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National Conference on Information Technology and Computer Science (CITCS 2012)

Analysis and Design of Clinical Information

Management System Based on UML of AIDS of
Traditional Chinese Medicine
Songhe Shi[1,2] Shengwu Xiong1
1 1
School of Computer Science & Technology School of Computer Science & Technology
Wuhan University of Technology Wuhan University of Technology
Wuhan, China Wuhan, China
College of Public Health, Zhengzhou University [email protected]
Zhengzhou, China
[email protected]

Abstract — [Purpose] In order to find out AIDS syndrome treating AIDS in clinical experiment with traditional Chinese
discipline of traditional Chinese medicine, and so as to conduct medicine is remarkable [1-3]. Therefore, in order to collect,
dialectical analysis scientifically to patients, and also lay the manage and use information expediently, we combined with
foundation for the Chinese medicine diagnosis and treatment of AIDS projects of nation TCM treatment and the experience of
AIDS, and combined with the situation of Henna AIDS Chinese Henan Province AIDS traditional Chinese medicine
medicine prevention and cure at the same time, we develop AIDS prevention, the management system frame and model of the
traditional Chinese medicine clinical information management clinical syndrome of AIDS in Chinese traditional medicine
system.[Methods]Employ unified modeling language (UML) as have been constructed. According to the above model, we built
the modeling tool of the system. Based on Rational unified TCM clinical information database, and collected aspects of
process (RUP) development, ID number as patients’ recognition data information such as patients’ basic information, clinical
number. [Procedure] According to the characteristics of AIDS
manifestations, traditional Chinese medicine diagnosis and
TCM clinical syndrome, this article has deeply introduced the
treatment method and so on. To develop investigation and
application of UML in the analysis and design of software, it also
used iterative type development process of use case drive, and
study of AIDS clinical syndromes, bring into quantitative
explained the system analysis and design process in detail at the index; use biological statistical methods to analyze, in order to
same time. Combined with an instance of the UML diagrams, we systematically study the occurrence, development and
introduced the application of UML software modeling in detail. evolution law of AIDS, and this provide the foundation for
[Results]: Combined with nation TCM treatment AIDS projects establishing and confirming AIDS traditional Chinese
and Henan Province AIDS TCM prevention experience, the medicine syndromes distribution rule and syndromes standards;
management system frame and model of the clinical syndrome of and at the same time the foundation for dialectical theory of
AIDS in Chinese traditional medicine have been constructed. traditional Chinese medicine in treating AIDS can be laid; and
According to the above model, we built the information provide a scientific basis for the policy-making of the
management system of TCM clinical syndrome of AIDS government prevention of STD(AIDS), and also provide the
comprehensive prevention and control. [Conclusion]UML foundation for the structure of the medical system and
modeling can speed up the development speed and improve traditional Chinese medicine treatment of AIDS.
system reliability. We have put traditional Chinese medicine
syndromes basic information data of 1654 AIDS patients into the
system, and have made the corresponding statistical analysis in II. THE DESIGN OF TRADITIONAL CHINESE MEDICAL
view of the investigation data. We have provided practical and SYNDROME CLINICAL INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM
efficient work platform among doctors, patients and scientific
researchers. The systematization and standardization of patients A. Analysis Model
management have been realized, the dynamic management of To set up analysis model according to the demand analysis,
information of patients' each stage has been realized, which will at the same time, establishing the analysis model is also a
bring a beneficial effect on the systematical treatment of AIDS. further analysis of demand, analysis model mainly includes use
case diagram and interaction diagram [4], the use case diagram
Keywords-AIDS; Traditional Chinese Medicine Syndrome;
is a static modeling mechanism of RUP, while the interaction
Traditional Chinese Medical science clinic information; UML
diagram is a dynamic modeling mechanism of RUP [5].
I. INTRODUCTION 1) Use case diagram
Use case is the method of capturing demand, use case
There are no effective drugs and therapies to treat AIDS so
diagram defines the framework and boundary of system, makes
far in the international medical community. Of many methods
models for the behavior of future system, preliminary
in the prevention and treatment of HIV/AIDS, the effect of
determines the system structure of the future. Use case diagram

119 © 2012. The authors - Published by Atlantis Press

illustrates information completely in vernacular way, to help
developers have a clearer understanding of the system behavior.
In this paper, only take the use case diagram of user
management modules for instance, as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 2. The sequence diagram of inquire the patient information

Sequence diagram shows the time sequence of message

passing and function realization between objects. The figure
expresses the meaning followed:
Figure 1. System use case diagram In this sequence diagram, there are five objects:
keyboarders, login screen, patient information window,
database management object, patient date tables.
“Inquires the patient information” process is as follows:
2) Interaction diagram keyboarders login firstly, and enter the patients’ information
Interactive diagram describes how the cases realize the window after checking, then input the query constraint. The
interaction among objects; it is used for establishing the system query is sent to database management object, and the object
dynamic behavior model. After analyzing and mapping use inquires the information of patients, at last the query result will
case diagram, it is necessary to analyze the main use case be returned to patients’ information window. In figure 3 we can
interactive behavior. We can understand the behavior of the see that with time (lifeline) extension, the news abides by time
cases much more clearly, further adjust the case view, and order, which reflects the interactive processes between
determine solutions of problems. keyboarders and various other objects. Interaction diagram
There are two kinds of interactive diagrams: sequence drawn here is mainly to verify the result of demand analysis
diagram and collaboration diagram. Sequence diagram is used and the correctness of use cases view, in the dynamics
to demonstrate the relationships between objects, and also modeling process of the following model designed, the
emphasizes the chronological order of the messages between interactive diagram should be made a further analysis,
objects, and at the same time shows the interaction between clarification and improvement.
objects; Collaboration diagram is used to describe the
consummation of the identified transactions, and to describe B. Design Model
the structural relationship of the massages connection between After demand analysis, we can get the system concept
each objects. Sequence diagram emphasizes the chronological model. In the design phase, we can capture design model from
order of the messages, but it does not explicitly express the concept model. It includes class diagrams, object graphs, state
relationships between objects; Collaboration diagram charts, and activity diagrams. These class diagrams and object
emphasizes the organizational relationships of the objects charts describe static structure of system; which are the static
involved in the interaction, the chronological order can be modeling mechanism of RUP. Activity diagrams and state
obtained from the sequence number. Sequence diagram and charts describe the dynamic structure of system; which are the
Collaboration diagram are semantically equivalent, they can be dynamic modeling mechanism of RUP.
converted each other.
1) Class diagram
This system chooses sequence diagram. Sequence diagram A use case realization is probably completed by many
analyze process flow of use case and the activities according to analysis classes collaboratively, and an analysis class might be
the order, take functions of inquiring the patient information for involved in various use cases realization. Class diagram
example, the sequence diagram can be explained vividly, as indicates the static structure of system, describes static
shown in Figure 2. relationship between classes. It not only shows the structure of
system, but also describes the behavior of system. Management
system function modules are a little more, here take
questionnaires management function module as an example for
analysis. The main areas of this module are as follows: “entry
questionnaire” class, “inquires the patient information” class,
“changed the patient information” class, “delete patient

information” class, etc. The main classes of this module are: figure also provides help for the other stages of the task, the
boundary class (entry questionnaire interface class, inquires details are as follows:
questionnaire interface class, modify questionnaire survey
interface class, and delete questionnaire interface class), control Assemble test case design during testing plan of demand
class (entry of questionnaire class, inquires of questionnaire analysis stage;
survey class, modification of questionnaire class, delete Specific design module interface during the design phase;
questionnaire categories) and entity class (questionnaire class).
These classes and their relations are shown in Figure 3. Design executable files and other components during
coding phase;
Systematically check the verification standard during
testing phase.
3) Activity diagram
Activity diagrams indicate the task execution in some
process, and can also indicate the statement execution in
algorithm process. In cases of analysis, it can use activity
diagram to build model according to the process of use case,
describes the specific working process. These activities are
corresponding to each step in a use case. Modify questionnaire
activity diagrams. As shown in Figure 5.

Figure 3. Management module UML class diagram

2) Component diagram
Component is a physical, replaceable part, which confirms
to a group of interface in the system and provides compliance
to its realization. A component diagram shows a group of
components as well as their relationship, including compilation,
link or the dependencies between components in the execution.
Here take the component diagram of entering the personnel end
for example to illustrate the UML component figure, as shown Figure 5. Modify questionnaire activities figure
in Figure 4.
In UML activity diagram above, the working process of the
system realization of modifying questionnaire activities is
performed. Participants of the activity were keyboarders; it
described each action of the whole working process according
to the activity flow. After the activity of “inquires the
questionnaire”, according to whether inquires are succeed or
not, which should be continued is decided, “inquires the
questionnaire” activities or “show inquires the results”
activities. When the inquires results are displayed, modifying
questionnaire by implementing “changed the questionnaire”
activities, then perform “save changed questionnaire to the
database” activities, and save the amended results.

C. Database Design
Figure 4. Construct figure of entry personnel end The management of HIV's traditional Chinese medicine
syndrome clinical information management system data based
UML component diagram shows the dependence of the on Web is the core of the system, while there are also a variety
various components in the system, the meaning expressed is as of data, so, the first step of this system design research is
following: designing for database system. According to the questionnaire
content, they are divided into several database table objects,
Firstly, the keyboarder end enter the “login registered such as A type-general information, B type-medical project, C
interface”, and reach to kinds of function interfaces; then into type-medical laboratory project, D type-interrogation (nearly 3
each corresponding management process; according to the months), E type-inspection, F type-auscultation and olfaction,
function different, the interface and treatment are different. The

G type-palpation, H type-western medicine diagnosis, I type- the SQL statement can be dealt with, and database management
traditional Chinese medicine syndrome differentiation. work can be executed.
Take relevant data table of patients as an example, see UML is not only the model of demand analysis and system
Table 1. design; but also plays a key role in each stage of the software
development process. According to the steps of RUP listed
above, the main model of system has been established. In the
NO. variable type If Null explain following we will discuss the content of system realization and
1 NO CHAR(8) NOT NULL Id number (the testing method.
primary key number)
2 A11 CHAR(1) NULL Respondents group The main realization interface of the system uses ASP
3 A12 CHAR(1) NULL Living environment technology to realize the function of each module. Software
4 A13 CHAR(1) NULL gender
5 A14 CHAR(1) NULL national
interface includes information input, inquiry, account
6 A15 DATE NULL Data of birth management, system management, help, and other function
7 A16 CHAR(1) NULL Marital status menu.
8 A17 CHAR(1) NULL Cultural degree
9 A18 CHAR(1) NULL profession
The name of variable names are in consistent with that of
the questionnaire's, the varieties are named by category, for We have put the traditional Chinese medicine syndromes
example, in general situation, A type of variable names start basic information data of 1654 AIDS patients into the system,
with A. So that it is convenient to analyze and manage after the and have made the corresponding statistical analysis in view of
data is output to statistical analysis software as SPSS. the investigation data. We have provided practical and efficient
work platform among doctors, patients and scientific
D. The Realization and Test of the System researchers [6, 7].
The systematization and standardization of patients
Three-layer Structure of the System management have been realized, the dynamic management of
Figure 6 is a three-layer system structure used in Internet information of patients' each stage has been realized, which
database application, and also the system structure used in will bring a beneficial effect on the systematical treatment of
AIDS traditional Chinese medicine clinical information AIDS.
management system.
The results show that the system is flexible and convenient,
so it reaches to the design target. The establishment of the
system will provide a feasible method for systematically
studying AIDS traditional Chinese medicine syndromes
information. There will be a positive meaning to prevent and
cure AIDS, and the social benefit will be also significant. By
studying the law of AIDS traditional Chinese medicine
syndromes, the system makes specific therapy for AIDS
patients in each period. Traditional Chinese Medicine is easy to
be accepted by patients because of its low cost, small side
effects, so it also has obvious economic benefits.
Figure 6. Three-layer system structure

Figure 6 shows the three processor of the Brower/Server IV. CONCLUSION

structure: the browser or client computer, WEB server, The results show that the system is flexible and convenient,
database server. And can run different operating systems, the so it reaches to the design target. The establishment of the
browser can run Windows XP, Vista operating system, etc. system will provide a feasible method for systematically
Both WEB server and database server can run Windows 2003 studying AIDS traditional Chinese medicine syndromes
Advance Server. The browser is a HTTP client, produces information. There will be a positive meaning to prevent and
requests to pages or other activities; and also provides script cure AIDS, and the social benefit will be also significant. By
environment of client end. The browser instantiates views, studying the law of AIDS traditional Chinese medicine
turns them into HTML or other markup languages and displays syndromes, the system makes specific therapy for AIDS
on customers' browser windows. Web server handles HTTP patients in each period. Traditional Chinese Medicine is easy to
protocol, receives requests, and generates response according be accepted by patients because of its low cost, small side
to HTTP format, it also accepts scripts, we can use such effects, so it also has obvious economic benefits
languages like VBScript and JavaScript to write the code
executed on the server. Web server can build, read, modify and
delete database application view. The interface between Web
server and database server transfers the SQL statement and [1] Shi ping Xie, “The ideas of traditional Chinese medicine for AIDS
research,” Journal of Henan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,
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