icated to devices that very few orthodontists are familiar with but most orthodontists should and arch wires, speed up bone deposition during rapid palatal expansion, palliate aphthous ulcers and other gingival irritations, and so many more become acquainted with. Since the introduction procedures is nothing short of wondrous. of the American Dental Laser DLase300 to gen- An issue like this could not have been possible eral dentistry more than 30 years go, lasers have without the tremendous efforts of my contribut- slowly but surely become the go-to tool for pain- ing authors. For this issue, I had the distinct plea- less, bloodless surgical procedures in every area sure and honor to work with giants in the field of of dentistry from periodontal and oral surgical laser dentistry. Dr. Louis Chmura, an orthodon- procedures to fixed prosthetics (troughing, ovate tist who has been using lasers for decades, has pontic site formation) to removable prosthetics contributed chapters on basic and advanced (tuberosity and torus reduction, vestibuloplasty) orthodontic laser procedures. Dr. Gerry Ross, a to endodontics (canal preparation and steriliza- pioneer in PBMT co-wrote a succinct introduc- tion) to operative dentistry (composite restora- tion to non-surgical laser procedures. Dr. Larry tions) to cosmetic dentistry (zenith adjustment, Kotlow, one of the most accomplished laser pedi- emergence profile adjustment) to pediatric and atric dentists in the world has contributed an arti- neonatal dentistry (tongue tie releases on 3 day cle on the importance of recognizing how critical old babies), and on and on and on. laser tongue- tie release is to the development of The ability to perform a simple bloodless, the face and the airway. I have contributed an painless, fast-healing frenectomy at the appropri- introduction to laser tissue interaction simply ate time for maxillary anterior diastema closure because its important to understand how these can be a powerful addition to the services that devices work before they are used on a patient. orthodontists can offer their patients. Using a Of course, Dr. Elliott M. Moskowitz gets a special laser to perform a simple crestal fiberotomy will thank-you for helping guide this issue toward result in faster case completion and more effi- publication. cient use of an orthodontist’s valuable chair The time spent away from my family during time. More and more patients are demanding the production of this issue was not inconsequen- more than just a set of straight teeth they want tial. I could not have completed the task without a beautiful smile. The ability to sculpt the gingi- the love, support and encouragement of my wife val tissues to create a textbook-perfect gingival and partner in practice, Dr. Ellen Goldstein. I architecture is now within the reach of every am eternally grateful for her constant presence orthodontist. in my life. For orthodontists that have no desire to per- form any surgical procedures, the ability to use a Robert A. Convissar D.D.S. non-surgical PBM laser to decrease the gag Guest Editor reflex, lessen discomfort when placing separators E-mail: [email protected]
The Ideal Restoration of Endodontically Treated Teeth Structural and Esthetic Considerations A Review of The Literature and Clinical Guidelines For The Restorative Clinician