Assignment 1 History of Legal Profession in India and Its Journey by Ankit Gupta (160bllcbl012)
Assignment 1 History of Legal Profession in India and Its Journey by Ankit Gupta (160bllcbl012)
Assignment 1 History of Legal Profession in India and Its Journey by Ankit Gupta (160bllcbl012)
Legal history or the history of law is the study of how law has evolved and why it changed.
Legal history is closely connected to the development of civilizations and is set in the wider
context of social history. Among certain jurists and historians of legal process it has been seen as
the recording of the evolution of laws and the technical explanation of how these laws have
evolved with the view of better understanding the origins of various legal concepts, some
consider it a branch of intellectual history. Twentieth-century historians have viewed legal
history in a more contextualized manner more in line with the thinking of social historians.They
have looked at legal institutions as complex systems of rules, players and symbols and have seen
these elements interact with society to change, adapt, resist or promote certain aspects of civil
society. Such legal historians have tended to analyze case histories from the parameters of social
science inquiry, using statistical methods, analyzing class distinctions among litigants,
petitioners and other players in various legal processes. By analyzing case outcomes, transaction
costs, number of settled cases they have begun an analysis of legal institutions, practices,
procedures and briefs that give us a more complex picture of law and society than the study of
jurisprudence, case law and civil codes can achieve. India has a recorded legal history starting
from the Vedic ages and some sort of civil law system may have been in place during the Bronze
Age and the Indus Valley civilization. Notwithstanding this, the development of ‘law’ as a
profession is only a recent phenomenon. The Indian legal profession is one of the largest in the
world and plays a vital role in the world’s largest democracy. While the roots of this profession
lie before Independence, since then the profession has evolved immensely and currently faces
various challenges; the most important being to provide access across the profession, ensure
ethical foundations and modernize the practice across the board. A well-organized and
independent legal profession is an essential condition for proper administration of justice. It is
also a necessary ingredient and guarantor of the rule of law. Its proper organization and
maintenance of its independence are, therefore, necessary for a good and just society. This
project, traces the history of our efforts in that direction. It will be too ambitious to trace that
history from the time of ancient or even Muslim rulers because firstly, we have very little
information about that and secondly, our present legal profession, like most of the other legal
institutions, is based on the British model. Therefore, we trace the history of the Legal Profession
in India form the advent of British rule.The authors of the instant research hope that this piece of
work provides the readers with a decent understanding of the history of the Legal Profession in
India. The instant work shall give a brief highlight to the development of the Legal Profession in
the world before addressing India.The earliest people who could be described as “lawyers” were
probably the orators of ancient Athens.
1) Legal profession in ancient India-
In India during the earlier period, people live in small groups. The heads of these groups or tribes
delivered justice under open sky before all the members. Open arguments were made. There
were no specialist like a lawyer during those days. When Kingships was established in the
society, Kings delivered justice. In King's Court, the king was advised by his councilors. The law
of those days was a rooted in Hindu religion and custom. Dharma was protected by the king.
Though there was no Institution of a lawyer, some intellectual people served justice. From the
stories of Maryada Ramayana and Vikramaditya, we are well aware of the wise man who solved
the critical cases of those days. During those days the legal profession was administered by the
administrators. For sometime religious heads dominated the society in administering the justice.
During those days, the sufferer presented complaint before the king in his court and thereafter the
court summoned the defendant to submit his reply. The Court then investigated the matter on the
evidence. The King took the advice of the religious heads and wise courtier and then delivered
the judgment. The same procedure was followed in all cases.
i) Charter of 1726 -
In 1726 the crown issued the charter of 1726, and the Mayor's Court were established in the
presiding towns of Bombay, Calcutta, and Madras. They where the royal Courts. They followed
the procedure based on English law. But there were no facilities to get the legal training. Many
persons who have no knowledge of law were used to practice before the said Courts. The
Mayor's Court has no jurisdiction in criminal cases. The criminal jurisdiction was conferred on
the Governor.
The Legal Practitioners Act, 1853 - This Act authorized the barristers and Attorneys of the
Supreme Court to plead in any of the companies courts subordinate to Sadar court subject to
rules in force in the said subordinate courts as regards language or otherwise.
Section 5 of the Act says that every person entered as an attorney on the role of any High Court
would be entitled to practice in all the courts subordinate To Such High Courts and in all revenue
Section 6 of the Act Empowered the High Court to make rules consistent with the Act as to
Suspension and dismissal of pleaders and Mukhtars.
Section 8 empowered the pleader to practice in courts and revenue offices after enrollment.
Section 14 of the Act made provisions in respect of the procedure when the charge of
professional misconduct was brought in subordinate Court or revenue office.
Section 17 of the Act deals with the power of chief controlling revenue authority to make rules
consistent with this act as to qualification, suspension, dismissal etc. of the revenue agent.
chairmanship of justice S.R.Das. The committee in its report recommended the establishment of
an All India Bar Councils and State Bar Councils. It recommended the powers of enrollment,
suspension or the removal of advocates to the Bar Council. It recommended the common role of
advocates should be maintained and they should be authorized to practice in all courts in the
country. It further recommended that there should be no further recruitment of non-graduated
pleaders or mukhtars. The similar recommendations Were made by the fifth Law Commission of
India in its fourteenth report