1- ii
Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1-1
I. License Manager- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1-1
II. HYPACK® Interface - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1-2
A. HYPACK® Files List - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1-3
1 LiDAR PAYLOAD Menu Bar - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1-5
2 LiDAR PAYLOAD Icon Bar - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1-5
3 HYPACK® Screen Control Bar - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1-6
B. HYPACK® Area Map- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1-6
1 Display Settings in the LiDAR PAYLOAD Control Panel - - - - - - - - - - - - 1-7
2 Sounding Color Settings in LiDAR PAYLOAD - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1-17
PREPARATION- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2-1
I. Work Flow - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2-1
II. Entering your Geodetic Parameters - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2-2
III. Hardware Setup in HYPACK® - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2-5
A. System Settings - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2-7
B. Mobiles and Mobile Settings - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2-7
C. Specifying Devices in HARDWARE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2-8
D. Connection Information in HARDWARE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2-11
1 Configuring Connections for HYPACK® Devices - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2-11
2 Configuring Connections for HYSWEEP® Devices - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2-14
3 Testing Serial Communication with WCOM32 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2-17
4 Testing Network Communication for All Network Devices - - - - - - - - - - - 2-20
E. Measuring Hardware Offsets - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2-21
F. Offsets and Latency - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2-23
G. Assigning the Tracking Point in HARDWARE - - - - - - - - - - - - 2-26
H. Time-Tagging Your Data - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2-26
1 Applying a Fixed Latency - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2-27
2 Synchronizing the Computer Clock to UTC Time Using the ZDA
Message 2-28
3 Synchronizing the Computer Clock to UTC Time Using a 1PPS Box - - - - - - 2-29
4 Confirming Synchronization with the ZDA Test - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2-30
SURVEY- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3-1
I. HYPACK® SURVEY - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3-1
A. SURVEY Interface - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3-1
B. Windows in SURVEY - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3-2
1 Area Map in SURVEY - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3-2
2 Left-Right Indicator in SURVEY - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3-6
3 Data Display in SURVEY - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3-8
4 Alarms in SURVEY - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3-9
C. Corrections in SURVEY - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3-10
1 Tide Corrections in SURVEY - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -3-10
2 Draft Corrections - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -3-11
D. Navigation Parameters - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3-13
1 Navigating Planned Lines in SURVEY - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -3-14
2 Logging Data in SURVEY - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -3-15
E. Survey Keyboard Shortcuts - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3-18
II. HYSWEEP® SURVEY - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3-19
A. HYSWEEP® SURVEY Display Windows - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3-19
1 Main Window in HYSWEEP® SURVEY - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -3-20
2 Profile Window in HYSWEEP® SURVEY - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -3-22
3 3D Seafloor in HYSWEEP® SURVEY - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -3-23
4 Multibeam Waterfall in HYSWEEP® SURVEY - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -3-24
5 Coverage Map and Cross Section Windows in HYSWEEP® SURVEY - - - - -3-25
B. Display Settings in HYSWEEP® SURVEY - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3-27
C. Corrections in HYSWEEP® SURVEY - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3-27
1 Tide Corrections in HYSWEEP® SURVEY - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -3-27
Table of Contents
CHAPTER 1 Introduction
Before you begin your work in your project area, there are several
tasks to consider:
1. Create a new project. You can create a new project and all of
the files in it by using the FILE-NEW command.
When you create a new project, it inherits the last settings for
geodesy and hardware.
2. Check your Geodesy. If you have not previously specified
your geodesy, enter the GEODETIC PARAMETERS program
and configure your geodesy.
3. Configure and calibrate your hardware. If you have not
previously specified your sensors, configure your equipment in
the HARDWARE program.
4. Create your planned survey lines. (Optional)
If you are working on a new survey project, you typically
create planned survey lines to assure even coverage. Create
planned lines in the LINE EDITOR.
5. Prepare and load other support files as needed. These may
> Background charts
> Corrections files
The LICENSE MANAGER reads your HYPACK® license
information from your dongle and displays your dongle status.
The unified HYPACK® user interface displays the data and project
files included in your project.
1- 2 Introduction
HYPACK® Interface
Title Bar
Menu Bar
• Project Manager
• Project Items
• Color Editor
• Web Maps
Status Bar
NOTE: These sort settings remain only until you leave the
project or close HYPACK®.
1- 4 Introduction
HYPACK® Interface
Project Items
In addition, the File, View and Settings menu items provide tools
with which you will manage your project and its display settings.
HYPACK® Toolbar
The map view tools enable you to quickly adjust the HYPACK®
screen display. Many of its functions are also found in the Draw
and View menus for each Map window.
Pan: Select this option, then click in the window and drag
the cursor to the position where that point should be
displayed. As you drag, the program displays the distance
and azimuth of the cursor motion. When you release the
mouse button the display updates accordingly.
1- 6 Introduction
HYPACK® Interface
• The geodesy bar above the map displays the project geodesy
according to current options in the GEODETIC PARAMETERS
• The pan/zoom/rotate control to adjust your map
display with your mouse.
• A north arrow
Set as Default saves the current settings and uses them any time
you create a new project.
GENERAL The General Tab sets the display colors of several features.
Data Color Control enables you to select various file types and
click [Color] to specify the color used on the screen.
Default Display determines the Lat/Lon format for data input and
in the HYPACK® status bar.
NOTE: To save time, it loads but does not enable HS2 or HSX
GRID DISPLAY The Grid Tab enables you to specify how HYPACK® displays
SETTINGS projection grids and latitude-longitude (lat./lon.) grids. HYPACK®
displays the lat./lon. of the local datum.
1- 8 Introduction
HYPACK® Interface
Grid Tab
Style enables you to draw your projection grid using either lines or
Font enables you to assign the font of the projection grid labels.
Standard Windows® Color Selection and Font Selection dialogs
are presented for your choices.
NOTE: Select only true type fonts to achieve the correct rotation.
Color sets the color for your projection grid lines and labels.
SOUNDINGS The Soundings Tab enables you to set how the soundings are
DISPLAY presented and plotted.
To toggle the display of the soundings, right-click the data file folder
and select ‘Enable Soundings’.
Soundings Tab
1- 10 Introduction
HYPACK® Interface
> Depth < 0: Drying Heights are rounded nearest tenth using
a x.03 threshold.
> Depth below Nearest Tenth value: Round to nearest tenth
using a x.08 threshold.
> Depth below Nearest Half value: Output x.0 or x.5 using a
x.5 threshold.
> Depth above Nearest Half value: Round to a whole
number using a x.75 threshold.
• NOAA (National Oceanographic and Atmospheric
> Depth < 0: Drying Heights are rounded to nearest whole
number using a x.5 threshold.
> Depth below Nearest Tenth value: Round to nearest tenth
using a x.075 threshold.
> Above Nearest Tenth (Nearest Half not used) Round to a
whole number using a x.75 threshold.
• AHOI (Australian Hydrographic Office):
> Depth < 31: (designed for meters) Display in Tenths, round
at a x.065 threshold.
> Depth >= 31: Display as a whole number, round at a x.65
1- 12 Introduction
HYPACK® Interface
Fonts: [Font] displays the Windows® Font dialog where you can
set font, and font size. (Ignore the remaining options; HYPACK®
• Prevent Sounding Overwrites When you are drawing
soundings with Windows® fonts, this option plots soundings
gridded with sufficient spacing to make them readable. To
accomplish this, the number of soundings displayed in a given
area changes with the zoom range. This is for display purposes
only. It does not thin your data.
Vector options: Set the Vector Scale at which you expect to plot
your survey, then enter a Vector Size that appears as you wish.
PLANNED LINE The Planned Lines tab includes checkboxes where you can
DISPLAY choose whether to display the lines and the labels.
Click [Line Color] to access a color dialog where you can choose
the color that the planned lines will display.
The Label Orientation and [Font] options are the same a track
line options.
CHART DISPLAY The Charts Tab provides display options for background charts.
SETTINGS The Charts Tab
1- 14 Introduction
HYPACK® Interface
Raster Options When you enable raster charts in your project, HYPACK®
generates an IMG file for display. This process can take significant
time and hard drive space; however, you can save the IMG file and
display the chart instantaneously after that.
NOTE: Mr. Sid and ARCS charts are excluded from these options.
Hide Border displays only the map part of the chart file, omitting
the text, scales and other ‘extraneous’ information around the
Keep IMG Files saves the IMG file in your project folder and
display time going forward is fast. Deselected, disabling a chart
also removes its IMG file, and it must be regenerated each time
you enable the chart.
Tip: IMG files tend to be very large compared to the raster charts they
represent. Consider selecting this option while you are actively
using your project to save time as you enable and disable charts.
When you want to archive or transfer your project, deselecting this
option reduces the size of your project.
BSB Options Convert to TIF: When you load BSB charts to your project,
HYPACK® compares the chart geodesy against your project
geodesy. If they do not match, it first re-projects the chart to the
project geodesy before it generates the IMG file for display. Select
this option to generate a compressed Geo-TIF, which displays
when you enable the source BSB chart. The Geo-TIF generates its
own IMG file (*.KAP.TIF.IMG), but a bit faster than the BSB
because no re-projection is required. The TIF is also much smaller
than an IMG file for project storage and transfer purposes.
Keep IMG Files Convert to TIF After the Chart First Enabled...
Display Speed Inactive Project Sizea
• Slowest. • No added files to
• Requires re- store
No No
projection and IMG
Keep IMG Files Convert to TIF After the Chart First Enabled...
• Faster than source • Each Geo-TIF is
BSB by re- moderately larger
No Yes projection time. than its source
• Only generates IMG BSB.
• Instantaneous • Each IMG very
Yes No much larger than its
source BSB
a. Inactive Project Size refers to space required to store or transfer. When the project is inactive,
HYPACK® deletes the IMG files unless the Keep IMG Files option is selected. In an active project,
all enabled raster files also require the IMG files, which require added memory.
NOTE: You would not select both options. Keeping the IMG file of
the BSB would make the Geo-TIF unnecessarily redundant.
Despeckle quickly fills scattered pixels that were unfilled by the re-
projection process.
CAD Drawing Display Normally (default) draws your chart using the colors
Option specified in the file.
Display All Black and Display All White override the chart colors
in the HYPACK® display.
Overscale Lines tell you that you are viewing the chart at a
smaller scale than that in which it was created. An over scale chart
will appear with diagonal, white-dotted lines. These appear on
ARCS chart displays.
Show Text includes item labels in the display. If you have several
labeled items in a small area or if you are viewing a large area at a
small zoom scale, the labels may become confusing. If this is the
case, clear this option to display only the symbols.
1- 16 Introduction
HYPACK® Interface
If your current color palette does not reflect the values you want,
you can customize the zones, colors and bands for your purposes.
A project is a folder, with a user-defined project name, and all of
the information about your survey it contains. Each time you open
HYPACK®, it opens the most recently used project and displays
the project name in the title bar.
NOTE: The first time you open HYPACK®, or if you have removed
the project folder from the hard drive, the title bar says “No
Project Loaded” and most menus and icons are disabled.
Every time you begin a new survey in HYPACK®, you create a new
“project”. Under the project folder, HYPACK® creates a series of
subfolders: Raw, Edit, Sort data files will be saved, by default, to
the subfolder appropriate to their type.
1- 18 Introduction
Projects in HYPACK®
Project Manager
2. Name the project and select a folder where the project will
be stored.
> Project Name: Enter a name that will remind you of the
location and the date of the survey. Project names may not
contain periods, back or forward slashes, question marks,
less than or greater than signs, or bars.
Invalid Characters
. / \ ? < > |
> Project Folder: Enter the project group folder where your
project should reside. We recommend you use the default
project folder (HYPACK 2020).
The software creates a folder in the specified location using the
project name.
3. Click [OK].
Tip: Click on any step in the “Survey Work Flow," figure to jump to the
corresponding information in this manual.
Loading: You must load files that you want to use in your project,
but do not yet appear in your project items. The process tells
HYPACK® the name of the file and where it is stored on your
Renaming files in the Project Items list and on your hard drive
simultaneously from the HYPACK® interface.
Removing files unloads them from your project, but does not
remove them from your hard drive. If you change your mind, you
can reload them to you project.
Deleting files unloads them from your project and moves them to
the Windows® Recycle Bin.
1- 20 Introduction
Raw Data Files
BEWARE! Saving the project folder does not save a file that has not been
copied into the project folder. When you only add a file to the
project, it must remain where it is on your system so HYPACK®
can find it when you open the project.
This manual assumes that you store all project files in the project
HYPACK® programs use the data from the RAW files to position
the data in the corresponding multibeam or side scan HSX files.
Planned survey lines (*.LNW) define where you want your vessel
to go. The line file contains the grid coordinates and names for
each planned line in your project area and can also contain cross
section template information. Line files are typically created in the
LINE EDITOR program.
Sample Planned Survey Lines
NOTE: Charts drawn in XY (DGN, DXF, DIG, TIF and SHP) must
be in the same geodesy as your project to be positioned
correctly. Charts drawn in WGS-84 (S57, VPF), the
SURVEY or DREDGEPACK® program will transform the
data files to the local datum, using the datum
transformation parameters in the GEODETIC
PARAMETERS program, before converting them to your
1- 22 Introduction
HYPACK® Project Files
Matrix files (*MTX) are gridded rectangular areas. You can fill the
cells with depth information from your echosounder in real time
during data collection, or in post-processing.
Empty matrix files are typically created in the MATRIX EDITOR and
saved to the project folder.
Matrix File Color-coded in Post-processing with Intensity
1- 24 Introduction
CHAPTER 2 Preparation
Survey Work Flow
Before you begin your work in your project area, there are several
tasks to consider:
1. Create a new project. You can create a new project and all of
the files in it by using the FILE-NEW command.
When you create a new project, it inherits the last settings for
geodesy and hardware.
2. Check your Geodesy. If you have not previously specified
your geodesy, enter the GEODETIC PARAMETERS program
and configure your geodesy.
3. Configure and calibrate your hardware. If you have not
previously specified your sensors, configure your equipment in
the HARDWARE program.
4. Create your planned survey lines. (Optional)
You must define the following geodetic parameters for your local
• The reference ellipsoid.
• Any necessary datum transformation parameters: If your local
grid is not based on the WGS-84 ellipsoid, datum transform
parameters are required. (Consult your project specifications.
Refer to the full HYPACK® User Manual or Help for detailed
• The projection parameters: Automatic when you choose one of
the pre-defined grids.
Tip: If you don’t know the correct geodesy settings, choose the correct
pre-defined UTM grid and zone. The UTM grid is based on the
2- 2 Preparation
Entering your Geodetic Parameters
The grid, zone, ellipsoid and survey units are displayed in the
HYPACK® status bar above the area map.
1. Start the GEODETIC PARAMETERS program by selecting
Geodetic Parameters Dialog
3. Select your Distance Units. Notice that you can set your
vertical and horizontal distances to be measured in different
units if you wish.
2- 4 Preparation
Hardware Setup in HYPACK®
‘Hardware’ is the term we use for the sensor devices from which
HYPACK® receives data. The hardware configuration describes
what devices you have, how they are connected to the survey
computer, and your logging instructions.
Hardware Divisions
If your equipment does not change, and you are satisfied with
the communication between your equipment and the survey
programs, you don’t have to run HARDWARE again.
Device Type Menu Selection Default INI File
GPS, Single Beam and Hardware Settings survey32.ini
Dredge equipment
Multibeam and any Multibeam Settings hysweep.ini
Side Scan devices
logged simultaneously
Each time you save a your settings in HARDWARE, they are
recorded to these files where they are read by other programs to
enable your data collection, and by HARDWARE itself to display
your settings when you re-open the program.
2- 6 Preparation
Hardware Setup in HYPACK®
To access the System settings select “Hardware” in the tree
NOTE: You should run SURVEY for two minutes before collecting
data to allow the Veritime clock to synchronize with UTC
BEWARE! Update settings on your GPS of faster than 1000 msec (or 1 Hz)
when you are using the Sync. Clock feature may result in
significant drift between the computer clock and GPS time.
2- 8 Preparation
Hardware Setup in HYPACK®
2- 10 Preparation
Hardware Setup in HYPACK®
2- 12 Preparation
Hardware Setup in HYPACK®
Tip: In most cases, we highly recommend you do not limit the recording
rate. This will give you plenty of data from which to select your final
soundings in post-processing. Remember, it is better to come
home with too much data than with too little.
> Device Initialization Script sends user-supplied
configuration information to certain echosounders. The
information is sent at the start of HYPACK® SURVEY to
restore the device to exact settings.
Select the device in the tree view then click the Connect tab to
access device communication settings. Connection settings are
required for each serial or network device. Serial or Network
connection options are included in this dialog according to your
2- 14 Preparation
Hardware Setup in HYPACK®
Serial Connections
Network Connections
HYPACK® Side Scan converts analog side scan data from single
beam devices with side scan capability, which are configured in
HARDWARE, and passes it to SIDE SCAN SURVEY or
HYSWEEP® SURVEY where it is stored to RSS records in the raw
HSX file. When this driver is loaded, the Analog Side Scan
program is automatically launched with HYPACK® SURVEY and
the Analog Side Scan Monitor appears. This dialog enables you to
monitor and control the device activity.
2- 16 Preparation
Hardware Setup in HYPACK®
Trigger: Enter the change in the strength of the return when it hits
the bottom (the threshold) in A/D count. The value must be within
the 0-4096 range.
Test: Check the Simulate Data box for simulated side scan data.
2- 18 Preparation
Hardware Setup in HYPACK®
Port Settings
d. Repeat the steps 3 and 4 for each device from which you
would like to record data.
e. Select PORT-SAVE TO DISK and wait about a minute. The
data is now recording to files on your hard drive.
f. Select PORT-SAVE TO DISK again (deselecting this
option) to end the recording process.
g. Rename your saved data files by device name. Use
Windows® Explorer to go to the HYPACK
2020\Support\Com directory. The files that you have just
recorded are named KOMx.txt where x is the port number
from which the data was recorded. You can see that a data
file named for the port rather than the device would soon be
mixed up with all of the others that are named in the same
way. Name the file for the device to avoid that problem.
If all of your devices work when testing them individually, but do not
work when testing them together, you have a problem with your
serial communication hardware. Contact Technical Support at
HYPACK, Inc. for assistance.
If you are using a network connection, you can test your settings to
which you are connecting:
2- 20 Preparation
Hardware Setup in HYPACK®
2- 22 Preparation
Hardware Setup in HYPACK®
Multiple Trans- There are some multiple transducer systems that are still available
ducer Offsets in HYPACK® SURVEY. If this is the case, enter an offset for each
transducer, in order from port to starboard, in the driver setup.
Latency: The latency time is the time delay in seconds from when a piece
of survey equipment makes a measurement to when it outputs it to
the survey computer. This allows the HYPACK® SURVEY program
to correctly time-tag information from each piece of equipment.
Values for multibeam systems can be determined in PATCH TEST
IMPORTANT: All devices must use the same time basis. If any device sends UTC
time-stamped data, you must synchronize your computer clock
with UTC time using the 1PPS box or the NMEA ZDA message.
(See Time-Tagging Your Data on page 2-26)
NOTE: You can leave latency set to zero then correct it with the
results from your patch test. The same is true for the
rotational offsets—pitch, roll and yaw.
2. For each device, do the following:
a. Add the device to the appropriate mobile in your
b. Select the device in the tree view.
c. Click the Offsets tab.
d. Enter your position offsets and close HARDWARE.
Hull-mounted Multibeam
Tip: For best results, the MRU should be mounted at the pivot point for
roll and pitch rotations and the multibeam transducer should be
mounted as close as possible to the MRU. This way, the heave
measured by the MRU is the same as the heave experienced by
the transducer. Measure the horizontal distances from the
navigation origin using the sign convention used with transducer
• The GPS antenna is directly above the boat origin so the port
and forward offsets are zero. The vertical offset is the distance
above the waterline. This value is negative because, in
HYPACK®, the Z axis is positive downward from the waterline.
2- 24 Preparation
Hardware Setup in HYPACK®
IMPORTANT: All devices must use the same time basis—the computer Veritime
or UTC time. If any device sends UTC time-stamped data, you
must synchronize your computer clock with UTC time using the
1PPS box or the NMEA ZDA message.
NOTE: You should run SURVEY for two minutes before collecting
data to allow the Veritime clock to synchronize with UTC
2- 26 Preparation
Hardware Setup in HYPACK®
BEWARE! Update settings on your GPS of faster than 1000 msec (or 1 Hz)
when you are using the Sync. Clock feature may result in
significant drift between the computer clock and GPS time.
Enter a latency value in the Offsets for the GPS device. When a
measurement is received from the GPS, the computer takes the
current computer clock time and subtracts the latency value to
determine the time of the measurement.
NOTE: This works for all GPS devices, whether they are RTK-
capable or Differential.
Many GPS units can output a ZDA message, which contains only
the UTC time, at the UTC time tic. As soon as the message is
received, the SURVEY program uses the local time offset from the
Windows® registry and resets the computer clock to the local time.
All of the time tagging for other devices (echosounder, gyro, etc.)
will now be based on the computer clock. You should let SURVEY
2- 28 Preparation
Hardware Setup in HYPACK®
run for at least two minutes to begin the process. From then on, the
SURVEY program uses the UTC time contained in the GGA
message as the time tag for the GPS position.
BEWARE! Update rates for ZDA messages, set in the GPS, should be no
faster than 1000 msec (or 1 Hz) when you are using the Sync.
Clock feature. Faster update rates may result in significant drift
between the computer clock and GPS time.
• In the HARDWARE System tab, select the GPS driver under
the Synchronize Computer Clock option.
• In the General tab of the GPS driver setup, clear the Use PPS
Box for Timing option.
• Graphing the Synchronization Values is optional, but the
displays will alert you if the synchronization has gone awry.
Many GPS units can output a 1PPS (pulse per second) signal that
is synchronized with the measurement phase. By using a 1PPS
box to synchronize the computer clock to UTC time indicated in the
ZDA message, HYPACK® can achieve time tag precision to within
100 microseconds of the 1PPS pulse (the most accurate indicator
of the UTC time) with a standard deviation of 2 microseconds.
Instructing the SURVEY Program to use the 1PPS Output for Time Tagging in the
GPS.dll Setup.
You can use the ZDA TEST to verify the synchronization and view
statistics regarding various factors affecting the level of
The ZDA TEST monitors your GPS input and provides detailed
feedback allowing you to adjust your system settings to optimize
proper function.
2- 30 Preparation
Hardware Setup in HYPACK®
Heading tells the SURVEY program to use the Course Made Good
from the VTG, RMC or HDT message for the orientation of the
BEWARE! If you are using a gyro for heading, you should not select heading
for your GPS. If both were selected for heading, the SURVEY
program would switch between gyro and GPS orientation as each
device updates and you would see the vessel in your SURVEY
Map window twitch at each update. This is because it is unlikely
that the two heading values will be exactly the same.
The Speed box tells the SURVEY program to use the speed
information from the VTG message for the vessel speed.
Tip: The GPS speed is much smoother and more accurate than the
speed the SURVEY program will calculate. We recommend that
you use the speed from your GPS antenna.
DRIVER SETUP The Alarms and GPS Status Codes tabs provide settings to show
alarms based on the quality information in the GGA string.
2- 32 Preparation
Hardware Setup in HYPACK®
NOTE: You can also filter multibeam data based on these codes in
the editor programs during post-processing.
Alarm Conditions
2- 34 Preparation
Hardware Setup in HYPACK®
Tip: For all DGPS applications, we prefer to receive the GGA and the
VTG messages.
Use GPS time when not synchronizing: If you use two GPS
receivers and you are synchronizing your computer clock with UTC
time, only the first GPS is synchronizing the computer clock with
the GPS clock. However, the driver for the second GPS can safely
use the UTC time tag included in the GPS message because any
two GPS receivers are synchronized to UTC time. When the
checkbox is checked the driver assumes that computer clock is
synchronized with the GPS clock and records position messages
using the UTC time provided by the GPS receiver.
Use MSL height from GGA sentence assumes the MSL height
provided by the GPS receiver is correct. If you have loaded a geoid
in your geodetic parameters, it will be ignored.
GPS Most GPS devices today are network devices. Please refer to your
CONNECTION device manual and Configuring Connections for HYPACK®
Devices .
GPS OFFSETS Install your GPS directly above your origin (at the vessel center of
gravity) to eliminate horizontal offsets. The vertical offset is
negative because the GPS is above the waterline.
2- 36 Preparation
Hardware Setup in HYPACK®
DRIVER SETUP Each device has model-specific settings. Please refer to the
HYSWEEP® Interfacing Notes document found in your HYPACK
2020\Help folder for full details.
CONNECTIONS Motion sensors are serial or network devices. Please refer to your
device manual and Configuring Connections for HYPACK®
Devices .
OFFSETS Enter horizontal and vertical offset (if any). All other offsets are
zero. Please refer to your device manual and Measuring Hardware
Offsets .
DRIVER SETUP Each device has model-specific settings. Please refer to the
HYSWEEP® Interfacing Notes or Common HYPACK® Drivers
document found in your \HYPACK 2015\Help folder for full details.
CONNECTIONS Gyros can be serial or network devices. Please refer to your device
manual and Configuring Connections for HYPACK® Devices .
OFFSETS All offsets and latency are typically 0. Check the device manual
from the manufacturer.
When you collect data, the offsets from the hardware configuration
are recorded in the header of each raw file where they are read by
the editor in post-processing.
• If you collect data before your system is calibrated, you
must correct the data by loading the correct offsets in the Read
Parameters dialog of the editing program.
• If you collect data with a calibrated system, you are set. The
correct offsets are recorded to your raw data where they are
read by the editor program.
2- 38 Preparation
Hardware Setup in HYPACK®
The Bar Check window also displays the average pitch and roll
over the time span of the test. These values can be significant,
particularly if you added weight, changed weight distribution in your
vessel after the MRU was installed, resulting in the MRU no longer
being level.
1. Open the Bar Check program by selecting TOOLS-BAR
CHECK. The Bar Check window will appear.
Bar Check Window
> Bar Depth is the depth at which the bar is currently set.
> Measured Depth is a calculated average of all sounding
data over the three-second interval.
4. Set your Bar Depth just a short distance below the transducer
(eg. 5 feet), enter the same depth in the Bar Check dialog
under Test Bar Depth and watch the data on the screen.
5. When the Measured Depth stabilizes, if the Measured
Depth does not approximate the Test Bar depth, adjust the
Sonar Draft value until it does.
6. When the Measured depth approximately equals the Bar
Depth, click [Save Depth]. This saves statistical
documentation about the data gathered by each beam over the
past three seconds.
7. Repeat steps 4 and 6 at each Bar Depth for which statistics
are required.
8. When the test is complete, click [Barcheck.txt] to view and
print the stored data in Windows® Notepad.
Sample Barcheck.txt File
9. Note the Pitch and Roll Average values to update the MRU
offsets in HARDWARE.
10. Update the Vertical Offset for your transducer. (Optional) If
you have adjusted the Draft value in the Bar Check Tool, when
you exit the tool it asks if you want to save your change. Click
[Yes] to update your hardware configuration (hysweep.ini) with
the sonar draft value from the Bar Check Tool. (This assumes
your original measurement of the vertical offset for the sonar
was inaccurate and adjusts your settings according to the Bar
2- 40 Preparation
Hardware Setup in HYPACK®
IMPORTANT: Changing these values affects your patch test results. If you
change these offsets after your patch test, you should do new
patch tests for pitch and roll.
NOTE: If you save the results of one test then load the next pair of
lines, you can apply the offsets calculated thus far. Since
Latency Pitch
Roll Yaw
2- 42 Preparation
Hardware Setup in HYPACK®
PATCH TEST Run lines, 200-300 feet (100 m) long. For each offset test, the lines
DATA must be run over specific bottom terrain in a specific way as
Map View of Patch Test Survey Lines (single head transducer) with Bottom
Contours—Roll (R), Latency (L), Pitch (P), and Yaw (Y) Test Lines.
2- 44 Preparation
Hardware Setup in HYPACK®
PATCH TEST The PATCH TEST interface shows the alignment of the data in
INTERFACE IN THE your two overlapping data sets. The PATCH TEST tools are
64-BIT merged in an A-B Cross Section and Patch Test window where you
HYSWEEP® can do your stage 2 editing, removing any spikes that will
EDITOR negatively effect your patch test, then run the adjustment
calculation routines.
Tip: Use [Update Config Files] in the PATCH TEST interface to quickly
and accurately update your HYSWEEP® HARDWARE
CALCULATING In the 64-bit HYSWEEP® EDITOR, you can load all of your patch
OFFSET test lines at once then advance only selected lines to stage 2 for
ADJUSTMENTS each patch test. Remember to run the tests in order: latency, roll,
WITH PATCH pitch then yaw. In stage 2, edit your data in the editor or in the
TEST PATCH TEST interface before you run the calibration test.
NOTE: If you are calibrating a dual head system, you can load all
lines for the same test (roll, pitch, yaw), then choose to view
data from Head 1, Head 2 or both during the tests.
Tip: When you load all of your patch test files to the 64-bit HYSWEEP®
EDITOR, you can update the offsets with calculated Final Offset
value of each test, directly from the PATCH TEST interface, and
use it in successive tests. In this way, the accuracy of the later
tests is improved because they use correct offsets from the earlier
2- 46 Preparation
Hardware Setup in HYPACK®
Tip: If you load survey data with the patch test, you can go right into
editing because offsets would’ve been updated during the patch
test. Alternatively, you can update your boat configuration file, then
load the survey data separately and load the PATCH TEST results
from the boat configuration file.
Grid Convergence The grid convergence correction is commonly incorporated into
the yaw offset for your heading device. This method works in both
the 32-bit and 64-bit processing. However, if you work in multiple
sites with significant distance between, the convergence value
changes thus requiring a new patch test at each project location.
IMPORTANT: You must use the same method to correct for grid convergence
when you process both your patch test and survey data; otherwise,
the editor can not apply the same corrections.
Tip: If you always use the Apply Grid Convergence option, it doesn’t
matter where your site location is, and your edited data will be
always be accurately corrected.
1. Load all patch test files to the 64-bit HYSWEEP® EDITOR.
2. Do any editing required in stage 1.
3. Take the lines for your test into stage 2 editing.
a. Select the test lines.
b. Advance to stage 2 editing. The program asks if you want
all lines or selected lines.
c. Click [Selected Files]. Your selected lines advance to
stage 2 and the File List updates accordingly.
4. Load the data to the PATCH TEST. The cross section on
which the calculations are based may be selected manually or
> Manually choose the cross section on which to base the
Tip: If your graph is a bit jagged, try adding data by increasing the
number of stacks and rerunning the calculations. The selected
number of stacks is centered on the original profile location.
7. If the results are unacceptable, close the PATCH TEST
window and start again. The program will ask if you meant to
save the results. Since your results are unacceptable, click [No]
to return to the editor interface and begin again. This provides
the opportunity to load alternate test files or to correct errors
you may have made in the previous test.
8. When your completed results are satisfactory, click [Test
OK]. The [Save Test to History], [Update Config Files] and
[Save to RTF] buttons are then enabled.
2- 48 Preparation
Hardware Setup in HYPACK®
Tip: If you have loaded all of your patch test files, this adjusts them with
the current correction which will, in turn, make the next patch test
calculation more accurate.
Tip: You may also load your survey data with the patch test data and
update the offsets in those as well. This means that, after the patch
test is complete and you have updated your files with each offset
value, you would go back to stage one, select all of your data files,
then move to stage 2 with only the selected files.
> [Update Config Files] copies the calculated Final Offset to
the selected initialization files.
• HYSWEEP® HARDWARE: Quickly and accurately
updates the Hysweep.ini which populates the settings
in HYSWEEP® HARDWARE with your test results.
• Boat configuration file: The boat configuration file
stores all of the offsets in a central location. If you will
be running multiple sets of data using the same device
settings, you can save your current offset settings for
easy reload. Boat configuration files are generated and
loaded in the 64-bit HYSWEEP® EDITOR Read
Parameters dialog.The editor uses these offsets to
present your data for editing and stores the correct
offsets in the edited output files.
Tip: Alternatively, if you name the first file, then choose the same file for
each successive test, the results are appended to the existing file.
It is not overwritten.
9. Close the Patch Test window. This completes the patch test
for the lines you brought to Stage 2.
10. If you have not yet run each of the four patch tests, bring
the lines for the next test to Stage 2.
a. Change the File List display in the drop-down selection
above the File List to All Files. All files loaded to the 64-
bit HYSWEEP® EDITOR are displayed.
b. Select the files for the next test and repeat the process
taking them to Stage 2 and PATCH TEST.
When the calculations are complete, the profiles are drawn using
the offset adjustment value and a graph displays the difference
between the cross sections (Y-axis) for each angle or time
adjustment (X-axis). In the graph, you are looking for a distinct ‘V’-
shaped graph where the best offset adjustment value is at the apex
of the ‘V’.
You should then enter the Final Offset value as your sounder offset
1. RTF (Rich Text Format) files are text documents that support graphics. If your
current word processor does not support graphics, you can download the Word
Viewer from Microsoft free of charge.
2- 50 Preparation
Hardware Setup in HYPACK®
Tip: In the 64-bit HYSWEEP® EDITOR, you can update the Latency,
Yaw, Pitch and Roll settings in HARDWARE from the PATCH
TEST interface: click [Update Config Files] and select the
Adjusting Hardware Offsets in HYSWEEP® HARDWARE
Planned lines are saved with an LNW extension and are saved in
the project folder. You should give each set of planned lines a
unique name which will allow you to determine for what area the
survey lines were created.
2- 52 Preparation
Planned Survey Lines
Parallel lines
on either side
of the initial
Center Line
lines at user-
spacing along
the initial line.
Stair Step
Add user-
entered X, Y
values to each
creating a stair
step effect.
Mission Plans You may choose to join the lines together into one line, with straight
or curved segments joining the end of one straight segment to the
beginning of the next. You can use such lines in HYPACK® or
export them to a mission format supported by your survey vehicle:
MavLink, GPX, MOOS-Ivp BHV or Teledyne ZRP.
Appending Offsets to One Line With Calculated Radius Settings (left), and Results
2- 54 Preparation
Planned Survey Lines
More Information
• Loading Files to your Project on page 1-21
2- 56 Preparation
CHAPTER 3 Survey
The survey programs provide you with information to monitor
survey data collection and to assure full coverage of the survey
area. Customize the real-time displays and set the navigation
parameters to suit your normal needs and preferences then use
the easy keyboard commands to manually guide your data
Once you have set up your project, you are ready to set up your
SURVEY options. The consider the following tasks before you
begin to collect data:
SURVEY or click the icon.
current project, as well as any background files and matrix files that
are currently ‘Enabled’.
The SURVEY display is comprised of the ‘shell’, with a menu bar,
toolbars and alarm indicators, as well as your choice of several
independently-displayed and configured windows:
• Area Map:This is a plan view of your project area. It displays
any enabled project files along with the position of the vessels
and their track lines.
• Left-Right Indicator: Shows the position of the boat relative to
the current planned line segment.
• Data Display: Shows real-time, textual information regarding
your logged content.
You may reposition and size all windows, in one or more monitors,
using the cursor to drag the title bars and window edges.
Once you have configured, sized and placed the windows on the
screen, the SURVEY program remembers and restores them to
the same status and location each time you start the SURVEY
The Area Map window contains a plan view of your survey area
that includes all files active in HYPACK® when you start SURVEY
and a symbol representing each mobile in your hardware
3- 2 Survey
Each area map includes the standard zoom and pan controls.
NOTE: The Range setting in the Area Map toolbar enables you to
set the zoom at any of a series of preset zoom scales.
When you exit the SURVEY program, it records the status of the
items in the Area Map and restores the same configuration when
you re-start the program.
AREA MAP LAYER In addition to your project files, you may also include chart
MANAGER features, such as a legend, scale, north arrow, and projection and
lat./lon. grids, in your area map display.
3. Set the draw order. You can click and drag the files in the list
or select one and reposition it with the Up and Down buttons.
Items at the end of the list are drawn first and will be overlaid by
any in the list above them that are selected.
4. Click [OK].
A Sample Area Map
AREA MAP GRID Grid Properties set how the projection and lat/long grids are
PROPERTIES presented. Select SETTING-GRID PROPERTIES to access the
Grid Setup dialog. As in the HYPACK® Control Panel, you can
choose automatic or fixed spacing and the style of the labels.
Labeling is available on all four sides of the map.
3- 4 Survey
NOTE: If you enter a value outside the 5-25 range, the program
resets the value to 5, if you have entered a value less
than 5, or 25 if you have entered a value greater than
• Look Ahead moves the boat further back from the center to
maximize the amount of space displayed ahead of the vessel.
• Vessel and Target keeps the boat and the current active target
in view. The map automatically zooms to fit as you approach.
• All Vessels: The map automatically zooms to fit to keep all
mobiles in view.
• No Tracking allows you to move the screen anywhere you
want without having it zoom back to keep the boat in view.
(Press the Home key to center the vessel on your screen.)
3- 6 Survey
Status Display
Distance and Timea to the end of the current survey
Not Distance and Time* to the start of the next survey
Logging line.
Always Logging status, uncorrected depth and tide
a. Times are calculated based on distance and current speed.
Configuring the You can display the cross track error using either of two scales,
Scale and expand and contract the either scale to suit your purposes.
NOTE: These keyboard commands only work with the focus on the
Left-Right Indicator window.
Configuring the The cross track error label is a real-time display of the distance off
XTE Label line. The font and float properties can be configured to meet the
needs of different operators.
The label can float above the pointer in the indicator or remain
centered over the graphical display.
When this setting is changed, all other Cross Track Error displays
update accordingly.
When the boat travels outside this range, the frame around the
cross track label turns either red (planned line is to starboard) or
green (planned line is to port), and the ‘XTE’ alarm appears in the
shell. This has no effect on the data logging; it is only a visual
alarm to the helm to steer toward the survey line.
3- 8 Survey
When you first start the SURVEY program, the display does not
contain any items. Use the menu in the Data Display window to
configure the Data Display. You can select the items to display, the
font of the displayed items, or change the style of the display.
Survey Alarm
Tide, draft and sound velocity corrections affect the accuracy of the
depth and positioning data. During acquisition, SURVEY logs these
corrections in the header of each raw data file when you start
logging, and in a correction-specific record any time a correction
changes during your data collection.
Final Depth = Measured + Tide + Draft + Sound Velocity
Depth Correction Correction Correction
For example, if the water level is 1.3m above the chart datum, the
tide correction in HYPACK® would be “-1.3”.
You can display one or more of the following data affected by tide
in the Data Display:
• Current tide correction
• Measured depth from the echosounder
• Corrected depth
You can set the initial value of the tide correction by clicking the
TIDE–SET menu item. This value will be assigned to all soundings
logged until you set a new value. Update this value often,
especially if the tide level is changing quickly.
Setting the Tide Value
The Tide Increase (Alt-Y) and Tide Decrease (Alt-Z) can be used to
increase or decrease the current tide value by the current
increment. The increment is set from the OPTIONS–
3- 10 Survey
NOTE: If you use the same time and tide correction information to
create a tide correction file, then use it to apply your
corrections during post-processing, your results will be
more realistic. The editor will interpolate the tide correction
values over time, thus avoiding the sudden changes in tide
correction values.
The tide correction value at the time each raw file is opened will be
recorded in the header of the file. Each time you modify the
correction value, it will be recorded as a TID record and used to
correct soundings taken after that time.
To log accurate depths, you must correct for both static and
dynamic draft. You have already accounted for static draft in your
hardware configuration, but you correct for dynamic draft during
data collection.
Dynamic draft corrections are logged with the rest of your data
using your choice of the following options:
• Manual Corrections: Use the Draft option in the Vessel Setup
dialog to adjust the correction currently logged in the data file.
The draft correction is logged in the header of each data file
and to a DFT record each time it is changed. This value is also
displayed for each vessel in the Data Display using the Vessel
Perimeter Color associated with each vessel.
MANUAL DRAFT Define Draft corrections for each vessel in the Vessel Setup
CORRECTIONS dialog in SURVEY or DREDGEPACK® under "Dynamic Draft".
To set the amount that the arrow keys in the Vessels dialog
increment/decrement the Dynamic Draft, select OPTIONS–
CORRECTION INCREMENT and enter it under "Draft/Squat".
Setting the Corrections Increments
The driver allows for Shallow Water and Deep Water curves.
Shallow depths can affect how the wake forms around the vessel
and it has been shown it can significantly affect the draft. If this is
the case, enter different drafts for shallow and deep water.
If you enter both shallow water and deep water draft values:
• When the depth is less than the Shallow Depth Limit, use
just the shallow water table.
• When the depth is greater than the Deep Depth Limit, use
just the deep water table.
• When the depth is between the Shallow and Deep Depth
Limits, interpolate between the two table values.
3- 12 Survey
3. Click [OK].
The Navigation Parameters in SURVEY to help automate the
planned line navigation and data logging. This allows the
helmsman to focus on driving while the program handles the data.
The active planned line file in your project will be loaded to the
SURVEY program. You can load a different line file by selecting
LINE-SELECT FILE and choosing the new line file from the file
selection dialog. The program will unload any active line file and
load the selected file. Only one planned line file may be enabled at
a time. (You can unload any active line file and work with no lines
loaded by selecting LINE-UNLOAD.)
When you first enter the SURVEY program, it will select the first
line in the queue as the current active line. When you exit the
program, it writes the current active line to a default file. Next time,
it reads this default file and re-establishes the last active line as the
current active line.
To select the line you wish to survey, use one of the following
• Right-click on a line handle and then click the “Select”
item. The “handles” are located at each line origin (the first
point entered when creating the line) and are drawn as little
boxes at the origin of a planned line.
3- 14 Survey
When you begin logging data at the beginning of each planned line
(start line), the SURVEY program opens a data file and begins to
record data. The status in the Data Display window will change to
‘Logging’. This is your indication that you have started line and the
SURVEY program is logging data.
Logging Data You can start line manually or automatically.
• Manually by selecting LOGGING-START LOGGING (Ctrl+S)
• Automatically using the automatic Start Line Gate feature.
starting point of the planned line is less than the absolute value
of the Start Line Gate. This "trigger area" is shown as a circle at
the beginning of the planned line. A positive Offset shifts the
circle down line by the specified amount, while a negative offset
shifts it backward along the line.
Start Line Gate = 25 (left), with Offset=10 (right)
• Start Line Gate < 0, the SURVEY program only starts logging
when the tracking point breaks the perpendicular projection of
the start line point and the distance from the tracking point to
the starting point of the planned line is less than the absolute
value of the Start Line Gate.
Negative Start Line Gate
3- 16 Survey
case, you must stop logging manually, though a start line gate
automatically starts logging.
Functions Commands
Decrement line by Line Increment set in the Ctrl+D
Line Functions
Navigation Parameters. (Only when not logging.)
Increment line by Line Increment set in the Ctrl+I
Navigation Parameters. (Only when not logging.)
Swap planned start end Ctrl+W
Decrement line segment by 1 Ctrl+B
Increment line segment by 1 Ctrl+F
Logging Functions Start Logging Ctrl+S
Pause Logging Ctrl + U
Resume Logging Ctrl + R
Manual Event Mark Ctrl+N
Abort Logging Ctrl + A
End Logging Ctrl+E
Target Commands Mark target at tracking point F5
Target Properties dialog F6
Marks a Waters Edge Target F7
Tide Corrections Increment by current increment Alt+Y
Decrement by current increment Alt+Z
Map Zoom Commands Zoom In +
Zoom Out -
Move left, right, up and down Arrow Keys
Rotate Starboard Ctrl++
Rotate Port Ctrl + -
3- 18 Survey
Functions Commands
Center Map Home
North Up Ctrl+Home
L/R Indicator Contract scale Ctrl+C
Expand scale Ctrl+V
Profile Window Contract horizontal scale Ctrl+C
Expand horizontal scale Ctrl+V
Decrease vertical scale Alt+C
Increase vertical scale Alt+V
HYSWEEP® SURVEY is a multibeam, topographic LiDAR and
side scan data collection and logging program. Real-time displays
and quality control testing give on-the-spot information on bottom
conditions and data quality.
The title bar shows logging and playback status. During logging or
playback, it names the current data file; otherwise, it says "Offline”.
You can choose to display data relative to the boat or to the towfish
by selecting the option at the bottom of the dialog.
The alarms at the top of the main window of HYSWEEP® turn red
when no data has been received from the corresponding device for
some time. Set the Time Out Interval in the Connect tab in
There are also quality control alarms for heave drift, excessive
multibeam–single beam difference and excessive multibeam
overlap difference and several other problematic conditions.
3- 20 Survey
Time (Event): Latest sounding time and event number. Time will
not update if no soundings are being received.
More Information
• Sound Velocity Corrections in HYSWEEP® SURVEY on
page 3-28
Only the profile line is available with multiple transducer and LiDAR
systems. The view is looking forward from behind the sonar.
Profile Window
3- 22 Survey
configuration. You can manually select the device for which the
data should be displayed in the Device Selections dialog.
3- 24 Survey
Coverage Map
3- 26 Survey
NOTE: If you are using RTK tides with HYPACK®, you do not need
to enter any draft corrections. The GPS.dll subtracts the
dynamic draft correction to compute the "true" tide
correction. Without a draft correction, the driver will still
calculate a correct chart sounding, but the RTK Tide value
will be different from the conventional tide value.
3- 28 Survey
begin to collect data. The alarm will turn off when you click
[OK] in the sound velocity model.
Enter the depth and sound velocity values (in survey units & survey
units/sec) into the spreadsheet in increasing depth order. Manually
type the data or import the file generated by your sound velocity
probe. You can use [Graph] to check for errors when you’re done.
NOTE: If the units of your sound velocity cast differ from your
survey units, use the Convert menu options to
automatically convert the values in one or both columns.
3- 30 Survey
Targets Dialog
3- 32 Survey
2. Select the Enable option for that data type and configure
the related options:
> Choose one or more values you want to store for each
cell in the output HYPACK®-type matrix files.
• Minimum Depth
• Maximum Depth
• Average Depth
• Standard Deviation
• Sounding Count
> The Cell Size is the size (in survey units) for each matrix
cell in the matrix block and when HYPACK® generates the
matrix from the binary data.
> Cells Per Side determines the size of each matrix block
when multiplied by the Cell Size.
BEWARE! If you edit the Cell Size or Cell Per Side in a filled matrix file, you
will lose its data. To retain your matrix coverage, exit HYPACK®
3- 34 Survey
SURVEY to generate filled matrix files with your current data, then
restart the survey programs, change your matrix options and
resume logging.
> Choose when to paint the matrix—all of the time, or only
when you are recording data.
3. Click [OK].
When you close HYPACK® SURVEY after logging data, for each
matrix block the program generates a matrix file for each selected
value. (For example: If you have 3 auto-matrix blocks, and you
have selected Average and Standard Deviation Multibeam Auto-
matrix options, the program generates 6 MTX files—3 with average
values and 3 with standard deviation. If you have also configured
the Topographic Auto-matrix options in the same way, the program
generates 6 more MTX files using the topographic data.)
In addition, the matrix files with the same value type are grouped
into a Matrix Catalog File (*.MLOG) to keep them organized and
facilitate viewing.
BEWARE! If you delete an MLOG in the Project Items list, HYPACK® also
deletes all member matrix files.
Matrix Log (*.MLOG) in HYPACK®