Manufacturing Tolerances For Moulded & Extruded Rubber
Manufacturing Tolerances For Moulded & Extruded Rubber
Manufacturing Tolerances For Moulded & Extruded Rubber
Rubber compound used in the DEEFEND range of The fendering material is extruded natural rubber,
extruded fenders has the following specifications:- compounded to be highly resistant against attack
by sea-water, oxygen, ozone and ultraviolet light
Shore Durometer Hardness encountered in the marine environment.
65 - 75
(AS 1683.15)
Natural rubber is inherently more resilient than
Tensile strength
12 MPa (min.) other elastometric and plastic materials, and is
(AS 1180.2)
ideal in absorbing berthing energy and protecting
Ultimate tensile strain
350% (min.) both the marina and vessel.
(AS 1683.11)
Compression set Standard colours are white, grey and black. Other
35% (max.)
(AS 1683.138) colours are available on special order.
Tear resistance
50kN/m (min.)
(AS 1683.12)