Chicago Tribune 27-04-2020 PDF
Chicago Tribune 27-04-2020 PDF
Chicago Tribune 27-04-2020 PDF
Questions? Call 1-800-Tribune Monday, April 27, 2020 Breaking news at
is best
for DIY
Study: Natural silk,
chiffon also provide
excellent filtration
By Hannah Herrera
Starting May 1, Illinois
will require everyone over
age 2 to wear a mask when
they can’t maintain a 6-foot
social distance in public.
N-95 masks, which are in
short supply, are best re-
served for health care work-
ers, who come into direct
contact with COVID-19 pa-
tients. So what fabric or
combination of fabrics is
best for homemade masks?
A new study conducted
Miles Palmieri, 11, walks with his mother, Christine. Miles requires speech therapy, but not all services have been available during the shutdown. by University of Chicago
professor Supratik Guha
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President Donald Trump listens Thursday during the daily coronavirus briefing.
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Almanac Business 4 Lottery Business 4
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‘You’re putting everyone
around you in danger’
By Angie Leventis Lourgos and
Katherine Rosenberg-Douglas
Jump in
deaths at
some care
Newly released state
figures raise concerns
By Joe Mahr and
Patrick M. O'Connell
The state released figures this
weekend that showed a dramatic
jump in deaths of those linked to
long-term care facilities — to 625,
more than double reported a
week ago.
The latest figures compiled by
the state showed that, as of a
Friday count, at least 278 facili-
ties had 4,298 cases of residents
or workers testing positive. Illi-
nois Department of Public
Health figures from the prior
week reported 186 facilities, with
286 deaths out of 1,860 cases. ARMANDO L. SANCHEZ/CHICAGO TRIBUNE
Reason #2: You need some good a slow, progressive and irreversible
news right now. Currently, we’re joint destruction, and with less
all watching the news and feeling activity, comes weight gain,
like the end of the world is here. depression, more aches, and pains
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“Using a
combination of
cotton and these
materials is the
best. A quilt, a
mixture of
polyester and
cotton also had
excellent filtration.”
— Supratik Guha,
University of Chicago
Work to restore forest preserves put on hold that measured the density
of the particles upstream
and downstream of the fab-
By Madeline Buckley of May. their ecological value. move weeds. Though they ing too much ground.” “What was unique in our
“The longer you let them Crews with the Forest Pre- usually do the work in a Many weeds don’t work was the equipment
In the fall, crews started go, the worse the problem serves are restoring acres group, solo excursions to sprout in earnest until later used to measure particles of
work on a $2.5 million gets, kind of like co- across Cook County to the area would allow them in the spring or until the 10 nanometers, which is
project to restore wood- ronavirus itself,” said John their original habitat in to mitigate some of the summer, he said, so there’s about a few thousand at-
lands in a more than 500- McCabe, director of the order to allow native plants spread but not have to still some time before inva- oms,” he says. “We were
acre Forest Preserves site Department of Resource and animals to flourish. worry about being in con- sive growths become able to measure the filtra-
near Orland Park. Management for the Cook Among those are the tact with other volunteers. rampant. And conservation tion efficiency at different
They removed non-na- County Forest Preserve Tinley Creek Ravines and In the spring, along with work in natural areas is particle sizes, going all the
tive trees and brush District. the Somme Prairie Nature weed removal, the volun- always a work in progress, way from a few thousand
throughout the winter to But the health of work Preserve in Northbrook, teers also place cages over he said. atoms to 6 micrometers
preserve resources for the crews, staff members and where work crews and some endangered plants so “The interesting thing is, range. A human hair is
natural trees and bring sun- the general public is much volunteers are turning the they aren’t eaten by deer. managing a natural area is roughly about 75 microm-
light to the forest floor at more important than con- land back to its original As Ross notes, “deer are not never done,” he said. eters in diameter, so 6 is a
the ecologically valuable tinuing with the land proj- prairie. prevented from going out For Ross, she is finding little less than one-tenth of
land at Tinley Creek Rav- ects, McCabe said. And In both areas, workers in groups,” so they hope solace in the Forest Pre- that.”
ines. officials believe they will be would normally be remov- they can continue some of serves during this time of Something that surprised
Now, the restoration able to get back on track ing weeds and other inva- that work, one by one. crisis, but as the volunteers Guha during this study was
work in Orland Park and later without too much sive growth throughout the At the Tinley Creek Rav- look for ways to keep an eye the effect of gaps in masks.
elsewhere across Cook hassle. spring and summer as they ines, McCabe said there are on the ecological health of “Our studies also imply
County is halted due to the Still, much is unknown work to restore the land. contingency dollars built the land, she asks county that gaps (as caused by an
COVID-19 pandemic. An about how long the state At Somme Prairie, vol- into the project that will residents to be careful with improper fit of the mask)
unexpected ripple effect of will remain shuttered, and unteers finished planting allow them “wiggle room” the land as well. can result in over a 60%
the pandemic, weeds will the invasive plants will be prairie seeds over the win- to get back on track when “I have also seen some decrease in the filtration
creep unabated across land more difficult to remove ter, and would normally be the state reopens. really inappropriate behav- efficiency, implying the
maintained by the Cook the longer they are allowed turning to the next phase of The area’s network of ior in some Forest Pre- need for future cloth mask
County Forest Preserve to spread. the project, said Laurel ravines has patches of serves recently,” she said, design studies to take into
District, meaning the “It’s like you’re wasting Ross, a volunteer steward woodlands that appear to citing people bringing dogs account issues of ‘fit’ and
county may need to expend work, in a way,” McCabe who works in the area. have been untouched by without a leash, and going leakage, while allowing the
more funds and manpower said of their weed removal “Spring and summer, plowing or logging. off the trails and trampling exhaled air to vent effi-
to get rid of the extra weed efforts this winter. these are the seasons we “It’s a really unique hab- wildflowers. “The Forest ciently,” the study says.
growth when life returns to The Cook County Forest need to tackle some of our itat,” he said. Preserves are a definite He says that if a mask
normal. Preserve District manages worst weeds,” Ross said. Charles O’Leary, deputy treasure. They’re a place doesn’t fit properly, it’s not
As a result, some land 69,000 acres, some of it “We’ll lose ground if we director for resource man- for us to interact with much use. Masks should fit
projects will lose ground as outfitted with picnic areas, skip a season.” agement at the Forest Pre- nature in a way that really with minimal gaps, but ex-
the state’s stay-at-home or- and walking and biking Ross’ volunteers are con- serves, said officials plan to feeds our soul. haled breath must be able to
der that began in March trails for recreation. Other sidering going out to the monitor the situation to “But please be respect- come out or else the user will
will be extended to the end areas are preserved for prairie individually to re- make sure they’re not “los- ful.” breathe in carbon dioxide.
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“mitigation efforts” and facilities across the country Monmouth, about 200 Smithfield Foods in St Charles, a large pork processor, was closed by the order of the Kane
“providing education rela- where workers have be- miles southwest of Chicago, County Health Department because of “concerns about COVID-19.”
tive to social distancing and come sick, including at an- will shut down next week
employee safety relative to other Illinois facility in until further notice, accord- installed plexiglass and tions, including require- died.
personal protective equip- downstate Monmouth. ing to a news release. Em- other physical barriers on ments to stand shoulder-to- At food processing facili-
ment,” according to a state- The St. Charles facility, a ployees will be paid during production floors and in shoulder and go for long ties, another 1,500 of its
ment from the health de- dry sausage plant that em- the closure. break rooms,” according to periods without breaks to members have become sick
partment. ploys 325 people, already The company said a “a the release. wash hands. and three have died, the
The health department was in the process of insti- small portion” of the plant’s But social distancing is According to United union said.
on Saturday declined to say tuting “rolling closures,” ac- 1,700 employees tested pos- “particularly challenging” Food and Commercial In addition to the Mon-
whether any workers there cording to a company news itive for the virus. at meat processing plants Workers International, a mouth plant, Smithfield has
were diagnosed with release earlier this month. The Monmouth plant because of the assembly line union representing 200,000 closed plants in South Da-
COVID-19 or provide more Before the health depart- produces about 3% of fresh production, the company food production workers, kota, Wisconsin and Mis-
information about the or- ment order, the company’s pork supplies in the U.S., the said. some 5,000 of its members souri, raising concerns
der. plan was to halt incoming release said. The lawsuit, filed Thurs- at unionized meatpacking about how the pandemic
Smithfield declined to raw materials from April 19 The company stocks its day in a Missouri federal plants across the country will impact the nation’s
say whether COVID-19 to May 2, close two of three facilities with personal pro- court, accuses Smithfield of have tested positive for meat supply.
cases were diagnosed in the departments between April tective equipment and has creating a public nuisance at COVID-19 or been exposed
facility, but said the com- 22 to May 3 and close the “implemented thermal its Milan, Missouri, plant to someone who tested pos- mabuckley@
pany is cooperating with the final department from May scanning companywide and with unsafe working condi- itive, and 10 members have
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many aired Thursday in an try to pressure people to protective gear and had woman for that home could Burbank Rehabilitation Center employees and representa-
online conference call or- come back to work when implemented a hazard pay not be reached for com- tives of SEIU hold a news conference outside the center
ganized by her union, SEIU they’re sick,” she said. program for “staff that work ment. Thursday to protest a lack of personal protective equipment.
Healthcare, which repre- Sharon Lake, a certified with COVID-19 positive Beyond the homes noted
sents workers including nursing assistant who said residents and any persons in the conference call had inadequate protective “This is not a new prob-
nursing assistants, house- she also works at Burbank, under investigation for this Thursday, Greg Kelley, gear and were not getting lem in nursing homes,” he
keepers and janitors. Amid reported she learned of pa- virus.” The home was “pro- president of SEIU Health- good information from said. “Unfortunately, this
a wave of COVID-19 out- tients with COVID-19 from active” and followed guid- care Illinois, said a broad managers. But he added pandemic has brought it
breaks plaguing nursing an overheard conversation ance from federal and state survey of members drew an that understaffing, poor pay home and residents are dy-
homes around the state, at the facility. health authorities and en- overwhelming response and lack of equipment are ing, our members are dying
workers called for better “The management needs acted symptom screening from workers who said they long-standing issues. and getting sick.”
lockdowns and reopen their much higher, in part be- curve of contagion can rise Young sisters race along a street Sunday in Barcelona, Spain, after being stuck at home for
economies, while in the cause of inadequate testing again, it will go out of six weeks. The government is allowing the country’s children to run, play or go for a walk.
United States, governors and differences in counting control, deaths will climb
moved at differing speeds, the dead. and we’ll have irreparable a detailed plan Tuesday for with social-distancing a second wave.”
some more aggressive, oth- Italy, Britain, Spain and damage” to the economy. the “de-escalation” of guidelines in place. In Montana, some
ers more cautious. France accounted for more In Spain, where the crisis Spain’s lockdown, saying: “We believe it’s the time churchgoers returned to
Elsewhere around the than 20,000 deaths each, is also easing, the streets “Maximum caution will be to have a measured reopen- Sunday services as a general
world, China’s state-run the U.S. for about 55,000. echoed again with chil- our guideline for the roll- ing,” he said. stay-at-home order expired.
media said hospitals in Some encouraging signs dren’s shrieks of joy and the back.” His French counter- But Michigan Gov. At Christ the King Lutheran
Wuhan, the original epicen- were seen, as Italy recorded clatter of bicycles after part likewise said he will Gretchen Whitmer, a Church in Billings, every
ter of the disaster, no longer its lowest 24-hour number youngsters under 14 were unveil a “national decon- Democrat, told ABC her other pew was kept empty.
have COVID-19 patients, af- of deaths since mid-March, allowed out of their homes finement strategy” on the state is not ready and needs Roughly 100 people stream-
ter a crisis in which the city with 260, and New York with one parent for up to an same day. more robust testing, com- ed into St. Anthony Catholic
recorded nearly 3,900 state registered its fewest hour of play. In the U.S., where Presi- munity tracing and a plan Church in Laurel, where
deaths. And British Prime since late March, with 367. “This is wonderful! I dent Donald Trump has for isolating people who get ushers tried to keep families
Minister Boris Johnson Seven weeks into Italy’s can’t believe it has been six repeatedly pushed to re- sick with COVID-19. separate from one another
planned to be back at his strict lockdown, Premier weeks,” Susana Sabate, a open the country for busi- “We’ve got to be nimble and large bottles of hand
desk Monday at No. 10 Giuseppe Conte laid out a mother of 3-year-old twin ness and a split has opened and we have to follow the sanitizer were at the sanctu-
Downing St. after a bout long-awaited timetable for boys, said in Barcelona. “My among the states along science and be really smart ary’s entrance.
with the coronavirus that getting back to normal, an- boys are very active. Today often partisan lines, Okla- about how we reengage,” On the other side of the
put him in intensive care. nouncing that factories, when they saw the front homa Gov. Kevin Stitt, a she said, “because no one — Atlantic, as Britain’s prime
While governors in states construction sites and door and we gave them Republican, told Fox News no one, even if you’re a minister returns to work, he
like hard-hit New York and wholesale supply busi- their scooters, they were that with hospitalizations protester or you’re the sit- faces calls for clarity on
Michigan are keeping stay- nesses can resume activity thrilled.” dropping in his state, he will ting governor or you’re on when his government will
at-home restrictions in as soon as they put safety Spanish Prime Minister reopen churches and another side of the issue — ease the lockdown, now set
place until at least mid-May, measures in place against Pedro Sanchez will present restaurant dining on Friday, we know that no one wants to run until at least May 7.
Fewer coronavirus briefings are expected as the White House plans to focus on the economy.
showed, amid speculation sion by millions of North train arrived before Tues- astronauts aboard, includ- James Beggs was on a leave of absence as NASA adminis-
about his health that has Koreans could cause in- day and was still present on ing New Hampshire trator when the space shuttle Challenger launched in
been caused, in part, by a stability in the impover- Thursday, when it appeared schoolteacher Christa Mc- January 1986. The shuttle broke apart shortly after launch.
long period out of the public ished, nuclear-armed coun- to be repositioned for de- Auliffe.
eye. try. parture. However, there Beggs’ resignation took “There is no telling U.S. Naval Academy in 1947
The photos released by Many experts in South was no indication when effect nearly a month later. where our vision and and served in the Navy until
38 North, a website special- Korea downplayed specu- that departure might take Charles Beggs recalled ask- imagination will lead us 1954. He was an executive
izing in North Korea stud- lation that Kim is seriously place, 38 North said. ing his father years later once we have the space vice president and a direc-
ies, don’t say anything about ill. They also said North North Korea exerts ex- why he resigned. He said station,” he said in 1985, tor of General Dynamics
Kim’s potential health prob- Korea won’t likely face a tremely tight control on his father told him that according to the news- Corp. before becoming
lems, and they echo South serious immediate turmoil information about its lead- NASA needed to move on paper. “As Shakespeare put NASA administrator.
Korean government intelli- even if Kim is incapacitated ership, making it virtually from the disaster with it, ‘Thoughts are but Beggs took a leave of
gence that Kim is staying or dies because someone impossible for outsiders to strong leadership that he dreams till their effects be absence as NASA adminis-
outside of the capital, else, like his influential sis- find out what’s going on at couldn’t provide under the tried.’ ” trator after he was indicted
Pyongyang. Seoul has also ter Kim Yo Jong, will those senior levels. Even circumstances. NASA Administrator on federal charges that he
repeatedly indicated that quickly step in, though the South Korea’s main spy “Instead of hanging on, Jim Bridenstine said Beggs’ and three other General
there have been no unusual prospect for the North’s agency has a mixed record he resigned for the good of work on the space shuttle Dynamics executives il-
signs that could indicate long-term political future on confirming devel- the organization,” Charles program helped NASA legally billed the govern-
health problems for Kim. would be unclear. opments in North Korea. Beggs said. “It wasn’t about “open a whole new era of ment. All charges were
That hasn’t stopped Kim Jong Un’s train has When Kim Jong Il died in him. It was about others.” exploration.” dropped in 1987. A Justice
growing unconfirmed ru- been parked at the Leader- 2011, for instance, few out- Charles Beggs said his “We continue to build on Department review found
mors and media reports ship Railway Station servic- siders knew it until it was father was proud to receive his legacy today as we take no laws had been violated.
about Kim’s health that ing his Wonsan compound reported by North Korea’s a NASA award named after advantage of our long-term Then-Attorney General
have emerged since he since at least Tuesday, the state media two days later. Robert Goddard, a pioneer presence in low-Earth orbit Edwin Meese III sent a
missed the April 15 com- 38 North website said Sat- A U.S. official, speaking in the rocketry field. to make the advances to written apology to Beggs
memoration of the 108th urday, citing an analysis of on condition of anonymity NASA had more than 20 travel farther, and seed an for the prosecution.
birthday of his grandfather, recent satellite photos of the because he wasn’t author- successful space shuttle entirely new segment of the Beggs worked as a Mary-
North Korea founder Kim Il area. ized to talk to the media, missions during Beggs’ ten- economy through the inno- land-based consultant after
Sung. The website said the ap- said the latest rumors about ure. The Washington Post vations of commercial part- leaving NASA.
Kim Jong Un is the third proximately 820-foot-long Kim’s health had not described him as a popular ners,” Bridenstine said in a He had five children
generation of his family to train wasn’t present on changed the U.S. assess- and charismatic figure who statement. with his wife of 62 years,
rule North Korea, and he April 15 but was present ment of the information as was skilled at dealing with Beggs, a Pittsburgh na- Mary Harrison Beggs, who
hadn’t missed the April 15 Tuesday and Thursday. “speculation.” lawmakers on Capitol Hill. tive, graduated from the died in 2015.
Prime Minister Benjamin
as the strategic Jordan
Valley, to Israeli control.
new voting districts, primaries Heil stressed that “we
want to enable more home
working, but not force it.”
Netanyahu on Sunday said Israeli annexation in JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. census data could make a With the U.S. so politi- He said people could
he was “confident” he will the West Bank would be — The U.S. Census Bureau divisive process more com- cally polarized, redistrict- choose to switch entirely
be able to annex large highly controversial, needs more time to wrap plicated, potentially forcing ing plays a major role in to working from home, or
parts of the occupied West drawing widespread in- up the once-a-decade lawmakers into costly spe- whether Republicans or do so for only one or two
Bank this summer, with ternational condemna- count because of the co- cial sessions to complete Democrats drive the days per week.
support from the U.S. tions and extinguishing ronavirus, opening the pos- the work or postponing agenda in each state and
Speaking to an online lingering hopes of estab- sibility of delays in drawing some primary elections. how those lawmakers’ de-
gathering of evangelical lishing a viable independ- new legislative districts “It will pinch the timing cisions can affect people’s
Christian supporters of Is- ent Palestinian state. that could help determine for sure on everybody,” said lives. In Nepal: Rescuers on
rael, Netanyahu said Pres- The Palestinians, with what political party is in Justin Levitt, a professor at Parties that win large Sunday recovered the
ident Donald Trump’s wide international back- power, what laws pass or Loyola Law School in Los legislative majorities can bodies of two South Kore-
Mideast plan envisions ing, seek the entire West fail and whether communi- Angeles who tracks redis- tilt policy to the left or right an trekkers who had been
turning over Israel’s doz- Bank as part of an inde- ties of color get a voice in tricting nationwide. “For a on abortion, guns, taxes missing since an ava-
ens of settlements, as well pendent state. their states. few states, that’s incredibly and other contentious is- lanche in January buried
The number of people meaningful.” sues. them in Nepal’s moun-
counted and their demo- Despite the complica- Redistricting typically is tains, an official said.
graphics guide how voting tions, advocates, lawmak- done by state lawmakers An army helicopter
Hong Kong police disperse districts for the U.S. House
and state legislatures are
ers and others largely em-
braced the census delay as
and governors, but an in-
creasing number of states
flew the bodies — one
male and one female —
protesters gathered at city mall redrawn every 10 years.
The monthslong delay in
necessary to get a complete have shifted to special com- from the Annapurna Trek-
king Circuit to the city of
count. missions.
Hong Kong police dis- Cityplaza mall in Taikoo Pokhara, said a Nepalese
persed more than 100 pro- Shing, near Quarry Bay, army official.
testers who had congre- carried posters in support The body of one Nepali
gated in a shopping mall of those arrested, oppos- Texas Walmart shooting victim dies; toll now 23 guides was recovered Fri-
Sunday in defiance of a ing new security laws and day; another was recov-
regulation banning groups calling for the “liberation” EL PASO, Teas — A man llermo ‘Memo’ Garcia, our when the suspected gun- ered a few days earlier.
of more than four people of Hong Kong. shot in the Aug. 3 attack last remaining patient be- man opened fire that Sat- An avalanche had bur-
to help stem the co- Hong Kong police said targeting Latinos in an El ing treated from the El Paso urday morning. ied four South Korean
ronavirus pandemic. in a statement that such Paso Walmart died after shooting, has passed away,” Garcia is survived by his trekkers and three Nepali
The demonstration gatherings were prohib- months in the hospital, said Del Sol Medical Center wife, who suffered leg guides in January. Rescu-
came a week after the ited even if protesters raising the death toll from CEO David Shimp. wounds but recovered. ers spent weeks searching
arrest of 15 prominent clustered in separated the attack to 23, according Garcia and his wife, Jes- The suspect, Patrick for the bodies, but con-
pro-democracy activists groups of four, “as long as to a hospital official. sica Coca Garcia, were Crusius, 21, remains in jail tinuing avalanches and
in connection with un- the persons gather for a “After a nearly nine- fundraising for their awaiting trial. State prose- thick layers of snow pre-
authorized assemblies last common purpose in pub- month fight, our hearts are daughter’s soccer team in cutors are pursuing the vented them from finding
year. The protesters in lic place.” heavy as we report Gui- the Walmart parking lot death penalty. them.
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Illinois Attorney General Kwame Raoul speaks at a hearing in front of the Illinois House Mental Health Committee on Sept. 23 in Chicago.
Alice Foeller is flanked by her children Michael and Nora Hohl with the family dog, Patrick, a coonhound, in Columbus, Ohio.
ronavirus outbreak. activities. It’s a time of year that have the opportunity to spend A mask-clad man prays near a mosque on the first Friday of Ramadan,
As disorienting as these times historically is linked to mosques, more quality time together. Chap- amid a curfew due to the coronavirus pandemic, in Dubai on Friday.
feel, it’s all the more unsettling to that has been deeply rooted in ter 94, verse nine of the holy Qur-
process what COVID-19 means for community. And that now — for an reads: “Verily, with hardship And for those who may be missing Ramadan in the time of the
how religious holidays have tradi- the first time in our lifetimes — there is ease.” It serves as a re- the strength they find in being coronavirus will be a once in a
tionally been marked across faith will be observed in isolation, minder that this pandemic is a with their loved ones and commu- lifetime experience. We were
traditions. Weeks ago, a friend within our homes. The question temporary test, and it reassures us nity this month, remember that made for these times. They bring
celebrating Easter Sunday shared on many minds is: how do we to persevere, stay strong and be love is real even though it can’t be extraordinary challenges, but also
a screenshot of the service being prepare to spiritually rejuvenate steadfast in faith. seen or touched. tremendous opportunities. Let’s
livestreamed — from her empty our hearts and minds while sur- Spirituality and resilience can When we pray in our homes, use this month as an opportunity
church. Then, a former colleague rounded by such solitude, uncer- manifest in the absence of conflict, we are joined in prayer by a faith to reflect on our immeasurable
posted pictures of a Passover tainty, grief and turmoil? but they’re truly nurtured while community from all parts of the blessings, to give back to humanity
Seder in his living room, shared But it’s in these exact moments, enduring it. The ability to exercise globe. According to one Hadith, or in every way possible, to treat
with loved ones via Zoom from when trials and tribulations com- patience and maintain a spiritual record of prophetic tradition, a others well and to seek nearness to
only two blocks away. pel us to feel lonely, confused and connection is a reflection of both. man asked the Prophet Muham- God through our prayers, fasting
And now, this pandemic pre- afraid, that we can benefit most Let’s resolve to cultivate serenity mad (peace be upon him): “What and good deeds.
sents unique challenges for mil- from the blessings of this month. within ourselves this Ramadan. do you say of a man who loves a
lions of Americans who are join- In fact, Ramadan in the time of the It’s said to not be freedom from certain group of people but cannot Tribune Content Agency
ing 1.5 billion Muslims around the coronavirus has the potential to be the storm, but finding peace be of them?” The Prophet replied:
world in welcoming the month of our most rewarding and rejuve- within it. The entire world is a “A person will be with whom he Zainab Chaudry is director of the
Ramadan. Ramadan marks the nating Ramadan yet. mosque to pray in for those who loves.” (Sahih al-Bukhari 6168, Council on American-Islamic Rela-
month in which the Quran, the Many mosques are adapting to seek to connect with our Creator. Book 78, Hadith 194). tions Office in Maryland.
Don’t let Chicago’s federal jail When I read the letter (“Knowing
where COVID-19 is,” April 22) from Burr
Ridge Mayor Gary Grasso, I was shocked.
Once again we have overreach by a poli-
become the next hot spot tician who needs to know “where” Covid
is in his town, even though he doesn’t
need to know “who” has it. In reality, he
doesn’t need either.
“Who” and “where” would only be
By Alison Siegler Rather than relying on the attorney but you can be sure those families would applicable for enforcement of some
and Erica Zunkel general’s bluster, federal judges in Chi- rather risk infection than have their loved punitive lockdown measure. Police and
cago must be guided by the hard evidence, ones die alone behind bars. Just ask the fire don’t need the info, and neither do
The first COVID-19 death, April 19, of a which shows that releasing people in jail families of those in federal prisons who neighbors. Everyone should just assume
Cook County Jail correctional officer poses far less risk to the community than have perished from COVID-19. that everyone else has it.
should be a call to action for federal COVID-19 itself. The vast majority of Even before COVID-19, we testified In so doing, we will be exercising the
judges in Chicago. As the novel co- people released in federal cases pose little before Congress about the urgent need to guidelines as issued by the Centers for
ronavirus continues its dangerous and threat to the community. In fact, the fed- release more people from federal jails. In Disease Control and Prevention. Cops,
lethal spread through Cook County Jail, eral government’s own data shows that the midst of the much-maligned war on firefighters and paramedics need to have,
judges must release more people from the over 98% of people released in federal drugs, Congress passed the federal Bail and use, proper personal protective
federal jail, known as the Metropolitan cases do not commit new crimes on re- Reform Act of 1984 to respond to “the equipment on each call.
Correctional Center, or MCC. Otherwise, lease, and 99% appear for court. These alarming problem of crimes committed by Precaution should be taken on every
the MCC also will become downright numbers hold true even in the federal persons on release.” But the government’s call now, as before the virus, because as a
disastrous. districts that release the majority of peo- own evidence cited above definitively first responder, you always assume the
The number of COVID-19 cases at the ple pending trial. Meanwhile, the Depart- proves that releasing more people does worst. It helped me survive 42 years as a
Chicago MCC has skyrocketed since April ment of Justice categorizes just 2% of not lead to more crime. cop.
13 when it was zero to more than 40 as of federal arrestees as violent. The machinery of injustice never- — Robert Stasch, Chicago
Friday, with at least 20 staff and 21 in- Judges concerned for the safety of the theless chugs along, with federal judges
mates having now tested positive, accord- community must heed this evidence, nationwide jailing 75% of people charged
ing to the Federal Bureau of Prisons. which proves that we could release many with federal crimes under the outdated Hope for equity
Those numbers rise daily and show no more people from the Chicago MCC and unsound bail law. Just to provide
sign of leveling off. As U.S. District Judge without increasing crime or endangering some perspective, that’s nearly double the in health care
Matthew Kennelly said in a recent opin- anyone. jailing rate for violent felonies in state I was deeply moved by the reporting
ion: “The Court … assumes that the mea- In addition, federal judges must recog- cases nationwide. The astronomical fed- about the heroic staff at the underfunded
sures undertaken by the MCC to prevent nize that COVID-19 completely changes eral detention rates aren’t making our Roseland Hospital (“‘Outgunned, out-
or stop the spread of coronavirus disease the safety-of-the-community calculus. communities any safer and come with manned and underfunded,’” April 19). On
are, and have proven to be, inadequate to The wide and deadly swath the pandemic high fiscal and social costs. Taxpayers the other side of the fence, many private
prevent spread of the disease within the has torn through Cook County Jail makes spend $36,299 per year on every person hospitals with a focus on elective surgery
institution.” clear that officers and medical staff will jailed federally pending trial — far more now have excess capacity and are fur-
Unfortunately, Attorney General die along with the people jailed there. than the average cost of college tuition loughing workers, cutting pay and reallo-
William Barr is taking a draconian and Meanwhile, a chorus of public health today. Meanwhile, people who are pre- cating resources.
misguided approach to pretrial jails like experts says that releasing the incarcer- sumed innocent can lose their jobs, their In recent weeks, I have heard many
the MCC. Jails are different from prisons ated will protect the broader community homes and even their children as they comments about the future of health care
— the people caged in jail are awaiting from COVID-19. Failing to release people languish in cages. after the coronavirus pandemic. Is it
trial and haven’t been found guilty of from the MCC poses its own dangers to Now more than ever, federal judges in naive to hope that the future will see a
anything. Yet for some inexplicable rea- the community — we are all at risk when Chicago must recognize that, contrary to more equitable distribution of health
son, Barr, the nation’s chief federal prose- people in jail need scarce hospital beds the attorney general’s message, the only care resources?
cutor, is treating people in jails more and ventilators. Just look downstate, way to give “controlling weight … to pub- Clearly, the Roselands in our state and
harshly. Barr has recommended releasing where the hospital near Stateville prison lic safety” during this extraordinary time country do so much valuable work in
people from federal prisons, recognizing has been “overwhelmed” by infected is to release more people from the MCC. struggling communities. They deserve
that “time is of the essence.” But he has inmates needing emergency COVID-19 Otherwise, many people may die within more financial support.
directed his federal prosecutors — includ- treatment. the MCC’s walls and beyond. — Jutta Helm, Chicago
ing those in Chicago — to largely oppose Judges should also disregard the attor-
releasing people from federal jails. He ney general’s paternalistic argument that Professor Alison Siegler is the founder and
claims that keeping presumptively inno- the very people his own prosecutors have director of the Federal Criminal Justice What will bar scene
cent people in jail is the only way to ad- potentially exposed to COVID-19 may Clinic at the University of Chicago Law
vance “the safety of the community,” a spread the virus to their families if re- School; Professor Erica Zunkel is the clinic’s
be like after reopening?
contention that flies in the face of the leased. Not only is social distancing emi- associate director. Both are former assistant I’m elderly and I haven’t hung out at
government’s own data. nently more feasible at home than in jail, federal public defenders. bars for many years. But as a young man,
I liked bars. I enjoyed the camaraderie,
the small talk, the prospects of meeting
new people.
Shared experience will change us in countless ways Heck, I once met Mike Royko at a
Lincoln Avenue bar, and we sat and got
pleasantly drunk together.
By Jonah Goldberg between watching and participating, and I Whether the lockdowns are warranted Now, when this country reopens, our
don’t think anyone is appreciating the in every corner of the country is a different leaders are saying, people are going to
“Where were you when … ?” difference. For decades after the Great conversation. I think there are good argu- have to practice social distancing in
We’ve all asked this sort of question. Depression and World War II, the question ments (and bad ones!) on both sides of restaurants and bars.
Where were you when the planes hit the wasn’t “Where were you?” It was “What those debates. But if everybody eventually Everyone will have to sit, I guess, six
twin towers? Where were you when you did you do?” or “What happened to you?” knows somebody who has died, or nearly bar stools from the next guy. How are
heard JFK was shot? Where were you During World War I, not everybody served, died, in this pandemic, the conversations to you going to tell a dirty joke? How is a
when you heard Kobe Bryant died? but nearly everybody knew someone who come are going to be very different. lonely fellow supposed to introduce
The unstated thing about such questions did and felt the effects of war mobilization Already, the economic calamity the himself to a girl if he has to shout over a
is the assumption that you were a spectator — the censorship, the hysteria, the ra- pandemic has caused is guaranteed to gulf of six bar stools?
of one kind or another when something tioning of food, etc. blow up a lot of the comfortable assump- I’m afraid that the post-pandemic
momentous happened. And for most The consequences of those shared expe- tions that have defined the contours of our world, if there is one, is going to be
Americans, that’s how we experience riences were profound, changing our poli- politics for the last two decades. strange. It makes me glad I’m old.
historic events — as spectators. tics and culture in countless ways. Consider immigration, which has roiled — R. Conrad Stein, Chicago
The 9/11 attacks were a huge event for This pandemic is the first event in my our politics for so long. Whatever your
most of us who were alive then. But how life that approaches anything like that. And position is on the issue, the old equation
many lives did 9/11 directly and meaning- it’s going to get much more intense before has new variables. In a country with mil- Difference in
fully affect, particularly outside New York it’s all over. A recent NBC News/Wall lions out of work, dismissing some work as point of view
and Washington? Not many in the grand Street Journal poll found that 59% of “jobs Americans won’t do” may well sound
scheme of things. (Hassles at airports don’t Americans don’t know anyone who has offensive in ways it didn’t before. As ago- Last Monday’s Voice of the People
count.) contracted COVID-19. A week prior, the nizingly slow as the process already feels, section contained two opposing letters
The same goes for wars. Less than 1% of same pollsters reported that 70% of Ameri- it’s a sure bet that America and the devel- written by Al Zvinakis and Kevin
Americans are in the military, and less than cans didn’t know anyone who’d been in- oped world will emerge from the pan- Coughlin. Both pointed out seeming
10% of the adult population has ever fected. If even the rosiest predictions are demic far sooner than poorer nations. hypocrisy on both sides of the political
served. Even among those who wear a accurate, it won’t be long until every Inviting immigrants from places where the spectrum regarding the sacredness of
uniform, only a fraction see sustained American knows someone who contracted virus is still thriving — regardless of human life.
combat. the virus, and perhaps someone who died whether you think it’s right or wrong — I see no double standard here. The
Most historic events of the last half- from it. will simply have a very different political left side of the debate honors life’s sanc-
century, even if significant and tragic, are How much of the political squabbling resonance than it did two months ago. tity only after it begins at birth. The
remembered largely as moments on televi- right now is attributable to the fact that That’s just one obvious example. There right honors it only before.
sion. Despite the tendency of politicians to many of the people protesting in relatively are far more unknowns waiting for us in I hope that clears it all up.
say, “If we can put a man on the moon,” the unscathed regions are still watching this the years ahead, because we’re about to — Frank D’Alessandro, Chicago
number of people among that “we” is only pandemic unfold as an event on TV and enter an era when every single American
in the thousands. The rest of America not as a menace in their own lives? It’s can start a conversation by asking “What
experienced it vicariously on TV. understandable that if you don’t know did you do?” or “What happened to you
This isn’t to minimize the importance of anyone suffering from COVID-19 or help- when?” For online exclusive letters go to www.
those events or the emotional effect they ing those suffering from it, you might feel Send letters
had on society. The Cuban missile crisis that stay-at-home orders are an overreac- Tribune Content Agency by email to [email protected]
directly involved a small number of play- tion. or to Voice of the People, Chicago
ers, but millions or even billions of people But that’s probably not going to last, Jonah Goldberg is editor-in-chief of The Tribune, 160 N. Stetson Ave., Third Floor,
felt they had skin in the game. particularly if the experts are right that Dispatch and the host of The Remnant Chicago, IL 60601. Include your name,
There’s a huge psychological difference we’ll see a major resurgence in the fall. podcast. address and phone number.
A heartfelt
to all the
and doctors, nurses, and healthcare
workers who are working tirelessly
as our first line of defense during
this time of crisis.
You are our heroes.
Your guide to managing money, work and the business of life
Jill Schlesinger
Jill on Money
exceed $12,200 ($24,400 MFJ) for 2019
and were not otherwise required to file a
federal income tax return for 2019, and IRS warns
recipients of
didn't plan to file, use the IRS Non-Filer
tool (
on the prowl
include the sale of products, treatments Bloomberg hasn’t arrived.
and tests related to COVID-19; fake virus- The U.S. Postal Service also offers a
related charity scams; assistance in secur- he Internal Revenue Service is warning about another kind of epidemic heads-up to people about what’s com-
ing government money and person in need — scammers trying to get their hands on the $1,200 payments being ing in the mail that day. Users can sign
scams, where someone poses as a relative up online to get an “Informed Delivery”
who claims to be ill, stranded in another sent out to help millions of Americans weather the storm. email about what is coming in the mail
state or foreign country and asks you to The payments, plus $500 for each child, began hitting bank accounts later that day. That can let mailed check
send money. recently, opening an avenue of opportunities for scams, identity theft and low-tech recipients to know to be diligent in
Forward any kind suspicious communi- checking the mail so payments aren’t
crimes such as stealing checks from mailboxes.
cations (phone, text or email) to the Fed- stolen.
eral Trade Commission or the Consumer “Right now, due to how vulnerable There are some common-sense It’s hard to know yet just how much
Financial Protection Bureau. the population is, it’s really prime pick- moves that check recipients can take to fraud risk there is with the stimulus
Small business owners flooded my inbox ing for fraudsters to come out in full protect their personal data as well as payments. After Hurricane Katrina,
with questions about the government’s force,” Donna Parent, the chief market- their payments. Avoid clicking on links about 10% of government payments
$350 billion program to help keep them ing officer at Sontiq, an identity theft sent in email or text messages that ap- were fraudulent, Kim Sutherland, a vice
afloat amid the crisis. Although the Small protection company, said. The Federal pear to be from the IRS. The IRS said it president at LexisNexis Risk Solutions,
Business Administration reported that it Trade Commission “is reporting more will not contact people by telephone, said.
had exhausted funds as of April 16, there is than $13 million in fraud loss due to email, social media or text message to Identity theft has plagued the IRS in
an expectation that there will be more COVID-19 — that’s only going to expo- ask for personal information. Hang up if recent years, so much so that the Treas-
money coming from Congress, so if you nentially increase with stimulus pay- someone claiming to be from the IRS ury Inspector General for Tax Adminis-
haven’t applied or are in process, here’s ment scams.” calls you. tration called it an “epidemic” in con-
what you need to know. The Internal Revenue Service and The IRS is using tax return informa- gressional testimony. Scammers have
the Treasury Inspector General for Tax tion from 2018 and 2019 to send the been able to steal taxpayer information
Administration, the agency’s watchdog, payments. For those who have direct and file fraudulent tax returns to illicitly
Can I apply for the disaster relief loan and have issued several warnings that scam- deposit information on file from a tax get refunds. The agency has greatly
the Payroll Protection Program? mers are posing as IRS workers to try to refund in one of those years, the IRS is reduced the prevalence of stolen tax
Yes, but you will go through two sepa- get personal information from payment sending the money directly to their refunds by upgrading detection systems.
rate processes. The disaster relief (loans of recipients that they can then use to steal bank accounts. “The potential for fraud is present,
up to $2 million) is offered through the the money. The inspector general is People who didn’t file a tax return in but it is not substantially different from
Small Business Administration directly, asking people to report any suspicious either year should submit their bank what IRS needs to deal with every tax
while for the PPP, you will need to go activity. Go to for more account or address information IRS as filing season,” said Jack Smalligan, a
through a bank. The PPP offers loans of information. soon as possible to prevent a criminal former Office of Management and
two months of average payroll prior to the The $1,200 payments are available to from submitting incorrect information Budget official who is now a senior
crisis (Feb 15, but if you have a seasonal those earning less than $75,000 as an to divert payments. Social Security policy fellow at the Urban Institute.
business, you may be able to use a different individual, including recipients of Social beneficiaries will automatically receive “The IRS has an elaborate process to
date) up to $10 million to keep workers on Security, disability and veterans ben- their payments in the way they receive identify scams, particularly high-vol-
the payroll, and also can cover rent and efits. Those earning above that thresh- their benefits. ume scammers.”
utilities. The key to PPP is that it can be old and up to $99,000 get a smaller The Treasury Department has said Still, thieves are able to adapt their
forgiven, if you keep employees for eight payment. that those receiving Supplemental Se- schemes, said Marcus Christian, a for-
weeks. People in that population, including curity Income will automatically re- mer top attorney in the U.S. Attorney’s
the elderly, those with less education ceive their payments to their bank ac- Office for the Southern District of Flor-
Can I access PPP to cover part-time and those who aren’t tech savvy are the counts, direct express debit card or by ida. Government agencies are much
workers and independent contractors? most likely to fall victim to some of paper check, in the same way they typi- more adept at detecting and preventing
Yes, for part-timers, but no for inde- these scams, and are also the most likely cally receive their benefit payments. fraud, but the stimulus checks present
pendent contractors and gig workers. On to need the money, said Vanita Pandey, The IRS opened an online portal at an unprecedented opening for scams,
April 10, the government opened up PPP to the head of strategy at Arkose Labs, a he said.
business owners who are sole proprietors, company that detects and prevents impact-payments that will let people “Fraud isn’t going to be reduced to
such as freelancers and independent con- online fraud. update their direct deposit or mailing zero,” said Christian, who is now a part-
tractors. The coronavirus outbreak means that address and let recipients see the status ner at law firm Mayer Brown. “There is
a lot of people who weren’t familiar of their payment and the day it is sched- some balancing of interests here: Get
Jill Schlesinger, CFP, is a CBS News business with the internet are now using apps to uled to be mailed or deposited. The IRS these out quickly to taxpayers, which
analyst. A former options trader and CIO of communicate with family and friends or will also mail notifications to recipients will result in some fraud, and some
an investment advisory firm, she welcomes ordering groceries online, giving scam- about two weeks after their payment taxpayers may have to go through an
comments and questions at askjill@jillon- mers ample opportunity to find easy has been sent that will include instruc- onerous burden to get rightful pay- targets, Pandey said. tions on how to report that a payment ment.”
Smart ways to ups and downs along the way. But the com-
pany has a huge backlog of new orders, and
the shares are reasonably priced, according
Brene Brown, the vulnerability researcher and professor whose TED Talk is one of the
most-viewed in the world, has a smart way to ask people how they are doing right now.
Yes, you’re normal
How goes it? Dr. Marc Brackett, who runs the Yale Center for Emotional
To gauge how people really are Intelligence, said this rush of confusing emotions is normal —
feeling, Brown has her 30-person team as normal as things can be when you’re living and working
do a short exercise before kicking off a through a pandemic. In these uncertain times, you can hold
Zoom meeting. Everyone gives a space to feel both anxious and optimistic.
two-word feeling check-in. “Our brains like to tell ourselves
It doesn’t take long for everyone to stories,” Brackett said. “I think it’s
give their answer. And it gives permis- a helpful strategy. It’s a self-talk
sion for people to quickly name their strategy. I’ve got to be hopeful. I’ve
feelings without judgment. It also got to be grateful. I’ve got to get
acknowledges that we humans often through this. Having that positive
feel many things at once. self-talk makes all the difference.”
Wildlife photographer
In Memoriam
lived on the wild side Loretta M. Campbell
9-19-42 - 4-27-05
Graf, Leonard J.
Leonard J. Graf, age 89, of Northbrook, formerly of
Skokie. Beloved husband
of the late Jacqueline, nee
O’Leary; dear father of Mary
By Margalit Fox tuagenarian shutterbug,” On this the 15th anniversary of your death. We (Edmund) Mahoney and the
New York Times The Daily News of New remember what a wonderful person you were. You late Thomas (Ruth); and lov-
York wrote. are in our hearts, and we hope we will all see you ing grandfather of Michael
Peter Beard, a New York There was the time, for again. Graf, Joseph, Matthew and
photographer, artist and Love Jack
example, as Vanity Fair re- Mark Mahoney. A Memorial
Sign Guestbook at
naturalist to whom the ported in 1996, that Beard, Mass at St. Peter Catholic
word “wild” was roundly after roistering until 5 a.m. Church, Skokie, will be held
applied, both for his death- in the future. Memorial
defying photographs of Af-
at a Nairobi nightclub, Death Notices contributions may be made to Catholic
emerged the next afternoon Charities, 721 N. LaSalle St., Chicago, IL,
rican wildlife and for his from a tent on his ranch in 60654. Funeral information: 847-673-
own much-publicized days the Kenyan countryside fol- Andrews, Angeleen J.
Angeleen J. Andrews, nee Rendas, 90, beloved 6111 or to sign
— decades, really — as an lowed by the “four or five” wife of the late Arthur J. Andrews; de- guestbook.
amorous, bibulous, phar- young Ethiopian women he voted mother of Maria (the late Richard)
maceutically inclined man SCOTT ROTH/AP 2014 had brought home with Lubera, John (Dianne) and George
about town, was found dead him. (Margo) Andrews; proud yia-yia of Nick
in the woods Sunday, almost already existed, he might “We were very cozy,” he Lubera, Eric (Danyelle) Andrews, Leah Sign Guestbook at
three weeks after he disap- well have been the result of noted. Andrews and Joseph Andrews; great yia-yia of Chloe
peared from his home in a collaborative brain wave There was the time in and Ronan. Funeral Service Private and Interment
Montauk on the East End of by Hemingway, F. Scott 2013, The New York Post Private at Chapel Hill Gardens West Cemetery. Due
Long Island. He was 82. Fitzgerald and Paul Bowles. reported, that Beard, then to COVID-19 Restrictions a celebration of Angeleen’s Hester, Thomas J.
life will be planned for a later date. In lieu of flowers, Thomas J. Hester, age 82, passed away on April
His family confirmed He was matinee-idol 75, returned home about 6 memorials to Holy Apostle Greek Orthodox Church 25, 2020. From his birth in Chicago,
that a body found in Camp handsome and, as an heir to a.m. to the midtown Man- will be appreciated. Info. 630-941-5860. on February 9, 1938 to his death he
Hero State Park in Montauk a fortune, wealthy long be- hattan apartment he shared affected every person he met with his
was that of Beard. fore his photographs began with his wife, Nejma Beard, humor, pure joy, and unconditional love
He had dementia and had selling for hundreds of who was also his agent, and acceptance. He was born on the
experienced at least one thousands of dollars apiece. after a night’s revels. Sign Guestbook at
west side of Chicago to Patrick and Julia (Grealis)
stroke. He was last seen Besides documenting Af- Nejma Beard did not take Hester and was the oldest of three boys. Tom served
March 31, and authorities rica’s vanishing fauna, he kindly to his return — not in the US Army and upon release, pursued his tal-
Biala, Primo ent as a painter and entrepreneur, founding Hester
had conducted an extensive photographed some of the because of the hour, but Primo Biala, age 76, beloved husband of the late Painting & Decorating in 1968. His eye for color and
search for him. world’s most beautiful because he happened to Consolacion, nee Gacayan (2014). Loving father vision for design were unmatched. An avid softball
“We are all heartbroken women in fashion shoots have two Russian prosti- of Gary, Allen & Kenneth and father-in-law of Kelly player into his 50’s, his team, the DieHards, were
by the confirmation of our for Vogue, Elle and other tutes in tow. In response, & Anne. Proud grandfather of Brayden, Bennett, propelled to multiple championships by his spec-
beloved Peter’s death,” the magazines. He had well- she dialed 911, declared that Beckham, Enzo, Xavier. Dear brother of Cesar, tacular pitching skills and the talent and competitive
family said in a statement, documented romances her husband was attempt- Annie, Eddie, Delphin, Shirley, Rico, Greny, Nancy, nature of his four sons who joined him on the field.
adding, “He died where he with many of them, includ- Charito, Nazario Jr., and the late Lita, Aurora, Floro,
ing suicide and had him Tom will affectionately always be remembered as
Shirley & Alejandro. Dearest son of the late Nazario Handsome Tom Hester (HTH). He was preceded in
lived: in nature.” ing Candice Bergen and Lee committed for a time to a & Celedonia. Because of the current pandemic and
Beard’s best-known work Radziwill, the sister of local hospital. death by his son, Danny (9/29/01), and is survived by
risk for spread of infection, visitation & services will his beloved wife of 59 years, Marianne, nee Freibert;
was the book “The End of Jacqueline Kennedy Onas- “Beard doesn’t really be private. A memorial celebration will be planned sons, Jeff (Julie), Tom (Jenny) and Steve (Heather); 14
the Game,” first published sis. make art to enhance life for for a later date. For information please call 630-668- grandchildren; and 4 great grandchildren. A private
in 1965. Comprising his text “The last thing left in the rest of us,” a critic for 0027 or funeral service and interment will be held. A public
and photographs, it docu- nature is the beauty of The Globe and Mail of Memorial Mass at St. Peter Catholic Church, Skokie,
mented not only the vanish- women, so I’m very happy Toronto wrote in 1998. “He will be held in the future. In lieu of flowers, please
ing romance of Africa — a photographing it,” Beard has created his flamboyant make donations in Tom’s memory to Mercy Home
place long prized by West- told the British newspaper life as a work of art.” Sign Guestbook at For Boys and Girls, 1140 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago,
ern colonialists for its open The Observer in 1997. Yet for all its swashbuck- IL, 60607; Funeral
savannas and abundant big He discovered one super- ling glitter, Peter Beard’s information: 847-673-6111 or www.habenfuneral.
Dodge, Florian A
game — but also the tragedy model, Iman, and spun a com to sign guestbook.
curriculum vitae was shot Florian A. Dodge (b. 2-16-26) or Orland Park passed
of the continent’s imperiled fabulous legend about her through with darkness. His away on April 24, 2020, from COVID-19.
wildlife, in particular the origins. He was married for art, reviewers often re- Beloved husband of Bernice for 69
elephant. a time to another, Cheryl marked, seemed haunted by years; devoted father of Sandy O’Malley
In later years, Beard be- Tiegs. death and loss. So, at times, (husband Jack O’Malley, deceased), Sign Guestbook at
Kenneth (wife Claudia Jones), and
came famous for embellish- A denizen of Studio 54 in did his life. In the 1970s, a Robert (wife Alice Dodge); admired grandfather of
ing his photographic prints its disco-era heyday, he devastating fire obliterated 11, and revered great-grandfather of 19. WWII Navy
with ink and blood — either numbered among his his home, along with 20 veteran. Taught 10,000 St Rita High school students Klomp, Elinora Marie
human (his own) or animal friends the likes of Andy years’ work. In the 1990s, he over 42 years. Hero to all. No memorial service at Elinora Marie Klomp (nee MacKrell), 88, passed
(from a butcher) — yielding Warhol, Truman Capote, was attacked and nearly this time. In lieu of flowers, Florian’s wish was that away peacefully engulfed in
complex, cryptic, multilay- Salvador Dalí, Onassis, killed by one of the very donations be made to St. Rita of Cascia High School love at Radford Green nurs-
ered surfaces. Grace Jones, the Rolling animals he had long worked (7740 S. Western Ave, Chicago, IL 60620-5867 or to ing home in Lincolnshire, IL.
He was also known for Stones and Francis Bacon, to save. to provided tuition assis- Preceded in death by her
tance for financially challenged young men desiring beloved late husband Peter
the idiosyncratic, genre- who painted his portrait In September 1996, while
a quality Catholic education. Klomp Sr., sons Ronald
bending diaries that he had more than once. picnicking near the Kenya- and Anthony Soliwoda, her
Sign Guestbook at
kept since he was a boy — In 1963 he appeared, Tanzania border, he was brother Leo and her sisters
profuse assemblages of nude, in Adolfas Mekas’s charged by an elephant, Theresa and Carole. She is
words, images and found avant-garde film “Hallelu- who came at him, he re- Donohue, Denise S. now reunited in peace with
Denise S. Donohue, age 67, of Schaumburg. Beloved
objects like stones, feathers, jah the Hills!,” a critical and called, like “a freight train.” wife of Kevin P. Donohue. Loving mother of Shawn
them. She was the devoted mother of Elizabeth, and
train tickets and toenail popular hit at the inaugural The elephant ran a tusk (Vikki), Daniel (Jennifer) and Brian Donohue. Dear
her favorite son-in-law Brian, Tenner. Her best and
clippings — and for the New York Film Festival. He through his leg, narrowly finest moments were being “Nana” to Izzy, Jacob
grandmother of Ryan, Sarah, Alexander and Andrew
large, even more profuse later recalled that “Andy missing the femoral artery. and Abby. Born in Erie, PA she moved to Cleveland
Donohue. Dear sister of Audrey (John) Schuten and
and married Peter. Thirty-five years as a waitress
collages to which the dia- Warhol called it the first Using its head as a battering Mark Czech and sister-in-law of 6. Dear aunt of
at Stouffer’s Restaurant and never missed a day of
ries later gave wing. streak.” ram, it crushed Beard, many nieces and nephews. Loving daughter of the
work. She was a wonderful, loving and caring per-
But as renowned as he He seemed to possess the breaking ribs and fracturing late Helene and Joseph Czech. The Visitation and
son with a quick wit and stubborn will. Nana always
was for his work (he re- indefatigability of a half- his pelvis in at least a services are private. Interment will be at Maryhill
had the radio on and loved the music program at
Cemetery, Niles, IL. The funeral will stream live at
ceived solo exhibitions at dozen men, and well into half-dozen places. By the Radford Green. Thank you to the staff at Radford
10 AM Tuesday. There will be a memorial Mass
the International Center of old age routinely reveled time he arrived at the hospi- at St. Matthew Catholic Church at a later date.
Green who tirelessly took care of her over the past
Photography in Manhattan, until dawn, his escapades tal in Nairobi, according to Please visit the website for additional information
year when her dementia took over. Contributions
the Centre National de la becoming grist for gossip news reports, he had no can be made in her name at Radford Green so that
or online condolences or
Photographie in Paris and columnists worldwide. pulse. others can continue to enjoy the music and sing-a-
long. In her honor, use more butter, wear all your
elsewhere), Beard re- “Peter Beard — gentle- Doctors revived him, but jewelry at once and sneak up on someone you love
mained at least as well man, socialite, artist, pho- damage to his optic nerve Sign Guestbook at
and scare the crap out of them! We love you Nana!
known for his swashbuck- tographer, Lothario, proph- left him blind. He was told You will be greatly missed. Due to current situation,
ling, highly public private et, playboy and fan of recre- that he might never walk Drobny, Arnold J. family service will be private.
life. ational drugs — is the last of again. He eventually re- Arnold J. Drobny, 78, beloved husband of the late
Even by the dashing the adventurers,” The Ob- gained his sight, and the Susan Lee Drobny; loving father of
standards of wildlife pho- server said. ability to walk. Allison (Jim) Popowski; devoted son of
tography, his résumé was “James Dean grown up,” the late Sarah and Charles Drobny; dear
He is survived by his wife
brother of Irving (Arlene) Drobny and the
the stuff of high drama, full another British paper, The Nejma Beard, a daughter, late Sheldon (Anita) Drobny; treasured Sign Guestbook at
of daring, danger, romance Evening Standard, called Zara, a granddaughter, and uncle, cousin and friend of many.
and tall tales, many of them him. his brothers, Anson Jr. and Due to the pandemic and out of concern for our
actually true. Had Beard not “The hard-partying sep- Samuel. extended family and friends, services and shiva will
be private. A celebration of life will be held at a later
Lyons, Elizabeth A.
Elizabeth A. (Koehn) Lyons, age 84. Daughter of
date. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to
Otto R. and Coletta Koehn. Beloved wife for Sixty-
the charity of your choice. For information and to
four years of Thomas J. Lyons, C.P.D., loving mother
leave tributes and condolences: Shalom Memorial
Chicago Daily Tribune Funeral Home, 847.255.3520 or
of Michael T. (Mary), Kimberly A. Boruff (Paul),
Christopher L., C.F.D. (Joan). Adored grandmother of
eight and great grandmother of three, life long resi-
ON APRIL 27 ... city of Derna, on the shores 78. dent of Chicago and its suburbs. A world traveler for
of Tripoli. over twenty years, she visited every continent but
In 1521 Portuguese explorer In 1896 baseball player Sign Guestbook at Antarctica, walked the Great Wall, climbed the Eiffel
Ferdinand Magellan was In 1822 the 18th president Rogers Hornsby, generally tower, visited the tower of London, went on safari
in South Africa, cruised the Danube, Amazon, and
killed by natives in the of the United States, Ulysses considered the game’s Gall, Lorie K. Yangtze rivers and visited every state of the United
Philippines. S. Grant, was born in Point greatest right-handed hit- Lorie K. Gall, nee Picken, 64, of Orland Park, at rest
States. Passed away from a two-month battle with
Pleasant, Ohio. ter, was born in Winters, April 25, 2020. Beloved wife of Daniel. Loving moth-
pneumonia, complicated by Alzheimer’s disease.
In 1759 writer and women’s Texas. er of Christa (Sean) Nelson and Andrea (Joseph A.)
Private ceremony to be held at Markiewicz Funeral
Kelly. Cherished grandmother of Brendan Nelson,
rights advocate Mary Woll- In 1865 the steamer Sul- Home on Tuesday, April 28th followed by Interment
Evan Nelson, and Grace Kelly. Fond sister of Richard
stonecraft was born in Lon- tana exploded on the Mis- In 1899 animator and Picken, Lynette Davila, and Robert Picken. Many
services at Queen of Heaven Cemetery in Hillside,
don. sissippi River near Mem- “Woody Woodpecker” cre- IL. In lieu of flowers donations can be made to the
loving nieces and nephews. Lorie was a dedicated
phis, killing more than 1,400 ator Walter Lantz was born Alzheimer’s Association A celebration
Employee Health Nurse at Little Company Of Mary
In 1791 artist and inventor Union ex-POWs being re- in New Rochelle, N.Y. of her life will be held sometime in the future. Info:
Hospital in Evergreen Park for nearly 20 years.
630-257-6363 or
Samuel F.B. Morse was born turned to the North after Lorie loved her family as a loving wife, mother, and
in Charlestown, Mass. the surrender of Robert E. In 1927 Coretta Scott, who grandmother and was a dear friend to many. She
Sign Guestbook at
Lee. would marry civil rights also was a lover of animals. Memorial Services
In 1805, during the First leader Martin Luther King, to be announced at a later date. In lieu of flow-
ers donations to NAWS of Mokena 9981 W. 190th.
Barbary War, an American- In 1882 essayist and poet was born in Marion, Ala. St. Unit A Mokena, IL 60448 or
led force of Marines and Ralph Waldo Emerson died Matthews, Jr., Henry B.
Arrangements entrusted to Orland Funeral Home.
mercenaries captured the in Concord, Mass.; he was In 1932 American poet Henry, 78, departed this world on March 27, 2020
(708) 460-7500 or
Hart Crane drowned after as dramatically as he lived
Sign Guestbook at
in it. Beloved son of Dr.
jumping from a steamer Henry B. and Harryetta Babb
while en route to New York; Gorowski, Leo S. Matthews, Henry grew up in
WINNING LOTTERY NUMBERS he was 32. Leo S. Gorowski, age 93, of Naperville, IL passed Chicago. He joined the US
away on Tuesday, April 21, 2020. He was Navy and became a flight ra-
ILLINOIS INDIANA In 1937 the nation’s first born on September 7, 1926 in Chicago, dio operator in Guantanamo
April 26 April 26 Social Security checks were IL. Leo is survived by his daughters, Geri Bay, Cuba, where he gained
Pick 3 midday .............................. 404 / 9 Daily 3 midday ............................. 358 / 8 Lee Gorowski and Jodene Gorowski; his amateur radio operator’s
Pick 4 midday ............................ 2248 / 7 Daily 4 midday ........................... 0662 / 8
and sister, Mimi Squinto. He was pre- license. An accomplished air-
Lucky Day Lotto midday ......................... Daily 3 evening ............................. 002 / 9
In 1965 broadcast journal- ceded in death by his siblings, Helen Stuhr, John plane and helicopter pilot, he traveled and sailed the
16 18 36 38 41 Daily 4 evening .......................... 4156 / 9
Pick 3 evening .............................. 277 / 2 Cash 5 .............................. 02 04 16 30 31 Novak, Frank Novak, Eddie Novak and his wife June world but settled in Manzanillo, Mexico. He wore
ist Edward R. Murrow died Gorowski. Visitation will be held on Thursday, April many hats – electrical engineer, charter and tugboat
Pick 4 evening ........................... 1774 / 2
Lucky Day Lotto evening ........................ MICHIGAN
in Pawling, N.Y.; he was 57. 30, 2020 from 3:00 p.m. until the time of service captain, entrepreneur, and welder. He was Gents to
23 27 35 36 44 April 26 7:00 p.m. Services will be streamed live. Memorials his family, Hank to his friends, Hankie to children –
Daily 3 midday ................................... 386 In 1967 Expo ’67 was offi- in Leo’s name may be made to the American Heart who loved him universally – and Captain Hank to his
April 27 Lotto: $10M Daily 4 midday ................................. 8806 cially opened in Montreal Association. Arrangements entrusted to Beidelman- boating world. His primary legacy will always be his
April 28 Mega Millions: $186M Daily 3 evening ................................... 821
April 29 Powerball: $43M Daily 4 evening ................................ 0444
by Canadian Prime Min- Kunsch Funeral Homes & Crematory, 24021 Royal consummate storytelling, infectious laugh, loyalty,
ister Lester B. Pearson. Worlington Dr., Naperville. Info: www.beidelmankun- generous heart, and ability to connect with anyone
Fantasy 5 ......................... 06 16 17 18 37
WISCONSIN Keno ............................. 01 02 05 06 12 15 or 630-922-9630. anywhere. He is survived by his brother, Philip, of
April 26 18 20 29 32 33 44 54 57 In 1973, during the Water- Dallas, TX, his ex-wife, Dorrie Slutsker, of Oakland,
Pick 3 .................................................... 215 61 64 65 67 68 72 76 79 CA, and his devoted family of friends.
Pick 4 .................................................. 0989
gate scandal, Acting FBI
Sign Guestbook at
Badger 5 ........................... 08 11 13 17 18 More winning numbers at Director L. Patrick Gray
SuperCash ................. 05 08 14 20 27 32 resigned. Sign Guestbook at
Murphy, Dominica “Minnie”
(nee Parisi), 91, lifelong resident of Chicago, passed
away April 24, 2020. Beloved
wife of the late Francis; lov-
ing mother of Mike (Eileen),
Carolyn, Frank, Dan, Kathy,
Tom, Jim and Bill; cherished
grandmother of Nicole (Tony)
Layman, Michael Murphy
(Allison Vlinica), Victoria
(Tony) Raspante and Anthony
Murphy; proud great grand-
mother of Jake, Katie, Abby, Frankie, Sam, Michael,
Joey, Ben and Sean; dearest sister of the late Marie
Henriksen and Carmella and Theresa Parisi; fond
aunt of many nieces and nephews. Service and in-
terment at St. Mary Cemetery private. A Memorial
Mass will be arranged when it is safe to gather
post-pandemic. Arrangements entrusted to Michael
Coletta Sons Funeral Home, www.colettasonsfuner- or 312-225-8500.
Sign Guestbook at
Scheiner, Gregory G.
Chicago Tribune.
Gregory G. Scheiner. Beloved husband of 37 years
of Ellen M. Scheiner. Cherished father of Stacie P.
Scheiner & Adam G. (Rebekah A.) Scheiner. Devoted
son of the late Otto F. & Margaret J. Scheiner. Loving
brother of Jeffrey C. (Nancy M.) Scheiner & Mary
E. Moran-Scheiner. Proud uncle of many nieces &
nephews. Adored by sisters & brothers in law. Will
be missed by his favorite four-legged friend Abby.
Due to the current COVID situation and in conjunc-
tion with Greg’s wishes, there will not be a visita-
tion. Cremation will take place, and his ashes will
remain with his family until a memorial service CONTACT US
can be planned (TBD). Arrangements entrusted
to Thompson & Kuenster Funeral Home. thomp- 312.222.2222 708-425-0500
Sign Guestbook at [email protected]
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Keeping an eye on the world of sports
during the coronavirus crisis:
Pace has taken a sturdy “no comment” In fact, that’s exactly the path Pace took extension. Deshaun Watson’s fifth-year
stance on the issue since New Year’s Eve. with Leonard Floyd. After picking up option for about $17 million will be a no-
He was pressed on the matter during the Floyd’s fifth-year option last spring, the brainer for the Texans as they too ready
team’s end-of-season news conference, Bears yanked that $13.2 million commit- the Brink’s truck.
again at the combine, yet again after the ment last month before the start of the Of the 11 quarterbacks drafted in the top
first wave of free agency, during his pre- league year and sent Floyd on his way. 10 between 2011 and 2016, only two didn’t
draft session with reporters last week and It would be possible to take a similar have their fifth-year options granted: Jake
once more Saturday night. approach with Trubisky. Sure. Absolutely. Locker of the Titans and Blaine Gabbert of
In each case, Pace dodged the questions But why? the Jaguars. The Redskins picked up
as if they were sneeze-filled handshakes. With the fifth-year option guaranteed Robert Griffin III’s fifth-year option in The NFL draft averaged a record
Ryan, have you come to a conclusion on for injury, if Trubisky were to suffer a 2015 but cut him the following spring 8.4 million viewers over all three days,
Mitch’s fifth-year option? severe injury during the 2020 season, the before it kicked in. The Bears have another according to the NFL and Nielsen. The
■ Dec. 31: “We’re not at that point right Bears would be on the hook for all of that week to slow-play their official decision on previous high was 6.2 million last year.
now, and when we are, we’ll let you guys $24.8 million. It would immediately be- Trubisky’s contract. When it’s finalized, it
know.” come a sunk cost. will create another headline and more
■ Feb. 25: “Everything’s internal as we The risk-reward just isn’t there. chatter. Yet Pace might not have to detail
think through that process and this whole In what world would a $24.8 million his reasoning publicly for months.
thing comes together. We’ll make that investment in Trubisky for 2021 become a Still, the practical approach for the
decision in May.” bargain for the Bears? Bears seems clear. It starts with the num-
■ April 3: “That’s something we’re not The truest of the Tru believers would ber 24.8. As in million. As in dollars. NBA NHL MLB
Season Season Opening day
suspended suspended delayed
indefinitely indefinitely until at least
New York Daily News children we are so proud of,” she contin- Cavallari rose to fame on the reality series
ued. “This is just the situation of two people “Laguna Beach: The Real Orange County,”
Kristin Cavallari’s and Jay Cutler’s mar- growing apart. We ask everyone to respect which premiered in 2004.
riage is coming to an end. our privacy as we navigate this difficult She began her own reality series, “Very
The reality star and the former NFL time within our family.” Cavallari,” on E! Network in 2018. The MLS NFL NCAA
quarterback are splitting up after seven The post included an undated photo of show follows Cavallari’s life, including her Season Camps Spring
years of marriage and a decade together. Cavallari, 33, and Cutler, 36, walking with marriage to Cutler. The third season, which suspended scheduled to sports
“With great sadness, after 10 years their arms around each other. The couple finished airing in March, followed Cavallari until at least start in schedule
together we have come to a loving wed in 2013 in Nashville. as she opened an Uncommon James store June 8 mid-July canceled
conclusion to get a divorce,” Cavallari Cavallari and Cutler have three children in Chicago.
announced in an Instagram post Sunday. together: 7-year-old son Camden, 5-year- A fourth season has not been an-
“We have nothing but love and respect old son Jaxon and 4-year-old daughter nounced. Others: PGA Tour suspended until June 11.
for one another and are deeply grateful for Saylor. Cutler played for the Broncos, Bears Tribune reporter Tracy Swartz contrib- NASCAR suspended until at least May 16.
the years shared, memories made, and the and Dolphins in 12 NFL seasons, while uted to this report. WTA, ATP suspended through at least July 13.
Grace still
waiting for
next at-bat
Former Cubs great is on deck
with Marquee Sports Network
By Mark Gonzales
Mark Grace remembers his final at-bat of
the strike-shortened 1994 season.
“I struck out against Rod Beck,” Grace
said last week.
That moment capped a 5-2 loss to the
Giants and preceded a 232-day players
strike. Grace hopes he doesn’t have to wait
that long to resume his duties with the new
Marquee Sports Network and the Cubs
organization he parted ways with after the
2000 season.
“This job came out of nowhere,” Grace
said. “All of a sudden it became a dream job.”
Grace, 55, remains extremely popular
with fans and media members who covered
him during his 13 seasons with the Cubs, a
run that included four Gold Glove awards
and three National League All-Star selec-
And Grace warmed quickly to his
assignments, which included a hands-on
demonstration with Anthony Rizzo on the
art of playing first base and a three-inning
stint as a guest analyst with play-by-play
announcer Len Kasper and Jim Deshaies
during a Cactus League game.
Grace said he was scheduled to serve as
analyst for a Cubs-Dodgers game at Sloan
Park on March 12 — the same day Major
League Baseball suspended spring training
amid the coronavirus pandemic.
“Who knows what’s going to happen?”
Grace said.
But he looks forward to a return to
Wrigley Field with an organization that he
left on chilly terms before signing with the
Diamondbacks, with whom he won a
World Series ring in his first season in 2001.
Grace has served as a pre- and postgame
analyst for selected Diamondbacks games
since 2017, but he works as an independent
contractor. That arrangement allows him
PHIL VELASQUEZ/CHICAGO TRIBUNE plenty of flexibility, including the possibility
Sammy Sosa and Julian Martinez spray champagne on the fans near the Cubs dugout after clinching the NL Central title in 2003. to return to Wrigley with more frequency
with the Cubs.
Bulls forward Dennis Rodman during a game against the Wizards on Nov. 29, 1997. Michael Jordan, coach Phil Jackson and the Bulls celebrate winning the 1991 NBA title.
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Day 47
Since the sports world went mainly dark
I’ll be ready
for return
News services
t was a Saturday in California and five-time Olympic gold medalist Katie Ledecky A: I don’t know what’s going to happen to
had a competition later in the afternoon to look forward to. Not the swim meet in the summer leagues like the one that I got
Mission Viejo that had originally filled her calendar for this past weekend, but a my start in. That’s a huge gateway for the
virtual game, Cards Against Humanity, with a group of roughly 20 relatives, mostly sport, the way a lot of young kids find
cousins, organized by her older brother, Michael. their way into it. That’s a year lost on that.
Last month in Des Moines, Iowa, at a tuneup meet for the Olympic trials, Ledecky I worry about small club teams. Even just
produced her fastest 1,500-meter freestyle since May 2018, buoying her prospects of thinking about how workouts are going
winning as many as five more Olympic gold medals, including the “Ledecky Slam” in the to change when things get back to
200-400-800-1,500 freestyles, at the Tokyo Games. But within a week of returning to her normal. Will teams have to limit the
Stanford training base from Iowa, she was scrambling to find pool space after the number of people in lanes? Maybe groups
university facilities shut down because of the coronavirus crisis. The Olympics have been will only be able to swim once a day
postponed a year, and the college remains shut down, but Ledecky, who’s from Bethesda, PHOTOS BY MADDIE MEYER/GETTY instead of doubles because they have to
Maryland, and her training mate, four-time Olympic medalist Simone Manuel, continue Katie Ledecky is continuing her studies extend out the training times. I think it’s
to swim daily in a family’s two-lane, 25-yard backyard pool a short drive from the Stanford at Stanford. One of her four current going to change some of the mental
campus. online courses is on infectious diseases. aspects of training in the sport.
Aside from her daily swim, Ledecky, 23, is sheltering in place at her two-bedroom
apartment near Stanford but staying busy. Q: You swam so well in Des Moines the Q: What is the one non-swimming
After taking a year off school to focus on her Olympic preparation, Ledecky, a first full weekend of March. How do you activity you are most looking forward to
psychology major at Stanford, re-enrolled in online classes for the spring quarter, which process everything that has happened being able to do once the lockdown is
began April 6 — 13 days after the Olympics were postponed. The four courses she is taking since? lifted?
include one on infectious diseases.
A: I felt really good about my swims and A: I think seeing my family. I don’t know
felt it was indicative of how I was if that will mean I travel to see them or
Q: How did you come to take an backyard pool and that’s about a five- training. It was nice to see that starting to they travel to see me. I don’t know if I’ll be
infectious disease class? minute drive away, and that’s basically show in meets. I was excited to get back able to give them a hug, but just being able
the only time I go out. I feel lucky that I’m to work. It’s tough when you’re doing to be with them will be nice. It’s even
A: It’s Global Change and Emerging able to get my aerobic workout in from well and feeling good about things and harder to think of my extended family,
Infectious Disease, and it actually fulfills that so I don’t have to do any running or then things change. But I feel good about especially my two grandmothers. Will I
my last general requirement. It’s a lot cycling. I got some bands and a couple of where I was at and feel I’ll be able to see them again? That’s harder to think
about the different environmental and weights and a pullup bar. I have a tiny maintain that, and replicate that and about. We’re all staying in pretty good
social factors that cause these outbreaks. balcony, and there’s one part of it that has remember how that felt. touch. We’ve been watching Mass to-
They go through SARS and MERS and a little bit of space, so that’s where I do my There’s so much uncertainty about the gether on Sundays with my grandma in
HIV, but there’s definitely a focus on dryland to get a little more fresh air. next year: What meets will we have? What North Dakota. We get together over
coronavirus. Our professors are giving us I haven’t gone to a grocery store in will our next meet be? Will we be able to Zoom and share a screen and livestream
insight on the data that they’re tracking. about a month. I’ve just been using train long course? Will we be able to train Mass.
It’s a lot about the bats and the markets grocery delivery apps. I’ve been doing as a team and with other people again? All During the time right before the
and learning how to calculate transmis- that and HelloFresh, which USA Swim- of that. It’s hard to really think about the lockdown, I considered going to other
sion rates and contractibility and all ming got us for a discount at one point so next thing so I’m just thinking day by day. parts of the country, even North Dakota
those different things. It’s been really I signed up for it. You pick three recipes I’ve been doing a lot of virtual video to my grandma’s house because there’s an
fascinating. per week, and each has two servings, so I calls with other teams and groups and it’s indoor pool there. But I ultimately
get two meals out of each. I’ve been tough to see the younger athletes strug- decided to stay here. It just got to the
Q: How much are you venturing outside? getting all my meat out of that and then I gling with it, who have such a love for the point where there really wasn’t much
get snacks and food for breakfast and sport and it’s been so much a part of their open anywhere and it’s probably better
A: I’ve been able to swim at somebody’s lunch from the grocery stores. routine and their social life and all of it. not to travel if I don’t need to.
International, Fresno State, Georgia
Toronto 46 18 .719 — Boston 44 14 12 100 227 174 Atlanta 2 0 0 6 4 2 Div.. I FBS Tiz the Law Barclay Tagg 122
American 0 0 5 2 3 2 5 17 Southern, Kentucky, Louisiana Tech, Wells Bayou Brad Cox 104
Boston 43 21 .672 3 Tampa Bay 43 21 6 92 245 195 N.Y. Red Bulls 1 0 1 4 4 3
Philadelphia 39 26 .600 71⁄2 Toronto 36 25 9 81 238 227 ACC 3 3 2 5 7 2 5 27 Marshall, Maryland, Michigan State, Ete Indien Patrick Biancone 74
Montreal 1 0 1 4 4 3
Brooklyn 30 34 .469 16 Florida 35 26 8 78 231 228 Big 12 5 3 4 1 4 2 2 21 Missouri, NC State, Nebraska, North Modernist Bill Mott 70
Toronto FC 1 0 1 4 3 2
New York 21 45 .318 26 Montreal 31 31 9 71 212 221 Big Ten 5 7 5 6 5 11 9 48 Carolina, Purdue, Stanford, Syracuse, Authentic Bob Baffert 60
Columbus 1 0 1 4 2 1 Mr. Monomoy Brad Cox 52
SOUTHEAST Buffalo 30 31 8 68 195 217 D.C. United 1 1 0 3 3 3 C-USA 0 0 1 5 1 1 2 10 Tennessee, Texas A&M, Texas Tech,
Ottawa 25 34 12 62 191 243 Ind. (FBS) 0 2 1 2 2 2 0 9 Tulane, Tulsa, USC, Virginia, Wake Nadal Bob Baffert 50
Miami 41 24 .631 — Chicago 0 1 1 1 2 3 Mischevious Alex John Servis 50
Orlando 30 35 .462 11 Detroit 17 49 5 39 145 267 MAC 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 2 Forest, Washington, West Virginia,
New England 0 1 1 1 2 3 MW 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 10 Ny Traffic Saffie Joseph Jr. 50
Washington 24 40 .375 161⁄2 METRO. W L OT Pts GF GA Orlando City 0 1 1 1 1 2 Wyoming King Guillermo Juan Carlos Avila 50
Charlotte 23 42 .354 18 Pac-12 3 3 6 7 3 7 3 32
Philadelphia 0 1 1 1 3 5 SEC 15 10 15 8 2 5 8 63 Shivaree Ralph Nicks 40
Atlanta 20 47 .299 22 Washington 41 20 8 90 240 215 POSITION R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 TOT Enforceable Mark Casse 33
Philadelphia 41 21 7 89 232 196 Cincinnati 0 2 0 0 3 5 Sun Belt 0 1 1 2 1 1 1 7
CENTRAL Inter Miami CF 0 2 0 0 1 3 Center 1 0 2 1 2 1 1 8 Storm the Court Peter Eurton 32
Pittsburgh 40 23 6 86 224 196 Div. I FCS Sole Volante Patrick Biancone 30
Milwaukee 53 12 .815 — N.Y. City FC 0 2 0 0 0 2 Cornerback 6 3 2 6 3 1 6 27
Carolina 38 25 5 81 222 193 CAA 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 2 Major Fed Greg Foley 30
Indiana 39 26 .600 14 Def. end 1 4 1 1 6 0 4 17
Columbus 33 22 15 81 180 187 MVFC 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 2 Thousand Words Bob Baffert 25
Chicago 22 43 .338 31 Western W L T PT GF GA Def. tackle 2 2 5 3 2 4 3 21
N.Y. Islanders 35 23 10 80 192 193 OVC 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 Silver Prospector Steve Asmussen 21
Detroit 20 46 .303 331⁄2 Guard 0 1 3 6 2 4 2 18
N.Y. Rangers 37 28 5 79 234 222 Sporting KC 2 0 0 6 7 1 Pioneer 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 Field Pass Mike Maker 20
Cleveland 19 46 .292 34
New Jersey 28 29 12 68 189 230 Minnesota 2 0 0 6 8 3 Kicker 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 3 Excession Steve Asmussen 20
WESTERN CONFERENCE Colorado 2 0 0 6 4 2 Linebacker 5 2 11 4 4 5 8 39 Candy Tycoon Todd Pletcher 20
WESTERN CONFERENCE MIAA 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 Long snapper 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 Honor A. P. John Shirreffs 20
SOUTHWEST W L PCT GB FC Dallas 1 0 1 4 4 2
CENTRAL W L OT Pts GF GA Los Angeles FC 1 0 1 4 4 3 SAC 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 Off. tackle 6 1 3 4 1 4 1 20 Untitled Mark Casse 20
Houston 40 24 .625 — DIV. III Punter 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 Shotski Jeremiah O'Dwyer 19
St. Louis 42 19 10 94 225 193 Seattle 1 0 1 4 3 2
Dallas 40 27 .597 11⁄2 Quarterback 4 1 0 2 1 1 4 13 Independence Hall Mike Trombetta 14
Colorado 42 20 8 92 237 191 Portland 1 1 0 3 2 3 MIAC 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1
Memphis 32 33 .492 81⁄2 Run. back 1 5 4 4 1 0 3 18 Gouverneur Morris Todd Pletcher 14
Dallas 37 24 8 82 180 177 Vancouver 1 1 0 3 2 3
New Orleans 28 36 .438 12 Silver State Steve Asmussen 14
Winnipeg 37 28 6 80 216 203 Real Salt Lake 0 0 2 2 1 1 MULTIPLE SCHOOL SELECTIONS Safety 0 5 4 3 2 4 3 21
San Antonio 27 36 .429 121⁄2 Azul Coast Bob Baffert 14
Nashville 35 26 8 78 215 217 LA Galaxy 0 1 1 1 1 2 Tight end 0 1 4 4 0 2 1 12
NORTHWEST 14: LSU; 10: Michigan, Ohio State Shoplifted Steve Asmussen 13
Minnesota 35 27 7 77 220 220 San Jose 0 1 1 1 4 7 Receiver 6 7 3 2 8 6 3 35 Anneau d'Or Blain Wright 12
Denver 43 22 .662 — Chicago 32 30 8 72 212 218 9: Alabama
Utah 41 23 .641 11⁄2 Houston 0 1 1 1 1 5 7: Clemson, Florida, Georgia, Utah Maxfield Brendan Walsh 10
Oklahoma City 40 24 .625 21⁄2 PACIFIC W L OT Pts GF GA Nashville SC 0 2 0 0 1 3 FIELD R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 TOT Basin Steve Asmussen 10
6: Auburn, Notre Dame Eight Rings Bob Baffert 10
Portland 29 37 .439 141⁄2 Vegas 39 24 8 86 227 211 5: Iowa, Minnesota, Mississippi State, Offense 18 16 19 23 15 18 15 124
3 points for victory, 1 point for tie Dennis' Moment Dale Romans 10
Minnesota 19 45 .297 231⁄2 Edmonton 37 25 9 83 225 217 Penn State, TCU Defense 14 16 23 17 17 14 24 125 Gold Street Steve Asmussen 10
PACIFIC Calgary 36 27 7 79 210 215 4: Baylor, Miami (FL), Oklahoma, Special tms 0 0 0 0 1 3 2 6 Max Player Linda Rice 10
L.A. Lakers 49 14 .778 — Vancouver 36 27 6 78 228 217 Tentative date for
Oregon, S. Carolina, Temple, Wisconsin As Seen On Tv Kelly Breen 10
L.A. Clippers 44 20 .688 51⁄2 Arizona 33 29 8 74 195 187 the MLS All-Star Game Attachment Rate Dale Romans 10
3: Boise State, California, Colorado, Most selectitons:
Sacramento 28 36 .438 211⁄2 Anaheim 29 33 9 67 187 226 July 29 vs. La Liga MX All Stars Texas Swing Todd Pletcher 10
Louisiana, Memphis, Oregon State, Vikings (15); Jaguars (12)
Phoenix 26 39 .400 24 Los Angeles 29 35 6 64 178 212 Banc of California Stadium source:
Texas, UCLA Least selections: Saints (4)
Golden State 15 50 .231 35 San Jose 29 36 5 63 182 226 in Los Angeles Kentucky Derby: Sept. 5, Louisville, Ky
We’re all missing sports these days. So with the games on hold, we’re offering a daily dose of memorable moments as chronicled through sports history:
By Shannon Ryan
Philadelphia Inquirer
wood kept trying to talk to his
teammates. They wanted noth-
ing to do with him.
No way was one of them going
to be blamed for jinxing one of the most
memorable days in Phillies history and a
scrapbook moment in Millwood’s career. NEAL HAMBERG/AP
For nine innings Sunday, the right-hander Red Sox pitcher Derek Lowe pumps his fist
hurled fastballs over the plate and recorded after pitching a no-hitter against the Devil
his first career no-hitter in a 1-0 victory over Rays on April 27, 2002. Boston won 10-0.
the San Francisco Giants.
With each strike, the 40,016 people in
Veterans Stadium roared, and the red-
bearded pitcher maintained his steely gaze
and unshakable focus.
“It’s a little hard to put into words,” said
Millwood, 28, who threw a one-hit shutout
against Pittsburgh in 1998 while with
Atlanta. Every starting pitcher, it’s the goal
to do it once.”
The no-hitter was the first pitched by a AP
Phillie since Tommy Greene in Montreal in Phillies pitcher Kevin Millwood, left, celebrates with Jim Thome after throwing a no-hitter
1991, and only the ninth ever by a Phillie. It against the Giants for a 1-0 win on April 27, 2003.
was just the second time a no-hitter was
thrown in Veterans Stadium. Terry Mulhol- OTHER APRIL 27 MOMENTS biggest victory in playoff history with their
land threw one against the Giants in 1990. 1956: Rocky Marciano retires as the unde- 121-63 rout of New Orleans in Game 4 of
It was the first no-hitter in the majors feated heavyweight boxing champion. He their first-round series.
since exactly a year ago, when Boston’s finished with a 49-0 record, including six 2013: The Red Wings make the playoffs for
Derek Lowe threw one against Tampa Bay. title defenses and 43 knockouts. the 22nd straight season after Henrik
“That was unbelievable,” Phillies man- 1960: The Minneapolis Lakers announce Zetterberg had two goals and an assist in a
ager Larry Bowa said of Millwood’s per- that they will relocate to Los Angeles. 3-0 victory over Dallas.
formance. “As a manager, that’s the best [I’ve 2007: Kirk Radomski, a former New York 2017: Texas A&M DE Myles Garrett is
seen]. One in October would be better.” Mets clubhouse employee, pleads guilty to picked first overall by the Browns in the NFL
Millwood struck out 10 and walked just distributing steroids to major league play- Draft. Chicago sends a third-round pick, a Twins pitcher Scott Erickson, center, is
three of the 29 batters he faced. Out of 108 ers for a decade and agrees to help base- fourth and a 2018 third to San Francisco to surrounded by teammates after pitching a
pitches, 72 were strikes, and most of them ball’s steroids investigators. switch and selects North Carolina QB no-hitter against the Brewers on April 27,
were fastballs. 2009: The Denver Nuggets match the Mitchell Trubisky. 1994. Minnesota won 6-0.
The world needs to know:
What’s the deal with Richard
How is this pandemic affect-
ing Richard Marx?
Is Richard Marx and his hair
CHRIS SWEDA/CHICAGO TRIBUNE doing OK? I ask because, last
Jessica Rodriguez and her mother, Maryland, pick up popcorn Saturday at Park Ridge’s Pickwick Theatre. month, he sold his 29,000-
square-foot mansion in Lake
Federal aid for some local movie Bluff for only $4.2 million; the
house was on the market for
almost six years, initially priced
Musician Richard Marx, formerly
of Chicago’s North Shore and
theaters, while others tough it out at $18 million. In February, he formerly of the ’80s-’90s, is now
released “Limitless,” his 12th living and quarantining in Malibu.
studio album in 33 years, then a
month later, the night before castic, but I’m not. Sure, his song
Meanwhile, there’s popcorn at the Pickwick underway.
My Honda Fit and I joined the
leaving on a European tour,
every show was postponed and
titles (“Now and Forever,” “Right
Here Waiting,” “Endless Sum-
curbside pickup queue along he found himself, perhaps like mer Nights,” “Hold On to the
Illinois shelter-at-home order South Prospect Avenue. What you, retreating to his home in Nights”) might look like they
extended through May 30, and a was the deal? There were no Malibu to quarantine. came out of a song-title genera-
coronavirus-addled customer movies playing that night, or any Yes, that Richard Marx. tor; sure, his slick, manicured
base likely uncertain of its com- night. But on Wednesdays and What’s your quarantine guilty ’80s-’90s hits are the sound of
fort level once movie theaters Saturdays, the Pickwick is pop- pleasure been? Video games? every rom-com montage ever.
reopen — this summer’s Christo- ping popcorn and selling it, five Day-drinking? Binging the But there’s craft there, profes-
pher Nolan thriller “Tenet” is bucks a box, filling online orders whole three-season run of “Gilli- sionalism, consistency. I feel bad
Michael Phillips still scheduled for a July 17 re- in nice, neat 15-minute pickup gan’s Island”? Mine has been describing him as a guilty pleas-
Tribune movie critic lease — the waiting game is ex- time slots. delving into the life and times ure, because there’s no guilt here
cruciating. And costly. Pickwick co-owner Dino and music of Richard Marx and, and the man himself, the ’80s
Chicago and suburban film Meantime: Last Saturday Vlahakis figured other film ex- frankly, there is so much fun Power Ballad Bard of the North
exhibitors have never faced a night at the Pickwick Theatre in hibition players in similarly dire stuff about the Highland Park Shore, is funny, interesting,
starker challenge than the Park Ridge, a more manageable native, I don’t know where to
COVID-19 pandemic. With the and fragrant waiting game was Turn to Theaters, Page 5 begin. You think I’m being sar- Turn to Marx, Page 3
Tribune news services
Chris Hemsworth, right, and Rudhraksh Jaiswal star in the action movie “Extraction.”
Continued from Page 1
phone interview. “The Simple, round concrete columns support the Riverview Bridge, which blends beautifully with its surroundings, both natural and industrial.
notion was: How can we
improve, not scrape it.” station and an air-sup- selves are like a picket fence vate land. Far less landfill
A conventional design ported dome that serves as — transparent from some was used than in a conven-
would have torn out the practice field for the Chi- angles, opaque from others. tional design. Some landfill
trees and bushes to make cago Fire soccer team. They get thinner as they was used. Trees and the
way for an asphalt path Simple, round concrete rise, like the branches of a river banks were preserved.
built atop landfill held in columns support a cantile- tree, which helps the bridge “The clear choice be-
place by steel retaining vered concrete deck with fit into its natural setting. came the alternative with
walls. A dinky bridge, run- angled railings of russet- Lighting is nicely inte- less impacts,” he wrote.
ning straight across the colored Cor-ten steel. grated into the railings. At This is infrastructure the
river, would have joined the There are no pretentious night, the bridge glows way it should be: Respon-
east and west banks. attempts to make the col- softly — a handsome sculp- sive to its surroundings,
Ho hum! umns look thin and elegant, ture. both natural and man-
Instead, working with as if they were high heels. You may be wondering: made, and serving the
Greg Osborne, Epstein’s The deck’s curves ac- Did the bridge cost more needs of both utility and
director of civil engineer- commodate the recom- than a conventional trail? beauty.
ing, Metter came up with mended turning radius for After all, building a trail on The bridge would be
something better: A path bicycles and allow the path the ground is usually less welcome under any cir-
that starts on the river’s to slope gradually and con- expensive than building a cumstances. It is an espe-
banks, then becomes a tinuously, without landings. The bridge’s 14-foot-wide path makes it easy for runners, trail in the air. cially bright addition to the
bridge as it separates from To satisfy the Coast walkers and bicyclists to practice social distancing. In an email, Osborne cityscape in these dark
them and crosses the river Guard, which mandated responded that the bridge times.
on a curve. that the bridge be higher be a plus. Yet the design still makes cost “roughly the same” as a
The engineering is ap- than nearby spans, the Being on the bridge is a people feel safe up there. typical path. He cited sev- Blair Kamin is a Tribune
propriately straightforward, highest point of the bridge’s little like floating in the air, The railings angle inward, eral factors that held the critic.
given the utilitarian charac- deck is nearly 23 feet above as if you were a hawk catch- bringing an aluminum cost down: Utilities didn’t bkamin@chicago
ter of nearby buildings, normal water level. That ing an updraft and survey- handrail close to pedestri- have to be moved. The city
including a ComEd power requirement turned out to ing the scene below. ans. The railings them- didn’t need to pay for pri- Twitter @BlairKamin
© 2018 The Mepham Group. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency. All rights reserved. 3/13/18
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by David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek
Check out the new, free JUST JUMBLE app
Now arrange the circled letters
to form the surprise answer, as
suggested by the above cartoon.
“Dispatches From Else- The Voice: “Road to Live Shows.” (N) \ N (9:01) Songland: “H.E.R.” NBC 5 News
NBC 5 (N) \ N (N) ◊
where” (9 p.m., 10:14 p.m.,
1:58 a.m., AMC): This dra- ABC 7
The Bachelor Presents: Listen to Your Heart: “Week The Baker and the Beauty News at
3.” (N) \ N (N) \ N 10pm (N) ◊
ma closes out Season 1 in
black-ish: black-ish: Last Man Last Man WGN News at Nine (N) WGN News
a finale about which AMC WGN 9 “The Purge.” “THE Word.” Standing \ Standing \ (Live) \ N at Ten (N)
is revealing few details, be-
Antenna 9.2 Alice \ Alice \ 3’s Comp. 3’s Comp. Johnny Carson \ Coach \
yond reporting that “a final Court 9.3 Court TV Live (N) (Live) \ Court TV (N)
mystery is revealed.” Given Chicago Tonight (N) Antiques Roadshow (N) \ Antiques Roadshow: “Little Independent
that the episode title is “The PBS 11 N (Part 2 of 3) Rock.” \ Lens (N) ◊
Boy,” the focus may be on CW 26.1 Whose? (N) Whose Line Roswell, New Mexico (N) Broke Girl Broke Girl Seinfeld \
young actor Travis Burnett’s The U 26.2 Dr. Phil \ N Tamron Hall \ N Steve Wilkos Show (N) Paternity
character, the little boy often MeTV 26.3 Andy Griffith Andy Griffith Gomer Pyle Green Acres Hogan Hero Hogan Hero C. Burnett
seen standing outside Janice’s H&I 26.4 Star Trek \ Star Trek: Next Star Trek: Deep Space 9 Star Trek ◊
(Sally Field) house wearing Bounce 26.5 A Raisin in the Sun (NR,’08) ›› Sean Combs, Phylicia Rashad. \ Civil Brand ◊
sad-clown makeup. Richard 9-1-1: “The One That Got (8:01) Prodigal Son: “Like Fa- Fox 32 News at Nine (N) Modern
FOX 32 Away.” (N) \ N ther...” (Season Finale) (N) \ Family
Richard E. Grant E. Grant also stars.
Ion 38 Criminal Minds \ Criminal Minds \ Criminal Minds \ Criminal ◊
TeleM 44 Cennet (N) \ La Doña (N) \ Noticias Telemundo (N) Chicago (N)
MNT 50 Chicago P.D. \ Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Chicago ◊
“Spring Baking Championship” (8 p.m., 11 p.m., Food): The Season 6 compe- UniMas 60 ÷ ¿Qué culpa tiene Nosotr. Nosotr. Noticiero (N) Vas con todo ◊
tition draws to a close in two new back-to-back episodes, starting with “Mom’s WJYS 62 J. Savelle K. Hagin Joyce Meyer Robison Blakeman Wonderen Paid Prog.
Spring Getaway.” The first round tasks the four remaining bakers to create spicy, Univ 66 Ringo (N) Amor eterno (N) Sin miedo a la verdad Noticias (N)
margarita-based desserts. Then, they must prepare desserts that look like pool AE Live PD: “Live PD -- 05.10.19.” \ Accused ◊
floats. The finale, “Spring Senioritis — Class of 2020” climaxes with prom night
AMC ÷ (5:30) Gladiator (R,’00) ››› Russell Crowe. (SAP) Dispatches From (Season Finale) (N) Dispatches
cakes themed to the ’50s, ’60s or ’80s. ANIM Alaska- Last Frontier (N) Alaska: The Last Frontier: Open Season (N) Raising ◊
BBCA Predators (R,’10) ›› Adrien Brody, Topher Grace. \ Predator (R,’87) ››› ◊
BET ÷ Thin Line-Love and Hate ATL (PG-13,’06) ›› Tip Harris. Four Atlanta teens face challenges. ◊
“Prodigal Son” (8:01 p.m., FOX): One of the breakout hits of the 2019-20 network BIGTEN ÷ (5) College Baseball \ College Baseball From May 26, 2019. \ ◊
TV season, this chilling psychological drama wraps its freshman edition tonight BRAVO Below Deck (N) Below Deck (N) Watch (N) Below Deck Sailing Yacht
with a finale called “Like Father ... ,” an episode title with chilling implications, giv- CNN Anderson Cooper 360 (N) Cuomo Prime Time (N) CNN Tonight (N) Tonight (N) ◊
COM The Office The Office The Office The Office The Office The Office Daily (N) ◊
en that this show’s father figure is a serial killer. As events unfold, Malcolm (Tom
DISC Street-Memphis (N) Fast N’ Loud (N) \ Car Kings (N) \ Fast-Loud ◊
Payne) starts to unravel completely as the mystery that haunts him — the girl in Bunk’d \ Bunk’d \
DISN Raven Roll With It Gabby Coop Sydney-Max
the box from his childhood — comes to a head. E! Botched \ Botched (N) \ Nightly (N) Botched \
ESPN NFL Football From Oct. 8, 2007. SportsC. (N)
ESPN2 The Last Dance The Last Dance \ The Last Dance \ World of X ◊
“Breeders” (9 p.m., 10:16 p.m., 12:48 a.m., FX): This edgy family Britcom closes FNC Tucker Carlson (N) Hannity (N) \ The Ingraham Angle (N) Fox News
out its first season with “No Cure (Part 2),” which sees young Luke (George Wake- FOOD Guy’s Grocery Games Spring Baking (N) Supermarket Stakeout Chopped ◊
man) being admitted to a specialist pediatric unit as his condition takes a grave FREE The Blind Side (PG-13,’09) ››› Sandra Bullock, Tim McGraw. \ 700 Club ◊
turn. Paul and Addy (Martin Freeman, Daisy Haggard) anxiously await any news FX Daddy’s Home 2 (PG-13,’17) ›› Will Ferrell. \ Breeders Better Breeders
with their parents. HALL My Secret Valentine (NR,’18) Lacey Chabert. \ Golden Girls Golden Girls Golden Girls
HGTV Celebrity IOU \ Celebrity IOU (N) \ (9:01) Home Town (N) Home ◊
HIST Oak Island: Drilling Down The Curse of Oak Island (N) \ Oak Island ◊
“My Brilliant Friend: The Story of a New Name” (9 p.m., 11:30 p.m., HBO): HLN Death Row Stories \ The Killer Truth \ Forensic Forensic Forensic
Now an accomplished college student, Elena (Margherita Mazzucco) takes time IFC Two Men Two Men Two Men Two Men Two Men Two Men Two Men
LIFE The First 48 \ (8:03) The First 48 \ (9:03) The First 48 \ First 48 ◊
out from her academic work to read over some of Lila’s (Gaia Girace) private di-
MSNBC All In With (N) Rachel Maddow Show (N) The Last Word (N) 11th Hour (N)
aries in the new episode “Ghosts.” As she does so, she realizes how much her old MTV Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridic. (N) Ridiculous. Ridiculous.
friend’s new role has changed her. NATGEO Pharaohs-Treasures Ultimate Treasure Count Ultimate Treasure Count Ultimate
NBCSCH Chicago Bulls Classic Short List Inside Look UFA ◊
NICK Danger Young Dylan All That \ Friends \ Friends \ Friends \ Friends \
“American Dad” (9 p.m., TBS): Roger (voice of Seth MacFarlane) enlists the help OVATION ÷ (6) Eat Pray Love (PG-13,’10) ›› Julia Roberts. \ Everybody’s Fine (PG-13,’09) ›› \ ◊
of Jeff (voice of Jeff Fischer) as he resolves to realize a lifelong dream: opening a OWN Atlanta Child Murders (N) Atlanta Child Murders (N) Atlanta Child Murders (N) Atlanta ◊
chivalric strip club, in the new episode “Cheek to Cheek: A Stripper’s Story.” Else- OXY NCIS \ NCIS \ NCIS \ NCIS ◊
where, Klaus (voice of Dee Bradley Baker) makes one of his own dreams a reality PARMT Cops \ Cops \ Cops \ Cops \ Cops (N) \ Cops \ Cops \
by moving into Steve’s (voice of Scott Grimes) room. SYFY ÷ (5:30) Edge of Tomorrow Constantine (R,’05) ›› Keanu Reeves, Rachel Weisz. \ ◊
TBS Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Amer. Dad American (N) Amer. Dad Conan (N)
TCM Foxfire (NR,’55) ››› Jane Russell, Jeff Chandler. \ Hot Blood (NR,’56) ›› Jane Russell. ◊
TALK SHOWS TLC Self-Quarantined Self-Quarantined (N) 90 Day Fiancé (N) Dragnifcnt
“Conan” (10 p.m. 11:30 p.m., TBS): Conan O’Brien welcomes celebrity guests and TLN Supernatural IMPACT Prayer Faithwire Robison Billy Graham Answers ◊
TNT Beauty and the Beast (PG,’17) ››› Emma Watson. \ Beauty and the Beast ◊
draws comedy from poignant news stories and politics.*
TOON Home Movie Amer. Dad Rick, Morty Rick, Morty Rick, Morty Rick, Morty Rick, Morty
“The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon” (10:34 p.m., NBC): Actress Kate TRAV Mysteries at the Museum (N) \ Mummy Mysteries (Series Premiere) (N) \ Unknown ◊
Hudson; Alessia Cara talks and performs.* TVL Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Two Men Two Men King
“The Late Show With Stephen Colbert” (10:35 p.m., CBS): The comic inter- USA WWE Monday Night RAW (N) (Live) \ Mod Fam ◊
views guests and introduces musical performances.* VH1 Love, Hip Hop (N) T.I. & Tiny: Friends (N) Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta T.I. & Tiny ◊
WE Criminal Minds \ Criminal Minds: “Rabid.” Criminal Minds \ Criminal ◊
“Jimmy Kimmel Live!” (10:35 p.m. 11:36 p.m., ABC): Celebrity guests and comedy
WGN America Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man Almost Paradise (N) \ Last Man
HBO ÷ (6) X-Men: Dark Phoenix We’re Here \ Friend (N Subtitled-English) Axios (N) \
* Subject to change HBO2 ÷ (6:10) Bad Education Chocolat (PG-13,’00) ››› Juliette Binoche. \ Misérables ◊
MAX Idiocracy (R,’06) ›› Luke Wilson. Beavis and Butt-head Do America ›› Delta Frc ◊
SHO ÷ (6:50) Dexter \ Penny Dreadful: City Lies America Desus (N)
Hey, TV lovers: Looking for detailed show listings? TV Weekly is an ideal companion. ÷ Outlander (7:32) Vida (8:10) The Girl in the Spider’s Web (R,’18) ›› \ Vida \ ◊
To subscribe, go to or call 1-877-580-4159 STZENC ÷ Ice Age: Dawn of Dinos Rocky Balboa (PG,’06) ››› \ The Nutty Professor \ ◊
Through his bank, Pick- according to KimStim, Pickwick Theatre employee Emmett McDonagh delivers popcorn to customers waiting in a curbside pickup line.
wick co-owner Vlahakis outgrossed everybody else The Park Ridge movie theater is popping popcorn and selling it for $5 a box on Wednesdays and Saturdays.
applied for $50,000 in in America.
federal stimulus funds The Gene Siskel Film tion went dry after only 13
under the Payroll Protec- Center has set up a robust days of operation; on April
tion Program. These are Film Center from Your Sofa 24 the U.S. president signed
forgivable loans —i.e, grants streaming menu to keep a new coronavirus financial
by another name, as long as audiences engaged and relief package, and new
the funds are dispersed bring in some revenue. The applications for PPP loans
according to U.S. Treasury nonprofit venue, under the are being accepted starting
and Small Business Admin- auspices of the School of this week.
istration guidelines. the Art Institute of Chicago, Kraus also told me this:
“Haven’t gotten an an- is pursuing a National En- “I added some gear to en-
swer yet,” Vlahakis said. dowment for the Human- able me to power up the
“Right now none of our ities grant. Executive direc- digital projector remotely —
staff has filed for unemploy- tor Jean de St. Aubin de- no lamp, just the electronics
ment, though. We had a clined to talk specifics, — as the experts say it
little cushion in our ac- except to say COVID-19- should be done periodically
count.” Vlahakis has 25 related grants may cover up to avoid losing the security
employees: four full-time, to 15 percent of an organi- certificate.” So while shel-
the rest part-timers, con- zation’s operating budget. tering at home, “I turn it on
cession workers, ushers All this talk of bailouts for a few hours each week.”
and, Wednesdays and Sat- sets the teeth of Music Box It’s a strange but com-
urdays, popcorn relay run- owner Bill Schopfslightly forting notion, like curbside
ners. on edge; at least, that’s how movie theater popcorn.
Downers Grove-based it sounded on the phone the Knowing that the projec-
Classic Cinemas CEO Chris other day. Manager Kathryn Tobias, from left, Brendan Mullan and Meghan Burke work at the tion equipment in The
Johnson received PPP “I’ve never borrowed Pickwick Theatre concession stand to fill popcorn orders Saturday. Screening Room is still
funds, he said, which covers money from the federal operating, even if it’s for an
his payroll expenses for two government, or invited for films represented by the U.S. audience to watch maybe) was used primarily audience of nobody, smells
months. Like the Pickwick, them to oversee my fi- company’s distribution movies at home exclu- for critics’ preview screen- like what napalm smelled
each of his regional chain’s nances. If money needs to arm. sively.” ings. Owner and projec- like to Robert Duvall in
theaters except the Lake in be borrowed, I will borrow “It represents modest Until March and the tionist Steve Kraus inquired “Apocalypse Now”: victory.
Oak Park will begin selling it, and I will pay it back,” he revenue at best,” Schopf COVID-19 spread, the tiny about a PPP loan before the
curbside concessions May said “So far I can afford it. said. “And it’s not really a 45-seat venue known as program ran out of funds Michael Phillips is a Tribune
8. “It’s an interesting time,” And it’s my responsibility.” long-term solution for The Screening Room (also the first time. His bank, he critic.
Johnson said. “You’ve got to The Music Box is offering theaters with their lights available for rental, private said, did not respond. mjphillips@chicago
be creative.” its own streaming services, off. I believe in theaters. I screenings, parties, etc., The federal govern-
Chicago nonprofit film including Music Box Direct don’t want to convert the sometime later this year, ment’s $349 billion alloca- Twitter @phillipstribune
Here are the answers to the weekly quiz:
Q.1—Both vulnerable, as South, you hold:
♠ J95 ♥ K92 ♦ AKJ32 ♣ A9 Dick Tracy By Joe Staton and Mike Curtis
Partner opens 1H and right-hand opponent passes. What call
would you make?
A.1—No immediate heart raise would do this hand justice.
Start with 2D and support hearts next.
Q.2—Neither vulnerable, as South, you hold:
♠ A 10 6 4 ♥ A 6 ♦ A 8 5 ♣ A J 10 3
As dealer, what call would you make?
A.2—It is easy to make an argument that four aces and two
tens, all undervalued in the 4-3-2-1 point count, make this hand
worth 18 or 19 points, but we expect most will open 1NT.
Q.3—East-West vulnerable, as South, you hold:
♠ A Q 9 3 ♥ Q J 7 6 ♦ 10 8 4 ♣ 8 6
North East South West
Animal Crackers By Mike Osbun
1♦ Pass 1♥ Pass
1♠ Pass ?
What call would you make?
A.3—We think this hand is worth an invitation. Bid 3S.
Q.4—Both vulnerable, as South, you hold:
♠ A 7 6 2 ♥ Q J 10 4 ♦ 6 4 2 ♣ Q 9
West North East South
1♦ 2♣ Dbl* ?
What call would you make?
A.4—The redouble of a negative double shows a useful hand
that can’t raise. Redouble. Perfect!
— Bob Jones
Prickly City By Scott Stantis
[email protected]
By The Mepham Group
© 2020. Distributed by
Tribune Content Agency,
LLC. All rights reserved.
Unscramble the four Jumbles, one letter per square, to
form four words. Then arrange the circled letters to form
the surprise answer, as suggested by this cartoon.
Hägar the Horrible By Chris Browne
Answer here
Saturday’s answers
By David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek. © 2020 Tribune Content Agency, LLC.
All rights reserved.