President Ramon Magsaysay State University: Teachers' Difficulties in Preparation and Implementation of Performance Task
President Ramon Magsaysay State University: Teachers' Difficulties in Preparation and Implementation of Performance Task
President Ramon Magsaysay State University: Teachers' Difficulties in Preparation and Implementation of Performance Task
MAEd-Social Studies
____Trimester, A.Y. 2019-2020
Not being able to Determine the Not being able to Determine Appropriate
Appropriate Subject for the Students’ Assessment Criteria for the Subject
Not being able to Prepare Performance Not Knowing How to Prepare to Rubric
Tasks for Different Subjects
Not being able to Decide the Not being able to Find Prepared Rubric
Performance Tasks Related to Which
Acquirements in Curriculum
Teachers’ Difficulties in Preparation of Performance Task
1. Main Theme: Problems Encountered while Determining the Subjects of Performance
Not being able to Determine the Appropriate Subject for the Students’ Level
It is seen that almost all of teachers have difficulties in determining the subject of
performance tasks in semi-structured interview. A great majority of teachers stated that they had
difficulty in “determining appropriate subject for the students’ level”. One of teachers expressed
this idea as “determining various subjects for all students in the performance tasks is impossible.
In this respect, determining an appropriate subject appealing for all students and appropriate to
their level is quite difficult. Although successful students can do subject of performance task,
low-level students cannot do accurately (Math 3).” As a result of document review, similarly, it
was determined that teachers had difficulty in choosing the content of the performance tasks
appropriately in describing part of performance tasks.
Not being able to Decide the Performance Tasks Related to Which Acquirements in
Another problem of teachers having difficulty in determining the subject of performance
tasks is that teachers cannot decide the performance task related to the acquirements in
curriculum. One of the teachers stated this opinion in interview as in the following “I cannot
decide the performance task related to which acquirements as there are so many acquirements in
Science and Technology lesson. For example, digestive system, excretory system and sense
organs are referred about systems which are one of the subjects in the 7th grade, Science and
Technology lesson. I cannot decide the performance task to which subjects in this unit (Sci 1).”
As a result of document review, similarly the teachers have difficulty in determining appropriate
acquirement for the subject on performance task.
2. Main Theme: Problems Encountered While Determining the Assessment Criteria on the
Performance Task:
Not being able to Determine Appropriate Assessment Criteria for the Subject:
Determining appropriate criteria expected to be done by students is important for an
effective performance task. It was determined that teachers have difficulty in determining the
appropriate assessment criteria for subject. One of the teachers expressed this opinion as in the
following sentences “I think that determining the appropriate assessment criteria is the most
difficult part in preparing performance tasks. I determine a subject in performance tasks but I
cannot decide what criteria I should bear in mind when assessing the prepared performance tasks
for this subject (Soc 2).” As a result of document review, teachers’ opinions are corroborated. It
is seen that teachers have difficulty in preparing observable criteria in the rubric, explaining to
students required qualifications, how to grade the criteria. Thus, they are not able to be
successful under these circumstances.
Crowded Class:
One of teachers’ problems is to have outrageous number of students in the classroom as
most of them are trying to implement the performance tasks in class. One of the teachers
described this case with his/her’ own words “It is wanted from us to give the performance tasks
to students and assess them in the classroom environment. But since the size of the classroom is
too big, the implementation of performance tasks cannot be applied properly (Math, 5).” It is
found that classroom size consists of 25–30 students METİN / Teachers’ Difficulties in
Preparation and Implementation of Performance Task 1669 from the results of observation.
Although the number of students in the class is not crowded, teachers have to implement to at
least 75 or 100 students because of the fact that branch teachers attend to two or three different
classes. This case results in the emergence of the idea from the teachers that they would
implement the performance tasks to a crowded student group.
It was noticed that enlargement of the classroom size prevents teachers from
implementing the performance tasks exactly and they cannot do what they want to do due to the
time lag. Also at the end of each performance task, it is expected that assessment scales related to
this task are filled by students and teachers. It appears that this situation prevents the teachers
from applying the performance tasks in class. One of the teachers described this as in the
following expression “while assessing performance, we are wanted to use so many scales to
evaluate the students. This is an exaggerated situation. we are using at least three scales for a
student (Class, 3).”
The Low-level Students and not Understanding What is Expected from the
Implementing the performance tasks in the classroom by teachers is directly related to the
students’ levels and features. Many teachers state that they cannot implement performance tasks
in classroom as the students have low levels and they do not understand exactly what is expected
of them. One of the teachers stated this as in the following sentence “I give a subject on social
sciences to the students so as to research and present it in lesson…but students bring me
everything that they find on the internet. They do not understand what I expect from them and
what they should do (Soc, 4).” researcher’ notes from observation and interviews support this
Doing Students’ Homework by Parents:
Another problem of the teachers is that the parents perform performance task given to
the students as homework.
One of the teachers revealed this case with his/her words given below “I gave the students a
performance task related to coordinate planet. I saw that the majority of the students’ drawings
done by them require mastery of the drawings. Doing these drawings by my students is
impossible. It is obvious that these drawings had been done by their parents (Math, 1).” Also,
researchers’ notes support this finding.
2. Main Theme: The Problems Encountered While Assessing the Performance Tasks:
Taking Long Time for the Assessment and Incorrect Determination of Performance
The vast majority of teachers assert that the main problem they face is to need long time
for the assessment of performance tasks while applying them. It is seen that teachers who
perform education activities in crowded classroom emphasize this problem. One of the teachers
revealed this as in the italic form “I attend five different classes in school. Each class has about
30 students and this situation displays that I should assess at least 150 students’ performance
tasks. Analyzing and assessing these performance tasks take lot of time of mine (Math, 3”. Also,
researchers’ observation notes support this finding.
Not being able to Assess Objectively and Giving Undeserved Notes to the Students:
Having crowded classes and assessing the prepared performance tasks done by students
take long time. As a result of this teachers cannot assess performance tasks objectively.
Accordingly, one of the teachers stated that “when we assess the performance tasks, we have to
give a high mark to the students even if they give us homework that we do not want from them. I
do not think that I assess objectively, while assessing the performance tasks.” As a result of the
observations, it is seen that teachers cannot determine the assessment criteria. Due to this case
students cannot understand what teachers expect from them and what they should do and
performance homework is not up to grade.