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Procedure to be performed: HEAT LAMP TREATMENT

Definition of the procedure: It is the application of dry heat to the perineal area to promote heat

Purpose of the procedure:

 Provide comfort and promote dryness

 Prevent infections
 Increase blood circulation
 Hasten wound healing

Equipment to be used in the procedure:

 Towel
 Lamp

Heat Lamp Treatment Rationale 5 4 3 2 1

1. Explain the procedure To ensure that the patient will
understand the procedure to establish

2. Prepare all the To check if there is no malfunction with

equipment and bring to the equipment and to save time
the bedside
3. screen To provide privacy

4. Place patient in a dorsal To proper positioning and allow proper

recumbent position exposure to the area
5. Remove pads, do To maintain privacy and to provide the
diagonal draping patient comfort

6. Do perineal flushing then To eliminate microorganism and

loosen diagonal draping prevent transferring pathogens to the
7. Drape thighs with bath Drape to maintain privacy, ask patients
towels and adjust lamp level of the heat tolerance to adjust
(40-60watts) 20’’ away lamp and ask them time to time if its
from the perineum too hot to avoid burning of perineum

8. Plug connecting cord To maintain privacy during the

outlet with lamp covered procedure
9. for untoward reactions To ensure the patient is comfortable
and does not get burned.

10. Unplug cord after 15 To avoid too much exposure and lessen
minutes of treatment the chances
11. Remove lamp, towels on To check if the exposure is effective and
thighs then check to check if there no burns or swelling
perineum for swelling or
12. Make patient To promote comfortability
13. Do after care To maintain sanitation of the

14. chart For physician will be informed that

procedure has been done already, and
to provide information.

Total score
Equivalent Grade

Signature of C.I.
Signature of the Student


Procedure to be performed: Perineal Care

Definition of the Procedure: is bathing the genitalia and surrounding area. Proper assessment and
care of the perineal area will need professional clinical judgment.

Purposes of the Procedure:

 To keep cleanliness and prevent from infection in perineal area

 To promote client comfort
 Prevent or Eliminate infection and odor
 To promote healing and remove secretion

Equipments to be used in the procedure:

 Rubber sheet
 Draw sheet
 Bath towel
 Bedpan
 Pitcher
 Soap
 Waste receptacle
 Cotton ball
 Perineal ball
 Bath basin with water at 43 to 46C (110 to 115F)
 Clean gloves


1. Explain the procedure to the Providing information patient

patient cooperation
2. Secure tray and check if To facilitate accurate skilled
equipment is complete performance
3. Bring bedpan and perineal Provide patient bedpan so that
tray to bedside. the patient can urinate easily
4. Screen patient. To provide client privacy and
give patient comfortable
5. Place rubber sheet and To avoid the bed from getting
cotton draw sheet under the wet
patient’s buttocks. Put towel
over hypogastrium.
6. Position patient in dorsal Provide full exposure of the
recumbent position. Do genetalia and draped to
diagonal draping. minimize anxiety
7. Offer bedpan. Line edge of Maintain patients dignity and
table with towel. Let patient self care ability
wash his hands.
8. Place waste receptacle in a To avoid cross contamination
convenient area.
9. Place water over vulva. To clean or rinse the vagina
Pitcher should be 6” above
the vulva.
10. Using each perineal ball, To clean the vagina, prevent
moistened with soap solution, from infection give comfort to
clean vulva in the following the patient.
manner: Mons pubis S stroke,
center without touching anus,
farther labia minora, nearer
labia minora, farther labia
majora, nearer labia majora,
thighs (start with father then
nearer thigh) clitoris to vaginal
orifice to anus.
11. Flush vulva and dry with To dry surrounding area and
sterile dry cotton ball or prevent infections
cherry balls in the same
12. Remove the bedpan and turn Cleaning motion prevents
the patient on side, dry contamination to perineal area
buttocks with towel from
13. Fix beddings and make patient To provide comfort and warmth

14. After care of equipment. To maintain standard

precaution and prevent spread
of infection
15. Charting and documentation Documentation provides
of discharges, types, color, coordination of care for future
ordor and condition of the references
Total Score
Equivalent Grade
Signature of C. I
Signature of Student


Procedure to be performed: PERINEAL SHAVING

Definition of the procedure: is a procedure performed before birth in order to lessen the risk of
infection if there is a spontaneous perineal tear or if an episiotomy is performed.

Purposes of the procedure:

 To lessen the risk of infection

 To keep blood from getting stuck
 To avoid embarrassing during giving birth

Equipments to be used in the procedure:

 Cotton balls
 Solution soap
 Water
 Basin
 Razor
 Clean cloth
 Gloves
 Sterile gauze


1. Check consent for Providing information fosters cooperation
procedure and ask permission.
2. Gather all equipments and To minimize time and effort
bring to bedside
3. Remove jewelries and give To prevent transmission of microorganism
to relative. Wash hands
thoroughly. Wear on clean
4. Expose area to be shaved. Provide full exposure and easy to shave
Wet area with cotton balls when hair get wet.
and soaked in soap
5. Hold skin taut with one To shave easily and to avoid cutting of the
hand and razor with one skin
hand. Move razor along
growth of hair then move
razor against growth of
hair. For OB cases: shave
from lower part of mons
pubis to perineum.
6. Rinse razor with each To maintain standard precaution and
stroke. Rinse area with prevent transmission of microorganism
sterile water. (for surgical
cases just wipe area with
7. Dry area and cover with Cleaning motion prevents contaminating
clean cloth. the perineal area
8. Make patient comfortable. To provide warmth and comfort
Straighten beddings.
9. After care of equipment. To prevent spread of infection
10. Chart procedure. To provide information and coordination of
care for future references
Total Score
Equivalent Score
Signature of C.I.
Signature of Student


Procedure to be performed: BREAST CARE

Definition of the procedure: Breast care is the treatment that doing in the breast in order to
breastfeed smoothly and prevent problems that often arise during breastfeeding.

Purposes of the procedure:

 Stimulate the milk glands, so the milk production smoothly

 To inform all pregnant patients about the benefits and management of breastfeeding
 To prevent sore and cracked nipples during lactation
 To clean the breast
 To detect any abnormalities.
 To prevent local infection.
 To prevent breast complications.
 Nipple with unhygienic conditions.

Equipment to be used in the procedure:

 Sterile cotton balls

 Clean towel
 Lukewarm water
 Tissues
 Waste receptacle

Breast care Rationale 5 4 3 2 1

1. Explain the procedure So that the patient will be knowledgeable
to the patient about the procedure
2. Bring prepared To save time and effort
equipment to bedside.
3. Screen bed or provide To maintain privacy and to provide patient
privacy. feel comfortable
4. Wash hands To eliminate microorganism and prevent
thoroughly. contamination
5. Expose farther breast Inspect the breast for any unusual finding
and draped.
6. Using clean forceps To initiate the breast care for cleansing the
and sterile cotton ball, areola first with circular motion to prevent
wet with sterile water, spread of infection
clean breast from
nipple going outward
in rotary motion until
7. Dry area with sterile. To prevent infection or contamination
8. Cover area with clean To prevent contaminating the area
9. Follow same Continue with breast caring
procedure for the
other breast.
10. chart Documentation of the procedure to provide
Total Score
Equivalent Grade
Signature of C.I.
Signature of Student


Procedure to be performed: SITZ BATH

Definition of the procedure: is a type of therapy done by sitting in warm, shallow water It can help
soothe pain, itching, and other symptoms in the anal and genital areas.

Purposes of the procedure:

 Help ease pain and itching from haemorrhoids

 Help ease pain from an anal fissure
 Can promote faster healing
 It can also help keep these areas clean if you can’t take a bath or shower.
 also relieves itching, irritation, minor pain
 To aid healing a wound in the area by cleaning on discharges and slough
 To induce voiding in urinary retention
 To relieve pain, congestion and inflammation
 also relieves, irritation, minor pain

Equipment to be used in the procedure:

 Sitz tub half filled with water 105-110F ( 40-43C)

 Pitcher of water 130F
 Bath thermometer
 Ice cap-with cover
 Fresh camisa
 Bath towel
 Bath blanket
 Rubber ring p.r.n.

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