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Questions? Call 1-800-Tribune Monday, April 27, 2020 Breaking news at


Trump to shift toward economy

White House plans more recovery talk in controlled settings
By Zeke Miller potential virus cure, Trump ability to blanket news tration’s work in helping
Associated Press has rejected the utility of his headlines with freewheel- businesses and employees.
daily task force briefings, ing performances — has Aides said the president
WASHINGTON — After where he often clashed become a daily liability. At would hold more frequent
two months of frantic re- with scientific experts. the same time, new Repub- roundtables with CEOs,
sponse to the coronavirus, Trump’s aides are aiming to lican Party polling shows business owners and bene-
the White House is plan- move the president onto Trump’s path to a second ficiaries of the trillions of
ning to shift President Don- more familiar — and safer, term depends on the pub- dollars in federal aid already
ald Trump’s public focus to they hope — ground: talking lic’s perception of how approved by Congress and
the burgeoning efforts up the economy, in tighter quickly the economy re- begin to outline what he
aimed at easing the econo- controlled settings. bounds from state-by-state hopes to see in a future
mic devastation caused by It’s a political imperative shutdowns meant to slow recovery package.
the pandemic. as allies have seen an ero- the spread of the virus. Trump last left the White
Days after he publicly sion in support for the Some states have started House grounds in March
mused that scientists president. What had been to ease closure orders and and plans are being drawn
should explore the injection his greatest asset in the Trump is expected to begin President Donald Trump listens Wednesday during a brief-
of toxic disinfectants as a reelection campaign — his to highlight his adminis- Turn to Trump, Page 14 ing about the coronavirus at the White House.

is best
for DIY
Study: Natural silk,
chiffon also provide
excellent filtration
By Hannah Herrera
Starting May 1, Illinois
will require everyone over
age 2 to wear a mask when
they can’t maintain a 6-foot
social distance in public.
N-95 masks, which are in
short supply, are best re-
served for health care work-
ers, who come into direct
contact with COVID-19 pa-
tients. So what fabric or
combination of fabrics is
best for homemade masks?
A new study conducted
Miles Palmieri, 11, walks with his mother, Christine. Miles requires speech therapy, but not all services have been available during the shutdown. by University of Chicago
professor Supratik Guha

‘It’s not just a disruption’

and colleagues at Argonne
National Laboratory in
Lemont looked at more
than 15 common household
fabrics to see which were
best for protecting against
School shutdown has been particularly tough on kids with special needs the coronavirus that causes
By Hannah Leone and Miles, who is autistic, nor- weeks. The illness was harder or months it may take before he More specifically, the
Karen Ann Cullotta mally receives special education on his mom. It got so difficult can return to the routines and study investigated the fab-
services at school, but those for her to breathe that once she services he gets at school. ric’s filtration efficiencies
When their fevers finally have been severely cut back fainted in the kitchen of their “Being an autistic kiddo can against the tiny droplets
broke, Christine Palmieri and since Illinois schools closed due Lakeview condo. be very isolating, and he will that are how COVID-19 and
her sixth grade son Miles had a to the coronavirus and he and “We really were just focused withdraw into his own world a other respiratory illnesses
whole new world to navigate — his mother experienced symp- on surviving and staying heal- bit,” she said, “so I need to have are spread. Wearing a mask
one without speech therapy or toms of COVID-19. The 11-year- thy,” she said. as many opportunities to keep or a cloth facial covering
recess buddies, with more old Chicago boy had milder, Though they’re feeling bet- him engaged as possible.” reduces the transmission of
screen time and less human flu-like symptoms and a 100- ter, Miles and his mother are these respiratory droplets
interaction. degree fever for nearly two now looking ahead at the weeks Turn to Needs, Page 11 from an infected person,
Guha says.
Guha and his team com-
pleted the study over two
weeks after he started see-
ing news reports that the
In Chicagoland: A viral
Nurses fear getting Center for Disease Control
and Prevention and differ-
ent states had begun recom-
video purporting to show a
crowded house party over
the weekend prompted
sick a second time mending the use of cloth
“I saw that this was
Gov. Pritzker to admonish coming,” he says. “At that
the partiers. Page 4
He went back to work, then his cough
■ Refugees try to make a came back and tests were inconsistent Turn to Masks, Page 6
new life in Chicago as virus
upends daily life. Page 4 By Alison Bowen exposure felt impossible,
■ Mask makers cope with he took measures to pro-
shortages as sewing mach- Day after day, Daniel tect his wife, carefully
Ortiz walks into a hospital removing contaminated TOM SKILLING’S
ine demand jumps. Page 6 WEATHER
and treats patients who clothing before entering
In Nation & World: Kids are struggling with the their home and sleeping High 63
in Spain were able to play coronavirus. He hoped he on the couch. Low 49
outside over the weekend. wouldn’t test positive for Still, a coronavirus test
the virus. But it was, he in late March came back Complete forecast
Italy and France plan for on back of A+E
easing some of the strictest felt, inevitable. positive.
lockdowns. Page 12 That fear came true, not “It felt like somebody
once, but twice. was constantly hitting me $2.50 city and suburbs,
■ A review shows states $3.00 elsewhere
Ortiz’s ordeal started in in the head with a ham-
were not adequately stocked 172nd year No. 118
March, when he was as- mer,” said Ortiz, who re-
for a pandemic. Page 13 TERRENCE ANTONIO JAMES/CHICAGO TRIBUNE © Chicago Tribune
signed to the COVID-19 turned to work in early
■ Fears are keeping heart, Daniel Ortiz, a nurse in the COVID-19 unit at the Uni- unit at the University of April. At the time, he said,
stroke patients from going versity of Illinois Hospital, recently took two coronavirus Illinois Hospital in Chi-
to the hospital. Page 14 tests and they came back with different results. cago. Although escaping Turn to Nurses, Page 9

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The materials placed on the Channel, is collected from public resources in the Internet and intended exceptionally for acquainting purposes ONLY! If you need it, buy it!!

2 Chicago Tribune | Section 1 | Monday, April 27, 2020


President Donald Trump listens Thursday during the daily coronavirus briefing.

Trump hasn’t lost his mind. He’s

just a lonely man looking for love.
We’ve temporarily folded Sports pages in with Business, But he thinks every state is “beauti- reminds us of all he has done already,
in the back half of that section on weekdays. ful” and he loves them all the same. such as creating the “strongest econo-
When he gathers all the governors on my in the history of the world.”
the phone, it’s a “love fest,” he says. We are stubborn and too set in our
An oh, he loves Europe too. ways to believe him.
‘PREP SCHOOL: HOW TO He loves farmers, bikers, the First If only he didn’t fail so miserably
Amendment and the new Abbott every time he tries to make us laugh.
IMPROVE YOUR KITCHEN SKILLS Dahleen Glanton coronavirus test. And he loves Dr. If only the media “got” him, rather
AND KITCHEN TECHNIQUES’ Anthony Fauci, contrary to what than always setting out to get him.
We could be all wrong about Don- some might think. Had we understood the man be-
Over the last two decades, Mary Schmich’s column in the ald Trump. He loves the “people who have to hind the bigoted, incompetent facade,
Chicago Tribune has offered advice, humor and discerning Maybe America isn’t in the grips of go out and look for money” in the we would have known that his theory
commentary on a broad array of topics including family, a madman. There could be a more midst of the pandemic shutdown. about using household disinfectant
personal milestones, mental illness, writing and life in Chi- benign reason for his bizarre and The other day, he told us how much and ultraviolet light to treat
cago. This second edition — updated to include Schmich’s erratic behavior. he loves “those people that use … the COVID-19 was a lame attempt at
best pieces since its original publication — collects her ten Perhaps it’s something as simple as spas, the beauty parlors, barbershops, sarcasm.
Pulitzer-winning columns along with more than 150 others, this: The president just wants to be tattoo parlors.” We would not have created memes
creating a compelling collection that reflects Schmich’s loved. He stopped short recently of saying that made him look like a fool. We
thoughtful, insightful and engaging sensibility. Trump uses the “L” word repeat- he loves mosques, but he is “in favor would not have been terrified that the
edly during his coronavirus briefings. of leaders and people that love people who actually do cling to his
“Chicago Flashback” Since 2011, the Tribune has been Sometimes it comes out of nowhere, mosques.” Perhaps that’s close words might decide to toast a glass of
mining its vast archive for its weekly feature Chicago Flash- at a moment we least expect it. Then enough. Clorox to everyone’s good health.
back, which deals with the people and events that have he moves on to something so ridicu- He would love for us to believe that We would have known that no one,
shaped the city’s history and culture from the paper’s foun- lous that we forget that he even said his love is returned full force but, of not even a man who has said equally
ding in 1847 to the present day. Now the editors of the Trib- it. course, we have our doubts. ridiculous things in the past, could
une have carefully collected the best Chicago Flashback He uses the term — love — to de- When “PBS NewsHour” reporter possibly be that stupid. But Ameri-
features into a single volume. scribe make-believe relationships Yamiche Alcindor asked him whether cans took him seriously, because he is,
with racial and ethnic minorities who more people might have gotten sick after all, the president.
“Turn It Up: A Guided Tour Through the Worlds of don’t particularly care for him. He from COVID-19 because he down- Over the course of the coronavirus
Pop, Rock, Rap and More.” Settle in to “Turn it Up,” a lumps people together, based on what played the severity of the virus early crisis, he is drifting deeper into a state
collection of Greg Kot’s Tribune articles from 2000-2013. they do for a living, the region of the on, he responded by insisting that he of delusion. We see the fear in his
Previously available in ebook format only, the book is grouped country they live in or simply how is loved. eyes, the frustration in his voice and
by genres and include entertaining features, concert recaps, they enjoy spending their time — and “A lot of people love Trump,” he the desperation in every move he
album reviews, insights on Chicago’s local music scene and proclaims his love for them all. said. “A lot of people love me. You see makes. That’s what happens to peo-
other major issues associated with music and the industry. Sometimes it appears the love he them all the time, right?” ple when they feel unloved.
professes is contradictory. Sometimes He wishes it were so. But deep Oh, how he misses being on the
“10 Things You Might Not Know About Nearly it seems downright insincere. inside, he knows that it’s not. campaign trail, where love and adora-
Everything.” You may never need to know the human He has declared his love for Asians, At a recent briefing, he confessed tion overflowed. There is no one to
body contains a half-pound of salt, but that’s just one of the though he insisted on calling the that no one shows him any love. That boost his ego now, no one to cheer
obscure facts you’ll find about sports, history, politics,and coronavirus the Chinese virus. He must have been hard to admit. him on.
science in this collection from Mark Jacob and Stephan says no one loves Hispanics more Maybe that’s why he lies to us. It’s Maybe we would feel sorry for
Benzkofer. than he, yet he labeled Latino immi- a desperate attempt to make us like him, if he had once shown empathy
grants as rapists and opposes citi- him, a plea for affection that might for others. But he has been too selfish,
All Chicago Tribune print books are available online at chi- zenship for “Dreamers” who have someday turn into love. How nice it too quick to toss people aside. He lived in America all their lives. would be if we looked at him long- could never gain our trust.
His Jewish son-in-law, Jared Kush- ingly, clinging to his every word. If he had the chance to read this
ner, says that Trump loves Jewish How happy he would be if we saw column, he would, no doubt, call it
people, yet the president has been him as a president much better than fake news.
ACCURACY AND ETHICS known to promote anti-Semitic ste- Barack Obama ever was. We know exactly who Donald
Margaret Holt, standards editor reotypes and at times has been reti- Trump tells us what he thinks we Trump is. And America definitely is
cent to denounce Neo-Nazis. want to hear, in a futile attempt to in the grips of a madman.
The Tribune’s editorial code of principles governs In recent weeks, he professed his convince us that things will be better
professional behavior and journalism standards. Every- love for Michigan, Missouri, Georgia, than they’ve ever been before, as long [email protected]
one in our newsroom must agree to live up to this code of Wisconsin, Louisiana and New York. as we stick with him. He constantly Twitter @dahleeng
conduct. Read it at
Corrections and clarifications: Publishing information
quickly and accurately is a central part of the Chicago
Tribune’s news responsibility.

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Chicago Tribune | Section 1 | Monday, April 27, 2020 3


‘You’re putting everyone
around you in danger’
By Angie Leventis Lourgos and
Katherine Rosenberg-Douglas

A viral video purporting to show a

crowded house party in Chicago over the
weekend prompted Gov. J.B. Pritzker to
admonish the young partiers who ap-
pear to be standing shoulder to shoulder
and flouting social distancing orders
amid the COVID-19 pandemic.
“I have not seen the video though I did
hear about it,” he said Sunday during his
daily coronavirus briefing. “First, I want
to remind everyone that by doing that, by
standing together, not social distancing,
many people not wearing masks, you’re
literally putting everyone around you in
danger. They are putting you in danger
and, very importantly, all of those people
are putting their families and their
friends who are not there with them in
While the Tribune could not verify
the authenticity of the video or the
location of the large party, other media
outlets reported that the footage was
taken in Chicago. Some of the youths in
the video were wearing Chicago sports
paraphernalia; a few attendees appeared
to be wearing masks, though none
maintained the prescribed safe distance
of 6 feet.
“The whole purpose of social distanc-
ing, of wearing masks, of staying at home
in fact, is we don’t want to spread this to
our loved ones or to others in the
community,” Pritzker said. “So I would
suggest that all of those people violated
not only the intention of the order that
ANTONIO PEREZ/CHICAGO TRIBUNE we put out but also violated the trust of
Farhan Ali, far right, stands with his family at their apartment in Aurora. Refugees from Afghanistan, who fled to Pakistan, friends and family.”
Farhan, his parents and siblings arrived in the United States on March 6th just before the coronavirus changed everything. This is not the first instance of
reported social distance violations amid

Refugees try to make a new the pandemic. Chicago Mayor Lori

Lightfoot said earlier this month that she
personally broke up an underage drink-
ing party on the Far North Side of the

start as virus upends daily life

city. Viral images of St. Patrick’s Day
revelers lining the sidewalks of Chicago
and spring breakers along the beaches of
Florida have incited rage over the last
few weeks as the highly contagious virus
By Elvia Malagón “We’ll continue to call every week to from Congo. spread.
and Nausheen Husain find out what new needs are arising Mweniake works at a retirement Chicago police officials on social
and how we can do things differently to home in Uptown, but her husband, media acknowledged the footage of the
Like many practicing social distanc- help people in this moment,” said who speaks French and Swahili, is still party but said they could not verify the
ing during the coronavirus pandemic, Porter. looking for work. RefugeeOne has been incident or location.
Farhan Ali has turned to Netflix. World Relief’s Sperry said the helping the family with rent and “We are aware of a video circulating
But Ali, 21, isn’t just watching for agency has helped at least 150 refugees groceries. on social media depicting a large house
entertainment. He’s improving his who have lost their jobs or had their “I’m the only one who works, so I party inside of an alleged Chicago
English. About a month ago, his family hours significantly cut. will need help,” said Mweniake. residence,” CPD said on Twitter. “While
arrived in the United States from Though refugees are often seen as Most refugee agencies in Chicago we cannot authenticate the nature or
Pakistan as refugees. Though they’re the most protected group of immi- have had to move their services, such as location of the gathering, we want to
from Afghanistan, they’d fled to Paki- grants, they are more at risk of English as a second language classes, remind everyone of the social distancing
stan out of fear of persecution by the receiving too few resources than they health services and applications for city requirements in place. CPD will disperse
Taliban. They spent their first week have been in the past, said Porter. The services, online. crowds in violation of social distancing
here living with his oldest sister in federal coronavirus relief law allows Jani Alam, who came to Chicago as a requirements, and if necessary, issue
suburban Aurora. some refugees to file for unemploy- Rohingya refugee in 2011 and now citations or as a last resort, enforce via
“We went to Millennium Park,” Ali ment, but recent arrivals and those works for RefugeeOne, said that a arrest.”
said by phone, recalling his first week in working in the gig economy face more hurdle for Myanmar’s Rohingya com- Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot on
Chicago. “We’ve never been that much challenges in getting benefits. The bill munity has been that many can’t use Twitter also rebuked the people in the
happy and free.” provides $350 million to the Bureau of written information about COVID-19 video, adding that residents can anony-
But within two weeks of their arrival, Population, Refugees and Migration, because Rohingya is a spoken language mously submit tips about house parties
Ali and his family were under a although Porter said agencies don’t yet only. Most of the newly arrived Ro- to Chicago police at
stay-at-home order like the rest of the know how those funds will be pri- hingya families can’t read or write yet, and authorities will shut them down
state, as cases of COVID-19 continued oritized. Alam said. And many of Chciago’s immediately.
to climb. Resettlement organizations Local and national advocacy groups approximately 500 Rohingya families “I have seen the video which shows
have spent weeks helping refugees are pushing Congress to make sure all live in the West Ridge area, which has what appears to be a house party taking
navigate unemployment benefits while refugees, including those who arrived seen the highest number of coronavirus place inside a Chicago residence,” she
others deemed essential workers have most recently, are eligible for the cash cases in the city. said. “What was depicted on the video
continued working. Recently resettled payments. Refugee families also have had their was reckless and utterly unacceptable.”
refugees like Ali are learning how to Agencies also have tried to empha- arrivals postponed. Alam said Ref- Pritzker last week extended a modi-
navigate their new country online from size to refugees that they cannot be ugeeOne was supposed to have a family fied stay-at-home order through May.
their new homes. penalized, under President Trump’s of seven arriving in March, but their While the state has “the ability to
In total, 155 refugees have migrated “public charge” rule meant to discour- travel plans had to be canceled. enforce these things,” the governor said
to Illinois this year, according to federal age immigrants from using govern- “We still have the apartment we got officials have largely chosen to “allow
Refugee Processing Center data, with ment services, for seeking medical for them,” he said. “There’s a chance people to self-enforce, to do the right
nearly 50% coming from the Demo- attention. Despite these measures, the they can still come, but we don’t know thing.”
cratic Republic of Congo. President most vulnerable refugees — those who when. It will take time.” “We obviously have asked the police
Donald Trump has drastically lowered have just arrived — are left unprotec- Elmida Kulovic, the refugee resettle- and other law enforcement to remind
the number of refugees allowed into ted, Porter said. ment program director for Catholic people, when they see them and they’re
the U.S. in recent years. The proposed Many refugees in Chicago are on the Charities, said case managers are regu- not following the new social distancing
refugee cap for fiscal year 2020 was front lines of the pandemic, working as larly checking in on refugees by phone norms and they’re not wearing a mask,
18,000 people , the lowest the cap has certified nursing assistants or helping to reduce their isolation. that they need to do those things,” he
been since the Refugee Act was imple- manufacture medical supplies, Sperry “Our biggest concern are people who said.
mented 40 years ago. said. did face such a trauma,” before coming The governor added that if violators
Flights for refugees arriving in the Seema, Ali’s oldest sister, who asked to the U.S., Kulovic said. “And we are repeatedly refuse to follow social dis-
U.S. have been suspended until at least that only her first name be used for concerned that now staying home and tancing practices, “there is the ability by
May 15, said Susan Sperry, regional publication, has lived in the country isolation could cause more of the the police officers to charge them with
director for World Relief in the Chicago since 2016. She said her husband works traumatic stress.” reckless conduct and take them into
area. at a factory that makes medical sup- For Ali, social distancing has meant custody, though again, we have discour-
“Refugee resettlement is a vital plies. At least one employee had tested virtual English classes for his family. aged police from doing that because we
lifeline for those how have already been positive for COVID-19, and Seema His siblings, ages 16, 9 and 3, aren’t able believe that people will in general follow
through the screening process,” Sperry wasn’t sure if her husband would go to start school until fall. Ali, who wants the rules.”
said. back to work. to study photography, has kept himself During Sunday’s news conference,
Jims Porter, spokesman for Ref- “I feel not good,” about the situation, busy with YouTube videos on the Pritzker announced 2,126 new con-
ugeeOne, a refugee resettlement she said by phone. subject. firmed cases of COVID-19, bringing the
agency in Chicago, said the organiza- Lalia Mweniake, who arrived in the Despite the slow start of his new life statewide total to 43,903; there were also
tion’s main concern has been collecting country in mid-2016, is the only person in America, he is optimistic about the 59 new deaths, and thousands remain
emergency funds for those losing their in her family who has a job so far. Her future. hospitalized with the virus.
income. RefugeeOne staff members husband made it to the United States “Once we get back to the normal life, That’s the third time in recent days
have been working to help refugees file only last month, and they have a we want to walk freely,” Ali said. that the number of new daily cases has
for unemployment, he said, and have 3-year-old son, born months after topped 2,000, with the peak so far at
been checking in with each family once Mweniake arrived. Both lived in a [email protected] more than 2,700 on Friday. This recent
a week. refugee camp in Tanzania, but they’re [email protected] spike in positive cases comes amid a
massive increase in testing for
COVID-19 in Illinois.

Stay Safe&Protect Your Families in the Coronavirus Pandemic. @WorldAndNews

The materials placed on the Channel, is collected from public resources in the Internet and intended exceptionally for acquainting purposes ONLY! If you need it, buy it!!

4 Chicago Tribune | Section 1 | Monday, April 27, 2020


Jump in
deaths at
some care
Newly released state
figures raise concerns
By Joe Mahr and
Patrick M. O'Connell
The state released figures this
weekend that showed a dramatic
jump in deaths of those linked to
long-term care facilities — to 625,
more than double reported a
week ago.
The latest figures compiled by
the state showed that, as of a
Friday count, at least 278 facili-
ties had 4,298 cases of residents
or workers testing positive. Illi-
nois Department of Public
Health figures from the prior
week reported 186 facilities, with
286 deaths out of 1,860 cases. ARMANDO L. SANCHEZ/CHICAGO TRIBUNE

As of now, a third of all Illinois

deaths from the virus have been
tied to long-term care facilities.
Federal, state and local officials
have long said they feared nurs-
ing homes could see deadly out-
London Payton, 5, and her twin brother Paris, 5, ride electric toy cars Sunday in the Park Manor neighborhood on the South Side.
breaks from the virus, which has
particularly affected older, more
frail residents.
Advocates and workers had
also complained many homes
were short-staffed, with infec-
tion-control lapses before the
pandemic. Workers also have
Nurse told friend she was ‘scared to death’
complained they lacked enough Within weeks, she ized by family friends has so far
protective gear, while homes raised twice its goal.
have said they’ve provided gear and her son were
while doing the best they could dead from COVID-19 ‘Selfless, thoughtful
amid an unprecedented crisis.
In the past week, as the indus- By Rosemary Sobol and compassionate’
try pushed for more testing, Justin says he will miss his
Illinois officials announced Josephine Tapiru had been little brother’s maturity. “He was
greater focus on testing residents pulling extra shifts, working from more of a big brother to me,’’ he
and staff to find cases earlier — 9 a.m. until sometimes 11 p.m., said. “When my mom got sick, I
both at homes with no cases and because the North Side nursing was sad and freaking out. I was in
others with outbreaks — to try to home was getting more and more shock … and Luis said: ‘You know
catch potential spreaders earlier. short-staffed as co-workers fell what? She’s going to pull through
It’s unclear how much the ill. this. She’s the strongest woman
greater testing contributed to the She kept a close watch on her we know.’
big jump in figures for positive temperature: still 98. Fine, she “He was selfless, thoughtful
cases, because the Tribune had thought. and compassionate. Also, he was
previously found inconsistent After clocking out on April 3 really kind,” Justin said. “He
figures reported for homes. The from Park View Rehab, Tapiru always put others before himself.
state cautions on its website that told a friend her throat was Josephine Tapiru, 56, with her husband, Luis Tapiru Sr., 59. If you needed to talk or a shoulder
its data may not be as up to date as getting sore and she was cough- to cry on. He’d give the best
those kept by local officials. ing. She stopped at a drugstore, floor apartment in the 6800 block advice. He impacted so many
Symphony of Joliet continues picked up a bottle of NyQuil and of North Kedzie Avenue. Using people. If it was something per-
to lead the state in the number of went to bed as soon as she got his CPR training from a job as a sonal or something sad, whatever
deaths tied to a facility, with 26, home. camp counselor, the son began it would be, they’d always go to
according to the state data. Fol- Sometime that night, she chest compressions as Oduca him and he would always be
lowing, with 16 deaths each, are slipped into a coma. The world’s walked in wearing “full PPE,’’ she there to listen. Thoughtful and
Glenview Terrace in Cook novel coronavirus was beginning said. helpful.’’
County, and Windsor Park Man- to take its terrible toll on her Josephine remained uncon- A devotee of video games such
or in DuPage County. The state family. scious as she was taken to St. as “Call of Duty,” Luis Jr. also
reported Elevate Care North, in Tapiru was taken to the inten- Francis Hospital. The next day, loved Twitch, a livestream plat-
Chicago, has had 13 deaths, with sive care unit at St. Francis the hospital called to say she had form for games. “He was really
Wauconda Care and Willow- Hospital in Evanston. Her hus- tested positive for COVID-19 and active in a lot of communities
brook’s Chateau Center Nursing band would be admitted there was on life support. “That was so there, he streamed on there,’’
and Rehabilitation each having 11 within a week. Four days later, sad,’’ Oduca said. Justin said.
deaths. their 20-year-old son Luis Jr. was His dream was to become a
For total cases, three of those found dead on the couch of their Luis Tapiru, 20 ‘They found full-time Twitch streamer. But he
facilities also had among the home. Four more days passed and had a backup plan: He would get
highest in the state: Windsor Park Josephine died, too, without tracted the virus and at least eight him on the couch’ a degree in communications.
Manor (94), Symphony of Joliet coming out of her coma. have died. The father and son, not feeling He loved pop music and elec-
(93) and Elevate Care North (74). Friends and family waited “Good Jesus, it is really hard,” any symptoms, went back home tronic dance music. One of his
The facility with the highest nearly a week, when Luis Sr. was said Josephine Tapiru’s best on April 5. But the elder Tapiru favorite groups was Twice. He
number of confirmed cases was finally removed from a ventilator, friend, Joselyn Smith, crying. started feeling “weird,’’ he told loved singing and even audi-
Alden Terrace of McHenry, with to tell him about the deaths of his “I’m still denying it. But we have Oduca. He had a sore throat but tioned for “The Voice’’ a few
99 cases, and three deaths. wife and son. to move on. So we have to fight no cough. That Monday and times, Justin said. He would have
A week ago, the state listed The couple’s lone surviving and move on. But it’s just hard. I Tuesday, he developed a “low- turned 21 in June. The brothers
Alden Terrace of McHenry with son watched the tragedy unfold feel like I’m in a trance, that this is grade fever.” never got the chance to make
just four cases. from Ottawa, Canada, where not so true. It’s a big loss. It really “Hey, I’m not feeling better,’’ he birthday plans.
Natalie Bauer Luce, spokes- most of his close friends and happened so fast.’’ told Oduca on April 10. Later that
woman for Symphony Care Net- relatives live. day, he was also taken to St. ‘We were like
work, said the rates of infection “I can’t be there right now, and ‘She was Francis and placed on a ventilator
the Three Stooges’
partly reflect that the Joliet facil- that’s the toughest thing,’’ Justin as he, too, tested positive for the
ity was able to access testing Tapiru, 28, said Friday. “They scared to death’ virus. Josephine and Luis Tapiru met
supplies early on through a part- were feeling fine. I haven’t had On March 21, Josephine Oduca and her husband, Cezar, in the Philippines and moved to
nership with the Will County time to think or grieve.’’ Tapiru was looking forward to along with other friends and Canada, where they both worked
Public Health Department and His brother is one of the her regular weekend chat with relatives, kept in close contact as caregivers. About 13 years ago,
IDPH. youngest people in Illinois to die Smith. Catching up after a busy with Luis Jr., who remained at they moved to Chicago because
“That has not been the case from the disease. He had played week was always fun, but this the family’s home, and Justin. But “they wanted a better opportuni-
with all nursing homes — until football at Senn High School and time she shared some disturbing they soon had trouble reaching ty,’’ Donna Oduca said. Both were
earlier this week, public health seemed healthy, family and news. Luis Jr. Normally, he would praised in local obituaries for the
authorities advised long-term friends said. An autopsy found no “She was really so upset be- always text or call back. care they gave to the elderly.
care facilities to cease testing underlying medical conditions cause one of her officemates was On April 14, Oduca and her Justin said one of his most
once a positive case was identi- that contributed to his death showing some symptoms of the husband called 911. A few min- treasured memories is of his
fied due to the severe shortage of from COVID-19, a rare finding for virus,’’ Smith said. “She was mad.’’ utes later, police called back. mother when he was around 8.
testing supplies,” Bauer Luce someone so young. Under state health guidelines, “They just said they found him on She took him downtown shop-
said. Josephine had suffered from you were not supposed to work if the couch, and he passed on,’’ ping, and they wound up in a
Symphony also has been ad- endometrial cancer, and it was you felt ill. Oduca said. Tommy Hilfiger store. “I really
vocating for universal testing, listed as a contributing factor in “She was scared to death,’’ said Josephine’s uncle, Lope San- liked this shirt, and it was really
including calling in the National her death, according to the Cook another close friend, Donna tos, in his 80s, had also called 911 expensive.’’
Guard to help, Bauer Luce said. County medical examiner’s of- Oduca. Workers at the senior that morning and was on his way Over his dad’s reservations, his
On Monday, Symphony an- fice. She was 56. center wore masks, she said, but up to the Tapirus’ apartment to mom went ahead and treated
nounced a partnership with She and her husband had both Tapiru was still worried. check on Luis Jr. when he saw the him. Then while playing with
University of Chicago Medicine worked as caregivers, in private While her main job was at Park police officers, who would not let friends, he spilled food all over it.
to get better access to tests, and homes and at long-term senior View, she worked Saturdays at him in. “My mom laughed it off,’’ Justin
it has begun purchasing its own centers, though Luis Sr. had another nursing home. But most “They told me he’d already recalled. “Oh, it’s OK, it’s fine,
testing supplies from Abbott recently been working for a of her time was spent at Park passed away,’’ Santos said quietly we’ll just put it in the washer. It’ll
Labs and Alverno Laboratories. manufacturing company. Jo- View. “She was always there,’’ when reached by phone at a be fine.
Initial results showed large sephine Tapiru, a licensed practi- Smith said. North Side senior center where “My mom is selfless,’’ he said,
numbers of asymptomatic or cal nurse, worked at Park View On April 1, Tapiru told friends he lives. sobbing.
pre-symptomatic patients test- Rehab in Edgewater, a short drive that she was getting more and Four days later, on April 18, She always worked two jobs
ing positive, according to Sym- from the family’s high-rise apart- more worried as others on the Josephine Tapiru was pro- and only slowed down about a
phony, enabling isolation of in- ment, according to the family. staff called in sick and she was nounced dead at St. Francis year ago while undergoing treat-
fected patients. Like nursing homes across the working longer hours. On the Hospital. ment for cancer. But she couldn’t
“Testing is critical because the state, Park View has seen an morning of April 4, her husband For days, family kept the news wait to get on her feet again. A
more you test, the more positives outbreak of COVID-19 among its and son Luis Jr. went to work and of the deaths from Luis Sr., who week or two later, she was back at
you are going to find, allowing us residents. Recent state data show assumed she was sleeping in remained on a ventilator and was work.
to isolate COVID-negative pa- at least 22 coronavirus cases there because she had worked so late not allowed visitors. Terrified he Smith said she was like a sister,
tients from positives in order to and three deaths, but the posted the night before. would find out on his own, Justin watching out for her and Oduca.
control the transmission rates,” information is often old and They checked in later in the said he broke the news to his “We were like the Three
Bauer Luce said. “We need to be sometimes unreliable. day, but Josephine didn’t pick up father on Thursday via video Stooges,’’ she said.
able to implement these ap- It’s also unknown exactly how the phone. Sometime after lunch, hookup while his father was with Smith, 45, an accountant who
proaches across the board at many health care workers in Luis Jr. called his father and a chaplain, a doctor and a nurse. is working from home these days,
long-term living facilities, but Illinois have died from rushed home to check on her. “He was in shock,’’ Justin said. recalled the first few weeks of the
that starts with more testing COVID-19. Many of the deaths “My mom won’t wake up,’’ he As of Friday night, his father was stay-at-home order. Josephine
made available to the industry.” listed by the state do not give the frantically told Oduca, also a doing a little better but was still would call her during her com-
occupation of the person. The nurse, who lives nearby. hospitalized. “It’s really tough on mute and say, “Be careful. No-
[email protected] state’s best estimate is that more “Call 911,’’ she told him as she his body.’’ body’s out here. It’s scary outside.
[email protected] than 2,500 workers have con- headed to the Tapirus’ seventh- A GoFundMe campaign organ- It’s like a ghost town.’’

Stay Safe&Protect Your Families in the Coronavirus Pandemic. @WorldAndNews

The materials placed on the Channel, is collected from public resources in the Internet and intended exceptionally for acquainting purposes ONLY! If you need it, buy it!!

Chicago Tribune | Section 1 | Monday, April 27, 2020 5


Attention Knee Pain Sufferers SPECIAL COVID-19 UPDATE

5 Reasons NOW Is The Perfect Time To Eliminate Your Knee Pain

During these trying times, Chicagoland doctors take COVID-19 protection measures
to a whole new level and help thousands of babyboomers and seniors eliminate their
knee pain while avoiding the hospitals
You can now eliminate your knee The doctors at Joint
pain with a new pain cure in a place Relief Institute use live
that takes COVID-19 precautions
very seriously.
digital imaging in addition
Imagine... this prolonged at-home
to a unique double-
lock-down without knee pain. How confirmation technique
much easier would it be to handle that GUARANTEES that
this crisis if your knees were not 100% of the medicine is
constantly aching...
delivered with extreme
Not only is it possible, but Chicago
doctors are actually helping patients
precision into the
get a better handle on the current troubled areas inside your
craziness by wiping out their knee joint every single time.
pain all together.
that affects you and the people you like these with stem cells, Is it true this natural
And the best news is, they are
live with. Dealing with that pain will supplements, or even surgery. treatment option could cost
following a set of very simple, safe, Glucosamine and Chondroitin NOTHING?
do wonders for your attitude during
and effective protocols, to get you can’t do what this treatment
this crazy time. Yes, more good news, besides
the help you need and mitigate any can do.
Reason #4: Pain and stress the pain relief, is that because this
risk of catching COVID-19.
has been proven to lower Why is the success rate for nonsurgical program has already
“I didn’t know how much LIFE and this treatment very high at proven to help thousands of seniors,
your immunity. According to
SLEEP I was missing because of my the Joint Relief Institute while Medicare and other insurance
the American Psychological
knee pain, until it went away with this many people getting the plans will cover the full cost of the
Association, stress has been proven same treatment with no relief
wonderful treatment.” — George R. treatment.
over and over again to not only whatsoever?
Ok, how do I stay safe? immediately lower your immunity, So there is very likely NO COST to
Scientists recently discovered
The experts at Joint Relief but also suppress them for up to 18 you for this life-changing treatment.
why many non-surgical treatments
Institute have implemented a “Stay months! Sitting there in your house, fail. They found out that 30% of Here is what you need
Safe - Stay Clean” policy. Every dealing with the daily nuisance of the time, treatments miss the
single surface in the office is to do to claim your free
nagging knee pain is a huge source joint space!
disinfected immediately before of stress. Doing nothing about your screening:
Both the patients and their
you touch it, every appointment knee pain could be lowering your If you or a loved one is suffering
doctors think that the knee didn’t
room is wiped down, and during ability to fight off this virus. with knee pain, this could be the
respond. Turns out, in most cases,
your visit you will only come into Reason #5: The knee pain experts blessed relief you’re looking for.
the medicine never got in the
contact with your actual doctor. at Joint Relief Institute have You are personally invited to a
right space.
This protocol was carefully completely revised their patient FREE knee pain screening from
designed by doctors and is way The doctors at the Joint Relief
practices to serve you. They have Institute use live digital imaging the Joint Relief Institute doctors
more meticulous than anything rearranged staffing and schedules to see if you are a good candidate
in addition to a unique double-
you see in a local pharmacy or a to provide you with the best and for this all natural, highly-precise
confirmation technique that
grocery store. safest service in the area. No longer treatment.
GUARANTEES that 100% of the
Of course, they religiously practice will you wait to see a doctor. You will medicine is delivered with extreme Your screening will only take about
social distancing, and while be seen immediately and will not be precision into the troubled areas 20-30 minutes of your time, in a
hand sanitizers and gloves are in waiting around with other people in inside the joint every single time. completely disinfected exam room,
extreme shortage, they have them the waiting room. It’s outstanding PLUS - the injection is virtually where you will encounter no one
in abundance. what JRI is doing to protect their painless because the doctors else but your doctor.
So What Are These 5 Reasons patients. at Joint Relief Institute use a
On the day of your treatment, you’ll
Why I Should Do Something “Why do Shelter in place two step numbing and imaging
About It Now? be able to come in on your own,
rules not apply to my visit to process to eliminate pain.
and be done within 30 minutes or
Let’s cut straight to the truth: JRI? ” Most of the injections done less. No pain. No problem driving
Because of the virus, there has You should avoid unnecessary everywhere else are done blind
yourself home.
never been a better time to address visits, especially to non-controlled with no digital confirmation, and
your knee pain. Find that hard to environments; however, if you very few are done with a single Due to high demand, they can
believe? Here are 5 reasons why are numbing your knee pain with digital confirmation technique. only offer a limited number of FREE
you should consider getting this anti-inflammatory and ice-packs One patient even said this: screenings every month.
non-invasive knee pain treatment while ignoring the root cause “When I received a similar treatment So if you’re interested,
option right now. process, many times, we see to this, and it didn’t help me, the
Reason #1: You don’t want to go pain progressing fast and within doctor scheduled me for surgery. Call Now For
to the hospital. Sadly, the truth of a few days, it gets so severe that Luckily, I decided to travel more Your FREE
the situation is that hospitals are your only choice is to go to an than 400 miles to the Joint Relief
in triage mode. Many of you might ER. Nobody wants you there now, Institute. I am pain-free now, and I
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pushed back. All their efforts prevent it.
are focused on the virus - not to The one thing we know is: The
mention that’s where the virus is! damage will NEVER undo itself
You don’t want to be anywhere near without some help. Those who
the hospital right now. choose to “tough it out” always see
© 2015 Joint Relief Institute.

Reason #2: You need some good a slow, progressive and irreversible
news right now. Currently, we’re joint destruction, and with less
all watching the news and feeling activity, comes weight gain,
like the end of the world is here. depression, more aches, and pains
Yet, experts say we’re going to get until finally, you realize you can no
through this and we have reason longer do all those fun & exciting
to hope. So why not give yourself a activities you enjoy. Sure, you can
bit of good cheer and get rid of that put up with this ache in your knee,
knee pain for good? Imagine all of but the cost of doing nothing about
the fun things you’ll be able to do it is HUGE.
once life returns to normal: you’ll “Every day was hard.I couldn’t enjoy
be smiling, pain-free at your “post- my favorite activities anymore.
corona” party! But thankfully, now I’m back in
Reason #3: Dealing with your full form. I am doing yard
JRI Doctors see live into the knee joint.
Even you will be able to tell the medicine
knee pain is important for your work for the first time is flowing where it needs to be. No guess ORLAND PARK
self-care. Right now the best thing in years!” — Phil M. work, no poking around, the medicine 60 Orland Square Drive, Suite 101
cushions, lubricates and helps heal the
you can do for you and your family This is the best option for anyone damaged knee.
is to take care of yourself. Washing suffering from knee pain; better 600 W. 22nd Street, Suite 102
your hands, practicing social than any other facility especially
distancing, all of that is to keep now with COVID-19. They are so Call now (708) 963-0064
yourself safe and healthy. Yet, if specialized in knee treatments to schedule your free screening. NOSOTROS

You can be pain free!

you are in constant pain, you’re not and most of their visits are under HABLAMOS
going to be in the best mood - and 10 minutes. You can’t get results ESPAÑOL

Stay Safe&Protect Your Families in the Coronavirus Pandemic. @WorldAndNews

The materials placed on the Channel, is collected from public resources in the Internet and intended exceptionally for acquainting purposes ONLY! If you need it, buy it!!

6 Chicago Tribune | Section 1 | Monday, April 27, 2020


Mask makers cope with unexpected shortages Masks

Continued from Page 1
By Jessica
Villagomez point, we also realized that
there was very little scien-
As shoppers scavenge to tific data on the perform-
find toilet paper and other ance of (cloth) masks. … We
quarantine essentials, some went through seven or eight
crafters who are making days of intense experiments
protective masks said they and analysis that went on
struggle to find another through the night; the data
necessary item: elastic. would be taken during the
With protection against day. I think we felt that we
COVID-19 spurring de- wanted to get this data out
mand, hobbyists skilled in in public quickly. That was
sewing have turned to mak- the key goal, and that’s what
ing masks and are hunting we did.”
down materials and sewing His team also tested an
machines. That’s led to N-95 respirator and surgical
shortages of elastic and masks for comparison.
high demand for less pricey They also looked into the
sewing machines and even effectiveness of multiple
the services of people who layers of a single fabric and a
repair old machines. mixture of multiple fabrics.
The demand likely will They found the most
jump even further after effective fabrics to be cot-
Gov. J.B. Pritzker required ton, natural silk and chiffon;
Illinois residents to wear synthetic silk and satin did
masks when in public not provide as much protec-
places where they can’t stay CHRIS SWEDA/CHICAGO TRIBUNE tion. Hybrid combinations,
6 feet away from other Courtney Luken works on fixing three different sewing machines in her Wilmette basement on Friday. such as high thread cotton,
people. The U.S. Centers along with silk, chiffon or
for Disease Control and more than 150 members disappeared. Before the to repurpose everything day. flannel also supplied broad
Prevention, which has across the western suburbs pandemic, she estimates and find and use what we “They’re pulling out filtration coverage.
some designs for simple and has made more than she had about 700 yards of have on hand. Sewing is grandma’s sewing machine The study notes, “Fabric
masks, says that people 6,500 masks for emergency elastic in stock and is now taking its own life now.” or mom’s machine,” Luken with tight weaves and low
should wear close-fitting personnel and health care on her last 20 yards. Each As more people seek to said. “People who aren’t porosity, such as those
masks and wash them fre- workers, she said. Most of mask requires about 12-14 sew their own masks, Gra- sewing regularly got their found in cotton sheets with
quently. the supplies being used inches of elastic, she said. ham said she has seen machine out of storage or high thread count, are pref-
People across the city are have been donated to the The thin elastic retails retailers sell out of lower- are coming back to sewing, erable. For instance, a 600
pitching in to sew and group. Elastic needed for for about a dollar a yard, she end sewing machines as and their skills are a little TPI (thread per inch) cot-
donate masks made out of masks is especially hard to added. well. bit rusty.” ton performed better than
fabric and repurposed T- find because it’s thin, about “Most of what is left is “Finding an entry-level Luken said she has con- an 80 TPI cotton. Fabrics
shirts, said Christine a quarter inch or narrower, wider elastic so there’s or beginner sewing mach- ducted a couple of video that are porous should be
Baumbach, a member of she said. been a huge run to get this ine is hard to track down sessions with her custom- avoided.”
the organization Chicago Thicker elastic used to particular size,” she said. right now, but there are a ers to hold basic sewing Despite silk and chiffon’s
Mask Makers. The supply make waistbands, for ex- Graham buys her elastic lot of sewing machines in refreshers like how to sheerness, the two fabrics
of elastic, the material used ample, is much easier to wholesale through a com- storage that are coming out thread a machine, wind a were amazingly effective,
to secure the mask onto find in craft and sewing pany in France and is wait- of retirement,” she said. bobbin or check the tension particularly four layers of
one’s face, has been quickly stores because it’s usually ing up to two weeks for Helping those machines on their machines. silk, such as a folded scarf.
depleted within the last in higher demand, those in new shipments, she said. get a new lease on life is The crafting community Guha says chiffon and
month, she said. the industry say. Graham said many craft- Courtney Luken of Wil- is open to newcomers hop- other materials that have
“We’re acutely aware of “Half of our wealth is ers continue to sew masks mette, who has been fixing ing to contribute or learn to electrostatic properties can
the shortage,” Baumbach sitting in the back of our despite the shortage and vintage sewing machines sew, she said. actually act as a barrier to
said. “We save the elastic closet, it’s amazing to see are coming up with new over the last four years. “Sewing is an art, it’s a the tiny droplets.
for masks for our health what people have dug up in ways to secure fabric She’s seen an increase in skill I wish was valued “What we found was that
care professionals. Health their homes. But it is hard masks, like using fabric customers looking to fix more,” she said. “I wish we some of these materials are
care professionals appreci- to get, it is very hard to get,” bands or ties, for example. inherited sewing machines. didn’t have to supply our pretty good,” he said. “Using
ate elastic when they are Baumbach said. “During the Depression, Luken said she typically first responders and health a combination of cotton and
wearing masks on their Karen Graham, owner of people would use every last used to fixed about two to care workers with (person- these materials is the best. A
head for 12 hours straight.” sewing studio Sew on Cen- piece of fabric, and we’re three machines in a given al protective equipment), quilt, a mixture of polyester
The organization, which tral in Evanston, said her seeing the same thing now,” week. Last weekend, she but I’m glad our communi- and cotton also had excel-
started a month ago, has stock of elastic has quickly she said. “People are trying fixed three machines in one ty has stepped up.” lent filtration.”

“Using a
combination of
cotton and these
materials is the
best. A quilt, a
mixture of
polyester and
cotton also had
excellent filtration.”
— Supratik Guha,
University of Chicago

Two chambers at Ar-

gonne were used to conduct
the study. In the first cham-
ber, Guha and his team
generated aerosols with dry
particles of sodium chlo-
ride, a standard method in
respirator testing. From
there, a PVC pipe led to the
collection chamber, which
is where the fabric was held
in place by clamps. The
collection chamber had a
fan that sucked the air, so it
flowed from the generation
ERIN HOOLEY/CHICAGO TRIBUNE chamber to the collection
Volunteer Lisa Musgrave spreads native prairie plant seeds Jan. 29, in the Somme Prairie Nature Preserve in Northbrook. chamber. Guha said they
used specialized equipment

Work to restore forest preserves put on hold that measured the density
of the particles upstream
and downstream of the fab-
By Madeline Buckley of May. their ecological value. move weeds. Though they ing too much ground.” “What was unique in our
“The longer you let them Crews with the Forest Pre- usually do the work in a Many weeds don’t work was the equipment
In the fall, crews started go, the worse the problem serves are restoring acres group, solo excursions to sprout in earnest until later used to measure particles of
work on a $2.5 million gets, kind of like co- across Cook County to the area would allow them in the spring or until the 10 nanometers, which is
project to restore wood- ronavirus itself,” said John their original habitat in to mitigate some of the summer, he said, so there’s about a few thousand at-
lands in a more than 500- McCabe, director of the order to allow native plants spread but not have to still some time before inva- oms,” he says. “We were
acre Forest Preserves site Department of Resource and animals to flourish. worry about being in con- sive growths become able to measure the filtra-
near Orland Park. Management for the Cook Among those are the tact with other volunteers. rampant. And conservation tion efficiency at different
They removed non-na- County Forest Preserve Tinley Creek Ravines and In the spring, along with work in natural areas is particle sizes, going all the
tive trees and brush District. the Somme Prairie Nature weed removal, the volun- always a work in progress, way from a few thousand
throughout the winter to But the health of work Preserve in Northbrook, teers also place cages over he said. atoms to 6 micrometers
preserve resources for the crews, staff members and where work crews and some endangered plants so “The interesting thing is, range. A human hair is
natural trees and bring sun- the general public is much volunteers are turning the they aren’t eaten by deer. managing a natural area is roughly about 75 microm-
light to the forest floor at more important than con- land back to its original As Ross notes, “deer are not never done,” he said. eters in diameter, so 6 is a
the ecologically valuable tinuing with the land proj- prairie. prevented from going out For Ross, she is finding little less than one-tenth of
land at Tinley Creek Rav- ects, McCabe said. And In both areas, workers in groups,” so they hope solace in the Forest Pre- that.”
ines. officials believe they will be would normally be remov- they can continue some of serves during this time of Something that surprised
Now, the restoration able to get back on track ing weeds and other inva- that work, one by one. crisis, but as the volunteers Guha during this study was
work in Orland Park and later without too much sive growth throughout the At the Tinley Creek Rav- look for ways to keep an eye the effect of gaps in masks.
elsewhere across Cook hassle. spring and summer as they ines, McCabe said there are on the ecological health of “Our studies also imply
County is halted due to the Still, much is unknown work to restore the land. contingency dollars built the land, she asks county that gaps (as caused by an
COVID-19 pandemic. An about how long the state At Somme Prairie, vol- into the project that will residents to be careful with improper fit of the mask)
unexpected ripple effect of will remain shuttered, and unteers finished planting allow them “wiggle room” the land as well. can result in over a 60%
the pandemic, weeds will the invasive plants will be prairie seeds over the win- to get back on track when “I have also seen some decrease in the filtration
creep unabated across land more difficult to remove ter, and would normally be the state reopens. really inappropriate behav- efficiency, implying the
maintained by the Cook the longer they are allowed turning to the next phase of The area’s network of ior in some Forest Pre- need for future cloth mask
County Forest Preserve to spread. the project, said Laurel ravines has patches of serves recently,” she said, design studies to take into
District, meaning the “It’s like you’re wasting Ross, a volunteer steward woodlands that appear to citing people bringing dogs account issues of ‘fit’ and
county may need to expend work, in a way,” McCabe who works in the area. have been untouched by without a leash, and going leakage, while allowing the
more funds and manpower said of their weed removal “Spring and summer, plowing or logging. off the trails and trampling exhaled air to vent effi-
to get rid of the extra weed efforts this winter. these are the seasons we “It’s a really unique hab- wildflowers. “The Forest ciently,” the study says.
growth when life returns to The Cook County Forest need to tackle some of our itat,” he said. Preserves are a definite He says that if a mask
normal. Preserve District manages worst weeds,” Ross said. Charles O’Leary, deputy treasure. They’re a place doesn’t fit properly, it’s not
As a result, some land 69,000 acres, some of it “We’ll lose ground if we director for resource man- for us to interact with much use. Masks should fit
projects will lose ground as outfitted with picnic areas, skip a season.” agement at the Forest Pre- nature in a way that really with minimal gaps, but ex-
the state’s stay-at-home or- and walking and biking Ross’ volunteers are con- serves, said officials plan to feeds our soul. haled breath must be able to
der that began in March trails for recreation. Other sidering going out to the monitor the situation to “But please be respect- come out or else the user will
will be extended to the end areas are preserved for prairie individually to re- make sure they’re not “los- ful.” breathe in carbon dioxide.

Stay Safe&Protect Your Families in the Coronavirus Pandemic. @WorldAndNews

The materials placed on the Channel, is collected from public resources in the Internet and intended exceptionally for acquainting purposes ONLY! If you need it, buy it!!

Chicago Tribune | Section 1 | Monday, April 27, 2020 7

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8 Chicago Tribune | Section 1 | Monday, April 27, 2020


Pritzker ‘holds all the cards,’ advocates say

Lawmakers rushing considered at this time, but
Oak Park Apartments
to pass legislation charged late fees for a hand-
for rent relief ful of tenants who did not
respond to their inquiries,
By Ariel Cheung Rolff said.
“We understand what
The state’s eviction mor- people are going through,
atorium has not been but our key to all of this is
enough to protect Illinois communication,” he said.
renters, housing advocates Other renters say land-
say. Chicago’s 2,000 one- lords are still finding ways
time housing grants — to give them the boot, de-
which 83,000 people have spite a moratorium on evic-
applied for — did not quiet tions. The tenants are told
the calls for relief. they must move out early if
Lawmakers are rushing they can’t afford rent —
to pass legislation that despite the inherent diffi-
would suspend rent and culties in moving while resi-
mortgage payments during dents are supposed to stay
the coronavirus pandemic, at home and avoid exposure
while also keeping land- to the virus — or pressured
lords and lenders afloat. But to sign payment plans they
next month’s rent is due in cannot afford.
just over a week, leaving Ald. Martin is also look-
little time to help those who ing to prevent landlords
need it. from asking tenants to allow
“If I didn’t pay my rent them or prospective renters
for a month, that’s $1,500, inside their occupied apart-
then next month it’s ments, which is not allowed
$3,000,” said Faye Porter, a ANTONIO PEREZ/CHICAGO TRIBUNE during the emergency or-
longtime Hyde Park tenant Natalie Frazier said she was denied a lease renewal for her Oak Park apartment after she asked about rent relief. der. While most of the
organizer. “What are people complaints his office fielded
going to do? They’re out of But for some, relief might came before the state issued
jobs.” not come in time. a clarification, they have
In the interim, tenants With increasing urgency, continued, said Josh Mark,
say they’re being kicked out Natalie Frazier has ex- Martin’s director of devel-
of their homes amid record changed emails with her opment and infrastructure.
job loss; asked to risk their Oak Park landlord about her Tenant unions have been
safety by allowing landlords lease renewal over the past an increasingly popular way
or prospective tenants to month. for renters to band together,
show their still-occupied After losing her job at with many seeking the ad-
apartments; or given a Chef’s Special Cocktail Bar vice of Autonomous Ten-
choice to either move out by in mid-March, she told the ants Union, Tenants United
the end of April or face Oak Park Apartments prop- Woodlawn Hyde Park and
eviction once the stay-at- erty managers that she the Lawyers’ Committee for
home order is lifted. planned to renew before the Better Housing.
Advocates and a growing April 15 deadline. She also Some have been threat-
number of politicians have J. SCOTT APPLEWHITE/AP CHICAGO TRIBUNE 2019 CHICAGO TRIBUNE 2017 asked about any help for ened with eviction, while
urged Gov. J.B. Pritzker to U.S. Rep. Bobby Rush has Congressman Jesus “Chuy” Jawanza Malone is a foun- tenants who were out of tenants at Mac Properties
use his emergency powers proposed a bill suspending Garcia is co-sponsoring a ding member of the Lift the work due to the coronavirus had to sign nondisclosure
through his ongoing disas- mortgage payments. national rent relief bill. Ban Coalition. pandemic. agreements before the com-
ter proclamation to repeal It took three weeks for pany would discuss pay-
the state’s preemptive ban has left many feeling dis- rent up to 12 months to publicans would be passing her unemployment claim to ment plans or other assist-
on rent regulation — action couraged and helpless, said make up the payments. But legislation like the three be processed, and she said ance for those experiencing
Pritzker has repeatedly said Jawanza Malone, a foun- Mayor Lori Lightfoot has bills we’ve already en- she still lost a couple weeks’ financial hardship due to
he cannot legally take. They ding member of Lift the Ban said that city efforts are acted?” Garcia said. “The worth of income in the the pandemic.
are also pushing for the Coalition and executive di- limited while the state ban conditions in the country process. “How do we know there
governor to put a moratori- rector of the Kenwood Oak- is in place. have changed substantially, She paid her April rent — aren’t racial issues, ageism
um on rent and mortgage land Community Organiza- While state efforts are in which has also opened up “at the expense of some or sexism at play?” said
payments for the duration tion. limbo, national rent relief the minds of members of other necessities,” Frazier Porter, who has lived in a
of his stay-at-home order “(Pritzker) has been has found local support. U.S. Congress.” said — and asked again Mac Properties building for
and three months after it is vested with broad and sig- Rep. Jesus “Chuy” Garcia U.S. Rep. Bobby Rush about assistance. After radio 10 years. “It could be none
lifted. nificant power to act in this co-sponsored a bill from introduced a similar bill, silence, the company of those things, or all of
They come armed with a moment to provide relief Rep. Ilhan Omar of Minne- which would defer mort- emailed her April 14 to those things. We don’t
legal opinion arguing that and security for Illinoisans,” sota, which would allow gage payments during the rescind its offer to renew know what’s in (the agree-
such action is within the Malone said. “He is the Americans to cancel rent or national emergency until her lease. Frazier, it said, has ments).”
governor’s powers during a decision-maker, the person mortgage payments with- the end of the loan, instead to be out by June 30. Mac Properties has not
declared disaster, either by that really holds all the out going into debt or suf- of after the pandemic is “I asked on what threatened tenants with
issuing a statewide order or cards in this situation. fering hits to their credit over. Landlords who waive grounds, and they haven’t eviction for financial rea-
leaving it up to municipal- There is no one else for us to rating. rent, extend leases during replied,” she said. “I scram- sons, and has waived late
ities to decide. appeal to.” The bill would also create the emergency and halt bled to pay April’s rent so I fees or agreed to payment
“Whatever local sort of The coalition, which a relief fund for landlords evictions would receive for- could make sure they would plans for about 300 down-
relief they might be able to seeks to overturn the law, and lenders to cover their givable federal loans, incen- want me back. To move out on-their-luck tenants, said
provide, they simply can’t demonstrated in front of the lost payments — a vital tivizing them to provide June 30, I’m not in a mone- Peter Cassel, director of
do it because of the preem- James R. Thompson Center two-pronged approach, relief, Rush said. tary place to do that. I don’t community development.
ption,” said state Rep. Will April 15 just ahead of Pritzk- Garcia noted — and fund He felt moved to take have a job.” The nondisclosure
Guzzardi, a Chicago Demo- er’s daily coronavirus press purchases of private prop- action after a constituent in As for the property man- agreements were issued be-
crat who has pushed for conference. People in 50 erties for affordable hous- his South Side and south- agement company, “We’re cause “we wanted to be able
years to lift the ban. “So we vehicles circled the block, a ing by nonprofits and other west suburban district not saying this person has to to work with each individu-
feel very strongly that the form of socially distant pro- organizations. reached out to him for help. move out tomorrow,” said al on their own without a
preemption should be lifted testing, while a few others Ultimately, it would keep While her mortgage was Jim Rolff, vice president of race to one solution for
at this moment in order to stood outside. people from owing large deferred for three months, operations for Oak Park everyone,” he said. “In gen-
provide cities the ability to “People are terrified. amounts of back rent and she was shocked to realize Apartments. “There’s also a eral, we’ve really been able
protect their renters during They’re living day by day still facing eviction once the the entire amount would be lot more to that situation. to find things that both we
this crisis.” uncertain about what the stay-at-home order is lifted, due immediately after. Let’s see what happens in and our residents think will
Instead, Pritzker points future holds,” Malone said. Garcia said Tuesday. “So the impact of the May, in June, and see how work.”
to state legislators, who are “I really think our elected “Given the urgency of the moratorium would come we feel about moving for- But landlords are just as
not currently meeting, as officials just do not under- situation, extraordinary crashing down on her the ward with another year anxious for government-
the body with the power to stand the vulnerable posi- measures are required,” he day after it was over,” Rush with anyone who says they backed relief as the pan-
act. Pritzker did not re- tion people are in right now. said. “By making it uni- said. “That’s not going to be can’t pay rent.” demic stopwatch ticks on.
spond to a request for com- Appealing to landlords to versal, you are preventing helpful for her.” Of the 1,700 apartments “We made it through
ment Tuesday, but most show mercy is just not people from slipping Rush said Tuesday he in its portfolio, “we’re prob- April,” Rolff said. “And
recently dismissed his abil- sufficient.” through the cracks.” will fight to get rent relief in ably very close to 100% thank God, because who
ity to repeal the ban April 15. In Chicago, Ald. Matt While such a widespread the next infrastructure amicable resolutions to all knows what May or June
“Rent control in the state Martin, 47th Ward, said he measure could struggle package, the same day the of our rent collection,” Rolff will be like.”
is a state law,” he said. “It will introduce an ordinance through a still-divided Con- Senate approved a $483 said. “We’re not a villainous
can only be lifted by the that would give renters who gress, “Who would have billion stimulus package af- landlord; we want to help Dan Petrella contributed.
state legislature.” have lost income due to thought three months ago ter two weeks of negotia- people.”
The repeated go-around COVID-19 and can’t pay that very conservative Re- tions. Evictions are not being [email protected]

St. Charles meat processing

plant to close temporarily
By Madeline Buckley health department. 7 to May 9.
The order comes on the The employees were to
The Kane County Health heels of a federal lawsuit be paid during the rolling
Department on Friday or- filed Thursday by an anony- closure, according to the
dered a Smithfield meat mous worker and an advo- release.
processing plant in St. cacy group alleging unsafe The St. Charles closure
Charles to close due to working conditions in a order came on the same day
“concerns about Smithfield plant in Mis- that the company an-
COVID-19.” souri. nounced it was voluntarily
The order temporarily The St. Charles plant is closing its Monmouth plant
closes the facility to allow the latest closure for the after employees there tested
the health department to Virginia-based company, positive for COVID-19.
work with the company on which has halted work at The plant, located in JOE BIESK/CHICAGO TRIBUNE

“mitigation efforts” and facilities across the country Monmouth, about 200 Smithfield Foods in St Charles, a large pork processor, was closed by the order of the Kane
“providing education rela- where workers have be- miles southwest of Chicago, County Health Department because of “concerns about COVID-19.”
tive to social distancing and come sick, including at an- will shut down next week
employee safety relative to other Illinois facility in until further notice, accord- installed plexiglass and tions, including require- died.
personal protective equip- downstate Monmouth. ing to a news release. Em- other physical barriers on ments to stand shoulder-to- At food processing facili-
ment,” according to a state- The St. Charles facility, a ployees will be paid during production floors and in shoulder and go for long ties, another 1,500 of its
ment from the health de- dry sausage plant that em- the closure. break rooms,” according to periods without breaks to members have become sick
partment. ploys 325 people, already The company said a “a the release. wash hands. and three have died, the
The health department was in the process of insti- small portion” of the plant’s But social distancing is According to United union said.
on Saturday declined to say tuting “rolling closures,” ac- 1,700 employees tested pos- “particularly challenging” Food and Commercial In addition to the Mon-
whether any workers there cording to a company news itive for the virus. at meat processing plants Workers International, a mouth plant, Smithfield has
were diagnosed with release earlier this month. The Monmouth plant because of the assembly line union representing 200,000 closed plants in South Da-
COVID-19 or provide more Before the health depart- produces about 3% of fresh production, the company food production workers, kota, Wisconsin and Mis-
information about the or- ment order, the company’s pork supplies in the U.S., the said. some 5,000 of its members souri, raising concerns
der. plan was to halt incoming release said. The lawsuit, filed Thurs- at unionized meatpacking about how the pandemic
Smithfield declined to raw materials from April 19 The company stocks its day in a Missouri federal plants across the country will impact the nation’s
say whether COVID-19 to May 2, close two of three facilities with personal pro- court, accuses Smithfield of have tested positive for meat supply.
cases were diagnosed in the departments between April tective equipment and has creating a public nuisance at COVID-19 or been exposed
facility, but said the com- 22 to May 3 and close the “implemented thermal its Milan, Missouri, plant to someone who tested pos- mabuckley@
pany is cooperating with the final department from May scanning companywide and with unsafe working condi- itive, and 10 members have

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The materials placed on the Channel, is collected from public resources in the Internet and intended exceptionally for acquainting purposes ONLY! If you need it, buy it!!

Chicago Tribune | Section 1 | Monday, April 27, 2020 9


Nurses you’re feeling better, you’re

feeling worse.” Fighting
COVID-19, she said, is “both
Continued from Page 1 not as bad as I thought it
would be, and the worst
protocol to return to work thing I’ve ever had, all at the
did not include further test- same time.”
ing. Nurses could go back After weeks with the
once symptoms subsided virus, she has experienced
after seven days. “I go right shortness of breath and still
to the place that got me sick, is coughing.
that took my power, that “I try to wash off the
took everything.” counters in the kitchen, and
Ortiz is one of thousands it puts me down for three
of people working in Illinois hours,” she said.
health care systems who She had hoped to go back
have been infected with the to work this week, but the
virus. Eight have died, ac- exhaustion dashes her plans
cording to the state Health of returning.
Department. He and other Ortiz had been taking his
nurses who have tested pos- temperature each night. Ev-
itive for the coronavirus ery day, he readied himself
told the Tribune they worry to return to the hospital,
about getting sick again. where he often leaves a shift
Last week, Ortiz’s cough crying. He got into nursing
returned. Under new hospi- to save lives, and now he
tal policy, he was tested fights a virus without a cure.
twice before he could re- He watches people die.
turn to work this time. Each time, he feels he’s
The first result came failed.
back negative. But on As he awaited his more
Wednesday, two days later, recent test results, he
he tested positive. watched people protest or-
“I feel like I kind of had a ders to stay home and rally
hold on this, I felt like I for the reopening of busi-
could control it,” he said. nesses.
“But today, I just feel like “It’s like a slap in the
I’m defeated. I’m at the TERRENCE ANTONIO JAMES/CHICAGO TRIBUNE face,” Ortiz said. “I ask
mercy of the virus.” Daniel Ortiz, a nurse, is staying home while he waits for clearance to return to work after testing positive for COVID-19. myself, is that what my life
Susan Bleasdale, medical and health is worth to
director of infection control
at the University of Illinois
“I feel like I kind of had a hold on “We are in this time
period where we’re going to
expect to last for months.
One nurse, who did not
people, a haircut?”
Ortiz uses his Facebook
Hospital & Health Sciences this, I felt like I could control it. But learn more about whether want to give her name page to urge people to
System, said while she people are protected,” said because she was worried follow precautions and
could not specifically com- today, I just feel like I’m defeated. Bleasdale. about losing her job for wear masks. Earlier this
ment on Ortiz’s situation, Hospital policies vary as speaking out, said she had month, when it snowed
false negatives are possible I’m at the mercy of the virus.” far as when and how nurses already taken unpaid time twice, he said it felt like it
and could be caused by an — Daniel Ortiz, a nurse in the COVID-19 unit at the can return to work. Many after running out of sick was a gift from God to keep
insufficient specimen, University of Illinois Hospital follow the Centers for Dis- time because of two sepa- people indoors.
among other reasons. In ease Control and Preven- rate quarantines. Smith said it’s hard to
this case, it could be that tion regulations for health SherriLynn Smith, a shake the fear.
Ortiz had the coronavirus in confirmed result. this is going to tell us care workers, with strate- nurse at Lurie Children’s “If I catch this again, I
his body for weeks. She said “I’m ready and willing, whether or not people can gies for a test-based return Hospital, tested positive in know it will put me on a
people often have the virus and I’m just going to take get reinfected,” Bleasdale and one without testing. If early April. vent,” she said.
for several weeks. my precautions,” she said. said. “I think the big mes- tests are not used, workers Working at the children’s She wakes up every
Mariellen Bardahl, a “It’s my duty, and it’s in me sage is there’s still a lot of may return to work after hospital, she hoped that morning hoping the worst is
nurse at a suburban hospi- to want to help, so I really unknowns, but we’re get- three days without a fever more telehealth appoint- behind her. Sometimes, it
tal, tested positive March can’t wait to go help and just ting data, day by day, mo- and fever-reducing medica- ments and fewer pediatric feels that way.
25. She woke up with a 102.5 be careful.” ment by moment, that’s tions, or if seven days have patients with the co- Despite uncertainty
fever a day after screening While reinfection is un- helping us.” passed since the onset of ronavirus might mean about what is ahead, she
emergency room visitors. likely, Bleasdale said it is not Although many discus- symptoms. Otherwise, im- avoiding exposure. knows what she will do
Her bout with the virus impossible. sions about reopening the provement of symptoms “Both my husband and I next. Like the rest of the
included headaches that Because of recent cases country include an assump- and two consecutive nega- were very scared that if I got nurses, when cleared to
made her weep, and one where people have tested tion that some people will tive COVID-19 tests admin- it, it would shut my lungs return, she will put on a face
night she fainted in her positive multiple times, the be less vulnerable to the istered at least 24 hours down,” said Smith, who has mask and go back to the
bathroom. UIC health system is testing coronavirus after having it, apart is recommended. had pneumonia before. hospital.
Finally feeling better, she more often, she said. experts say there is much Some nurses shared con- Since her positive result,
returned to work Tuesday, “If there’s more people we do not know about cerns about using up sick it has been “this up-and- abowen@
nearly four weeks after her that this is happening to, immunity. time during a crisis many down roller coaster of

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10 Chicago Tribune | Section 1 | Monday, April 27, 2020


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Chicago Tribune | Section 1 | Monday, April 27, 2020 11


Nursing home workers say they

face lack of information, training
By Dan Hinkel access to protective equip- to communicate with the and cleaning, he said.
ment and training on how to staff, and let us know what’s “Our first priority has
A certified nursing assist- use it, more information going on in the facility and and will always be our
ant said she got no training from their managers and also if there’s positive peo- residents’ health, safety and
on how to wear a mask hazard pay for the risks ple, we need to know that,” wellbeing. We also recog-
while working at a south they’re taking. she said. nize the importance of the
suburban nursing home, Michelle Gilbert, who She added, “Everyone in health and welfare of our
leaving her unsure whether identified herself as a certi- our facility is at risk and we staff,” he stated.
the blue side or the white fied nursing assistant at deserve to be paid accord- State figures released
side should face out. Burbank Rehabilitation ingly to that.” Sunday showed that six
“I just put on two of them Center, said she had the In response to questions, cases and three deaths had
and just … pray for the best,” coronavirus and a supervi- Ron Nunziato, CEO of Ex- been reported at the Bur-
said Shaundria Foster, who sor pressed her to return to tended Care Consulting, bank facility.
said she works at Prairie work before she was ready, sent a statement on behalf The site listed seven
Oasis in South Holland. which she refused to do. of Burbank saying the home cases and one death at
Her complaint was one of “I think that it’s wrong to had not had shortages of Prairie Oasis. A spokes- ABEL URIBE/CHICAGO TRIBUNE

many aired Thursday in an try to pressure people to protective gear and had woman for that home could Burbank Rehabilitation Center employees and representa-
online conference call or- come back to work when implemented a hazard pay not be reached for com- tives of SEIU hold a news conference outside the center
ganized by her union, SEIU they’re sick,” she said. program for “staff that work ment. Thursday to protest a lack of personal protective equipment.
Healthcare, which repre- Sharon Lake, a certified with COVID-19 positive Beyond the homes noted
sents workers including nursing assistant who said residents and any persons in the conference call had inadequate protective “This is not a new prob-
nursing assistants, house- she also works at Burbank, under investigation for this Thursday, Greg Kelley, gear and were not getting lem in nursing homes,” he
keepers and janitors. Amid reported she learned of pa- virus.” The home was “pro- president of SEIU Health- good information from said. “Unfortunately, this
a wave of COVID-19 out- tients with COVID-19 from active” and followed guid- care Illinois, said a broad managers. But he added pandemic has brought it
breaks plaguing nursing an overheard conversation ance from federal and state survey of members drew an that understaffing, poor pay home and residents are dy-
homes around the state, at the facility. health authorities and en- overwhelming response and lack of equipment are ing, our members are dying
workers called for better “The management needs acted symptom screening from workers who said they long-standing issues. and getting sick.”

Needs tion classes. Remotely, she’s

been upholding their rou-
tine as much as she can,
one-on-one nurse support-
ing her in the classroom at
Prairieview Elementary
Continued from Page 1 assigning similar work to School in Bartlett.
what they do at school. “It’s very challenging to
The shutdown of schools For the eight students in try to explain to a special
across Illinois — now ex- her virtual classroom, she education student that even
tended for the rest of the put together bags with ma- though she’s at home, she
academic year — has cre- terials they might need, can’t just play with her toys,
ated particular hardships such as pencils, scissors, dry and it’s school time,” Ander-
for families of students with erase markers, glue and son said.
disabilities. Some students crayons, and dropped them Above all, Anderson said
are paired with full-time off at schools. All eight she’s worried that Guil-
aides at school or get speech families picked up their ianna, a twin, is falling
or physical therapy, roles bags there, but only six have woefully behind, especially
that aren’t easily filled by been able to engage in as her medical condition
parents who are also figur- Zoom lessons. One stu- caused her to be absent
ing out remote learning, dent’s mother had her from school frequently even
working from home or deal- phone disconnected; anoth- before the pandemic.
ing with their own econo- er works in a grocery store “She already was owed
mic challenges. and “is really overwhelmed more than 20 hours of
“The school closures right now,” Perales said. tutoring due to her ab-
have been hurtful to all kids, “The encouraging thing for sences. … I’m petrified that
but students with disabili- me is the majority of my she’s going to regress back
ties are most vulnerable, parents have been respon- and forget everything she’s
and tend to react badly to sive and they’ve been on the learned this year,” Anderson
transitions,” said Chicago calls with my students.” said.
attorney Matt Cohen, who Perales and her peers are Perales worries about re-
represents families with trained to work with stu- gression for students with
special education and dents in special education learning disabilities that
school-related issues. programs, and it’s expecting make retention a struggle
“For special education a lot of parents to fill that already.
students, school closures role, she said. Denise Dyer, whose
are not just a disruption but “I know a lot of them are eighth grade granddaughter
a regression, and we’re go- trying, but they don’t know receives help from a special
ing to see kids who actually exactly how to teach the education teacher at Nich-
go backward,” Cohen said. diverse learners,” Perales olson STEM Academy in
Even during normal said. “A lot of students in Englewood, shares the con-
times, the quality of special special education have diffi- cern, and the sentiment that
education in the Chicago culties with concentrating parents and guardians are
area ranges from excellent and focus in the classroom. ill-equipped for remote
to poor, often depending on There’s a routine set up and learning.
a district’s leadership and the student knows the rou- “We have to find whole
funding, Cohen said. He tine, the teacher is in the new ways of doing things,”
predicted the recent pivot classroom, maybe a para- Dyer said. “We weren’t
to remote learning will professional is in the class- trained to do this. I don’t
likely have a negative effect room that may redirect the know how to make adjust-
on most students with spe- JOHN J. KIM/CHICAGO TRIBUNE ments to her algebra or
student constantly. But
cial education plans. Miles Palmieri and his mother, Christine, both had symptoms of COVID-19 and have recovered. when a student is at home modify it in some way. I
Cohen contends that they may not have that can’t do that. There’s noth-
many schools aren’t provid- guage Academy in Hyde dated to allow school psy- in school, whom he consid- support.” ing I can do to help her.”
ing students access to their Park, are missing out on chologists, counselors and ers a trusted adult, and he’s As the mother of two She’s tried to fill in other
full-time aides. speech lessons. She said social workers to have one- also often pulled from gen- students who attend Abra- gaps, ordering copies of
“And even those that are, both children, born at 23 on-one video calls with stu- eral education classes and ham Lincoln Elementary “The Outsider” for both the
when we’re talking about weeks, are on the autism dents if certain circum- meets one-on-one with his school in Lincoln Park, eighth grader and her older
kids with more severe cog- spectrum, with one of the stances are met — some- social worker and other Anne Chalesle said her fam- brother to read at the same
nitive, motor, attention, be- boys needing more special- thing that’s typically forbid- specialists. His mother said ily’s remote learning has time, along with chapter
havior and health issues, ized instruction than the den between students and he has not been able to get been particularly challeng- quizzes. She also got texts
many of these kids are just other. staff members. But parents the one-on-one speech or ing for her younger son, on African American his-
not going to be able to do it For one twin, things have of students who need occupational therapy he’s Raphael, 8, who has a spe- tory, adding on their own
(remotely),” he said. been going OK. For the speech or occupational used to having weekly. cial education plan that family stories.
Palmieri, an architect and other, “it’s been pretty therapy say their children Last week, he was sup- provides extra help for As a member of the CPS
an advocate in the Chicago much heartbreaking,” should be allowed that too. posed to start having small- math and reading. parent advisory council for
special education commu- Laine-Nazaire said. His On a recent Zoom call with group video sessions for “As a parent with a div- diverse learners, Dyer talks
nity, said some schools “hit special education teacher special education parents math. But during the sec- erse learner, I’m still trying to parents from all over the
the ground running three has been posting videos, but and supporters, CPS’ chief ond session, he was the only to figure out how this is city and said many share her
weeks ago with full sup- they’re not interactive, and of diverse learner services, student who showed up, going to work,” said frustration that communi-
ports and services.” But he misses his friends, she Stephanie Jones, said and the teacher said they Chalesle, an administrator cation to families has been
with other schools, she said, said. She tried having him speech therapy was not had to end the video call for a nonprofit organiza- inadequate. Many parents
“families have received zero sit in online general educa- allowed one-on-one, but when no other students tion. “truthfully cannot say” that
communication.” Even tion classes, but though the the district is considering were logging in, Palmieri Raphael typically gets children have been able to
through the second week, teacher has been making an other ways to provide that said. He held it together on pulled out of class every day continue learning.
across schools, “some (spe- effort to include him, he service. camera, but then he started for an hour for math help, “Now I am afraid that
cial education) staff are do- gets down when he can’t Whether all missed crying. and when schools closed, “it when this is all over that
ing great and some are not follow along with the read- speech or occupational “He is really wanting just stopped,” she said. these children are going to
for various reasons, both ing and math lessons he’d therapy time will be made engagement and not getting Still, Chalesle said she be so far behind, and when
within and without of their usually be pulled out of. up later remained unclear it,” Palmieri said. She’s al- has nothing but admiration you’re already behind you
control,” Palmieri said. For “He has felt very dejected in an updated fact sheet ready noticing him start to and gratitude for her son’s can’t afford to get further
some of the children wait- during this process,” she released by CPS last week. withdraw and hopes it’s not teachers, including one who behind,” Dyer said.
ing on services, the time to said. “He sees his brother In new guidance released a permanent regression. has reached out directly to Already, special educa-
draw them back in may having the interaction. It’s April 20, the Illinois State On Friday, the school’s him with messages of sup- tion lawyers are anticipat-
have passed, she said. gutting.” Board of Education noted speech therapist sent a port and encouragement. ing an influx of claims
The Illinois State Board Laine-Nazaire, a gradu- federal recommendations speech-language newslet- “The fact that she has to seeking compensatory serv-
of Education has made clear ate program administrator that schools consider tele- ter put together by the teach a special education ices, and recommending
that schools must still ad- at the University of Chicago, therapy. The state agency district saying CPS has not class online for an hour families keep detailed re-
dress the needs of students said she empathizes with noted districts are still ex- yet given the OK for speech each morning … they’re cords during remote learn-
eligible for special educa- teachers, who she believes pected to comply with fed- therapy through teleconfer- doing what they can do ing. ISBE is also telling
tion services, but less appar- are doing their best. But eral and state law “as it is encing but “we are hopeful with the worst of circum- schools to document educa-
ent is what qualifies. The without services like speech presently interpreted” dur- this will change.” stances,” Chalesle said. tional opportunities offered
U.S. Department of Educa- therapy, she’s concerned. ing the coronavirus out- Both parents and teach- With both Chalesle and to students during the sus-
tion has noted schools may While one twin mostly break. ers have said they need her husband working from pension of in-person in-
not be able to provide all the needs help with enuncia- Commonly called SECAs clearer guidance. home, she said Raphael and struction.
services they usually do, tion, the other mixes up or aides, the classroom as- “The guidelines have his brother, Gabriel, 14, have CPS officials have said
and indicated schools pronouns and time refer- sistants in CPS have been been all over the place,” said two parents available to the district will do its best to
would “offer flexibility ences — “for him, every- spending their time during Linda Perales, a bilingual “troubleshoot.” make sure students get
where possible.” thing happens yesterday, the school shutdown “sup- special education teacher. “I’m trying to keep things services. “However, we do
Chicago Public Schools even if it was five months porting teachers” in various “Can we use Zoom; can we in perspective. … There are understand that there may
officials have said they’ll do ago.” ways, including attending not use Zoom? Can we have many parents who are es- be instances where a stu-
what they can but, during “The way he process virtual lessons with teach- one-on-one sessions? … Is sential workers at hospitals dent has not received serv-
remote learning, can’t com- something is the only way ers, according to the dis- technology being given to and grocery stores, or who ices for an extended period
mit to providing the full he can see it,” Laine- trict. But Palmieri said they our students?” don’t have an internet con- of time,” according to a
amount of service minutes Nazaire said. “You have to need to continue support- She added: “We are doing nection,” Chalesle said. district fact sheet. “When
outlined in a student’s indi- find a way to undo the way ing students directly. Many the best with what we have, For April Soristo Ander- that occurs, compensatory
vidualized education plan his mind sees it.” Both twins students like her son need but in reality we need more son, having a child in special services will be considered
during remote learning, also need to continue occu- an aide to participate in guidance.” education programs for on an individual basis fol-
with teachers not expected pational therapy, where one remote learning for the At Corkery Elementary both cognitive and physical lowing the school closure
to work full days. boy was learning coordina- same reasons they get that in Chicago’s Little Village, disabilities has made her period.”
Stephanie Laine-Nazaire tion and how to grip a support in the physical Perales works with 12 stu- family’s transition to e-
said her first grade twins, pencil. classroom, she said. dents who are pulled aside learning difficult. Her [email protected]
who attend Murray Lan- CPS policy has been up- Miles has a full-time aide from their general educa- daughter Guilianna, 9, had a [email protected]

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The materials placed on the Channel, is collected from public resources in the Internet and intended exceptionally for acquainting purposes ONLY! If you need it, buy it!!

12 Chicago Tribune | Section 1 | Monday, April 27, 2020



2 ends of the spectrum, but 1 goal

Conservative and critics argue it is not a good
use of government money
liberal groups look to prop up groups trying to
for bailout funds influence the political de-
bate in the middle of a
By Kenneth P. Vogel presidential campaign.
and Lisa Lerer Defenders note that the
The New York Times provision in the stimulus
bill paving the way for SBA
WASHINGTON — loans to nonprofits applies
Among the applicants for to all groups registered
loans from the Small Busi- under a section of the tax
ness Administration’s stim- code — 501(c)(3) — that
ulus package is the founda- covers churches and other
tion arm of FreedomWorks religious institutions, as
— a conservative operation well as charities and educa-
that advocates small gov- tional entities, most of
ernment and made its name which rely largely on dona-
opposing bailouts. tions. Some of those entities
“I would love someone to play important roles in
give us free cash,” said communities across the
Adam Brandon, the presi- country and employ signifi-
dent of FreedomWorks, ex- cant numbers of people,
pressing frustration over some of whom might be out
the effects of the crisis on of a job if fundraising de-
his group, which is working clines during the economic
to build support for Presi- collapse.
dent Donald Trump’s effort While the tax code bans
to reopen the economy. those groups from endors-
At the other end of the ing candidates or engaging
ideological spectrum, libe- PETE MAROVICH/THE NEW YORK TIMES in other partisan political
ral groups like the Congres- Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, speaks at a September 2018 rally sponsored by the conservative organization FreedomWorks. activity, they are allowed to
sional Progressive Caucus spend money advocating
Center and Media Matters got a loan,” said Gara loans from a program estab- mixed results. from Media Matters has policy positions at the heart
for America have also ap- LaMarche, president of lished as part of the $2.2 The Congressional Prog- been hampered by a techni- of political fights. And many
plied for some of the small- Democracy Alliance, a club trillion bailout plan passed ressive Caucus Center’s ap- cal problem, said a person of the most active political
business loans, which can of major liberal donors who by Congress and signed into plication for a $160,000 familiar with the process, organizations maintain
be fully forgiven if the re- support some of the top law by Trump, even as loan is awaiting resolution, who was not aware if the 501(c)(3) foundation arms,
cipients use them to keep groups on the left, including larger publicly traded busi- as is FreedomWorks Foun- group had reapplied. including FreedomWorks,
workers on their payrolls. Media Matters. nesses have obtained loans dation’s request for The SBA has already which plans to use its Free-
The groups on the left He said his staff was from the program. $300,000, according to offi- spent the initial $349 billion domWorks Foundation to
may be more comfortable consulting with some of the A provision in the legisla- cials at the groups. allocated in the bailout bill publicize ideas on how to
than those on the right with groups to which Democ- tion, which socially conser- The American Civil Lib- for the loan program, restart the economy. Its
the idea of federal govern- racy Alliance steered funds vative organizations recom- erties Union’s national of- known as the Paycheck Pro- larger political arm is help-
ment assistance, but accept- and expected many would mended to Republican law- fice has not applied, but 14 tection Program. But the ing organize protests of
ing help from an adminis- apply for SBA loans “as a makers, made clear that of its state affiliates have, program is set to get a $320 state and local restrictions
tration they regularly criti- matter of sound manage- certain nonprofit groups and at least one received a billion infusion from anoth- on business and travel in-
cize has left them debating ment and stewardship.” could apply as well. The loan — of $154,000 — so far, er bill signed into law by the tended to mitigate the
how to balance their inde- But LaMarche added, provision opened the door said Anthony Romero, exe- president on Friday. spread of the coronavirus.
pendence with their ability “It’s not hard to imagine for taxpayer funding to sub- cutive director of the ACLU. Various institutions and The restrictions forced
to function in an economic Trump keeping track and sidize well-connected or- A “small” loan request by industries, including uni- the cancellation of Free-
crisis. then not forgiving the loans ganizations that are part of Liberty Counsel, a conser- versities and news organi- domWorks’ annual fund-
“It’s hard for me to imag- of groups he deems criti- the political fray in an elec- vative legal group support- zations, have been caught raiser and led to a dip in
ine that any of these liberal cal!” tion year. And at least a few ing Trump’s plan to reopen up in the debate over who donations. The group ap-
groups are going to pull Many struggling mom- groups — on both sides of the country, is still pending, should benefit from the $2.2 plied for the SBA loan as
their punches on criticizing and-pop businesses have the political spectrum — said the organization’s trillion bailout bill. one potential option to
government because they been unable to obtain SBA decided to apply, so far with chairman. An application In the case of nonprofits, avoid cuts, Brandon said.

As virus restrictions ease,

world is taking baby steps
Spain lets kids play their counterparts in places the virus.
such as Georgia, Oklahoma Conte also said starting
as US states move and Alaska are allowing May 4, parks and gardens
at various speeds certain businesses to re- will reopen, funerals will be
open. Churches in Montana allowed, athletes can re-
By Amy Forliti began holding in-person sume training, and people
and Joseph Wilson services again Sunday. will be able to visit relatives
Associated Press The official death toll living in the same region. If
from the virus topped all goes well, stores and
MINNEAPOLIS — Spain 200,000 worldwide, with museums will open May 18,
let children go outside and over 2.9 million confirmed and restaurants, cafes and
play Sunday for the first infections, according to a salons on June 1, he said.
time in six weeks as Euro- tally by Johns Hopkins Uni- But he warned if people
pean countries method- versity, though the real fig- don’t wear masks and obey
ically worked to ease their ures are believed to be social-distancing rules, “the JOSEP LAGO/GETTY-AFP

lockdowns and reopen their much higher, in part be- curve of contagion can rise Young sisters race along a street Sunday in Barcelona, Spain, after being stuck at home for
economies, while in the cause of inadequate testing again, it will go out of six weeks. The government is allowing the country’s children to run, play or go for a walk.
United States, governors and differences in counting control, deaths will climb
moved at differing speeds, the dead. and we’ll have irreparable a detailed plan Tuesday for with social-distancing a second wave.”
some more aggressive, oth- Italy, Britain, Spain and damage” to the economy. the “de-escalation” of guidelines in place. In Montana, some
ers more cautious. France accounted for more In Spain, where the crisis Spain’s lockdown, saying: “We believe it’s the time churchgoers returned to
Elsewhere around the than 20,000 deaths each, is also easing, the streets “Maximum caution will be to have a measured reopen- Sunday services as a general
world, China’s state-run the U.S. for about 55,000. echoed again with chil- our guideline for the roll- ing,” he said. stay-at-home order expired.
media said hospitals in Some encouraging signs dren’s shrieks of joy and the back.” His French counter- But Michigan Gov. At Christ the King Lutheran
Wuhan, the original epicen- were seen, as Italy recorded clatter of bicycles after part likewise said he will Gretchen Whitmer, a Church in Billings, every
ter of the disaster, no longer its lowest 24-hour number youngsters under 14 were unveil a “national decon- Democrat, told ABC her other pew was kept empty.
have COVID-19 patients, af- of deaths since mid-March, allowed out of their homes finement strategy” on the state is not ready and needs Roughly 100 people stream-
ter a crisis in which the city with 260, and New York with one parent for up to an same day. more robust testing, com- ed into St. Anthony Catholic
recorded nearly 3,900 state registered its fewest hour of play. In the U.S., where Presi- munity tracing and a plan Church in Laurel, where
deaths. And British Prime since late March, with 367. “This is wonderful! I dent Donald Trump has for isolating people who get ushers tried to keep families
Minister Boris Johnson Seven weeks into Italy’s can’t believe it has been six repeatedly pushed to re- sick with COVID-19. separate from one another
planned to be back at his strict lockdown, Premier weeks,” Susana Sabate, a open the country for busi- “We’ve got to be nimble and large bottles of hand
desk Monday at No. 10 Giuseppe Conte laid out a mother of 3-year-old twin ness and a split has opened and we have to follow the sanitizer were at the sanctu-
Downing St. after a bout long-awaited timetable for boys, said in Barcelona. “My among the states along science and be really smart ary’s entrance.
with the coronavirus that getting back to normal, an- boys are very active. Today often partisan lines, Okla- about how we reengage,” On the other side of the
put him in intensive care. nouncing that factories, when they saw the front homa Gov. Kevin Stitt, a she said, “because no one — Atlantic, as Britain’s prime
While governors in states construction sites and door and we gave them Republican, told Fox News no one, even if you’re a minister returns to work, he
like hard-hit New York and wholesale supply busi- their scooters, they were that with hospitalizations protester or you’re the sit- faces calls for clarity on
Michigan are keeping stay- nesses can resume activity thrilled.” dropping in his state, he will ting governor or you’re on when his government will
at-home restrictions in as soon as they put safety Spanish Prime Minister reopen churches and another side of the issue — ease the lockdown, now set
place until at least mid-May, measures in place against Pedro Sanchez will present restaurant dining on Friday, we know that no one wants to run until at least May 7.

Israel’s Labor party votes on joining coalition

By Ilan Ben Zion member parliament. Netan- tanyahu agreed this month ment would put the party
Associated Press yahu’s right-wing Likud is to form a unity government “back in political center
the largest faction with 36. to address the coronavirus stage.”
JERUSALEM — Israel’s Around 3,800 members pandemic and resulting “We are joining an equal
Labor party voted Sunday of Labor’s central committee economic crisis. unity government with a
on a proposal to join a voted electronically on party As part of their unity deal, rotation in the role of prime
government headed by leader Amir Peretz’s propos- Netanyahu will serve as minister, not a right-wing
archrival Benjamin Netan- al to join the unity govern- prime minister the first 18 government,” he said.
yahu despite repeated cam- ment headed by Netanyahu months with Gantz serving But allying with Netanya-
paign promises to never sit and his main political adver- the next 18 months. hu runs against repeated
with a prime minister facing sary, Benny Gantz of the Netanyahu is scheduled campaign promises by
criminal indictments. centrist Blue and White to face trial next month on Peretz.
The once-mighty left- party. Israeli media said the charges of fraud, breach of The Netanyahu-Gantz
wing party dominated Isra- measure passed by a roughly trust and accepting bribes. agreement includes a clause
eli politics for the country’s 60-40 margin. He denies the charges. to advance plans to annex
ODED BALILTY/GETTY-AFP first three decades, but has After three deadlocked Peretz wrote on Facebook parts of the occupied West
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, left, and Blue since fallen to a historic low national elections in just last week that joining the Bank, including Israeli set-
and White party leader Benny Gantz. of three seats in the 120- over a year, Gantz and Ne- Netanyahu-Gantz govern- tlements, starting on July 1.

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The materials placed on the Channel, is collected from public resources in the Internet and intended exceptionally for acquainting purposes ONLY! If you need it, buy it!!

Chicago Tribune | Section 1 | Monday, April 27, 2020 13


States had substandard supply stocks

Machines and PPE the beginning of March, as
the coronavirus was spread-
were left over from ing.
the H1N1 outbreak Ohio, like many states,
began storing some supplies
By David A. Lieb after the 9/11 attacks. But its
and Cuneyt Dil financial commitment
Associated Press waned after each crisis was
averted, said Deborah Arms,
JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. president of the Ohio
— Last autumn, when Nurses Association, who led
schools were in session, the state health depart-
sports stadiums full and no ment’s prevention division
one had heard of COVID-19, from the late 1990s to 2008.
the Missouri health depart- Michigan, which has the
ment made an eerily fore- third-highest coronavirus
shadowing request. death toll among U.S. states,
It asked the state for had 53,500 gloves left over
$300,000 to buy supplies in from past epidemics, 5,120
case of a large-scale disease N95 masks, 5,000 surgical
outbreak. The goal was to masks and just 500 face
fill a gap between local and shields among its pre-co-
federal sources. ronavirus supplies.
Today, as states spend Michigan Gov. Gretchen
billions of dollars in the fight Whitmer said the state had
against the coronavirus, that counted on the federal gov-
October funding request ap- ernment to be prepared for
pears woefully insufficient. a pandemic.
Yet it highlights a stark fact: “No one could have said
States were not stocked for a that they would come in and
pandemic and have been RICHARD VOGEL/AP build a state stockpile.
scrambling to catch up. Ground crew unload pallets of personal protective equipment from China on earlier this month in Los Angeles. That’s never been the role
An Associated Press re- and the assumption,” she
view of more than 20 states the shortage of protective shire, New Mexico, Ohio, health agency said in a emergency occurs, Williams said. “Yet if I could turn back
found that before the co- gear for medical workers Pennsylvania, Virginia, Ver- budget document submit- said. the clock, that’s precisely
ronavirus outbreak many and the hunt for ventilators. mont, Washington and ted to Gov. Mike Parson and Federal public health what we would have started
had at least a modest supply Some governors harangued West Virginia all told the AP state lawmakers. funding for states has been doing.”
of N95 masks, gowns, gloves the federal government for their stashes included at That funding request for on a downward slide since Contrary to Trump’s as-
and other medical equip- leaving them in the lurch. least some leftovers from the fiscal year that starts in new programs were sertion that states bore the
ment. But those were often President Donald Trump the H1N1 flu. July still was pending in the launched after the 2001 primary responsibility for
well past their expiration faulted states, tweeting this Some old N95 masks no state House when Mis- terrorist attacks and an- stockpiling medical sup-
dates — left over from the month: “The complainers longer sealed properly on souri’s first coronavirus case thrax scare. The Public plies, many states had de-
H1N1 influenza outbreak a should have been stocked people’s faces or had elastic was confirmed last month. Health Emergency Pre- pended on the federal gov-
decade ago. up and ready long before bands that disintegrated. Since then, Missouri has paredness program pro- ernment to store provisions
The supply shortage this crisis hit.” But a CDC study found that ordered about $40 million vided $675 million last year in case of emergencies.
stemmed from a variety of Before the World Health many expired masks still of protective medical sup- — down 28% since 2003, New Hampshire’s emer-
factors — a decline in public Organization issued a Jan. 9 could work, and states dis- plies for health care workers according to the nonprofit gency operations plans call
health funding, a cost-sav- advisory about the co- tributed them to hospitals and emergency responders. Trust for America’s Health. for maintaining a small sup-
ing dependence on having ronavirus emerging in and clinics. Missouri Health Director The Hospital Preparedness ply reserve, but then “very
inventory on hand only for China, Missouri had Missouri, like some other Randall Williams told the Program provided $265 mil- much relying on the na-
immediate use and a belief 663,920 N95 respirator states, had spent nothing to AP it didn’t make sense to lion last year — down by tional stockpile for anything
that the federal government masks, 253,800 surgical replenish the expired load up on supplies without almost half during that more than, say a week,” said
could come to the rescue masks, 154,000 gloves, equipment. And even when knowing what might be same period. state Health and Human
with its Strategic National 17,424 face shields and asking for $300,000 last needed. For example, he Colorado used to have Services Commissioner
Stockpile. 14,048 gowns. All were left- October, the state Depart- said, bug spray would have two medical stockpiles. But Lori Shibinette.
In hindsight, the federal overs provided by the Cen- ment of Health and Senior been more useful than face the state received minimal Virginia Secretary of Fi-
stockpile proved insuffi- ters for Disease Control Services stressed it wasn’t to masks during the 2015-2016 federal funding for storing nance Aubrey Layne said he
cient for a nationwide viral after the H1N1 flu pandemic build a big reserve. epidemic of the Zika virus, supplies from the H1N1 had viewed stockpiling sup-
outbreak, and a worldwide of 2009-2010, and well be- “Since outbreaks and the which is spread by mosqui- pandemic and none to buy plies as a federal responsi-
competition for scarce sup- yond their shelf life. resources needed are not toes. more. The stockpile in Den- bility.
plies revealed the folly of Other states also were predictable, purchasing a “If you spend money on ver was dissolved last fall “Are we probably going to
counting on rapid deliv- relying on old supplies. Offi- large stock of supplies that prevention and whatever and its remnants trans- start stockpiling stuff now?”
eries. cials in California, Colorado, could expire or become comes your way isn’t that, ferred to one in Grand Layne asked. “The answer is
The crisis spawned a Connecticut, Illinois, Mich- obsolete is not a responsible then you have less money Junction. Those supplies yes.”
political blame game over igan, Nevada, New Hamp- use of state funds,” the for response” when an had all been distributed by

‘Wolf Warriors’ defend

China’s response to virus
Diplomats employ can be put in a submissive and Facebook — platforms
position are long gone,” said that are blocked in their
combative speech an editorial in the Global own country. They’re fol-
to assert stance Times, a state-run news- lowing in the footsteps of
paper known for its outspo- Zhao Lijian, a pioneering
By Dake Kang ken views. firebrand whose tweets
Associated Press Ambassador Gui Con- while stationed in Pakistan
gyou has belittled journal- attracted a huge following
BEIJING — From Asia to ists in Sweden, comparing and also led America’s for-
Africa, London to Berlin, them to a lightweight boxer mer U.N. Ambassador Susan
Chinese envoys have set off seeking to go toe-to-toe Rice to call him a “racist
diplomatic firestorms with a with a heavyweight China. disgrace” who should be
combative defense whenev- A commentary on the em- dismissed.
er their country is accused bassy website last month Instead, China promoted
of not acting quickly enough assailed a Swedish reporter him to Foreign Ministry Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian gestures Feb. 24 at the Ministry of Foreign
to stem the spread of the for an article on the impact spokesman. Affairs office in Beijing. As a diplomat in Pakistan, Zhao’s tweets often caused a firestorm.
coronavirus pandemic. of China’s one-party politi- Xi has clearly indicated a
They belong to a new cal system on its virus re- preference for ‘wolf-war- French nursing home work- hypocrisy. They say Presi- owes Germany in damages
generation of “Wolf War- sponse. rior’ diplomats, said Carl ers of deserting and “letting dent Donald Trump and for failing to contain it.
rior” diplomats, named after “Using this epidemic for Minzner, an expert on Chi- their residents die from star- other leaders ignored the Under Xi, Beijing has
patriotic blockbuster films political purposes, waging nese politics at Fordham vation and disease.” brewing pandemic, then launched coordinated ef-
starring a muscle-bound ideological attacks and University School of Law in The U.S. protested after began scapegoating China forts to shape China’s image
Chinese commando killing spreading lies in the name of New York City. Zhao tweeted unsubstanti- once the virus arrived on abroad. Lifting a page from
American bad guys in Africa freedom
` of speech’ will only These new-style di- ated speculation that the their shores. Russia’s playbook, it has
and Southeast Asia with his lead to self-sabotage. It’s like plomats are “reading the tea American military may French President Em- mobilized thousands of
bare hands. lifting a rock and dropping it leaves, and are using bom- have brought the virus to manuel Macron has ques- bots to tweet the Commu-
The tougher approach on your own toes,” it said. bastic language overseas as a China. tioned China’s virus re- nist Party line, according to
has been building for several Experts say Beijing sees tool to garner attention from China’s envoys in Ni- sponse, telling the Financial Twitter. China has pumped
years under President Xi critics as assailing not just its nationalistic audiences at geria, Ghana and Uganda Times that “there are funds into state media out-
Jinping, who has effectively actions, but also its leader- home — both among the have been berated over re- clearly things that have lets broadcasting in Swahili,
jettisoned former leader ship and right to rule. party elite and among soci- ports of virus-related har- happened that we don’t Arabic, Spanish, and doz-
Deng Xiaoping’s approach “If anyone tries to attack ety at large — regardless of assment of Africans in the know about.” Britain’s top ens of other languages.
of hiding China’s ambitions China on this issue, China the impact on China’s image city of Guangzhou, a rare diplomat said it couldn’t go “In the past, China’s di-
and biding its time. His will resolutely fight back,” abroad,” Minzner said. public rebuke of Beijing by back to “business as usual” plomacy was far away from
government has urged its said Shi Yinhong, professor Overseas, the newly stri- African nations. The Chi- with China. the people,” said Chu Yin, a
diplomats to pursue “major- of International Studies at dent tone has been less nese Embassy in Zimbabwe China’s Embassy in professor at China’s Uni-
country diplomacy with Renmin University. “Chi- appreciated. The French waved away the anger, Berlin posted an open letter versity of International Re-
Chinese characteristics” — a nese leaders may think if foreign minister summoned tweeting dismissively about to Bild that accused the lations. Now, Chinese di-
call for China to reassert its China doesn’t fight back, it the Chinese ambassador af- “so-called racial discrimi- mass-circulation tabloid of plomats feel “it’s safe for
historic status as a global will hurt China even more.” ter an embassy statement, in nation.” “bad taste” for blaming the them to show they are
power. Chinese diplomats are in- apparent response to West- Chinese officials fume at pandemic on China and tough. Being tough won’t be
“The days when China creasingly taking to Twitter ern criticism, accused what they see as Western calculating how much it wrong, at least.”

Saudi Arabia to end floggings, death penalty for minors

By Aya Batrawy controversial forms of pub- He’s also overseen a parallel who had participated in immediately clear whether
Associated Press lic punishment to a close. crackdown on liberals, anti-government protests. these cases would be bound
King Salman’s son and women’s rights activists, Such activity carries terror- by the 10-year prison limit.
DUBAI, United Arab heir, Crown Prince Moham- writers, moderate clerics ism-related charges in the Last year, Saudi Arabia
Emirates — Saudi Arabia’s med bin Salman, is seen as and reformers. The 2018 kingdom for disturbing or- executed a young man con-
King Salman has ordered an the force behind the king- killing of Saudi writer Jamal der and disobeying the victed of crimes that took
end to the death penalty for dom’s loosening of restric- Khashoggi in Turkey by ruler. place when he was 16.
crimes committed by mi- tions and its pivot away agents who worked for the In a document seen by The president of the
nors, according to a state- from ultraconservative in- crown prince drew sharp The Associated Press, the Saudi government’s Human
ment Sunday by a top offi- terpretations of Islamic law criticism internationally. royal decree orders prose- Rights Commission, Aw-
cial. known as Wahhabism, The latest royal decree by cutors to review cases and wad Alawwad, confirmed
The decision comes on which many in the country King Salman could spare drop punishments for those the latest decision Sunday,
the heels of another order- still closely adhere to. the death penalty for at least who’ve already served the saying it helps the kingdom
ing judges to end the prac- The crown prince has six men from the country’s maximum 10 years. establish “a more modern
FETHI BELAID/AP tice of flogging, replacing it sought to modernize the minority Shiite community However, the decree penal code and demon-
Rulings by Saudi King with jail time, fines or com- country, attract foreign in- who allegedly committed states that terrorism-re- strates the kingdom’s com-
Salman help establish “a munity service and bringing vestment and revamp Saudi crimes while under the age lated cases of minors will be mitment to following
more modern penal code.” one of the kingdom’s most Arabia’s reputation globally. of 18, including Ali al-Nimr, tried differently. It was not through on key reforms.”

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The materials placed on the Channel, is collected from public resources in the Internet and intended exceptionally for acquainting purposes ONLY! If you need it, buy it!!

14 Chicago Tribune | Section 1 | Monday, April 27, 2020


Heart, stroke patients stay

home amid COVID-19 crisis
By Gina Kolata
The New York Times

Bishnu Virachan was a

bicycle deliveryman for a
grocery store in Queens.
With New York City locked
down, he was busier than
But in early April, as he
was watching television, he
PETER DEJONG/AP felt “a pain in my heart.” It
A schooner carrying 25 Dutch teens arrives Sunday in the Netherlands after sailing frightened him, but he did
across the Atlantic from the Caribbean. The virus lockdown prevented them from flying. not go to the emergency
room. Virachan, 43, was

Dutch students finish Atlantic even more afraid of that.

“What can I do? What
can I do?” he asked. “Every-

Medical personnel transport a patient into the emergency

room this month at Elmhurst Hospital in New York City.

crossing forced by virus where, the coronavirus.”

After a few days, pain
overrode fear and he went
the 24-bed coronary care
unit. Usually the unit is full.
terization lab at Mount
Sinai Hospital in New York,
By Aleksandar five-week voyage of nearly days she’ll want to go back to Mount Sinai Hospital in “Where are the pa- said the number of heart
Furtula 4,350 miles, on board the on the boat, because life is Manhattan. Doctors dis- tients?” asked Dr. Steven attack patients fell from
Associated Press 200-foot top sail schooner very boring back at home,” covered a nearly complete Nissen, a cardiologist there. seven in February to three
Wylde Swan. she said. “There’s nothing blockage of his left main “That can’t be normal.” in March. So far in April
HARLINGEN, Nether- As they arrived, the stu- to do, she can’t visit friends, coronary artery. One of the few was a there have been only two.
lands — Greeted by relieved dents displayed a banner so it’s very boring.” A surgeon opened the man who lives in Cleve- It’s not just the United
parents, pet dogs, flares and saying “Bucket List” with The twin-masted Wylde artery, but Virachan was land. According to Nissen, States. Dr. Valentin Fuster,
a cloud of orange smoke, a checks in boxes for Atlantic Swan glided into Harlingen left with a weakened heart. the man felt chest pain editor of the Journal of
group of 25 Dutch high Ocean crossing, mid-ocean harbor Sunday morning, its Had he waited much long- while doing pushups but American College of Cardi-
school students with very swim and surviving the sails neatly stowed. Onlook- er, doctors said, he would feared going to the hospital ology, said he is getting so
sailing experience ended a Bermuda triangle. ers gathered to watch the have died. because there might be many papers from around
trans-Atlantic voyage Sun- The teens hugged and arrival set off flares and a Fear of the coronavirus is coronavirus patients there. the world on the steep
day, forced on them by chanted each other’s smoke grenade that sent an leading people with life- He stayed home for a week, decline in heart attack pa-
coronavirus restrictions. names as they walked off orange cloud drifting over threatening emergencies, growing weaker — out of tients in hospitals that he
The children, ages 14 to the ship and into the arms the glassy water. like a heart attack or stroke, breath with the slightest simply cannot publish
17, watched over by 12 of their families, who drove Masterskip, the com- to stay home when ordi- exertion, his legs swelling. them all.
experienced crew mem- their cars alongside the pany that organized the narily they would have Finally, on April 16, he went A hospital in Jaipur, In-
bers and three teachers, yacht one by one to adhere cruise, runs five educa- rushed to the emergency to the Cleveland Clinic. dia, for example, that
were on an educational to social distancing rules tional voyages for about 150 room, preliminary research What should have been Sharma owns, treated 45
cruise of the Caribbean imposed to rein in the students each year. Cross- suggests. Without prompt an easily treated heart at- heart attack patients in
when the pandemic forced spread of the virus that ing the Atlantic is nothing treatment, some patients tack had progressed to a January, he said. In Febru-
them to radically change forced the students into new for the Wylde Swan, have suffered permanent life-threatening disaster. ary, there were 32, and in
their plans for returning their long trip home. which has made the trip damage or have died. He survived after a dicey March, 12. In April, so far
home in March. For Hurkmans, the im- about 20 times. Emergency rooms have operation and spent nearly the number is just six.
That gave one of the possibility of any kind of The company’s director, about half the normal num- a week in intensive care, Researchers in Austria
young sailors, 17-year-old social distancing took some Christophe Meijer, said the ber of patients, and heart including several days on a estimated that in March 110
Floor Hurkmans, one of the getting used to. students were monitored and stroke units are nearly ventilator, Nissen said. citizens died from un-
biggest lessons of her im- “At home you just have for the coronavirus in empty, according to doctors The inpatient stroke unit treated heart attacks, com-
promptu adventure. some moments for your- March to ensure nobody at many urban medical at Stanford University pared with 86 who died of
“Being flexible, because self, but here you have to be was infected. centers. Some medical ex- Medical Center in Cali- COVID-19. They based
everything is changing all social all the time to every- He said he was pleased perts fear more people are fornia usually has 12 to 15 their calculations on a pre-
the time,” she said as she set one because you’re ... doing the students adapted to life dying from untreated patients, said its director, cipitous decline in patients
foot on dry land again. “The everything with them so aboard and kept up their emergencies than from the Dr. Gregory Albers. On one going to hospitals, the ex-
arrival time changed like you can’t really just relax,” education on the voyage. coronavirus. recent day in April, there pected number of heart
100 times. Being flexible is she said. “The children learned a A recent paper by cardi- were none at all, something attacks in Austria and the
really important.” Her mother, Renee lot about adaptivity, also ologists at nine large medi- that had never happened. mortality rates of untreated
Instead of flying back Scholtemeijer, said she ex- about media attention, but cal centers estimated a 38% Yet few COVID-19 pa- heart attacks.
from Cuba as originally pects her daughter to miss also their normal school reduction since March 1 in tients have been admitted At the moment, it is
planned, the crew and stu- life on the open sea once work,” he said. “So they are the number of patients to the hospital, and people nearly impossible to know
dents stocked up on sup- she encounters coronavi- actually far ahead now of with serious heart attacks needing emergency treat- who is not showing up in
plies and warm clothes and rus containment measures their Dutch school col- coming in to have urgently ment have little to fear. emergency rooms, and
set sail for the northern in the Netherlands. leagues. They have made us needed procedures to open “We prepared for an why, said Dr. Harlan
Dutch port of Harlingen, a “I think that after two very proud.” their arteries. onslaught, but it has not Krumholz, a cardiologist at
On a recent day at the arrived,” Albers said. Yale University.
Cleveland Clinic, there Dr. Samin Sharma, who “You can’t find the dog
were only seven patients in heads the cardiac cathe- that doesn’t bark,” he said.


Fewer coronavirus briefings are expected as the White House plans to focus on the economy.

Trump that the public would be

comfortable resuming
more normal activities.
Hogan, R-Md., told ABC’s
“This Week.”
Birx expressed frustra-
Continued from Page 1 “We know that’s impor- tion that Trump’s injection
tant,” Dr. Deborah Birx, the comments were still in the
up for limited travel within White House coronavirus headlines, illustrating the
the next few weeks, an aide task force coordinator, told tensions that have emerged
said. It would be a symbolic Fox News Channel’s “Sun- between the president and
show that the nation is day Morning Futures.” “We his medical advisers.
beginning to reopen. understand those messages “As a scientist and a
The shift comes in con- of science and policy need public health official and a
junction with what the to be brought forward to researcher, sometimes, I
White House sees as en- the American people in a worry that we don’t get the
couraging signs across the nonpolitical way.” information to the Ameri-
country, with the pace of Few Americans regu- can people that they need,
new infections stabilizing larly look to or trust Trump when we continue to bring
and deaths declining. as a source of information up something that was
Still, medical experts on the pandemic, accord- from Thursday night,” she
warn that the virus will ing to a survey from The said on CNN’s “State of the
remain until at least a Associated Press-NORC Union.”
vaccine is developed and Center for Public Affairs As the White House
that the risk of a severe Research. hopes it has turned a cor-
second wave is high if On Monday, the White ner, it is also beginning to
social distancing is relaxed House was expected to assess responsibility for
too quickly or if testing and release a recap of what the critical missteps. Two sen-
contact-tracing plans aren’t federal government has ior administration officials
developed before people done so far to improve the said Trump has begun dis-
return to normal behaviors. availability of COVID-19 cussions about replacing
The White House is de- testing, personal protective Health and Human Serv-
liberating whether to con- equipment and ventilators. ices Secretary Alex Azar,
tinue to hold news brief- Still, governors in both who led the coronavirus
ings in a modified form parties say much more is task force during its initial
without Trump, potentially needed, particularly in test- weeks and has been
at a different location. Be- ing, in the coming months, blamed for a culture of
fore Trump said in a tweet as they deliberate how to bureaucratic infighting
Saturday that they were reopen their states. during that period. Azar
“Not worth the time & “I want to get our econo- has been largely sidelined
effort,” aides had been ea- my back opened just as since Vice President Mike
ger to use the briefings to soon as we can, but I want Pence took charge.
highlight positive trends to do so in a safe way so we Trump on Sunday de-
and to overwhelm Ameri- don’t have a spike, we don’t nied that he was going to
cans with statistics. It was cause more deaths, or an fire Azar in a tweet, saying
an effort to restore confi- overloading of our health “Alex is doing an excellent
dence in the response so care system,” Gov. Larry job!”

Stay Safe&Protect Your Families in the Coronavirus Pandemic. @WorldAndNews

The materials placed on the Channel, is collected from public resources in the Internet and intended exceptionally for acquainting purposes ONLY! If you need it, buy it!!

Chicago Tribune | Section 1 | Monday, April 27, 2020 15


Staying home helps Earth turn cleaner, wilder

By Seth Borenstein just how much of a mess we most noticeable in India most intrigued by increased
Associated Press humans are making of our and China. On April 3, urban sightings of coyotes,
beautiful planet,” says con- residents of Jalandhar, a city pumas and other wildlife
An unplanned grand ex- servation scientist Stuart in north India’s Punjab, that are becoming video
periment is changing Earth. Pimm of Duke University. woke up to a view not seen social media staples. Boar-
As people across the “This is giving us an oppor- for decades: snow-capped like javelinas congregated
globe stay home to stop the tunity to magically see how Himalayan peaks more than outside of an Arizona shop-
spread of the new co- much better it can be.” 100 miles away. ping center. Even New York
ronavirus, the air has Chris Field, director of Cleaner air means City birds seem hungrier
cleaned up, albeit temporar- the Stanford Woods Insti- stronger lungs for asthmat- and bolder.
ily. Smog stopped choking tute for the Environment, ics, especially children, says In Adelaide, Australia,
New Delhi, one of the most assembled scientists to as- Dr. Mary Prunicki, director police shared a video of a
polluted cities in the world, sess the ecological changes of air pollution and health kangaroo hopping around a
and India’s getting views of happening with so much of research at the Stanford mostly empty downtown,
sights not visible in decades. humanity housebound. Sci- University School of Medi- and a pack of jackals occu-
Nitrogen dioxide pollution entists, stuck at home like cine. And she notes early pied an urban park in Tel
in the northeastern United the rest of us, say they are studies also link co- Aviv, Israel.
States is down 30%. Rome eager to explore unexpect- ronavirus severity to people We’re not being invaded.
air pollution levels from ed changes in weeds, in- with bad lungs and those in The wildlife has always
mid-March to mid-April sects, weather patterns, more polluted areas, though been there, but many ani-
were down 49% from a year noise and light pollution. it’s too early to tell which mals are shy, Duke’s Pimm
ago. Stars seem more visible Italy’s government is work- factor is stronger. says. They come out when
at night. ing on an ocean expedition The greenhouse gases humans stay home.
People are also noticing to explore sea changes from that trap heat and cause For sea turtles across the
animals in places and at the lack of people. climate change stay in the globe, humans have made it
times they don’t usually. “In many ways we kind of atmosphere for 100 years or difficult to nest on sandy
Coyotes have meandered whacked the Earth system more, so the pandemic beaches. The turtles need to
along downtown Chicago’s with a sledgehammer and shutdown is unlikely to af- be undisturbed and emerg-
Michigan Avenue and near now we see what Earth’s fect global warming, says ing hatchlings get confused
San Francisco’s Golden response is,” Field says. Breakthrough Institute cli- by beachfront lights, says
Gate Bridge. A puma Researchers are tracking mate scientist Zeke Hausfa- David Godfrey, executive
roamed the streets of Santi- dramatic drops in tradi- MANISH SWARUP/AP ther. Carbon dioxide levels director of the Sea Turtle
ago, Chile. Goats took over a tional air pollutants, such as A combination photo of the skyline in New Delhi, India, in are still rising, but not as fast Conservancy.
town in Wales. In India, nitrogen dioxide, smog and November 2019, top, and April 20. Noted for its pollution, as last year. But with lights and peo-
already daring wildlife has tiny particles. These types New Delhi’s skies have improved in the pandemic. Aerosol pollution, which ple away, this year’s sea
become bolder with hungry of pollution kill up to 7 doesn’t stay airborne long, is turtle nesting so far seems
monkeys entering homes million people a year world- ide, in 2005, says NASA pollution is down 46% in also dropping. But aerosols much better from India to
and opening refrigerators to wide, according to Health atmospheric scientist Barry Paris, 35% in Bengaluru, cool the planet so NASA Costa Rica to Florida, God-
look for food. Effects Institute president Lefer. Largely caused by India, 38% in Sydney, 29% climate scientist Gavin frey says.
When people stay home, Dan Greenbaum. burning of fossil fuels, this in Los Angeles, 26% in Rio Schmidt is investigating “There’s some silver lin-
Earth becomes cleaner and Air from Boston to Wash- pollution is short-lived, so de Janeiro and 9% in Dur- whether their falling levels ing for wildlife in what
wilder. ington is the cleanest since a air gets cleaner quickly. ban, South Africa, NASA may be warming local tem- otherwise is a fairly cata-
“It is giving us this quite NASA satellite started Compared to the previ- measurements show. peratures for now. strophic time for humans,”
extraordinary insight into measuring nitrogen diox- ous five years, March air Cleaner air has been Stanford’s Field says he’s he says.

Global insect population sees sharp decline

By Seth Borenstein pearing at a rate of just strophic for ecological sys- the study that pulled to-
Associated Press under 1% a year, with lots of tems and for humans. In- gether earlier research on
variation from place to sects are pollinators, natural more than 10,000 species
KENSINGTON, Mary- place, according to a study enemies of pests, decom- with data from 1,676 loca-
land — The world has lost in the journal Science. posers and besides that, are tions.
more than one quarter of its That’s a tinier population critical to functioning of all The Midwest lost 4% of
land-dwelling insects in the decline than found by some Earth’s ecosystems,” said its bugs a year. The big
past 30 years, according to smaller localized studies, Michigan State University global losses seem to be
researchers whose big pic- which had triggered fears of butterfly expert Nick around urban and suburban
ture study of global bug a so-called insect apoca- Haddad, who wasn’t part of areas and croplands, where
decline paints a disturbing lypse. But it still adds up to the study. bugs are losing their food
but more nuanced problem something “awfully alarm- Insect declines are worst and habitat, van Klink said.
than earlier research. ing,” said entomologist Roel in North America, espe- Some outside scientists
From bees and other pol- van Klink of the German cially the Midwestern said the results made sense,
linators crucial to the Centre for Integrative Biol- United States, and in parts but worried that the study
MICHAEL THOMAS world’s food supply to ogy, the study’s lead author. of Europe, but the drop lacked research and data
The world has lost 27% of its land-dwelling insects in the butterflies that beautify “Ongoing decline on land appears to be leveling off in from some large areas, such
past 30 years, research shows. places, the bugs are disap- at this rate will be cata- the U.S. in recent years, said as the tropics and Africa.

JAMES BEGGS 1926-2020

Former NASA administrator

resigned after shuttle disaster
Associated Press

BETHESDA, Md. — For-

mer NASA administrator
James Beggs, who led the
agency during the early
years of the space shuttle
program and resigned after
the Challenger disaster
killed seven astronauts in
1986, died Thursday at his
home in Bethesda, Mary-
land. He was 94.
In this satellite image, a train likely belonging to North Korean leader Kim Jong Un was Congestive heart failure
spotted twice last week at a railway station in Wonsan, North Korea. is suspected to be the cause
of his death, according to

Train thought to be Kim’s one of his sons, Charles

President Ronald

seen at NKorea compound Reagan nominated Beggs to

become the sixth adminis-
trator of the National Aero-
By Hyung-jin Kim event — one of the year’s “The train’s presence nautics and Space Adminis-
Associated Press most important for the does not prove the where- tration. He served in the
North — since assuming abouts of the North Korean agency’s top position from
SEOUL, South Korea — power after his father Kim leader or indicate anything July 1981 to December 1985.
A train likely belonging to Jong Il’s death in late 2011. about his health, but it does Beggs was on a leave of
North Korean leader Kim Kim’s health is of crucial lend weight to reports that absence from the post
Jong Un has been parked at importance because of wor- Kim is staying at an elite when the Challenger space
his compound on the coun- ries that the serious illness area on the country’s east- shuttle broke apart 73 sec-
try’s east coast since last or death of a leader vener- ern coast,” it said. onds after launch on Jan.
week, satellite imagery ated with near godlike pas- The photos indicate the 28, 1986, killing all seven NASA

showed, amid speculation sion by millions of North train arrived before Tues- astronauts aboard, includ- James Beggs was on a leave of absence as NASA adminis-
about his health that has Koreans could cause in- day and was still present on ing New Hampshire trator when the space shuttle Challenger launched in
been caused, in part, by a stability in the impover- Thursday, when it appeared schoolteacher Christa Mc- January 1986. The shuttle broke apart shortly after launch.
long period out of the public ished, nuclear-armed coun- to be repositioned for de- Auliffe.
eye. try. parture. However, there Beggs’ resignation took “There is no telling U.S. Naval Academy in 1947
The photos released by Many experts in South was no indication when effect nearly a month later. where our vision and and served in the Navy until
38 North, a website special- Korea downplayed specu- that departure might take Charles Beggs recalled ask- imagination will lead us 1954. He was an executive
izing in North Korea stud- lation that Kim is seriously place, 38 North said. ing his father years later once we have the space vice president and a direc-
ies, don’t say anything about ill. They also said North North Korea exerts ex- why he resigned. He said station,” he said in 1985, tor of General Dynamics
Kim’s potential health prob- Korea won’t likely face a tremely tight control on his father told him that according to the news- Corp. before becoming
lems, and they echo South serious immediate turmoil information about its lead- NASA needed to move on paper. “As Shakespeare put NASA administrator.
Korean government intelli- even if Kim is incapacitated ership, making it virtually from the disaster with it, ‘Thoughts are but Beggs took a leave of
gence that Kim is staying or dies because someone impossible for outsiders to strong leadership that he dreams till their effects be absence as NASA adminis-
outside of the capital, else, like his influential sis- find out what’s going on at couldn’t provide under the tried.’ ” trator after he was indicted
Pyongyang. Seoul has also ter Kim Yo Jong, will those senior levels. Even circumstances. NASA Administrator on federal charges that he
repeatedly indicated that quickly step in, though the South Korea’s main spy “Instead of hanging on, Jim Bridenstine said Beggs’ and three other General
there have been no unusual prospect for the North’s agency has a mixed record he resigned for the good of work on the space shuttle Dynamics executives il-
signs that could indicate long-term political future on confirming devel- the organization,” Charles program helped NASA legally billed the govern-
health problems for Kim. would be unclear. opments in North Korea. Beggs said. “It wasn’t about “open a whole new era of ment. All charges were
That hasn’t stopped Kim Jong Un’s train has When Kim Jong Il died in him. It was about others.” exploration.” dropped in 1987. A Justice
growing unconfirmed ru- been parked at the Leader- 2011, for instance, few out- Charles Beggs said his “We continue to build on Department review found
mors and media reports ship Railway Station servic- siders knew it until it was father was proud to receive his legacy today as we take no laws had been violated.
about Kim’s health that ing his Wonsan compound reported by North Korea’s a NASA award named after advantage of our long-term Then-Attorney General
have emerged since he since at least Tuesday, the state media two days later. Robert Goddard, a pioneer presence in low-Earth orbit Edwin Meese III sent a
missed the April 15 com- 38 North website said Sat- A U.S. official, speaking in the rocketry field. to make the advances to written apology to Beggs
memoration of the 108th urday, citing an analysis of on condition of anonymity NASA had more than 20 travel farther, and seed an for the prosecution.
birthday of his grandfather, recent satellite photos of the because he wasn’t author- successful space shuttle entirely new segment of the Beggs worked as a Mary-
North Korea founder Kim Il area. ized to talk to the media, missions during Beggs’ ten- economy through the inno- land-based consultant after
Sung. The website said the ap- said the latest rumors about ure. The Washington Post vations of commercial part- leaving NASA.
Kim Jong Un is the third proximately 820-foot-long Kim’s health had not described him as a popular ners,” Bridenstine said in a He had five children
generation of his family to train wasn’t present on changed the U.S. assess- and charismatic figure who statement. with his wife of 62 years,
rule North Korea, and he April 15 but was present ment of the information as was skilled at dealing with Beggs, a Pittsburgh na- Mary Harrison Beggs, who
hadn’t missed the April 15 Tuesday and Thursday. “speculation.” lawmakers on Capitol Hill. tive, graduated from the died in 2015.

Stay Safe&Protect Your Families in the Coronavirus Pandemic. @WorldAndNews

The materials placed on the Channel, is collected from public resources in the Internet and intended exceptionally for acquainting purposes ONLY! If you need it, buy it!!

16 Chicago Tribune | Section 1 | Monday, April 27, 2020


Staff and news services minister backs
right to work
Mnuchin: Sharply rising budget from home
deficits to be a focus ‘over time’ BERLIN — Germany’s
labor minister wants to
Treasury Secretary low and we’re locking in enshrine into law the right
Steven Mnuchin said that long-term rates” at those to work from home if it is
“over time” the U.S. will levels. feasible to do so, even after
need to look into the As Treasury and the the coronavirus pandemic
sharply rising budget defi- Small Business Adminis- subsides.
cits created by the multi- tration prepare to roll out Labor Minister Huber-
trillion-dollar coronavirus a second tranche of the tus Heil told Sunday’s edi-
support packages. Paycheck Protection Pro- tion of the Bild am Son-
Right now “we’re in a gram, designed by Con- ntag newspaper that he
war,” Mnuchin said on gress to help small busi- aims to put forward such
“Fox News Sunday.” nesses get through legislation this fall. He said
“We’re going to do what- COVID-19-related shut- initial estimates suggest
ever we need” to support downs, Mnunchin said he the proportion of the work
the economy. was confident that the VINCENT THIAN/AP force working from home
The good news, average loan size would be A man rides a scooter Sunday along a barbed wire fence in the virus lockdown area of has risen from 12% to 25%
Mnuchin said, is that “in- smaller than in the first Selayang Baru, outside Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The lockdown was implemented to allow during the pandemic, to
terest rates are extremely round. authorities to carry out screenings to help curb the spread of coronavirus. around 8 million people.
“Everyone who wants
to and whose job allows it
should be able to work in a
Netanyahu ‘confident’ US will
support West Bank annexation
Census delay could put off home office, even when
the corona pandemic is
over,” Heil said.

Prime Minister Benjamin
as the strategic Jordan
Valley, to Israeli control.
new voting districts, primaries Heil stressed that “we
want to enable more home
working, but not force it.”
Netanyahu on Sunday said Israeli annexation in JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. census data could make a With the U.S. so politi- He said people could
he was “confident” he will the West Bank would be — The U.S. Census Bureau divisive process more com- cally polarized, redistrict- choose to switch entirely
be able to annex large highly controversial, needs more time to wrap plicated, potentially forcing ing plays a major role in to working from home, or
parts of the occupied West drawing widespread in- up the once-a-decade lawmakers into costly spe- whether Republicans or do so for only one or two
Bank this summer, with ternational condemna- count because of the co- cial sessions to complete Democrats drive the days per week.
support from the U.S. tions and extinguishing ronavirus, opening the pos- the work or postponing agenda in each state and
Speaking to an online lingering hopes of estab- sibility of delays in drawing some primary elections. how those lawmakers’ de-
gathering of evangelical lishing a viable independ- new legislative districts “It will pinch the timing cisions can affect people’s
Christian supporters of Is- ent Palestinian state. that could help determine for sure on everybody,” said lives. In Nepal: Rescuers on
rael, Netanyahu said Pres- The Palestinians, with what political party is in Justin Levitt, a professor at Parties that win large Sunday recovered the
ident Donald Trump’s wide international back- power, what laws pass or Loyola Law School in Los legislative majorities can bodies of two South Kore-
Mideast plan envisions ing, seek the entire West fail and whether communi- Angeles who tracks redis- tilt policy to the left or right an trekkers who had been
turning over Israel’s doz- Bank as part of an inde- ties of color get a voice in tricting nationwide. “For a on abortion, guns, taxes missing since an ava-
ens of settlements, as well pendent state. their states. few states, that’s incredibly and other contentious is- lanche in January buried
The number of people meaningful.” sues. them in Nepal’s moun-
counted and their demo- Despite the complica- Redistricting typically is tains, an official said.
graphics guide how voting tions, advocates, lawmak- done by state lawmakers An army helicopter
Hong Kong police disperse districts for the U.S. House
and state legislatures are
ers and others largely em-
braced the census delay as
and governors, but an in-
creasing number of states
flew the bodies — one
male and one female —
protesters gathered at city mall redrawn every 10 years.
The monthslong delay in
necessary to get a complete have shifted to special com- from the Annapurna Trek-
king Circuit to the city of
count. missions.
Hong Kong police dis- Cityplaza mall in Taikoo Pokhara, said a Nepalese
persed more than 100 pro- Shing, near Quarry Bay, army official.
testers who had congre- carried posters in support The body of one Nepali
gated in a shopping mall of those arrested, oppos- Texas Walmart shooting victim dies; toll now 23 guides was recovered Fri-
Sunday in defiance of a ing new security laws and day; another was recov-
regulation banning groups calling for the “liberation” EL PASO, Teas — A man llermo ‘Memo’ Garcia, our when the suspected gun- ered a few days earlier.
of more than four people of Hong Kong. shot in the Aug. 3 attack last remaining patient be- man opened fire that Sat- An avalanche had bur-
to help stem the co- Hong Kong police said targeting Latinos in an El ing treated from the El Paso urday morning. ied four South Korean
ronavirus pandemic. in a statement that such Paso Walmart died after shooting, has passed away,” Garcia is survived by his trekkers and three Nepali
The demonstration gatherings were prohib- months in the hospital, said Del Sol Medical Center wife, who suffered leg guides in January. Rescu-
came a week after the ited even if protesters raising the death toll from CEO David Shimp. wounds but recovered. ers spent weeks searching
arrest of 15 prominent clustered in separated the attack to 23, according Garcia and his wife, Jes- The suspect, Patrick for the bodies, but con-
pro-democracy activists groups of four, “as long as to a hospital official. sica Coca Garcia, were Crusius, 21, remains in jail tinuing avalanches and
in connection with un- the persons gather for a “After a nearly nine- fundraising for their awaiting trial. State prose- thick layers of snow pre-
authorized assemblies last common purpose in pub- month fight, our hearts are daughter’s soccer team in cutors are pursuing the vented them from finding
year. The protesters in lic place.” heavy as we report Gui- the Walmart parking lot death penalty. them.

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Chicago Tribune | Section 1 | Monday, April 27, 2020 17

Par Ridder
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Illinois Attorney General Kwame Raoul speaks at a hearing in front of the Illinois House Mental Health Committee on Sept. 23 in Chicago.

Lightfoot takes on Kwame Raoul: COVID-19

victims shouldn’t be branded with a scarlet letter
The fight against COVID-19 requires an
“all-in” commitment from every person,
memo April 3. “Federal and state law
permit,” Raoul wrote, “but do not require,
The better, safer approach health care workers are following. It’s
what first responders should be doing all
every level of government, all corners of first responders responding to an emer- for first responders is to the time, not just during a pandemic.
society. That commitment includes get- gency call for service at a particular ad-
ting tested when COVID-like symptoms dress to be notified of the existence of a do what Mayor Lightfoot We understand it is tempting in times of
appear, and seeking treatment if needed. confirmed COVID-19 case at that ad- crisis to broaden government’s reach. The
What if, however, a risk emerged that dress.” has recommended for city nation witnessed how, after 9/11, govern-
your identity as someone infected could Lightfoot sharply disagreed: ment justified the curtailment of civil
be divulged? That your identity would be “(We) are concerned such notification personnel: approach every liberties in the name of national security.
shared with emergency responders in
your town? That invasion of privacy could
would unfairly and unnecessarily stigma-
tize those who have the disease; dissuade
call as a health hazard. But it is a temptation we should resist. A
crack in the door of privacy rights now
be enough to inhibit you from getting people from seeking testing; and even lays a foundation for bigger and more
tested or seeking treatment. expose first responders to greater risks. potentially disastrous intrusions later.
It’s a point Chicago Mayor Lori Light- Also, no public body should be in effect With testing far from where it needs to be, Raoul’s memo to state’s attorneys
foot makes in an April 22 letter she sent to encouraging the creation of a data base of and the mechanics of contact tracing still carries considerable weight. Municipal-
Illinois Attorney General Kwame Raoul people sick with COVID-19, which is being forged, any so-called database ities and counties look to his office for
that seeks to preserve the privacy of peo- precisely what your guidance would com- would be incomplete anyway. Missing legal guidance. Lightfoot has asked Raoul
ple infected with the coronavirus. It’s a pel first responders to do.” from it would be people who are asymp- to revise his memo and advise against the
point that undergirds the importance of Lightfoot urged Raoul to revise his tomatic, a subset that health experts sus- disclosure of individual patient identities.
safeguarding civil liberties, even in a time memo. pect is troublingly large. Some people “Singling out COVID-19 patients,” Light-
of national crisis. have fallen ill but haven’t been tested yet. foot wrote, “could cause trauma and the
The battle against the coronavirus has Others may have been tested, but a labora- possibility that people will not seek testing
The mayor’s letter came in response to a long list of heroes. Along with health tory hasn’t confirmed their status. Still or treatment for fear of being labeled … No
Raoul’s position that first responders care workers, put first responders at the others will have tested positive but are no one needs to be labeled at a time when we
heading out to an emergency call can top of that list. Protecting their health as longer contagious. need to be uniting all our residents in this
legally be notified ahead of time that they respond to calls is nonnegotiable. But The better, safer approach for first fight of a lifetime.”
someone at that address has been con- that can be done while safeguarding the responders is to do what Mayor Lightfoot She’s right. We only win if everyone
firmed as being infected with COVID-19. absolute health privacy of COVID-19 has recommended for city personnel: commits to the cause. That commitment
Raoul conveyed his office’s legal opinion victims. That should be nonnegotiable too. approach every call as a health hazard. should be facilitated. And victims should
to state’s attorneys across Illinois in a In addition to serious privacy concerns: Don protective gear. Follow the guidelines be supported and protected, not shamed.


There’s giving with one hand and taking with

the other. Then there’s the Trump administration,
which goes one better — or worse.
After telling governors early in the coronavirus
crisis that they were on their own when it comes to
securing protective equipment for first responders
who are tending to coronavirus patients, the
Trump administration not only has been consistent
in its shabby treatment — Florida was an exception
early on — it has then actively prevented masks,
ventilators and other desperately needed equip-
ment from getting to the states and the people who
need them most.
According to WLRN, 1 million coveted N95 face
masks, the gold standard in protecting people who
come in contact with the infected and that were
destined for Miami-Dade County, were “taken” by
the federal government. Frank Rollason, Miami-
Dade County’s head of emergency management,
had another word for it, “hijacked” — “because
that’s what happened” …
It’s an outrage, given that many states have had
to jump through hoops to finagle masks and other
vital equipment by almost any means possible.
Outrageous, but, unfortunately, not uncommon.
States across the country have been in the oddest
competition with the federal government, which
has confiscated masks from Massachusetts, testing
supplies from states in the Northwest and ther-
mometers from, again, Florida. And states have
gotten no clear answers about how, or even if, the
federal government is redistributing the materials,
stockpiling them or selling them at inflated prices.

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The materials placed on the Channel, is collected from public resources in the Internet and intended exceptionally for acquainting purposes ONLY! If you need it, buy it!!

18 Chicago Tribune | Section 1 | Monday, April 27, 2020



Alice Foeller is flanked by her children Michael and Nora Hohl with the family dog, Patrick, a coonhound, in Columbus, Ohio.

Juggling divorce amid pandemic:

Why I’m grateful for my ex
By Alice Foeller worry about leaving their musical was not at all what David bargained session, making Patrick sit and respect
instrument or favorite socks at the for when he said yes. him. We agreed the kids, now teen-
Beginning a personal story and wrong house. It can be annoying for After several weeks of this, he told agers, would be in charge of feeding,
explaining it’s about divorce can be David and me, but we’re the adults and me he was done with it, and I needed walking and potty breaks.
risky. There’s taboo in talking of di- we should be the ones inconven- to return Patrick to the shelter or find The arrangement has gone on a lot
vorce, and people anticipate it will be ienced. We each have another house somewhere else to take him during longer than we thought. But every-
ugly or hateful. we live in when we aren’t with the David’s time at the house. I tried a thing at the house has been relatively
This is not that. This is the story of kids, although I’ve heard of couples number of pet sitters, but most of peaceful, except for food occasionally
how my ex and I are bending more, alternating the second location, too, to them were defeated by Patrick’s ter- getting snatched off the counter and
and of how grateful I am to have a save money. rible behavior. devoured in the family room. David
good co-parent and an understanding The kids and I took Patrick to obe- has been a great asset to the kids dur-
former husband during an unpre- Bring in the dog dience classes. He improved dramati- ing this time of stay-at-home orders
dictable time. The coronavirus and cally but was still below average. I took and uncertainty. On his weekends, he
subsequent orders to stay home are A year or two into this arrangement, him to a dog kennel down the road often takes them to his house for reno-
challenging many relationships. Some- the kids wanted a dog. We had dogs twice, and that seemed to be working vation work. They’ve cut lumber, run
how, ours has gotten stronger. when they were little: two gorgeous, until I got news from the owner: “Oh, wiring and done all sorts of home
David and I were living in Park loyal German shepherds. The dogs Patrick? Yeah, we can’t have him come improvements together. Since I can
Ridge in 1998 when we got married, were regal, well-mannered and obedi- back here.” work from home, I’ve been doing my
and we worked and lived in Chicago ent. Sadly, time took its toll and we lost I finally found another kennel part by supervising most of the home-
and its suburbs before moving back to both of them. where the expectations for dog behav- work and organizing most of the
our native Ohio when our two kids After a few years with no dog, the ior were lower and the staff friendlier. meals.
were born. When it became clear six kids were clamoring for one, as kids They agreed to exchange my website One evening this week, he drove the
years ago that our marriage was not will. I wanted a dog, too, as a running services for kennel stays, and twice a kids around to serenade family mem-
going to survive, David proposed an partner. Because of my current part- week I would drop off Patrick during bers on their front lawns, including my
unusual custody arrangement: We ner’s allergies, keeping the dog, Pat- David’s time at the house. Patrick’s tail relatives. His guitar, my son’s saxo-
would alternate time with the kids, but rick, with me wasn’t going to work. So wagged as we arrived at the kennel phone and their three voices created a
they would always stay in the house I asked David if the dog could stay at each time and he barked excitedly — “quarantine-caroling” sensation. It
where they grew up. He and I would the house permanently. To my sur- yes, loudly. was creative, generous and fun.
find our own places to stay when it prise, he said yes. I know there are plenty of stories of
was not our turn to be with the kids. Unfortunately for all of us, the dog Stay-at-home order people stuck with relatives or dealing
I later learned this is called “nest- we adopted from the shelter, while with exes they don’t like, or who are
ing” or “bird-nesting,” and is a custody cute and deserving of a home, had not In late March, I drove to the kennel violent or destructive. I’m happy I can
arrangement recognized by courts but the first idea about manners. Patrick is and was greeted by a neon poster. The share a story that’s nothing like that.
not widely practiced. It sounded per- a coonhound and had lived outdoors kennel would be closed indefinitely David and I are not married any-
fect. The last thing I wanted to do was his whole life. He didn’t understand due to an order by Gov. Mike DeWine more. But that doesn’t mean we can’t
make life any worse for the kids, after that you don’t climb on a chair and eat to close nonessential businesses. My appreciate each other.
already introducing drama and mak- food off the dining table. He didn’t stomach dropped. I didn’t know what
ing life harder for David and me. understand about lying down and I would do. This place had already Alice Foeller graduated from North-
So the kids live 100% of the time chilling out. been Plan F, and I didn’t have a Plan G. western University and lived in the
here in their house, and all of their He jumped on the kids and grabbed I sent David a text explaining the Chicago area from 1994 to 2005. She
stuff is here. David and I rotate our their arms with his mouth. He figured dog would have to stay at the house owns SiteInSight marketing agency in
schedules. The kids get to keep their a way to break out of his crate. His until I could figure something out. To Columbus, Ohio, and is a leader of the
neighborhood friends, their activities bark was extraordinarily loud and my relief, David arrived that evening local economic development nonprofit
and carpools, and they don’t have to deep and impossible to talk over. It and immediately began a training Elevate Northland.

Ramadan in the time of coronavirus:

Finding serenity in the storm
By Zainab Chaudry Islamic holy text, was revealed to offer “drive-thru iftar” meals and
the Prophet Muhammad. It is planning to livestream spiritual
Weeks ago, few could have traditionally a time of spiritual programs, sermons and lectures to
predicted that our lives would reflection and rebirth, of families help their congregations remain
change so dramatically as we and communities coming to- connected over the next several
grappled with a once-in-a-century gether, and of increased charity. weeks. Friends have already
pandemic sweeping the globe. Yet, It involves gathering daily for started scheduling “virtual iftars”
here we are, adjusting to this new communal prayers, breaking of on Zoom, Skype, FaceTime and
reality of social distancing and the fast, spiritual talks and intra- other platforms. And, perhaps
self-quarantining due to the co- and interfaith service projects and most importantly, families will KARIM SAHIB/GETTY-AFP

ronavirus outbreak. activities. It’s a time of year that have the opportunity to spend A mask-clad man prays near a mosque on the first Friday of Ramadan,
As disorienting as these times historically is linked to mosques, more quality time together. Chap- amid a curfew due to the coronavirus pandemic, in Dubai on Friday.
feel, it’s all the more unsettling to that has been deeply rooted in ter 94, verse nine of the holy Qur-
process what COVID-19 means for community. And that now — for an reads: “Verily, with hardship And for those who may be missing Ramadan in the time of the
how religious holidays have tradi- the first time in our lifetimes — there is ease.” It serves as a re- the strength they find in being coronavirus will be a once in a
tionally been marked across faith will be observed in isolation, minder that this pandemic is a with their loved ones and commu- lifetime experience. We were
traditions. Weeks ago, a friend within our homes. The question temporary test, and it reassures us nity this month, remember that made for these times. They bring
celebrating Easter Sunday shared on many minds is: how do we to persevere, stay strong and be love is real even though it can’t be extraordinary challenges, but also
a screenshot of the service being prepare to spiritually rejuvenate steadfast in faith. seen or touched. tremendous opportunities. Let’s
livestreamed — from her empty our hearts and minds while sur- Spirituality and resilience can When we pray in our homes, use this month as an opportunity
church. Then, a former colleague rounded by such solitude, uncer- manifest in the absence of conflict, we are joined in prayer by a faith to reflect on our immeasurable
posted pictures of a Passover tainty, grief and turmoil? but they’re truly nurtured while community from all parts of the blessings, to give back to humanity
Seder in his living room, shared But it’s in these exact moments, enduring it. The ability to exercise globe. According to one Hadith, or in every way possible, to treat
with loved ones via Zoom from when trials and tribulations com- patience and maintain a spiritual record of prophetic tradition, a others well and to seek nearness to
only two blocks away. pel us to feel lonely, confused and connection is a reflection of both. man asked the Prophet Muham- God through our prayers, fasting
And now, this pandemic pre- afraid, that we can benefit most Let’s resolve to cultivate serenity mad (peace be upon him): “What and good deeds.
sents unique challenges for mil- from the blessings of this month. within ourselves this Ramadan. do you say of a man who loves a
lions of Americans who are join- In fact, Ramadan in the time of the It’s said to not be freedom from certain group of people but cannot Tribune Content Agency
ing 1.5 billion Muslims around the coronavirus has the potential to be the storm, but finding peace be of them?” The Prophet replied:
world in welcoming the month of our most rewarding and rejuve- within it. The entire world is a “A person will be with whom he Zainab Chaudry is director of the
Ramadan. Ramadan marks the nating Ramadan yet. mosque to pray in for those who loves.” (Sahih al-Bukhari 6168, Council on American-Islamic Rela-
month in which the Quran, the Many mosques are adapting to seek to connect with our Creator. Book 78, Hadith 194). tions Office in Maryland.

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The materials placed on the Channel, is collected from public resources in the Internet and intended exceptionally for acquainting purposes ONLY! If you need it, buy it!!

Chicago Tribune | Section 1 | Monday, April 27, 2020 19


Why some don’t

go to the ER
Recently there was a story in which a
doctor said fewer patients are coming
forward with possible heart attacks (“Are
virus fears behind the drop in heart at-
tack cases?,” April 9).
Then a doctor wrote a letter to say that
emergency departments are safe, and
that patients should head there “if you
truly need us” (“ERs are safe for emer-
gencies,” April 22).
Because of the brutal “no support
person or visitors allowed” policy dur-
ing the pandemic, many of us, especially
vulnerable seniors, would much rather
take our chances on dying at home with
a family member by our side than en-
during a lonely ride in an ambulance, a
solitary stay in an emergency room
cubicle and then dying alone in a hospi-
tal or nursing home.
Some of us try to keep away from the
hospital to avoid not the virus, but suffer-
ing and dying without a loved one. Let’s
hope the “no visitors” policy is revised
very soon.
— Nancy Dunne, Hometown


Police, fire should
The Metropolitan Correctional Center in Chicago could become a COVID-19 hot spot.
assume worst

Don’t let Chicago’s federal jail When I read the letter (“Knowing
where COVID-19 is,” April 22) from Burr
Ridge Mayor Gary Grasso, I was shocked.
Once again we have overreach by a poli-

become the next hot spot tician who needs to know “where” Covid
is in his town, even though he doesn’t
need to know “who” has it. In reality, he
doesn’t need either.
“Who” and “where” would only be
By Alison Siegler Rather than relying on the attorney but you can be sure those families would applicable for enforcement of some
and Erica Zunkel general’s bluster, federal judges in Chi- rather risk infection than have their loved punitive lockdown measure. Police and
cago must be guided by the hard evidence, ones die alone behind bars. Just ask the fire don’t need the info, and neither do
The first COVID-19 death, April 19, of a which shows that releasing people in jail families of those in federal prisons who neighbors. Everyone should just assume
Cook County Jail correctional officer poses far less risk to the community than have perished from COVID-19. that everyone else has it.
should be a call to action for federal COVID-19 itself. The vast majority of Even before COVID-19, we testified In so doing, we will be exercising the
judges in Chicago. As the novel co- people released in federal cases pose little before Congress about the urgent need to guidelines as issued by the Centers for
ronavirus continues its dangerous and threat to the community. In fact, the fed- release more people from federal jails. In Disease Control and Prevention. Cops,
lethal spread through Cook County Jail, eral government’s own data shows that the midst of the much-maligned war on firefighters and paramedics need to have,
judges must release more people from the over 98% of people released in federal drugs, Congress passed the federal Bail and use, proper personal protective
federal jail, known as the Metropolitan cases do not commit new crimes on re- Reform Act of 1984 to respond to “the equipment on each call.
Correctional Center, or MCC. Otherwise, lease, and 99% appear for court. These alarming problem of crimes committed by Precaution should be taken on every
the MCC also will become downright numbers hold true even in the federal persons on release.” But the government’s call now, as before the virus, because as a
disastrous. districts that release the majority of peo- own evidence cited above definitively first responder, you always assume the
The number of COVID-19 cases at the ple pending trial. Meanwhile, the Depart- proves that releasing more people does worst. It helped me survive 42 years as a
Chicago MCC has skyrocketed since April ment of Justice categorizes just 2% of not lead to more crime. cop.
13 when it was zero to more than 40 as of federal arrestees as violent. The machinery of injustice never- — Robert Stasch, Chicago
Friday, with at least 20 staff and 21 in- Judges concerned for the safety of the theless chugs along, with federal judges
mates having now tested positive, accord- community must heed this evidence, nationwide jailing 75% of people charged
ing to the Federal Bureau of Prisons. which proves that we could release many with federal crimes under the outdated Hope for equity
Those numbers rise daily and show no more people from the Chicago MCC and unsound bail law. Just to provide
sign of leveling off. As U.S. District Judge without increasing crime or endangering some perspective, that’s nearly double the in health care
Matthew Kennelly said in a recent opin- anyone. jailing rate for violent felonies in state I was deeply moved by the reporting
ion: “The Court … assumes that the mea- In addition, federal judges must recog- cases nationwide. The astronomical fed- about the heroic staff at the underfunded
sures undertaken by the MCC to prevent nize that COVID-19 completely changes eral detention rates aren’t making our Roseland Hospital (“‘Outgunned, out-
or stop the spread of coronavirus disease the safety-of-the-community calculus. communities any safer and come with manned and underfunded,’” April 19). On
are, and have proven to be, inadequate to The wide and deadly swath the pandemic high fiscal and social costs. Taxpayers the other side of the fence, many private
prevent spread of the disease within the has torn through Cook County Jail makes spend $36,299 per year on every person hospitals with a focus on elective surgery
institution.” clear that officers and medical staff will jailed federally pending trial — far more now have excess capacity and are fur-
Unfortunately, Attorney General die along with the people jailed there. than the average cost of college tuition loughing workers, cutting pay and reallo-
William Barr is taking a draconian and Meanwhile, a chorus of public health today. Meanwhile, people who are pre- cating resources.
misguided approach to pretrial jails like experts says that releasing the incarcer- sumed innocent can lose their jobs, their In recent weeks, I have heard many
the MCC. Jails are different from prisons ated will protect the broader community homes and even their children as they comments about the future of health care
— the people caged in jail are awaiting from COVID-19. Failing to release people languish in cages. after the coronavirus pandemic. Is it
trial and haven’t been found guilty of from the MCC poses its own dangers to Now more than ever, federal judges in naive to hope that the future will see a
anything. Yet for some inexplicable rea- the community — we are all at risk when Chicago must recognize that, contrary to more equitable distribution of health
son, Barr, the nation’s chief federal prose- people in jail need scarce hospital beds the attorney general’s message, the only care resources?
cutor, is treating people in jails more and ventilators. Just look downstate, way to give “controlling weight … to pub- Clearly, the Roselands in our state and
harshly. Barr has recommended releasing where the hospital near Stateville prison lic safety” during this extraordinary time country do so much valuable work in
people from federal prisons, recognizing has been “overwhelmed” by infected is to release more people from the MCC. struggling communities. They deserve
that “time is of the essence.” But he has inmates needing emergency COVID-19 Otherwise, many people may die within more financial support.
directed his federal prosecutors — includ- treatment. the MCC’s walls and beyond. — Jutta Helm, Chicago
ing those in Chicago — to largely oppose Judges should also disregard the attor-
releasing people from federal jails. He ney general’s paternalistic argument that Professor Alison Siegler is the founder and
claims that keeping presumptively inno- the very people his own prosecutors have director of the Federal Criminal Justice What will bar scene
cent people in jail is the only way to ad- potentially exposed to COVID-19 may Clinic at the University of Chicago Law
vance “the safety of the community,” a spread the virus to their families if re- School; Professor Erica Zunkel is the clinic’s
be like after reopening?
contention that flies in the face of the leased. Not only is social distancing emi- associate director. Both are former assistant I’m elderly and I haven’t hung out at
government’s own data. nently more feasible at home than in jail, federal public defenders. bars for many years. But as a young man,
I liked bars. I enjoyed the camaraderie,
the small talk, the prospects of meeting
new people.
Shared experience will change us in countless ways Heck, I once met Mike Royko at a
Lincoln Avenue bar, and we sat and got
pleasantly drunk together.
By Jonah Goldberg between watching and participating, and I Whether the lockdowns are warranted Now, when this country reopens, our
don’t think anyone is appreciating the in every corner of the country is a different leaders are saying, people are going to
“Where were you when … ?” difference. For decades after the Great conversation. I think there are good argu- have to practice social distancing in
We’ve all asked this sort of question. Depression and World War II, the question ments (and bad ones!) on both sides of restaurants and bars.
Where were you when the planes hit the wasn’t “Where were you?” It was “What those debates. But if everybody eventually Everyone will have to sit, I guess, six
twin towers? Where were you when you did you do?” or “What happened to you?” knows somebody who has died, or nearly bar stools from the next guy. How are
heard JFK was shot? Where were you During World War I, not everybody served, died, in this pandemic, the conversations to you going to tell a dirty joke? How is a
when you heard Kobe Bryant died? but nearly everybody knew someone who come are going to be very different. lonely fellow supposed to introduce
The unstated thing about such questions did and felt the effects of war mobilization Already, the economic calamity the himself to a girl if he has to shout over a
is the assumption that you were a spectator — the censorship, the hysteria, the ra- pandemic has caused is guaranteed to gulf of six bar stools?
of one kind or another when something tioning of food, etc. blow up a lot of the comfortable assump- I’m afraid that the post-pandemic
momentous happened. And for most The consequences of those shared expe- tions that have defined the contours of our world, if there is one, is going to be
Americans, that’s how we experience riences were profound, changing our poli- politics for the last two decades. strange. It makes me glad I’m old.
historic events — as spectators. tics and culture in countless ways. Consider immigration, which has roiled — R. Conrad Stein, Chicago
The 9/11 attacks were a huge event for This pandemic is the first event in my our politics for so long. Whatever your
most of us who were alive then. But how life that approaches anything like that. And position is on the issue, the old equation
many lives did 9/11 directly and meaning- it’s going to get much more intense before has new variables. In a country with mil- Difference in
fully affect, particularly outside New York it’s all over. A recent NBC News/Wall lions out of work, dismissing some work as point of view
and Washington? Not many in the grand Street Journal poll found that 59% of “jobs Americans won’t do” may well sound
scheme of things. (Hassles at airports don’t Americans don’t know anyone who has offensive in ways it didn’t before. As ago- Last Monday’s Voice of the People
count.) contracted COVID-19. A week prior, the nizingly slow as the process already feels, section contained two opposing letters
The same goes for wars. Less than 1% of same pollsters reported that 70% of Ameri- it’s a sure bet that America and the devel- written by Al Zvinakis and Kevin
Americans are in the military, and less than cans didn’t know anyone who’d been in- oped world will emerge from the pan- Coughlin. Both pointed out seeming
10% of the adult population has ever fected. If even the rosiest predictions are demic far sooner than poorer nations. hypocrisy on both sides of the political
served. Even among those who wear a accurate, it won’t be long until every Inviting immigrants from places where the spectrum regarding the sacredness of
uniform, only a fraction see sustained American knows someone who contracted virus is still thriving — regardless of human life.
combat. the virus, and perhaps someone who died whether you think it’s right or wrong — I see no double standard here. The
Most historic events of the last half- from it. will simply have a very different political left side of the debate honors life’s sanc-
century, even if significant and tragic, are How much of the political squabbling resonance than it did two months ago. tity only after it begins at birth. The
remembered largely as moments on televi- right now is attributable to the fact that That’s just one obvious example. There right honors it only before.
sion. Despite the tendency of politicians to many of the people protesting in relatively are far more unknowns waiting for us in I hope that clears it all up.
say, “If we can put a man on the moon,” the unscathed regions are still watching this the years ahead, because we’re about to — Frank D’Alessandro, Chicago
number of people among that “we” is only pandemic unfold as an event on TV and enter an era when every single American
in the thousands. The rest of America not as a menace in their own lives? It’s can start a conversation by asking “What
experienced it vicariously on TV. understandable that if you don’t know did you do?” or “What happened to you
This isn’t to minimize the importance of anyone suffering from COVID-19 or help- when?” For online exclusive letters go to www.
those events or the emotional effect they ing those suffering from it, you might feel Send letters
had on society. The Cuban missile crisis that stay-at-home orders are an overreac- Tribune Content Agency by email to [email protected]
directly involved a small number of play- tion. or to Voice of the People, Chicago
ers, but millions or even billions of people But that’s probably not going to last, Jonah Goldberg is editor-in-chief of The Tribune, 160 N. Stetson Ave., Third Floor,
felt they had skin in the game. particularly if the experts are right that Dispatch and the host of The Remnant Chicago, IL 60601. Include your name,
There’s a huge psychological difference we’ll see a major resurgence in the fall. podcast. address and phone number.

Stay Safe&Protect Your Families in the Coronavirus Pandemic. @WorldAndNews

The materials placed on the Channel, is collected from public resources in the Internet and intended exceptionally for acquainting purposes ONLY! If you need it, buy it!!

20 Chicago Tribune | Section 1 | Monday, April 27, 2020


A heartfelt

to all the
and doctors, nurses, and healthcare
workers who are working tirelessly
as our first line of defense during
this time of crisis.
You are our heroes.



Stay Safe&Protect Your Families in the Coronavirus Pandemic. @WorldAndNews

The materials placed on the Channel, is collected from public resources in the Internet and intended exceptionally for acquainting purposes ONLY! If you need it, buy it!!

Monday, April 27, 2020 | Section 2


Trubisky decision an easy call

With the deadline for a decision on Mitch Trubisky’s
fifth-year option a week away, the Bears have not yet
said what they plan to do. But with a price tag of $24.8
million for Year 5, and an open quarterback competition
set to begin in training camp, picking up the option just
doesn’t make sense. Dan Wiederer, Page 6


Your guide to managing money, work and the business of life

Jill Schlesinger
Jill on Money

Confusion swirls about

government help
The financial fallout from COVID-19
continues, and given the myriad govern-
ment programs and announcements, it is
understandable if you feel confused. Here
are some common questions and answers.

The IRS moved the tax deadline to July 15,

but what about quarterly estimates?
On April 9, the IRS announced more
deadline updates. In addition to the April
15 filing and estimated tax payment being
extended to July, the agency also moved Q2
estimates, which would have been due on
June 15, to July 15. “This means that any
individual or corporation that has a quar-
terly estimated tax payment due on or after
April 1, 2020, and before July 15, 2020, can
wait until July 15 to make that payment,
without penalty.”
Additionally, individuals, trusts, estates,
corporations and other non-corporate tax
filers qualify for the extra time. If you can’t
make the July deadline, you will need to
file an extension (form 4868) to October 15.
Remember: An extension to file is not an
extension to pay any taxes owed, so you
need to estimate your tax liability and pay
any taxes owed by the July 15 deadline to
avoid additional interest and penalties.

If I don’t file taxes, how can I get the gov-

ernment’s $1,200 check?
If you are a U.S. citizen or permanent
resident who had gross income that did not DREAMSTIME

exceed $12,200 ($24,400 MFJ) for 2019
and were not otherwise required to file a
federal income tax return for 2019, and IRS warns
recipients of
didn't plan to file, use the IRS Non-Filer
tool (

on the prowl

My mother has gotten phone calls from

someone who promised to help her get
her check from the government. This is a payments
scam, right?
Unfortunately, fraudsters mobilized to be careful
quickly to take advantage of unsuspecting
housebound Americans. Early reports
By Laura Davison |

include the sale of products, treatments Bloomberg hasn’t arrived.
and tests related to COVID-19; fake virus- The U.S. Postal Service also offers a
related charity scams; assistance in secur- he Internal Revenue Service is warning about another kind of epidemic heads-up to people about what’s com-
ing government money and person in need — scammers trying to get their hands on the $1,200 payments being ing in the mail that day. Users can sign
scams, where someone poses as a relative up online to get an “Informed Delivery”
who claims to be ill, stranded in another sent out to help millions of Americans weather the storm. email about what is coming in the mail
state or foreign country and asks you to The payments, plus $500 for each child, began hitting bank accounts later that day. That can let mailed check
send money. recently, opening an avenue of opportunities for scams, identity theft and low-tech recipients to know to be diligent in
Forward any kind suspicious communi- checking the mail so payments aren’t
crimes such as stealing checks from mailboxes.
cations (phone, text or email) to the Fed- stolen.
eral Trade Commission or the Consumer “Right now, due to how vulnerable There are some common-sense It’s hard to know yet just how much
Financial Protection Bureau. the population is, it’s really prime pick- moves that check recipients can take to fraud risk there is with the stimulus
Small business owners flooded my inbox ing for fraudsters to come out in full protect their personal data as well as payments. After Hurricane Katrina,
with questions about the government’s force,” Donna Parent, the chief market- their payments. Avoid clicking on links about 10% of government payments
$350 billion program to help keep them ing officer at Sontiq, an identity theft sent in email or text messages that ap- were fraudulent, Kim Sutherland, a vice
afloat amid the crisis. Although the Small protection company, said. The Federal pear to be from the IRS. The IRS said it president at LexisNexis Risk Solutions,
Business Administration reported that it Trade Commission “is reporting more will not contact people by telephone, said.
had exhausted funds as of April 16, there is than $13 million in fraud loss due to email, social media or text message to Identity theft has plagued the IRS in
an expectation that there will be more COVID-19 — that’s only going to expo- ask for personal information. Hang up if recent years, so much so that the Treas-
money coming from Congress, so if you nentially increase with stimulus pay- someone claiming to be from the IRS ury Inspector General for Tax Adminis-
haven’t applied or are in process, here’s ment scams.” calls you. tration called it an “epidemic” in con-
what you need to know. The Internal Revenue Service and The IRS is using tax return informa- gressional testimony. Scammers have
the Treasury Inspector General for Tax tion from 2018 and 2019 to send the been able to steal taxpayer information
Administration, the agency’s watchdog, payments. For those who have direct and file fraudulent tax returns to illicitly
Can I apply for the disaster relief loan and have issued several warnings that scam- deposit information on file from a tax get refunds. The agency has greatly
the Payroll Protection Program? mers are posing as IRS workers to try to refund in one of those years, the IRS is reduced the prevalence of stolen tax
Yes, but you will go through two sepa- get personal information from payment sending the money directly to their refunds by upgrading detection systems.
rate processes. The disaster relief (loans of recipients that they can then use to steal bank accounts. “The potential for fraud is present,
up to $2 million) is offered through the the money. The inspector general is People who didn’t file a tax return in but it is not substantially different from
Small Business Administration directly, asking people to report any suspicious either year should submit their bank what IRS needs to deal with every tax
while for the PPP, you will need to go activity. Go to for more account or address information IRS as filing season,” said Jack Smalligan, a
through a bank. The PPP offers loans of information. soon as possible to prevent a criminal former Office of Management and
two months of average payroll prior to the The $1,200 payments are available to from submitting incorrect information Budget official who is now a senior
crisis (Feb 15, but if you have a seasonal those earning less than $75,000 as an to divert payments. Social Security policy fellow at the Urban Institute.
business, you may be able to use a different individual, including recipients of Social beneficiaries will automatically receive “The IRS has an elaborate process to
date) up to $10 million to keep workers on Security, disability and veterans ben- their payments in the way they receive identify scams, particularly high-vol-
the payroll, and also can cover rent and efits. Those earning above that thresh- their benefits. ume scammers.”
utilities. The key to PPP is that it can be old and up to $99,000 get a smaller The Treasury Department has said Still, thieves are able to adapt their
forgiven, if you keep employees for eight payment. that those receiving Supplemental Se- schemes, said Marcus Christian, a for-
weeks. People in that population, including curity Income will automatically re- mer top attorney in the U.S. Attorney’s
the elderly, those with less education ceive their payments to their bank ac- Office for the Southern District of Flor-
Can I access PPP to cover part-time and those who aren’t tech savvy are the counts, direct express debit card or by ida. Government agencies are much
workers and independent contractors? most likely to fall victim to some of paper check, in the same way they typi- more adept at detecting and preventing
Yes, for part-timers, but no for inde- these scams, and are also the most likely cally receive their benefit payments. fraud, but the stimulus checks present
pendent contractors and gig workers. On to need the money, said Vanita Pandey, The IRS opened an online portal at an unprecedented opening for scams,
April 10, the government opened up PPP to the head of strategy at Arkose Labs, a he said.
business owners who are sole proprietors, company that detects and prevents impact-payments that will let people “Fraud isn’t going to be reduced to
such as freelancers and independent con- online fraud. update their direct deposit or mailing zero,” said Christian, who is now a part-
tractors. The coronavirus outbreak means that address and let recipients see the status ner at law firm Mayer Brown. “There is
a lot of people who weren’t familiar of their payment and the day it is sched- some balancing of interests here: Get
Jill Schlesinger, CFP, is a CBS News business with the internet are now using apps to uled to be mailed or deposited. The IRS these out quickly to taxpayers, which
analyst. A former options trader and CIO of communicate with family and friends or will also mail notifications to recipients will result in some fraud, and some
an investment advisory firm, she welcomes ordering groceries online, giving scam- about two weeks after their payment taxpayers may have to go through an
comments and questions at askjill@jillon- mers ample opportunity to find easy has been sent that will include instruc- onerous burden to get rightful pay- targets, Pandey said. tions on how to report that a payment ment.”

Stay Safe&Protect Your Families in the Coronavirus Pandemic. @WorldAndNews

The materials placed on the Channel, is collected from public resources in the Internet and intended exceptionally for acquainting purposes ONLY! If you need it, buy it!!

2 Chicago Tribune | Business | Section 2 | Monday, April 27, 2020


Life insurance trust option Sustainable

It can be more versatile investing
for multi-generational
planning purposes on the move
By John Waggoner | Kiplinger

Sustainable investing hasn’t just arrived;

it’s fast becoming a bedrock principle.
Here are some companies that are taking
up the sustainability challenge and address-
ing pressing environmental problems — too
Eliot Raphaelson much trash, scarce resources and increas-
The Savings Game ingly intractable weather woes.
In previous columns, I have dis-
cussed the changes to retirement ac-
count regulations stipulated by the
Tackling waste
SECURE Act of 2019 and some strate- Darling Ingredients (symbol DAR),
gies to mitigate the effects of the new which began its life as a Texas rendering
rules. company in the 19th century, collects food
One such strategy is using life insur- waste and various animal by-products and
ance in a retirement account. IRA ex- transforms it all into more useful things for
pert Ed Slott believes that for many IRA customers in the food, animal feed and fuel
owners, especially those with large industries, among others.
balances with existing trusts, this option In December, President Trump signed
has many advantages. into law an extension of the biodiesel tax
One of the major provisions of the credit through 2022, and that provided the
SECURE Act is that the IRA stretch company with a big slug of capital for future
option was eliminated for most non- expansion. Meanwhile, trends for the com-
spouse beneficiaries and replaced with DREAMSTIME pany’s other core businesses remain favor-
a 10-year rule. The 10-year rule is now able, according to Baird analysts, who be-
in effect for IRA and Roth IRA benefi- fied in the new law, overrides provisions insurance trusts are more flexible and lieve the stock can trade over the next 12
ciaries who inherited accounts from in the trust that allowed for longer with- customizable for clients, and they don't months at nearly a 30% increase from its
owners who died in 2020. It stipulates drawal periods. require all the IRA/RMD language that recent close.
that the beneficiary must withdraw all Using life insurance, however, will complicated the IRA plan. Waste Management (WM), another
assets from the inherited IRA by the allow owners more post-death control The life insurance proceeds paid to Texas company, is a less speculative play on
end of the 10th year after the original and less tax. In addition, owners would the trust after death will be income-tax the world’s growing mountain of trash. The
account owner’s death. have more long-term stability and guar- free and can follow the intent of the firm is the largest trash collector (and dis-
Some beneficiaries are still eligible to anteed payout as long as reputable life owner without the tax rules that com- poser) in North America. Waste Manage-
use the old stretch rules, namely insurance companies are selected. If the plicate the IRA trust. ment has an impressive dividend history,
spouses, minor children (not grandchil- life insurance is purchased with IRA Life insurance trusts can be more increasing its payout every year for the past
dren), disabled or chronically ill individ- withdrawals, there will be taxes due, but versatile for multi-generational plan- 16 years. Furthermore, the company has a
uals, and those not more than 10 years tax rates have been lowered, and after ning, keeping the funds protected for strong record of beating Wall Street’s earn-
younger than the IRA owner. The age 72 there would be required RMDs decades, if desired. Because of the SE- ings estimates, according to Zacks Invest-
“stretch” refers to the ability of the with the associated income tax liability. CURE Act, many existing trusts named ment Research.
beneficiary to withdraw the assets over When withdrawals from IRAs are as the beneficiary would require the
his or her lifetime, yielding more tax- used to purchase life insurance, the funds to be released to the heirs by the Delivering alternative
deferred growth.
The IRA owners most affected by the
RMD will be reduced in subsequent
years, resulting in lower future tax lia-
end of the 10th year.
Naturally, the life insurance option energy
rule change are those with the largest bility. If no action is taken by IRA own- can work only for owners who qualify If you want wind power, you need a
IRA balances, who, as a result, estab- ers, nonspouse beneficiaries will be for life insurance. If you do not qualify, windmill, and the most important part of a
lished sophisticated estate plans utiliz- forced to withdraw all of the IRA assets either because of age or health, you can windmill is its propeller. TPI Composites
ing trusts as IRA beneficiaries to ensure over a 10-year period with the associ- consider a Roth conversion. The benefi- (TPIC) makes propellers for the wind in-
that the funds are not misused by bene- ated income tax liability, when many of ciaries would still be required to make a dustry that are strong, light and very, very
ficiaries due to mismanagement, law- the beneficiaries may be in their peak withdrawal within 10 years, but the large. TPI has about 13% of the global wind
suits, divorce, bankruptcy or financial earning years. withdrawals would be tax-free for the propeller market, says Jonathan Waghorn,
scams. Slott has indicated that many existing beneficiary. comanager of the Guinness Atkinson Alter-
Unfortunately, as a result of the SE- trusts named as the beneficiary may native Energy Fund, and that market is
CURE Act, most of these trusts could have to be scrapped. They can be re- Elliot Raphaelson welcomes your growing rapidly. That said, TPI is a small,
not meet the desired objectives without placed in favor of new, more simplified questions and comments at emerging growth company, and such firms
large tax costs. The 10-year rule, speci- trusts to inherit the life insurance. Life [email protected]. entail considerable risks.
First Solar (FSLR) is one of the brightest
lights in the photovoltaic solar energy in-
dustry. “It’s the ExxonMobil of solar,” says
fund manager Waghorn, whose fund owns
the stock. The stock logged a 2% loss over
the past year, a return that masks some big

Smart ways to ups and downs along the way. But the com-
pany has a huge backlog of new orders, and
the shares are reasonably priced, according

use stimulus to Morningstar.

Combating climate change

money Boosting crop yields with more fertilizer
is one way to address farmers’ increasing
Save, pay off debt instead weather woes. Nutrien (NTR), a Canadian
firm whose stock trades on the New York
of shopping online Stock Exchange, is the world’s largest fertil-
izer company.
By Sandra Block Although Nutrien produces crop nutri-
Kiplinger ents, more than half of annual sales come
from its retail division, with more than 1,700
Millions of Americans are receiving locations that sell seeds, fertilizer and other
checks for up to $1,200 per person DREAMSTIME merchandise directly to farmers. The stock
($500 for each young child) as part of is rated “buy” by investment firm CFRA.
the $2 trillion stimulus package to ease deadline to contribute to a 2019 Roth or taxpayers to claim a new “above-the- The shares sport a robust dividend yield.
the economic impact of the coronavirus traditional IRA. The maximum contrib- line” deduction for up to $300 in cash
Many families will need to use their
ution for a 2019 IRA is $6,000 — $7,000
if you’re 50 or older — so you can stash
donations. Keeping the water flowing
checks to put food on the table or keep your entire stimulus check there if you Shore up your emergency fund: Xylem (XYL) provides equipment and
the roof over their heads. But if you’re don’t need it for anything else. Ideally, you should have three to six services that address the full water cycle,
working, consider putting your stimulus months’ worth of living expenses in a from collection to distribution and use, to
check to work. Pay off high interest rate debt: savings account. If you’re not there yet, the return of water to the environment.
“The beauty of the situation is there Interest rates have dropped on student your stimulus check is a good start. Xylem said in November that demand
are no stores open, so it is much more loans, mortgages and bank savings ac- from industrial end users, such as oil and
difficult to waste your stimulus check,” counts, but if you’re carrying credit card Invest in a child’s education: Con- gas companies and mining firms, had soft-
says Andrew Marshall, a certified finan- debt, you’re probably paying upward of tributions to a 529 college savings plan ened, clouding the stock’s short-term out-
cial planner in Carlsbad, California. 15%. You can free up a lot of cash by grow tax-free, and withdrawals aren’t look. But its remaining operations are doing
“Instead of buying something you really paying off those cards. taxed if you use them for qualified ex- well. Over the long haul, Xylem should
don’t need, put it toward a goal you penses, such as college tuition and room benefit as utilities continue to adopt smart
have.” Give it away: If your finances are in and board. You can invest all or a por- metering, sophisticated data analytics and
That also means avoiding online order and your job is secure, consider- tion of your stimulus check — 529 plans other cost-saving services and equipment.
shopping. Here are better things to do ing using your stimulus check to help typically have very low minimums. Plus, Investors should note that Xylem is sensi-
with your money. those who don’t share your good for- your state may give you a tax deduction tive to U.S.-China relations, and that foreign
tune. or credit if you invest in your own state’s currency fluctuations can impact profits.
Save for retirement: If you haven’t You can deduct a portion of your plan.
funded a Roth or traditional IRA for donations on your 2020 tax return even John Waggoner is a contributing writer to
2019, there’s still time to make a contrib- if — like most taxpayers — you claim the Sandra Block is a senior editor at Kiplinger’s Personal Finance magazine. Send
ution that can lower your 2019 tax bill. standard deduction. To encourage more Kiplinger’s Personal Finance magazine. your questions and comments to mon-
When the IRS extended the tax filing charitable giving, the federal stimulus Send your questions and comments to [email protected]. And for more on this
deadline to July 15, it also extended the package includes a provision that allows [email protected]. and similar money topics, visit

It’s OK to feel many things right now SOURCE: Inc.

Brene Brown, the vulnerability researcher and professor whose TED Talk is one of the
most-viewed in the world, has a smart way to ask people how they are doing right now.
Yes, you’re normal
How goes it? Dr. Marc Brackett, who runs the Yale Center for Emotional
To gauge how people really are Intelligence, said this rush of confusing emotions is normal —
feeling, Brown has her 30-person team as normal as things can be when you’re living and working
do a short exercise before kicking off a through a pandemic. In these uncertain times, you can hold
Zoom meeting. Everyone gives a space to feel both anxious and optimistic.
two-word feeling check-in. “Our brains like to tell ourselves
It doesn’t take long for everyone to stories,” Brackett said. “I think it’s
give their answer. And it gives permis- a helpful strategy. It’s a self-talk
sion for people to quickly name their strategy. I’ve got to be hopeful. I’ve
feelings without judgment. It also got to be grateful. I’ve got to get
acknowledges that we humans often through this. Having that positive
feel many things at once. self-talk makes all the difference.”

Stay Safe&Protect Your Families in the Coronavirus Pandemic. @WorldAndNews

The materials placed on the Channel, is collected from public resources in the Internet and intended exceptionally for acquainting purposes ONLY! If you need it, buy it!!

Chicago Tribune | Business | Section 2 | Monday, April 27, 2020 3


How to respect your team’s time

Communicate clearly,
don’t expect people
to be available at all hours
By Hillel Fuld | Inc.

These are challenging times, and that

certainly is true across the board — person-
ally and professionally.
When it comes to working remotely,
which is how a vast majority of us are
working now, of course, there are some
guidelines leaders can follow in order to
achieve productivity while also giving your
team members the personal time and space
that they need.

Define working hours

and stick to them
When you are all in an office, it is quite
obvious when everyone is working because
you see them there. When you are working
remotely, the norms are blurred, the rules
often are unclear and expectations some-
times are ambiguous.
As a manager, it is your job to remove
that lack of clarity. Communicate clearly
with your team what working hours are
and stick to them, no matter what. That
includes you.
I understand that you had something
that popped into your head at 8 p.m. in the DREAMSTIME
shower, but that doesn’t mean you need to
call your marketing person and ask him or courtesy of a timely response. When you’re working remotely, all you home in a very stressful environment, it is
her to write the copy for it right then. That I’m not saying everything needs an im- really have to depend on is clear communi- even more vital for the team to know how
also means you shouldn’t email a team mediate response on Slack, but getting a cations. Don’t make any assumptions. it is performing.
member at 10 p.m. with a question and message at 9 a.m and responding at 6 p.m is If a team member delivers a task and
then freak out when he or she doesn’t get unacceptable if the message is an impor- Don’t have team calls does it well, tell him or her you are happy
back to you right away. tant one that requires a timely response. Be with the results. Such positive reinforce-
Wait until the morning and then com- considerate of other people’s workflow. for the sake of having them ment is all that person has to work with
municate your idea or ask your question. It There is no question that they are some- now and it will surely encourage that per-
might sound trivial to stick to defined Offer very clear tasks, times necessary. In fact, in times of remote son to get moving on the next task.
working hours, but it affects the future of work, calls might even be more necessary On the other hand, if you are dissatisfied
the team and the work and trickles down metrics and processes and a daily 10-minute team call might with a team member’s performance, tell
to all aspects of the company when rules If you have expectations of your team, prove to be very beneficial. However, calls them that with specific details of what they
aren’t defined and time off isn’t respected. don’t leave them in your head. Communi- also require people to stop what they are can do better next time. A phone call likely
Especially now, people need to have strictly cate how you see things going and what doing and focus on the call. is best in this situation.
defined work and off hours. you expect. No one can read your mind and Don’t have calls for the sake of saying The underlying principle here is that
working remotely makes it very challeng- you had a call. Have calls when necessary when working remotely, sensitivity of
Be as responsive as ing to know what you expect if you don’t and let the team focus on its tasks when other people’s time and work flow needs to
explain it explicitly. possible. be amplified and magnified so the team
possible on your team Nuances get lost in emails. So be as clear achieves maximum success, which is what
communication platform and concise as you can, even if to you it’s Be honest with your criticism everyone wants at the end of the day.
obvious that that task needs to be com- However communicative you are under
This point is crucial. When you’re work- pleted today. You may think that you and positive reinforcement normal working circumstances, multiply
ing in an office, you can always get up and shouldn’t have to tell an employee that he When you’re sitting in an office with that a few times when the team is working
walk over to a person to ask a question. or she cannot disappear for two hours your team, your satisfaction or disappoint- remotely.
When you’re working remotely and your every afternoon when there is a deadline, ment with their work can often be seen on
teammate needs your response in order to but this is a strange new world and people your face. Being open and honest with Hillel Fuld is a tech blogger/vlogger, startup
proceed with his or her work, give the sometimes need explicit direction. feedback is crucial, but when working from marketer and public speaker.

Stay Safe&Protect Your Families in the Coronavirus Pandemic. @WorldAndNews

The materials placed on the Channel, is collected from public resources in the Internet and intended exceptionally for acquainting purposes ONLY! If you need it, buy it!!

4 Chicago Tribune | Business | Section 2 | Monday, April 27, 2020 D


PETER BEARD 1938-2020

Wildlife photographer
In Memoriam
lived on the wild side Loretta M. Campbell
9-19-42 - 4-27-05
Graf, Leonard J.
Leonard J. Graf, age 89, of Northbrook, formerly of
Skokie. Beloved husband
of the late Jacqueline, nee
O’Leary; dear father of Mary
By Margalit Fox tuagenarian shutterbug,” On this the 15th anniversary of your death. We (Edmund) Mahoney and the
New York Times The Daily News of New remember what a wonderful person you were. You late Thomas (Ruth); and lov-
York wrote. are in our hearts, and we hope we will all see you ing grandfather of Michael
Peter Beard, a New York There was the time, for again. Graf, Joseph, Matthew and
photographer, artist and Love Jack
example, as Vanity Fair re- Mark Mahoney. A Memorial
Sign Guestbook at
naturalist to whom the ported in 1996, that Beard, Mass at St. Peter Catholic
word “wild” was roundly after roistering until 5 a.m. Church, Skokie, will be held
applied, both for his death- in the future. Memorial
defying photographs of Af-
at a Nairobi nightclub, Death Notices contributions may be made to Catholic
emerged the next afternoon Charities, 721 N. LaSalle St., Chicago, IL,
rican wildlife and for his from a tent on his ranch in 60654. Funeral information: 847-673-
own much-publicized days the Kenyan countryside fol- Andrews, Angeleen J.
Angeleen J. Andrews, nee Rendas, 90, beloved 6111 or to sign
— decades, really — as an lowed by the “four or five” wife of the late Arthur J. Andrews; de- guestbook.
amorous, bibulous, phar- young Ethiopian women he voted mother of Maria (the late Richard)
maceutically inclined man SCOTT ROTH/AP 2014 had brought home with Lubera, John (Dianne) and George
about town, was found dead him. (Margo) Andrews; proud yia-yia of Nick
in the woods Sunday, almost already existed, he might “We were very cozy,” he Lubera, Eric (Danyelle) Andrews, Leah Sign Guestbook at
three weeks after he disap- well have been the result of noted. Andrews and Joseph Andrews; great yia-yia of Chloe
peared from his home in a collaborative brain wave There was the time in and Ronan. Funeral Service Private and Interment
Montauk on the East End of by Hemingway, F. Scott 2013, The New York Post Private at Chapel Hill Gardens West Cemetery. Due
Long Island. He was 82. Fitzgerald and Paul Bowles. reported, that Beard, then to COVID-19 Restrictions a celebration of Angeleen’s Hester, Thomas J.
life will be planned for a later date. In lieu of flowers, Thomas J. Hester, age 82, passed away on April
His family confirmed He was matinee-idol 75, returned home about 6 memorials to Holy Apostle Greek Orthodox Church 25, 2020. From his birth in Chicago,
that a body found in Camp handsome and, as an heir to a.m. to the midtown Man- will be appreciated. Info. 630-941-5860. on February 9, 1938 to his death he
Hero State Park in Montauk a fortune, wealthy long be- hattan apartment he shared affected every person he met with his
was that of Beard. fore his photographs began with his wife, Nejma Beard, humor, pure joy, and unconditional love
He had dementia and had selling for hundreds of who was also his agent, and acceptance. He was born on the
experienced at least one thousands of dollars apiece. after a night’s revels. Sign Guestbook at
west side of Chicago to Patrick and Julia (Grealis)
stroke. He was last seen Besides documenting Af- Nejma Beard did not take Hester and was the oldest of three boys. Tom served
March 31, and authorities rica’s vanishing fauna, he kindly to his return — not in the US Army and upon release, pursued his tal-
Biala, Primo ent as a painter and entrepreneur, founding Hester
had conducted an extensive photographed some of the because of the hour, but Primo Biala, age 76, beloved husband of the late Painting & Decorating in 1968. His eye for color and
search for him. world’s most beautiful because he happened to Consolacion, nee Gacayan (2014). Loving father vision for design were unmatched. An avid softball
“We are all heartbroken women in fashion shoots have two Russian prosti- of Gary, Allen & Kenneth and father-in-law of Kelly player into his 50’s, his team, the DieHards, were
by the confirmation of our for Vogue, Elle and other tutes in tow. In response, & Anne. Proud grandfather of Brayden, Bennett, propelled to multiple championships by his spec-
beloved Peter’s death,” the magazines. He had well- she dialed 911, declared that Beckham, Enzo, Xavier. Dear brother of Cesar, tacular pitching skills and the talent and competitive
family said in a statement, documented romances her husband was attempt- Annie, Eddie, Delphin, Shirley, Rico, Greny, Nancy, nature of his four sons who joined him on the field.
adding, “He died where he with many of them, includ- Charito, Nazario Jr., and the late Lita, Aurora, Floro,
ing suicide and had him Tom will affectionately always be remembered as
Shirley & Alejandro. Dearest son of the late Nazario Handsome Tom Hester (HTH). He was preceded in
lived: in nature.” ing Candice Bergen and Lee committed for a time to a & Celedonia. Because of the current pandemic and
Beard’s best-known work Radziwill, the sister of local hospital. death by his son, Danny (9/29/01), and is survived by
risk for spread of infection, visitation & services will his beloved wife of 59 years, Marianne, nee Freibert;
was the book “The End of Jacqueline Kennedy Onas- “Beard doesn’t really be private. A memorial celebration will be planned sons, Jeff (Julie), Tom (Jenny) and Steve (Heather); 14
the Game,” first published sis. make art to enhance life for for a later date. For information please call 630-668- grandchildren; and 4 great grandchildren. A private
in 1965. Comprising his text “The last thing left in the rest of us,” a critic for 0027 or funeral service and interment will be held. A public
and photographs, it docu- nature is the beauty of The Globe and Mail of Memorial Mass at St. Peter Catholic Church, Skokie,
mented not only the vanish- women, so I’m very happy Toronto wrote in 1998. “He will be held in the future. In lieu of flowers, please
ing romance of Africa — a photographing it,” Beard has created his flamboyant make donations in Tom’s memory to Mercy Home
place long prized by West- told the British newspaper life as a work of art.” Sign Guestbook at For Boys and Girls, 1140 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago,
ern colonialists for its open The Observer in 1997. Yet for all its swashbuck- IL, 60607; Funeral
savannas and abundant big He discovered one super- ling glitter, Peter Beard’s information: 847-673-6111 or www.habenfuneral.
Dodge, Florian A
game — but also the tragedy model, Iman, and spun a com to sign guestbook.
curriculum vitae was shot Florian A. Dodge (b. 2-16-26) or Orland Park passed
of the continent’s imperiled fabulous legend about her through with darkness. His away on April 24, 2020, from COVID-19.
wildlife, in particular the origins. He was married for art, reviewers often re- Beloved husband of Bernice for 69
elephant. a time to another, Cheryl marked, seemed haunted by years; devoted father of Sandy O’Malley
In later years, Beard be- Tiegs. death and loss. So, at times, (husband Jack O’Malley, deceased), Sign Guestbook at
Kenneth (wife Claudia Jones), and
came famous for embellish- A denizen of Studio 54 in did his life. In the 1970s, a Robert (wife Alice Dodge); admired grandfather of
ing his photographic prints its disco-era heyday, he devastating fire obliterated 11, and revered great-grandfather of 19. WWII Navy
with ink and blood — either numbered among his his home, along with 20 veteran. Taught 10,000 St Rita High school students Klomp, Elinora Marie
human (his own) or animal friends the likes of Andy years’ work. In the 1990s, he over 42 years. Hero to all. No memorial service at Elinora Marie Klomp (nee MacKrell), 88, passed
(from a butcher) — yielding Warhol, Truman Capote, was attacked and nearly this time. In lieu of flowers, Florian’s wish was that away peacefully engulfed in
complex, cryptic, multilay- Salvador Dalí, Onassis, killed by one of the very donations be made to St. Rita of Cascia High School love at Radford Green nurs-
ered surfaces. Grace Jones, the Rolling animals he had long worked (7740 S. Western Ave, Chicago, IL 60620-5867 or to ing home in Lincolnshire, IL.
He was also known for Stones and Francis Bacon, to save. to provided tuition assis- Preceded in death by her
tance for financially challenged young men desiring beloved late husband Peter
the idiosyncratic, genre- who painted his portrait In September 1996, while
a quality Catholic education. Klomp Sr., sons Ronald
bending diaries that he had more than once. picnicking near the Kenya- and Anthony Soliwoda, her
Sign Guestbook at
kept since he was a boy — In 1963 he appeared, Tanzania border, he was brother Leo and her sisters
profuse assemblages of nude, in Adolfas Mekas’s charged by an elephant, Theresa and Carole. She is
words, images and found avant-garde film “Hallelu- who came at him, he re- Donohue, Denise S. now reunited in peace with
Denise S. Donohue, age 67, of Schaumburg. Beloved
objects like stones, feathers, jah the Hills!,” a critical and called, like “a freight train.” wife of Kevin P. Donohue. Loving mother of Shawn
them. She was the devoted mother of Elizabeth, and
train tickets and toenail popular hit at the inaugural The elephant ran a tusk (Vikki), Daniel (Jennifer) and Brian Donohue. Dear
her favorite son-in-law Brian, Tenner. Her best and
clippings — and for the New York Film Festival. He through his leg, narrowly finest moments were being “Nana” to Izzy, Jacob
grandmother of Ryan, Sarah, Alexander and Andrew
large, even more profuse later recalled that “Andy missing the femoral artery. and Abby. Born in Erie, PA she moved to Cleveland
Donohue. Dear sister of Audrey (John) Schuten and
and married Peter. Thirty-five years as a waitress
collages to which the dia- Warhol called it the first Using its head as a battering Mark Czech and sister-in-law of 6. Dear aunt of
at Stouffer’s Restaurant and never missed a day of
ries later gave wing. streak.” ram, it crushed Beard, many nieces and nephews. Loving daughter of the
work. She was a wonderful, loving and caring per-
But as renowned as he He seemed to possess the breaking ribs and fracturing late Helene and Joseph Czech. The Visitation and
son with a quick wit and stubborn will. Nana always
was for his work (he re- indefatigability of a half- his pelvis in at least a services are private. Interment will be at Maryhill
had the radio on and loved the music program at
Cemetery, Niles, IL. The funeral will stream live at
ceived solo exhibitions at dozen men, and well into half-dozen places. By the Radford Green. Thank you to the staff at Radford
10 AM Tuesday. There will be a memorial Mass
the International Center of old age routinely reveled time he arrived at the hospi- at St. Matthew Catholic Church at a later date.
Green who tirelessly took care of her over the past
Photography in Manhattan, until dawn, his escapades tal in Nairobi, according to Please visit the website for additional information
year when her dementia took over. Contributions
the Centre National de la becoming grist for gossip news reports, he had no can be made in her name at Radford Green so that
or online condolences or
Photographie in Paris and columnists worldwide. pulse. others can continue to enjoy the music and sing-a-
long. In her honor, use more butter, wear all your
elsewhere), Beard re- “Peter Beard — gentle- Doctors revived him, but jewelry at once and sneak up on someone you love
mained at least as well man, socialite, artist, pho- damage to his optic nerve Sign Guestbook at
and scare the crap out of them! We love you Nana!
known for his swashbuck- tographer, Lothario, proph- left him blind. He was told You will be greatly missed. Due to current situation,
ling, highly public private et, playboy and fan of recre- that he might never walk Drobny, Arnold J. family service will be private.
life. ational drugs — is the last of again. He eventually re- Arnold J. Drobny, 78, beloved husband of the late
Even by the dashing the adventurers,” The Ob- gained his sight, and the Susan Lee Drobny; loving father of
standards of wildlife pho- server said. ability to walk. Allison (Jim) Popowski; devoted son of
tography, his résumé was “James Dean grown up,” the late Sarah and Charles Drobny; dear
He is survived by his wife
brother of Irving (Arlene) Drobny and the
the stuff of high drama, full another British paper, The Nejma Beard, a daughter, late Sheldon (Anita) Drobny; treasured Sign Guestbook at
of daring, danger, romance Evening Standard, called Zara, a granddaughter, and uncle, cousin and friend of many.
and tall tales, many of them him. his brothers, Anson Jr. and Due to the pandemic and out of concern for our
actually true. Had Beard not “The hard-partying sep- Samuel. extended family and friends, services and shiva will
be private. A celebration of life will be held at a later
Lyons, Elizabeth A.
Elizabeth A. (Koehn) Lyons, age 84. Daughter of
date. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to
Otto R. and Coletta Koehn. Beloved wife for Sixty-
the charity of your choice. For information and to
four years of Thomas J. Lyons, C.P.D., loving mother
leave tributes and condolences: Shalom Memorial
Chicago Daily Tribune Funeral Home, 847.255.3520 or
of Michael T. (Mary), Kimberly A. Boruff (Paul),
Christopher L., C.F.D. (Joan). Adored grandmother of
eight and great grandmother of three, life long resi-
ON APRIL 27 ... city of Derna, on the shores 78. dent of Chicago and its suburbs. A world traveler for
of Tripoli. over twenty years, she visited every continent but
In 1521 Portuguese explorer In 1896 baseball player Sign Guestbook at Antarctica, walked the Great Wall, climbed the Eiffel
Ferdinand Magellan was In 1822 the 18th president Rogers Hornsby, generally tower, visited the tower of London, went on safari
in South Africa, cruised the Danube, Amazon, and
killed by natives in the of the United States, Ulysses considered the game’s Gall, Lorie K. Yangtze rivers and visited every state of the United
Philippines. S. Grant, was born in Point greatest right-handed hit- Lorie K. Gall, nee Picken, 64, of Orland Park, at rest
States. Passed away from a two-month battle with
Pleasant, Ohio. ter, was born in Winters, April 25, 2020. Beloved wife of Daniel. Loving moth-
pneumonia, complicated by Alzheimer’s disease.
In 1759 writer and women’s Texas. er of Christa (Sean) Nelson and Andrea (Joseph A.)
Private ceremony to be held at Markiewicz Funeral
Kelly. Cherished grandmother of Brendan Nelson,
rights advocate Mary Woll- In 1865 the steamer Sul- Home on Tuesday, April 28th followed by Interment
Evan Nelson, and Grace Kelly. Fond sister of Richard
stonecraft was born in Lon- tana exploded on the Mis- In 1899 animator and Picken, Lynette Davila, and Robert Picken. Many
services at Queen of Heaven Cemetery in Hillside,
don. sissippi River near Mem- “Woody Woodpecker” cre- IL. In lieu of flowers donations can be made to the
loving nieces and nephews. Lorie was a dedicated
phis, killing more than 1,400 ator Walter Lantz was born Alzheimer’s Association A celebration
Employee Health Nurse at Little Company Of Mary
In 1791 artist and inventor Union ex-POWs being re- in New Rochelle, N.Y. of her life will be held sometime in the future. Info:
Hospital in Evergreen Park for nearly 20 years.
630-257-6363 or
Samuel F.B. Morse was born turned to the North after Lorie loved her family as a loving wife, mother, and
in Charlestown, Mass. the surrender of Robert E. In 1927 Coretta Scott, who grandmother and was a dear friend to many. She
Sign Guestbook at
Lee. would marry civil rights also was a lover of animals. Memorial Services
In 1805, during the First leader Martin Luther King, to be announced at a later date. In lieu of flow-
ers donations to NAWS of Mokena 9981 W. 190th.
Barbary War, an American- In 1882 essayist and poet was born in Marion, Ala. St. Unit A Mokena, IL 60448 or
led force of Marines and Ralph Waldo Emerson died Matthews, Jr., Henry B.
Arrangements entrusted to Orland Funeral Home.
mercenaries captured the in Concord, Mass.; he was In 1932 American poet Henry, 78, departed this world on March 27, 2020
(708) 460-7500 or
Hart Crane drowned after as dramatically as he lived
Sign Guestbook at
in it. Beloved son of Dr.
jumping from a steamer Henry B. and Harryetta Babb
while en route to New York; Gorowski, Leo S. Matthews, Henry grew up in
WINNING LOTTERY NUMBERS he was 32. Leo S. Gorowski, age 93, of Naperville, IL passed Chicago. He joined the US
away on Tuesday, April 21, 2020. He was Navy and became a flight ra-
ILLINOIS INDIANA In 1937 the nation’s first born on September 7, 1926 in Chicago, dio operator in Guantanamo
April 26 April 26 Social Security checks were IL. Leo is survived by his daughters, Geri Bay, Cuba, where he gained
Pick 3 midday .............................. 404 / 9 Daily 3 midday ............................. 358 / 8 Lee Gorowski and Jodene Gorowski; his amateur radio operator’s
Pick 4 midday ............................ 2248 / 7 Daily 4 midday ........................... 0662 / 8
and sister, Mimi Squinto. He was pre- license. An accomplished air-
Lucky Day Lotto midday ......................... Daily 3 evening ............................. 002 / 9
In 1965 broadcast journal- ceded in death by his siblings, Helen Stuhr, John plane and helicopter pilot, he traveled and sailed the
16 18 36 38 41 Daily 4 evening .......................... 4156 / 9
Pick 3 evening .............................. 277 / 2 Cash 5 .............................. 02 04 16 30 31 Novak, Frank Novak, Eddie Novak and his wife June world but settled in Manzanillo, Mexico. He wore
ist Edward R. Murrow died Gorowski. Visitation will be held on Thursday, April many hats – electrical engineer, charter and tugboat
Pick 4 evening ........................... 1774 / 2
Lucky Day Lotto evening ........................ MICHIGAN
in Pawling, N.Y.; he was 57. 30, 2020 from 3:00 p.m. until the time of service captain, entrepreneur, and welder. He was Gents to
23 27 35 36 44 April 26 7:00 p.m. Services will be streamed live. Memorials his family, Hank to his friends, Hankie to children –
Daily 3 midday ................................... 386 In 1967 Expo ’67 was offi- in Leo’s name may be made to the American Heart who loved him universally – and Captain Hank to his
April 27 Lotto: $10M Daily 4 midday ................................. 8806 cially opened in Montreal Association. Arrangements entrusted to Beidelman- boating world. His primary legacy will always be his
April 28 Mega Millions: $186M Daily 3 evening ................................... 821
April 29 Powerball: $43M Daily 4 evening ................................ 0444
by Canadian Prime Min- Kunsch Funeral Homes & Crematory, 24021 Royal consummate storytelling, infectious laugh, loyalty,
ister Lester B. Pearson. Worlington Dr., Naperville. Info: www.beidelmankun- generous heart, and ability to connect with anyone
Fantasy 5 ......................... 06 16 17 18 37
WISCONSIN Keno ............................. 01 02 05 06 12 15 or 630-922-9630. anywhere. He is survived by his brother, Philip, of
April 26 18 20 29 32 33 44 54 57 In 1973, during the Water- Dallas, TX, his ex-wife, Dorrie Slutsker, of Oakland,
Pick 3 .................................................... 215 61 64 65 67 68 72 76 79 CA, and his devoted family of friends.
Pick 4 .................................................. 0989
gate scandal, Acting FBI
Sign Guestbook at
Badger 5 ........................... 08 11 13 17 18 More winning numbers at Director L. Patrick Gray
SuperCash ................. 05 08 14 20 27 32 resigned. Sign Guestbook at

Stay Safe&Protect Your Families in the Coronavirus Pandemic. @WorldAndNews

The materials placed on the Channel, is collected from public resources in the Internet and intended exceptionally for acquainting purposes ONLY! If you need it, buy it!!

Chicago Tribune | Business | Section 2 | Monday, April 27, 2020 5


Murphy, Dominica “Minnie”
(nee Parisi), 91, lifelong resident of Chicago, passed
away April 24, 2020. Beloved
wife of the late Francis; lov-
ing mother of Mike (Eileen),
Carolyn, Frank, Dan, Kathy,

Tom, Jim and Bill; cherished
grandmother of Nicole (Tony)

Layman, Michael Murphy
(Allison Vlinica), Victoria
(Tony) Raspante and Anthony
Murphy; proud great grand-
mother of Jake, Katie, Abby, Frankie, Sam, Michael,
Joey, Ben and Sean; dearest sister of the late Marie
Henriksen and Carmella and Theresa Parisi; fond
aunt of many nieces and nephews. Service and in-
terment at St. Mary Cemetery private. A Memorial
Mass will be arranged when it is safe to gather
post-pandemic. Arrangements entrusted to Michael
Coletta Sons Funeral Home, www.colettasonsfuner- or 312-225-8500.
Sign Guestbook at

Murphy Sr. , John P. ‘Jack’

John “Jack” P. Murphy Sr. Beloved husband for 58
years of Eileen nee Fagan; Dearest father of Eileen
Murphy and John Jr. (Lynn); Cherished grandfather
of Christopher (Abbey), Matthew, Ryan and Katie;
Dearest great grandfather of Aiden and Caroline;
Beloved brother of Shirley (Dave) Osman, James
(Judy) and the late Lois (the late Gerard) Sitter, the
late Rita (the late Robert) Arscott, the late Clair (the
late Mildred) Murphy and the late William (Patricia)
Murphy; Fond brother-in-law of William (Diane)
Fagan and Ann (Ken) Frederking; Loving uncle of
many. Proud 60 year member of Plumbers Union
Local 130. Village of Hanover Park plumbing inspec-
tor for 20 years. A Memorial will be announced at
a later date. Arrangements were entrusted to The
Oaks Funeral Home 630-250-8588.
Sign Guestbook at

Peterson, Alan Elm

The world lost a great titan and teacher when Alan
Elm Peterson passed away
peacefully on April 20th,
2020 at the age of 90. His
generosity was profound and
his leadership esteemed.
Alan Peterson was born of
the Great Depression. He
arrived on Friday the 13th of
September 1929. Maybe it’s
fitting he passed away amidst
a global pandemic. Those formidable challenges
built a man of resilience, integrity and compassion.
A natural entrepreneur, Alan rose to partner at
Arthur Andersen in 1966 and served until 1980,
when he established Peterson Consulting. In
1994, he founded Tucker Alan. He was a pioneer
in the world of government contract consulting
and founded the litigation consulting practice at
Andersen in the early 1960’s. His accomplishments
included testifying before Congress and contribut-
ing to GAO reports. A “Computer World” article
from 1979 quotes his insight, even though he never
learned how to operate one.
Transforming business came naturally. When his
high school yearbook lost funding, Alan Peterson
arranged to keep the tradition alive. He was a sharp
negotiator, a skilled wordsmith, and an intellectual
Being a lifelong student fed his yearning for knowl-
edge. From his early childhood in Orion, Illinois, to
his studies at Northwestern University, Master’s GENERAL LEGAL
in Accounting at Michigan State, and an Honorary ANNOUNCEMENTS
Doctorate from Purdue, Alan was both an expert
and an educator. In his later years, he served as a - Motorcycles Wanted Cash Paid! All Makes! ATTENTION If you or someone you know Attn: Darius Ivaska & any other interested
Will Pick Up. Reasonable. 630-660-0571 worked for Monarch Foundry in Plano
mentor to countless young professionals cutting between 1969 and 1974 please call Rebecca parties: Docket #1985CV1316 Trial Court of
Massachusetts The Superior Court Dennis
their teeth in the consulting world. at Simmons Hanly Conroy toll-free at (855)
P. McManus, Clerk of Courts, Worcester
988-2537. You can also email Rebecca at
In 1953, he joined the Navy and moved his new Country Superior Court 225 Main Street,
bride, Milly, to Bay City, Michigan. The couple wel- Worcester, MA 01608 David A. Zelin and
Cynthia Hillier vs. The Vaska Real Estate
comed son Mark in 1956, and Doug five years later
in Glen Ellyn, Illinois. GIVE THEM LEGAL NOTICES
Trust, Re: The Vaska Real Estate Trust,
WHEREAS a Complaint was filed in our
Superior Court, Wherein it is seeking: 93A
Alan had a deep appreciation for the arts. Known GOVERNMENT/EDUCATION relief, We COMMAND YOU if you intend to
to quote old movies and musicals, he had a story
for everything. He was the driving force bringing the
THE MEMORIAL make any defense, that on or within such
06/08/2020 further time as the law allows
you do cause your written pleading to be
INVITATION TO BID FOR SEAL COATING filed in the office of the Clerk of Court named
famed Frida Kahlo exhibit to the College of DuPage
in 2021. AN EXCEPTIONAL BUYING old whiskey/bourbon/rye!
The Cicero Public Schools District 99, Cicero,
Illinois is requesting sealed bids for the seal
above, in said Commonwealth, and further
that you defend against said suit according
to law if you intend any defense, and that
More than anything, Alan Peterson believed in giv- Looking for full/sealed vintage bottles coating of playgrounds and parking lots. you do and receive what the Court shall
ing back. His generosity was legendary. From wait
staff, to hospitals, to universities and scholarships,
Bid specifications will be available in the
District Business Office at the Administration
Building, 5110 West 24th Street, Cicero,
order and adjudge therein. Hereof fail not,
at your peril, or as otherwise said suit may
be adjudged and orders entered in your
Alan’s philanthropic efforts funded endless commu- Illinois beginning, Monday, April 27, 2020 absence. It appearing to this Court that no
nity projects and educational opportunities. DESERVES WITH BUYING RECORD ALBUMS! Rock, Jazz & Blues.
Also vintage baseball cards!
from 8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. daily. Sealed bids
must be deposited at the Administration
personal service of the Complaint has been
made on the defendant a deputy sheriff
Alan Peterson leaves behind a lasting legacy 847-343-1628
Building Reception Desk at 5110 West 24th having made a return on the summons that
Street, Cicero, Illinois 60804 on or before
through his sons, Mark and Doug, and their wives after diligent search he can find no one upon
3:00 p.m. on Friday, May 8th, 2020. Sealed whom he can lawfully make service, a copy
Marcie and Edvania. He was Grandpa to Erin, Patrick bids must be clearly marked “Sealed Bid for of which is hereto attached and made part
Seal Coating of Playgrounds and Parking of this notice, it is ORDERED that notice of
and his wife Rachel, Kirsten, Matthew, Haley and WANTED FREON R12 R500 R11. We pay lots”. Bids will be publicly opened and read this suit be given to them by publishing,
Benjamin Peterson. Lucy, Meredith and Stanley CA$H. Cert. professionals. 312-291-9169 at that time. Unsigned or late bids will not once a week for three successive weeks, the be considered. The bidder assumes the last publication to be at least 20-days before
Peterson knew him simply as GPop.
In death, he joins the wind beneath his wings. Wife,
Our professional risk of any delay in handling or delivery of
the mail. Cicero Public Schools District 99
said return day in the: Newspaper: The
Chicago Tribune CitylTown: Chicago, Il DATE
reserves the right to accept or reject any or ISSUED: 02/18/2020, Corinne L. Gorman,
Milly, passed away in January 2020.
A private visitation will be held on Saturday, May 2nd
writers will assist Wanted: Oriental Rugs
Any size/ Any condition - for cash.
all bids when there are sound documented
reasons to do so and to waive informalities
First Asst Clerk
4/27, 5/4, 5/11/2020 6659615
*** CALL 773-575-8088 ***
and minor irregularities in bids received.
with a funeral service at 2pm to be live-streamed via you to showcase and 4/27/2020 6661308

See or 630-469-

0032 for details. A memorial celebration of Alan celebrate the life of
Peterson’s life will come at a later date, when it’s LOST & FOUND
safe to gather again. In the meantime, you’re en- your loved ones with
couraged to share stories at
In lieu of flowers, consider donating to one of Alan’s a beautifully written Lost Mini Aussie Black and white. One year
beloved charities: Metropolitan Family Services old. 12’ tall. Weighs 16 pounds. White spot
of DuPage, College of DuPage Foundation or The tribute prominently on back by neck. Microchipped. Lost near
Pilsen 4/21/2020. (248) 830-0517
National Multiple Sclerosis Society.
Sign Guestbook at placed within the

Scheiner, Gregory G.
Chicago Tribune.
Gregory G. Scheiner. Beloved husband of 37 years
of Ellen M. Scheiner. Cherished father of Stacie P.
Scheiner & Adam G. (Rebekah A.) Scheiner. Devoted
son of the late Otto F. & Margaret J. Scheiner. Loving
brother of Jeffrey C. (Nancy M.) Scheiner & Mary
E. Moran-Scheiner. Proud uncle of many nieces &
nephews. Adored by sisters & brothers in law. Will
be missed by his favorite four-legged friend Abby.
Due to the current COVID situation and in conjunc-
tion with Greg’s wishes, there will not be a visita-
tion. Cremation will take place, and his ashes will
remain with his family until a memorial service CONTACT US
can be planned (TBD). Arrangements entrusted
to Thompson & Kuenster Funeral Home. thomp-  312.222.2222 708-425-0500
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Saints nearing deal

with QB Winston
The Saints and quarterback Jameis
Winston are working on a contract pro-
posal to make the former Buccaneers
starter a backup to Drew Brees in New
Orleans, according to reports Sunday.
Meanwhile, the Saints have announced
that dynamic reserve QB and utility play-
er Taysom Hill has a new two-year con-
tract. ESPN reported that the new deal is
for a total of $21 million, including $16
million guaranteed.
Winston is coming off a season in
which he led the NFL with 5,109 yards
passing and ranked second with 33
touchdown passes, but he also led the
NFL in interceptions with 30. That made
Winston the first QB in NFL history to
have at least 30 TDs and 30 interceptions.
The Bucs allowed Winston, whom it
drafted first overall out of Florida State in
2015, to enter free agency and replaced
BRIAN CASSELLA/CHICAGO TRIBUNE him with former Patriots QB Tom Brady.
The Bears have not yet said whether they plan to pick up quarterback Mitch Trubisky’s fifth-year option at $24.8 million. Now it appears Winston is open to
going from five-year NFL starter to being

The price is wrong

Brees’ understudy in hopes of rebuilding
his credentials as a prospective franchise
Teddy Bridgewater recently did just
that, serving as Brees’ backup for two
seasons before the Panthers signed him
last month to replace their longtime
Bears’ decision on Trubisky’s 5th-year option, at $24.8 million, should be easy starter, Cam Newton.
Winston was a two-year starter at
Florida State, where he won the Heisman
For those who remain in going to comment on right now. argue that the best of the best-case scenar- Trophy and led the Seminoles to a na-
breathless anticipation to learn We’ve got until May to make that ios is still possible for the developing tional title as a freshman in the 2013
the Bears’ official decision on the comment. We’ll talk about it as quarterback. What if Trubisky not only season.
fifth-year option in Mitch Tru- we get closer to that date.” turns a corner in 2020 but becomes a star? In five seasons with the Buccaneers, he
bisky’s rookie contract, we sug- ■ April 21: “Right now our focus What if he beats out Nick Foles for the has passed for 19,737 yards and 121 touch-
gest wrapping your brain around is all on the draft. We know we starting job, plays at an elite level all year, downs while throwing 88 interceptions.
the one detail that matters most. have until May 4 on that, and leads the Bears deep into the postseason But while he was productive statistically,
The number 24.8. As in million.
Dan we’ll cross that bridge once we and proves he should be the franchise’s that didn’t amount to winning. The Bucs
As in dollars.
Wiederer get through this weekend.” long-term answer at quarterback? went 28-42 in games Winston started.
On the Bears
As in that’s the Year 5 price tag ■ April 25: “We’re just coming Wouldn’t the Bears love to have him
if the Bears decide they abso- off the draft right now. We’re just locked up for 2021 at $24.8 million without — Associated Press
lutely couldn’t live without Trubisky be- decompressing on this final day. We know risking his departure in free agency?
yond this season. we have until May 4. There are no updates First, that’s a pretty far-fetched “What
Read that again. in that area.” if?” dilemma to use as a compass in con-
The deadline is next Monday for filing The sidestep strategy has been some- tract decisions. The more reasonable opti-
the yes-or-no fifth-year option decision what confusing, with Pace proving as mist might see the possibility Trubisky
with the league office. To this point, the elusive as any of his seven draft picks. But, wins the starting job for 2020, plays at an
“Be creative. Try to figure
Bears have made a strategic decision to
keep those plans private.
really, why keep asking the question? Why
is an official declaration necessary?
above-average level and helps the Bears
win again. So then what? Without the
it out. ... I’d love to watch
But why on God’s green earth would Instead, grab a crayon and connect the fifth-year option in their back pocket, the it. ... Everybody has to
general manager Ryan Pace check the dots. It’s a play-at-home game. Bears would have to try to negotiate a new
“yes” box? If the Bears have shown reason The price of the fifth-year option for deal with Trubisky for 2021 and beyond — think outside the box,
and good judgment in establishing “an first-round picks is based on position, and something they almost certainly would
open competition” for the starting quarter- the scale is much higher for top-10 selec- have to do if he became a star as well.
right? Because there is
back job in 2020 — a clear unwillingness to tions, who are entitled to the value of the
commit to Trubisky for Week 1 of this current transition tag at their position.
Through that lens, would the starting
point for any negotiation be significantly
no box.”
season — then why would they offer even That’s where the $24.8 million comes north of $24.8 million per year? Probably — New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo on MLB
a loose pledge for 2021? Especially at that from for quarterbacks. not. and team owners and players figuring out
astronomical number. Yes, Trubisky’s fifth-year option for So why not take the reasonable wait- a way to bring baseball back this summer,
Really, the question isn’t so much what 2021 would be guaranteed only for injury. and-see approach and let things play out? even if it’s without fans
the Bears will do with Trubisky’s fifth-year So the Bears could pick it up next week The Chiefs, for the record, are certain to
option as much as why they have been so and still wiggle free from any true financial pick up Patrick Mahomes’ $24.8 million
reticent to declare their intentions publi- commitment by cutting him before the option, a mere formality as they work to
cly. league year begins next March. negotiate a likely record-setting long-term THE NUMBER

Pace has taken a sturdy “no comment” In fact, that’s exactly the path Pace took extension. Deshaun Watson’s fifth-year
stance on the issue since New Year’s Eve. with Leonard Floyd. After picking up option for about $17 million will be a no-
He was pressed on the matter during the Floyd’s fifth-year option last spring, the brainer for the Texans as they too ready
team’s end-of-season news conference, Bears yanked that $13.2 million commit- the Brink’s truck.
again at the combine, yet again after the ment last month before the start of the Of the 11 quarterbacks drafted in the top
first wave of free agency, during his pre- league year and sent Floyd on his way. 10 between 2011 and 2016, only two didn’t
draft session with reporters last week and It would be possible to take a similar have their fifth-year options granted: Jake
once more Saturday night. approach with Trubisky. Sure. Absolutely. Locker of the Titans and Blaine Gabbert of
In each case, Pace dodged the questions But why? the Jaguars. The Redskins picked up
as if they were sneeze-filled handshakes. With the fifth-year option guaranteed Robert Griffin III’s fifth-year option in The NFL draft averaged a record
Ryan, have you come to a conclusion on for injury, if Trubisky were to suffer a 2015 but cut him the following spring 8.4 million viewers over all three days,
Mitch’s fifth-year option? severe injury during the 2020 season, the before it kicked in. The Bears have another according to the NFL and Nielsen. The
■ Dec. 31: “We’re not at that point right Bears would be on the hook for all of that week to slow-play their official decision on previous high was 6.2 million last year.
now, and when we are, we’ll let you guys $24.8 million. It would immediately be- Trubisky’s contract. When it’s finalized, it
know.” come a sunk cost. will create another headline and more
■ Feb. 25: “Everything’s internal as we The risk-reward just isn’t there. chatter. Yet Pace might not have to detail
think through that process and this whole In what world would a $24.8 million his reasoning publicly for months.
thing comes together. We’ll make that investment in Trubisky for 2021 become a Still, the practical approach for the
decision in May.” bargain for the Bears? Bears seems clear. It starts with the num-
■ April 3: “That’s something we’re not The truest of the Tru believers would ber 24.8. As in million. As in dollars. NBA NHL MLB
Season Season Opening day
suspended suspended delayed
indefinitely indefinitely until at least

Cavallari and former Bears QB Cutler split up mid-May

New York Daily News children we are so proud of,” she contin- Cavallari rose to fame on the reality series
ued. “This is just the situation of two people “Laguna Beach: The Real Orange County,”
Kristin Cavallari’s and Jay Cutler’s mar- growing apart. We ask everyone to respect which premiered in 2004.
riage is coming to an end. our privacy as we navigate this difficult She began her own reality series, “Very
The reality star and the former NFL time within our family.” Cavallari,” on E! Network in 2018. The MLS NFL NCAA
quarterback are splitting up after seven The post included an undated photo of show follows Cavallari’s life, including her Season Camps Spring
years of marriage and a decade together. Cavallari, 33, and Cutler, 36, walking with marriage to Cutler. The third season, which suspended scheduled to sports
“With great sadness, after 10 years their arms around each other. The couple finished airing in March, followed Cavallari until at least start in schedule
together we have come to a loving wed in 2013 in Nashville. as she opened an Uncommon James store June 8 mid-July canceled
conclusion to get a divorce,” Cavallari Cavallari and Cutler have three children in Chicago.
announced in an Instagram post Sunday. together: 7-year-old son Camden, 5-year- A fourth season has not been an-
“We have nothing but love and respect old son Jaxon and 4-year-old daughter nounced. Others: PGA Tour suspended until June 11.
for one another and are deeply grateful for Saylor. Cutler played for the Broncos, Bears Tribune reporter Tracy Swartz contrib- NASCAR suspended until at least May 16.
the years shared, memories made, and the and Dolphins in 12 NFL seasons, while uted to this report. WTA, ATP suspended through at least July 13.

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The materials placed on the Channel, is collected from public resources in the Internet and intended exceptionally for acquainting purposes ONLY! If you need it, buy it!!

Chicago Tribune | Section 2 | Monday, April 27, 2020 7


Grace still
waiting for
next at-bat
Former Cubs great is on deck
with Marquee Sports Network
By Mark Gonzales
Mark Grace remembers his final at-bat of
the strike-shortened 1994 season.
“I struck out against Rod Beck,” Grace
said last week.
That moment capped a 5-2 loss to the
Giants and preceded a 232-day players
strike. Grace hopes he doesn’t have to wait
that long to resume his duties with the new
Marquee Sports Network and the Cubs
organization he parted ways with after the
2000 season.
“This job came out of nowhere,” Grace
said. “All of a sudden it became a dream job.”
Grace, 55, remains extremely popular
with fans and media members who covered
him during his 13 seasons with the Cubs, a
run that included four Gold Glove awards
and three National League All-Star selec-
And Grace warmed quickly to his
assignments, which included a hands-on
demonstration with Anthony Rizzo on the
art of playing first base and a three-inning
stint as a guest analyst with play-by-play
announcer Len Kasper and Jim Deshaies
during a Cactus League game.
Grace said he was scheduled to serve as
analyst for a Cubs-Dodgers game at Sloan
Park on March 12 — the same day Major
League Baseball suspended spring training
amid the coronavirus pandemic.
“Who knows what’s going to happen?”
Grace said.
But he looks forward to a return to
Wrigley Field with an organization that he
left on chilly terms before signing with the
Diamondbacks, with whom he won a
World Series ring in his first season in 2001.
Grace has served as a pre- and postgame
analyst for selected Diamondbacks games
since 2017, but he works as an independent
contractor. That arrangement allows him
PHIL VELASQUEZ/CHICAGO TRIBUNE plenty of flexibility, including the possibility
Sammy Sosa and Julian Martinez spray champagne on the fans near the Cubs dugout after clinching the NL Central title in 2003. to return to Wrigley with more frequency
with the Cubs.


“I think when I go to Chicago, it will sink
in,” Grace said.
Grace’s segment with Rizzo whetted his
appetite for performing more assignments
with the network.
“First, I’m a big (Rizzo) fan,” Grace said.
“I’ve only been around him once a few years
Unlike the Bulls documentary series, home videos ago. I’m a fan of the way he beats you on
both sides of the ball. That’s where the
of the 2003 Cubs season might never be released respect comes in, especially with the
athleticism he brings to the position.
“We didn’t talk about normal things. We
When Michael Jordan agreed tape. This is really the first op- talked about positioning against certain
to allow a camera crew to follow portunity I had because I wasn’t hitters and holding runners on. I enjoyed it.”
him around during the 1997-98 playing every day. Then you just On a Deep Dish Podcast last April, Grace
season, the Bulls legend report- get a couple minutes of film told the Tribune that “in a lot of ways
edly was assured he would have every day. Now all the guys are baseball has become boring.” He said the
final say over when the video asking, ‘Can I get a copy of this emphasis on home runs, launch angles and
would be released to the public. at the end of the year?’ ” exit velocity took away from the art of
Andy Thompson, who came Paul Karros knew he wasn’t going sacrifice bunts and hit-and-run plays that
up with the idea and pitched it Sullivan to re-sign with the Cubs and he was familiar with during his playing days
to then-president of NBA Enter- In the Wake actually considered retiring after from 1988 to 2003.
tainment Adam Silver, told the of the News the season. (He finished his But in a recent interview, Grace remi-
New York Times that Silver told career in 2004, playing 40 nisced about how he and his fellow players
Jordan it could be “the greatest collection games for the Athletics.) He wound up were told to stay idle during the 1994 strike,
of home movies you can show your kids” with about five hours of home movies on and he took note of the upgrades in training
even if he decided never to release it. VHS tapes from the 2003 season. facilities that entice current players to
Fortunately for us, Jordan eventually “It wasn’t because I was trying to remain in shape year-round.
agreed, and after a 22-year wait, “The Last chronicle the Cubs,” he continued. “It was “Donald Fehr (former executive director
Dance,” the 10-part ESPN Films docu- more or less, ‘I don’t think I’m going to SCOTT STRAZZANTE/CHICAGO TRIBUNE of the Major League Baseball Players
mentary, is widely considered a master- play after this year, so I’ll just do the last Kenny Lofton is congratulated by Eric Association) told us, ‘Let us settle (the
piece and a timeless piece of sports his- month for the heck of it.’ That’s how it Karros during Game 5 of the 2003 NLDS. strike),’ “ Grace recalled. “When we walked
tory — even after only four episodes have started. out, everyone knew the season was pretty
aired. “It has not only the players, but Eddie ‘Jordan.’ He embodied the city’s great- much over.”
One thing that’s apparent from watch- Vedder is on there talking and Michael ness.” Grace returned to Southern California
ing, however, is it is not a home movie by Jordan spraying champagne in Atlanta The season, of course, included a tragic once the strike started, but he admitted he
any stretch of the imagination. A profes- (after the National League Division Series ending in the NL Championship Series would be inclined to stay closer to his team’s
sional film crew followed Jordan and his clincher) and acting like a little kid. And that doesn’t need to be regurgitated. Suf- spring training facility if he were a current
teammates around, and filmmakers knew Ron Santo giving an emotional speech.” fice to say the Cubs lost their chance to player during the offseason.
exactly what they were doing when they General manager Jim Hendry and break the so-called curse in dramatic “If I wanted to go to HoHoKam Park (the
caught the main characters in personal manager Dusty Baker gave Karros permis- fashion and had to wait another 13 years Cubs’ former spring training home), it
moments, whether it was Phil Jackson sion to bring the camcorder into the dug- to have their parade. would be locked,” Grace said. “If somebody
slamming a door or Jordan poking fun at out, where it remained mostly hidden. But when the streak was at 101 years was there, they’d tell you go to home.
general manager Jerry Krause’s height. Without really overthinking things, Kar- and counting in 2010, I ran into Karros at “Now, these complexes are so incredible,
But if you’re looking for one of the ros quickly became the Martin Scorsese of Wrigley, where he was working a game how could you not use them year-round?
greatest collections of home movies of a the 2003 Cubs. for Fox Sports. He stopped me before I You can lift weights and have access to
memorable sports team, there is one out “The last month of the season, he litera- could open my mouth. physical therapists and even nutritionists. I
there. Unfortunately, chances are you’ll lly had this camcorder on the bench,” “Don’t even get me going on that,” he might have hit a few more home runs,
never see it. Glanville said. “He’d take it into dog piles said. looking back. The Cubs were smart in
The producer/director/owner of those and filmed all over the place. He came up “On what?” I asked. having their own facility.
videos has them locked away and once with what obviously is a gem of history. I “You know what,” he replied. “My thing was as soon as the Rose Bowl
told me they wouldn’t be released until remember clinching (the NL Central) and I told him the tapes were becoming game ended, then I’d get back in shape.”
he’s deceased. he had the camera above us and was more valuable every year the champi- For now, Grace is resigned to waiting at
“It’s going to be one of those things that jumping with us. onship drought went on. his Phoenix-area home for baseball to be
I’m going to pass on, and my kids will be “He had that thing everywhere. There “I will do something,” he said with a cleared to resume, with some freedom.
cleaning stuff out and they’ll find it,” he must be some serious gold on there. … It’s laugh. “And, no, I’m not waiting for the “The golf courses are still open,” Grace
said. “And then they’ll be on, like, one of historic. It really is cool. He took it every- value (to increase). To be honest, I just said. “We’re not worried about cabin fever.”
those Ken Burns baseball documentaries.” where, in meetings. It was truly all-access. haven’t had the time. I got into a stretch
The home movies were made in sum- Think about that group. A lot of us were where I was watching it, transferring it
mer 2003. The amateur filmmaker was veterans and we were used to being start- (from VHS) to DVDs, messing around
former Cubs first baseman Eric Karros, ers before, and we had to tuck our egos in with it … but I’m not that technologically
who has kept them private for 17 years. our back pockets and work with it. savvy, so that takes time.”
“I’d love to have it,” former Cubs out- “Then Karros’ filming reminded us of Still, Karros was adamant the tapes
fielder and Marquee Sports Network how much we were still fans, how much would not be seen by the public and were
analyst Doug Glanville said Friday. “I in awe we were of the moment. You feel it just for the players.
know Jordan was in it too.” slipping through your fingers. You’re “Nobody sees the stuff,” he said. “That’s
It all started in September 2003, when getting older and you just want to hold what I swore to all the guys when I took
the Cubs were in the stretch run of a wild on.” the stuff, that nobody would see it and
season that included a cast of characters The 2003 season indeed proved his- that the teammates would be the first to
such as Sammy Sosa, Mark Prior, Kerry toric for the Cubs, who beat the Braves in see the tapes if I ever did (release it).”
Wood, Moises Alou and Kenny Lofton. the N LD S for their first postseason series Glanville said Karros kept his word,
Karros, who played the first 12 seasons win since the 1908 World Series. Jordan, even if the tapes would be “gold” to docu-
of his 14-year career with the Dodgers, who was at the clinching game in Atlanta, mentary makers.
was in his only season with the Cubs. He became a reluctant part of Cubs history by Nowadays teams have video crews
enjoyed the ride so much that he told joining in on the clubhouse celebration. recording almost every moment, and
reporters “every player should be a Cub “He was a little embarrassed and shy some players, such as Tim Anderson and
for one year.” about it,” Glanville said. “He felt like he Trevor Bauer, have YouTube channels. We
Eventually Karros, now 52, decided to was intruding on our celebration and he live in a video age, and it seems as if every
bring his camcorder to the ballpark every wasn’t part of the team. But he came in, athlete is on camera all the time with no
day to record it for posterity. and we doused him with champagne. He qualms about how they’ll appear to view-
“My original intent was just to do it for was just trying to chill and said, ‘No, this is ers looking back in 20 or 30 years.
myself,” Karros told me during the 2003 your time.’ Remember that innocent age while
postseason. “I’d always said I’d do some- “We were happy to bring him in. He PHIL VELASQUEZ/CHICAGO TRIBUNE
you’re enjoying “The Last Dance.”
thing like this, whether it was keeping a was Chicago to us. What we were wearing Maybe someday you’ll be able to enjoy Mark Grace acknowledges the Wrigley Field
journal or putting something on video- across our chest, it might as well have said the Karros tapes … but don’t count on it. crowd in the seventh inning.

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8 Chicago Tribune | Section 2 | Monday, April 27, 2020



Bulls forward Dennis Rodman during a game against the Wizards on Nov. 29, 1997. Michael Jordan, coach Phil Jackson and the Bulls celebrate winning the 1991 NBA title.


How Rodman joined ‘There’s an ‘I’ in win’:

Bulls to do ‘dirty work’ Bulls capture 1st title
By Phil Rosenthal Tribune’s Sam Smith forecast Cavs in five. By Phil Rosenthal son tells Rodman the Lakota tribe of the
So before Game 5, per Smith: “Michael Great Plains would refer to him as Heyoka,
As Michael Jordan’s 1997-98 Chicago walks over to Lacy and he points and says, Carmen Electra hiding in a Las Vegas or “backward-walking person.”
Bulls get off to a sluggish start minus ‘We took care of you.’ Then he looks at Kent hotel room when Michael Jordan comes to
Scottie Pippen, we learn “Bad Boy” Dennis and he says, ‘We took care of you.’ And he retrieve Dennis Rodman and the Chicago Best vintage clip
Rodman’s origin story in Episode 3 of “The looks at me (and says), ‘And we take care of Bulls winning their first NBA title under “All you can do is wish them good luck,”
Last Dance,” ESPN’s 10-part documentary you today.’” Phil Jackson highlight Episode 4 of “The Jordan tells CBS broadcaster Pat O’Brien
on Jordan’s era with the team. Last Dance,” ESPN’s 10-part documentary in 1990, extraordinarily gracious after the
Now that we’ve had a chance to see the Best vintage clip on the Bulls’ 1997-98 championship season second successive Eastern Conference
third hour, let’s see what we can take away. Poised to examine the Bulls’ 1995 and the era it ended. finals loss to the Pistons. “We fought hard.
acquisition of Rodman is none other than Now that we’ve seen the fourth hour, They were the better team. We want to be
Let’s recap Phil Ponce of WTTW-11’s “Chicago let’s see what we can take away. where they are. But we’ve still got to wait
The Bulls were 8-7 in late November ’97, Tonight.” “Is it one of the shrewdest moves our turn. We’re still trying to improve our
badly handicapped by Pippen’s absence. the Bulls have ever made or one of the Let’s recap team. They were the better team and they
Pippen was recovering from ankle surgery dumbest?” he asks. The big problems for the 1997-98 Bulls played better today.”
he delayed because he was sore at team in January and early February were
management for not renegotiating a long- Runner-up vintage clip self-inflicted. We’ll get to the Electra story Best insult
term contract that left him underpaid. John Jackson, the Sun-Times beat and the rest of that eventually. Isiah Thomas’ attempts to explain away
Jordan needed Rodman to help pick up writer in 1997-98, commiserates with Much of Episode 4 is devoted to Bulls the Pistons’ poor sportsmanship after
the slack. Rodman, who apparently could Jordan over how other reporters, particu- general manager Jerry Krause’s recruit- losing the 1991 Eastern Conference finals
convey to Jordan that he was sorry by larly on the road, keep asking whether he’ll ment and nurturing of Jackson, who grew to the Bulls make Jordan and the Bulls
stopping by Jordan’s hotel room and asking retire after the season. “I’m sick of it too,” up in Montana and North Dakota as the laugh. “Straight-up bitches,” Horace Grant
for a cigar, became super-dedicated and Jackson says. “Just say, ‘Next question.’ ” son of two ministers. He evolved into a bit says. “That’s what they walked off like.”
the Bulls started winning again. Years of a hippie who played a physical brand of
earlier, Rodman had roughed up the Bulls Best insult basketball, winning two titles with the Overstatement of the episode
before their first championship run as a Bulls trainer John Ligmanowski calls Knicks. On the morning of the Bulls’ February
member of the much-despised “Bad Boys” the members of Jordan’s security detail Jackson was coaching the minor-league 1998 road game versus the Jazz, whom the
Pistons teams. The Pistons realized if they “the Sniff Brothers,” an allusion to being Albany Patroons when Krause hired him as Bulls faced in the 1997 NBA Finals and
could shut down Jordan, they could stop “jock sniffers” or fans in awe of Jordan. an assistant under coach Doug Collins. would play again for the ’98 title, the
the Bulls, so they manhandled him. Krause was dismayed Collins was ignoring Tribune published Fred Mitchell’s inter-
It was with the Pistons that Rodman Overstatement of the episode assistant Tex Winter, whom Krause con- view with Krause in which Krause insisted
became a party animal, but he also was “We finally got over the hump of a loser’s sidered the “finest offensive mind in he wasn’t pushing Jordan to retire.
trailed by demons and once was found by mentality,” Jordan says of downing the basketball.” Winter was a proponent of the “We would like to have Michael back,”
police in an empty arena parking lot, asleep Cavaliers in the 1989 playoffs. “We were triangle offense that would spread the Krause said. “But Michael is going to have
in his truck with a rifle ominously at his starting to become a winning franchise and offensive burden to take pressure off to play for someone else. It isn’t going to be
side. the sky’s the limit.” But mentality aside, the Jordan. Jackson replaced Collins after the Phil.”
The Bulls of the late 1980s were coached sky would not be the limit until they took Bulls fell to the Pistons in the 1989 Eastern Seeing as Jordan was unambiguous
by Doug Collins, who was energetic but too down the Pistons two years later. Conference finals. He installed Winter’s about his loyalty to Jackson, Krause should
content to put the ball in Jordan’s hands scheme, which meant an increased role for have known this was more offputting.
and hope for the best. It became clear Understatement of the episode Scottie Pippen and others. Winter ex-
Jordan needed help from teammates. That “While Scottie was out, Dennis was a plained to Jordan that there’s no “I” in Understatement of the episode
philosophy explains why the Bulls, years model citizen to the point where it was team. Yeah, Jordan replied, but “there’s an “Unfortunately, it’s very cold,” TNT
later, were receptive to the defensive driving him (bleeping) insane,” Jordan ‘I’ in win.” analyst Hubie Brown said during that
standout Rodman joining them despite his says. “So when Scottie came back, Dennis After the “Bad Boys” Pistons ousted night’s Bulls-Jazz telecast of Krause’s
history. wanted to take a vacation. … You let him go them again in 1990, Jordan and the Bulls remarks to Mitchell. “It’s sad, and if you
“Nobody can say anything bad about me to Vegas, we’re definitely not going to see bulked up so they wouldn’t get pushed really think about this, performance and
as a teammate,” Rodman says. “You know, him. … I’m looking at Phil (Jackson) like: around. They further embraced the trian- loyalty by the coaches and players are
you’ve got the great Michael Jordan, the ‘You’re not going to get that dude back in gle offense, which allowed for 33 options being just thrown out the window.“
great Scottie Pippen, the great Phil Jack- 48 hours. I don’t care what you say.’” with each pass, and overcame the Pistons
son. But if you take me away from this For the upshot, wait till you see Episode and then Magic Johnson’s Lakers to win Best bit about how good Jordan was
team, do they still win a championship 4. the 1991 NBA title, the first of six for After losing the Eastern Conference
(during the second three-peat)? I don’t Jordan, Pippen and Jackson. finals to the ever-shoving Pistons for a
think so. I love Michael Jordan to death. I Best bit about how good Jordan was Got it? Good. Now let’s further break second successive year, Jordan set about
love Scottie Pippen, all these guys. But they Pistons coach Chuck Daly had his “Bad down the fourth hour of “The Last Dance.” bulking up and encouraged teammates to
really don’t do the things that I do. I’m the Boys” smothering Jordan, trying to knock follow suit. Says Grant, “When you see
only guy to go out there doing their dirty him to the floor whenever he went to the We love the ’90s your leader working extremely hard in
work, taking abuse from other players.” basket. “We tried to physically hurt Lakers superfan and Hollywood legend practice, you feel like, ‘Oh, man, if I don’t
Got it? Good. Now let’s further break Michael,” Rodman says. Recalls James Jack Nicholson jumps from his courtside give it my all, I shouldn’t be here.’ ”
down the third hour of “The Last Dance.” Worthy, a former Jordan teammate at seat to be among the first to congratulate
North Carolina: “I don’t know how he Jackson on winning the ’91 title. Best out-of-context quote
We love the ’90s came out of it alive.” “I wanted to administer pain,” Jordan
Is 1989 close enough? Setting a Jordan- Best anecdote says. “I wanted to start fighting back.”
on-the-rise highlights montage to Prince’s Best out-of-context quote Episode 3 ended with Rodman given a
“Partyman” from “Batman” (the one with “Dennis Rodman was the (bleep)-up 48-hour pass, but as Jordan feared: The Most interesting thing that goes un-
Michael Keaton, Kim Basinger and Jack person. He just (bleeps) everything up,” Bull who goes to Vegas stays in Vegas. mentioned
Nicholson) is perfection. “All hail the new fellow Hall of Famer Gary Payton says. Rodman goes on a bender with actress Why was it Jordan who went to Las
king in town/Young and old, gather “He’s a pest.” girlfriend (and future wife) Carmen Elec- Vegas to bring back Rodman? MJ earlier
around/Black and white, red and green/ tra. “To be honest, I didn’t realize what the said he felt he deserved a vacation more
The funkiest man you’ve ever seen …” Most interesting thing that goes un- team’s schedule was,” the onetime “Bay- than anyone on the Bulls. Was his midnight
mentioned watch” star recalls. “I didn’t know he took a run to Vegas a way to give himself one?
Best anecdote Jordan remains resentful of the “Bad detour.” Jordan shows up around Day 4:
Collins would be sweat-drenched dur- Boys” Pistons. “We had to go get his ass out of bed, and I’m Quote that neatly fits an overriding
ing games. During his 1986 debut as Bulls “Hated them — hate carries even to this not going to say what’s in his bed and theme of the series
coach on the road against the Knicks, he day,” he says. “They made it personal. They where he was, blah, blah, blah.” “Everybody … has the picture of (Jordan
chewed his gum into powder. Jordan physically beat the (bleep) out of us.” Electra fills in at least some of the blahs: in 1989) in their mind when we beat
handed him a cup of water and told him to MJ explains why he accepted Rodman “There was a knock on the door. It’s Cleveland on that last shot and he’s
relax. “I’m not going to let you lose your but never talks about his embrace of other Michael Jordan, and I hid. I don’t want him punching the air and he’s all excited. That’s
first game,” MJ said, then scored 10 “Bad Boys” alumni James Edwards and to see me like that, so I’m just, like, hiding who we knew, the competitive Michael
straight points to finish with 50, a Madison John Salley as eventual teammates. behind the couch with covers on me. Jordan, the win-at-all-costs Michael Jor-
Square Garden record for an opponent. (Jordan says:) ‘Come on. We’ve got to get to dan. Sometimes we questioned whether he
Quote that neatly fits an overriding practice.’” was human, whether he had feelings. He
Second-best anecdote theme of the series was just a guy who was totally focused on
Going into the Bulls’ best-of-five 1989 “I can compare Michael Jordan to Second-best anecdote one thing. The only emotion we had ever
playoff series versus the Cavaliers, the nobody because for him to survive (the Jackson and Rodman find a common seen out of him was anger or frustration.
Sun-Times’ Lacy Banks picked the Cavs to Pistons’ onslaught) and still maintain that bond among the Native American artifacts We were literally stunned to see those
sweep, the Daily Herald’s Kent McDill greatness, it’s very unparalleled,” Rodman Jackson keeps in the team room at the emotions.” — teammate Will Perdue on
predicted Cavs in four games and the says. Bulls’ Berto Center practice facility. Jack- Jordan’s tears after winning his first title.

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Chicago Tribune | Business | Section 2 | Monday, April 27, 2020 9


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10 Chicago Tribune | Section 2 | Monday, April 27, 2020


Day 47
Since the sports world went mainly dark


I’ll be ready
for return
News services

Ryan Newman said he will be ready to

race when NASCAR resumes competi-
tion, which could be as early as May 17.
Newman suffered a head injury in the
season-opening race at Daytona Inter-
national Speedway. The Indiana native
spent less than 48 hours in the hospital
before walking out holding hands with
his two daughters.
Ross Chastain drove the No. 6 Ford in
place of Newman for three races before
the NASCAR season was suspended
March 13 because of the coronavirus
Speaking before NASCAR’s iRacing
event Sunday, Newman said on Fox
Sports that he will be ready to race when
NASCAR calls drivers back to the track.
“That’s the absolute plan for sure. I
am healthy,” Newman said. “I have been
blessed with another layer of this
(coronavirus) situation giving me more
time to heal and I look forward to being
back in the seat, for sure.”
Newman was in a spectacular crash
while racing for the lead on the final lap
of the Daytona 500 on Feb. 17. His
airborne car was hit by another car, his
Ford rolled several times and came to a
stop on his roof. It took several minutes
to get him out of the car and transferred
to a Florida hospital, where his condition
was considered serious but not life-
NASCAR said in a statement that
Newman hasn’t yet been cleared by the
series to return.
“We share Ryan’s enthusiasm in his
return to the track,” the statement said.
“We look forward to Ryan returning to
racing as soon as he is medically cleared
to race.”
The defending NFC champion 49ers addressed key positions in the draft and traded for seven-time Pro Bowl left tackle Trent Williams. Newman used his brief appearance on
Fox Sports to give thanks again for the
NFL DRAFT WINNERS AND LOSERS outpouring of support he has received
during his recovery.

Gold standard: 49ers

“I am so excited and thankful all at the
same time to be healthy and at some
point get back in a race car when the
world starts turning again,” Newman
said. “And thankful for all the people and
support that I’ve got from family, fans,

fill needs, get richer

you name it that have prayed for me, you
name it, you have given me this multi-
tude of miracles.”
NASCAR is hoping to resume its
season without spectators as early as
May 17. The situation remains fluid as
the sanctioning body hammers out a
By Josh Dubow defensive starters in the draft. The Panthers new schedule and finds states that will
Associated Press became the first team in the common draft host the series, and teams plan their
era to use all of their draft picks on defensive return to their race shops.
The task for the 49ers heading into the players. Stud defensive tackle Derrick Brown ■ Alex Bowman scored his first iRacing
draft was straight forward. highlights the seven-player class that also victory of NASCAR’s invitational series
Find replacements for departed starters includes edge rusher Yetur Gross-Matos, and by holding off Corey LaJoie and Ryan
DeForest Buckner at defensive tackle and defensive backs Jeremy Chinn, Troy Pride Preece in a two-lap OT sprint to the
Emmanuel Sanders at receiver and then Jr., and former West Virginia and XFL safety finish at virtual Talladega Superspeed-
find a player to step in for longtime left Kenny Robinson. way in Alabama. The victory is the third
tackle Joe Staley, who informed the NFC consecutive for Hendrick Motorsports,
champions before the draft that he planned
to retire. Unfilled needs which got back-to-back wins from
William Byron headed into Sunday’s
The 49ers filled the first two spots in the esports event. The race was the virtual
first round with defensive tackle Javon Patriots debut for Hall of Famer Jeff Gordon,
Kinlaw and receiver Brandon Aiyuk and The Patriots couldn’t expect to find Tom who raced on a rig he borrowed from
hoped they wouldn’t regret passing on a Brady’s replacement in the draft but didn’t Clint Bowyer’s son, Cash. Gordon was
potential starting tackle like Tristan Wirfs. even take a shot on any of the quarterbacks. part of the crash but was able to use his
They couldn’t have scripted it any better They also failed to bolster their weak receiver one allotted reset to resume competing.
when they were able to trade for seven-time group, instead adding to their stellar defense He needed the quick fix after his famous
Pro Bowl left tackle Trent Williams on with the first three picks before taking two No. 24 Chevrolet sailed into the fence.
Saturday. tight ends in round three. Because Gordon typically calls the races
“It was a good gamble that worked out MICHAEL CONROY/AP
alongside Mike Joy, he was replaced in
well,” coach Kyle Shanahan said. Packers GM Brian Gutekunst, above, failed Rams the Fox booth this week by Michael
While the 49ers were one of the teams that to land a new receiver for Aaron Rodgers. The Rams had one of the league’s worst Waltrip.
filled their needs on draft weekend. Others offensive lines last year and didn’t address
like the Packers fell short. Broncos that spot until taking Clemson tackle Trey- Colleges: Tulane basketball player
The Packers got a first-round quarterback Quarterback Drew Lock showed promise mayne Anchrum in the seventh round. They Teshaun Hightower was arrested Sat-
in Jordan Love to sit behind Aaron Rodgers in a five-game audition at the end of his had no first-round pick after trading it for urday and charged with murder in
for a couple of years but didn’t get their star rookie season in 2019. GM John Elway gave cornerback Jalen Ramsey and used their first connection with a homicide in Stock-
quarterback any wideouts in a receiver-rich Lock plenty of help. The draft’s best route selection on running back Cam Akers. This is bridge, Georgia, earlier this month.
draft. runner in Jerry Jeudy fell to the Broncos at the second straight year they took a running Hightower, the Green Wave’s leading
“It’s a little bit the way everything kind of No. 15 in the first round and they added Penn back on day two, which isn’t always the best scorer in 2019-20 after transfering from
fell early in the draft,” Packers GM Brian State speedster KJ Hamler to team with value. Georgia, is charged with felony murder,
Gutekunst said. “It just didn’t work out that Courtland Sutton for a powerful receiving aggravated assault, possession of a fire-
we were able to select some of the guys we trio. Elway also added fleet tight end Albert Chargers arm during the commission of a felony,
had rated really highly.” Okwuegunam on day three. Lock gets some Los Angeles’ other team also had prob- and battery. Tulane dismissed High-
Here’s a look at how some other teams protection with two strong interior blockers lems on the offensive line last year that tower from the team following his arrest.
filled their needs or didn’t on draft weekend: in LSU center Lloyd Cushenberry and weren’t addressed in the draft. They took QB ... Louisville football signee Dexter Rentz
Fresno State guard Netane Muti. Justin Herbert sixth overall and traded back was shot and killed in Orlando, Florida,
Filled needs Buccaneers
into the first round for LB Kenneth Murray.
That left them with no more picks until
late Saturday. The Orlando Police De-
partment confirmed that Rentz died in
The Bucs are in win-now mode after round four and they didn’t end up with any the shooting, which also injured three
Vikings signing Tom Brady and acquiring Rob linemen. others. Rentz was 18.
The Vikings’ needs were clear after Gronkowski. They did a good job of filling
trading star receiver Stefon Diggs and losing their roster with players who can help their Dolphins Soccer: Premier Giuseppe Conte an-
cornerbacks Xavier Rhodes, Trae Waynes soon-to-be 43-year-old quarterback. They This draft will be a success for the nounced that professional sports teams
and Mackensie Alexander. They managed to got one of the top tackles in round one in Dolphins if QB Tua Tagovailoa remains in Italy can resume training May 18. The
fill them despite trading down a couple of Wirfs and a talented slot receiver in fifth- healthy and develops into a franchise QB. But move means that the Serie A league
times in the draft and ended up taking 15 rounder Tyler Johnson. They also added a it wouldn’t have hurt to get him a starting could resume playing games in June —
players and acquiring two mid-round picks third-round running back in Ke’Shawn receiver in a draft filled with prospects. albeit without any fans in the stadiums.
in 2021. The highlights of this class are Vaughn to team with Ronald Jones and a Instead, they spent their next six picks on the Serie A has been suspended since March
first-round receiver Justin Jefferson and ball-hawking safety in Antoine Winfield. offensive line and secondary and didn’t take a 9, when the government ordered a
cornerback Jeff Gladney. They added anoth- receiver until grabbing Navy QB Malcom nationwide lockdown due to the co-
er promising cornerback in Cameron Dant- Panthers Perry in the seventh round. That leaves them ronavirus emergency. Twelve rounds
zler in the third round, a good coverage After signing quarterback Teddy Bridge- with DeVante Parker and few other proven remain in league play, plus four other
linebacker in fourth-rounder Troy Dye. water and receiver Robby Anderson in free options at receiver. matches that were postponed from the
Second-round offensive tackle Ezra Cleve- agency and locking up running back Chris- 25th round. Eight-time defending cham-
land also provides good value and could be a tian McCaffrey with a long-term extension, AP Sports Writer Steve Megargee contrib- pion Juventus leads Lazio by one point
starter by 2021. new coach Matt Rhule set out to replace nine uted to this report in the Serie A standings.

Stay Safe&Protect Your Families in the Coronavirus Pandemic. @WorldAndNews

The materials placed on the Channel, is collected from public resources in the Internet and intended exceptionally for acquainting purposes ONLY! If you need it, buy it!!

Chicago Tribune | Section 2 | Monday, April 27, 2020 11



Swimming and studying

Five-time Olympic champ stays fit in pool, while Q: Do you worry about the ripple
effects on the sport when it’s already
working on her degree with timely course choice been announced that outdoor pools
will be shuttered this summer in New
By Karen Crouse | The New York Times York?

t was a Saturday in California and five-time Olympic gold medalist Katie Ledecky A: I don’t know what’s going to happen to
had a competition later in the afternoon to look forward to. Not the swim meet in the summer leagues like the one that I got
Mission Viejo that had originally filled her calendar for this past weekend, but a my start in. That’s a huge gateway for the
virtual game, Cards Against Humanity, with a group of roughly 20 relatives, mostly sport, the way a lot of young kids find
cousins, organized by her older brother, Michael. their way into it. That’s a year lost on that.
Last month in Des Moines, Iowa, at a tuneup meet for the Olympic trials, Ledecky I worry about small club teams. Even just
produced her fastest 1,500-meter freestyle since May 2018, buoying her prospects of thinking about how workouts are going
winning as many as five more Olympic gold medals, including the “Ledecky Slam” in the to change when things get back to
200-400-800-1,500 freestyles, at the Tokyo Games. But within a week of returning to her normal. Will teams have to limit the
Stanford training base from Iowa, she was scrambling to find pool space after the number of people in lanes? Maybe groups
university facilities shut down because of the coronavirus crisis. The Olympics have been will only be able to swim once a day
postponed a year, and the college remains shut down, but Ledecky, who’s from Bethesda, PHOTOS BY MADDIE MEYER/GETTY instead of doubles because they have to
Maryland, and her training mate, four-time Olympic medalist Simone Manuel, continue Katie Ledecky is continuing her studies extend out the training times. I think it’s
to swim daily in a family’s two-lane, 25-yard backyard pool a short drive from the Stanford at Stanford. One of her four current going to change some of the mental
campus. online courses is on infectious diseases. aspects of training in the sport.
Aside from her daily swim, Ledecky, 23, is sheltering in place at her two-bedroom
apartment near Stanford but staying busy. Q: You swam so well in Des Moines the Q: What is the one non-swimming
After taking a year off school to focus on her Olympic preparation, Ledecky, a first full weekend of March. How do you activity you are most looking forward to
psychology major at Stanford, re-enrolled in online classes for the spring quarter, which process everything that has happened being able to do once the lockdown is
began April 6 — 13 days after the Olympics were postponed. The four courses she is taking since? lifted?
include one on infectious diseases.
A: I felt really good about my swims and A: I think seeing my family. I don’t know
felt it was indicative of how I was if that will mean I travel to see them or
Q: How did you come to take an backyard pool and that’s about a five- training. It was nice to see that starting to they travel to see me. I don’t know if I’ll be
infectious disease class? minute drive away, and that’s basically show in meets. I was excited to get back able to give them a hug, but just being able
the only time I go out. I feel lucky that I’m to work. It’s tough when you’re doing to be with them will be nice. It’s even
A: It’s Global Change and Emerging able to get my aerobic workout in from well and feeling good about things and harder to think of my extended family,
Infectious Disease, and it actually fulfills that so I don’t have to do any running or then things change. But I feel good about especially my two grandmothers. Will I
my last general requirement. It’s a lot cycling. I got some bands and a couple of where I was at and feel I’ll be able to see them again? That’s harder to think
about the different environmental and weights and a pullup bar. I have a tiny maintain that, and replicate that and about. We’re all staying in pretty good
social factors that cause these outbreaks. balcony, and there’s one part of it that has remember how that felt. touch. We’ve been watching Mass to-
They go through SARS and MERS and a little bit of space, so that’s where I do my There’s so much uncertainty about the gether on Sundays with my grandma in
HIV, but there’s definitely a focus on dryland to get a little more fresh air. next year: What meets will we have? What North Dakota. We get together over
coronavirus. Our professors are giving us I haven’t gone to a grocery store in will our next meet be? Will we be able to Zoom and share a screen and livestream
insight on the data that they’re tracking. about a month. I’ve just been using train long course? Will we be able to train Mass.
It’s a lot about the bats and the markets grocery delivery apps. I’ve been doing as a team and with other people again? All During the time right before the
and learning how to calculate transmis- that and HelloFresh, which USA Swim- of that. It’s hard to really think about the lockdown, I considered going to other
sion rates and contractibility and all ming got us for a discount at one point so next thing so I’m just thinking day by day. parts of the country, even North Dakota
those different things. It’s been really I signed up for it. You pick three recipes I’ve been doing a lot of virtual video to my grandma’s house because there’s an
fascinating. per week, and each has two servings, so I calls with other teams and groups and it’s indoor pool there. But I ultimately
get two meals out of each. I’ve been tough to see the younger athletes strug- decided to stay here. It just got to the
Q: How much are you venturing outside? getting all my meat out of that and then I gling with it, who have such a love for the point where there really wasn’t much
get snacks and food for breakfast and sport and it’s been so much a part of their open anywhere and it’s probably better
A: I’ve been able to swim at somebody’s lunch from the grocery stores. routine and their social life and all of it. not to travel if I don’t need to.



International, Fresno State, Georgia
Toronto 46 18 .719 — Boston 44 14 12 100 227 174 Atlanta 2 0 0 6 4 2 Div.. I FBS Tiz the Law Barclay Tagg 122
American 0 0 5 2 3 2 5 17 Southern, Kentucky, Louisiana Tech, Wells Bayou Brad Cox 104
Boston 43 21 .672 3 Tampa Bay 43 21 6 92 245 195 N.Y. Red Bulls 1 0 1 4 4 3
Philadelphia 39 26 .600 71⁄2 Toronto 36 25 9 81 238 227 ACC 3 3 2 5 7 2 5 27 Marshall, Maryland, Michigan State, Ete Indien Patrick Biancone 74
Montreal 1 0 1 4 4 3
Brooklyn 30 34 .469 16 Florida 35 26 8 78 231 228 Big 12 5 3 4 1 4 2 2 21 Missouri, NC State, Nebraska, North Modernist Bill Mott 70
Toronto FC 1 0 1 4 3 2
New York 21 45 .318 26 Montreal 31 31 9 71 212 221 Big Ten 5 7 5 6 5 11 9 48 Carolina, Purdue, Stanford, Syracuse, Authentic Bob Baffert 60
Columbus 1 0 1 4 2 1 Mr. Monomoy Brad Cox 52
SOUTHEAST Buffalo 30 31 8 68 195 217 D.C. United 1 1 0 3 3 3 C-USA 0 0 1 5 1 1 2 10 Tennessee, Texas A&M, Texas Tech,
Ottawa 25 34 12 62 191 243 Ind. (FBS) 0 2 1 2 2 2 0 9 Tulane, Tulsa, USC, Virginia, Wake Nadal Bob Baffert 50
Miami 41 24 .631 — Chicago 0 1 1 1 2 3 Mischevious Alex John Servis 50
Orlando 30 35 .462 11 Detroit 17 49 5 39 145 267 MAC 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 2 Forest, Washington, West Virginia,
New England 0 1 1 1 2 3 MW 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 10 Ny Traffic Saffie Joseph Jr. 50
Washington 24 40 .375 161⁄2 METRO. W L OT Pts GF GA Orlando City 0 1 1 1 1 2 Wyoming King Guillermo Juan Carlos Avila 50
Charlotte 23 42 .354 18 Pac-12 3 3 6 7 3 7 3 32
Philadelphia 0 1 1 1 3 5 SEC 15 10 15 8 2 5 8 63 Shivaree Ralph Nicks 40
Atlanta 20 47 .299 22 Washington 41 20 8 90 240 215 POSITION R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 TOT Enforceable Mark Casse 33
Philadelphia 41 21 7 89 232 196 Cincinnati 0 2 0 0 3 5 Sun Belt 0 1 1 2 1 1 1 7
CENTRAL Inter Miami CF 0 2 0 0 1 3 Center 1 0 2 1 2 1 1 8 Storm the Court Peter Eurton 32
Pittsburgh 40 23 6 86 224 196 Div. I FCS Sole Volante Patrick Biancone 30
Milwaukee 53 12 .815 — N.Y. City FC 0 2 0 0 0 2 Cornerback 6 3 2 6 3 1 6 27
Carolina 38 25 5 81 222 193 CAA 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 2 Major Fed Greg Foley 30
Indiana 39 26 .600 14 Def. end 1 4 1 1 6 0 4 17
Columbus 33 22 15 81 180 187 MVFC 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 2 Thousand Words Bob Baffert 25
Chicago 22 43 .338 31 Western W L T PT GF GA Def. tackle 2 2 5 3 2 4 3 21
N.Y. Islanders 35 23 10 80 192 193 OVC 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 Silver Prospector Steve Asmussen 21
Detroit 20 46 .303 331⁄2 Guard 0 1 3 6 2 4 2 18
N.Y. Rangers 37 28 5 79 234 222 Sporting KC 2 0 0 6 7 1 Pioneer 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 Field Pass Mike Maker 20
Cleveland 19 46 .292 34
New Jersey 28 29 12 68 189 230 Minnesota 2 0 0 6 8 3 Kicker 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 3 Excession Steve Asmussen 20
WESTERN CONFERENCE Colorado 2 0 0 6 4 2 Linebacker 5 2 11 4 4 5 8 39 Candy Tycoon Todd Pletcher 20
WESTERN CONFERENCE MIAA 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 Long snapper 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 Honor A. P. John Shirreffs 20
SOUTHWEST W L PCT GB FC Dallas 1 0 1 4 4 2
CENTRAL W L OT Pts GF GA Los Angeles FC 1 0 1 4 4 3 SAC 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 Off. tackle 6 1 3 4 1 4 1 20 Untitled Mark Casse 20
Houston 40 24 .625 — DIV. III Punter 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 Shotski Jeremiah O'Dwyer 19
St. Louis 42 19 10 94 225 193 Seattle 1 0 1 4 3 2
Dallas 40 27 .597 11⁄2 Quarterback 4 1 0 2 1 1 4 13 Independence Hall Mike Trombetta 14
Colorado 42 20 8 92 237 191 Portland 1 1 0 3 2 3 MIAC 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1
Memphis 32 33 .492 81⁄2 Run. back 1 5 4 4 1 0 3 18 Gouverneur Morris Todd Pletcher 14
Dallas 37 24 8 82 180 177 Vancouver 1 1 0 3 2 3
New Orleans 28 36 .438 12 Silver State Steve Asmussen 14
Winnipeg 37 28 6 80 216 203 Real Salt Lake 0 0 2 2 1 1 MULTIPLE SCHOOL SELECTIONS Safety 0 5 4 3 2 4 3 21
San Antonio 27 36 .429 121⁄2 Azul Coast Bob Baffert 14
Nashville 35 26 8 78 215 217 LA Galaxy 0 1 1 1 1 2 Tight end 0 1 4 4 0 2 1 12
NORTHWEST 14: LSU; 10: Michigan, Ohio State Shoplifted Steve Asmussen 13
Minnesota 35 27 7 77 220 220 San Jose 0 1 1 1 4 7 Receiver 6 7 3 2 8 6 3 35 Anneau d'Or Blain Wright 12
Denver 43 22 .662 — Chicago 32 30 8 72 212 218 9: Alabama
Utah 41 23 .641 11⁄2 Houston 0 1 1 1 1 5 7: Clemson, Florida, Georgia, Utah Maxfield Brendan Walsh 10
Oklahoma City 40 24 .625 21⁄2 PACIFIC W L OT Pts GF GA Nashville SC 0 2 0 0 1 3 FIELD R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 TOT Basin Steve Asmussen 10
6: Auburn, Notre Dame Eight Rings Bob Baffert 10
Portland 29 37 .439 141⁄2 Vegas 39 24 8 86 227 211 5: Iowa, Minnesota, Mississippi State, Offense 18 16 19 23 15 18 15 124
3 points for victory, 1 point for tie Dennis' Moment Dale Romans 10
Minnesota 19 45 .297 231⁄2 Edmonton 37 25 9 83 225 217 Penn State, TCU Defense 14 16 23 17 17 14 24 125 Gold Street Steve Asmussen 10
PACIFIC Calgary 36 27 7 79 210 215 4: Baylor, Miami (FL), Oklahoma, Special tms 0 0 0 0 1 3 2 6 Max Player Linda Rice 10
L.A. Lakers 49 14 .778 — Vancouver 36 27 6 78 228 217 Tentative date for
Oregon, S. Carolina, Temple, Wisconsin As Seen On Tv Kelly Breen 10
L.A. Clippers 44 20 .688 51⁄2 Arizona 33 29 8 74 195 187 the MLS All-Star Game Attachment Rate Dale Romans 10
3: Boise State, California, Colorado, Most selectitons:
Sacramento 28 36 .438 211⁄2 Anaheim 29 33 9 67 187 226 July 29 vs. La Liga MX All Stars Texas Swing Todd Pletcher 10
Louisiana, Memphis, Oregon State, Vikings (15); Jaguars (12)
Phoenix 26 39 .400 24 Los Angeles 29 35 6 64 178 212 Banc of California Stadium source:
Texas, UCLA Least selections: Saints (4)
Golden State 15 50 .231 35 San Jose 29 36 5 63 182 226 in Los Angeles Kentucky Derby: Sept. 5, Louisville, Ky

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The materials placed on the Channel, is collected from public resources in the Internet and intended exceptionally for acquainting purposes ONLY! If you need it, buy it!!

12 Chicago Tribune | Section 2 | Monday, April 27, 2020



We’re all missing sports these days. So with the games on hold, we’re offering a daily dose of memorable moments as chronicled through sports history:

Good day for a no-no (APRIL 27, 2003)

This published when Kevin Millwood
pitched his first career no-hitter to lead the
Phillies over the Giants 1-0, on April 27,
2003. It occurred on the same day two
other no-hitters were recorded. Derek Lowe
pitched a no-hitter against the Rays in
2002 with a 10-0 win for the Red Sox and
in 1994 Scott Erickson, who allowed the
most hits in the majors the previous season,
pitched the Twins’ first no-hitter in 27 years
as the Twins beat the Brewers 6-0.

By Shannon Ryan
Philadelphia Inquirer

wood kept trying to talk to his
teammates. They wanted noth-
ing to do with him.
No way was one of them going
to be blamed for jinxing one of the most
memorable days in Phillies history and a
scrapbook moment in Millwood’s career. NEAL HAMBERG/AP

For nine innings Sunday, the right-hander Red Sox pitcher Derek Lowe pumps his fist
hurled fastballs over the plate and recorded after pitching a no-hitter against the Devil
his first career no-hitter in a 1-0 victory over Rays on April 27, 2002. Boston won 10-0.
the San Francisco Giants.
With each strike, the 40,016 people in
Veterans Stadium roared, and the red-
bearded pitcher maintained his steely gaze
and unshakable focus.
“It’s a little hard to put into words,” said
Millwood, 28, who threw a one-hit shutout
against Pittsburgh in 1998 while with
Atlanta. Every starting pitcher, it’s the goal
to do it once.”
The no-hitter was the first pitched by a AP

Phillie since Tommy Greene in Montreal in Phillies pitcher Kevin Millwood, left, celebrates with Jim Thome after throwing a no-hitter
1991, and only the ninth ever by a Phillie. It against the Giants for a 1-0 win on April 27, 2003.
was just the second time a no-hitter was
thrown in Veterans Stadium. Terry Mulhol- OTHER APRIL 27 MOMENTS biggest victory in playoff history with their
land threw one against the Giants in 1990. 1956: Rocky Marciano retires as the unde- 121-63 rout of New Orleans in Game 4 of
It was the first no-hitter in the majors feated heavyweight boxing champion. He their first-round series.
since exactly a year ago, when Boston’s finished with a 49-0 record, including six 2013: The Red Wings make the playoffs for
Derek Lowe threw one against Tampa Bay. title defenses and 43 knockouts. the 22nd straight season after Henrik
“That was unbelievable,” Phillies man- 1960: The Minneapolis Lakers announce Zetterberg had two goals and an assist in a
ager Larry Bowa said of Millwood’s per- that they will relocate to Los Angeles. 3-0 victory over Dallas.
formance. “As a manager, that’s the best [I’ve 2007: Kirk Radomski, a former New York 2017: Texas A&M DE Myles Garrett is
seen]. One in October would be better.” Mets clubhouse employee, pleads guilty to picked first overall by the Browns in the NFL
Millwood struck out 10 and walked just distributing steroids to major league play- Draft. Chicago sends a third-round pick, a Twins pitcher Scott Erickson, center, is
three of the 29 batters he faced. Out of 108 ers for a decade and agrees to help base- fourth and a 2018 third to San Francisco to surrounded by teammates after pitching a
pitches, 72 were strikes, and most of them ball’s steroids investigators. switch and selects North Carolina QB no-hitter against the Brewers on April 27,
were fastballs. 2009: The Denver Nuggets match the Mitchell Trubisky. 1994. Minnesota won 6-0.

Stay Safe&Protect Your Families in the Coronavirus Pandemic. @WorldAndNews

The materials placed on the Channel, is collected from public resources in the Internet and intended exceptionally for acquainting purposes ONLY! If you need it, buy it!!

Monday, April 27, 2020 | Section 4



Lights illuminate the Riverview Bridge over the North Branch of the Chicago River. The $14.4 million span officially opened in late November.

Bright spot in dark times

Ingenious pedestrian bridge over Chicago River’s North Branch will make you smile
ple can get exercise, but so they
don’t go stir crazy.
“It’s a beautiful and the onset of the COVID-19
pandemic, is it proving its true
and prompt Mayor Lori Lightfoot,
our much-admired Queen of
Fortunately, an ingenious piece green swath through worth. Keeping Apart, to shut it down.
of urban infrastructure — a gently When I visited last Monday, Designed for the Chicago De-
curving, ultralong pedestrian and the city.” pedestrians, joggers, cyclists, partment of Transportation by
bike bridge over the North Branch people pushing baby strollers and Andrew Metter, a former princi-
of the Chicago River — is helping — Architect Andrew Metter, who dog walkers were using the pal at the big Chicago architecture
Blair Kamin to meet that need. designed the Riverview Bridge bridge. Those people, I hasten to and engineering firm Epstein, the
Quietly wending its way north- add, were maintaining proper bridge reflects former Mayor
With Chicago’s lakefront wisely ward from Addison Street, the social distancing, assisted by the Rahm Emanuel’s drive to trans-
closed to prevent gatherings that 1,010-foot-long Riverview Bridge fornia Park on the west bank. span’s generous, 14-foot-wide form areas along the still-polluted
could spread the deadly co- links two previously separated The $14.4 million span officially path. but cleaner river into venues for
ronavirus, the need for other open city parks: Clark Playlot Park on opened in late November, but only Memo to Chicagoans: Don’t
spaces is crucial, not just so peo- the river’s east bank and Cali- now, with the advent of spring read this review, crowd the bridge Turn to Bridge, Page 3

Richard Marx has

a life on Twitter that
just may shock you

The world needs to know:
What’s the deal with Richard
How is this pandemic affect-
ing Richard Marx?
Is Richard Marx and his hair
CHRIS SWEDA/CHICAGO TRIBUNE doing OK? I ask because, last
Jessica Rodriguez and her mother, Maryland, pick up popcorn Saturday at Park Ridge’s Pickwick Theatre. month, he sold his 29,000-
square-foot mansion in Lake

Federal aid for some local movie Bluff for only $4.2 million; the
house was on the market for
almost six years, initially priced
Musician Richard Marx, formerly
of Chicago’s North Shore and

theaters, while others tough it out at $18 million. In February, he formerly of the ’80s-’90s, is now
released “Limitless,” his 12th living and quarantining in Malibu.
studio album in 33 years, then a
month later, the night before castic, but I’m not. Sure, his song
Meanwhile, there’s popcorn at the Pickwick underway.
My Honda Fit and I joined the
leaving on a European tour,
every show was postponed and
titles (“Now and Forever,” “Right
Here Waiting,” “Endless Sum-
curbside pickup queue along he found himself, perhaps like mer Nights,” “Hold On to the
Illinois shelter-at-home order South Prospect Avenue. What you, retreating to his home in Nights”) might look like they
extended through May 30, and a was the deal? There were no Malibu to quarantine. came out of a song-title genera-
coronavirus-addled customer movies playing that night, or any Yes, that Richard Marx. tor; sure, his slick, manicured
base likely uncertain of its com- night. But on Wednesdays and What’s your quarantine guilty ’80s-’90s hits are the sound of
fort level once movie theaters Saturdays, the Pickwick is pop- pleasure been? Video games? every rom-com montage ever.
reopen — this summer’s Christo- ping popcorn and selling it, five Day-drinking? Binging the But there’s craft there, profes-
pher Nolan thriller “Tenet” is bucks a box, filling online orders whole three-season run of “Gilli- sionalism, consistency. I feel bad
Michael Phillips still scheduled for a July 17 re- in nice, neat 15-minute pickup gan’s Island”? Mine has been describing him as a guilty pleas-
Tribune movie critic lease — the waiting game is ex- time slots. delving into the life and times ure, because there’s no guilt here
cruciating. And costly. Pickwick co-owner Dino and music of Richard Marx and, and the man himself, the ’80s
Chicago and suburban film Meantime: Last Saturday Vlahakis figured other film ex- frankly, there is so much fun Power Ballad Bard of the North
exhibitors have never faced a night at the Pickwick Theatre in hibition players in similarly dire stuff about the Highland Park Shore, is funny, interesting,
starker challenge than the Park Ridge, a more manageable native, I don’t know where to
COVID-19 pandemic. With the and fragrant waiting game was Turn to Theaters, Page 5 begin. You think I’m being sar- Turn to Marx, Page 3

Stay Safe&Protect Your Families in the Coronavirus Pandemic. @WorldAndNews

The materials placed on the Channel, is collected from public resources in the Internet and intended exceptionally for acquainting purposes ONLY! If you need it, buy it!!

2 Chicago Tribune | Arts+Entertainment | Section 4 | Monday, April 27, 2020

Tribune news services

Brad Pitt pops up as Fauci in By Amy Dickinson

2nd at-home edition of ‘SNL’

[email protected] Twitter @askingamy

Brad Pitt portrayed Dr.

Anthony Fauci in the sec- Play dates require parental permission
ond at-home episode of
“Saturday Night Live,” Dear Amy: My mother-in- in-law’s real motive was, What gives?
which also featured musi- law asked if she could take and unless she has disre- — Ignored
cal guest Miley Cyrus, an our kids for the day. My spected you and your hus-
Adam Sandler cameo and husband and I were nerv- band in similar ways in the Dear Ignored: What gives
plenty of disinfectant jokes. ous about this, due to the past, you could assume is this: Everyone is differ-
A bespectacled Pitt, pandemic, but we relented that this was a one-time ent. People respond to
speaking in Fauci’s raspy — with the clear under- terrible lapse in judgment. stress and personal, health
voice, tried to recast false standing that our kids The consequence for and national challenges in
assurances and misstate- would not have any contact her lapse should be dic- different ways. Some peo-
ments pitched by President with their cousins (their tated by the CDC recom- ple are growing out their
Donald Trump during the father is a medic). mendations. Because she beards, learning to bake
pandemic — for instance, My mother-in-law as- put your children at risk of bread and setting up Zoom
when Trump said there’d sured me that it would exposure to the virus, your meetings with friends and
be a COVID-19 vaccine only be our children with household should behave family, while some are
“relatively soon.” her and that she would not as if you might have it: No spending their days car-
“Relatively soon is an get them together with nonessential contact with oming among anxiety,
interesting phrase. Relative their cousins. others, take your tempera- sadness and worry — and
to the entire history of Well, it turns out that tures each day, wear a doing it in solitude.
earth? Sure, the vaccine is she had all of the kids mask whenever you go out, This is a tough time for
going to come real fast,” NBC together to play. I feel that and double up on your most people, and the most
said Pitt’s Fauci, seated at a Brad Pitt appears as Dr. Anthony Fauci in the second she lied to me and put us at hand-washing. compassionate response is
desk in front of a stately at-home episode of “Saturday Night Live.” risk for sickness. Contact with Grammy to give yourself — and
bookcase. “But if you were What would you do? will have to be limited to others — a break. I hope
going to tell a friend, ‘I’ll be ronavirus, including se- celebrities will now air on — Frustrated in Nevada distance video conferenc- you will continue to reach
over relatively soon,’ and quels to “Doctor Strange,” May 2 with host Victoria ing or phone calls. out to friends, because that
then showed up a year and “Spider-Man: Far From Justice, former star of the Dear Frustrated: Assum- She has also potentially sounds like something you
a half later, well, your Home” and “Into the Spi- channel’s shows “Zoey ing your narrative is accu- been exposed to the virus, are good at.
friend may be relatively der-Verse.” 101” and “Victorious.” On rate, your mother-in-law’s and you should express
pissed off.” Late Friday, both Sony Friday, the channel an- choice is fairly indefensi- concern for her health. Dear Amy: “M” wrote to
Cyrus, sitting fireside Pictures and the Walt nounced that the rebooted ble. Her reasons for over- Your other family mem- you about a situation in-
with a guitar, performed Disney Co. announced virtual ceremony, whose riding your rule might be bers may believe that you volving a friend who is
Pink Floyd’s “Wish You updated theatrical release original March 29 date was many and varied. She may and your husband are staying in her guest house
Were Here.” schedules that significantly postponed by the co- have felt pressured by both overreacting to this threat. in LA, while M is in Ohio.
Pitt’s depiction followed delay some of their ronavirus, will be known as sets of children, she could But — guess what? You get I appreciated that you
a Fauci interview on CNN marquee superhero films. “Nickelodeon’s Kids’ be a pandemic denier, to react in whatever way included some positive
when he jokingly said he Marvel’s “Doctor Choice Awards 2020: overwhelmed for other you believe is wisest to aspects of having someone
thought Pitt should por- Strange in the Multiverse Celebrate Together.” Stars reasons or simply not have protect your own family. living at her property, but I
tray him when he was of Madness,” the sequel to appearing from isolation, much respect for you (and Quite simply, as parents, wish you had urged her to
asked to choose between the 2016 Benedict Cum- and possibly getting her son) as parents. risk assessment is your job, consult a lawyer regarding
Ben Stiller or Pitt. The cold berbatch film, has been doused in slime, include Grandparents some- and you are doing it. her friend’s tenancy, and
open also featured pushed back from Novem- Dwayne Johnson, Ariana times believe that they the legal implications of
Trump’s statements about ber 2021 to March 2022. Grande, Kristen Bell, Josh know best when it comes Dear Amy: We have been having someone living in
disinfectant and light being Sony said its live-action Gad, Camila Cabello, Millie to dealing with children following shelter-in-place her home without an
studied in the fight against “Spider-Man,” the third in Bobby Brown, Ellen De- (sometimes they are right), orders for 28 days. agreement.
the virus. the Tom Holland series, is Generes, BTS and most of and sneaky grandparents During the first 14 days, You said that if the
“When I hear things like being delayed from July the major cast members of will leap over boundaries I made an effort to reach friend pays rent, it could be
the virus can be cured if 2021 to November 2021. the “Avengers” films. in order to assert their own out to my friends to check difficult to get her to leave,
everyone takes the Tide The animated “Spider- supremacy. (And where on their safety and to so- but that can be the case
Pod Challenge, I’ll be there Verse” sequel is now dated April 27 birthdays: Ac- were these other parents cialize. I am saddened that with nonrenters, too.
to say, ‘Please don’t,’ ” said for October 2022, back tress Anouk Aimee is 88. who allowed their kids to they have not reached out — Been There
Pitt’s Fauci, before he from its original April 2022 Singer Kate Pierson is 72. get together with yours?) in return as time goes on.
broke character, took off release. Guitarist Ace Frehley is 69. Unfortunately, there will Is there something I Dear Been There: Abso-
his wig and paid tribute to Singer Sheena Easton is 61. be a consequence for this, don’t understand about the lutely. Thank you.
Fauci and thanked him. Pandemic sliming: The Actor James Le Gros is 58. and if you are all lucky, it shelter-in-place mindset
Kids’ Choice Awards will Actress Sally Hawkins is will be relational and not that prevents people from Copyright 2020 by Amy
More movie shuffling: be bringing the slime 44. Singer Travis Meeks is through anyone becoming reaching out? Or am I Dickinson
Hollywood studios are home. Nickelodeon’s annu- 41. Actress Ari Graynor is seriously ill. discovering that my friends
moving more release dates al show and the signature 37. Singer-guitarist Patrick You’ll have to try to are not as close and caring Distributed by Tribune
as a result of the co- green slime it pours on Stump is 36. discern what your mother- as I thought they were? Content Agency


Chris Hemsworth, right, and Rudhraksh Jaiswal star in the action movie “Extraction.”


Come for the action, stay

for the … no, nothing else
By Mark Olsen MPAA rating: R
forest, fight their way to a
Los Angeles Times
(for strong bloody violence
car for an extended chase,
throughout, language and
then battle their way
The first words spoken through an apartment
brief drug use)
By Jacqueline E. Mathews. © 2020 Tribune Content Agency, LLC. All rights reserved.
by Chris Hemsworth in the complex. At one point, the
new Netflix action picture Running time: 1:56 camera slithers around a
ACROSS 45 Like a poor Solutions “Extraction” are “Hold my speeding car, catches back
1 Actress excuse Available: on Netflix
Jessica __ 46 1 of the 12
beer.” Then his character up to it and improbably
5 Fraidy-cat Tribes of Israel — former soldier-turned- lands in the backseat.
9 Congressional 47 Basketball game brooding mercenary Tyler It is the sort of muscular,
statutes site Rake — jumps off a cliff the movie along with his visceral filmmaking that
13 Critters with 48 Like a into the quarry reservoir brother and filmmaking makes action cinema so
bulging eyes no-nonsense below. partner Anthony Russo, vital and exciting. Perhaps
15 Period of time teacher That sense of braggado- and the first solid action the truest advantage of the
16 Aretha’s music 51 Election month: cio and one-upmanship sequence has Hemsworth film premiering on Netflix
17 Two quartets abbr. pulses faintly through the battling a roomful of is how easy it is to pause
combined 52 Org. for Packers
18 2nd largest South & Patriots film but is weighed down henchmen in close-quar- and back up to watch some
American nation 55 Went forward by an odd need to seem ters combat that finds him genuine what-was-that
20 Animal park 58 Fisher or Murphy serious, too. using fists, feet, a tin can, moments again.
21 Have poor health 60 Remove from The feature-directing table, wall and garden rake An extended scene with
23 Singer/actor office debut from Sam Hargrave, as weapons. David Harbour as a com-
Robert __ 61 Movie part a longtime second unit Hemsworth has been patriot of Hemsworth’s
24 Chivalrous 62 Sailing hazards director and stunt coor- hired to rescue a kid- who provides temporary
26 Dingbat 63 Souvenir shirts dinator on films such as napped teenage boy relief and shelter best hits
27 Move down the 64 Elliott & Waterston
page, on a PC 65 Guitar ridge 19 Parts of speech 39 Lower leg part “Avengers: Endgame” and (Rudhraksh Jaiswal), the the target that Hargrave
screen 22 “__ Be There”; 41 Part of NASA “Atomic Blonde,” “Extrac- innocent son of a kingpin seems to be aiming at all
29 Most sensible DOWN Jackson 5 hit 42 Shrewd tion” would be better if it drug dealer in India along: a character-driven
32 Get hitched hastily 1 From __; across 25 Klutz’s word 44 King’s decrees just doubled down on snatched by one of his exchange topped off by a
33 MRIs & CTs the gamut 27 __ down the 45 To and __ being dumb. Instead, al- father’s rivals — “Sounds brutal hand-to-hand fight.
35 “Caughtcha!” 2 Bonkers river; betray 47 2nd highest though the movie does like some mythic” stuff, Harbour seems to delight
37 Ferrigno & Dobbs 3 U.S. state capital 28 Outer garment mountain range indeed have some dazzling says Hemsworth as his in playing the rogue, while
38 Rump __; cut of 4 Lemony drink 29 Be impudent 48 Dick & Jane’s dog action sequences, they are mission is explained to Hemsworth puts a more
beef 5 Huge mammal 30 Short-legged 49 Word of interspersed with dramatic
amphibian agreement
him. If only it played out straightforward action spin
39 Run one’s words 6 Ending for super
together or infer 31 Part of every wk. 50 JFK’s mother scenes that feel increas- that way. on his similar performance
40 Fail to keep up 7 Coffee holder 33 Fly like an eagle 53 Small flute ingly belabored, giving the The film’s best sequence from Michael Mann’s
41 Some SeaWorld 8 With child 34 Coolidge or 54 In case movie a peculiar stop-start by far is after Hemsworth tech-thriller “Blackhat.”
performers 9 Sharp as a tack Ripken 56 __ double take; rhythm as it makes its way first retrieves the boy and “Extraction” is an excel-
42 Magnetism; 10 Bedspring 36 One of the look twice to a lumbering, extended they attempt to make their lent piece of action film-
appeal 11 Melody armed forces 57 Common street gun battle final set piece. way out of the small city making that falls short of
43 Something worth 12 Mini blind piece 38 Confirms, as a name “Extraction” is written fortified by the villain’s the more emotionally
saving 14 Horse’s home password 59 ABC followers by “Endgame” co-director men. Designed to play as a resonant goals it wants to
Joe Russo, who produced long single take, they exit a set for itself.

Stay Safe&Protect Your Families in the Coronavirus Pandemic. @WorldAndNews

The materials placed on the Channel, is collected from public resources in the Internet and intended exceptionally for acquainting purposes ONLY! If you need it, buy it!!

Chicago Tribune | Arts+Entertainment | Section 4 | Monday, April 27, 2020 3

Symphony Center cancels concerts through June 9

By Howard Reich organization in the 2019/20 content, is available at 22, 23 and 26; conductor ing “Sounds from the Fu- cago, June 2; Symphony
season related to the impact Susanna Malkki and so- ture: Musicians of the Center Presents Jazz fea-
The Chicago Symphony of the pandemic, and to This includes the orches- prano Camilla Tilling, May AACM,” with conductor turing Dianne Reeves’
Orchestra Association has sustain life-enriching pre- tra’s nationally syndicated 28-30; conductor Nikolaj Michael Lewanski and “Beleza Brazil,” June 5; the
canceled all CSOA-pre- sentations of classical music radio broadcasts, a recent Szeps-Znaider and pianist cellist Tomeka Reid, May Odyssey Quartet Ensemble
sented events at Symphony for all audiences, the CSOA Civic Orchestra of Chicago Piotr Anderszewski, June 4, 18; pianist Igor Levit, May in “Nature’s Beauty” as part
Center and other locations has launched ‘Music virtual concert marking the 5, 6 and 9. 20; pianist Maurizio Pollini, of the Art Institute Cham-
through June 9, the institu- Ahead,’ ” said the state- ensemble’s centennial and Other CSOA cancella- May 24; mezzo-soprano ber Series, June 7.
tion announced Friday. ment, referring to a new “From the CSO’s Archives: tions include “CSO at the Joyce DiDonato and Il Ticket-holders may
These events have been matching challenge grant Maestro’s Choice,” pre- Movies: ‘Jurassic Park’ in Pomo d’Oro in “My Favorite convert ticket value to a
dropped “in cooperation program. Funded by “lead- sented in partnership with Concert,” May 15 and 17; Things,” May 31; CSO Cor- tax-deductible contrib-
with ongoing community- ership gifts” from anony- WFMT-FM 98.7. and members of the CSO in porate Night, with conduc- ution, exchange tickets for
wide efforts to mitigate the mous donors, the venture Among the canceled “Once Upon a Symphony: tor Steven Reineke and host future concerts, put the
spread of COVID-19,” the enables patrons to make a performances: CSO sub- ‘Jack and the Beanstalk,’ ” Colin Mochrie in “The value on account or obtain a
CSOA said in a statement. donation to CSOA that will scription concerts featuring May 16. Second City Guide to the refund. For more informa-
On Thursday, Gov. J.B. be matched “dollar-for- conductor Jonathan Stock- Also canceled: Pressenda Symphony,” June 1; and tion, visit or
Pritzker issued a stay-at- dollar” through June 30. hammer and CSO concert- Trio Ensemble, May 13; pianist Denis Kozhukhin, phone 312-294-3000.
home order extending Information is available at master Robert Chen, May CSO African American June 7.
through May 30. 14 and 16; guest conductor Network performance by Other cancellations: Howard Reich is a Tribune
“To reduce the signifi- “CSO From Home,” an Bernard Labadie and pia- Jordan Thomas, harp, May Rossen Milanov conducting critic.
cant financial losses for the array of online musical nist Beatrice Rana, May 21, 16; CSO MusicNOW featur- the Civic Orchestra of Chi- [email protected]

Continued from Page 1

recreation and relaxation —

in effect, a second lakefront.
One of the fruits of that
effort, the splendidly sculp-
tural, Jeanne Gang-de-
signed WMS Boathouse at
Clark Park, sits to the south
of the bridge.
Next year, when the city
finishes another riverfront
project to the north, the
reconstruction of the Irving
Park Road Bridge over the
river, it will have created a
continuous stretch of
waterfront open space,
nearly 2 miles long, from
Clark Playlot Park to
Horner Park.
What makes the River-
view Bridge such a pleasure
is the way it makes such
connections — not through
one-dimensional brute
force, but with an uncon-
ventional design that takes
many things into account,
including the industrial
character of the neighbor-
hood and the trees and
vegetation along the river’s
“It’s a beautiful green
swath through the city,”

phone interview. “The Simple, round concrete columns support the Riverview Bridge, which blends beautifully with its surroundings, both natural and industrial.
notion was: How can we
improve, not scrape it.” station and an air-sup- selves are like a picket fence vate land. Far less landfill
A conventional design ported dome that serves as — transparent from some was used than in a conven-
would have torn out the practice field for the Chi- angles, opaque from others. tional design. Some landfill
trees and bushes to make cago Fire soccer team. They get thinner as they was used. Trees and the
way for an asphalt path Simple, round concrete rise, like the branches of a river banks were preserved.
built atop landfill held in columns support a cantile- tree, which helps the bridge “The clear choice be-
place by steel retaining vered concrete deck with fit into its natural setting. came the alternative with
walls. A dinky bridge, run- angled railings of russet- Lighting is nicely inte- less impacts,” he wrote.
ning straight across the colored Cor-ten steel. grated into the railings. At This is infrastructure the
river, would have joined the There are no pretentious night, the bridge glows way it should be: Respon-
east and west banks. attempts to make the col- softly — a handsome sculp- sive to its surroundings,
Ho hum! umns look thin and elegant, ture. both natural and man-
Instead, working with as if they were high heels. You may be wondering: made, and serving the
Greg Osborne, Epstein’s The deck’s curves ac- Did the bridge cost more needs of both utility and
director of civil engineer- commodate the recom- than a conventional trail? beauty.
ing, Metter came up with mended turning radius for After all, building a trail on The bridge would be
something better: A path bicycles and allow the path the ground is usually less welcome under any cir-
that starts on the river’s to slope gradually and con- expensive than building a cumstances. It is an espe-
banks, then becomes a tinuously, without landings. The bridge’s 14-foot-wide path makes it easy for runners, trail in the air. cially bright addition to the
bridge as it separates from To satisfy the Coast walkers and bicyclists to practice social distancing. In an email, Osborne cityscape in these dark
them and crosses the river Guard, which mandated responded that the bridge times.
on a curve. that the bridge be higher be a plus. Yet the design still makes cost “roughly the same” as a
The engineering is ap- than nearby spans, the Being on the bridge is a people feel safe up there. typical path. He cited sev- Blair Kamin is a Tribune
propriately straightforward, highest point of the bridge’s little like floating in the air, The railings angle inward, eral factors that held the critic.
given the utilitarian charac- deck is nearly 23 feet above as if you were a hawk catch- bringing an aluminum cost down: Utilities didn’t bkamin@chicago
ter of nearby buildings, normal water level. That ing an updraft and survey- handrail close to pedestri- have to be moved. The city
including a ComEd power requirement turned out to ing the scene below. ans. The railings them- didn’t need to pay for pri- Twitter @BlairKamin

Marx jumped in: “I can’t believe I

have to delete you from my
Twitter feed. I always loved
anxiety involved. At some
point, doing online shows, I
became actually busy doing
He got his big break when
Lionel Richie heard a tape
of his songs and invited
of them are bald. He said on
the phone that he’s never
been shy about taking the
influential records, but it’s
(expletive expletive).”
Marx tours regularly but
Continued from Page 1 your music but I am so let them. I’ve since decided if I Marx to help him with his fight wherever it leads. “I his biggest songs these days
down by you and the unac- do one show a week, that’ll first solo album. Marx once always had a sense of self. are for others: He wrote
thoughtful and online ceptable language you use.” be fine. I just recorded a wrote a Christmas song My parents installed in me hits for NSYNC (“This I
lately, he’s living his best To which Marx replied: new one an hour ago with with Fee Waybill of the this need to push back, Promise You”) and Keith
life. You know who’s mak- “After seeing your anti-gay Olivia Newton-John.” Tubes. He helped tackle a which is probably why if I Urban (“Better Life”); he
ing the most out of a lot of tweets, I’m thrilled to see In the past month alone, drunk passenger on a 2016 detect even a whiff of big- wrote for Kenny Rogers,
time at home? Richard you go.” every Friday, he’s posted flight to Seoul. He’s been otry online, I get (expletive) Vince Gill, Josh Groban
Marx is. Then Nancy answered: “Beachin,’ ” a warm, funny vegan for years. When the pissed.” and Barbra Streisand. Marx
You know who suffers no “You CANNOT be the real acoustic concert series Chicago City Council con- His father was Dick and Luther Vandross’
one online? Richard Marx. You just (with requests fielded from sidered banning cigarettes Marx, a pianist and fixture “Dance With My Father”
Richard Marx. The man cannot be.” the comment section), to in restaurants in 1994, on the Chicago jazz scene won the 2004 Grammy for
is incredibly profane on Oh, Nancy, but he is. his YouTube channel. He Marx testified in favor of a for decades. In his late 30s, Song of the Year and be-
Twitter, hilariously so. “I’d By phone last week, launched “Tequila Talk,” a ban. He’s sold 30 million he became a successful came a wedding staple.
(expletive) destroy a maple speaking from his Malibu podcast in which he and his albums, and I do not own a jingle writer, creating fa- Since leaving Chicago in
cupcake right now,” he once home, Marx explained: “I wife, Daisy Fuentes, drink single one of them. mous ear worms for Dou- 2013 — “I was getting tired
wrote. And should you think the people offended tequila and discuss current I mean, the guy’s not blemint (“Double your of living there, the weather,
cross him, he will end you. by the (expletive) language events. Plus, there’s #So- even the most famous of pleasure, double your fun”), the feeling that the city
He delights in not being the I use online — look, I’m a cialDistancing, a now- late-century Illinois radio Dial soap (“Aren’t you glad doesn’t change very much”
middle-of-the road hit grown man and I’ll say regular talk show made on balladeers: That title would you used Dial?”) and oth- — his newer music has
maker you’re expecting. whatever (expletive) words Zoom, starring Marx and a probably need to be divided ers. As a child, Richard been less sweet, more mel-
One ex-fan wrote: “You’ve I want. (Expletive) them. I quite random assortment of six ways, between Marx, Marx sang on some of ancholy. He doesn’t feel the
got issues, dude. I’ll unfol- think I have gained more guests: Katie Couric, Paul REO Speedwagon, Styx, those commercials. urgency to write regularly
low for both our sakes.” To fans (online) than lost. If I Stanley of Kiss, Jane Lynch, Earth, Wind & Fire, Chi- “My dad never wrote the for himself as much.
which Marx replied, char- am at someone’s home for a David Copperfield, Marx’s cago and Jim Peterik, best lyrics, just the music,” Marx His hair still looks great.
acteristically: “Don’t let the dinner, depending on the personal physician ... Dur- known as the co-founder of said. “He would get slogans He still looks great.
(expletive) door hit you in company, of course I’m not ing quarantine, Marx has Survivor. Marx is from a that on paper looked (ex- But these days, Richard
your cowardly racist ass.” throwing F-bombs. On shot 20 episodes of the certain non-threatening, pletive) ridiculous, like ‘Ask Marx would rather walk on
As a comment left on one (expletive) social media, I show, sometimes recording non-innovative, sturdy, any mermaid you happen the beach in Malibu with
Richard Marx Twitter don’t give a (expletive).” one a day. polished, adult-contempo- to see, what’s the best tuna? Daisy Fuentes and cook
battle put it: “Richard Marx You wish you did lock- Also, yes, that Daisy rary pop persuasion. Once Chicken of the Sea.’ ” How dinner. He would rather
is the baddest (expletive) down as well as Richard Fuentes of MTV fame. you had heard his 1989 No. the (expletive) do you write have a nice evening talking
on Twitter is not a headline Marx. They’ve been married 1 love song “Right Here a song from that? And yet and reading. Then, when
I could have anticipated After his tour got five years. More incredible Waiting,” you owned an he would, and you wouldn’t the mood strikes, get on
five years ago.” bumped and he went home, facts about Richard Marx: earworm for life. Marx be able to get it out of your Twitter and call Tucker
To borrow the title of his “I was like holy (expletive) Before Fuentes, he was himself has joked on social head. I think I have that Carlson an “entitled (ex-
1989 blockbuster, he is a what the (expletive) do I do married for 25 years to media: “Went to the dentist kind of ability in my DNA. I pletive expletive),” Donald
repeat offender. now? So the first week or so actress Cynthia Rhodes — today. My teeth are fine. I started writing songs at 15, Trump a “stupid (expletive)
A woman named Melba I got really busy doing Penny from “Dirty Danc- just wanted to hear some of and they were bad but they getting more people killed
posted on Marx’s Twitter content, then I realized in a ing.” Their North Shore my songs.” were melodic. You could every four minutes” and
feed: “I’m surprised by your conversation with my wife estate (which they lived in He’s always been this call them ‘commercial.’ anyone who refuses to
language. I’ve been a fan of that (this busyness) was from 1994 to 2013, the one way, he said. Critics think people like me socially distance them-
yourself since day 1. Very really a function of dealing that just sold) was used by Indeed, decades ago, he are premeditated in that selves “just a (expletive
shocked at how unprofes- with misplaced anxiety. My Robert Altman for his 1978 told the Los Angeles Times commercialism, but it’s expletive).”
sional you’ve become.” That mother is still with us. She’s film “A Wedding” with that music critics don’t take (expletive). They assume This I promise you.
didn’t bode well for Melba. 84. She can not get Carol Burnett. Marx, who him seriously and quip you don’t take the craft as
And so, in her defense, (COVID-19). So there’s is 56, graduated from North about his famously great seriously as the guy who cborrelli@chicago
another fan named Nancy tremendous (expletive) Shore Country Day School. head of hair because most never had a hit but made

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Level: 1 2 3 4
Complete the grid so each row, column and
3-by-3 box (in bold borders) contains every
digit 1 to 9. For strategies on how to solve Sudoku,

Solution to Mondayʼs puzzle

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1 D ? 7 [TccTabd_S^f]bXSTc^bXSTP]SSXPV^]P[[hfaXcX]Vf^aSb
F > 8 B ^]RTfXcWX]PbX]V[Tf^aS?[PhfXcWPUaXT]SP]SR^\_PaT
6 > : 4 f^aSUX]SbRa^bbX]V^dcR^\\^]f^aSb
0 6 ;


1>66;4 H>DA1>66;4
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"[TccTab, _^X]c $   , 2WP\_
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1>66;4XbPcaPST\PaZ^U7PbQa^8]R " ! '
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fffQ^VV[TQaPX]QdbcTabR^\ I41A0C864A20<4;F70;47>AB4

by David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek

Unscramble these four Jumbles,

one letter to each square,
to form four ordinary words.

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Now arrange the circled letters
to form the surprise answer, as
suggested by the above cartoon.

her friends were — ROOTING FOR HER

Answer: As she tried out for the cheerleading squad,
ACROSS 42 “The Dinah __ Show”
1 Role on “M*A*S*H” 44 “__ Edition”; Kyle Chandler series
6 “__ This Morning” 45 More vigorous
9 Up in arms 46 “I __ Rock”; Simon & Garfunkel
10 Rainbow __; freshwater fish hit Fill in the grid using the clues provided in the direction of the arrows. When complete, unscramble
12 Gave a monetary penalty to 47 Actress Pompeo the letters in the circles to reveal a mystery word.
13 “Blue __”
14 Actor Hunter DOWN
15 Mediocre report card 1 Fissure; split
16 Sportscaster __ Rashad 2 Opera solo
19 “__ Plus 8” 3 Timʼs portrayer on “Life in Pieces”
23 “The Company You __”; Robert 4 Gobbled up
Redford film 5 “The __ Skelton Hour”
24 Cosmonaut __ Gagarin 6 Pigeonʼs sound
25 “__ Fences” 7 Son on “Father Knows Best”
28 Mr. Gleason 8 Nov. 1 honorees
30 Cartoon pooch 10 “The Little Couple” network
31 Rudolph of “Up All Night” 11 Actor on “NCIS”
32 “The Days and Nights of Molly 13 A-E connection
__” 15 Tam or beret
33 Fred of “Hunter” 17 “__ Haw”
34 Brenneman & Roloff 18 “How I __ Your Mother”
36 “Mayberry __” 20 Black-and-white diving bird
39 “One, two, buckle __…” 21 Prefix for cycle or angle
22 Start of the “Old MacDonald”
Solution to Last Weekʼs Puzzle
25 Pea casing
26 Wedding words
27 “El __”; Charlton Heston movie
28 Mr. Leno
29 Certain vote
31 “Scarecrow and __. King”
33 Actor on “Touched by an Angel”
35 Matthew of “2 Broke Girls”
37 “Born __”; film about a lioness
38 Laura or Bruce
39 “Cry __ River”
40 Orangish potato ©2019 Knight Features. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency. 5/19/19
41 Mrs. in Madrid
42 “Murder, __ Wrote”
©2018 Tribune Content Agency, LLC
All Rights Reserved. 43 Holbrook or Linden


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PM 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00
The Neigh- Bob Hearts All Rise: “My Fair Lock- Bull: “Quid Pro Quo.” \ N News (N) ◊
CBS 2 borhood Abishola \ down.” \ N

“Dispatches From Else- The Voice: “Road to Live Shows.” (N) \ N (9:01) Songland: “H.E.R.” NBC 5 News
NBC 5 (N) \ N (N) ◊
where” (9 p.m., 10:14 p.m.,
1:58 a.m., AMC): This dra- ABC 7
The Bachelor Presents: Listen to Your Heart: “Week The Baker and the Beauty News at
3.” (N) \ N (N) \ N 10pm (N) ◊
ma closes out Season 1 in
black-ish: black-ish: Last Man Last Man WGN News at Nine (N) WGN News
a finale about which AMC WGN 9 “The Purge.” “THE Word.” Standing \ Standing \ (Live) \ N at Ten (N)
is revealing few details, be-
Antenna 9.2 Alice \ Alice \ 3’s Comp. 3’s Comp. Johnny Carson \ Coach \
yond reporting that “a final Court 9.3 Court TV Live (N) (Live) \ Court TV (N)
mystery is revealed.” Given Chicago Tonight (N) Antiques Roadshow (N) \ Antiques Roadshow: “Little Independent
that the episode title is “The PBS 11 N (Part 2 of 3) Rock.” \ Lens (N) ◊
Boy,” the focus may be on CW 26.1 Whose? (N) Whose Line Roswell, New Mexico (N) Broke Girl Broke Girl Seinfeld \
young actor Travis Burnett’s The U 26.2 Dr. Phil \ N Tamron Hall \ N Steve Wilkos Show (N) Paternity
character, the little boy often MeTV 26.3 Andy Griffith Andy Griffith Gomer Pyle Green Acres Hogan Hero Hogan Hero C. Burnett
seen standing outside Janice’s H&I 26.4 Star Trek \ Star Trek: Next Star Trek: Deep Space 9 Star Trek ◊
(Sally Field) house wearing Bounce 26.5 A Raisin in the Sun (NR,’08) ›› Sean Combs, Phylicia Rashad. \ Civil Brand ◊
sad-clown makeup. Richard 9-1-1: “The One That Got (8:01) Prodigal Son: “Like Fa- Fox 32 News at Nine (N) Modern
FOX 32 Away.” (N) \ N ther...” (Season Finale) (N) \ Family
Richard E. Grant E. Grant also stars.
Ion 38 Criminal Minds \ Criminal Minds \ Criminal Minds \ Criminal ◊
TeleM 44 Cennet (N) \ La Doña (N) \ Noticias Telemundo (N) Chicago (N)
MNT 50 Chicago P.D. \ Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Chicago ◊
“Spring Baking Championship” (8 p.m., 11 p.m., Food): The Season 6 compe- UniMas 60 ÷ ¿Qué culpa tiene Nosotr. Nosotr. Noticiero (N) Vas con todo ◊
tition draws to a close in two new back-to-back episodes, starting with “Mom’s WJYS 62 J. Savelle K. Hagin Joyce Meyer Robison Blakeman Wonderen Paid Prog.
Spring Getaway.” The first round tasks the four remaining bakers to create spicy, Univ 66 Ringo (N) Amor eterno (N) Sin miedo a la verdad Noticias (N)
margarita-based desserts. Then, they must prepare desserts that look like pool AE Live PD: “Live PD -- 05.10.19.” \ Accused ◊
floats. The finale, “Spring Senioritis — Class of 2020” climaxes with prom night

AMC ÷ (5:30) Gladiator (R,’00) ››› Russell Crowe. (SAP) Dispatches From (Season Finale) (N) Dispatches
cakes themed to the ’50s, ’60s or ’80s. ANIM Alaska- Last Frontier (N) Alaska: The Last Frontier: Open Season (N) Raising ◊
BBCA Predators (R,’10) ›› Adrien Brody, Topher Grace. \ Predator (R,’87) ››› ◊
BET ÷ Thin Line-Love and Hate ATL (PG-13,’06) ›› Tip Harris. Four Atlanta teens face challenges. ◊
“Prodigal Son” (8:01 p.m., FOX): One of the breakout hits of the 2019-20 network BIGTEN ÷ (5) College Baseball \ College Baseball From May 26, 2019. \ ◊
TV season, this chilling psychological drama wraps its freshman edition tonight BRAVO Below Deck (N) Below Deck (N) Watch (N) Below Deck Sailing Yacht
with a finale called “Like Father ... ,” an episode title with chilling implications, giv- CNN Anderson Cooper 360 (N) Cuomo Prime Time (N) CNN Tonight (N) Tonight (N) ◊
COM The Office The Office The Office The Office The Office The Office Daily (N) ◊
en that this show’s father figure is a serial killer. As events unfold, Malcolm (Tom
DISC Street-Memphis (N) Fast N’ Loud (N) \ Car Kings (N) \ Fast-Loud ◊
Payne) starts to unravel completely as the mystery that haunts him — the girl in Bunk’d \ Bunk’d \
DISN Raven Roll With It Gabby Coop Sydney-Max
the box from his childhood — comes to a head. E! Botched \ Botched (N) \ Nightly (N) Botched \
ESPN NFL Football From Oct. 8, 2007. SportsC. (N)
ESPN2 The Last Dance The Last Dance \ The Last Dance \ World of X ◊
“Breeders” (9 p.m., 10:16 p.m., 12:48 a.m., FX): This edgy family Britcom closes FNC Tucker Carlson (N) Hannity (N) \ The Ingraham Angle (N) Fox News
out its first season with “No Cure (Part 2),” which sees young Luke (George Wake- FOOD Guy’s Grocery Games Spring Baking (N) Supermarket Stakeout Chopped ◊
man) being admitted to a specialist pediatric unit as his condition takes a grave FREE The Blind Side (PG-13,’09) ››› Sandra Bullock, Tim McGraw. \ 700 Club ◊
turn. Paul and Addy (Martin Freeman, Daisy Haggard) anxiously await any news FX Daddy’s Home 2 (PG-13,’17) ›› Will Ferrell. \ Breeders Better Breeders
with their parents. HALL My Secret Valentine (NR,’18) Lacey Chabert. \ Golden Girls Golden Girls Golden Girls
HGTV Celebrity IOU \ Celebrity IOU (N) \ (9:01) Home Town (N) Home ◊
HIST Oak Island: Drilling Down The Curse of Oak Island (N) \ Oak Island ◊
“My Brilliant Friend: The Story of a New Name” (9 p.m., 11:30 p.m., HBO): HLN Death Row Stories \ The Killer Truth \ Forensic Forensic Forensic
Now an accomplished college student, Elena (Margherita Mazzucco) takes time IFC Two Men Two Men Two Men Two Men Two Men Two Men Two Men
LIFE The First 48 \ (8:03) The First 48 \ (9:03) The First 48 \ First 48 ◊
out from her academic work to read over some of Lila’s (Gaia Girace) private di-
MSNBC All In With (N) Rachel Maddow Show (N) The Last Word (N) 11th Hour (N)
aries in the new episode “Ghosts.” As she does so, she realizes how much her old MTV Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridic. (N) Ridiculous. Ridiculous.
friend’s new role has changed her. NATGEO Pharaohs-Treasures Ultimate Treasure Count Ultimate Treasure Count Ultimate
NBCSCH Chicago Bulls Classic Short List Inside Look UFA ◊
NICK Danger Young Dylan All That \ Friends \ Friends \ Friends \ Friends \
“American Dad” (9 p.m., TBS): Roger (voice of Seth MacFarlane) enlists the help OVATION ÷ (6) Eat Pray Love (PG-13,’10) ›› Julia Roberts. \ Everybody’s Fine (PG-13,’09) ›› \ ◊
of Jeff (voice of Jeff Fischer) as he resolves to realize a lifelong dream: opening a OWN Atlanta Child Murders (N) Atlanta Child Murders (N) Atlanta Child Murders (N) Atlanta ◊
chivalric strip club, in the new episode “Cheek to Cheek: A Stripper’s Story.” Else- OXY NCIS \ NCIS \ NCIS \ NCIS ◊
where, Klaus (voice of Dee Bradley Baker) makes one of his own dreams a reality PARMT Cops \ Cops \ Cops \ Cops \ Cops (N) \ Cops \ Cops \
by moving into Steve’s (voice of Scott Grimes) room. SYFY ÷ (5:30) Edge of Tomorrow Constantine (R,’05) ›› Keanu Reeves, Rachel Weisz. \ ◊
TBS Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Amer. Dad American (N) Amer. Dad Conan (N)
TCM Foxfire (NR,’55) ››› Jane Russell, Jeff Chandler. \ Hot Blood (NR,’56) ›› Jane Russell. ◊
TALK SHOWS TLC Self-Quarantined Self-Quarantined (N) 90 Day Fiancé (N) Dragnifcnt
“Conan” (10 p.m. 11:30 p.m., TBS): Conan O’Brien welcomes celebrity guests and TLN Supernatural IMPACT Prayer Faithwire Robison Billy Graham Answers ◊
TNT Beauty and the Beast (PG,’17) ››› Emma Watson. \ Beauty and the Beast ◊
draws comedy from poignant news stories and politics.*
TOON Home Movie Amer. Dad Rick, Morty Rick, Morty Rick, Morty Rick, Morty Rick, Morty
“The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon” (10:34 p.m., NBC): Actress Kate TRAV Mysteries at the Museum (N) \ Mummy Mysteries (Series Premiere) (N) \ Unknown ◊
Hudson; Alessia Cara talks and performs.* TVL Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Two Men Two Men King
“The Late Show With Stephen Colbert” (10:35 p.m., CBS): The comic inter- USA WWE Monday Night RAW (N) (Live) \ Mod Fam ◊
views guests and introduces musical performances.* VH1 Love, Hip Hop (N) T.I. & Tiny: Friends (N) Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta T.I. & Tiny ◊
WE Criminal Minds \ Criminal Minds: “Rabid.” Criminal Minds \ Criminal ◊
“Jimmy Kimmel Live!” (10:35 p.m. 11:36 p.m., ABC): Celebrity guests and comedy
WGN America Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man Almost Paradise (N) \ Last Man
HBO ÷ (6) X-Men: Dark Phoenix We’re Here \ Friend (N Subtitled-English) Axios (N) \

* Subject to change HBO2 ÷ (6:10) Bad Education Chocolat (PG-13,’00) ››› Juliette Binoche. \ Misérables ◊
MAX Idiocracy (R,’06) ›› Luke Wilson. Beavis and Butt-head Do America ›› Delta Frc ◊
SHO ÷ (6:50) Dexter \ Penny Dreadful: City Lies America Desus (N)
Hey, TV lovers: Looking for detailed show listings? TV Weekly is an ideal companion. ÷ Outlander (7:32) Vida (8:10) The Girl in the Spider’s Web (R,’18) ›› \ Vida \ ◊
To subscribe, go to or call 1-877-580-4159 STZENC ÷ Ice Age: Dawn of Dinos Rocky Balboa (PG,’06) ››› \ The Nutty Professor \ ◊

Theaters venues include Facets.

Executive director Karen
Cardarelli said they’re “in
Continued from Page 1 the pipeline for five relief
opportunities,” which could
straits have tried curbside cover facility overhead and
popcorn pickup in recent taking care of the eight
weeks. Why not him? And full-time Facets staffers.
why not throw in some With children’s programs
Dots, too? and the summer Facets
“Very successful,” he said Film Camp unlikely to
of the first attempt last proceed, she said, that
month. Between 300 and money’s crucial.
400 cars that first night, he The organization has
said, drove off smelling like applied for a $100,000 PPP
a movie theater in full loan; a $20,000 Arts for
swing. Illinois grant; a $10,000
It’s a heartening remind- federal Economic Injury
er, he said, that in the ab- Disaster Loan; a $50,000
sence of actual, pre-pan- National Endowment for
demic moviegoing there’s the Arts grant; and, mean-
still an appetite for what we time, there’s a little money
like about it. (Fake butter coming in by way of the
optional; the Pickwick Facets Virtual Cinema
employees deliver the pop- platform, which offers
corn box with a lidded streaming options in lieu of
plastic cup of the orange what they’d normally be
mystery oil on the side.) showing in the brick-and-
Chicago’s home-grown mortar venue.
independent movie houses Continuing through May
are in this mess together, 1, “Earth,” distributed by
but they’re coping and KimStim, is being offered
financing and sweating it through 80 different thea-
out following different ters nationwide. Facets’
blueprints. opening week revenue, CHRIS SWEDA/CHICAGO TRIBUNE PHOTOS

Through his bank, Pick- according to KimStim, Pickwick Theatre employee Emmett McDonagh delivers popcorn to customers waiting in a curbside pickup line.
wick co-owner Vlahakis outgrossed everybody else The Park Ridge movie theater is popping popcorn and selling it for $5 a box on Wednesdays and Saturdays.
applied for $50,000 in in America.
federal stimulus funds The Gene Siskel Film tion went dry after only 13
under the Payroll Protec- Center has set up a robust days of operation; on April
tion Program. These are Film Center from Your Sofa 24 the U.S. president signed
forgivable loans —i.e, grants streaming menu to keep a new coronavirus financial
by another name, as long as audiences engaged and relief package, and new
the funds are dispersed bring in some revenue. The applications for PPP loans
according to U.S. Treasury nonprofit venue, under the are being accepted starting
and Small Business Admin- auspices of the School of this week.
istration guidelines. the Art Institute of Chicago, Kraus also told me this:
“Haven’t gotten an an- is pursuing a National En- “I added some gear to en-
swer yet,” Vlahakis said. dowment for the Human- able me to power up the
“Right now none of our ities grant. Executive direc- digital projector remotely —
staff has filed for unemploy- tor Jean de St. Aubin de- no lamp, just the electronics
ment, though. We had a clined to talk specifics, — as the experts say it
little cushion in our ac- except to say COVID-19- should be done periodically
count.” Vlahakis has 25 related grants may cover up to avoid losing the security
employees: four full-time, to 15 percent of an organi- certificate.” So while shel-
the rest part-timers, con- zation’s operating budget. tering at home, “I turn it on
cession workers, ushers All this talk of bailouts for a few hours each week.”
and, Wednesdays and Sat- sets the teeth of Music Box It’s a strange but com-
urdays, popcorn relay run- owner Bill Schopfslightly forting notion, like curbside
ners. on edge; at least, that’s how movie theater popcorn.
Downers Grove-based it sounded on the phone the Knowing that the projec-
Classic Cinemas CEO Chris other day. Manager Kathryn Tobias, from left, Brendan Mullan and Meghan Burke work at the tion equipment in The
Johnson received PPP “I’ve never borrowed Pickwick Theatre concession stand to fill popcorn orders Saturday. Screening Room is still
funds, he said, which covers money from the federal operating, even if it’s for an
his payroll expenses for two government, or invited for films represented by the U.S. audience to watch maybe) was used primarily audience of nobody, smells
months. Like the Pickwick, them to oversee my fi- company’s distribution movies at home exclu- for critics’ preview screen- like what napalm smelled
each of his regional chain’s nances. If money needs to arm. sively.” ings. Owner and projec- like to Robert Duvall in
theaters except the Lake in be borrowed, I will borrow “It represents modest Until March and the tionist Steve Kraus inquired “Apocalypse Now”: victory.
Oak Park will begin selling it, and I will pay it back,” he revenue at best,” Schopf COVID-19 spread, the tiny about a PPP loan before the
curbside concessions May said “So far I can afford it. said. “And it’s not really a 45-seat venue known as program ran out of funds Michael Phillips is a Tribune
8. “It’s an interesting time,” And it’s my responsibility.” long-term solution for The Screening Room (also the first time. His bank, he critic.
Johnson said. “You’ve got to The Music Box is offering theaters with their lights available for rental, private said, did not respond. mjphillips@chicago
be creative.” its own streaming services, off. I believe in theaters. I screenings, parties, etc., The federal govern-
Chicago nonprofit film including Music Box Direct don’t want to convert the sometime later this year, ment’s $349 billion alloca- Twitter @phillipstribune

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6 Chicago Tribune | Arts+Entertainment | Section 4 | Monday, April 27, 2020

Dilbert By Scott Adams

Today’s birthday (April 27): Your explora-
tion hits gold this year. Grow your career
with discipline and coordination. Navigate
financial changes with your partner this
summer, before a productive, brilliant phase.
Revise travel or class plans. A slow income
winter motivates booming profits for joint accounts.
Aries (March 21-April 19): Today is an 8. Household issues
require attention. You’re going through a financially savvy
phase for three weeks, with Mercury in Taurus. Profitable
ideas abound. Make lucrative connections.
Taurus (April 20-May 20): 9. You’re especially clever over the
next few weeks, with Mercury in your sign. Make solid plans.
Share and express your arts. Your creativity seems boundless. Baby Blues By Rick Kirkman and Jerry Scott
Gemini (May 21-June 20): 7. You’re especially practical,
introspective and quiet, with Mercury in Taurus. Resolve old
messes and disagreements. Listen to your dreams.
Cancer (June 21-July 22): 9. Take charge. Communication
and collaboration come easily, with Mercury in Taurus. You
work especially effectively with groups. Your friends are
there for you. Coordinate and connect.
Leo (July 23-Aug. 22): 9. Make profitable deals over three
weeks, with Mercury in Taurus. Accept more responsibility.
Your communication skills advance your career. Discuss
what you want to achieve.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): 8. Teamwork wins. Fall in love
with a fascinating subject, with Mercury in Taurus for three
weeks. Dream of distant shores. Pay attention to long-dis-
tance connections. Zits By Jerry Scott and Jim Borgman
Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): 9. Take care of business. Cash flow
increases into shared accounts through communication chan-
nels, with Mercury in Taurus. Brainstorm financial strategies.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): 8. Expand your territory. Connect
with your partner on a deeper level, with Mercury in Taurus.
Creative brainstorming produces exciting results.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): 9. Work with health and
fitness experts for maximum performance, with Mercury in
Taurus for three weeks. Balance mind, body and spirit.
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): 8. Express your love. Passion
surges over several weeks, with Mercury in Taurus. Creative
collaboration carries you away.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): 8. Rest to reduce stress. Fix up
your place, with Mercury in Taurus. Talk with family about
home changes you’d love. A little paint works wonders. Mr. Boffo By Joe Martin
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20): 8. Focus on a passion. Follow a
fascination over three weeks, with Mercury in Taurus. Write
reports, posts and articles. Share the news. Express your heart.

— Nancy Black, Tribune Content Agency

The Argyle Sweater By Scott Hilburn

Frazz By Jef Mallett

Bliss By Harry Bliss Classic Peanuts By Charles Schulz

Pickles By Brian Crane

Here are the answers to the weekly quiz:
Q.1—Both vulnerable, as South, you hold:
♠ J95 ♥ K92 ♦ AKJ32 ♣ A9 Dick Tracy By Joe Staton and Mike Curtis
Partner opens 1H and right-hand opponent passes. What call
would you make?
A.1—No immediate heart raise would do this hand justice.
Start with 2D and support hearts next.
Q.2—Neither vulnerable, as South, you hold:
♠ A 10 6 4 ♥ A 6 ♦ A 8 5 ♣ A J 10 3
As dealer, what call would you make?
A.2—It is easy to make an argument that four aces and two
tens, all undervalued in the 4-3-2-1 point count, make this hand
worth 18 or 19 points, but we expect most will open 1NT.
Q.3—East-West vulnerable, as South, you hold:
♠ A Q 9 3 ♥ Q J 7 6 ♦ 10 8 4 ♣ 8 6
North East South West
Animal Crackers By Mike Osbun
1♦ Pass 1♥ Pass
1♠ Pass ?
What call would you make?
A.3—We think this hand is worth an invitation. Bid 3S.
Q.4—Both vulnerable, as South, you hold:
♠ A 7 6 2 ♥ Q J 10 4 ♦ 6 4 2 ♣ Q 9
West North East South
1♦ 2♣ Dbl* ?
What call would you make?
A.4—The redouble of a negative double shows a useful hand
that can’t raise. Redouble. Perfect!

— Bob Jones
Prickly City By Scott Stantis
[email protected]

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Chicago Tribune | Arts+Entertainment | Section 4 | Monday, April 27, 2020 7

Dustin By Steve Kelley and Jeff Parker
Sudoku 4/27

For Better or for Worse By Lynn Johnston

Complete the grid

so each row, column
and 3-by-3 box in
bold borders contains
Blondie By Dean Young and John Marshall every digit 1 to 9.

By The Mepham Group
© 2020. Distributed by
Tribune Content Agency,
LLC. All rights reserved.

Unscramble the four Jumbles, one letter per square, to
form four words. Then arrange the circled letters to form
the surprise answer, as suggested by this cartoon.
Hägar the Horrible By Chris Browne

Mutts By Patrick McDonnell

Answer here

Saturday’s answers

By David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek. © 2020 Tribune Content Agency, LLC.
All rights reserved.

WuMo By Mikael Wulff and Anders Morgenthaler Crossword 4/27

Sherman’s Lagoon By Jim Toomey

Brewster Rockit: Space Guy! By Tim Rickard

Across 37 Brown shades 10 “It’s __-brainer!”

1 Pull a pre-exam all- 39 Push in some chips 11 Beautiful people, as a
nighter 41 Fab Four first name group
5 High-five sound 42 “Jeepers!” 12 Like a fog-enshrouded
Broom-Hilda By Russell Myers 9 Hamster homes 45 Agrees quietly cemetery
14 Word in a bailiff’s 48 Capote nickname 13 Jouster’s mount
order 49 Household gathering 21 Sacred Nile bird
15 Comics possum to discuss something 22 Nothing more than
16 Seashore recess 52 Pancake flipper 26 Scrolling PC key
17 Mail-routing abbr. 54 Not within walking 27 Frisks, with “down”
18 How some close NFL distance 28 Salt Lake City’s state
games are won 55 Ab neighbor 29 Philanthropist
19 Black, in Bordeaux 56 Hotel 30 Get all blubbery
20 Strategy with delaying accommodations for 31 So, so small
tactics couples, and a hint to 35 Severely overcook
23 There’s no winner in both parts of 20-, 27- 36 Fake coin
one and 49-Across 38 Couch or bench
24 Defense org.? 62 Dog collar dangler 40 Quarterback Brady
Trivia Bits Jumble Crossword 25 Enticed 64 When many start 43 Erasure marks
27 Rental industry lunch 44 Big Island port
Apollo 17 astro- with units for extra 65 Slender wind 46 Comes to the aid of
naut Harrison belongings 66 Eat away at 47 Scorch
“Jack” Schmitt 32 Grabbed a bite 67 Lump of dirt 50 Cape Canaveral event
holds a Ph.D. in 33 Loafer or moc 68 Bread with hummus 51 Bunches of Brownies
what scientific 34 Outlying communities 69 Sensitive skin spots 52 Seekers of intel
field? 70 Cooped cluckers 53 Martinez with three
A) Astronomy Saturday’s solution 71 Place to hold a snifter Cy Youngs
B) Chemistry 57 Tree trunk
C) Geology Down 58 Minnesota’s state bird
D) Psychology 1 Stick in one’s __ 59 Last bio
Saturday’s 2 “Lovely” musical 60 Bit of dust in a
answer: A meter maid sunbeam
red dragon is 3 Piedmont wine center 61 Tailor’s line
depicted on the 4 __ telepathy 63 Drink suffix
national flag of 5 Veggie favored by
Wales. Popeye
6 Like epic novels Want more
© 2020 Leslie Elman.
Contact her at By Gail Grabowski and Bruce
7 Super-excited
8 Idaho product
triviabitsleslie@gmail. Venzke. Edited by Rich Norris
9 HBO-owned Go to chicagotribune
com. Distributed by and Joyce Nichols Lewis. © 2020 By David L. Hoyt. Tribune Content Agency, LLC. broadcaster .com/games

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