Cooling Towers: Codes and Standards Enhancement Report
Cooling Towers: Codes and Standards Enhancement Report
Cooling Towers: Codes and Standards Enhancement Report
Cooling Towers
APRIL 8, 2002
Copyright 2002 Pacific Gas and Electric Company. All rights reserved. Overview .............................................. 2
Reproduction or distribution of the whole or any part of the contents of Methodology ......................................... 7
this document without the express written permission of PG&E is
prohibited. Neither PG&E nor any of its employees makes any warranty,
express or implied, or assumes any legal liability of responsibility for the Results ................................................ 10
accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any data, information, method,
policy, product or process disclosed in this document, or represents that Recommendations............................... 13
its use will not infringe any privately-owned rights, including but not
limited to patents, trademarks or copyrights..
Bibliography and Other Research ....... 14
Acknowledgments ............................... 14
Appendices ......................................... 15
Limitation on the Application of Air-Cooled Chillers
Our first measure is a limitation on the use of air-cooled chillers in chilled water plants. Above 300t plant capacities
we propose to require water-cooled chillers with cooling towers. Water-cooled plants cost more but are far more
efficient than air-cooled plants. This proposed requirement is based on a life-cycle cost analysis.
At present, Title 24 has a mandatory requirement for the efficiency of cooling towers (gpm/hp at Cooling Tower
Institute Acceptance Test Code 105 (CTI ATC 105) test conditions, §112, Table 1-C7) and a prescriptive
requirement for the unloading capabilities of cooling tower fans (§144h). These measures were adopted in the
AB970 emergency standard based on analysis performed for ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1-1999. The effect of these
measures is an increase in both the size and cost of cooling towers and water-cooled systems. To prevent a shift in
the market to less efficient and less expensive air-cooled equipment we propose a companion requirement for a
limitation on air-cooled chillers.
This proposal is based on a life cycle cost analysis and comparison of air- vs. water-cooled chilled water plants as a
function of plant size (installed tonnage) and climate (dry, intermediate or humid). This analysis is based on similar
analysis that we have performed for a number of commercial building clients in the greater San Francisco Bay Area.
As detailed below, we have found that water-cooled plants are cost effective above 200t. The analysis includes the
increased installed cost, the cost of the utilities (electricity and water) and the maintenance costs.
Our analysis was based on a real design of a 200t plant. That plant design is quite typical of dozens of other plants
that we have either designed or reviewed in the field. The comparison of the cost effectiveness of that plant
included maintenance cost estimates from a service contractor, installed cost estimates from a mechanical contractor
and detailed energy and water usage from eQuest simulations with water estimates based on post simulation
analysis. We scaled this plant to represent a small, medium and large facility in each of the three climates (dry,
intermediate and humid). Each design was analyzed for its energy and water usage as well as the installed and
maintenance costs.
With two-speed or variable speed motors (a present Prescriptive requirement, Section 144(h)), it is far more efficient
to run tower water through multiple cells due to the near cube law efficiency of the fans; running two fans at ½
speed uses approximately ¼ of the energy of running one fan at full speed for the same heat rejection. On the design
side, it is less expensive to design the tower for variable flow than it is to provide automatic isolation valves on the
tower cells; nozzles and weirs cost approximately $300 to $500 per cell while automatic isolation valves cost $1,500
to $2,000 per cell.
1. For low profile applications, centrifugal blow-through towers can be built lower than draw-through towers
with propeller fans.
2. For applications with high static pressure like towers that are sited in a well and require ducted inlet or
outlet air.
The first application is completely aesthetic and can usually be accommodated through careful location of the tower
or the application of architectural screens. The second application (high static pressure) is legitimate and should be
accommodated through the standard. The third issue can generally be accommodated through application of low-
noise propeller blades (a relatively new product), careful siting of the tower and the application of variable speed
controls on the tower fans.
Since there are no cost premiums for propeller towers and they save ½ the energy this measure is immediately cost
As shown below, the restriction on air-cooled chillers will drastically reduce both energy and demand. Even with
the pumping energy included our study indicates that water-cooled plants use less than half the energy in all three
climates that we simulated.
The requirement for tower flow turndown will save both energy and first cost of chilled water plants.
The requirement for propeller or axial fans will save both energy and demand with no little or no addition of first
Environmental Impact
The limitation on air-cooled chillers will increase both water consumption and the use of chemicals (biocides) for
water treatment but these impacts will be offset by a significant reduction in both electrical energy and demand.
The requirements for tower flow turndown and limitation on centrifugal fans offers savings in energy and demand
with no adverse environmental impacts.
Type of Change
We propose three new prescriptive requirements:
Technology Measures
Measure Availability and Cost
Both cooling towers and water-cooled chillers are readily available from multiple providers. The principal
manufacturers of cooling towers are Marley, Evapco and BAC. The principal manufacturers of chillers are Carrier,
York, Trane and McQuay. All of these manufacturers distribute their products through district and regional sales
offices. It is anticipated that the manufacturing base can easily adjust to changes as a result of the proposed
All three manufacturers of cooling towers have product lines with centrifugal and propeller fans. They also all have
the ability to provide tower flow turndown through application of nozzles and weirs using existing parts.
Our first cost estimates are detailed in Table 1 and Table 2 below. Table 1 presents the cost estimates for the water-
cooled plants and Table 2 details the cost estimates for the air-cooled plants and summarizes the incremental costs
for the water-cooled plant. Costs are developed for three plant sizes; 200, 400 and 600 tons. As noted in the table,
both first- and annual-cost data were collected from a wide variety of sources, including vendors, a water treatment
company, a mechanical contractor, a service company, and RS Means Mechanical Cost Data Book. Costs not
specifically listed in the tables are assumed to be equal in both cases. For example, installation and maintenance
costs are not listed for the water or air-cooled chillers as they are roughly equal.
chiller first cost 200 ton Plant 400 ton Plant 600 ton Plant Data Source
num chillers 2 2 2
tons/chiller 100 200 300
chiller type screw screw centrifugal
Average of costs from Trane,
chiller cost ($/ton) $ 323 $ 244 $ 299 Carrier, York
chiller cost (includes tax, freight) $ 64,667 $ 97,779 $ 179,133
chiller penthouse cost ($/sf) $30 $30 $30 estimate
incremental penthouse area (sf) 600 800 1000 based on Electronic Arts penthse.
incr. Penthouse cost $ 18,000 $ 24,000 $ 30,000
CW pump head 40 40 40 from EA and other designs
CW pump GPM 163.3 304.2 493 from the CoolTools optimization
Num CW pumps 2 2 2 based on pump vendor data +
CW pump first costs (incl installation) $ 3,591 $ 4,388 $ 5,456 Means labor costs. See Figure 6
per UMC (based on lbs of
chiller room exhaust fan CFM 1400 2000 2500 refrigerant)
chiller room fan cost ($/cfm)(fan+labor) $ 2.48 $ 2.48 $ 2.48 Southland (mech. contractor)
chiller room fan cost ($) (fan+labor) $ 3,472 $ 4,960 $ 6,200
refrig monitoring system cost $ 7,500 $ 7,500 $ 7,500 Southland (mech. contractor)
Air Cooled Assumptions 200 ton Plant 400 ton Plant 600 ton Plant
num chillers 2 2 2
cost/chiller $ 37,668 $ 70,313 $ 100,286 data from Trane, Carrier, York
chiller cost $ 75,336 $ 140,625 $ 200,572
incremental screen wall length (ft) 30 40 50 estimate
screen wall cost ($/ft) 5 5 5 estimate
screen cost $ 150 $ 200 $ 250
Air cooled first cost $ 75,486 $ 140,825 $ 200,822
Incremental Cost (Water Minus Air)
Incr. First cost - San Francisco $ 82,236 $ 81,555 $ 159,765
Incr. First cost - Long Beach $ 79,411 $ 80,330 $ 152,640
Incr. First cost - Fresno $ 78,861 $ 79,055 $ 152,640
Avg $ 80,169 $ 80,313 $ 155,015
Flow Turndown
Costs for tower nozzles/weirs were collected from two of the major cooling tower manufacturers: Marley and
Baltimore Air Coil. The incremental cost to add the nozzles/weirs necessary for a 3:1 turndown ratio on a typical
200 – 600 ton tower is about $300 to $500. A controls contractor, Siemens Controls, provided an estimate to
automate an isolation valve on a tower in this size range ($2,000). This price includes the actuator and all controls,
but not the actual valve itself since a manual isolation valve would still be required in the base-case scenario.
Centrifugal Fans
No costs were collected in support of this measure. Our experience is that there is no significant cost difference
between towers with centrifugal and propeller fans in the larger plant applications (300 tons and above).
Cooling tower performance degrades over time from the following effects:
All of these items can be addressed with routine maintenance and automatic water treatment. In extreme cases
nozzles and fill will need to be replaced.
Unfortunately air-cooled condensing coils are much harder to clean than tower fill. Fouled or rusted condensers
usually leads to replacement of the entire chiller.
The compressors in air-cooled chillers are more susceptible to early failure than the compressors in water-cooled
chillers due to the expanded range of condensing temperatures that they experience. Our experience is that the
As a conservative assumption we assumed that the maintenance costs of air and water-cooled chillers are equal (and
therefore not included in the tables above) and the only incremental maintenance is for the cooling tower.
Incremental maintenance costs are included in the tables above.
An additional conservative assumption that we made is that both air and water-cooled plants have an expected life of
15 years.
Performance Verification
It is very difficult to measure the performance of cooling towers in the field. CTI/ATC has a field performance test
procedure that costs in practice $5,000 to $10,000 to implement. We have NEVER heard of this test performed on a
commercial building (it is routinely applied to towers connected to power plants). Key factors that make this
difficult include the need for water flow measurements, outdoor air wet-bulb measurements and assessment of tower
air recirculation (entrainment of discharge air).
We do not recommend any new performance verification measures for these requirements. Standard start-up
procedures are adequate to ensure performance of the system and new measures are unlikely to be either practical or
The following section describes our methodology for the analysis of the air-cooled chiller limitation. As described
below we simulated three sizes of chilled water plants in three climate zones. The three plant sizes correspond to the
break points in minimum water-cooled chiller efficiencies in Section 112 of the Standard. The three climates were
chosen to represent the full range of design wet-bulb temperatures in California.
There is no analysis performed to support the flow turndown requirement; this requirement is immediately cost
effective because it saves both energy and first cost. As previously stated, it is far more efficient to run tower water
through multiple cells due to the near cube law efficiency of the fans; running two fans at ½ speed uses
approximately ¼ of the energy of running one fan at full speed for the same heat rejection. On the design side, it is
less expensive to design the tower for variable flow than it is to provide automatic isolation valves on the tower
cells; nozzles and weirs cost approximately $300 to $500 per cell while automatic isolation valves cost $1,500 to
$2,000 per cell.
There is also no analysis performed to support the limitation on centrifugal fan cooling towers. As previously stated
propeller or axial fan towers provide the same heat rejection at the same cost but use approximately ½ of the energy.
This measure is also immediately cost effective as it provides energy cost savings with little or no cost premium.
• 3 climate zones:
Modeling Assumptions
Our modeling assumptions are summarized in Table 3, Table 4 and Table 5 below. Table 3 details the general
economic and modeling assumptions that were used in both the air- and water-cooled plant models. Table 4 details
the modeling parameters particular to water-cooled plants. Table 5 details the modeling parameters particular to
water-cooled plants.
All chilled water pipe costs are same for both cases
CHW setpoint 44 per ACM
CHW delta T 10 per ACM
CHWST control 44 fixed
zone min air flow ratio 0.4
zone min outside air 0.15 cfm/sf
AHU suppply air temperature (SAT) 55F when OAT >= 60F
SAT control reset to 60F when OAT <=55
economizer drybulb
drybulb hi limit 75F
Economic Criteria
Due to time and budgetary constraints, we did not apply the TDV cost methodology. As it was, the threshold
justified using the flat rate electric cost is as low as we would recommend for a new requirement; this requirement
will cause changes in both standard practice of engineers and in the balance of sales between vendors in the market
place. Refer to the Life Cycle Cost Methodology Report by Eley Associates for further information on these
electricity rates.
Figure 1
Chiller Plant Energy for Air and Water Cooled Models in 3 Climates
Figure 2, Figure 3, and Figure 4 show the lifecycle cost for San Francisco, Long Beach and Fresno, respectively. In
each of these figures the present value of the life-cycle cost savings from a water-cooled plant is depicted on the y-
axis as a function of the plant size (x-axis). Two sets of results are presented on these graphs: electricity costs using
the CEC fixed present value equation and using the CPUC time of use rates. In each case the TOU rate structure
justifies a more aggressive limitation of air-cooled plants. Lifecycle cost includes energy cost savings as well as
incremental first costs and maintenance costs. These figures indicate that water-cooled is cost effective above 200
tons in all climate zones using the CPUC TOU rates and is cost effective above 250 tons in all climates using the
CEC PV rate.
100 200 300 400 500 600 700
plant size (tons)
100 200 300 400 500 600 700
plant size (tons)
Figure 4
100 200 300 400 500 600 700
plant size (tons)
Given the many different elements that are included in first cost and the various sources of cost data, there is a
significant amount of uncertainty in the costs. Also, many of the costs that are assumed to be equal in both cases
may in fact not be equal. In order to test the sensitivity to the cost assumptions we included a cost multiplier of
120% on all water-cooled plant first costs and incremental maintenance costs. The results of this sensitivity analysis
are shown in the Appendices. With a 120% cost multiplier, the breakpoint moves up to about 300-400 tons for San
Francisco, 250-300 tons for Long Beach and 200-250 tons for Fresno.
Water Rates
We used the current East Bay Municipal Utility District’s commercial water rate. It turns out that the cost of the
water used in the water-cooled scenario is only about 10% of the total present value cost. We ran a sensitivity
analysis on water rate by more than doubling the water rate to $4.00 per 100 ft3. Doubling the cost of water has little
impact on the results. The results of this sensitivity analysis are shown in the Appendices.
We recommend that chilled water plants over 300 tons be required to use water-cooled chillers rather than air-cooled
chillers. Of course, air-cooled chillers are allowed if the Performance method of compliance is used.
We recommend that water-cooled plants with more than one chiller be required to have a flow turndown ratio of at
least 2.5:1 on all cooling towers.
We also recommend a limitation on centrifugal fan cooling towers in plants over 300t of capacity.
2. Where it can be demonstrated to the authority having jurisdiction that the water quality prohibits the use of
water-cooled equipment.
Heat rejection units configured with multiple condenser water pumps shall be designed so that all cells can be run
in parallel with the larger of the flow that’s produced by the smallest pump or 33% the design flow.
Proposed New Prescriptive Requirement for Limitation on Centrifugal Fan Cooling Towers
Heat rejection units serving cooling loads 300t and greater shall use propeller fans in lieu of centrifugal blowers.
2. If an acoustical engineer certifies that acceptable noise levels cannot be achieved with a propeller fan
3. If the heat rejection unis meets the energy efficiency requirement for propeller fan towers in Section 112,
Table 1-C7.
CTI ATC 105, Acceptance Test Code for Water-Cooling Towers. 1997. Houston TX.
CTI STD 201, Standard for the Certification of Water-Cooling Tower Thermal Performance. 1996. Houston TX.
ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1-2001, ASHRAE, Atlanta GA.
Taylor, S.; Dupont, P.; Jones, B.; Hartman, T; Hydeman, M. CoolTools Report CT-016 May 2000. CoolTools™
Chilled Water Plant Design and Specification Guide (PG&E Pacific Energy Center,,
[email protected])
Hydeman, M., PE; Taylor, S., PE; Winiarski, D. January 2002. Application of Component Models for Standards
Development . ASHRAE, Atlanta GA. AC-02-09
Benton, D., PhD.; Bowman, C.; Hydeman, M.; PE; Miller, P. January 2002. An Improved Cooling Tower Model.
ASHRAE, Atlanta GA. AC-02-09
PG&E sponsored this proposal under direction of Pat Eilert. The contractor for this project is the Heschong Mahone
Group The analysis for this measure was performed by Jeff Stein, Mark Hydeman and Steve Taylor of Taylor
Engineering. Incremental cost and estimated incremental labor data were provided by Bob Levi and Jon Malkovich
of Carrier Corporation, Kurt Wessels of Trane Company, Bill Bates of York International, and Ben Clark of Norman
Wright Company.
Figure 5
Figure 6
y = 2.8287x + 1333.7
$1,500 R = 0.9862
- 100 200 300 400
Figure 7
100 200 300 400 500 600 700
plant size (tons)
100 200 300 400 500 600 700
plant size (tons)
Figure 9
100 200 300 400 500 600 700
plant size (tons)
Figure 10
100 200 300 400 500 600 700
plant size (tons)
Figure 11
100 200 300 400 500 600 700
plant size (tons)
100 200 300 400 500 600 700
plant size (tons)