3M Nextel Woven Ceramic Fabrics
3M Nextel Woven Ceramic Fabrics
3M Nextel Woven Ceramic Fabrics
Woven ceramic fabrics and woven industrial Fabrics are engineered to perform at
fabrics from 3M allow engineers and designers continuous temperatures up to 2200°F
with high temperature applications to create (1204°C).
new, imaginative solutions for previously
impossible problems. When used in industrial furnaces, Nextel
Woven Ceramic Fabrics can serve as thermal
3M Nextel Woven Ceramic Fabrics are barriers to separate different temperature zones
designed to meet the toughest thermal, or the fabrics can serve to prevent particulate
mechanical and electrical performance shedding.
requirements. Nextel Woven Ceramic Fabrics
outperform the useful limits of other high Some typical applications of Nextel Woven
temperature textiles such as aramids, carbon, Ceramic Fabrics are as follows:
glass or quartz. Nextel Woven Ceramic
Application Fabric
3M Nextel Woven Fabric
312 440 550 610 720
Radomes ü ü
Thermal shields ü ü
Micrometeorite debris shields ü
Ceramic- matrix composites ü ü ü
Metal- matrix composites ü
Polymer- matrix composites ü ü ü
Automotive ü
Diffusion furnaces ü
Furnace linings
Galvanized steel furnaces
Porcelain furnaces ü ü
Furnace zone dividers ü ü
Door seals ü ü ü
Tube seals ü ü
Gaskets ü ü
Expansion joints ü
Typical properties are for engineering use only. Contact a 3M representative before developing a specification. 26
See Important Notice to Purchaser for details.
3M Nextel Woven Fabric 312 - Typical Properties
Style Weight Available Thickness Thread Count Yarn Air Weave Breaking Strength
Width Type Permeability without Sizing*
(Sized) (Sized) Warp Fill w/o Sizing Warp Fill
per per
oz/yd2 inch inch inch inch ft3/min/ft2 lb/inch lb/inch
(g/m2) (m) (mm) (cm) (cm) (l/min/dm2) (kg/cm) (kg/cm)
AF-10 8.6 38 0.015 46 46 600d 15 5 harness 115 140
(292) (0,97) (0,38) (18) (18) served (46) satin (20) (25)
AF-11 7.6 38 0.010 24 23 1200d 40 Plain 120 135
(258) (0,97) (0,25) (9) (9) roving (122) (21) (24)
AF-12 8.1 58 0.013 25 25 1200d 15 5 harness 130 150
(275) (1,47) (0,33) (10) (10) roving (46) satin (23) (27)
AF-14 9.0 38 0.014 20 17 900d 30 Plain 150 135
(305) (0,97) (0,36) (8) (7) 1/2 (91) (27) (24)
AF-20 13.4 36 0.020 30 26 1800d 15 5 harness 170 150
(454) (0,91) (0,51) (12) (10) roving (46) satin (30) (27)
AF-30 17.6 36 0.030 19 18 1800d 50 Crowfoot 200 180
(597) (0,91) (0,76) (7) (7) 1/2 (152) satin (36) (32)
AF-40 24.0 36 0.037 32 20 1800d 35 5 harness 300 190
(814) (0,91) (0,94) (13) (8) 1/2 (107) satin (54) (34)
AF-62 29.5 4, 12, 30 0.054 40 20 1800d 100 Plain 260 190
(1000) (0,10; 0,30; (1,37) (16) (8) 1/2 (305) double (46) (34)
0,76) layer
AF-10 8.6 38 0.015 46 46 600d 75 5 harness 220 220
(292) (0,97) (0,38) (18) (18) served (229) satin (39) (39)
AF-10 7.2 38 0.010 46 46 600d 15 5 harness 115 140
w/o (244) (0,97) (0,25) (18) (18) served (46) satin (20) (25)
sizing roving
AF-11 7.6 38 0.010 24 23 1200d 75 Plain 140 140
(258) (0,97) (0,25) (9) (9) roving (229) (25) (25)
AF-11 7.4 38 0.009 24 23 1200d 40 Plain 120 135
w/o (251) (0,97) (0,23) (9) (9) roving (122) (21) (24)
AF-12 8.1 58 0.013 25 25 1200d 100 5 harness 220 220
(275) (1,47) (0,33) (10) (10) roving (305) satin (39) (39)
Typical property data is for engineering use only. Contact a 3M representative before developing a specification. 27
See Important Notice to Purchaser for details.
3M Nextel Woven Fabrics 440 - Typical Properties
Style Weight Available Thickness Thread Count Yarn Air Weave Breaking Strength
Width Type Permeability without Sizing*
(Sized) (Sized) Warp Fill w/o Sizing Warp Fill
per per
oz/yd2 inch inch inch inch ft3 /min/ft2 lb/inch lb/inch
(g/m2 ) (m) (mm) (cm) (cm) (l/min/dm2 ) (kg/cm) (kg/cm)
BF-20 14.9 36 0.020 30 26 2000d 15 5 harness 250 220
(505) (0,91) (0,51) (12) (10) roving (46) satin (45) (39)
BF-30 20.4 36 0.030 21 20 2000d 35 Crowfoot 290 260
(692) (0,91) (0,76) (8) (8) 1/2 (107) satin (52) (46)
BF-40 26.4 36 0.038 32 20 2000d 35 5 harness 340 260
(895) (0,91) (0,97) (13) (8) 1/2 (107) satin (61) (46)
Typical property data is for engineering use only. Contact a 3M representative before developing a specification. 28
See Important Notice to Purchaser for details.