Professional Ethics - Development
Professional Ethics - Development
Professional Ethics - Development
Development of legal profession in India
1. Legal Profession in Pre-British India
a) During Ancient Period
b) During Medieval Period
2. Legal Profession during British Period
3. Legal Profession after Independence
Charter of 1726
In 1726 the crown issued the charter of 1726, and the Mayor's Court were
established in the presiding towns of Bombay, Calcutta, and Madras. They
where the royal Courts. They followed the procedure based on English law. But
there were no facilities to get the legal training. Many persons who have no
knowledge of law were used to practice before the said Courts. The Mayor's
Court has no jurisdiction in criminal cases. The criminal jurisdiction was
conferred on the Governor.
Legal Profession During British India
Charter of 1753 –
In 1753, another charter was issued to modify the charter of 1726. This charger
also ignored significant provision for legal training and education relating to legal
practitioner. Even after the charter of 1753, the legal profession was not organized.
Charter of 1774
The Regulating Act, 1773 empowered the British Crown to establish a Supreme
Court at Calcutta by issuing a Charter. Accordingly, a supreme court at Calcutta
was established by is sung the charter of 1774.
Clause II of the Charter of 1774 empowered the said Supreme Court of
Judicature Calcutta to approve and enrol advocates and Attorneys- in-law. They
were to be Attorneys of record. They were authorized to appear and act in the
supreme court. The supreme court had the power to remove any advocate for
Attorney on reasonable cause. Indian legal practitioners were not allowed to enter
the supreme court. At that time 'Advocate' means the British and Irish Barristers and
member of the faculty of advocates in Scotland. The term 'Attorney' applied to
the British attorneys of solicitor.
Legal Profession During British India
The Bengal Regulation Act of 1793
The Bengal Regulation Act VII Of 1973 permitted qualified Hindu and
Muslim persons only to enroll as pleaders and the Bengal Regulation XII of 1833
allowed all the qualified persons of any nationality or religion to enroll as a pleader
of the Sardar Diwani Adalat.
The Legal Practitioners Act, 1846 –
The legal practitioners Act 1846 allowed at the people of any nationality
or religion to act as leaders. It also allowed attorneys and barristers enrolled in any
of Her Majesty's courts in India to plead in the company's Sardar Adalat.
The Legal Practitioners Act, 1853 - This Act authorized the barristers and
Attorneys of the Supreme Court to plead in any of the companies courts
subordinate to Sadar court subject to rules in force in the said subordinate courts
as regards language or otherwise.
Legal Profession During British India
The Advocate Act 1961 repeals the Indian Bar Council Act,1926 and all
other laws on the subject.
The Advocate Act,1961 provides for an autonomous bar council in each
state and All India Bar Council consisting mainly of the representatives of
the state bar councils. Under the act, a state bar council is to enroll the
qualified person as advocates and a prepare a roll of advocates
practicing in the state and thereafter a comment roll of advocates for the
whole of India is to be prepared by the bar council of India.
The Advocates whose Names are entered in the common roll would be
entitled as of right to practice in all courts in India including the Supreme
Advocate Act 1961 amended many times to bring changes with the
changing times and to solve the practical problems.