Developing An Online Patient Appointment Scheduling System Based On Web Services Architecture
Developing An Online Patient Appointment Scheduling System Based On Web Services Architecture
Developing An Online Patient Appointment Scheduling System Based On Web Services Architecture
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Jun Yan
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Xiaojun Zhang a1, Dr. Ping Yu a2, Dr. Jun Yan a2, Hongxiang Hu a3, and Dr. Niraj Goureia b
School of Information System & Technology, University Wollongong, Wollongong, Australia
Centre Health Complex, Shellarbour Health Care City, Australia
ABSTRACT information that is most important to them, design and
implement integrated clinical information system that
Currently, many healthcare providers in primary health care supports smooth information transfer between different
use computerized information systems to a certain extent. primary care practitioners [3].
However, the problem of heterogeneous information sources As a response to this paradigm, there is a trend for the
has impeded the integration of health care information development of integrated and better coordinated PHC
within primary health facilities. How to facilitate services across the full range of different care providers,
information sharing among the different healthcare such as General Practitioners (GPs), physicians, specialists,
providers has been recognized as a growing area of therapists, and even alternative medicine practitioners, to
significant importance due to its role in enhancing patient optimize patients’ medical services through a single service
centered, continuity of care. However, the design and entry point that minimizes the reliance on external resources
implementation of integrated health information system is [6, 7]. Archiving such integration requires the establishment
challenging due to the heterogeneity and autonomy of of a loosely coupled and broadly-based enterprise in which
different clinical specialties and differences in ownership of different health care providers collaborate in pursuit of a
clinical practice and resulting differences in information common set of objectives [6, 8]. Current health care
systems that they use. The emergence of the Web Services organizations, however, own large number heterogeneous
Technologies brings the opportunity to addressing the above information sources that impeded the information sharing
challenges by using new set of technological solutions. This and exchanging within primary health [9]. This is because
paper proposes an online patient appointment scheduling most of current existing health care systems consists of
system based on the Web Services architecture. The analysis isolated, stand-alone applications operated by different
and implementation results show that the Web Services Database Management Systems (DBMS) [9-11]. The
architecture provides an ideal design paradigm for the following scenarios illustrate the heterogeneous problem in
development of integrated health care information system in a regional medical centre:
the primary care setting • The main clinical system, which is mainly used by
Index Terms—Primary health care, Web services GPs, is installed on the Windows Server platform,
technology, SOAP, HTTP, Extensive Makeup Language serving for various tasks, including patient
appointment scheduling, bulk billing, patient
1. INTRODUCTION medical information recording and updating, etc.
All operations are managed by Windows SQL
Over the last two decades, the primary health care (PHC) Server.
has become the most important healthcare service in many • The allied health practitioners use a different
developed countries. This is because it provides continuing system installed on the Linux platform for patient
and universally accessible health care services to the local
scheduling and medical recording. This
individuals and families in a community [1, 2]. In recent
years, the concept of “patient-centeredness” has become the application is managed by a Linux Open Source
norm in primary health care [3]. In comparison with disease- Database Server.
centered, technology-centered or physician-centered health • These two clinical information systems are
care practices, the patient-centered primary care practice operated separately by practitioners with different
requires care providers to consistently address patients’ workstations. These workstations are connected to
concerns and adequately share management options with the internal Intranet, creating a distributed
patients [4, 5]. David et al. illustrated main characteristics of computing environment. However, due to the
patient-centered primary care practice [3], including patients differences in system platform and DBMS, patient
can easily access primary care services and elicit
APAMI 2012 Conference Proceedings
information cannot be shared or exchanged across with a web-browser through Internet. The third-tier -
these two systems. enterprise information tier (EIS) is composed of a group of
From above description, it can be seen that the key adapters to connect with the existing CIS or any future CIS.
challenge to achieving integrated PHC services is to create The middle-tier connects the first tier with the third tier for
an infrastructure that can uniformly integrates medical data information exchange. The overall system architecture is
from heterogeneous information sources and deliver them to illustrated in Figure 1.
the relevant individual who need it at the every point of care The middle-tier uses a web server to connect to the
[12-15]. Internet and handles the HTTP requests exclusively for the
Addressing this challenge as a growing area of concern, static contents, such as static HTML files and images. It
extensive studies have been conducted [16-20]. Among responses user’s request with HTTP protocol, such as
these studies, the Web-Services technology is introduced sending back a HTML pages. In case the HTTP request is
into the health care information system development [21- related to patient appointment scheduling services, the web
23]. It has been used as a unified platform to supporting server will delegate the dynamic response to another server-
integration of disparate systems in computer industries [24]. side application located at application server to process the
This approach uses a commonly-agreed and general request. The results response from application server will be
technical mechanism for assembling software components converted into HTML format through web server and
in a modular way and invoking services exposed by an displayed in the standardized HTML Web Page.
information system [25-27]. It is built on a set of baseline
specifications, which include Simple Object Access
Protocol (SOAP), Web Services Description Language
(WSDL), and Universal Description, Discovery, and
Integration (UDDI) [28]. As a result, any system capable of
parsing text and communicating via a standard Internet
transport protocol, such as HTTP, SMTP or XML, can
communicate with a Web Service [28-30]. A centralized
Web service can enable seamless integration of various
clinical information systems in different settings and
provide universally accessible medical services to patients.
Easily making an appointment with preferred date and
time is a main characteristic of patient-centered primary care
practice [3]. To enable the establishment of patient-centered
primary health care, an integrated online patient
appointment scheduling approach based on Web-Services
architecture is proposed in this paper. The goal of this
research is automated patient appointment scheduling
process by integrating distributed clinical systems into a set
of consistent and convenient services accessible via a web
browser. The overall architecture of proposed approach is
presented in Section 2. A detailed description and analysis
of the implementation and adoption results are given in
Section 3 and 4, respectively. Finally, Section 5 concludes
this paper and outlines the future work.
The application server is a component that manages the 3. THE IMPLEMENTATION OF ONLINE
complete end-to-end appointment tracking and scheduling APPOINTMENT SYSTEM
services. The key functions of application server include: (1)
multiple-practitioner scheduling, (2) centralized and The online appointment system was developed by the first
consolidated patient appointment tracking, (3) available author and installed in a server machine in the CHC at the
appointment searching, (4) appointments rescheduling, and end of January 2011. There is a web link at the home page
(5) appointment confirmation and cancellation. of the medical centre Web site, clicking on it would allow a
A middle-tier database is used to cache the data retrieved person to enter the web-based online appointment system.
from EIS-tier database in order to minimize network traffic Information about the online appointment system was
flow and disk access. In addition, detailed information about disseminated to consumers through the following channels:
each scheduled appointment slot, such as patient login and (1) fliers to be left at the reception desk for anyone to take
contact information, is also stored into the middle-tier for fee; (2) posters placed at the prominent locations in the
database. medical centre; (3) advertisement at CHC web site. The
The message exchange server is designed to provide information disseminated includes the web link to the online
gateway services to facilitate the assembly, dispatch, receipt appointment system, the steps to follow to make an
and assimilation tasks. It is developed to meet all integration appointment using the online appointment system. Figure 2
requirements within heterogeneous clinical information shows the patient login web page.
systems. In such a way, additional clinical systems can be
subsequently integrated into the system through the use of
so-called “adaptors”. In addition, a set of common libraries
and infrastructure components are developed and applied by
message exchange server to make the whole architecture
extensible. The key functions of message exchange server
include: (1) dispatch and receive messages between external
and internal entities, (2) assemble and assimilate messages
that entering and existing core clinical applications, (3)
standardize integration procedures such as event logging,
exception handling and auditing, and (4) cache the
appropriate appointment information in order to improve
system performance.
The appointment adaptors in the third or EIS tier are
used to retrieve and transfer appointment information from
the heterogeneous clinical databases into a well-formed
XML document for transmission. These adaptors provide
unified interfacing between the clinical information systems
and message exchange server. The message exchange server Figure 2. Patient login web page
acts as a standardized interface between clinical information Once a patient has successfully logged in, the
systems and the middle tier. New adaptors can easily be appointment selection web page will be displayed as shown
developed to support other clinical systems, such as in Figure 3. The patient can select their preferred
pathology or preventive health care systems. With the appointment date, time and doctors. If the initial preference
utilization of adopters, the amount of development efforts cannot be met, an alternative choice will be presented
required to build extensive applications are minimized by automatically, including the available time, date and doctors
means of using standardized common libraries and in the medical centre. After patients make their final choice,
components developed to overcome the heterogeneous a confirmation web page will be displayed as shown in
problems. Figure 4.
The current existing clinical information systems (CIS)
in the EIS tier, including GP system and the allied health
system, are regarded as heterogeneous and autonomous
information sources that store the information about
patients, practitioners and appointment scheduling. These
systems are integrated with application server through
adapters and message exchange server.
APAMI 2012 Conference Proceedings
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