10/8/19 1:09 PM
• Neutral lipids - no charged groups
• Function within the body as energy-storage materials
• Concentrated primarily in special cells called adipocytes
• Produced from the triesterification reaction between glycerol and 3 fatty acids
○ Dehydration reaction
• Simple triacylglycerol
○ All three are the same
○ Ex. 3 lauric acids: trilaurin
○ Ex. 3 stearic: tristearin
• Mixed triacylglycerol
○ If there is different
○ Named based by position
§ Stearic, oleic, linoleic
§ 1-stearoyl-2-oleoyl-3-linoleoylglycerol
Reactions of triacylglycerol
• Hydrolysis (acid-catalyzed and enzyme-catalyzed):
○ produces glycerol and free fatty acids
○ Acid: complete hydrolysis
§ All ester bonds are hydrolyzed
○ Enzyme : eventually complete hydrolysis
§ Called lipases
□ Hydrolyzes ester bonds and lipids
§ Step-by-step
§ TAG --> DAG + FA --> MAG +FA --> Glycerol +FA
○ Base-catalyzed hydrolysis (saponification):
§ produces glycerol and salts of fatty acid
§ In water, soap molecules spontaneously cluster into micelles, a
spherical arrangement of molecules such that their hydrophobic parts
are shielded from aqueous environment, and their hydrophilic parts are
in contact with the aqueous environment
• Hydrogenation:
○ addition of hydrogen across double bonds of unsaturated fatty acids
○ Oil can be converted to fat
§ Triolein ---> Tristearin
○ Margarine is a product of partial hydrogenation
§ Some double bonds are not hydrogenated
§ The double bonds that are left are transformed into trans
• Oxidation (with molecular oxygen from air):
○ breaks carbon-carbon bonds producing unpleasant and obnoxious odors and
flavors (rancidity)
○ Can be avoided by adding antioxidants, such as vitamins C and E (naturally
occurring), BHA and BHT (synthetic).
• Cholesterol
○ A steroid, whose structure is based on a fused ring system that involves three
6-membered rings and one 5-membered rings
○ Cholesterol is the most abundant steroid in the human body, and also the
most important
§ It is the component of plasma membranes in all animal cells
§ It is the precursor of all steroid hormones and bile acids
○ Amphipathic because there's a hydroxy group
○ Used to synthesize vitamin D
○ Transported by lipoproteins
Functions of Lipoproteins
• Chylomicrons
○ Carry triglycerides from intestine to other tissues
○ Bind triglycerides synthesized in liver , carry to adipose tissue for storage
○ Carry cholesterol to peripheral tissues and help regulate cholesterol levels in
those tissues
○ Binds to plasma cholesterol and transport it from peripheral tissues to liver
Cell Membranes
• A lipid-based structure that separated a cell's aqueous-based interior,,,
• On aqueous solution, complex lipids spontaneously form into a lipid bilayer, with a
back-to-back arrangement of lipid monolayers
• Polar (hydrophilic) head groups are in contact with the aqueous environment
• Nonpolar (hydrophobic) tails are buried within the bilayer
Membrane Proteins
• Important structural components of cell membranes
• Two types
○ Integral
§ If you want to remove, you have to destroy the lipid bilayer such as
○ Peripheral
§ Interact only with polar head
§ Easily removed without destroying the lipid bilayer
• Transport across cell membrane
○ Process by which substances can cross cell membranes
○ Common transport mechanisms: facilitated transport, and active transport
○ High to low conc - no need for energy
○ Low to high - need for energy
§ Passive Transport
□ Simple diffusion
□ Diffusion thru ion channel
□ Facilitated diffusion
® Transporter/carrier
§ Active transport