Philppine Pop Culture Syllabus 2020

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Republic of the Philippines

Commission on Higher Education

Sto. Tomas Campus


Outcomes-Based Teaching and Learning Plan in Philippine Popular Culture

VISION of DHVTSU: The lead university in producing quality individuals with MISSION of DHVTSU: DHVTSU commits itself to provide an environment conducive to
competent capacities to generate knowledge and technology and enhance continuous creation of knowledge and technology towards the transformation of students into
professional practices for sustainable national and global competitiveness through globally competitive professionals through the synergy of appropriate teaching, research,
continuous innovation. service and productivity functions.
MISSION of College of Tourism and Hospitality Management: The college is
committed to provide academic learning to develop skilled and competent CORE VALUES: Excellence, Professionalism and Good Governance
hospitality professionals that are known to be service oriented, work driven and
productive members of the community.

Course Title Philippine Popular Culture Course Code PPC 113 / PPC 213
Credit Units 3 Lec Course Pre-/Co-requisites
Revision No. of Times Revised: 2 Date Revised: JUNE 17, 2020
The three unit subject provides the students with critical perspectives in understanding and way of knowing popular culture in the
Philippines. The course gives emphasis on popular culture through the study of Cultural Studies with a strong focus on culture industry.
The course provides multi disciplinal attention on how art can be explored in popular culture and vice versa. This will take place by
having an introductory survey on aesthetics, critical theory and art criticism. This subject will provide students with the necessary tools of
Course Description
analysis on exploring the diverse forms of arts by utilizing the everyday contexts of power, mode of production, representations and
Based on CMO 20, Series of 2013
subjectivity as critical tropes. Pop Culture will be fleshed out through mixed media culture such as visual culture, geography, cinema,
music/ sound, popular prints and publications, radio and television, fashion, ads, cyberspace, experience economy etc. and look at how
these cultural products intimate the contemporary social relations and life specifically, the affect. feelings and senses, corporeality ,
performances, space and place, technology, globalization and identities.
Program Intended Learning At the end of this program, graduates will have the ability to commit to its task of producing highly competitive and empowered
Outcomes (PILO) graduates who can assume the following roles:
1. Describe and understand the basic theoretical approaches applied to popular culture.
2. Identify how society interacts with popular culture and offer analysis on the core issues and debates.
3. Evaluate popular culture from differing viewpoints and perspectives and identify the strengths and flaws of each stance.
4. Understand how popular culture and its processes interacts with, and can maintain, social inequalities and power structures in

At the end of this course, the students should be able to:

1. Apply sociological analysis to ethical problems in popular culture and offer ethical suggestions on policy making that addresses
the grievances of wronged parties.
Course Intended Learning Outcomes
2. Appreciate the Philippine tradition and culture
3. Analyzes the different problems in the culture in the Philippines
4. Promote and preserve the culture, traditions, beliefs, and practices as a Filipino
5. To appreciate the Philippine’s rich and diverse cultural heritage
I. Course Design Matrix

At the end of the Unit 0: Vision, During the
lesson, the students Mission, Core Values DHVTSU Code 1. Thorough Collaborative Oral discussion and
must have: and Outcomes discussion of the other aspects of the Self Confidence 1 HOUR AND
Student Student - and instruction, the 30 MINUTES
1. Internalize and I.1. The University Handbook Handbook Brainstorming following will be Awareness
demonstrate the Vision, Mission written test observed
vision, mission, and Core 2. Creative -  use non- sexist
core values of Values explanation of Dramatization words
the university the rules and Reflection Paper  show respect
and course I.2. Course regulation regardless of
orientation and orientation gender
Grading system 3. Innovative  reduce barriers
2. To determine Requirements presentation of
students' Relevance of their
in developing a
expectations of the course understanding on
personal and
the course. the VMGO
success created
by sexism

1. Define the Perspective in Philippine https://prezi.c Group Lecture Quizzes During the Appreciation of
characteristics of Popular Culture: Nature om/nheximq1 discussion: oral discussion and the relevance
Philippine Popular and Definitions of Popular xq96/perspecti recitation Discussion other aspects of Culture in a 3 HOURS
Culture . Culture ves-in- Seatworks the instruction, the modern world in
philippine- Why study Cooperative /Activities following will be their course.
2. Analyzes social  Culture popular- Culture? What Learning observed
and cultural  Pop Culture culture- is Popular Oral Recitation  use non- sexist
change.  Mass Culture nature-and- Culture? What words
defin/ is Philippine  show respect
 Folk Culture
3. Recognize the Popular Assignments regardless of
common concerns  Indigenous culture Culture? gender
of anthropology  Cultural  reduce barriers
and sociology with preservation What are the Individual in developing a
respect to the  Fusion and cultural issues Inquiry personal
phenomenon of diffusion of problems that is
change. cultures being
 Exile and culture encountered in
the Philippines?
 Diaspora culture
1. Identify the Foreign influences on Guide Quizzes During the Developing
Characteristics of Filipino Culture: hnicgroupsphi Questions: Lecture discussion and general
foreign influences 1. Spain Seatworks other aspects of knowledge and
on Filipino 2. America 016/05/30/for Who were the /Activities the instruction, the common sense 6 HOURS
Culture. 3. Japan eign- foreign country Discussion following will be
4. South Korea influences-on- who colonized observed
2. Identify the 5. China filipino- by our country? Oral and  use non- sexist
foreign cultures culture/ Cooperative Written
adopted in the What are those Learning Recitation
Philippine culture. cultures that
they introduce Debate words
in the Assignments
 show respect
regardless of
among the
colonizers and Individual
 reduce barriers
other country? Inquiry
in developing a
personal and
How can you
show to the
success created
other foreign
by sexism
country that It’s
More Fun in the

1. To relate the Forms of Popular https://prezi.c Do you believe Quizzes During the Arousing
values and traits Culture: Music, Art and om/nqplxqrzx in superstious Lecture discussion and attention and
that we posses to Literature o2_/filipino- beliefs and other aspects of interest in the
our own practices  Filipino Cultural culture-and- mythical Seatworks the instruction, the field of
and tradition. Values values/ creature? Discussion /Activities following will be knowledge so it 10 HOURS
 Superstitious observed will be mastered
2. Discuss the beliefs What are those  use non- sexist in a worthy way
richness of Filipino foods? Oral and words
 Mythical Creatures
Philippine myths /Philippines_a Choose your Written  show respect
and legends from and Legends t_major_beaut favorite Recitation regardless of
the local  Filipino Cuisines y_pageants gender
community and  Philippine What factors  reduce barriers
other parts of the Televison that people are Assignments in developing a
country.  Popular Movies obsessed in personal and
 Pop Culture Icons beauty Individual academic
3. Differentiate the (TV/Movie pageants? Inquiry success created
Filipino food Personalities, by sexism
according to each What are the
Singers, theater,
provinces. pros and cons in
etc) using
4. Realize the  Beauty Pageant technology?
obsession of  E (50’s - present)
Beauty Pageant in How does
 Popular Movies
the Philippines. Philippine
5. analyze the evolved?
effects of the
technology to the What are the
Filipino and the effects for the
it’s culture. young viewers
if they watch
6. re-enact the television?
lines of the
blockbuster hit
movies in the

7. Identify the
different TV
Stations and their
characteristics of
their programs?

1. Identify the Lecture Quizzes During the Arousing

origin original Evolution of Fashion, discussion and attention and 3 ½ HOURS
Filipino music trends, and music in the hnicgroupsphi other aspects of interest in the
from 50’s to Philippines. ( 50’s to Discussion Seatworks the instruction, the field of
present aurally and Present) 016/05/30/for /Activities following will be knowledge so it
auditory. eign- observed will be mastered
influences-on-  use non- sexist in a worthy way
2. Recognize the filipino- Oral and words
new trends fashion culture/ Written  show respect
for men and Recitation regardless of
reduce barriers in
developing a
personal and
academic success
created by sexism
Gender Culture and https://www.h Are HIV and Quizzes Arousing
1. To deduce, Deviance AIDS the same Lecture attention and
explain the  Gender and gbt-rights thing? During the interest in the
theories and Development Seatworks discussion and field of
agencies of  LGBTQ+ culture https://medlin What is Gender /Activities other aspects of knowledge so it 10 HOURS
socialization and in the Philippines Identity? Discussion the instruction, the will be mastered
personality ids.html following will be in a worthy way
 HIV/AIDS, Drug
development. Do children Oral and observed
addiction) raised by Written
 Types of Deviance  use non- sexist
2. relate, explain lesbian or gay Recitation
 Theories of words
and understand the vy_pascua/de parents have
 show respect
determinants and Deviance viant-behavior problems in
regardless of
causes of personal Assignments
collective development in
behavior. areas other than Individual  reduce barriers
sexual identity?  Inquiry in developing a
personal and
When do you academic
know if the success created
person is by sexism
considered as
Discuss the sense Filipino Family Quizzes During the Arousing
of responsible  Classification Role Playing Lecture discussion and attention and
parenthood to the of Families executiveorde other aspects of interest in the
students.  Types of rno209.htm Spoken Poetry Seatworks the instruction, the field of
Families Discussion /Activities following will be knowledge so it 10 HOURS
Explain the https://lookup observed will be mastered
 Marriage
Philippine Family Impediments in a worthy way
Code and Rights.  Choice of a blog/english- Oral and
mate family-in-the- Written
 Legal philippines-is- Recitation
important/  use non- sexist
Function of the
Assignments  show respect
regardless of
 Methods of Individual gender
Family Inquiry  reduce barriers
Planning in developing a
 Significance of personal and
Family academic
Planning and success created
Responsible by sexism
 The Philippine
family code
To discuss and Social Change https://prezi.c Quizzes During the Arousing
understand the om/c2ek6aon4 Social Lecture discussion and attention and
theories, types,  Social Problems auf/social- Experiment other aspects of interest in the
barriers of social  Theory of Social change-in-the- (E.g. hugging to Seatworks the instruction, the field of
change and social change philippine- person with Discussion /Activities following will be knowledge so it 10 HOURS
movement. society/ HIV) observed will be mastered
 Types of Social
 use non- sexist in a worthy way
Oral and words
 Barriers` of Social Written  show respect
Change/ Types of Recitation regardless of
Social movements gender
 Major social  reduce barriers
changes/ Assignments in developing a
movement and personal and
peace education Individual academic
Inquiry success created
by sexism
To become aware Cultural System What constitute Lecture Quizzes Arousing
about the different  Material Culture the culture attention and
cultural issues  Non- Material lqueenAlmont system of a interest in the
facing in the Culture e/philippine- society? Discussion Seatworks field of
Philippines cultural- /Activities During the knowledge so it 10 HOURS
 Communication
system discussion and will be mastered
other aspects of in a worthy way
 Behavioral Oral and the instruction, the
Component Written following will be
 Cognitive Recitation observed
Component  use non- sexist
 Character/states, words
major problems Assignments  show respect
and challenges of regardless of
the Philippine Individual gender
cultural system.  reduce barriers
 Key factors/ in developing a
conditions personal and
responsible for the academic
current character/ success created
by sexism
state of the
country’s cultural


Note: This course design is flexible and may include additional topics and activities deemed necessary by the teacher.

Grading Requirement:
Performance Output 40%
Assessment/Quizzes 20%
Examinations (Midterms & Finals) 25%
Take Home Activities 10%
Punctuality 5%
Prepared by: Noted : Approved:


Instructor I Campus Director

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