2019-03-13 QX Magazine PDF
2019-03-13 QX Magazine PDF
2019-03-13 QX Magazine PDF
Gay Sex
The Ages
We go behind the
scenes on the BBC's
new doc
for one
drinks?! In
Oh em
A handy handbook
to the HIV
prevention drug
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Bar Staff, The Glory
Have We Met Before?
Chronicling how men meet other men
for sex, filmmaker Oliver Mason dove into half a
century of the UK’s sexual history, looking at the
impact the internet had on our sexual culture.
Through intimate interviews recalling
first-hand accounts, he weaves together
a brief history of gay sex, from the caravan
clubs all the way through to the apps.
We caught up with him ahead of the short
film’s premiere to pick his brain about the impact
the world wide web has had on our sex lives.
Friday 15th March
Here’s something to
NOT bring your mum
to. A:M starts, fittingly,
at 1am and goes on
until 10am. Crikey!
Brings a new meaning
to the phrase “after-
hours”. It’s so late that
it’s almost early. How
metaphysical. A:M
is the place to go for
euphoric, shirts-off, Brüt
neon glowstick gay Friday 15th March
clubbing. There’s lots
of ripple-muscled Listen up you BRÜTS! Brüt is swaggering into Bloc South this Friday
boys, if that’s what night for another installment of its weekly party. It’s all about thick hairy
you’re into, and lots forearms (maybe with those rings tattooed around them) and harnesses
of thumping house and boots. Think Vauxhall clubbing meets Castro Street sensibilities. A
music. It’s generally leather waistcoat or two certainly wouldn’t go amiss. Bloc South is dark
a friendly, easygoing crowd – maybe because it starts in the wee hours and and cruisey, with lots of murky corners to get sexy and salacious in. Plus
everyone’s usually in a bit of a happy daze. Love a happy daze! some of the scene’s best DJs! Can’t ask for more than that on a Friday
night can you! Sex and music. Gorgeous.
Protocol, 6A South Lambeth Place, SW8 1SP. 1am - 10am.
£8 before 6am with flyer/concession. 65 Albert Embankment, SE1 7TP. 10pm – 5am.
£5 before midnight with QX ad/screenshot. £10 after.
Saturday 16th
Illustration by Fredrik Sven Knut Andersson
In an unassuming
spa in Covent
Garden, a steamy
party happens every
Saturday night! As
the shopping throngs
of tourists buy pointless
candles, mere metres
away there’s sodomy going on! The
brainchild of fetish partystarters
Jamie HP, TFN stands for
“Totally Fekking Nude” (a very
Sodom & Begorrah appropriate inflection given
Saturday 16th March the fact that it’s St Patrick’s
Day). And as the name
Gird your loins and guard your Guinesses because Sodom & suggests, it’s a naked
Begorrah is BACK! One of The Glory’s most audacious nights (in party. So get down
a hotly contested field) S&B is an homosexual homage to all things there and get yer kit off!
Irish! You’ll be finding green glitter in your underpants for months They’ve got cabins, a spa
afterwards, Sinead O’ Connor ringing in your ears at unexpected pool, lockers, and more.
points at your desk. Of course, this is in honour of St Patrick’s Day,
and it’s all overseen by Ireland’s LGBT Entertainer of the Year, The Covent Garden Health
XNTHONY! They’ll be careening through the night with a series of Spa, 29 Endell Street, WC2H
cabaret stuff, comedy stuff, drag stuff and loads more, with the help 9BA. 9pm – 2am. £15
of special guests. Great craic! entry, includes first drink
and coat check.
The Glory, 281 Kingsland Road, E2 8AS. 10pm – 2am.
£10 entry, tickets only available on the door.
Saturday 16th March
Didn’t get your fill of men over the St Patrick’s Day weekend?
Well head down to SBN to offset that end-of-the-weekend
dread. It’s a naked cruise party by, yep you guessed it,
Jamie HP, and it storms into Union this Sunday afternoon.
It’s got fetish equipment and a play zone designed by fetish
connoisseurs UK Red, plus there’s a live XXX stage show by Kai
Davis (pictured) & Good Lad. Steamy!
6A South Lambeth Place, SW8 1SP
Photos by Zefrographica
Circa The Club
Hungerford House,
Victoria Embankment, WC2N 6PA
Photos by Zefrographica
XXL Fetish
Photos by Zefrographica
2 BECOME 1 Yes, you heard us! No, it’s not another Posh-less leg of the Spice
Girls reunion tour we’re announcing. Over at the Eagle, they’re
serving up all of your favourites, where you can get two drinks
for the price of one! 2-4-1 drinks will be pouring out from behind
the bar throughout the week between 9pm and 11pm, and yes,
even on weekends! Get twice as sloshed for the same price.
Whenever we hear Athena we think euphoria. A London living, breathing legend. Horse So when you’re near me, darling can’t you
When you have a double vodka in hand Meat Disco has a stellar reputation that it hear me. Soul on Saturday! Celebrating a
and your fave ‘80s disco bop is on, it really somehow always lives up to. They have carved whole year on the scene, they’re cranking up
is damn euphoric. Taking over the decks out Sunday nights in their image, whipping the volume to eleven. Let Roy Inc. take over
are Paul Joseph and Gareth Hackney who their fiery manes to the beats of the freshest your Saturday night, and gorge yourself on
live and breathe throwback, fist-pumping disco funk mixes. This week it’s in the hands of this feast of Soul music. Riding into those DJ
hits. Everything from Abba to Salt-N-Pepa, HMD staples Jim Stanton and Luke Howard, decks on a white swan is Terry T-Rex, with
Whitney to Kylie. so slip into your tightest jeans and roll up Jeanie Crystal riding closely behind in a cloud
those sleeves. It’s time to get grooving. of eco-friendly glitter.
9pm – 4am. Free before 10pm with
OutSavvy ticket, £6 OTD. 8pm – 3am. £6 before 10pm, £8 after. 9pm – 4am. Free entry until 10 pm, £6 after.
Recon Cabaret
After the success of the first Recon cabaret the heat, Lou’s fire performances and lust for
in August and comedy night in November, the darker side of vaudeville brings a unique
Recon will be back at the Royal Vauxhall take on traditional freak show stunts.
Tavern throughout the year with more fetish Fierce, feisty and flabulous! Smashlyn
social events. Monroe will be dragging their fat ass out of
Recon’s first social takes place on Hades and back to the RVT for the Recon
Wednesday 27th March bringing you a night Fetish Cabaret. Most recently winning the title
of fun, cabaret and fetish. This social event of Hamburger Queen, this brazen siren of the
is open to all fetishes, so gear up and put sideshow underworld will be bringing their
on your latex, leather, sportswear, uniforms own unique performances combining military,
or skinhead gear- all fetishes are welcome, fetish and an insight to what happens at home
although Civilian clothing is fine too. when the husband’s away.
Hosted by the rancid starlet Baby There will also be performances from
Lame, who will be thrilling and terrorizing model and performer Sadiq Ali. Sadiq has
everyone with her twisted brand of punk previously represented the UK at Mr Gay
horror drag, expect dark comedy and bad World in Malta. His solo acts combine circus,
taste from start to finish. theatre and dance, and will be bringing his
There will be performances from three pole skills set to the RVT.
great cabaret artists, all bringing acts with a Expect a night of fantastic performances
fetish twist. and games from some of the best in the
International multi award winning London cabaret scene, as well as the chance
burlesque and sideshow performer Lou Safire to gear up and socialize with other kinksters.
has been performing around the world since All genders welcome!
2008 and was voted in the top 50 burlesque
performers in the world and top 10 In the UK Wednesday 27th March, 7pm-12am
in 2015 and 2016. Not one to shy away from £10 on the door.
THE BAR The Two Brewers
The best bar
stuff this week!
105 - 109 The Broadway, Wimbledon SW19 1QG 114 Clapham High St, Clapham
Following their massive opening (stop it), CYMK bar is enjoying its first
week of being the FIRST gay bar to grace the borough of Wimbledon. A South London staple. This is the place
It’s not just strawberries and cream anymore deary! Well… unless you that cultivated the ‘Clapham gay’ as
find yourself a gentleman who’ll gladly cream your dimpled berries. It’s a breed of homosexual. It’s busy most
forging its way ahead into new territory, serving up that relaxed, stylish nights of the week, with each night
vibe where you can grab a glass of wine and listen to some funky club bringing another evening of hooting
mixes. They’re open seven days a week, which our calendar tells us is hootenannies. They’re going all out this
every day of the week (we’ve never been awake to see this thing they Sunday, celebrating St Patrick’s Day
call ‘Monday’). Hop on that quaint green District line and ride over to with the Power of FOUR! It’s usually the
Wimbledon for a night of drinks in London’s newest queer venue! Power of Three, but this one’s extra lucky,
just like a four-leafed… we see what
they did there. First taking to the stage
is the incomparable Myra Dubois who’s
storming in with a cloud of cynicism
at 6:30 pm. Then it’s Michael Maouri
wwho’ll be taking the rains form 7:30 pm, only to be followed by crowd
ffavourite Mary Mac at 8:30 pm. Closing the night with her own brand of
bbewilderment is Sandra. Keeping the crowd riled up will be DJ Demon,
wwho’s a master of those camp classic and pop bops.
Little Ku
25 Frith St, Soho W1D 5LB
The itsy bitsy gay bar that will have you wetting your water spout!
Wait, does that sound naughty? To hell with it! We’re obsessed
with this tiny Soho bar, and want to squeeze it a little too hard
like the big guy from Of Mice and Men. It’s the fluffy baby rabbit
of Soho’s drinking scene and is where you should be heading
on a Friday night. They have the cutest little guys behind the bar,
it makes grabbing a drink just an excuse to grab their eye for a
few heart-fluttering moments. Before you know it you’re on your
6th and you’re unclear how long is too long to be staring at a
barman. Whether it’s a few drinks before going clubbing, or
some post-show bevvies, Little Ku is always a good go-to.
Cheer Up
Eagle London,
349 Kennington Lane, SE11 5QY
By Jason Reid
Getting to Know...
De La Cruz
Variety is an integral part of cabaret; without a
rich and diverse mix of acts and styles a scene
will become hackneyed. Thankfully, our scene
- across the UK - is alight with engrossing
performance and art right now. One of the
performers who is part of this exciting wave is
Romeo De La Cruz, who has been performing
primarily as a drag, boylesque and dance
artist for the last six years. This week, Jason
© Kaleido Shots
Reid gets to know more about Romeo...
“You are your only competition; compete with no one but YOURSELF
as your art is your ownership”
PrEPster and QX’s
PrEP guide
The number of people using PrEP is growing! PrEP works – as we’re
seeing with the MASSIVE drops in HIV diagnoses over the last few
years, especially amongst gay men in London. With more IMPACT Trial
places round the corner, and the price of online PrEP falling, here’s
everything you need to know about using PrEP in this PrEP guide,
produced in partnership between QX and PrEPster.
However you’re sourcing PrEP, it’s If you’re sexually There are different ways
essential to know for sure that you
active, current NHS to use PrEP. Most people
don’t have HIV before starting PrEP.
take PrEP on a daily basis
‘4th generation’ HIV tests are best at guidelines recommend
picking up any recent HIV infection – but increasing numbers
than older types of tests. These types having regular HIV of people are using event-
of tests are usually only available and STI tests (whether based-dosing (EBD). EBD
in sexual health clinics: finger-
prick tests, including those you use
you’re on PrEP or not). involves taking 2 tablets
yourself, aren’t quite as good as Clinic visits are also of PrEP 2-24 hours before
picking up recent HIV infection. If sex and then one pill 24
your 4th generation test comes back
a good way to make
after, and one further pill
negative, it’s OK to start taking PrEP sure you’re up-to-date 24 hours after that. For
straight away. But if you’ve taken
on Hepatitis B and more information on ways
any HIV risks in the 4 weeks BEFORE
that test, it’s a good idea to take HPV vaccinations, and to take PrEP visit – www.
another test four weeks later (in
to check for Hepatitis iwantprepnow.co.uk/how-to-
case the first test didn’t pick up on a
recent HIV infection). C and syphilis.
Side effects and dealing with them PrEP – it doesn’t have to be for life
About 10-20% of people who start PrEP get some sort of Lots of people using PrEP do so for relatively short blocks of
side effects. These are usually minor ones – feeling sick, time. Some of us use PrEP if we’re not in a relationship, and
headaches or stomach upsets. For most people, these then stop if a new monogamous relationship starts. Some
side effects go away after a week or two. Changing when people use “holiday PrEP” – using PrEP for a few weeks if
you take PrEP can help with these initial side effects – such we’re going on holiday. And some people, once starting
as taking PrEP before going to bed, rather than in the PrEP, decide it’s not for them and go back to only using
morning. A small number of people get side effects that other HIV prevention methods, such as condoms. Bottom
mean they don’t want to carry on with PrEP. We recommend line: PrEP doesn’t have to be for life for everyone.
talking to a qualified health worker to get advice on how to
deal with side effects at this level. How to get hold of PrEP: Most sexual health
clinics in England will have new places in coming months
Longer-term side effects after the IMPACT Trial released new places. The Trial is
the only way to get free PrEP on the NHS in England. Visit
PrEP can cause kidney problems in a VERY small number of https://prepster.info/impact/5things/ for more information
people. This is more likely to happen in people who have about the Trial. THT’s Mags Portman PrEP Access Fund
pre-existing kidney issues, and in people who are over 40. https://www.tht.org.uk/our-services/online-services/mags-
Getting a kidney function test BEFORE starting PrEP, and portman-prep-access-fund provides free PrEP for people
then at least every year whilst on PrEP can help work out if on very low incomes. Thousands of people are buying PrEP
there are any issues. Because most people don’t use PrEP online, with the price now coming down to as low as £25 a
for life (see right) most PrEP users are unlikely to experience bottle. It’s recommended to only buy PrEP from reliable and
any longer-term side effects. tested sources, such as those featured on iwantprepnow.
“It’s recommended to only buy PrEP from reliable and tested sources.”
“PrEP’s not just for gay men. Research “PrEP is a game charger when it comes “PrEP, as well as U=U, is changing the face
from round the world shows it works just to HIV prevention with queer men of of HIV prevention in the UK. PrEP doesn’t
as well in women, including trans women. colour. Black queer men have been just benefit HIV negative people. Those of
Gay guys - tell your women friends about disproportionately affected by HIV and us with HIV are seeing how it’s changing
PrEP!” prepster.info/prep4women nothing else has worked as well to reduce conversations about sex and health.”
new cases of HIV with us.”
Josina Calliste, PrEPster Marc Thompson, co-founder PrEPster
Phil Samba, PrEP activist
“Taking PrEP daily helps “Being able to take control of my own “PrEP’s liberated me from constant
sexual health is life-changing. PrEP has anxiety of getting HIV during sex
keep me safe, brings me got rid of the shadow that hung over (especially when it’s hot and dirty!). NHS
every sexual encounter I had and given England needs to deliver and make PrEP
in for regular testing and me a confidence I didn’t know was freely available, including to women,
possible. PrEP shouldn’t be a privilege for trans people, sex workers, and BAME
reduces anxiety around sex.” some, but a right for all.” communities, as soon as possible.”
Safely + legally – it’s possible to get PrEP online safely and legally by following a small
number of tips. Safely – buy only from recommended sources and follow the advice on HIV testing
before starting PrEP (see above). Legally – it’s legal to import PrEP into the UK so long as it’s for
personal use. Personal use is seen as up to 3 bottles (90 pills) at one time.
More information –
THT Direct – 0808 802 1221
artsin’ around. this week’s arts & culture
interesting plot point to throw into the mix. Our
protagonist is consistently striving towards the
married with kids model in a gay landscape of
anonymous hookups and open relationships.
There is a tension between the idea of a ‘normal’
‘Ratcliffe’s whistle-stop bildungsroman life and that of a gay sex-positive progressive
of a gay man’s life’ life, which is a little uneasy, with Ratcliffe’s writing
airing a latent disgruntlement with the gay scene.
The malleable staging has the show
effectively manipulating the space to create
bedrooms to nightclubs, with sensitive uses of
prop providing just enough context to set the
scene. Squeezing thirty years into a hundred
minutes is ambitious, to say the least, but the
performance space is well utilised, with an
effective portrayal of time progression. The
lack of continuity between the generations of
the central character portrayal proved rather
strange, however, with very little affectation
being carried through. They featured more
like generations of Doctor Who. While not
being consistent and accents coming and
going, they were undeniably entertaining in
their interpretation of the character. Thomas
Flynn’s performance the youngest iteration of
the man is the most successful, with his fragility
and enthusiasm glowing through to create a
beguiling performance. His turn as the northern
crossdressing rent boy whom the older man
seeks the services of is also spectacular; both
rib-tickling and heart-warming. Praise is also
due to Fincken brief performance as The Man’s
girlfriend, being completely at ease in front of
an audience.
Turn left out of Angel Following The Man, our central character, Despite its rough edges, Circa is an evening
Review station and you’ll we see him in three distinct stages of his life, of theatre that is effective in capturing the
By Ifan Llewelyn find yourself at the maturing from student (Thomas Flynn), to young concerns of a gay man living in the twenty-first
red-lacquered doors professional (Daniel Abelson) to older age century, laying down the path through which
of the unassuming (Anthony Gabriel). There is little to be made one becomes older. It also poses questions
Red Lion Pub. Nestled inside behind a red distinctive about our central character apart of what’s in store for our sexual culture as we
velvet curtain and up a few stairs is the intimate from his sexuality, which translates a message of become increasingly digitised in our sexual
performance space of the Red Lion Theatre, a universal queer experience. The featured life habits. Flynn’s performance alone is reason
where the inviting performance space beckons experiences are familiar, from hapless run-ins enough to book your tickets, walk through
you to shuffle into repurposed church benches in a rural town, an escape to study in the city, those red-lacquered doors and shuffle into a
for a night of raw theatre. The sudden dimming to the breaking down of relationships and lost repurposed church bench.
of the lights brought Circa into action as our cast loves. The three generations bring a new slant
of characters set the stage for Tom Ratcliffe’s on the gay male experience, though an ill-fated Circa is at The Old Red Lion Theatre until
whistle-stop bildungsroman of a gay man’s life. engagement to a woman (Jenna Fincken) is an 30th March. www.oldredliontheatre.com
www.mystylemanual.com @_tonyflynn
Look good
feel gorgeous. by Tony Flynn
The Moorgate
There’s something obscenely lavish about
overnighting in a hotel in your home city, a
seemingly unnecessary extravagance when you
could just as easily catch an Uber ride back
to your own bed. But the home-city staycation
is a thoroughly enjoyable way to get a fresh
perspective on a town you think you know inside
out and also to enjoy a property you might
otherwise have missed out on. QX spent two
nights at The Moorgate (www.themoorgate.
com) and decided that tourists shouldn’t have all
the fun - here are our favourite things about the
recently renovated property.
Your Pied À Terre In The City room to unwind, including a bath to soak in after
This boutique property offers 27 elegant suites a long day. Smart yet minimalist design creates
and apartments in the heart of The City of an atmosphere of elegance. The living area has
London. The Moorgate has taken all the comforts all the mod-cons that every discerning traveller
and flexibility of your own home and combined expects – including Smart TV, Google Chromecast
them with the very best of serviced apartment and super-fast free WiFi. A well-equipped kitchen
living, to create the perfect home away from home offers everything you need to prepare your
for discerning travellers – in an enviable part favourite supper, and a sumptuous lounge area to
of town. The Grade II listed building has been work (yeah right!), relax, or even entertain guests
completely transformed from the previous offices in. Snacks and Nespresso machine (with pods)
with design by architect James Parkin of LDS provided, RESULT! Our suite had a king-sized
Lifschutz Davidson Sandilands. bed for the ultimate night’s sleep as well as an
elegant bathroom, complete with shower, bath
The Neighbourhood and underfloor heating. As with the public areas,
The Moorgate offers you the opportunity to be the apartments have been furnished to a very high
one of the few people who live within The Square specification, with lovely flooring and wall finishes,
Mile, a prestigious part of central London. This limited print artwork by Artiq, custom-made
is a wonderfully, almost unbelievably central furniture by Gubi and Saba Italia, and feature
location. It is located within the Bank Conversation lighting by Flos. Each air-conditioned apartment
Area, known as the commercial heart of the City is double-glazed to a high spec, soundproofing it
of London and originally designated as an area from the busy area that surrounds the property –
of special interest in 2012, due its architectural creating a real sense of peace and tranquillity.
characteristics and a number of nationally
significant, well-known buildings. It’s a stunning The Verdict
area to explore on foot. Also within walking Whether you’re looking at taking in another
distance you’ll find The City, Old Street and vibrant perspective of our lovely city or needing a
Shoreditch, with their delectable eateries, upmarket centrally-located long weekend break away from
bars, traditional pubs and independent shops. home then this is most certainly the place for you.
The Moorgate is contemporary yet homely and will
The Rooms undoubtedly meet all of your needs.
The Moorgate provides the option of staying in The Moorgate, 34 London Wall, London,
one of their Superior Suites or One Bedroom EC2M 5QX, London, United Kingdom
Apartments. We opted for one of their Superior T: 02033274715
Suites with fully-fitted kitchen and even more E: [email protected]
The night was a sell-out and we were having
so much fun that I’d totally forgotten about
money, so when the owner of the club handed
me a huge wad of cash at the after-party,
and I saw that we’d made more money on
one night than I made in two weeks at my day
job, I decided it was time for a career change.
Within a couple of months I’d quit my day job
completely and took up drag full time.
At that point did you think drag would
be a long-term career?
You know what’s really weird; at that time
thinking of the future was a luxury because so
many people were dying. We really did live
in the present. I wasn’t thinking much further
than the next couple of gigs.
Over the years you’ve met and worked
with some amazing people. Who was
the most fun to be around?
I’ve met and worked with a lot of the legendary
queens: Lady Bunny, Sherry Vine, Joey Arias,
Dorian Corey from Paris is Burning, Jackie
Beat, Chi Chi La Rue and so many more. The
one that really sticks out: I was hosting a red
party in Columbus, Ohio - one of these circuit
parties with five thousand gay men - and Holly
Woodlawn was guest of honour, and we hung
out for the night. Afterwards, myself, James
(my partner) and a select few went to a private
party and found ourselves in a hot tub at 2am
listening intently to Holly recount magnificent
© James Alexander Hides
Years stories about Andy Warhol and Lou Reed and
all of those people from The Factory. I was in
a hot tub with a Hollywood legend - that was
of pretty cool.
There’s been a lot of fun times along
the way, and, as with any long term
Charlie Hides
career, a touch of controversy. Would
you go back and delete anything?
I would have approached the original
character of Lisa Q Jones differently, back
By Jason Reid
Happy dragiversary. How are you feeling in 2001. Because I was known for playing so
about hitting the thirty year mark? many different characters; young and old, gay
I’m very excited but also feeling introspective - and straight, male and female; I thought I was
From a humble looking back at the various acts of my career. showing range by playing a strong and very
Bostonian costume I’ve had more acts than the Royal Variety well developed three-dimensional character
Performance, because I’ve reinvented myself that happened to be biracial. If I knew then
designer to an so many times. Having said that, I very much what I know now I’d have played her as the
international drag diva; believe in looking forward. People sometimes blonde-haired, blued-eyed version she is now.
Charlie Hides - dubbed say you’re over the hill when you get to a What would you say is your proudest
certain point in your career but for me there’s accomplishment?
DAME Charlie Hides by a lot more hills to climb. My best days are still My YouTube channel. Which came before I
RuPaul - has traversed to come. was on RuPaul’s Drag Race. As a result of that
the extreme highs and Your first gig was on St. Patrick’s Day, channel, I became known around the world
1989. Tell us a bit about how that came - as well known as a lot of the girls who’d
lows of queer showbiz, to be. been on Drag Race. I did two sold out shows
and survived. As she In the summer of ‘88 my good friend, Brian in Australia and was flown to international
prepares to celebrate 30 Brady, and I started doing a lot of fundraisers gigs. Cher started following me on Twitter,
in Boston because the AIDS epidemic was I worked with Kylie, Lady Gaga knew who I
years as a professional killing off many of our friends. We invented was, and I landed a TV comedy pilot which I
drag artist, Jason Reid these gameshow host characters - Kandi won an award for. So I really am very proud
and Charlie got to Kane Baxter being one - and we got different of the channel.
charity groups to compete. Then we started 30 more years?
talking about starting getting known for shooting videos which ABSOLUTELY! Looking forward to it. My mom
out during the AIDS we would screen in our house. When they is 86 and my dad is 90 and they’re both going
crisis, working with became really popular we were approached strong. I have good genes.
by the owner of one of the biggest clubs in
idols, worldwide fame Boston and he offered us a night. At that time, Charlie Hides will be performing at the
and more... few people had ever seen themselves on a Royal Vauxhall Tavern, 372 Kennington
screen so it was a big deal. We also cast our Lane, London SE11 5HY on Sunday 17th
friends so they invited their friends along. March.
Your guide to the week’s best bar, club & cabaret events in London
13th Mar - 19th Mar
musts and maybes Beefmince
Hides @ @ Royal
CMYK Vauxhall
WEDNESDAY 13TH MARCH Central Station: 37 Wharfdale London’s most established and FRIDAY 15TH MARCH
CLUBS & EVENTS Road, Kings Cross, N1 9SD. Open best known gay watering holes. CLUBS & EVENTS
Eagle Classics Wednesday at ‘til 1am. FREE Cabaret then DJs George & Dragon: 2 Blackheath A:M at Protocol: 6A South
Eagle London: 349 Kennington ‘til late at this much-loved boozer! Hill, SE10. 4pm – 4am. Free Lambeth Place, SW8 1SP. 11pm
Lane SE11 5QY. 8pm – 2am. Sandra on every week from entry before 11pm. Greenwich’s – 10am. £8 before 6am with
Free Entry. A mix of classics and 9:30pm. raucous, fun gay boozer. flyer/concession. all night.
favourites from now going back. Circa: 62 Frith Street, Soho, TONIGHT: Mrs Moore. Hard-hitting partying at London’s
2-4-1 drinks from 9pm – 11pm. W1D 3JN. Open ‘til 1am. Soho’s Thirsty Thursdays at CMYK: most notorious Friday night/
Man Up at The Glory: 281 intimate but packed-out bar/club 105-109 The Broadway, SW19 Saturday morning after hours
Kingsland Road, E2 8AS. Show spot with the most amazing DJ 1QG. 5pm – 3am. Brand new gay destination.
time 8pm. Heat 1 of the acclaimed booth in town. bar in the heart of Wimbledon! Beefmince at Royal Vauxhall
yearly drag king contest! George & Dragon: 2 Blackheath TONIGHT: Carmen Getit gets Tavern: 372 Kennington Lane,
XXL at Pulse: 1 Invicta Plaza, Hill, SE10. 4pm – 4am. Free you pumped for the weekend Vauxhall, SE11 5HY. 10pm – 4am.
Southwark, SE1 9UF. 9pm-3am. entry before 11pm. Greenwich’s with cheesy classics and handbag £5 before 11pm OTD, £7 after.
£5 guests, Free for Members. raucous, fun gay boozer. house! Big beefy night for bears and their
Midweek grizzly fun for bears and TONIGHT: Kevin Walsh’s Karaoke. Admiral Duncan: 54 Old friends of all genders.
their admirers. The Old Ship: 17 Barnes Street, Compton Street, W1D 4UD. Fab BRÜT at Bloc South: 65 Albert
Freedom: 60-66 Wardour St, Limehouse, E14 7NW. Quiz from gay boozer in the heart of Soho. Embankment, SE1 7TP. 10pm –
London W1F 0TA. 11pm – 3am. 9.30pm. Local gay bar in East TONIGHT: Sandra from 9:30pm 5am. £5 before midnight with
Free entry. Classy cocktail joint in London’s Limehouse. G-A-Y Bar: 30 Old Compton QX ad/screenshot, £10 after.
the heart of Soho. Street, 12pm – midnight. Free BRÜT, London’s no.1 weekly
THURSDAY 14TH MARCH entry. Popular pop music bar with Friday night party for Bears,
BARS & CABARET CLUBS & EVENTS non-stop hits on the video screens Blokes, Cubs & Hunks!
Vinegar’s Filthy Animals at Eagle Thursday: 349 and frenetic, fun vibes! CIRCA: The Club at Hungerford
Royal Vauxhall Tavern: 372 Kennington Lane SE11 5QY. 8pm Halfway To Heaven: 7 House, Victoria Embankment,
Kennington Lane, Vauxhall, SE11 – 2am. Free Entry. House, pop and Duncannon Street, WC2N 4JF. WC2N 6PA, 11pm-4am,
5HY. 8pm – midnight. Advance disco. Free entry all night and 2-4- Midday – midnight. Free entry. Fun concession wristbands from Circa
tickets £13.50, standard tickets 1 drinks from 9pm – 11pm. boozer slap bang in the middle of Soho – Circa Soho are spreading
£17.50. Vinegar Strokes descends on David Hoyle’s Camp Laff at London! TONIGHT: Karaoke their wings with a BR AND NEW
the RVT for a night of circus, comedy, The Royal Vauxhall Tavern: The Old Ship: 17 Barnes Street, 700-capacity club! Friday nights,
boylesque and cabaret. 372 Kennington Lane, SE11 5HY. E14 7NW. Local gay bar in East you get pop and RnB mixed by
Winey Wednesdays at CMYK: 7pm – midnight. £10 advance London’s Limehouse. Sam Londt, Jonathan Bestley and
105-109 The Broadway, SW19 1QG. tickets, £12 OTD. Acclaimed Circa: 62 Frith Street, Soho, W1. Storm Mollison
5pm – 3am. Brand new gay bar in cabaret icon David Hoyle is back 4pm-4am. Thursdays are the new Eagle’s Friday Bender at
the heart of Wimbledon! TONIGHT: at The RVT, this week with guest Fridays at Soho’s intimate bar/club Eagle London: 349 Kennington
Charlie Hides with wine offers all Marisa Carnesky. spot with the most amazing DJ Lane SE11 5QY. 9pm – 4am. Free
night. G-A-Y Porn Idol at G-A-Y booth in town. entry before 11pm, £5 after. Jim
Admiral Duncan: 54 Old Heaven: Villiers Street, WC2N Throwback Thursday at Stanton and Chris De Buerre play
Compton Street, W1D 4UD. Fab 6NG. 10pm – 5am. Amateur strip Admiral Duncan: 54 Old down classic house and party
gay boozer in the heart of Soho. night with £100 prize money, with Compton Street, W1D 4UD. Fab faves. 2-4-1 drinks from 9pm –
TONIGHT: Cookie Monstar. special guest celebrity judges each gay boozer in the heart of Soho. 11pm.
Halfway To Heaven: 7 week. To enter, email info@g-a-y. TONIGHT: Sandra from 9:00pm. Camp Attack at G-A-Y
Duncannon Street, WC2N 4JF. co.uk. Village: 81 Wardour Street, W1V Heaven: Villiers Street, WC2N
Midday – midnight. Free entry. Fun Klub: 30 Lisle St, WC2H 7BA. 3TG, 5pm-2am. Happy hour 6NG. 11pm – 4am. £1 entry
boozer slap bang in the middle of 10pm-3am. Free before 11pm, £5 5-9pm, followed by DJ action and wristbands available from
London! TONIGHT: Miss Penny’s after. Wild Thursday party at Klub sexy gogo boys G-A-Y Bar. Four rooms of music
Play Your Cards Right until the wee hours! The Light Lounge: 1 Newport at the UK’s most famous gay
The Light Lounge: 1 Newport Place, WC2H 7JR. 5pm-11:30pm. venue, with music videos, drag
Place, WC2H 7JR. 5pm-11:30pm. BARS & CABARET Enjoy the Ku Group’s newest and 80s, 90s and 00s hits.
Enjoy the Ku Group’s newest venue; a BJ’s White Swan: 556 venue; a boutique cocktail bar. Klub: 30 Lisle St, WC2H 7BA.
boutique cocktail bar. 2-4-1 cocktails Commercial Road, E14 7JD. 8pm 2-4-1 cocktails 5-8pm Wednesday 8pm-5am. FREE b4 10:30pm,
5-8pm Wednesday to Saturday. – 2am. Free entry. One of East to Saturday. £5 after. Lit clubbing experience
by Timothy Graves
Your guide to the week’s best sex and fetish parties
Giddy up, darling. It’s about to get proper horny Hard On is back this Saturday! Everyone’s
over at The Stable. This immersive role-play sex favourite dirty cruisey club night! It’s at
experience that has you giving in to your basic Vauxhall den of debauchery Bloc South,
instincts and indulging in your most carnal desires. and they’ve got all the mod cons, including
If you fancy yourself a Mare then arrive early, and changing facilities, two coat checks and an
get hooded up for auction. You’ll be in the capable enclosed smoking area. There’s be DJ action
hands of a Stable Lad whose on duty to keep things from Brent Nicholls and DJRW as well as a
running smoothly. Then comes the auction where stallions make their bid to have their way with the hard show from Pitbull, Maximus and Jay
willing Mares without ever seeing their faces. One of the most mind-blowing nights of naughty action Carrington. Plus it’s the launch of Hard On’s
run by the naughty boys over at JamieHP, be sure to read up on the rules before heading over. They new shop, hardonshop.com.
welcome a gang of fit, athletic studs who are down to get down to it, while always practising safe sex
(condoms and lube provided). Stretch up boys, It’s time to get riding. Bloc South, 65 Albert Embankment,
SE1 7TP. 10pm – 5am. £15 for members,
Union Nightclub - Back Entrance, 66 Goding Street, SE11 5AW 9pm - 2am. £20 for guests.
WEDNESDAY 13TH MARCH 143 Whitfield Street, W1T Brighton’s best known sauna! – 10 pm. Strip to your undies,
Vault 139: Cruise/ 5EN. Cruise, 1-7pm, £9. Head to jamiehp.co.uk for jocks or speedos and get
Underwear at 139b-143 Get social in your civvies. more details. cruising. Cruize 10 pm – 4
Whitfield Street, W1T 5EN. Followed by Stripped 7pm am. Come as you are, and
Cruise, 1pm - 7pm, £9. - 1am £9 includes first drink FRIDAY 15TH MARCH get yourself some action.
Get social in your civvies. and coat check. Naked only. Vault 139: Cruise at 139b- Bloc South: BRÜT at 65
Followed by Underwear, Teds Place: TV/TS Party 143 Whitfield Street, W1T Goding Street, SE11 5AW,
7pm - 1am, £9 includes Night at 305a North End Rd, 5EN. 1 pm -1 am, £9 includes 10pm-5am, £5 before
free drink, cloakroom and Fulham, W14 9NS. 7pm-2am, free drink, cloakroom and midnight, £10 after. London’s
re-entry. Get down to your £5. - Night for lovers of re-entry. Horny cruise spot No.1 men’s dance and cruise
underwear. trans, drag and gay beauties. minutes from the West End. night for Blokes, Bears, Cubs
Bunker: Buff/Cruize at 217 Something for everyone! Ted’s Place: Cruise & and Hunks!
City Road, Shoreditch EC1V Bunker: Cruize at 217 City Dark Room at 305a North
1JN. Buff 5 pm – 10 pm. Get Road, Shoreditch EC1V 1JN. End Road, Fulham, W14 9NS. SATURDAY 16TH MARCH
naked and get down to it. Cruize 5 pm – 2 am. Come 7 pm - 12 am. £4. Come and Vault 139: Cruise at 139b-
Cruize 10 pm – 2 am. Come as you are, and get yourself kick start your weekend here 143 Whitfield Street, W1T
as you are, and get yourself some action. at Ted’s with a fumble in the 5EN. 1pm-1am. £9. Free
some action. The Brighton Sauna: dark room. drink, cloakroom, re-entry.
Pool Party at 275 Grand Bunker: Semi-buff/Cruize Dark corners, catch a dirty
THURSDAY 14TH MARCH Parade, Brighton, BN2 9JA. at 217 City Road, Shoreditch movie, indulge in your
Vault 139: Cruise at 139b- 7:30 pm. Private pool party at EC1V 1JN. Semi-Buff 5 pm carnal side.
Bloc South: Hard On at Underwear, 1-7pm, £9. London’s biggest Sunday Out at 305a North End
65 Albert Embankment, SE1 Cruise, 7pm-1am, £9, cruise party, with a Road, Fulham, W14 9NS.
7TP. 10pm – late. Notorious free drink, cloakroom and dress code of jockstraps, 7pm-midnight. £4, free for
sex and dance party, with re-entry, just pants b4 7pm, underwear, sports shorts, TVs/TSs. A horny night in the
a hard show from Pitbull, then cruise ‘til late. Under singlets or naked. cruisey basement club in West
Magnus Maximus and Jay 25’s go free. UNION Nightclub: London.
Carrington. With DJs Brent Teds Place: TV/ TS/ Chill SBN/NBN at 66 Albert
Nicholls and DJRW. Out at 305a North End Embankment, Vauxhall TUESDAY 19TH MARCH
Bunker: Semi-Buff/ Road, Fulham, W14 9NS. SE1 7TW. SBN 2 pm – Vault 139: Cruise at 139b-
Skinheads & Squaddies 7pm-2am, £3 before 10pm, 10 pm. The UK’s largest 143 Whitfield Street, W1T
at 217 City Road, Shoreditch £5 after - A horny night in the naked party, and an XXX 5EN. 1pm-1am. £9. Cruising
EC1V 1JN. Semi-Buff 2 pm cruisey basement club in West show at 5pm from James session at this horny hot spot.
– 10 pm. Strip to your undies, London. Bennett and bad lad Pitbull. Bunker: ClubCP + Bad
j ocks or speedos and get Bunker: Semi-Buff/Buff/ Followed by NBN 6 pm – Lads/Cruize at 217 City
cruising. Cruize 10 pm – 4 Cruize at 217 City Road, 10 pm. Join the fun in your Road, Shoreditch EC1V 1JN.
am. Come as you are, and Shoreditch EC1V 1JN. Semi- pants. Bad Lads 5 pm – 10 pm.
get yourself some action. Buff 2 pm – 6 pm. Strip to Where bad boys head for a
TFN at The Covent Garden your undies, jocks or speedos MONDAY 18TH MARCH spanking. Cruize. 10 pm – 1
Health Spa, 29 Endell and get cruising. Buff 6 pm Vault 139: Cruise/ am. Come as you are, and get
Street, Covent Garden WC2H – 10 pm. Get naked and get Stripped at Vault, 139b- yourself some cruising action.
9BA. 9 pm – 2 am. Get down to it. Cruize 10 pm – 4 143 Whitfield Street, W1T Teds Place: Underwear &
Totally Fekking Nude and get am. Come as you are, and 5EN. Cruise, 1-7pm, £9. Naked at 305a North End
partying at this naked party. get yourself some action. Stripped, 7pm-1am, £9, Road, Fulham, W14 9NS.
JOXXX free drink, cloakroom and 7pm-12am, entrance £5.
SUNDAY 17TH MARCH at Bloc South: 65 Goding re-entry, horny cruise session Plenty of action in the cruise/
Vault 139: Underwear/ Street, SE11 5AW. first, before naked time darkroom with an relaxed
Cruise at 139b-143 2pm – 1am. £5 before (except footwear). Very friendly atmosphere and
Whitfield Street, W1T 5EN. 5pm, £10 after. One of Teds Place: TV/ TS/ Chill unpretentious guys.
sauna guide 24 hours all week.
relieving the pressures and stresses of £18 entry, £13 under 25’s with proof
CENTRAL modern life. A discreet environment of age. £13 with QX advert.
SWEATBOX where guests can really unwind.
1 – 2 Ramillies Street, W1F 7LN www.cghspa.uk LOCKER ROOM
Soho’s only sauna attracts a young hot Midday – 11:30pm Monday to 8 Cleaver St, SE11 4DP
crowd with its ambient lighting and Saturday, until 10pm on Sunday Cosy sauna in a convenient corner
under 25 discounts. There’s even a 1 Day Pass: £19 (£15 before 2pm, of Kennington. Lock yourself into the
mirrored room! Scintillating. £10 for under 25) Locker Room for fun and frolics.
www.sweatboxsoho.com 2 Day Pass: £28 (valid 7 days) www.lockerroomsauna.com
24 hours all week. £17 entry 11am-12am Monday to Thursday,
24hr pass, £19 - 48hr pass. SOUTH 24 hours Friday – Sunday (closes
£10 for under 25’s. CHARIOTS midnight Sunday). £13 entry,
Vauxhall, Rail Arches 63-64, £20 weekend pass.
SAUNABAR PORTSEA Albert Embankment SE1 7TP
Austin Armacost at Pleasuredrome Photo credit: Johan Cloete
2 Portsea Place, Marble Arch, More steam, towels and muscles than
W2 2BL you can shake a locker key at! SAILORS SAUNA
Small, clean and friendly venue, www.chariots.co.uk 570-574 Commercial Rd, E14 7JD
attracting mainly mature, professional 12pm–8am Monday to Limehouse’s Sailors Sauna is a sexy,
gentlemen and their admirers. Thursday, then 12pm-8am salubrious port in the choppy waters
Qualified masseurs on duty at all times. Monday. £19 entry. of London’s gay scene, now with a
gaysaunabar.com roof garden!
11.30am-10.30pm, 7 days a week. PLEASUREDROME www.sailorssauna.com
£19 entry, £17 for under 25s. 124 Cornwall Road, SE1 8XE Sunday to Thursday 11am–11pm,
Widely regarded as the city’s most Friday & Saturday 11am – 8am.
COVENT GARDEN HEALTH SPA famous sauna, providing fun in a clean £17 entry.
29 Endell Street, WC2H 9BA and classy environment!
Men-only health spa dedicated to www.pleasuredrome.com
#JUL I A By Princess Julia
With all these amazing Then check this out...Batty Bass Back to The Glory for Sodom Going from strength to strength
performance platforms going on, presents Virginia, Hannah & Begorrah: St Paddy’s Day Sundays at Fabric on Sunday
the drag stars of tomorrow are Holland and Resis’Dance over X-Travaganza 9pm till 4am on 17th March with ADONIS & LOVE
living the dream - so let’s support at Mick’s Garage, 8 Queen’s Saturday 16th March. A proper CHILD T-Dance from 4pm till
artistes starting out on the fabulous Yard E9 on Friday 15th from 10pm messy knees up with an Irish theme 11pm. DJ’s Violet, SONIKKU,
journey of drag! till 4am. Super rave, with Hannah and Xnthony hosting a night of Josh Caffe and our fave Grace
bringing Batty Base Records back to non-stop cabaret, drag artistes, Sands. Whoop!
From MAN UP! to GOLD RUSH East London! Really maje! live music, DJ’s and the ‘Culchie
and of course LIPSYNC 1000 Cabaret’ featuring the Irish Every Sunday...PRINCESS JULIA
and that’s just The Glory! Miss Best place to go if you want to dancing drag queen Nat West. LOVES and on Sunday 17th my
Sink The Pink - that’s coming cause a scene...WIMP which on special guest is the darling Petite
up on 30th March at The Troxy so Friday 15th March is at The Yard, Now for a musical interlude and Lamé. Come and join us from
watch out for that one. And DRAG Unit 2a Queen’s Yard in Hackney a special mention for Viktor 7pm till 11pm for an evening soireé
IDOL 2019 - the national drag Wick. This month’s theme is Victoria who releases a new like no other at The Glory.
competition - starts up across the SWAMP, get inspired by all things dance floor single PROVE IT. A
land with heats going on all over mystical and murky! DJs Hannah melodic groove with a catchy hook Quiz night at the Retro Bar
the place! Diamond, Jean Ocide and from our T-Party stunner, whose on Tuesday 19th, CARRY ON
Adam Frost. Performance from musical career has spans over a QUIZZING... I seem to be hosting
One of my favourite nights Shrek 666, Miss Hernia and decade! I’m hoping Viktor Victoria this most weeks and what a treat it
Transmissions is back at The Chub Rub and an array of hosts will perform it soon! is! Other quizzes to watch out for
Glory and it’s on Friday 15th. A including Emily After, Charity are from Mr Ted’s who seems to
trans collective and performance Kase, Petite Lamé, BloBByBoy, Hold on to your wigs...Cybil’s be hosting quizzes most nights of
group. Tramsmissions founder and Evil Kebab and Bling Bling! House: Good vs. Evil! at BJ’s the week, our fave is at The Cock
performer Lucia Blake hosts this Masterminded by Xoey Fourr...I White Swan, 556 Commercial Tavern on Sunday’s!
enlightening night and I’ll be DJing love all these names haha, get Road is back on Saturday 16th
along the way too! From 9pm-2am. down there to meet everyone IRL. March 10pm till 4am. Cybil War It’s the free film night at the
Not joking! hosts this legendary night with cute and kitsch Bamboo Bar at
So on Friday 15th March Savage BB Agressive, Thursday, Fontaine’s up in Stoke Newington
Disco presents Heidi at the Hold on everybody: Bottom Fuller Wigs, Sammuel She, - Dalston way. Lobotomy Room
Bussey Building, 133 Rye Lane Heavy on Saturday 16th is at Chase, Beverly Shlump and Goes to the Movies and present
SE15, 10pm till 5am. Okay, this Dalston Superstore, with the Saffron Slayer. Special guest a 1940’s classic Cobra Woman
is a huge party with DJs Heidi of major Wes Baggaley and Grace performances from Rodent, on Wednesday 20th March, 8pm
course, Joshua James, Jonjo Sands in the basement. And I’ll be Felix Le Freak, hiyo, Scarlett for 8:30pm.
Jury, Tasty Tim and of course the DJing with the Pxssy Palace party O’Hara. DJ’s Viien Mobile
Savage dance queens. starter TrYb and Karnage on the Disco, MSC4MASC and Cybil War
bar. Hosted by the gorgeous Finn themselves! What an action packed
Savage Disco presents Heidi at the Bussey Building
Love. 9pm till 4am. night! Bloomin’ heck!
WIMP at The Yard Cybil's House: Good vs. Evil at White Swan
Felix Le Freak
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570-574 COMMERCIAL ROAD, LONDON, E14 7JD U info: 020 7791 2808