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Day: Wednesday WEEK : 4 Date:

Year : 6 Zuhal
Time : 2.30-3.00pm - 3.30-4.00pm
Duration : 1 hour
Theme : World of Stories
Topic : Unit 1 - Reading: A Window To The World
Focus skill (L / S / R / W / LA ) : Grammar
Language / Grammar focus : Compound Nouns
Content standard : 5.1 Use different word classes correctly and appropriately.
Learning standard : a) Main learning standard
5.1.1 Use noun correct and appropriately.
b) Complementary learning standard
3.2.4 Spell words by applying spelling rules.
Learning objective (s) : By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:
1. create 4/8 compound nouns.
2. spell 3/8 compound nouns.
3. construct 5/8 sentences using given compound sentences.
Success Criteria I can:
1. create compound nouns using picture cards.
2. spell the compound nouns.
3.construct sentences using compound nouns.

Cross curricular elements : Environmental sustainability

21 Century Learning Strategies
Skills No. Act Skills No. Act
I-think mind maps Jigsaw reading
Inner circle, Outer circle - 3 stray, 1 stay
Think pair share - Hot seat
Round table, round robin - Group work/ Presentation
Chunk reading / Gallery walk
Activities : 1. Teacher will show some example of compound nouns such as
a) Pre lesson football, wallpaper and goldfish.
2. Pupils are given 8 picture cards and they have to create a
compound nouns for those picture cards.

b) Lesson delivery 3. Pupils need to spell the created compound nouns.

4. Pupils also need to construct sentences using the given
compound nouns.

5. Teacher will give 5 more compound words and pupils are need
c) Post lesson to construct sentences. (homework)
Teacher’s reflection : 1.


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