1.35 Texas IP H R ER BB SO ERA
Philadelphia 8 at Washington 3 Seattle at San Diego career no-hitter. Giolito hugged catcher Indians starter Mike Clevinger will Finnegan „ 1 2 2 3 2 1.64 Gibson L 1-3 6‚ 6 7 7 2 6 5.73
Bacus ‚ 0 0 0 0 0 7.50 Gibaut ‚ 0 3 3 1 1 6.57
At Tampa Bay 4 Baltimore 2 Colorado at Arizona James McCann as the Chicago players pitch Wednesday for the first time since IBB—off Suero (BrHarper), off Finnegan
Herget ‚ 1 0 0 1 1 4.50
Hearn 2 1 0 0 1 2 2.35
At Detroit 7 Chi. Cubs 1 LA Dodgers at San Francisco joined the celebration. breaking team rules and Major League (Gregorius, BrHarper). WP—Arrieta, Fedde,
HBP—by Manaea (Chirinos), by Gibson
Suero, Finnegan 2. NP—Arrieta 54, Hembree
At Cleveland 4 Minnesota 2 Giolito pitched the 19th no-hitter in Baseball COVID-19 protocols and being 19, Hunter 16, Neris 15, Morgan 5, Parker 25, (Chapman, Kemp), by Gibaut (Canha). WP—
Gibson. NP—Manaea 86, McFarland 15, Trivi-
Fedde 87, JGuerra 12, Suero 15, Rainey 26,
MONDAY White Sox history and first since Philip demoted for 10 days. Finnegan 21, Bacus 4. Umpires—Home, Chris no 27, Weems 14, Gibson 95, Gibaut 21, Her-
Conroy; First, Lance Barksdale; Second, Ryan get 14, Hearn 40. Umpires—Home, Gabe Mo-
Toronto 6 at Tampa Bay 4 At Milwaukee 4 Cincinnati 2 Humber threw a perfect game at Seattle Clevinger will return and pitch the se- Additon; Third, David Rackley. T—3:13 (1:12 rales; First, John Libka; Second, Adrian
delay). A—0 (41,376). Johnson; Third, Lance Barrett. T—3:15. A—0
Miami 11 at Washington 8 At St. Louis 9 Kansas City 3 in 2012. ries finale against the AL Central-leading (40,300).
Chi. Cubs 9 at Detroit 3 At Houston 11 LA Angels 4 The White Sox, who’ve won eight of Twins. The righthander last pitched Aug. TIGERS 7, CUBS 1 AL LEADERS
Minnesota 3 at Cleveland 2 Colorado 3 at Arizona 2 their last nine, ended the Pirates’ season- 5 at Cincinnati. Three days later, he and CHI. CUBS AB R H BI BB SO Avg.
At Texas 3 Oakland 2 best winning streak at three games. Zach Plesac violated the team’s code of Happ cf-rf
Rizzo 1b
0 0 1 1
1 0 0 1
.214 Through Monday’s games
conduct by going out to dinner and risk- Báez ss 4 0 1 0 0 0 .220
AB R H Avg.
Braves call on prospect ing exposure to the coronavirus.
Schwarber lf
Contreras c
0 0 1 1
1 1 0 1
LeMahieu, NYY................. 73 15 30 .411
Lewis, Sea ....................... 106 24 39 .368
Heyward rf 3 0 1 0 0 1 .264
Cruz, Min......................... 103 23 35 .340
The Atlanta Braves called up top pros- Almora Jr. cf 1 0 0 0 0 1 .174
pect Ian Anderson to make his big league LeBlanc done for season Caratini dh
Phegley ph-dh
0 0 0 3
0 0 0 0
Severino, Bal..................... 81
Rendon, LAA ..................... 95 17 31 .326
Abreu, CWS..................... 118 22 38 .322
8 27 .333
Bote 3b 3 0 0 0 1 1 .212
debut Tuesday night against Gerrit Cole The Orioles placed lefthander Wade Kipnis 2b 3 0 0 0 0 0 .271
Fletcher, LAA .................. 126 20 40 .317
Voit, NYY ........................... 74 16 23 .311
Totals 32 1 4 1 3 10
and the visiting New York Yankees — but LeBlanc on the 60-day injured list with a DETROIT AB R H BI BB SO Avg.
Perez, KC........................... 88 10 27 .307
Alberto, Bal ..................... 115 19 35 .304
the debut will have to wait after the game season-ending elbow problem. LeBlanc Reyes lf-cf 5 1 1 0 0 2 .267 Lowe, TB.......................... 102 25 31 .304
Díaz, TB.............................. 96 13 29 .302
Schoop 2b 4 1 1 4 1 1 .286
was rained out. walked off the mound in the first inning Cabrera dh 4 1 2 1 1 0 .198 Merrifield, KC ................. 113 20 34 .301
Candelario 1b 4 0 2 0 0 1 .277 Jiménez, CWS................. 104 13 31 .298
The Braves added the 22-year-old of Sunday’s game against Boston after ex- Goodrum ss 3 0 0 0 1 2 .188 Verdugo, Bos .................... 94 17 28 .298
Jones cf 3 1 1 1 0 1 .273 Grichuk, Tor ...................... 91 14 27 .297
righthander in hopes of bolstering a rota- periencing elbow tightness . . . The As- Stewart lf 0 0 0 0 0 0 .158 Adames, TB....................... 88 19 26 .295
Maybin rf 2 1 1 1 1 0 .206 Correa, Hou..................... 105 12 31 .295
tion that has struggled to find any consis- tros’ game against the Angels scheduled Bonifacio rf 1 0 0 0 0 1 .077 Hernández, Tor .............. 102 16 30 .294
Romine c 3 1 0 0 1 0 .268 Seager, Sea..................... 103 16 30 .291
tency beyond top starter Max Fried. for Wednesday in Houston was post- Paredes 3b 2 1 2 0 2 0 .318 HOME RUNS
The anticipation for Anderson’s arrival poned because of Hurricane Laura. The Totals 31 7 10 7 7 8 Cruz, Min...........................................................11
Abreu, CWS.......................................................11
Chi. Cubs................... 000 000 001 — 1 4 1
in Atlanta grew as he made a rapid rise game will be made up as part of a double- Detroit........................200 005 00x — 7 10 1 Voit, NYY............................................................10
Trout, LAA..........................................................10
E—Báez (3), Candelario (2). LOB—Chi.
through the farm system after being the header on Sept. 5 in Anaheim. Cubs 7, Detroit 8. 2B—Reyes (5), Candelario Santander, Bal..................................................10
(6), Maybin (2). 3B—Heyward (2). HR—Con- Hernández, Tor.................................................10
treras (3), off Farmer, Schoop (7), off Sadler. Jiménez, CWS..................................................... 9
SB—Schwarber (1), Goodrum (4). CS—Can- Chapman, Oak....................................................9
delario (1). SF—Jones. DP—Chi. Cubs 1. Judge, NYY.......................................................... 9
ASTROS 6, ANGELS 3 MARLINS 4, METS 0 RAYS 4, ORIOLES 2 Chi. Cubs IP H R ER BB SO ERA Olson, Oak...........................................................9
Lowe, TB..............................................................9
Chatwood L 2-2 1‚ 3 2 2 5 2 6.06
Underwood „ 0 0 0 0 2 8.44 Grichuk, Tor.........................................................7
GAME 1 GAME 1 BALTIMORE AB R H BI BB SO Avg. Gallo, Tex.............................................................7
JQuintana 3 4 3 3 1 3 9.00
LA ANGELS AB R H BI BB SO Avg. MIAMI AB R H BI BB SO Avg. Mullins cf 4 0 0 0 0 2 .261 Rosario, Min........................................................7
Sadler 1 2 2 2 1 0 5.79
Fletcher ss 3 0 0 0 0 2 .310 Villar 2b 3 0 0 0 1 2 .276 Santander rf 4 0 0 0 0 3 .277 Lewis, Sea............................................................7
Ryan 1 0 0 0 0 1 6.23
La Stella 2b 3 1 1 1 0 0 .271 Joyce dh 4 0 0 0 0 3 .283 Núñez 1b 4 1 2 1 0 2 .291 Soler, KC..............................................................7
Winkler 1 1 0 0 0 0 2.89
Trout cf 3 0 0 0 0 1 .255 Dickerson lf 3 0 0 0 0 1 .266 Ruiz 3b 4 0 0 0 0 1 .202 Moreland, Bos.....................................................7
Rendon 3b 3 0 0 0 0 0 .316 Berti cf 0 0 0 0 0 0 .267 Alberto 2b 4 1 2 0 0 0 .311 Detroit IP H R ER BB SO ERA Robert, CWS........................................................7
Ohtani dh 2 1 0 0 1 1 .169 Anderson 3b 3 2 2 0 0 0 .244 Sisco c 3 0 1 0 0 2 .283 Turnbull W 3-2 5„ 3 0 0 3 5 2.97 RUNS BATTED IN
Pujols 1b 3 0 1 0 0 1 .215 Urías ph 1 0 0 0 0 0 .200 Garcia ‚ 0 0 0 0 1 2.38 Abreu, CWS.......................................................28
LDíaz 1b 3 0 1 1 0 0 .273
Castro c 3 1 1 1 0 1 .204 Mountcastle dh 3 0 1 1 1 2 .333 Cisnero 1 0 0 0 0 1 1.65 Cruz, Min........................................................... 27
Upton lf 3 0 0 0 0 1 .099 Alfaro c 2 1 0 0 0 0 .200
Williams lf 4 0 1 0 0 1 .250 Soto 1 0 0 0 0 1 3.77 Santander, Bal..................................................27
Goodwin rf 2 0 1 1 1 0 .247 JSánchez rf 3 0 0 0 0 0 .056
Valaika ss 3 0 0 0 0 2 .221 Farmer 1 1 1 1 0 2 2.89 Lowe, TB............................................................25
Totals 25 3 4 3 2 7 Brinson cf-lf 3 1 2 1 0 1 .161
Totals 34 2 7 2 1 15 NP—Chatwood 55, Underwood Jr. 9, Jos- Trout, LAA..........................................................25
Rojas ss 3 0 1 2 0 0 .423
Quintana 55, Sadler 24, Ryan 12, Winkler 8, Rosario, Min......................................................23
HOUSTON AB R H BI BB SO Avg. Totals 27 4 6 4 1 7 TAMPA BAY AB R H BI BB SO Avg. Turnbull 97, Garcia 3, Cisnero 15, Soto 11, Seager, Sea.......................................................23
Straw cf 4 0 0 0 0 3 .216
NY METS AB R H BI BB SO Avg. Brosseau 3b 5 0 1 0 0 2 .318 Farmer 11. Umpires—Home, Nic Lentz; First, Piscotty, Oak.....................................................22
Altuve 2b 2 2 1 0 2 0 .211
Nimmo cf 4 0 1 0 0 1 .261 Díaz dh 4 0 1 0 0 2 .300 Angel Hernandez; Second, Dan Bellino; Third, Tucker, Hou.......................................................22
Correa ss 3 1 1 0 1 0 .296
Gurriel 1b 3 1 2 1 0 1 .286 Davis 3b 4 0 2 0 0 0 .294 Lowe 2b 3 0 0 0 1 1 .295 Will Little. T—3:13. A—0 (41,083). Chapman, Oak..................................................22
Tucker lf 1 1 0 0 2 0 .250 Adames ss 4 0 1 0 0 0 .293 Judge, NYY........................................................ 20
Conforto rf 4 0 2 0 0 0 .320
Martínez 1b 3 1 0 0 0 0 .239 Voit, NYY............................................................20
Jones dh
Reddick rf
0 0 0 1 .190
1 1 0 0 .280
Alonso 1b
Canó dh
0 0 1 0 .240
0 0 0 0 .349 Kiermaier cf 1 0 0 0 0 0 .228 ROYALS 5, CARDINALS 4 Jiménez, CWS...................................................20
Maldonado c 2 0 0 0 1 1 .247 Renfroe rf 4 2 1 2 0 0 .171 Severino, Bal.....................................................20
DSmith lf 3 0 1 0 0 0 .324 Canha, Oak........................................................20
MATT MARTON/ASSOCIATED PRESS Mayfield 3b 3 0 1 2 0 0 .133 Ramos c 2 0 1 0 1 0 .219 Margot cf-lf 3 1 2 1 1 1 .304 KANSAS CITY AB R H BI BB SO Avg.
Totals 24 6 6 4 6 6 Tsutsugo lf 3 0 1 0 0 2 .184 Merrifield cf-lf 5 0 1 0 0 1 .297 Olson, Oak.........................................................20
McNeil 2b 2 0 1 0 1 0 .275 Grichuk, Tor...................................................... 19
Perez c 1 0 0 0 0 0 .161 Dozier rf 3 2 1 0 1 0 .261
White Sox pitcher Lucas Giolito (right) LA Angels.......................000 021 0 — 3 4 1 Rosario ss
0 0 0 0 .205
8 0 3 1 Zunino c 1 0 0 0 0 1 .133 Soler dh 3 0 0 0 1 2 .252 Lewis, Sea..........................................................19
Houston..........................500 100 x — 6 6 0 O'Hearn 1b 4 2 3 2 0 1 .246 Correa, Hou.......................................................19
celebrates with catcher James McCann after E—Suarez (1). LOB—LA 3, Houston 6. 2B— Miami............................. 031 000 0 — 4 6 1
Choi ph-1b
0 1 1 0 .203
7 4 3 9 Franco 3b 3 0 1 0 1 1 .248 Soler, KC............................................................19
Goodwin (7), Gurriel (9). HR—La Stella (4), off McBroom lf 4 0 2 2 0 1 .288 ON-BASE PERCENTAGE
closing out his no-hitter of the visiting Javier.
NY Mets.........................000 000 0 — 0 8 1
Baltimore...................100 100 000 — 2 7 2 Starling cf 0 0 0 0 0 0 .174 Lewis, Sea........................................................456
E—Villar (4), Ramos (1). LOB—Miami 4, NY Mondesi ss 4 0 1 0 0 0 .213 LeMahieu, NYY...............................................456
Pirates. Giolito struck out 13 and walked one. LA Angels
Suarez L 0-2
1 5 5 5 4 2 38.57
11. 2B—Anderson 2 (2), Nimmo (5), Davis (3).
Tampa Bay................030 001 00x — 4 7 0
E—Valaika 2 (2). LOB—Baltimore 6, Tampa Lopez 2b 4 0 0 0 0 0 .213 Rendon, LAA....................................................453
SB—Villar (9). Gallagher c 4 1 1 0 0 1 .300 Díaz, TB............................................................432
Barria 5 1 1 1 2 4 2.89 Bay 9. 2B—Adames (11). HR—Núñez (6), off
Miami IP H R ER BB SO ERA Totals 34 5 10 4 3 7 Cruz, Min........................................................ .429
Glasnow, Renfroe (5), off Milone, Margot (1),
WEDNESDAY’S GAMES Houston IP H R ER BB SO ERA Castano 4„ 6 0 0 3 1 4.11 off Milone. SB—Margot (3). SF—Choi. ST. LOUIS AB R H BI BB SO Avg.
Grossman, Oak...............................................427
Javier W 3-1 5„ 3 3 3 2 5 3.77 Bleier W 1-0 ‚ 0 0 0 0 0 6.00 Severino, Bal...................................................413
...... 2020 ...... Team ......2019 vs. opp...... ......Last 3 starts...... Taylor ‚ 0 0 0 0 0 1.35 Baltimore IP H R ER BB SO ERA Wong 2b 3 0 0 0 1 1 .241 Canha, Oak......................................................413
Boxberger 1 1 0 0 0 0 1.86
Odds W-L ERA rec. W-L IP ERA W-L IP ERA Pressly S 4 1 1 0 0 0 2 5.19 Milone L 1-4 5‚ 4 4 2 1 6 3.99 Edman 3b 4 1 1 2 1 1 .234 Lowe, TB..........................................................398
Kintzler 1 1 0 0 0 0 2.92 Goldschmidt 1b 4 1 0 0 1 2 .344
Lakins 1 1 0 0 1 2 3.46 Biggio, Tor.......................................................397
BOSTON AT TORONTO, 6:37 p.m. Suarez pitched to 2 batters in the 2nd. In- Fry „ 1 0 0 0 1 2.45 BMiller dh 4 0 1 1 0 0 .353
herited runners-scored—Barria 2-0. IBB—off NY Mets IP H R ER BB SO ERA Santana, Cle....................................................389
Porcello L 1-4 3 5 4 4 0 4 6.43 López 1 1 0 0 1 0 8.38 DeJong ss 4 0 3 1 0 0 .286 Adames, TB.....................................................386
Eovaldi (R) Off 2-2 4.98 4-2 0-0 9.1 7.71 1-1 18.1 5.89 Barria (Tucker). NP—Suarez 40, Barria 74, Molina c 4 0 1 0 0 1 .279
Javier 89, Taylor 4, Pressly 19. Umpires— Oswalt 4 1 0 0 1 3 5.11 Voit, NYY..........................................................386
TBA Off — — 0-0 0-0 0.0 0.00 0-0 0.0 0.00 Tampa Bay IP H R ER BB SO ERA Fowler rf 3 0 0 0 1 0 .260 Fletcher, LAA...................................................380
Home, Chris Guccione; First, Nate Tomlinson; Inherited runners-scored—Bleier 2-0. Glasnow W 1-1 7 5 2 2 1 13 5.14 Carlson lf 3 1 1 0 1 2 .174
Second, Cory Blaser; Third, Alfonso Marquez. Seager, Sea.....................................................377
PITTSBURGH AT CHICAGO WHITE SOX, 2:10 p.m. HBP—by Porcello (Alfaro). NP—Castano 90, Beeks 1‚ 2 0 0 0 1 3.26 Bader cf 3 1 1 0 1 1 .243 Bregman, Hou.................................................374
T—2:26. A—0 (41,168). Bleier 1, Boxberger 15, Kintzler 19, Porcello García S 1 „ 0 0 0 0 1 6.75 Totals 32 4 8 4 6 8 Correa, Hou.....................................................373
Williams (R) +190 1-4 3.70 1-4 0-0 0.0 0.00 1-2 16.0 2.81 64, Oswalt 59. Umpires—Home, Carlos Tor- Laureano, Oak............................................... .372
Inherited runners-scored—Lakins 1-1, Kansas City...............011 011 010 — 5 10 1
Keuchel (L) -235 4-2 2.65 4-2 0-0 0.0 0.00 2-1 19.2 2.75
ANGELS 12, ASTROS 5 res; First, Adam Beck; Second, Jansen Vis-
conti; Third, Paul Nauert. T—2:37. A—0 García 1-0. IBB—off López (Choi). HBP—by St. Louis.....................004 000 000 — 4 8 1 Verdugo, Bos................................................. .371
Milone (Zunino). NP—Milone 94, Lakins 21, E—Franco (3), Edman (4). LOB—Kansas Hicks, NYY.......................................................369
GAME 2 Fry 9, López 14, Glasnow 96, Beeks 28, García City 5, St. Louis 8. 2B—Franco (9), Gallagher SLUGGING PERCENTAGE
Nola (R) -110 2-2 3.10 2-3 0-1 21.0 6.86 2-1 17.2 2.55 5. Umpires—Home, Marty Foster; First, Sean (2), Edman (3), Molina (1). 3B—Bader (1). Voit, NYY..........................................................730
Corbin (L) -110 2-2 3.99 2-3 2-0 25.0 2.88 1-2 17.1 4.67 Trout cf 4 2 1 0 1 2 .255 MARLINS 3, METS 0 Barber; Second, Todd Tichenor; Third, Alan
Porter. T—2:41. A—0 (25,025).
HR—O'Hearn (1), off Wainwright. SB—
Mondesi (7). DP—Kansas City 2; St. Louis 2.
Cruz, Min.........................................................699
Lowe, TB..........................................................676
La Stella 1b 3 2 1 1 2 1 .273
BALTIMORE AT TAMPA BAY, 6:40 p.m. Kansas City IP H R ER BB SO ERA Abreu, CWS.....................................................669
Fletcher 3b 5 2 3 2 0 0 .321 GAME 2 Harvey 2„ 5 4 4 2 2 11.12 Santander, Bal................................................661
Ohtani dh 4 1 2 2 1 1 .183
Wojciechwski (R) Off 1-3 4.84 2-3 0-1 18.0 5.00 1-1 12.1 4.38 Simmons ss 4 1 1 0 1 1 .250 NY METS AB R H BI BB SO Avg. INDIANS 4, TWINS 2 Newberry 1‚ 0 0 0 2 1 1.86 Hernández, Tor...............................................637
Jiménez, CWS.................................................596
Richards (R) Off 0-0 5.94 0-1 1-0 11.0 1.64 0-0 4.1 6.23 Goodwin lf 2 1 1 3 2 1 .253 Nimmo cf-lf 3 0 0 0 0 0 .253 Hahn 1 0 0 0 0 1 0.00
Davis 3b 3 0 1 0 1 1 .295 Kennedy 1 0 0 0 0 0 7.82 Trout, LAA...................................................... .592
Adell rf 4 0 1 1 1 1 .186 MINNESOTA AB R H BI BB SO Avg.
CHICAGO CUBS AT DETROIT, 7:10 p.m. Conforto rf 3 0 0 0 0 3 .310 Staumnt W 1-1 1 0 0 0 2 2 0.73 Lewis, Sea........................................................585
Bemboom c 3 1 1 0 1 0 .200 Kepler rf 3 0 1 1 1 1 .231
Alonso dh 3 0 0 0 0 1 .232 Barlow 1 2 0 0 0 0 1.59 Grichuk, Tor................................................... .582
Rengifo 2b 3 2 1 1 1 0 .157 Polanco ss 4 0 1 0 0 0 .282
Lester (L) -160 2-1 5.06 3-2 0-0 0.0 0.00 1-1 15.2 8.04 DSmith 1b 1 0 1 0 2 0 .333 Rosenthal S 7 1 1 0 0 0 2 1.46 Grossman, Oak...............................................579
Totals 32 12 12 10 10 7 Cruz dh 4 0 0 0 0 3 .327
Fulmer (R) +135 0-0 9.53 2-2 0-0 0.0 0.00 0-0 8.2 8.31 McNeil lf-2b 2 0 0 0 1 0 .268 Chapman, Oak................................................574
HOUSTON AB R H BI BB SO Avg. Rosario lf 4 0 0 0 0 1 .241 St. Louis IP H R ER BB SO ERA Severino, Bal...................................................568
Rosario ss 2 0 1 0 0 0 .212 Sanó 1b 2 1 1 0 2 1 .247 Wainwright 7 7 4 4 2 4 2.88
MIAMI AT NY METS, 7:10 p.m. Straw cf 4 0 1 1 0 1 .218 Sanó, Min.........................................................563
Canó ph 1 0 1 0 0 0 .359 Wade Jr. cf 4 0 0 0 0 3 .222 Gant L 0-1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1.04
Altuve 2b 3 0 0 0 0 1 .206 Rendon, LAA....................................................558
Lagares pr-cf 0 0 0 0 0 0 — Gonzalez 3b 3 0 1 0 1 1 .242 Webb 1 1 0 0 0 1 4.70
Hernandez (R) Off 1-0 2.29 2-2 0-0 2.0 4.50 1-0 15.1 2.93 Brantley dh 3 0 0 0 0 0 .269 Verdugo, Bos................................................. .543
deGrom (R) Off 2-0 1.93 4-1 5-1 38.0 2.37 2-0 17.0 2.12 Guillorme 2b-ss 2 0 0 0 1 1 .433 Arraez 2b 4 1 1 1 0 1 .273 Jones, Det........................................................541
Gurriel 1b 3 1 2 0 0 0 .296 HBP—by Rosenthal (Wong). NP—Harvey
AliSánchez c 2 0 0 0 0 1 .000 Jeffers c 3 0 1 0 0 1 .286 Robert, CWS....................................................541
Tucker lf 3 1 2 1 0 0 .262 54, Newberry 22, Hahn 14, Kennedy 14, Stau-
MINNESOTA AT CLEVELAND, 7:10 p.m. Correa ss 3 0 0 0 0 1 .288 Ramos ph 1 0 0 0 0 0 .216 Vargas ph 1 0 0 0 0 0 .278 LeMahieu, NYY...............................................534
mont 23, Barlow 16, Rosenthal 16, Wain-
Reddick rf 2 0 0 1 0 0 .275 Totals 23 0 4 0 5 7 Totals 32 2 6 2 4 12 wright 98, Gant 18, Webb 16. Umpires— Adames, TB.....................................................534
Berríos (R) Off 2-3 4.75 3-3 2-0 24.2 2.55 1-2 15.1 4.70 Toro 3b 3 1 1 1 0 1 .143 Home, Jeremie Rehak; First, Ed Hickox; Sec- OPS
Plutko (R) Off 1-2 6.88 2-2 0-1 12.0 4.50 0-2 10.0 9.90 MIAMI AB R H BI BB SO Avg. CLEVELAND AB R H BI BB SO Avg.
Garneau c 2 2 1 1 1 0 .176 ond, Jordan Baker; Third, Jerry Meals. T— Cruz, Min......................................................1.128
Berti cf 1 2 0 0 2 1 .262 Hernández 2b 3 0 0 0 1 1 .274
Totals 26 5 7 5 1 4 3:07. A—0 (44,383). Voit, NYY.......................................................1.115
NY YANKEES AT ATLANTA, 7:10 p.m. Aguilar dh 3 0 0 0 0 0 .281 Ramírez 3b 4 2 2 0 0 0 .239 Lowe, TB.......................................................1.075
LA Angels.......................400 112 4 — 12 12 0 Dickerson lf 3 1 1 0 0 0 .268 Lindor ss 4 1 1 2 0 0 .254 Lewis, Sea.................................................... 1.041
Tanaka (R) -105 0-1 4.60 2-2 0-0 0.0 0.00 0-1 13.0 4.85 Houston..........................000 040 1 — 5 7 1 Brinson lf 0 0 0 0 0 0 .161 CSantana 1b 3 1 1 1 1 1 .212 Abreu, CWS..................................................1.035
Fried (L) -115 4-0 1.32 6-0 0-0 0.0 0.00 2-0 16.1 0.55 E—Reddick (2). LOB—LA Angels 10, Hous- Anderson 3b 2 0 1 2 0 1 .250 Reyes dh 4 0 2 0 0 1 .290 NL LEADERS Rendon, LAA.................................................1.011
ton 2. 2B—Ohtani (5), Adell (2), Bemboom (1). LDíaz 1b 3 0 0 0 0 1 .214 Luplow lf 0 0 0 0 2 0 .139 Grossman, Oak............................................1.006
OAKLAND AT TEXAS, 8:05 p.m. 3B—Tucker (5). HR—Rengifo (1), off Raley, Villar ss-2b 2 0 0 0 0 1 .270 Naquin ph-rf 2 0 1 1 0 0 .289 Through Monday’s games Santander, Bal................................................994
Toro (3), off Teheran, Garneau (1), off But- Forsythe 2b 2 0 0 0 0 0 .118 DSantana rf-lf 3 0 0 0 0 2 .162 BATTING LeMahieu, NYY...............................................990
Fiers (R) -165 3-1 5.81 5-1 1-0 20.2 4.79 2-1 15.2 6.32 trey. SB—La Stella (1), Ohtani (3). SF—Good- Rojas ss 0 0 0 0 0 0 .423 AB R H Avg. Severino, Bal...................................................981
GAllen lf 0 0 0 0 0 0 .167
Allard (L) +140 0-2 7.82 2-2 0-0 0.0 0.00 0-2 8.2 10.38 win, Reddick. DP—LA Angels 1. JSánchez rf 2 0 0 0 0 1 .050 Blackmon, Col ................ 111 19 45 .405 Hernández, Tor...............................................974
RPérez c 3 0 0 0 0 1 .103
LA Angels IP H R ER BB SO ERA Navarreto c 2 0 0 0 0 1 .400 Goldschmidt, StL.............. 57 12 21 .368 Trout, LAA...................................................... .931
CINCINNATI AT MILWAUKEE, 8:10 p.m. DeShields cf 2 0 0 0 1 2 .235
Teheran 4„ 4 3 3 0 3 9.17 Solano, SF.......................... 91 14 33 .363 Grichuk, Tor................................................... .923
Totals 20 3 2 2 2 6 Totals 28 4 7 4 5 8
FPeña W 2-0 1 2 1 1 1 1 2.30 Marte, Ari ........................ 116 12 38 .328 Biggio, Tor.......................................................921
Gray (R) -135 4-1 2.21 4-2 2-1 29.1 2.45 1-1 18.0 3.50 NY Mets.........................000 000 0 — 0 4 0 Minnesota..................020 000 000 — 2 6 0 Harper, Phi........................ 75 22 24 .320
Buttrey 1‚ 1 1 1 0 0 3.07 Adames, TB.....................................................920
Houser (R) +115 1-2 3.72 3-2 0-0 14.0 4.50 0-2 17.0 5.82 Miami.............................000 201 x — 3 2 0 Swanson, Atl................... 113 25 36 .319
Cleveland...................100 003 00x — 4 7 0 Jiménez, CWS.................................................917
Houston IP H R ER BB SO ERA Marte, Ari ........................ 101 17 32 .317 Verdugo, Bos................................................. .914
KANSAS CITY AT ST. LOUIS, 8:15 p.m. LOB—NY 8, Miami 2. 2B—Anderson (3). LOB—Minnesota 7, Cleveland 5. 2B—Ar-
Bielak L 3-2 „ 3 4 3 3 0 5.40 Winker, Cin ....................... 73 12 23 .315 Sanó, Min.........................................................897
SB—Berti 3 (8). DP—Miami 2. raez (3), Naquin (4). HR—Lindor (5), off Alca-
Sneed 1„ 1 0 0 0 2 3.86 Turner, Was .................... 102 21 32 .314 Seager, Sea.....................................................892
TBA Off — — 0-0 0-0 0.0 0.00 0-0 0.0 0.00 Raley „ 1 1 1 1 1 6.14 NY Mets IP H R ER BB SO ERA la. SB—Ramírez 2 (8). CS—Luplow (1). DP— Tatis Jr., SD ..................... 118 29 37 .314
Hudson (R) Off 0-2 3.46 0-3 1-0 6.0 0.00 0-2 13.0 3.46 Lugo 3 0 0 0 0 5 2.03 Minnesota 1; Cleveland 1. Canha, Oak......................................................883
Scrubb 1‚ 1 1 1 1 1 0.69 HOME RUNS TOTAL BASES
De Jong „ 1 2 2 1 0 27.00 Hughes L 0-1 „ 2 2 2 1 0 3.38 Minnesota IP H R ER BB SO ERA Tatis Jr., SD....................................................... 12
SEATTLE AT SAN DIEGO, 9:10 p.m. Shreve 1‚ 0 0 0 0 1 2.77 Hill 5 4 1 1 2 5 3.55 Abreu, CWS.......................................................79
Taylor „ 2 0 0 1 1 1.29 Betts, LAD..........................................................11 Santander, Bal..................................................76
Biagini „ 3 4 4 2 0 20.77 Familia 1 0 1 1 1 0 5.11 Alcala L 1-1 1 3 3 3 1 1 3.46 Story, Col.............................................................9
Walker (R) +185 2-2 4.00 2-3 0-0 1.0 0.00 1-1 16.2 3.78 Cruz, Min........................................................... 72
Castellanos „ 0 0 0 1 2 6.75 Poppen 2 0 0 0 2 2 2.70 Castellanos, Cin..................................................9
Lamet (R) -225 2-1 1.89 4-2 1-0 7.0 0.00 1-1 17.2 2.04 Miami IP H R ER BB SO ERA Chapman, Oak..................................................70
Raley pitched to 1 batter in the 4th. De Jong Cleveland IP H R ER BB SO ERA Realmuto, Phi......................................................8 ERA
Rogers 4 1 0 0 5 6 0.00
COLORADO AT ARIZONA, 9:40 p.m. pitched to 2 batters in the 6th. Inherited run- Machado, SD.......................................................8 Bieber, Cle......................................................1.11
JhASmth W 1-0 2 3 0 0 0 1 2.25 Bieber W 6-0 6 4 2 2 3 10 1.35
ners-scored—Buttrey 1-0, Sneed 2-0, Raley Calhoun, Ari.........................................................8 Lynn, Tex........................................................1.59
Vincent S 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 3.48 OlivPérez 1 1 0 0 1 0 0.77
Gray (R) -105 1-3 6.23 2-4 1-1 16.1 3.31 1-2 14.0 9.64 1-0, De Jong 1-0, Taylor 2-2, Biagini 3-0, Cas- Bellinger, LAD.....................................................8 Dobnak, Min...................................................1.78
Karinchak 1 1 0 0 0 1 0.54
Ray (L) -115 1-3 8.33 3-3 2-1 24.1 3.70 0-1 13.2 7.24 tellanos 1-0. WP—FPeña, Biagini. NP—Tehe- Inherited runners-scored—Shreve 1-0. RUNS BATTED IN Maeda, Min....................................................2.21
Hand S 8 1 0 0 0 0 1 4.15
ran 69, FPeña 33, Buttrey 10, Bielak 35, Sneed HBP—by Familia (Anderson), by Vincent Tatis Jr., SD....................................................... 29 Greinke, Hou..................................................2.29
LA DODGERS AT SAN FRANCISCO, 9:45 p.m. 28, Raley 18, Scrubb 28, De Jong 13, Taylor 18, (Nimmo). NP—Lugo 39, Hughes 22, Shreve 16, NP—Hill 78, Alcala 24, Poppen 35, Bieber Blackmon, Col...................................................24 Valdez, Hou....................................................2.35
Biagini 35, Castellanos 16. Umpires—Home, Familia 23, Rogers 87, Josh ASmith 33, Vin- 102, OlivPérez 15, Karinchak 12, Hand 14. Um- Betts, LAD..........................................................24 Bundy, LAA.....................................................2.58
Kershaw (L) -260 3-1 2.25 3-1 1-2 19.0 2.37 2-1 18.1 2.95 Clint Vondrak; First, Cory Blaser; Second, Al- cent 13. Umpires—Home, Chad Fairchild; pires—Home, Chris Segal; First, Manny Gon- Yastrzemski, SF................................................23 Keuchel, CWS................................................ 2.65
Gausman (R) +210 1-1 4.65 1-4 0-1 4.1 6.23 1-0 17.1 4.15 fonso Marquez; Third, Nate Tomlinson. First, Jansen Visconti; Second, Paul Nauert; zalez; Second, Alex Tosi; Third, Ron Kulpa. Machado, SD.....................................................22 Cole, NYY........................................................2.75
Team rec. — Record in games started by pitcher this season. T—3:24. A—0 (41,168). Third, Adam Beck. T—2:24. A—0 (41,922). T—2:52. A—0 (34,830). Realmuto, Phi....................................................22 Bassitt, Oak....................................................2.97
W E D N E S D A Y, A U G U S T 2 6 , 2 0 2 0 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e Sports C5
Brewer pitches in to
extra-base hits. fice fly made it 9-6. Vázquez doubled to center, Moreland to third.
Pillar popped out to first. Bradley singled to cen-
Hart has given up six earned Teoscar Hernandez hom- ter, Moreland scored, Vázquez to third. Peraza
was hit by a pitch, Bradley to second. Verdugo
runs on eight hits and four ered with one out in the ninth singled to right, Vázquez scored, Bradley to third,
Peraza to second. Cole pitching. Devers tripled to
walks in the first inning alone. off Matt Barnes for the final right, Bradley, Peraza, and Verdugo scored. Mar-
tinez hit a sacrifice fly to right, Devers scored. Bo-
“I’ve learned that I’m not as score. gaerts singled to left. Moreland popped out to
By Peter Abraham
Tortorella teacher than an on-ice teacher. You know, we can show them
video, we can talk to them, you know, we all played the game
The Detroit Lions canceled their practice as part of a protest of
Sunday’s shooting of Jacob Blake by police in Kenosha, Wis. “To-
6 points) in the MLS is Back
tournament July 17.
fined $25k
years and years ago, but these guys are living in the moment, day practice wasn’t on any of our minds,” Lions safety Duron Har- Bunbury extended the lead,
so that’s what makes the best teacher, and I think it’s worked mon, a seven-year Patriot, said in a video conference with report- heading in an Alexander Butt-
out really well for both guys.” ers. “What was on our mind is the tragic event, Jacob Blake being ner corner in the 38th minute.
Cassidy has done plenty of learning and growing on the shot in his back seven times. Just let that set in and think about A Rowe shot set up the corner,
ASSOCIATED PRESS job — this is his fourth consecutive playoff appearance since that real quick— an unarmed guy trying to get in his car.” . . . Bunbur y converting a free
Columbus Blue Jackets taking over midway through the 2016-17 season — but noth- Browns rookie safety Grant Delpit ruptured his right Achilles’ ten- header from near the penalty
coach John Tortorella has been ing has tested him more than this season. With the pandem- don while going through individual drills on Monday and will un- spot off a diving Hamid for his
fined $25,000 for his conduct ic halting a stellar regular season, with the peace of a playoff dergo surgery . . . Cardinals safety Budda Baker, a two-time Pro second goal of the season and
during a media bubble punctured by his No. 1 goaltender’s sudden depar- Bowler at 24, agreed to terms on a $59 million, four-year contract 36th of his Revolution career.
NHL session after ture, with the absence of fans robbing the postseason of its . . . Bill Dunn, dubbed a “super scout” for the Pittsburgh Steelers for But the Revolution had to be
NOTEBOOK his team was customary hyped-up atmosphere, change has been the only finding NFL talent at historically Black universities such as John resilient, surviving a penalty
eliminated constant. Stallworth, Mel Blount, and Donnie Shell, has been nominated for call and red card, both awarded
from the playoffs, the NHL an- Well, that and Zdeno Chara. Always there, always ready, the Pro Football Hall of Fame as a contributor. following video reviews, plus 11
nounced Tuesday. unstoppable even by a fractured jaw like the one he sus- minutes of added time.
Following the Tampa Bay tained in last year’s Stanley Cup Final. To write his name into MISCELLANY United (1-3-3, 6 points) cut
Lightning’s Game 5 victory the lineup every night has been . . . what? A privilege? A luxu- the deficit on an Ola Kamara
over the Blue Jackets, Tor- ry? NEC shifts to MIAA’s Fall II plan penalty kick, following a Butt-
torella ended his video news “The word would be grateful,” Cassidy said Monday. The Northeastern Conference principals voted 9-0-3 to move all ner handling violation in the
conference after two questions, “Grateful to have his leadership, grateful to have his abilities fall sports — originally scheduled to begin on Sept. 18 — to the MI- 72nd minute, ending the Revo-
got up, and walked away. on the ice, grateful to have a guy I can talk to about hockey AA’s new Fall II period, Feb. 22-April 25, 2021, because of ongoing lution’s 260-minute shutout
“I’m not going to get into the and off-ice situations, how to best deal with what’s going on COVID-19 pandemic concerns . . . Phil Mickelson fired a 7-under streak in league play.
touchy-feely stuff and the mor- with the group. 64 in the second round of his PGA Tour Champions debut at Revolution substitute Scott
al victories and all that,” he told “So that’s the word for me being around Zee. I’m grateful Ozarks National, and at 17 under, has a three-stroke lead over Tim Caldwell was ejected in the
reporters. “You guys be safe.” to have his respect, I think it’s a mutual respect, and I think Petrovic and Rod Pampling . . . Kirk Hanefeld (Salem CC) defended 83rd minute, following a clash
In handing down the fine, it’s worked well for both of us.” his NEPGA Teaching Pro title, defeating Eric Barlow (Winchester with Felipe Martins. Seconds
the NHL was collecting on a Only time will tell whether the 43-year-old marvel will be CC) on the second playoff hole at LeBaron Hills CC after the pair after Gonzales signaled 10 min-
“conditional” one issued after back for another go-round with the Bruins next season, and were tied at 1-over 73 through 18 holes. Jeff Martin (Wollaston utes of injury time, Matt Turner
Tortorella criticized officials if you believe Brad Marchand, “He’s going to play until he’s GC) carded a 3-under par 69 for the head pro championship, edg- made a diving save of a Kamara
and the league for what he per- 70, which I think is only a couple of years away.” ing Frank Dully (Kernwood CC) by a stroke . . . Serena Williams was header, Gonzales whistling the
ceived as a time-keeping error But the circle could end up closing in that bubble, leaving flustered when she got called for taking too much time between end of the game in the 57 th
in a Dec. 29 loss to Chicago. He us all to applaud from afar. points, flung away her racket after letting a lead slip away and fin- minute of the second half.
was required to go the rest of “It is different, but the goals and the motivation are the ished surprisingly meekly in a 5-7, 7-6 (5), 6-1 loss to Maria Sakkari Observations from Tuesday’s
the year without any conduct same,” Chara said. “I still have a lot of passion for the game, a at the Western & Southern Open . . . In the men’s bracket, Novak game:
offenses to avoid the fine. love to compete to go out there and do my best. I just try to Djokovic’s neck felt much better, and his tennis looked much bet- R After the Revolution were
enjoy it and embrace the opportunity.” ter, in a 6-2, 6-4 victory over unseeded American Tennys Sandgren eliminated by the Philadelphia
Kapanen to Penguins that improved the No. 1-ranked man to 20-0 in 2020 . . . Álvaro Union in the MLS Is Back tour-
The Penguins began retool- Tara Sullivan is a Globe columnist. She can be reached at Medrán and Ignacio Aliseda each scored his first MLS goal, and nament, Arena was red-carded
ing, acquiring forward Kasperi [email protected]. Follow her on Twitter Chicago beat Cincinnati 3-0 in the Fire’s first game at Soldier Field by referee Ismail Elfath, who
Kapanen from the Maple Leafs, @Globe_Tara. in nearly 15 years . . . Darwin Quintero scored two goals in four whistled the end of the contest
reuniting the 24-year-old with minutes and the Houston Dynamo eased past Sporting Kansas City before the Revolution could
the team that drafted him with 5-2 for their first victory of the season . . . In the WNBA, Layshia line up for a final corner. Since
the 22nd overall pick in 2014. Clarendon drove the lane and was fouled with 0.3 seconds left and returning from Orlando, the
The Leafs sent Kapanen, made both free throws as New York beat the Chicago Sky 101-99 Revolution have been empha-
well-traveled forward Pontus . . . Legendary Jamaican sprinter Usain Bolt, 34, tested positive for sizing finishing in the run of
Aberg, and defensive prospect the novel coronavirus. He had been in quarantine as a precaution. play and also dead ball execu-
Jesper Lindgren to the Pen- tion.
guins for Pittsburgh’s first- “In training, we’ve been
round pick in this year’s draft ON THE AIR working on our set pieces,
as well as forward Evan Rodri- working on our delivery, mak-
2 p.m. Pittsburgh at Chicago White Sox MLB
gues, defenseman David War- 6:37 p.m. Boston at Toronto NESN
ing some good runs in the box,
sofsky, and Swedish forward 7:10 p.m. NY Yankees at Atlanta ESPN aggressive runs, working on
Filip Hallander. 9:45 p.m. LA Dodgers at San Francisco ESPN some picks,” said Revolution as-
Kapanen posted career PRO BASKETBALL sistant coach Richie Williams,
highs in goals (20) and assists 4 p.m. NBA: Orlando at Milwaukee NBA who replaced Arena on the
(24) in 2018-19. 6:30 p.m. NBA: Oklahoma City at Houston TNT bench for the second successive
7 p.m. WNBA: Washington vs. Atlanta ESPN2 contest. “Everybody being on
Stars take 2-0 lead 8 p.m. WNBA: Los Angeles at Minnesota CBSSN
the same page, that’s what you
9 p.m. NBA: Portland at LA Lakers TNT
Alexander Radulov scored 10 p.m. WNBA: Connecticut at Phoenix CBSSN
saw tonight. It’s a big part of the
on a deflection off his chest as game.”
part of a four-goal second peri- 6 p.m. Champions: Charles Schwab Series Golf
R The Revolution have had
od and the Stars beat the Ava- to make tactical changes since
lanche, 5-2, Monday in Edmon- 3 p.m. NY Islanders at Philadelphia NBCSN
Carles Gil was injured last
ton, Alberta, to take a 2-0 lead 8 p.m. Tampa Bay at Boston NBCSN month, and seem to have found
in the second-round series. 10:30 p.m. Colorado at Dallas NBCSN a solution with Cristian Penilla
Trailing, 2-0, in the second, HORSE RACING sharing playmaking duties with
Joe Pavelski and Radek Faksa 1 p.m. Saratoga Live FS2 Bou.
revitalized the Stars by scoring MEN’S SOCCER R Turner made exceptional
in a 43-second span during a 7:45 p.m. Canadian Premier: Wanderers vs. Edmonton FS2 plays to halt Kamara, diving to
five-on-three advantage. TENNIS take the ball on a third-minute
Radulov knocked in the go- 11 a.m. Western and Southern Open (quarterfinals) ESPN2 breakaway, and parrying a
ahead goal when a shot 1 p.m. Western and Southern Open (quarterfinals) Tennis header at the post in the first
bounced off a stick, into his Zdeno’s Chara’s influence has been noticeable on — 7 p.m. Western and Southern Open (quarterfinals) Tennis minute of added time. The Rev-
chest, and over Pavel Francouz. and appreciated by — Charlie McAvoy. olution survived a shaky start.
C8 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e W e d n e s d a y, a u g u s t 2 6 , 2 0 2 0
What’s ahead for
Jon Chesto space business by acquiring rockwell Collins in
late 2018.
chesto means business even before the raytheon merger was an-
nounced last year, there was some speculation that
Startup links companies to budding software sector in Africa resources for closing the digital equity
gap and are more important than ever
as we respond to and recover from the
By Hiawatha Bray east african nation of Kenya. Stephen ered tech talent in africa,” said Wahome. impacts of Covid-19,” leonard said.
globe staff KWg, cofounded by Kenyan immi- Wahome, at the “most are very well versed in agile devel- “inside or out, our buildings are there
hen Jessica ford’s spo- grant stephen Wahome, wants to estab- Nelson opment, the gig economy, and best prac- for the local community.”
kane-based marketing lish Kenya and other african nations as Mandela mural tices in tech.” While some suburban libraries
company zipline inter- major sources of high-tech talent. de- near the Grove but, despite a surge in african tech have reopened for in-person service,
active needed to update spite the region’s reputation for poverty Hall branch of startups, these nations still don’t gener- this will be the first time since march
one of its apps, she and political instability, african countries the Boston ate enough jobs to employ all their tech- bPL, Page c11
knew she’d need some such as Kenya, nigeria, and ghana have Public Library, nically skilled citizens. “there’s more tal-
outside help. so she thousands of capable software develop- cofounded ent than there are opportunities,” Wa-
turned to KWg softworks, a boston- ers, said Wahome, a bridgewater state KWG. home said.
based outsourcing startup, which found university business graduate with an so he and partners anthony gentles
exactly the kind of software talent that mba from the university of massachu- and brothers ayoub and ibraheem Kha-
zipline needed, 9,000 miles from spo- setts lowell. dar are trying to put some of them to
kane. not in China or india, but in the “there is a vast amount of undiscov- aFRica tech, Page c10
love pumpkin spice lattes, or love drinks — dunkin’ pumpkin, boston where harpoon is sold, according to
to hate them? here’s a new drink Kreme stout, and Jelly donut ipa — the statement.
that’s sure to fuel more debate: mark the first time doughnuts from harpoon dunkin’ pumpkin will be
dunkin’ pumpkin spiced latte ale. dunkin’ have been used to brew beer. sold on draft and bottled in six-packs.
the beverage, at 5.2 percent alco- “We have no doubt the new donut it will also come in a harpoon Boston telehealth company
hol, is part of a new line of doughnut- brews, along with the rest of this new dunkin’ dozen mix pack, which in-
infused and fall-themed beers from fall lineup, will bring the same mo- cludes three cans of each seasonal fla- Amwell files to sell shares C9
The limited Dunkin’ flavors of dunkin’ and boston-based harpoon ments of sweetness and smiles our vor.
Harpoon beer mark the first brewery that will be available begin- coffee and donuts have created for 70 BIAS
time doughnuts from Dunkin’ ning in september, dunkin’ said in a years,” brian gilbert, vice president of Caroline Enos can be reached at
have been used to brew beer. statement tuesday. retail business development at Can- [email protected]. Follow her
Race tied to differing home
While dunkin’ partnered with har- ton-based dunkin’, said in the state- on Twitter @CarolineEnos. appraisal values C10
w e d n e s d a y, a u g u s t 2 6 , 2 0 2 0 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e Business C9
talking points
AVIATION american airlines will cut 19,000 workers if federal payroll aid expires as scheduled on
oct. 1, capping a 30 percent workforce reduction since the coronavirus pandemic
Airlines will lay
off 19,000 if
began to torpedo travel demand. about 17,500 employees will be furloughed, meaning
they are eligible to be called back when conditions improve, while 1,500 previously
announced cuts to management staff will take effect, the airline said in an email
Boston telehealth
company Amwell
tuesday. american is the first major carrier to disclose the extent of shrinking
federal aid ends operations to adjust to passenger numbers that are down 70 percent from last year.
in October american’s plan heralds thousands more job cuts at us airlines after sept. 30, when
SOCIAL MEDIA facebook inc. is adding a new shopping section to its main app, part of a broader push
to capitalize on the increase in online shopping in the midst of the CoVid-19 coronavi- IPO to include has driven a dramatic increase
in the use of telehealth by doc-
Facebook adding rus outbreak. the new section, facebook shop, began rolling out across the united
$100m sale of tors, mental health profession-
a shopping states on tuesday. it lets people browse product catalogs from businesses and purchase
items on the social network. the company was previously testing the section with a shares to Google
als, and other caregivers. am-
well said visits nearly tripled to
section small group of us users, and launched a similar feature on its instagram photosharing 2.2 million in the second quar-
By Larry Edelman ter from the previous three
app last month. businesses could already add shopping catalogs to their facebook pag-
globe staff months as restrictions on re-
es, but there was no dedicated section inside the facebook app for browsing
american well Corp., a bos- mote care were eased, but also
e-commerce selections from multiple retailers or merchants. — bloombeRg news ton telehealth company known said “it is uncertain how long
as amwell, said it plans to sell the relaxed policies will remain
shares to the public and in effect, and there can be no
google amid a surge in de- guarantee that once the
AUCTIONS a crown worn by rapper Christopher
mand for remote health servic- CoVid-19 pandemic is over
wallace (aka notorious b.i.g., biggie
es. that such restrictions will not
Sotheby’s first smalls/biggie) three days before his murder the company, founded by be reinstated or changed in a
hip-hop auction in 1997 could fetch $300,000 at auction next
month. the plastic prop is part of sotheby’s
brothers ido and Roy schoen-
berg in 2006, didn’t disclose
way that adversely affects our
features crown first hip-hop auction on sept. 15. the event the number of shares or target earlier this month teladoc
worn by Biggie will include 120 lots with iconic artifacts, price for its initial public offer-
ing. in a registration statement
Health agreed to buy livongo
He a l t h i n a d e a l va l u ed at
Smalls contemporary art, photography, fashion,
and jewelry, as well as fliers and posters that
filed monday with securities $18.5 billion that will create a
regulators, it listed a place- telemedicine company with
document the rise and impact of the musical holder value of $100 million. $1.3 billion in expected reve-
genre. the majority of items comes from the amwell said google, the in- nue for 2020.
artists and their estates, according to sotheby’s. the crown is being sold by barron ternet search unit of alphabet amwell’s customers include
Claiborne, a photographer hired by Rap Pages magazine in 1997 for what became inc., has agreed to purchase hospital systems, health insur-
wallace’s last recorded photo shoot. wallace was killed three days later in los angeles. $100 million of Class C shares ance plans, and state and fed-
in a private placement at the eral government agencies. its
— bloombeRg news
same time as the iPo. t he revenue was $122.3 million for
company will offer Class a the six months ended June 30,
shares to the public, while the an increase of 77 percent over
ECONOMY us consumer confidence dropped in august to the lowest since 2014 as consumers schoenbergs will hold Class b the same period a year earlier.
soured on employment and business conditions, indicating americans are becoming shares that will give them 51 amwell’s net loss widened to
Consumer despondent amid persistently high joblessness. the Conference board’s index
percent voting power.
former massachusetts gov-
$113.4 million from $41.6 mil-
confidence decreased to 84.8 from a revised 91.7 in the prior month, undercutting the previous
pandemic low of 85.7 in april, according to a report issued tuesday.
ernor deval Patrick and dr. Pe- the company plans to list
at lowest — bloombeRg news
ter slavin, president of massa-
chusetts general Hospital, sit
its Class a stock on the new
york stock exchange under the
since 2o14 on amwell’s board of directors. symbol amwl. underwriters
Patrick held options on 13,501 include morgan stanley, gold-
Class a shares that can be exer- man sachs, and Piper sandler.
REAL ESTATE sales of new homes jumped again in July, rising 13.9 percent as the housing market
cised within 60 days of June
continues to gain traction following a spring downturn caused by pandemic-related 30, according to the filing. Larry Edelman can be reached
Sales of new lockdowns. the Commerce department reported tuesday that July’s gain propelled slavin held options on 35,833 at [email protected].
homes rose sales of new homes to a seasonally-adjusted annual rateof 901,000. that’s a far bigger
number than analysts had expected and follows big increases in may and June. the
Class a shares.
the coronavirus pandemic
Follow him on Twitter
nearly 14 government report has a high margin of error, so the July figures could be revised in
percent in July the coming months. Regionally, construction of new homes fell only in the northeast,
which saw a 23.1 percent decline. the midwest saw a whopping 58.8 percent increase,
followed by the south’s 13 percent jump and an increase of 7.8 percent in the west.
the median price of a new home sold in July increased to $330,600.
— assoCiated PRess
INTERNATIONAL ant group, the financial technology arm of Chinese e-commerce giant alibaba group,
on tuesday filed for a dual listing in Hong Kong and shanghai, in what may be the
Ant Group to be largest share offering since the coronavirus pandemic began. the initial public offering
listed on two will be the first dual listing on the Hong Kong exchange and shanghai’s staR market.
the company’s filing did not disclose the timetable for its public offering or how much
exchanges money it hopes to raise. ant group operates alipay, one of China’s two dominant
online payments services. over a billion users use alipay to pay for purchases both
online and in stores, to send money to friends, and to pay bills. in the 12 months that
ended in June, ant group tallied 118 trillion yuan ($17 trillion) in transaction volume.
— assoCiated PRess
RETAIL best buy Co. reported that online sales more than tripled in the fiscal second quarter, simon dawson/file 2018
as shoppers bought computers, tablets, and large appliances to help them cook, work, The Waltham aerospace company’s time in the Dow Jones
Best Buy’s and learn from home during the pandemic. overall, the nation’s industrial average lasted all of five months.
bottom line largest consumer electronics chain, based in Richfield, minn.,
boosted by
online sales
reported profits that beat analysts’ expectations and overall sales
rose 4 percent in the quarter ended aug. 3. same-store sales rose 5.8 Raytheon’s time in
Dow spotlight ending
percent during the quarter when its stores were only open by
appointment for the first six weeks of the period. still, best buy’s
sales were still not as explosive as the sales performanceat its big box
rivals like target, walmart, Home depot, and lowe’s, all of which
stayed open during lockdowns in the united states. — assoCiated PRess uCHESTO
Continued from Page C8 What does it mean
removing overlap between
companies of similar scope” — for Raytheon? It
JEWELRY tiffany & Co. shares sank after proposed buyer lVmH said it reserves the right to
challenge the new deal deadline, raising alarms on wall street that the planned tie-up
i.e., Raytheon and boeing —
and “adding new types of
shouldn’t mean
Tiffany again might not survive the pandemic. lVmH moet Hennessy louis Vuitton se, which last businesses that better reflect much but it does
extends november announced plans to pay $16 billion for the us jeweler, has maintained the the american economy.”
what does it mean for
mean the loss of
right to fight the later-than-expected conclusion date for the deal, according to a filing.
deadline for tiffany this week extended the deadline for its lVmH deal by three months to nov. 24,
Raytheon? it shouldn’t mean bragging rights for
much, really. Relatively few
LVMH deal after the earlier deadline was set to expire aug. 24. — bloombeRg news institutional investors build Massachusetts’s
portfolios around the dow.
most index-based funds are
local stocks.
focused on broader groups of
AVIATION Richard branson’s Virgin atlantic airways won creditor approval for a debt overhaul,
stocks, such as the standard &
paving the way for a proposed 1.2 billion-pound ($1.6 billion) rescue package that will
Poor’s 500 and the nasdaq that the pharmacy operator’s
Virgin Atlantic help it avert collapse. all four creditor classes voted to support the restructuring, Virgin Composite. wall street greeted inclusion made the index a
gets creditor atlantic said in an e-mailed statement tuesday, including a group of trade suppliers who
hadn’t previously provided formal backing for the proposals. — bloombeRg news
the news with a collective
shrug: Raytheon’s stock fell by
better measure of the economy.
the prolonged stock slump at
approval only 1.5 percent tuesday. ge certainly didn’t help
but it does mean a loss of matters.
bragging rights for ge’s stock continued its
SMARTPHONES apple is poised to open an online store for the first time in the fast-growing massachusetts. this was the plummet: it now trades around
smartphone market of india next month, according to a person with knowledge of the only local stock in the dow $6.50 a share, around half the
Apple to open matter, taking advantage of a relaxation of once-strict prohibitions against foreign average. the state once had price when it exited the dow.
online store direct retail. the online store will be ready for operations just ahead of the festive
dussehra-diwali spending season, according to the person, who asked not to be named
general electric — another
industrial company that
whether Raytheon’s stock can
avoid the same fate, and start
in India discussing confidential plans. the iPhone maker, which lobbied new delhi for years to
relocated here from soaring again after its own
Connecticut. (utC had been slump, remains to be seen.
get around regulations that force companies such as apple to source 30 percent of
based in farmington, while ge
components locally, had originally planned to start online sales within months after was in fairfield.) s&P global Jon Chesto can be reached at
the government relaxed the rule last year. those plans were disrupted by the swapped out ge for walgreens [email protected]. Follow
coronavirus pandemic. — bloombeRg news boots alliance in 2018, saying him on Twitter @jonchesto.
c10 Business T h e B o s t o n G l o b e w e d n e s d a y, a u g u s t 2 6 , 2 0 2 0
Globe 25 index
Continued from Page C8
work remotely writing code
and building ecommerce sites
for american businesses.
it worked out fine for Zi-
west coast of the continent, pro-
viding reliable phone and data
connections to europe and
asia. today, several such cables
are in place, with still more un-
der construction.
former us vice president al
“many of the major markets
in africa (south africa, nigeria,
and kenya) have developed sig-
nificant software development
chibuokem ebuka signed
on with kwg in april and has
already completed a website de-
velopment job. ebuka lives in
enugu, a city of about 700,000
in southeastern nigeria, and is
pline, Ford said. when she getting decent internet to skills in recent years,” hendrik completing a degree in elec-
reached out to kwg through most africans remains a mas- malan, a partner at business tronics engineering at the uni-
the freelancing site upwork, sive problem. But in major cit- consulting firm Frost & sulli- versity of nigeria. to get a job in
“steve’s response was very spe- ies, there’s enough bandwidth van, said in an e-mail. “this is the country’s technology sector,
cific, professional. . . . it to support offshoring on a large being supplemented with some he’d have to move to a big city
seemed like he knew exactly scale. of the smaller, more innovate such as abuja or lagos, which
what we needed.” that’s led to a boom in call markets like ghana.” are expensive.
Ford didn’t know the work centers for large businesses. But he added, “the talent “you could almost think of it
would be done in africa; it nev- such calls from the united pools are however quite small as life in silicon Valley if you
er came up. and now she states are often routed to cen- in comparison with the likes of think of the cost of living,” he
doesn’t care. “at the end of the ters in india and the Philip- india or china.” that means it said. Besides, a full-time job
project i told stephen i’m going pines. But now south africa has will be some time before afri- would interfere with his school-
to actively look for projects become a major player, with can tech workers become major ing. “i like the idea of freelanc-
where we can work together call centers that employ about a competitors in global outsourc- ing at least for now,” ebuka
again,” she said. quarter-million people. ing markets. said. “it allows me to manage
twenty years ago, outsourc- in recent years, african out- in addition, market leader my schedule better.”
ing technology work to most af- sourcing suppliers have been andela has stumbled in recent wahome hopes to recruit
rican countries was unthink- moving up the food chain, by months. the company laid off hundreds more like ebuka and
able. in those days, south afri- selling the skills of trained afri- 400 workers last september to complete at least 200 soft-
ca was the only nation in the can workers to foreign compa- and another 135 in may. ware development projects for
region with an undersea cable nies. already, several well-fund- still, wahome and his part- overseas clients over the next
connection to the outside ed firms have entered the mar- ners think there’s plenty of po- decade.
world, and even that cable had ket. the best-known of them, t e n t i a l f o r k wg . s i n c e i t s
very little carrying capacity. andela, has raised $181 million founding last year, the compa- Hiawatha Bray can be reached
that began to change in 2001, in venture funding from inves- ny has found work for 20 soft- at [email protected].
when the first high-capacity fi- tors that include Facebook ware developers in kenya, gha- Follow him on Twitter
ber cable was laid along the founder mark Zuckerberg and na, nigeria, and cameroon. @GlobeTechLab.
S&P 500 rises to another record
stocks were mixed on wall street tuesday, but gains were
strong enough for tech companies and other pockets of the
market to carry the s&P 500 to its fourth straight gain and
another record high. the modest moves followed some
more mixed data reports on the economy. one showed that
charlotte kesl/new york times
consumer confidence unexpectedly dropped this month,
contrary to economists’ forecast for a strengthening. anoth- Abena and Alex Horton found that their home’s appraised value increased after signs of Blackness were removed.
er said sales of new homes accelerated faster than econo-
mists expected last month. they fit in with a general slow-
ing of the economy recently, after its plummet into recession
earlier this year and subsequent burst off the bottom. shares
Racial bias tied to home appraisal values
of exxon mobil, Pfizer, and raytheon technologies all
slipped in their first trading after an announcement that By Debra Kamin “they were like, this has to
they’ll drop out of the dow Jones industrial average before new york times be some kind of mistake be-
trading opens monday. exxon mobil dropped 3.2 percent, new york — abena and cause in order for your house to
Pfizer fell 1.1 percent, and raytheon lost 1.5 percent. sales- alex horton wanted to take ad- have come in this low, it would, amgen, and honeywell international will replace vantage of low home-refinance have to be in some level of dis-
the trio. all three rose at least 3 percent. s&P dow Jones in- rates brought on by the corona- repair,” hughley said.
dices said it’s making the moves because apple is about to virus crisis. so in June, they the bank ordered a new ap-
split its stock, which will result in a lower share price. took the first step in that pro- praisal, which came back
cess, welcoming a home ap- $160,000 higher, and hughley
DOW JONES industrial average praiser into their four-bed- went on to sell the home for
room, four-bath ranch-style $770,000.
house in Jacksonville, Fla. in hughley’s case, the ap-
the hortons live just min- praiser was fired. horton has
utes from the ortega river, in a filed a complaint with the de-
predominantly white neighbor- partment of housing and ur-
hood of 1950s homes that tend ban development. when con-
monica Jorge/new york times
to sell for $350,000 to tacted about her case, hud
$550,000. they had expected The value of Stephen Richmond’s Bloomfield, Conn., home said it had been assigned to the
their home to appraise for jumped after he removed family photos and movie posters. Jacksonville human rights
around $450,000, but the ap- commission. the agency added
praiser felt differently, assign- neighborhoods — continues to particularly the subconscious that it receives a handful of
ing a value of $330,000. abena drive down home values in biases and microaggressions similar complaints each year.
horton, who is Black, immedi- Black neighborhoods. that have risen to the fore in in 2018, researchers from
ately suspected discrimination. even in mixed-race and pre- white america this summer fol- gallup and the Brookings insti-
the couple’s bank agreed dominantly white neighbor- lowing the death of george tution published a report on
that the value was off and or- hoods, Black homeowners say, Floyd, is notoriously difficult to the widespread devaluation of
NASDAQ Composite index dered a second appraisal. But their homes are consistently pinpoint. Black-owned property in the
before the new appraiser could appraised for less than those of horton shared her experi- united states, which they dis-
arrive, horton, a lawyer, began their neighbors, stymying their ment in a widely circulated cussed in a 2019 hearing before
an experiment: she took all path toward building equity Facebook post, earning 25,000 the house Financial services
family photos off the mantle. and further perpetuating in- shares and more than 2,000 subcommittee. the report
instead, she hung up a series of come equality in the united comments, many of which found that a home in a majority
oil paintings of alex horton, states. came from Black homeowners Black neighborhood is likely to
who is white, and his grandpar- home appraisers are bound and carried the same message: be valued for 23 percent less
ents that had been in storage. by the Fair housing act of 1968 this also happened to me. than a near-identical home in a
Books by Zora neale hurston to not discriminate based on in each comment, a repeat- majority-white neighborhood;
and toni morrison were taken race, religion, national origin ed theme: home appraisers, it also determined this devalua-
off the shelves, and holiday or gender. appraisers can lose who work under codes of ethics tion costs Black homeowners
photo cards sent by friends their license or even face prison but with little regulation and $156 billion in cumulative loss-
were edited so that only those time if they are found to pro- oversight, are often all that es.
showing white families were duce discriminatory appraisals. stands between the accumula- many appraisers, both dur-
left on display. on the day of title Xi of the Financial institu- tion of home equity and the de- ing the hearing and in the
the appraisal, abena horton tions reform, recovery and struction of it for Black ameri- weeks after, defended their
S&P 500 index took the couple’s 6-year-old son enforcement act, enacted in cans. practice, noting that it is their
on a shopping trip to target, 1989, also binds appraisers to a in 2000, actor and comedi- job to report on local market
and left alex horton alone at standard of unbiased ethics an d.l. hughley had an ap- conditions, not set them.
home to answer the door. and performance. praisal on his home in the mon- “is there a problem with
t he new appraiser gave “my heart kind of broke,” tevista estates neighborhood of poor and underserved commu-
their home a value of $465,000 abena horton said. “i know west hills, a primarily white nities in the united states? yes.
— a more than 40 percent in- what the issue was. and i knew area in the san Fernando Valley is it the appraisal profession’s
crease from the first appraisal. what we needed to do to fix it, in los angeles. despite a fault? no,” wrote maureen
race and housing policy because in the Black communi- steady uptick in the housing sweeney, a chicago-based ap-
have long been intertwined in ty, it’s just common knowledge market and the addition of a praiser in a letter to the house
the united states. Black ameri- that you take your pictures pool and new hardwood floors, subcommittee following the
cans consistently struggle more down when you’re selling the the house was appraised for hearing. “it’s like blaming the
than their white counterparts house. But i didn’t think i had nearly what he had bought it canary for the bad air in the
to be approved for home loans, to worry about that with an ap- for three years earlier — coal mine, or blaming the mir-
and the specter of redlining — a praisal.” $500,000. ror for your bad hair day. ap-
practice that denied mortgages appraisals, by nature, are in hughley’s case, his bank praisers reflect the market; we
SOURCE: Bloomberg News to people of color in certain subjective. and discrimination, flagged the report. do not create it.”
W e d n e s d a y, a u g u s t 2 6 , 2 0 2 0 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e Business c11
Economic turmoil
hits bank profits
By Ken Sweet but are now in forbearance or
associated Press deferral because those bor-
neW yorK — the us rowers can no longer pay. fur-
banking industry’s second ther, the federal reserve has
quarter profits fell by 70 per- slashed interest rates to near
cent from a year ago, the fdic zero once again to stimulate
said tuesday, as low interest the economy, which limits
rates and the economic tur- what money banks can charge
moil of the coVid-19 pan- for loans.
demic weighed heavily on big bank profits were bol-
and small banks alike. stered slightly by the Pay-
total bank profits across check Protection Program, the
5,066 insured institutions $480 billion stimulus pro-
were $18.8 billion, compared gram for small businesses
with profits of $62.5 billion in who needed help covering
the same period a year ago. payroll in the first months of
this was the second consecu- the pandemic. that program
tive quarter of steep profit de- came in the form of bank
clines as banks set aside bil- loans, and each bank took a
lions to cover potentially bad small fee for each application
loans back in april. they processed.
Most of the profit decline is despite tumbling profits,
tied directly to the pandemic. the fdic said it did not see
banks are now facing tens of any systemic issues in the in-
Photos by barry chin/globe staff
billions of dollars of loans that dustry. banks have taken in
Nancy Veznaian used a computer work station Tuesday in the Boston Public Library’s Copley Square branch. appeared healthy in March, record deposits in the quarter.
had reserved. that program On July 15, 2020, NSTAR Gas Company d/b/a Eversource
Energy (“Company”) filed a petition with the Department of
This Public Hearing Notice is available in alternative languages (Español -- Tiếng Việt -- "
has since been expanded to sev- Public Utilities (“Department”) for approval of the Compa-
ny’s Long-Range Forecast and Supply Plan (“Plan”) for the ! -- Kreyòl Ayisyen -- Português ) on MassDEP's website at:
eral branches. now patrons will five-year forecast period from November 1, 2019 through
October 31, 2024. Pursuant to G.L. c. 164, § 69I, the De-
be able to go inside and use partment must ensure a necessary energy supply for the
Commonwealth at the lowest possible cost. Accordingly, Notice is hereby given that the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection
computers. the Department will review the Company’s Plan to ensure
that the forecast accurately projects the gas sendout re- (MassDEP), under its authority pursuant to M.G.L. Chapter 111, Sections 142A through
for computer use, capacity quirements of the utility’s market area. The Department
has docketed this matter as D.P.U. 20-76. 142M, will hold public meetings pursuant to subsection (7) of 310 CMR 7.36, the
is limited to 10 people at a time The Attorney General of the Commonwealth of Massa-
Transit System Improvements regulation.
and only at the central library chusetts (“Attorney General”) filed a notice to intervene in
this matter pursuant to G.L. c. 12, § 11E(a). Further, pursu- The public meetings will be conducted to receive public comment, both oral and written,
for now. Masks will be required ant to G.L. c. 12, § 11E(b), the Attorney General filed a no- on the annual update and status report for transit projects required by 310 CMR 7.36 (2)
tice of intent to retain experts and consultants to assist in
and the computer room will be The library takes the temperature of those who come to her investigation of the Company’s filing and has requested (f) through (j). The Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) submitted
Department approval to spend up to $150,000.00 in this
regard. Pursuant to G.L. c. 12, § 11E(b), the costs incurred the update and status report to MassDEP on June 30, 2020.
cleaned between every two- pick up reserved books. by the Attorney General relative to her retention of experts
and consultants may be recovered in the Company’s rates. The public meetings will be held:
hour block of time.
the library will also extend grove hall, egleston square, public space. Due to the COVID-19 state of emergency issued On: Thursday, October 1, 2020 at 2:00 PM until all present have offered comments and
by Governor Baker on March 10, 2020, and certain on-
going restrictions and safety measures relating to in- from 5:00-6:00 PM. The 5:00 PM public meeting will be extended after 6:00 PM
its Wi-fi ser vices to cover east boston, honan-allston, person events, the Department will conduct a virtual as needed to allow all interested parties to present testimony.
public hearing to receive comments on the Company’s
parks, parking lots, and other and the south end. those loca- Tim Logan can be reached at filing. The Department will conduct the hearing using
Zoom videoconferencing on Thursday, September 10, At: Session One - 2:00 PM - Please join meeting from your computer, tablet or smart-
public areas outside of nine tions were chosen based on the [email protected]. 2020, beginning at 10:00 a.m. Attendees can join by en- phone.
tering the link,
branches — Mattapan, codman rat e o f b r o a d b a n d a c c e s s , Follow him on Twitter at d0Qm1mWEx2YXNNSDlyV3grVXJXdz09, from a computer,
You can also dial in using your phone.
smartphone, or tablet. No prior software download is re-
square, Parker hill, hyde Park, household income, and nearby @bytimlogan. quired. For audio-only access to the hearings, attendees
can dial in at (301) 715-8592 (not toll free) and then enter United States: +1 (872) 240-3311 Access Code: 472-886-869
the Meeting ID# 999 4860 0486. If you anticipate provid-
ing comments via Zoom during the public hearing, please Session Two - 5:00 PM - Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smart-
send an email by Thursday, September 3, 2020, to kather-
[email protected] with your name, email address, and phone.
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of Boston* 2 Latti Farm Rd, Rte 20, Millbury 185 Taunton Ave, Rte 44, Seekonk 83 Boston Post Rd, Rt 20, Sudbury
1172 Commonwealth Ave, Boston
525 Boston Post Road, Rte 20, Wayland 888-293-8449 877-851-3362 866-258-0054
Kelly Chrysler* Herb Chambers Honda Of
Herb Chambers Porsche Burlington*
Herb Chambers Alfa Romeo 353 Broadway, Route 1 North, Westborough*
of Millbury* 62 Cambridge St, Rte 3A, Burlington
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2 Latti Farm Road, Rte 20, Millbury Herb Chambers Lexus of Hingham* 855-845-0576
781-581-6000 877-207-0329
877-875-5491 141 Derby Street, Hingham 866-237-9636
Honda Village*
Herb Chambers Alfa Romeo
371 Washington Street, Newton Corner
of Warwick Herb Chambers Lexus of Sharon*
1441 Bald Hill Road, Rt. 2, Warwick, RI 25 Providence Highway,
Best Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep, Ram*
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Herb Chambers Maserati of Boston*
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Herb Chambers Fiat of Danvers*
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2 Late Farm Road, Rte. 20, Millbury 855-647-4873
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1441 Bald Hill Road, Rt. 2, Warwick, RI
Herb Chambers BMW of Boston* 401-262-2020
1168 Commonwealth Ave, Boston
Kelly Infiniti*
790 Pleasant St, Rte 60, Belmont
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Colonial Ford of Marlboro 781-641-1900 978-774-1000
428 Maple St, Marlboro, MA
Herb Chambers BMW of Sudbury* 888-201-6427
128 Boston Post Road, Rte 20, Sudbury Flagship Motorcars of Lynnfield*
866-483-1828 Herb Chambers, 385 Broadway, Rte 1 N,
Colonial Ford of Plymouth Lynnfield
11 Pilgrim Hill Rd, Plymouth, MA
Jaguar Sudbury Herb Chambers* 877-337-2442 Herb Chambers Toyota of Auburn*
83 Boston Post Rd, Rte 20, Sudbury 809 Washington Street, Rte 20, Auburn
866-268-7851 Mercedes-Benz of Boston* 855-872-6999
Herb Chambers Ford of Braintree* Herb Chambers, 259 McGrath Highway,
Herb Chambers Cadillac-Lynnfield*
75 Granite Street, Rte 37, Braintree Somerville
395 Broadway, Rte 1 N, Lynnfield
855-298-1177 800-426-8963 Herb Chambers Toyota of Boston*
866-233-8937 32 Brighton Avenue, Boston
Herb Chambers Ford-Westborough* 877-884-1866
Best Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep, Ram* Mercedes-Benz of Natick*
Herb Chambers Cadillac-Warwick*
310 Turnpike Rd, Rte 9, Westborough Herb Chambers, 253 North Main St,
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877-206-0272 508-747-1550 Toyota of Braintree* 866-266-3870 210 Union St, Exit 17 off Rte 3, Braintree
Kelly Ford* 781-848-9300
Herb Chambers Jeep of Danvers*
420 Cabot Street, Rte 1A, Beverly Mercedes-Benz of Shrewsbury*
107 Andover St, Rte 114, Danvers
978-922-0059 760 Boston Turnpike Rd, Rte 9,
877-904-0800 Shrewsbury
Best Chevrolet* 888-551-7134
128 Derby St, Exit 15 off Rte 3,
Herb Chambers Jeep of Millbury*
2 Latti Farm Rd, Rte 20, Millbury Colonial Volkswagen of Medford*
888-293-8449 340 Mystic Ave, Medford Herb Chambers Genesis* 781-475-5200
Herb Chambers Chevrolet* 735 Southbridge St, Rte 12 & 20,
Herb Chambers MINI of Boston*
90 Andover St, Rte 114, Danvers
Auburn Kelly Jeep*
1168 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston
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888-994-1075 781-581-6000 72 Andover St, Rte 114, Danvers
Mirak Genesis 978-774-8000
Mirak Chevrolet*
1125 Massachusetts Ave, Arlington 1165 Massachusetts Ave, Arlington
781-643-8000 781-643-8000
Wellesley Volkswagen*
Colonial Nissan of Medford 231 Linden St, Wellesley
Herb Chambers Kia of Burlington* 104 Mystic Ave, Rte 38, Medford
93 Cambridge St, Rte 3A, Burlington 781-395-5300
Herb Chambers Honda in Boston*
Best Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep, Ram* Kelly Nissan of Lynnfield*
520 Colony Place, Plymouth 720 Morrissey Blvd, Boston 275 Broadway, Rte 1 North, Lynnfield
508-747-1550 877-205-0986 781-598-1234 Herb Chambers Volvo Cars Norwood*
Herb Chambers Honda Burlington* Herb Chambers Lamborghini Boston* 1120 Providence Hwy, Rte 1,
Herb Chambers Chrysler-Danvers* Kelly Nissan of Woburn*
107 Andover St, Rte 114, Danvers 33 Cambridge St, Rte 3A, Burlington 531 Boston Post Road, Rte 20, Wayland 95 Cedar St, Exit 36 off I93 & I95, Woburn “On The Automile,” Norwood
Please call (617) 929-1314 to include your dealership in this directory. *For more information on this dealer, please visit
t H e B o s t on g L o B e W e d n e s day, aug us t 2 6 , 2 0 2 0 | B o s t o n gL oB e .C o M /f o o d
from la Meta-
paneca grill is
refreshing and
elote locos
and mango-
(below) are
among many
other beachy
served at the
snack window.
The best
photos by Jessica rinaldi/Globe staff
by Dev ra f i r st | G lo b e sta f f
stripes of pickled-fruit condiment chamoy like some
neon tiger, is also called a mangonada, but at la
Metapaneca Grill in revere it gets the additional
syllable, and it deserves it.
you’ll see what i mean when you’re sitting on the
beach wall across the street, cooling down via
mouthfuls of mango ice, pulled through a straw en-
are in
cased in chewy tamarind-chile candy. everything is
bright and brilliant and a little bit extra: the blue
sky, airplanes once again flying in overhead; the waves
against the wet sand; sweet, sour, savory, and spicy flavors
washing in with each frozen sip. the beach-walking regulars
greet one another with affection and cusses, the gulls squab-
ble, the t rattles past in the background, and you’re listening
to somebody else’s music turned up loud. revere beach is
summer-in-the-city perfection, and la Metapaneca provides
the ideal seaside snacks.
customers line up in front of the squat brick building, or-
dering from a window beneath a blue awning that reads
“sliced frUit. Kabobs. snoW cUp.” When their numbers
ReVeRe BeaCH, Page g5
The humble
getting salty | alyssa DiPasquale
Globe correspondent nications director for o ya’s
ish sticks: the dinnertime lifeline for har- t i m a n d na n c y c u s h m a n ,
ried parents everywhere. perhaps no switched to the other side of the
purveyor is more well-known around industry with Koji club. it was
these parts than Gorton’s seafood. supposed to be boston’s first
founded in 1849 in Gloucester, the sake bar, but it’s a tough time to
friendly fisherman in the yellow raincoat launch such an enterprise — so
is enjoying new prominence during the pan- she’s taken her idea virtual, ca-
demic. tering to a captive audience of
executives say that overall sales are up 25 quarantined drinkers with
percent since March through July, and fish stick themed sake kits and online
sales alone are up 30 percent in pounds — cocktail hours. check it out at
which translates to about 58 million more fish
sticks sold than during ordinary times. Mean-
while, the company is updating its recipes for a How is the state of the world Alyssa DiPasquale launched
more discriminating crowd. they have ditched affecting your business? Koji Club on June 1.
minced-pollack sticks for fatter whole fillets, fo- after i taught myself how to
cusing on alaskan pollack that’s frozen shortly walk on the ceiling by myself in ing really alienated.
after it’s caught. the result is a stretchy, almost quarantine, i decided to move i launched June 1, which
creamy and crunchy breaded stick — i tried the whole business plan online was a rather complicated date
some, in the interest of research — with a and create a space for myself to launch your first business. it
snacky taste. and others to define normalcy, was the morning after the larg-
FisH stiCKs, Page g5 Gorton’s fish tacos with mango salsa. when i think everyone was feel- getting salty, Page g4
g2 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e W e d n e s d a y, a u g u s t 2 6 , 2 0 2 0
Siblings launch Kibbeh Kitchen
to benefit Lebanese Red Cross
When an enormous explosion
rocked the lebanese capital, beirut,
on aug. 4, it didn’t take the Mobarak
siblings — gibran, 19; anais, 17; and
diego, 13 — long to act. by that satur-
dips you’ll
their kitchen in newton, and donating
all proceeds to the lebanese red
Cross. the goal is to raise awareness
kibbeh — the emblematic dish of bul- Meals come portioned for individuals
gur and spiced, ground meat (or but- or families, with options for both de-
ternut squash, for vegetarians), pre- livery and pick-up. after labor day,
sented in a geometric diamond pat- the family hopes to continue the proj-
Vermont Creamery in tern. other offerings include hummus, ect through weekend pop-ups. order
Websterville has won tabbouleh, and man’oushe, a deli- at
hundreds of awards for cious, pillowy flatbread slicked with luKe Pyenson
its goat cheese and other
dairy crafted with local
milk and cream. recently
it added a trio of goat
cheese dips. the Classic
is so fresh tasting and
luscious with its pleasant
Rice your veggies
tang, you’ll want to eat it
by the spoonful. the two
others, red Pepper &
straight into a bowl
lemon and garlic & Microplane, the more economical to
herb, are highly sea- company well known create the bits your-
soned and have bits of for its ultra-sharp self. the device func-
the red pepper or the graters, recently in- tions best with low-
herbs. each comes in a 5- troduced the bowl moisture vegetables:
ounce container ($4.99). grater for ricing veg- cauliflower, broccoli,
they are ideal for dip- etables. the compa- carrots, yucca, and
ping pita chips or veggies ny designed the tool others. it doesn’t take
or spreading on crusty with e xtra-coarse up much space in the
bread alongside a glass of grater teeth with su- kitchen drawer so it
rosé. Available at Shaws, per sharp edges, and can also come in
Star Market, and Whole to fit on the rim of a handy to quickly
Foods Market locations. small bowl, inside a grate cheddar, an on-
ann trieger medium one, or firm- ion, or a potato when
Kurland ly rest at an angle in a y o u d o n’ t w a n t t o
large bowl so that the pull out the food pro-
little vegetable cylin- cessor. a protective
ders land directly in- cover is included for
side. if packets of safe storage (14.95).
cauliflower rice are Available at
on your grocery list,
this new grater ann trieger
makes it easy and Kurland
50% OFF
and the pressure cooker she 600 percent over last year. plen- of using mason jars in the pan-
used to fill them. ty of products, including those demic,” she says. “people fill
but with more time at home made by ball, the country’s them with candles, and lots of
after the coronavirus shut largest consumer manufacturer restaurants are doing cocktails
down her school and all the
other activities that kept her
of canning jars and lids, are on
back-order. in some cases, she
to go in jars, and there are the
diy [disinfecting] wipes.”
*Limit one offer per household. Must purchase 5+
busy, lancaster thought it sud- says, they have what would or- there’s evidence that can- Classic/Designer Shelves. MA HIC License #165040.
EXP 9/30/20.
denly seemed doable, maybe, in dinarily be a 10-year supply on ning in the pandemic is more
the way that we're all trying order. than just a hobby for some.
things we never did before. “demand is through the sales of the all-american pres- Schedule your complimentary design consultation today!
home schooling, diy haircuts, roof,” ervin says. she has seen sure cooker, the sturdy stove-
tiktok dance challenges? sure, spikes caused by traumatic na- top gadget used by many more (888) 780-0113
we're game. tional events before, like in the serious canners to preserve ®
Visit our showroom in Woburn. For more information,
she had already tried mak- lead-up to y2K, when people meats and poultry as well as see
ing sourdough bread, another feared power-grid shutdowns low-acid vegetables that aren't
home-cooking trend that flour- and major disruptions, or after suitable for the hot-bath meth-
ished in the early days of the the 9/11 terrorist attacks. “but od, are off the charts. the Wis-
pandemic. and so she went on- i've never seen something this consin aluminum foundry,
line and learned, grabbed a few large and this long,” she says. where the cooker has been in
recipes — for water-bath can- canning suppliers and re- production since the 1930s,
ning, which doesn’t require a tailers began predicting a surge sold 14,000 units last year.
pressure canner like her grand- when they saw the shortages they've already doubled that
mom used — and supplies at a that seed companies were expe- figure this year and have 23,000
local store. she made peach sal- riencing early in the pandemic. more on order.
sa that was a hit with friends the crops sown in the spring by Joel andrew, the company’s
and family. newly isolated gardeners are president of consumer prod-
ucts, says he doesn’t see interest
waning. “it’s been very interest-
ing to see how many people are
ge tting into prepping and
homesteading — there are a lot
of tV shows and homestead
blogs,” he says. “that’s translat-
ing to our sales.”
a spike in pressure-cooker
canning seems significant, says
marisa mcclellan, the author
who runs the food in Jars blog.
“that tells me that people are
feeling insecure,” she says.
dayna smith for the Washington post
seasonal Recipes
what to cook this week Koji Club offers
tastings, tutorials,
and camaraderie
uGETTING SALTY i create a kit, which is either
Continued from Page G1 three or four bottles of sake. . . .
e s t b l a c k l i v e s ma tt e r p r o - and then we do a [virtual] club
test. . . . a lot of storefronts were meeting, and the club meeting is
damaged in downtown boston, included in every kit. you sign up
not necessarily as a result of it, for either a friday or saturday,
but the next morning was my day generally around cocktail hour,
t o go l i v e . i h o s t e d my f i r s t and we all hop on and i do a real-
month out in somerville to the ly quick presentation and review
loveliest, warmest welcome that of how sake is made and what it
i could have ever imagined. i was is, just so everyone has the same
selling out of all of my kits. Peo- baseline understanding of the
ple were super-excited to attend beverage. then we talk them
our club meeting, and the mo- through them together. i talk a
mentum continued. lot about how taste is subjective.
i think a lot of people hesitate to
What’s the role of bars in the talk about what things taste like,
COVID-19 era? because it might be wrong, but
hospitality people knew that i’m like, ‘nothing’s wrong, guys.’
on friday at five, people were go- taste is totally subjective and
ing to be right at the door coming based off of your own sense
in. and similarly, for anybody memory.
who was working 9 to 5, you
were like: 4:57, 4:58, 4:59, 5:00, Why did you decide to enter this
let’s go, right? and there’s this business? Is there a formative
moment where the weekend is memory or an experience that
upon us, no matter what side of led you down this path?
the bar that you were on, but it’s oh my god, my entire family
probably the most joyful part of is wildly obsessed with food. my
the week. you’re sitting at a bar: mom’s side of the family owned
your shoulders relax, you order the oldest diner in denver, the
your cocktail of choice or your 20th street café. i grew up clos-
karoline boehm goodnick for the boston globe
glass of sake, and you can really est to my dad’s side of the family,
just finally chill out after a pretty and they’re all incredible cooks.
Corn and Caramelized Onion Gratin stressful week. We’re in a mo- We’re wildly italian. every holi-
Serves 4 ment of — i keep calling it the day is a feast.
never-ending presence. it’s going i learned how to cook when i
olive oil (for the dish)
caramelizing onions may seem like an inter- is hot, add the onions and a generous sprinkle to be hard to make any kind of could reach the countertop. i also
4 ears fresh corn, shucked
minable task, and removing corn kernels from of salt. stir well. cover and cook, stirring sev- plans at all. grew up between tougas farm
2 tablespoons olive oil
the cobs is another cooking chore. but when eral times, for 15 minutes, or until the onions that ‘5:00 on a friday’ feeling, and davidian’s farm [in north-
2 onions, thinly sliced
the two go into a baking dish together with a are tender (they won't be brown at this point). that cocktail-hour vibe, is so im- borough]. i would bike down to
salt and pepper, to taste
little cream and a topping of grated cheese, 4. uncover the casserole and continue cooking portant to us. i’ve been reading a
1 teaspoon sherry vinegar or white wine
you have the most appealing summer gratin. the onions, stirring often, for 20 to 30 min- lot about how humans really
get the onions started before beginning any
cup heavy cream
utes, or until they are golden brown. stir in need play in their lives — just ‘I’ve been reading
pure moments of joy that maybe
other task. choose a heavy-based pan to help
avoid scorching the onions while they cara-
2 scallions, chopped
the vinegar, scraping to deglaze the pan and
loosen the darker caramelized bits. (total on- don’t necessarily have a ton of a lot about how
1 tablespoon chopped fresh thyme
melize. as you begin to prep and cook the rest
of dinner, and you walk by the onions, give
1 cup halved grape tomatoes or cherry
ion cooking time is 35 to 45 minutes.) add the
corn, and cook, stirring often, for 3 minutes.
meaning or purpose attached to
them, but just an opportunity to
humans really
them an occasional stir. by the time every-
cup shredded Gruyere, emmental,
5. set the oven at 475 degrees. feel really, really happy. need play in their
thing else is almost ready, you'll be able to add
the corn to the pan, along with the cream,
comte, or other hard cheese
6. add the cream to the onions and corn.
cook, stirring often, for 3 minutes or until the
so now we’re getting a bunch
of people who do not know each
lives — just
2 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley
scallions, fresh thyme, and cherry or grape to- cream thickens. stir in the scallions, thyme, other at all on a Zoom call — pure moments
matoes; don't use larger tomatoes because 1. have on hand a 9-inch gratin dish or deep- tomatoes, salt, and pepper. transfer the mix- which, oh god, i wish it could be
they'll release too much of their juices when dish pie plate. oil it lightly. ture to the gratin dish or pie plate and sprin- a different format. i feel people of joy.’
cooking. sprinkle the top with grated cheese 2. set an ear of corn on a cutting board and kle with cheese. are so over-Zoomed at this point
and brown the dish in the oven. for a light working from the thick to the narrow end, cut 7. bake the gratin for 5 to 10 minutes or until that i wish there could be a dif-
meal, serve the gratin with a big salad. for off 2 rows of kernels. turn and cut off 2 or 3 it is bubbling and beginning to brown. turn ferent vibe. People at first get in tougas farm as a weekend activi-
something more indulgent, drizzle truffle oil more rows, and continue until all the corn is on the broiler and move the gratin so it is 6 there and feel they’re in a meet- ty and pick my own apples and
on the vegetables and spoon them beside off the cob. repeat with all the ears. transfer inches from the broiling element. Watching ing. i try to keep the club meet- bring them home. my mother
grilled steaks. the simple pleasures of sum- the corn to a bowl. closely, broil the gratin for 3 to 5 minutes, or ings small and intimate enough baked the best apple crisp of all
mer pair well with just about everything. 3. in a flameproof casserole over medium until the cheese is golden brown. that you don’t have to mute your- time, which literally sustained all
heat, heat the 2 tablespoons olive oil. When it Karoline Boehm Goodnick self. and then the moment we of my friends throughout college.
start talking and drinking sake, it my mom’s name is candy. candy
becomes very joyful. it’s as if the was making apple crisps and
people who are in the call are all driving into the city for us so that
at the corner of a bar and met we could all eat it in our dorm
each other for the first time and rooms. on my blog, there is a rec-
have one thing in common, and ipe for candy’s quick Japanese
it’s trying this beverage for the pickle recipe. a lot of the koji
first time. a lot of people don’t club members have been making
have a ton of context for it, so it’s it nonstop all summer long, but
easy to have a fresh conversation it’s a recipe that’s been in our
about it. family for a long time.
RHYMES WITH ORANGE by Hilary Price ARLO & JANIS by Jimmy Johnson
3 4
6 A.M. NOON 6 P.M. 6 A.M. NOON 6 P.M. 6 A.M. NOON 6 P.M. 6 A.M. NOON 6 P.M. 6 A.M. NOON 6 P.M.
HIGH Cooler and much less HIGH Clouds and some HIGH Nice and warmer with HIGH Any sunshine will give HIGH The day may start off
74-79 humid with sunshine
LOW and patchy clouds, a
70-75 sunshine with a couple
LOW of showers and strong
77-82 a mixture of clouds and
LOW sunshine. After a nice
72-77 way to increasing
LOW clouds with a shower
74-79 with a few showers,
LOW then drying out in the
4 8 3
8 2 6 4
54-59 nice afternoon. After a 61-66 thunderstorms in the 65-70 evening, the weather 61-66 late. More numerous 56-61 afternoon with clouds
pleasant evening, the night will afternoon. Any storm may should remain dry at night showers and thunderstorms are giving way to some sunshine.
be clear and comfortable. produce damaging winds and despite cloud cover. expected to move in at night. Turning out clear at night.
horoscope nounce a move. a peek at your invites. RVsP that you will at-
2 NT
genealogy offers intriguing per- tend.
6♥ All Pass
HAPPY BIRTHDAY for Wednes- the terms might be difficult to spectives concerning ancestors. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan 19)
day, aug. 26, 2020: fulfill, especially if a legal matter Repeating patterns. tonight: It's today is a quiet day. extra hours
Opening lead — ♦ K
self-contained and brilliant, you is involved. tonight: saved. like you write the love story of of sleep or meditation can be very Cy the Cynic says if you want to start an argument on the
give quietly to the world. If not, GEMINI (May 21-June 20) your family. It's a completely dif- healing. express tolerance re- internet, it’s a two-step process: 1. Post an opinion; 2. Wait
you feel frustrated and unproduc- a close partner assumes new re- ferent view. garding a relative who has been 10 seconds.
tive. the latter half of your year is sponsibilities and/or faces an ob- LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) difficult. seek to make your resi- In today’s deal, the ruckus began soon after the opening
a triumph. you are top in your stacle. Be supportive, but remem- Others will be persuaded by your dence more comfortable and lead. South took the ace of diamonds and cashed the ace of
field, so this is well-deserved. If ber that sometimes there is just eloquence. you'll greatly enjoy functional. tonight: take a long, trumps — and East discarded. South then took the A-Q of
single, you may decide to change so much that can be done. Back discussing new ideas. adopt a soothing herbal bath. clubs. When East-West played low, South shrugged and led
your life this year and leave many away from anyone who becomes live-and-let-live attitude toward AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) a low trump. West took his queen and cashed a diamond
suitors behind. If attached, you've overly demanding. tonight: take those who don't agree. you expe- news arrives concerning one for down one, and North was aghast.
created a beautiful life together some quiet time out for yourself. rience a breakthrough regarding who's been a part of your past. an “It was cold,” North roared. “Lead a third club to dum-
and make great parents. CaPRI- CANCER (June 21-July 22) goals. Past efforts are rewarded awareness of how everything that my’s 10. Your only chance is to find West with J-x-x-x; a 3-3
CORn gives the best advice. Maintaining health and fitness and appreciated. tonight: you happens is connected to the sacri- break won’t help.”
should be at the forefront -- your celebrate with travel plans and a fice of something else is a recur- “After East is void in trumps,” South said, “it’s most
ARIES (March 21-April 19) personal health and that of a ticket. ring theme in your spiritual path unlikely he has two low clubs. Your play would usually lose
Friendships with foreign-born loved one or cherished animal SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) now. tonight: talk about this and an extra 100-point undertrick.”
people or those of a different gen- companion. stay vigilant and well today begins with an emphasis you'll make a fortune. If South played the slam 100 times, I don’t know whether
eration will be enjoyed today. informed. address any health on finances. Budgeting for a spe- PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) he would come out ahead by adopting North’s line of
travel plans for the future -- concerns immediately and all is cial purchase will be a consider- you'll sense undercurrents and play. But the damage to a partnership’s morale and a
which have been put off for what well. tonight: Plan to stay up late. ation. the pace can get rather hy- competition regarding profes-
player’s reputation when he loses a makeable slam is not
seems like forever -- are finally fi- LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) per. you're burning the candle at sional aspirations and status.
nalized. Opportunities and good Honor the deepest stirrings of both ends. time to regroup. to- stay flexible and adapt to chang-
fortune increase; growth is the your heart by expressing true night: get a good night's rest and es. Research new developments
DAILY QUESTION You hold: ♠ 7 5 2 ♥ J 9 8 2 ♦ 5 2 ♣ A K
keynote. tonight: Collapse in re- love. today brings a sense of ease sleep. you really need it. in your field, especially regarding
10 4. The dealer, at your left, opens one club. Your partner
lief. and accomplishment. Pressure SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) science and technology. tonight:
doubles, and the next player passes. What do you say?
TAURUS (April 20-May 20) lessens. a goal is reached. take a Independent and outspoken, you you'll feel like you're living a mys-
today is a time to focus on self- vacation and appreciate summer learn best from experience. you tery detective book, and its life.
ANSWER: You must not pass partner’s double for penalty.
understanding. Consider the axi- sports -- as they are. tonight: are seldom appreciate or heed advice.
His hand is probably short in clubs, and you might not
om from the temple of apollo at you blitzed out yet? today your energy level skyrock- (c) 2020 by King Features syndi-
beat one club doubled. It’s wrong to “headhunt” before you
delphi: "Know thyself." adapt to VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) ets and the accelerated inner fire cate Inc.
investigate your chances on offense. Bid one heart. Partner
changes. use care regarding today brings a surprise regarding continues all day. you get a lot of
has heart support, and you may have a game.
promises or signing documents. your family. a relative might an- attention. tonight: answer all the
ZIPPY “It Came From the Bronx” by Bill Griffith ADAM@HOME by Rob Harrell
4 8 2 9 5 6 7 1 3
3 5 9 7 4 1 6 8 2
7 6 1 3 2 8 5 4 9
Today’s Crossword Solution
8 7 5 4 6 2 9 3 1
6 2 3 5 1 9 8 7 4
9 1 4 8 3 7 2 6 5
5 4 6 2 7 3 1 9 8
1 3 8 6 9 5 4 2 7
2 9 7 1 8 4 3 5 6
g8 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e w e d n e s d a y, a u g u s t 2 6 , 2 0 2 0
7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm 9:30pm 10:00pm 10:30pm 11:00pm 11:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm 9:30pm 10:00pm 10:30pm 11:00pm 11:30pm
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38 WSBK Big Bang Big Bang Dateline (CC) HD Dateline (CC) HD WBZ News 10p (CC) Seinfeld Big Bang Food Grocery: Guy spins Grocery (CC) HD Grocery (CC) HD Grocery (CC) HD Grocery (CC) HD
TV-14-LS TV-14-L TV-14-LV TV-14-V HD NEW TV-PG TV-PG-L a budget wheel. TV-G TV-G NEW TV-G NEW TV-G
44 WGBX Neil Diamond: Neil Diamond Alone in the Wilderness (CC): Aging (CC) HD TV-G PBS NewsHour (CC) Fox News Story (CC) Live. HD Tucker Carlson Live. Hannity Live. HD Fox News Live. HD Ingraham Live. HD
PBS performs in Los Angeles. TV-G Living in nature. HD TV-G HD NEW Freeform (5:00) New Moon ★★★ Twil: Eclipse (CC): It all begins ... with a choice. TV-14-LV 700 Club HD NEW
50 WWJE Cold Case Files Cold Case Files Last 24 HD TV-14 Poisonous (CC) HD (11:01) Cruise Ship FUSE (6:00) Resident Evil Female (2018) (CC) HD TV-14-S Parkers Parkers Parkers Parkers
56 WLVI Goldbergs Goldbergs Make It Work! (CC) Coroner HD TV-14-L News (CC) HD NEW Modern Modern FX Sicario-Soldado ★★ Pacific (2018) (CC): Rise up. HD TV-MA-LV ★★ Pacific: Rise up. TV-MA-LV
CW HD TV-PG-L NEW NEW Family Family FXM (6:40) ★★ Why Him? (CC) HD TV-MA-LS ★★ Why Him? (CC) HD TV-MA-LS Gone Girl
64 WNAC ET NEW TMZ TV- MasterChef (CC): The cooks face a Eyewitness News at Big Bang Seinfeld Hallmark (6:00) Rome in Love A Country Wedding (2015) (CC) HD TV-G Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls
FOX PG NEW plating challenge. HD TV-14-L 10 HD NEW TV-PG-L TV-PG Hallmark M. & M. Hailey Dean Mysteries (CC) HD TV-PG Aurora (CC): A priceless crown is stolen. Murder ... HD TV-PG
68 WBPX Blue Bloods (CC) Blue Bloods (CC) Blue Bloods (CC) Blue Bloods (CC) Blue Bloods (CC) HGTV Good Bones (CC) Good Bones (CC) Good Bones (CC) Hunters Hunters House H. H. Int'l
PREMIUM CABLE History Forged in Fire (CC) Forged in Fire (CC) Forged in Fire (CC) (10:03) Forged in (11:03) Forged in
Cinemax (6:00) ★★ ★★ Robin Hood (2018) (CC): The legend ★★ Timeline (2003) (CC): Adventurers HD TV-PG-LV HD TV-PG HD TV-PG Fire (CC) HD TV-PG Fire (CC) HD TV-PG
Chronicles-Ridd you know. The story you don't. HD PG-13 travel back to 1300s wartime France. HD HLN Forensic Forensic Forensic Forensic Forensic Forensic Forensic Forensic Forensic Forensic
Flix (6:15) ★★★ ★★★ Kingpin: A washed-up bowler takes ★★★ Defendor (2009) (CC): An ordinary HSN Rarities TV-G NEW Rarities TV-G NEW Beauty NEW Beauty NEW Beauty Bio. NEW
Barbershop PG-13 on an Amish farmer as a protege. PG-13 guy believes he is a superhero. HD R ID Fear Thy Neighbor Fear Thy Neighbor Who Killed Jessica Carpenter? Lake Erie Murders
HBO (6:45) Lovecraft Lovecraft Country ★★★ Queen & Slim (2019) (CC): A couple go on the Hard (CC) HD TV-14-V (CC) HD TV-14-LV Hometown (CC) HD NEW (CC) HD TV-14-SV
(CC) HD TV-MA (CC) HD TV-MA run after one shoots a police officer. HD R Knocks IFC (6:45) ★★ Dukes: Based on the TV series. ★★★★ Matrix (CC): The fight for the future begins. TV-MA-LV
HBO 2 (6:00) ★★★★ Hard Knocks (CC) Lovecraft Country I May HD (10:40) ★★ The Resurrection Lifetime Married Married Married-Sight (CC) HD TV-14-L NEW Millions NEW Married-Sight
Michael Clayton R HD TV-MA (CC) HD TV-MA TV-MA of Gavin Stone (2017) (CC) HD LMN (6:00) Revenge Wrong Wed (2020) (CC) HD TV-14-V Engaged (2018) (CC) HD TV-14-V
Showtime (5:00) ★★★★ ★★ Stand Up Guys: They don't (9:35) ★★★ Higher Learning (1995) (CC): Racial MSNBC Republican Live. HD Republican Live. HD Republican (CC) Live. HD Republican Live. HD
Casino (1995) HD make 'em like they used to. R tensions divide a college campus. HD
MTV Catfish HD TV-14 Catfish TV-14 NEW Quarantine NEW Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic.
Showtime 2 ★★★ Violent (2014): A man tries to (9:05) ★★ Woman Walks Ahead (2017) ★★★ Silverado National To Catch (CC) HD A Smuggler (CC) A Smuggler (CC) (10:03) To Catch a (11:03) To Catch a
maintain his integrity amid corruption. R (CC): Defy your times. HD R (1985) (CC) HD Geographic TV-14 HD TV-14 HD NEW Smuggler (CC) HD Smuggler (CC) HD
Starz! (6:08) ★★ ★★ White Chicks (2004): Two male FBI (9:51) ★★ For Colored Girls (2010) (CC): NatGeoWild Kingdoms-China Wild Japan TV-PG Wild Japan HD TV-G Wild Japan HD TV-G Kingdoms-China
Bloodshot PG-13 agents pose as female socialites. PG-13 Based on a play by Ntozake Shange. HD R
NECN necn NOW NEW Dateline HD TV-PG Dateline HD TV-PG News Talk Stoop 1st Look Rescue
TMC (6:00) Tell It (2018) ★★ The Upside (2017) (CC): Based on a (10:10) Mob Town (2019) (CC) (11:40)
Sabrina Ovation ★★★ The Firm (1993) (CC): Based on the book by John Grisham. HD TV-14 ★★★★ Rain Man (1988) TV-14
(CC) HD TV-MA-LV true story. HD HD R
OWN 20/20: Homicide 20/20 on OWN 20/20: Homicide 20/20 on OWN 20/20 on OWN
Oxygen Dateline HD TV-PG Dateline (CC) HD TV-PG Dateline (CC) HD TV-PG
ESPN MLB Baseball: All the latest action from Major League MLB Baseball: All the latest action from
Baseball. Live. HD Major League Baseball. Live. HD Paramount Two Men Two Men Dirty Grandpa: Lose your way. Find your manhood. ★★ Dirty Grandpa TV-14-L
QVC Indoor Grill Live. In the Kitchen (CC) Live. HD TV-G Susan Graver Style (CC) Live. HD TV-G
ESPN Classic (6:00) MLB Baseball MLB Baseball: Phillies win 8-7 against Astros in extra innings Boxing: From Jan.
From Oct. 18, 1977. to win the National League pennant. HD 28, 1974. HD Science Mysteries TV-PG-V Engineering Catastrophes (CC) HD NEW Factories NEW Helicopter ER NEW
Sundance Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds
ESPN 2 WNBA Basketball: Washington Mystics NFL Live (CC) HD UFC Unleashed SportsCenter (CC)
(CC) HD TV-14-LV (CC) HD TV-14-LV (CC) HD TV-14-LV (CC) HD TV-14-LV (CC) HD TV-14-LSV
vs Atlanta Dream. Live. HD (CC) HD Live. HD
Fox Sports 1 MLB's Moments ★★★★ The Natural (1984) (CC): A flawed baseball Moments Great Brady Heist Syfy (6:30) ★★ R.I.P.D. TV-14-LV ★★ Rush Hour 2 (2001) (CC) HD TV-14-LV (10:35) ★★ Lake Placid
Best NEW TV-PG hero (Robert Redford) gets a new chance. HD TV-14 TV-14-V (CC) HD TV-PG-L TBS Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Full Conan Full
Golf PGA Champions Central Central Golf (CC) HD Golf (CC) HD TCM (5:15) Hamlet ★★★ Wuthering (1939) (CC) HD TV-PG ★★★ Little Rom (1979) (CC) HD TV-14-L
NBC Sports Early Edition (CC) Felger & Mazz (CC) Ninja Warrior (CC) Boston (CC) Live. Boston Sports TLC My 600-Lb. Life My 600-Lb. Life HD TV-14 My 600-Lb. Life: Liz is now able to walk.
Boston HD HD NEW HD TV-PG HD Tonight (CC) HD TNT (6:30) NBA Basketball (CC) Live. HD NBA Basketball: First Round action, Game 5. Live. In NBA
NBCSN NHL Live NHL Hockey Live. HD NHL Hockey Live. HD Travel Paranormal Ca. Paranormal Ca. Paranormal Ca. (CC) HD TV-14-L NEW Osbournes- Bel.
NESN (6:30) MLB Baseball Live. HD Extra Red Sox Hours Live. HD Red Sox TruTV Jokers Jokers Jokers Jokers Jokers Jokers ★★ Grown Ups (2010) (CC) HD TV-14-L
FAMILY TV Land Griffith Griffith (8:10) Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond King King
Cartoon Gumball We Bare Burgers Burgers Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Rick Rick Family Guy Family Guy TV One Matters Matters Unsung (CC) HD Unsung HD Unsung (CC) HD Good Times Good Times
Disney Raven's Big City Big City Amphibia The Owl Gabby (10:05) Bunk'd Big City Amphibia USA NCIS (CC) HD TV- WWE NXT (CC) Live. HD TV-PG ★★ Gone in Sixty (2000): A retired thief
Home Greens Greens House Duran Bunk'd HD TV-G Greens 14-LV must steal 50 cars to save his brother.
Encore Family (6:26) Ice Age: Melt (7:58) ★★★ Hulk (2003) (CC) HD (10:18) ★★ Zoom (2006) HD VH-1 (5:00) Coach Carter ★★★ 8 Mile (2002) (CC): Find your voice. HD TV-14 ★★ All Eyez on Me TV-14-L
Nickelodeon SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends WE Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order
Nick Jr. Blaze Blaze Bubble Blue Peppa Pig Peppa Pig Peppa Pig Peppa Pig Bubble Blue WGN America Married Married Married Married Married Married Married Married Married Married
Content Ratings: TV-Y Appropriate for all children; TV-Y7 For children age 7 and older; TV-G General audience; TV-PG Parental guidance suggested; TV-14 May be unsuitable for children under 14;
TV-MA Mature audience only Additional symbols: D Suggestive dialogue; FV Fantasy violence; L Strong language; S Sexual activity; V Violence; HD High-Definition; (CC) Close-Captioned