Windshield Manufacturing and Description Manual

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Revision Sheet

[Version 01]
Prepared By
Rafiq Ahmed

[Manufacture and Description Manual]

This is a manual and summary for Manufacture and Repair of Cockpit Windows. Also it has
information on Windows heating. Nevertheless, this is a summary and document based on Case
study. For specific manufacturing and repair procedures follow the specific Manufacturer and
Maintenance manual

Flight Deck Windshield Manufacture & Description Manual Page i

Revision Sheet

Revision History

Version Date Revision Description

1.0 July/08/2020 Manual Creation

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Table of Contents

Revision History...........................................................
Table of Contents............................................................ 0
1. Introduction............................................................. 11
Manufacturing ........................................................... 15
3. Repairs ……………………………………………………………………19
4. Budget…………………………………………………………………….25
5.Design Organization Approval…………………………………26

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1. Introduction
Flight Deck Windshield

The windshield (North America) or windscreen (Commonwealth countries)

of an aircraft is the front window. Modern windshields are generally made
of laminated safety glass, a type of treated glass, which consists of two
(typically) curved sheets of glass with a plastic layer laminated between
them for safety and are bonded into the window frame.

In the US windscreen refers to the mesh or foam placed over a microphone

to minimize wind noise, while a windshield refers to the front window of a
car. In the UK, the terms are reversed, although generally, the foam screen
is referred to as a microphone shield, and not a windshield.
These were often mounted in pairs behind a foldable flat windshield. Aero
screens are usually less than 20 cm (8 in) in height. They are known as aero
screens because they only deflect the wind.
Modern Windshield

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Windshield Manufacturing

After basic fuselage structure were designed, it had been clear where exactly
windshield structure had to be adapted. It was decided main frame to be
consisted of profiles which would be made by technology of sheet metal
banding. Searching for existing windshield frame profiles it was found how it
might look. Main windshield structure consists of five small frames and
additional small sheet metal pieces which are all connected with frames by
the rivets. Every small frame is built by two sheet metal profiles which cross
section. Some of these profiles are very big challenge to make in practice
because of their curvatures. Fluid-structure interaction (FSI) is a metaphysics
coupling between the laws that describe fluid dynamics and structural
mechanics. This phenomenon is characterized by interactions – which can be
stable or oscillatory – between a deformable or moving structure and a
surrounding or internal fluid flow. When a fluid flow encounters a structure,
stresses and strains are exerted on the solid object – forces that can lead to

These deformations can be quite large or very small, depending on the

pressure and velocity of the flow and the material properties of the actual
structure. If the deformations of the structure are quite small and the
variations in time are also relatively slow, the fluid's behavior will not be
greatly affected by the deformation, and we can concern ourselves with only
the resultant stresses in the solid parts. However, if the variations in time are
fast, greater than a few cycles per second, then even small structural
deformations will lead to pressure waves in the fluid. These pressure waves
lead to the radiation of sound from vibrating structures. Such problems can
be treated as an acoustic, rather than a fluid-structure interaction. Yet, if the
deformations of the structure are large, the velocity and pressure fields of
the fluid will change as a result, and we need to treat the problem as a
bidirectional coupled metaphysics analysis: The fluid flow and pressure fields
affect the structural deformations, and the structural deformations affect
the flow and

Solid works flow simulation uses Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)

analysis to enable quick, efficient simulation of fluid flow and heat transfer.

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You can easily calculate fluid forces and understand the impact of a liquid or
gas on product performance.

Tightly integrated with SOLIDWORKS CAD, CFD analysis using SOLIDWORKS

Simulation takes the complexity out of flow analysis and can be a regular part
of your design process, reducing the need for costly prototypes, eliminating
rework and delays, and saving time and development costs Computational
fluid dynamics, usually abbreviated as CFD, is a branch of fluid mechanics
that uses numerical methods and algorithms to solve and analyze problems
that involve fluid flows. Computers are used to perform the calculations
required to simulate the interaction of liquids and gases with surfaces
defined by boundary conditions. With high-speed supercomputers, better
solutions can be achieved. Ongoing research yields software that improves
the accuracy and speed of complex simulation scenarios such as transonic or
turbulent flows. Initial experimental validation of such software is performed
using a wind tunnel with the final validation coming in full-scale testing, e.g.
flight tests

Key Point Difference between Airbus and Boeing Windshields

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2. Aircraft Windshield Heating Systems

A conventional passenger aircraft typically includes heated flight deck
windows. The windows are heated to provide clear visibility in all
conditions. For example, fogging and ice formation may be reduced by use
of such heated windows. Conventional heated windows include heating
elements that extend across an entire window or segment of a window.
The power requirements for heating the entire window are significant, but
during normal power operations are not a burden on the aircraft power
system with all power supplies functioning. The power requirements of
heating the windows during emergency power operations, however, are a
significant burden on the emergency power systems. For example,
conventional heated windows on a business jet may require more than 6
kW to operate. Such power requirements increase the size of emergency
power systems in the aircraft. Larger emergency power systems decrease
usable space in the aircraft, increase weight and cost of the aircraft, and
reduce fuel efficiency and range.
As such, it is desirable to provide aircraft and aircraft windshield heating
systems that provide flight crew visibility during emergency power
operations while reducing the power consumption of operating the
windshield heating systems.

Ice Protection on Hawker 700

The Hawker 700 is equipped and certificated for flight into known of
forecast icing conditions. The engine nacelles and stator vanes are anti-
iced with hot high-pressure bleed air. The pitot tubes and static ports are
heated with DC electrical power. The windshields are heated with variable
frequency AC power from alternators on each engine. If both alternators
are operating, each alternator powers it's respective window. If only one
alternator is operating, both front windshields will be heated by the
operating alternator. Windshield heat is to be turned on prior to takeoff
and left on for the duration of the flight. If the window heat trips off in-
flight, do not reset unless the indicated outside air temp is warmer than
Minus 30C. The wings and tail are anti-iced by pumping an anti-icing fluid
through tiny holes in the leading edges of the wings and tail. Prior to

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entering icing conditions, turn on the TKS to distribute the fluid. Prime the
TKS system by running the pump for 3 minutes prior to takeoff. This
system is a "pain in the ass" when it leaks fluid onto the hangar floor but
works well in flight.
The Hawkers are equipped with an Ice Detector. The ice detector is
powered through the left squat switch. It consists of a motor driven
serrated rod extending from the side of the nose of the aircraft. Within a
few thousands of an inch aft of this rod is a triangular "cutter". When ice
forms on the rod, it jams between the rod and the cutter, increasing the
torque on the electric motor. When the torque exceeds a predetermined
value, the ice detection light in the cockpit.

Windscreen ice and rain protection

Various methods of windscreen ice and rain protection are used on a range
of aircraft types. One method uses a metallic film deposited onto the
surface of the screen; this is connected to an electrical supply on
either side of the panel. An alternative technology uses fine wire elements
sandwiched within the laminated glass panel. Individual windscreen
heaters use 4 kW of power, to keep window temperature at approximately
30 ° C. Automatic cycling of power regulates the amount of heat being
absorbed by the windscreen. Power is isolated from the heaters in the
event of fault conditions; temperature sensors detect overheat and current
transformers detect electrical overload conditions. Temperature sensors
are monitored by a control unit; these can be simple thermostats or

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Key point
Windscreens are kept clear of rain by wipers, rain
repellent (sprayed on the windows), or by treating the glass with a
hydrophobic coating.

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Windscreen wiper

The windscreen wiper system is based on 28 V DC variable speed motors;

the rotary motion of the motor is changed by a gear mechanism in the
converter to produce the sweeping motion of the wiper arm over the
windscreen. The normal arrangement is to have one wiper assembly per
screen to ensure that at least on pilot can keep a clear screen in the event
of failure. The motors are set by the control switch; typical wiper speeds
● low, 160 cycles per minute
● high, 250 cycles per minute.

A parking switch in the motor/converter sets the wiper blade to the park
position when the wiper is selected off. In the off position, the park
switches in each motor/converter closes; this causes the blades to position
themselves at the bottom of each windscreen.

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Rain repellent

This system is used to maintain a clear area on the windscreen during take-
off and landing. The rain repellent bottle is located inside the fuselage roof;
this contains a pressure gauge, visual contents reservoir and a shut-off
The control panel (normally combined with the wiper system) contains two
switches to control the rain repellent system. The repellent fluid is stored in
a container; this is pressurized from an external air supply. Two electrically
operated solenoid valves control the flow of repellent to the windscreens.
Nozzles on the fuselage (forward of the windscreen) direct the repellent
spray onto the windscreens. The rain repellent switches are momentary
make type; pushing a switch once activates the respective solenoid valve. A
time delay circuit in the valve controls the amount of repellent being
released by closing the valve after a short time period, typically ½ second. A
pressure gauge indicates when the container needs replacing.

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3. Repair of Cockpit Windows

Aircraft windows are typically a low maintenance item, as long as they
remain clear and scratch-free. One thing that many technicians tend to
forget is that the window is a critical part of the aircraft "pressure vessel,"
and as such, they require at least as much attention as the surrounding
structure. Additionally, a critical portion of the window is hidden from view
by mounting flanges and fasteners — ignoring these areas is asking for

A small crack or crazing can lead to in-flight failure of windows, which has
proven to be catastrophic. In fact, several deaths have been attributed to
window failures as a result of pilots or passengers getting pulled through

Due to the relatively large amount of pressure placed upon windows at

altitude, cracks and/or damage must be addressed on a regular schedule.
The critical nature of pressurized windows and the need to replace any
windows that exhibit cracking or damage.

"If you have a crack, there are pressures from the inside of the window, as
well as from all directions from the mounting holes. All of these stresses
mean that a window can quickly fail. To give you an example of what kind
of damage a window can take prior to failing, consider the Gulfstream
window. You start with a window that is 20 by 26 inches, which is 520
square inches, and with 7 psi of cabin pressure, that's 3,640 lbs. of force
pushing on the window. If there is a scratch on the window, it becomes a
stress riser and all stresses congregate in it. Allowable damage to a
Gulfstream window is only .003 inches deep before the window must be
repaired or replaced. Some manufacturers allow scratches up to 0.010
inches deep. The maximum scratch or crazing allowed in the Hawker cabin
is limited to 1/4 inch."

Unfortunately, windows are not becoming more carefree as time goes on.
It's just the opposite — windows actually require more attention today.

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Additionally, aircraft windows are milled to finished thicknesses and can be

made to much tighter tolerances than they used to be, which helps reduce
the weight of the windows. The result is the windows are thinner than ever
before. Windows of the past were built with up to one hundred
thousandths of additional material for cushion — not so today.

Stretched acrylic
The advent of stretched acrylic has reduced the incidents of window
blowout significantly. In the 1950s, it was more common for windows to
blow out because the windows were not stretched acrylic.

Today's pressurized windows are made only of stretched acrylic. This is

acrylic that is heated and stretched to form a clear window with a long
molecular structure. The directional grain structure adds rigidity and
strength to the windows.

"Typical manufacturers start out with a billet of acrylic which is Mil-P-8184

cast acrylic,”. "The billet is inserted into an oven and heated to 350 degrees
F (until it is malleable) and is brought directly to the stretching machine
before it cools. The stretching process is stopped immediately if there are
any flaws, tears, or defects noted. Any stretched panels with defects are
discarded immediately and never reused, which is one of the contributing
factors to the high cost of stretched acrylic. In its stretched form, the acrylic
becomes Mil-P-25690 (stretched acrylic)."

Acrylic panel is removed from fixture after being stretched. This operation
increases strength dramatically. After the acrylic is stretched, it is taken to a
table where the edges are cut off and any milling processes are performed.
The acrylic panels are then polished on a large machine to the correct Mil-
Spec thickness. After this process, the large panels are then cut and formed,
and radiused into the shape of the window as required.

"It's interesting to note how stretched acrylic cracks. Remember that when
you stretch acrylic, you pull the molecules into long, flat molecules, so,
that's the way cracks progress also. If a crack starts in one area, it may run
across the window and possibly large chunks of window will leave the

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aircraft at once. It's not unusual, for the broken pieces to be ingested into
the engine inlet and cause engine damage or failure. Fortunately, windows
are typically made of an inner and outer panel. Often, if one of the panels
cracks, the other will hold."

Causes of failure
Like any other type of material under stress, it doesn't take much damage
to cause a complete failure of the component. One hairline scratch or
micro-crack on a window with several thousand pounds of force against it
can quickly turn into a major crack. For this reason, it's important to
identify stress risers and, if they exceed the maintenance manual
specifications, remove them from the window prior to further flight.

"Stress risers come in the form of scratches, crazing (or micro-cracking),

small cracks, razor cuts, etc. Normal expansion and retraction occurring
during pressurization cycles will cause the stress risers to grow in length
and depth. Left unrepaired, the damage will progress to a point beyond
specified repair limits (which is the minimum thickness allowed before the
structural integrity of the panel is violated) and may eventually cause
window failure. It's your job and responsibility as a mechanic to point out
stress risers to aircraft owners and explain the importance of having the
risers removed as soon as possible."

Knowing the thickness of the window and minimum tolerances will give you
valuable information on whether to attempt repairs. Crazing of this window
eventually turned into a crack. M.E.K. and acrylic don't go together. This
window was damaged when M.E.K was used to remove adhesive.

An example of how significant even minor scratches (stress risers) are,

came in a form of a side cockpit window that was placed into operation
after some of the vent holes were blocked during a paint operation. This
window is normally vented with small holes that prevent the pane from
fogging and allow pressure to equalize between the dead airspace in the
window and the cabin during climb and decent. With the vent holes
blocked, the window was pressurized from the inside and the result was
the window blew out. Although the window blew as a result of the vent

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holes being blocked, it was interesting to note where and how the window
cracked. The cracking occurred in a circular fashion that followed some
minor cleaning scratches that were on the surface of the window.
Normally, these scratches would have been insignificant, but in this case,
they provided a perfect path for the window to crack.

Cracking from tool marks or bolt hole damage should also be another cause
for concern. The mounting flange of the window itself should be inspected
on a regular basis for any sign of cracking or damage. This can best be
accomplished by using a prism to see beneath the window frame. Cracks in
the outer edges or around bolt holes really should be detected well before
entering the viewing area of the window. Since there are up to two inches
of material under the frame of the window, a crack that has entered the
viewing area is already up to two inches long — too late for comfort.

"In order to adequately inspect bolt holes on the edge of the windshield,
“.”it is necessary to use a prism. The prism is held tightly against the outside
of the windshield and glycol is used as a coupling agent. The prism bends
the light and allows you to view any damage on the edge of the windshield
or around bolt holes that you otherwise could not have seen. One thing
that you want to remember when using a prism is to clean the window well
before using the prism. If you don't, you will have dirt particles that will
scratch your prism and your window as you slide it around the edges."

"As a mechanic, you need to look at the windows, not through them," he
stresses. "To inspect properly, we recommend at least a 500-candle power
light and shine it at the window at every direction; up, down, sideways,
forward, upside-down, etc., to try to get any cracks or damage to reflect
back at you."

Ultrasonic equipment is also a necessary part of the inspection of any

window. You should ultrasound the window before making any repairs to
verify that there is enough material to make the repair. Then, inspect after
any repairs to make sure the windows are above minimum thickness.

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One word of caution related to ultrasonic, however. The density of the

material used in the window will affect the reading you get on the
ultrasonic equipment. So, you must know what you're doing and make sure
that your equipment is calibrated according to data from the manufacturer.

"You have to compensate for the type of material you're working on to

interpret what actual thickness you have. There are standards available to
check your equipment and you must use the correct standards or you can
get bad readings. So, you not only need an ultrasound machine, you need
to have data and the correct standard for the material you're working on. If
you don't, you may be .030 below minimums and think that you are within
limits. Or, you may unnecessarily reject an entire set of windows because
you think windows are beyond limits, when they are actually still

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The windshield on the cockpit of a Boeing 737 costs around $26,000,
according to international trade export records of the sliding window
assembly for cockpits of that twinjet. The price escalates from there. Many
aircraft types have electro-chemical heating systems for flight deck
windshields; the Boeing 787 Dreamliner passenger windows have
electrochromic technology, which uses electricity to change the color and
amount of light that passes through the window.

For Manufacturing of Cockpit windows, the budget would start

from 5000 USD up to 20000USD based on market
fluctuations. Nevertheless, this expertise is best relied on
marketing professionals.

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5. Design Organizational Approval

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