Transcribed Audio - Test

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Woman: I have worked there for around nearly six years in charge of human trafficking, programming

and labor migrations; but before, I worked for UNHCR, the United Nations High Commissioner for
Refugees that’s right after I returned back from Hong Kong for three years in the UNHCR. And then back
in Hong Kong, I was living in Hong Kong from the year of 2002 and the end of 2007. And then, in the
beginning of January 2008 I moved back here.

Interviewer: And you said, you worked for an NGO before? Did you?

Woman: I worked in Hong Kong for a regional NGO called Asian Migrant Center; that’s exactly during the
year of 2000 to 2007 when I’m here.

Interviewer: What did that organization do?

Woman: The Asian Migrant Center is basically a regional NGO just somehow based in Hong Kong and
we’re doing a lot of advocacy policy and we also do the conducting bases and the publishing of Asian
Migrant Yearbook and then we’re doing a lot of capacity building programming for the NGO; but,
somehow, my responsibility at the time was actually in-charge of domestic workers programming. So,
I’m doing a lot of work in Hong Kong; like 50% of my time is doing work in Hong Kong and the other 50%
is doing work in Taiwan and then Singapore and also in Indonesia, some part in Malaysia and South
Korea, too.

Interviewer: Right.

Woman: Yeah

Interviewer: So, you have a …

Woman: Collaboration with the NGO’s partner in the country where I’m visiting.

Interviewer: So, you have a good understanding both from a local level and also international level.

Woman: Regional particularly, yes.

Interviewer: Right, so one of the questions I had, if you know, I wanted to get a sense of when did the
migration start for domestic workers from Indonesia, I know it may probably has…

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